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Do any of the contributors to the Atheist on Youtube community ever come on here?
JanGarber comments on Apr 25, 2018:
Prayer is not forbidden in public schools as long as it is not led by teaching staff.
Amisja replies on Apr 25, 2018:
Got a parking ticket and broke a tooth, all in one morning! FML! Grrrrrr
VAL3941 comments on Apr 25, 2018:
Did you break the tooth against a parking meter ?
Amisja replies on Apr 25, 2018:
No I was parked on the roadside.
Got a parking ticket and broke a tooth, all in one morning! FML! Grrrrrr
lbusche comments on Apr 25, 2018:
We're the two connected
Amisja replies on Apr 25, 2018:
No :'(
There's a referendum coming up in Ireland soon to repeal the 8th amendment which outlawed abortion ...
LovingAZLife comments on Apr 25, 2018:
I fully support a women's right to autonomy of her body. Making abortion illegal anywhere just increases unsafe and unsanitary abortions, leading to more dead women. If I had it my way, all women would have access to safe and shame-free abortion.
Amisja replies on Apr 25, 2018:
Or better at source and plentiful, no questions asked contraception
Is anybody curious about how members came up with their online names?
Mea comments on Apr 25, 2018:
Mine's my first name.
Amisja replies on Apr 25, 2018:
That made me chuckle ;)
WE ARE FAMILY!!! We have become somewhat like a family here wouldn't you agree?
FrayedBear comments on Apr 25, 2018:
I don't have any and am now totally parent and siblingless.
Amisja replies on Apr 25, 2018:
@FrayedBear yay!
To all you anti-Trumpers.
EvoQ comments on Apr 24, 2018:
Trump is a Typical American......until we as citizens admit that; our Country, our Society, our Way of Life, is highly Inefficient, Ineffective, Unsustainable and Extremely Unhealthy.... we will be doomed to keep repeating the last 3,000 years of the creed that "Might makes Right"
Amisja replies on Apr 25, 2018:
I disagree he is not a typical American
WE ARE FAMILY!!! We have become somewhat like a family here wouldn't you agree?
Amisja comments on Apr 25, 2018:
Very few photos but here they are. My sisters don't speak sadly and my brother has an ABI after years of alcohol misuse. My middle sister has a different Dad. My sister one down from me is a biological scientist. Not a god botherer in sight. Very very proud of them all.
Amisja replies on Apr 25, 2018:
The brown mush stuff Chris is eating is angel delight. Its very sweet but looks yuck
WE ARE FAMILY!!! We have become somewhat like a family here wouldn't you agree?
FrayedBear comments on Apr 25, 2018:
I don't have any and am now totally parent and siblingless.
Amisja replies on Apr 25, 2018:
I'll adopt you xx
Do any of the contributors to the Atheist on Youtube community ever come on here?
LeighShelton comments on Apr 24, 2018:
didn't know there were any.
Amisja replies on Apr 25, 2018:
@LeighShelton check them out
Do any of the contributors to the Atheist on Youtube community ever come on here?
Mb_Man comments on Apr 24, 2018:
I have my doubts, oweing mainly to the name of the site alone. Atheists and Agnostic just do not mix. Ironic if you ask me, for a community that suposedly promotes free thinking. An interesting side note, I just tried to go to (for the heck of it) and my security suite (Vipre) ...
Amisja replies on Apr 25, 2018:
@evidentialist me too
Do any of the contributors to the Atheist on Youtube community ever come on here?
Sarahroo29 comments on Apr 24, 2018:
Atheists YouTube?
Amisja replies on Apr 25, 2018:
There editred
Do you have a secret life?
Amisja comments on Apr 24, 2018:
Yes its a secret ;)
Amisja replies on Apr 24, 2018:
@kenriley hahaha
What would you say to God if when you died you were faced with him?
Amisja comments on Apr 24, 2018:
What is this thing? It isn't a thing. Its not even about evidence or making sense. It doesn't even get that much of a response. To me its like saying what would you do if you met a fairy godmother, it ain't happening, there isn't one so there is absolutely no point. As for all the shite its all just...
Amisja replies on Apr 24, 2018:
Oh and by the way supreme being if you do exist, I don't want to go to heaven with a load of up-their-own-assholes, pompous creeps. Send me to hell where the real party is at.
What would you say to God if when you died you were faced with him?
Jones_HF comments on Apr 24, 2018:
You gave me terminal cancer with 5 kids at home. Why would you do this to them? You're a fucking animal.
Amisja replies on Apr 24, 2018:
So sorry to hear this
What would you say to God if when you died you were faced with him?
ctoktamis comments on Apr 24, 2018:
I would punch hIm on the nose for gIvIng me a mIserable tIme.
Amisja replies on Apr 24, 2018:
Sorry to hear this :(
Has anyone spent time in a relationship with someone incapable of emotional expression, only to find...
Amisja comments on Apr 24, 2018:
I completely utterly totally feel your pain. I have no advice, just cry, let yourself feel and be kind to yourself.
Amisja replies on Apr 24, 2018:
I was married for 22 years. I loved him and love him still. It was never reciprocated. He is now remarried to another ASD person. This is an example, when my best friend died, he said, "Why are you crying, she's dead?". Be clear though, this is not is ASD
To all the English contributors out there, how will you be celebrating St. George's day?
Savage comments on Apr 23, 2018:
Nope. :)
Amisja replies on Apr 24, 2018:
Nope what?
Why do we fall in love?
The_Antichrist comments on Apr 23, 2018:
# Roses are red, violets are blue, love isn't real, everybody acts only in self interest.
Amisja replies on Apr 24, 2018:
@The_Antichrist Well if they want a podgy middle aged admin worker then its them (talking from personal experience!) However weirdly likes merge and you develop new interests together.
To all the English contributors out there, how will you be celebrating St. George's day?
NotConvinced comments on Apr 23, 2018:
I ignore all traditional holiday type days. They are just days and prefer to just celebrate life daily. Lol, you stole the double points for first comment on your own post...What what!
Amisja replies on Apr 24, 2018:
@NotConvinced Oh ok
Why do we fall in love?
Amisja comments on Apr 23, 2018:
We fall in love because we need each other. People are so frail alone and will (and do) literally die of loneliness. Finding someone who completely enhances your life, who thinks like you, you shares your life goals and who you fancy is wonderful. Staying in love...well I am clearly the wrong person...
Amisja replies on Apr 24, 2018:
@Nickbeee I agree
To all the English contributors out there, how will you be celebrating St. George's day?
photowriter comments on Apr 23, 2018:
I celebrate St. Georges day by ignoring it. It is another Tory, fascist celbration of fake political propaganda while they asset strip Britain on behalf of the USA corporates and replace TTIP with BREXIT. LOL
Amisja replies on Apr 24, 2018:
Absolutely agree brother!
Why do we fall in love?
RealmOfReality comments on Apr 23, 2018:
I think we fall in love due to a mix of several different reasons: societal expectations, fear of being alone, the human need for affection and touch, processes in the brain are triggered that give us feel good chemicals (dopamine/endorphins/serotonin, hormones, the feeling of excitement love ...
Amisja replies on Apr 24, 2018:
@RealmOfReality Very true...well I am a pacifist so I definitely am.
Why do we fall in love?
The_Antichrist comments on Apr 23, 2018:
# Roses are red, violets are blue, love isn't real, everybody acts only in self interest.
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
How Nilihistic. It probably is self interest but ultimately when you love another 'self interest' becomes your interest as a couple. You want what they want.
Why do we fall in love?
forester comments on Apr 23, 2018:
Love is an advanced stage of lust
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
No thats not true, there are lots of ways to love others without lust
Why do we fall in love?
RealmOfReality comments on Apr 23, 2018:
I think we fall in love due to a mix of several different reasons: societal expectations, fear of being alone, the human need for affection and touch, processes in the brain are triggered that give us feel good chemicals (dopamine/endorphins/serotonin, hormones, the feeling of excitement love ...
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
We are bonobos afterall
Why do we fall in love?
confidentrealm comments on Apr 23, 2018:
For me it's simple. I don't want to live this life alone. I want a best friend. Makes life better to share it with another person. So falling in love is mainly the hope that the other person feels the same way.
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
Awww that is really sweet
Why do we fall in love?
Amisja comments on Apr 23, 2018:
We fall in love because we need each other. People are so frail alone and will (and do) literally die of loneliness. Finding someone who completely enhances your life, who thinks like you, you shares your life goals and who you fancy is wonderful. Staying in love...well I am clearly the wrong person...
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
@Nickbeee hugs xx
To all the English contributors out there, how will you be celebrating St. George's day?
Jnei comments on Apr 23, 2018:
I'm not actually English, but having lived here for many years and sounding *very* English, I'll celebrate it in the way I always do - not at all, partly because saints are so much woo just like all other religious concepts and partly because I loathe that particular form of patriotism with which ...
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
I agree
To all the English contributors out there, how will you be celebrating St. George's day?
Amisja comments on Apr 23, 2018:
My spelling...Emperor
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
@kenriley Can I come?
To all the English contributors out there, how will you be celebrating St. George's day?
NotConvinced comments on Apr 23, 2018:
I ignore all traditional holiday type days. They are just days and prefer to just celebrate life daily. Lol, you stole the double points for first comment on your own post...What what!
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
What did I do? I am struggling to understand this points thing and not sure if I can sum up enough energy to care
To all the English contributors out there, how will you be celebrating St. George's day?
Shaved comments on Apr 23, 2018:
Ha Ha - A large proportion of English folk celbrate St Patricks day because it's an event put on by a Real community within a town or its an event that is sponsored by Drink manufactuer. St Georges day simply isnt. It really is that simple. Isn't it. (I actually thought St George was Irish in ...
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
To all the English contributors out there, how will you be celebrating St. George's day?
Jnei comments on Apr 23, 2018:
Far more interesting fact for this day - on the 23rd of April 2005, the very first Youtube video was published :-)
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
Really? Actually that is more interesting
Why do we fall in love?
Amisja comments on Apr 23, 2018:
We fall in love because we need each other. People are so frail alone and will (and do) literally die of loneliness. Finding someone who completely enhances your life, who thinks like you, you shares your life goals and who you fancy is wonderful. Staying in love...well I am clearly the wrong person...
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
@Nickbeee Some people don't need others but they are rare.
Apart from being here what are you doing or thinking of doing right now and, what time is it for you...
Amisja comments on Apr 22, 2018:
Its 22:54, just jumped in bed after bringing my lad home from hospital with DKA. Very scary stuff. 6 hours in A&E but I bloody love the NHS
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
@jacpod Thank you
different gender = different sexual preference?
Amisja comments on Apr 23, 2018:
I am so boringly traditional. Men and manliness do it for me. Hardworking decency, kindness and strength. Money is a turn off but someone willing to work with me to build something is an ideal. Physically I like men but of course appreciate how lovely some women look. As someone who looks rather ...
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
@walklightly Hmmm I struggle imagining what I'd look like as a brunette
I was born fourth generation Mormon.
Amisja comments on Apr 23, 2018:
Be brave Bligh, be inquisitive and adventurous. You have an entire universe to explore, but always question what you see and hear.
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
@Bligh I love that
Why do we fall in love?
Amisja comments on Apr 23, 2018:
We fall in love because we need each other. People are so frail alone and will (and do) literally die of loneliness. Finding someone who completely enhances your life, who thinks like you, you shares your life goals and who you fancy is wonderful. Staying in love...well I am clearly the wrong person...
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
@rdh2112 Because belonging matters.
I really liked this post.. had to share.. pretty much sums it up for me anyway.
ballou comments on Mar 6, 2018:
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
@JeffMoffat I was brought up in the CofE tradition but no one pushed us to read anything.
JustKip comments on Apr 23, 2018:
What's keeping you from participating in the multitude of discussions going on here?
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
@JustKip Giggles...scalded nostrils are not good
different gender = different sexual preference?
LeighShelton comments on Apr 23, 2018:
I don't know why woman fancy men over a woman. I mean look at me. the flip side is even though I'm not at all gay I would prefer brad pit say to some women I see.
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
Very handsome
JustKip comments on Apr 23, 2018:
What's keeping you from participating in the multitude of discussions going on here?
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
Anxiety that I might display my ignorance ;)
I really liked this post.. had to share.. pretty much sums it up for me anyway.
ballou comments on Mar 6, 2018:
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
@Petter, @JeffMoffat Are you RC Jeff?
I really liked this post.. had to share.. pretty much sums it up for me anyway.
ballou comments on Mar 6, 2018:
Amisja replies on Apr 23, 2018:
@Petter Me too, I find it fascinatingly obscure like looking through a dirty window at a by-gone age. Some of the early rules make sense, like bury your poo outside your camp. You just don't find many Christians doing that these days.
Apart from being here what are you doing or thinking of doing right now and, what time is it for you...
Amisja comments on Apr 22, 2018:
Its 22:54, just jumped in bed after bringing my lad home from hospital with DKA. Very scary stuff. 6 hours in A&E but I bloody love the NHS
Amisja replies on Apr 22, 2018:
@HippieChick58 me too.
When I was much younger, I took a girl on a date to the movies.
doug6352 comments on Apr 22, 2018:
No, not at all. There are a lot of wacko women who get easily insulted, and you had the bad luck to meet one. I once asked my instructor in grad school for sex. She said no, but didn't get insulted, and I got an A in the course. She was a very cool lady.
Amisja replies on Apr 22, 2018:
'Wacko women' what a terrible thing to say. Just because someone does not want sex and says so, they are wacko??
11 December 2015 Dear Mr.
Amisja comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Not to be rude but it's Professor Dawkins
Amisja replies on Apr 22, 2018:
I'll message you
11 December 2015 Dear Mr.
Amisja comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Not to be rude but it's Professor Dawkins
Amisja replies on Apr 22, 2018:
@kenriley Course and in a few years you'll have to address me as Professor
In China and India, men outnumber women on a massive scale.
AntaresRose comments on Apr 21, 2018:
That is because they kill the female babies. China allows only 1 female birth per family. China considers females to have no ability to contribute to the economcs of their country and they must be cared for by the man of the house.
Amisja replies on Apr 22, 2018:
@BettyColeman I knew a family with 4 daughters. Most people stuck to the 1 child rule and loads of those babies are girls. Its been illegal to deny inheritence for many years.
In China and India, men outnumber women on a massive scale.
AntaresRose comments on Apr 21, 2018:
That is because they kill the female babies. China allows only 1 female birth per family. China considers females to have no ability to contribute to the economcs of their country and they must be cared for by the man of the house.
Amisja replies on Apr 21, 2018:
@BettyColeman Marriage isn't everything
In China and India, men outnumber women on a massive scale.
AntaresRose comments on Apr 21, 2018:
That is because they kill the female babies. China allows only 1 female birth per family. China considers females to have no ability to contribute to the economcs of their country and they must be cared for by the man of the house.
Amisja replies on Apr 21, 2018:
@BettyColeman my friends with Chinese daughters live in China.
11 December 2015 Dear Mr.
Amisja comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Not to be rude but it's Professor Dawkins
Amisja replies on Apr 21, 2018:
@kenriley he earned it though
Have u ever convinced a religious person that what they believe is all myth and does not make sense?
Amisja comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Yes and I felt a bit guilty afterwards. It was an African guy from Nigeria I think. He told me his father had type 2 diabetes so I piped up oh in that case you must have had white ancestory. Well this got us on to talking about Neanderthals and how it was they who carried the T2D gene and as there ...
Amisja replies on Apr 21, 2018:
This was accidental
69 Visitors and no one says 'hello'
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
I tried to say 'Hi' but you have to put in at least 28 characters, .........really?! :-)
Amisja replies on Apr 21, 2018:
@ipdg77 Its ok, we can chat now
In China and India, men outnumber women on a massive scale.
AntaresRose comments on Apr 21, 2018:
That is because they kill the female babies. China allows only 1 female birth per family. China considers females to have no ability to contribute to the economcs of their country and they must be cared for by the man of the house.
Amisja replies on Apr 21, 2018:
@BettyColeman I don't need to Betty...I lived there. The one child one family law began about 28 years ago (The children are known as the little emporers). In large parts of rural China it was commonly ignored. Farmers always need large families. Each village had a sort of nanny attached who supported families with birth control etc. Forced termination is exaggerated. What happened was second children were not given education or healthcare for free. The were considered non-persons by the state.Female infanticide has been a feature of many countries for millenia, especially those countries that denied female inheritance. It was not worsened by one child one family and certainly I have plenty of Chinese friends with daughters.
Hi ho hi ho.
kenriley comments on Apr 21, 2018:
See ya
Amisja replies on Apr 21, 2018:
Hi ho hi ho.
VAL3941 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
You snoozing at work ?
Amisja replies on Apr 21, 2018:
Oh no that would get me struck off
69 Visitors and no one says 'hello'
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
I tried to say 'Hi' but you have to put in at least 28 characters, .........really?! :-)
Amisja replies on Apr 21, 2018:
69 Visitors and no one says 'hello'
WaterMonster comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Hello, @Amisja :) I've only just noticed your post, so, please, forgive me for not saying Hi from Poland. As somebody before me pointed out, you're using a fantastic metaphor. Mind you, I've had Social Services's workers come in without "hi" or "goodbye", just lurking "how rich/poor I was". Really ...
Amisja replies on Apr 21, 2018:
Hello to you
In China and India, men outnumber women on a massive scale.
Amisja comments on Apr 21, 2018:
I never ever worry about any population crises like these. They have popped up throughout my life. Populations will naturally even out, especially when women have education, decent healthcare and access to birth control. Skews in population have happened from time to time but ultimately if a woman ...
Amisja replies on Apr 21, 2018:
@kenriley I have yes
In China and India, men outnumber women on a massive scale.
AntaresRose comments on Apr 21, 2018:
That is because they kill the female babies. China allows only 1 female birth per family. China considers females to have no ability to contribute to the economcs of their country and they must be cared for by the man of the house.
Amisja replies on Apr 21, 2018:
No they don't.
Whole app lliberals?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 21, 2018:
I am a flaming liberal who favors a speeedy death penalty & enjoys shooting pistols. Good luck with your sad generalization-centric way of thinking.
Amisja replies on Apr 21, 2018:
Well said
A picture I took on a walk this evening, the colours of the sunset are so beautiful! I love having ...
Amisja comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Wow beautiful...Ireland?
Amisja replies on Apr 21, 2018:
@Josephine Its lovely
In a couple of weeks the financial side of the divorce will be finalised.
BanjoTango comments on Apr 20, 2018:
"Some times it must be easy to have a faith" Well ... Yeah ! You only need to have a bit of faith in yourself, not a deity. What was that great pop song a few years ago with words something like "Jump - you'll always land somewhere" There are people out there who will appreciate all ...
Amisja replies on Apr 21, 2018:
Thank you
Shouting to everyone for no reason at all.... How cool is that ?
Amisja comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I'm working in my other job sat night
Amisja replies on Apr 20, 2018:
@kenriley I don't have a choice. My ex dumped me and left me in very difficult circumstances. I just hope all American men aren't like that
What’s your version of Hell?
Loud_Love comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I've already experienced Hell.. If you've ever been addicted - really addicted - you go thru lots of shit, abuse, fights, getting ripped off, OD, psych hospitilzation, doctor, after meeting after doctor after meeting.. And that's the RECOVERY part. No one can understand what a private, hidden hell ...
Amisja replies on Apr 20, 2018:
Hugs xxx
Three more points to level 7
Amisja comments on Apr 20, 2018:
How do you even get points?
Amisja replies on Apr 20, 2018:
@kenriley I'll just like all your posts
Royals: They are born; they urinate; they defecate; they copulate; they flatulate.
wordywalt comments on Apr 20, 2018:
While I agree with your point, your writing skiills are terrible and your your post is crude and tasteless.
Amisja replies on Apr 20, 2018:
@Josephine giggles
Royals: They are born; they urinate; they defecate; they copulate; they flatulate.
Coldo comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Off with their heads!
Amisja replies on Apr 20, 2018:
Right on brother!
Royals: They are born; they urinate; they defecate; they copulate; they flatulate.
wordywalt comments on Apr 20, 2018:
While I agree with your point, your writing skiills are terrible and your your post is crude and tasteless.
Amisja replies on Apr 20, 2018:
Wow Walt, why don't you tell us what you really think?
Why did USA become so incredibly entrenced in religion and EU escaped?
PraiseXenu comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Minor correction ... not just the EU. Most of the *rest of the world* either escaped, or have experience religiosity decreasing substantially with time. To a large degree that trend is happening in the US as well, but it may not be as visible due to the large, vocal fundamentalist population. ...
Amisja replies on Apr 20, 2018:
Correction accepted, I agree
Why did USA become so incredibly entrenced in religion and EU escaped?
WileEQuixote comments on Apr 19, 2018:
It was founded by zealots too religious for England, so I'm not sure where you think we went away from that, we've always been in that shadow.
Amisja replies on Apr 20, 2018:
This is kind of the crux of it. The zealots did remain, we actually do still have a few left. They are a really a marginalised minority of a marginalised minority but then still exist. What is it about EU that makes it a hostile place for people of strict religious faith and USA embraced it?
69 Visitors and no one says 'hello'
Suffolkian comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Hey there.... how the heck are ya?
Amisja replies on Apr 20, 2018:
Hi, I'm well...lamenting a winter weight increase...blurgh. How are you?
69 Visitors and no one says 'hello'
CM1965 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
You totally rock for using the term ‘front room’. I agree also. I have lots of lurkers. Many of them don’t say hi. I just figure they’re not interested.
Amisja replies on Apr 20, 2018:
Hi and thank you
Why did USA become so incredibly entrenced in religion and EU escaped?
Tompain1 comments on Apr 19, 2018:
The EU has a different experience and background and any that America has. The EU has struggled through two world wars that happened in their yard. Nothing like that has ever happened in the US. The United States is naturally protected by oceans and has never been invaded the way Europe has. The ...
Amisja replies on Apr 20, 2018:
Yes I think that might contribute something to it
Why did USA become so incredibly entrenced in religion and EU escaped?
wordywalt comments on Apr 19, 2018:
You should read Alan Heimert's book, THE AMERICAN MIND FROM THE GREAT AWAKENING TO THE aMERICAN rEVOLUTION. Heimert postulated that it was the religious emotionalism that was released in the wave of religious revivals which swept up and down the North American colonies that was transformed and ...
Amisja replies on Apr 20, 2018:
I sort of understand that but why did we lose it particularly? Some of the Scandavian countries are considered to be virtually entirely non-religious. When those pointy black hatted types left Germany, Holland and UK they left some behind. Why did their influence in EU decline and it appears to be getting stronger and stronger in USA. It just seems so bi-polar; especially considering the access to first class education, that religions have persisted. In virtually every country in history, education, especially it appears education of girls and women has preceded a decrease in religious fundamentalism. Look at India, just teetering on a new era of women's rights and universal education. I am just fascinated by this.
Why did USA become so incredibly entrenced in religion and EU escaped?
markdevenish comments on Apr 19, 2018:
The inquisition might just have turned the euros off of dogma
Amisja replies on Apr 20, 2018:
Actually that is a good point
Why did USA become so incredibly entrenced in religion and EU escaped?
Beach_slim comments on Apr 19, 2018:
A lot of antiamerican people on this site. North Korea escaped religion too, so did China, but they didn't escape communism, which is what you foreigners seem to want to bring to yhe USA
Amisja replies on Apr 19, 2018:
Woah calm down there. I'm not a foreigner...I'm from here
Why did USA become so incredibly entrenced in religion and EU escaped?
MattHardy comments on Apr 19, 2018:
I wonder if slavery had much to do with it. I mean the bible belt and the former slave economies seem to have a significant overlap. For the slave, religion offers the hope of deferred reward in return for obedience and for the slave owners the outsourcing of their moral values to an abstract ...
Amisja replies on Apr 19, 2018:
That is really interesting
69 Visitors and no one says 'hello'
calm123 comments on Apr 15, 2018:
I will talk to you
Amisja replies on Apr 19, 2018:
Thank you...
How do you try to have a positive impact on the world?
Loud_Love comments on Apr 18, 2018:
I avoid it at all costs, I'm toxic and I wanna keep the world from my misery..
Amisja replies on Apr 19, 2018:
@Loud_Love of course love...loudly ;)
In a couple of weeks the financial side of the divorce will be finalised.
MickBarton1957 comments on Apr 19, 2018:
You never stop being a mother. Not being a wife is a new experience..embrace it, and move forward. You cannot change the past, but you can create and shape a new future. Life is a ride; enjoy the ride.
Amisja replies on Apr 19, 2018:
I want to Mick, its just all very strange
What about your culture do you like the least?
Simon1 comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Group photos !,!
Amisja replies on Apr 19, 2018:
69 Visitors and no one says 'hello'
AntaresRose comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Well I stopped by your page go give you a big Welcome and and a Huge Hello! Join groups, post, and have fun!
Amisja replies on Apr 19, 2018:
Hi and thank you
[] My home
Deb57 comments on Apr 19, 2018:
I may be more patriotic for your country than my own!
Amisja replies on Apr 19, 2018:
Are introductions a thing?
Amisja comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Hiya lad. How are ya? I am contemplating getting up for work. What are you up to?
Amisja replies on Apr 19, 2018:
@Reikodriver1981 just parked up at the university I teach it and contemplating the walk to my office. I can see it from here but its miles off...all up hill then culminates in 8 flights of steps!
What about your culture do you like the least?
ArthurPhillips comments on Apr 18, 2018:
The myth that we're all drunk wife beaters with small weeners. Irish of course. 80% Irish, 20% who the hell cares. Now hand me the whiskey and a potato.
Amisja replies on Apr 19, 2018:
@ArthurPhillips Not having a go but
What about your culture do you like the least?
ArthurPhillips comments on Apr 18, 2018:
The myth that we're all drunk wife beaters with small weeners. Irish of course. 80% Irish, 20% who the hell cares. Now hand me the whiskey and a potato.
Amisja replies on Apr 19, 2018:
@ArthurPhillips Have you lived or spent any time in Ireland?
Name THREE things about yourself and one not true. Let me guess which one's not true.
Amisja comments on Apr 18, 2018:
I am 172cm tall, I like romance novels and I love coffee
Amisja replies on Apr 18, 2018:
@Redcupcoffee Nope I really am 172cm tall (5ft 8" in old money)
Amisja comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Eeeuuuww come on now
Amisja replies on Apr 18, 2018:
@kenriley It means who even does that (tuck a t-shirt in)?
What about your culture do you like the least?
ArthurPhillips comments on Apr 18, 2018:
The myth that we're all drunk wife beaters with small weeners. Irish of course. 80% Irish, 20% who the hell cares. Now hand me the whiskey and a potato.
Amisja replies on Apr 18, 2018:
@ArthurPhillips are you an Irish citizen?
How do you try to have a positive impact on the world?
Loud_Love comments on Apr 18, 2018:
I avoid it at all costs, I'm toxic and I wanna keep the world from my misery..
Amisja replies on Apr 18, 2018:
@Loud_Love No they have a positive effect on me
[] My home
kenriley comments on Apr 18, 2018:
When's the next boat leaving to the UK I'm on it. lol
Amisja replies on Apr 18, 2018:
You might need to get a hairyplane but yer welcome
What about your culture do you like the least?
ArthurPhillips comments on Apr 18, 2018:
The myth that we're all drunk wife beaters with small weeners. Irish of course. 80% Irish, 20% who the hell cares. Now hand me the whiskey and a potato.
Amisja replies on Apr 18, 2018:
Except you are Canadian
How do you try to have a positive impact on the world?
Loud_Love comments on Apr 18, 2018:
I avoid it at all costs, I'm toxic and I wanna keep the world from my misery..
Amisja replies on Apr 18, 2018:
Don't say that...I bet you are a joy
I like to confront my own bias, I know I have blind spots and I know I'm ignorant of many cultures ...
Amisja comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Where I live I am sandwiched between traveller camps and to be honest, they are ok. Their tradition tells them that if a thing is not being used, it should be free to use by them. Kinda makes sense except we generally consider it theft! I once took a young lass home from the launderette, my washer ...
Amisja replies on Apr 18, 2018:
Lack of education and lots of god does it every time
What is your M.O. with receiving "butt dials" from those you're potentially interested in?
Amisja comments on Apr 18, 2018:
I understand absolutely none of thus!
Amisja replies on Apr 18, 2018:
@earthman I do
Are you all ready for April 23rd??? And you thought TAX DAY was stressful. :P []
Amisja comments on Apr 18, 2018:
April 23rd is St. George's Day in England. Mostly overlooked. He is the patron saint of this country and widely ignored. Consequently for me its likely to be a normal work day. Is there something else going on?
Amisja replies on Apr 18, 2018:
@kenriley will do
Are you all ready for April 23rd??? And you thought TAX DAY was stressful. :P []
Amisja comments on Apr 18, 2018:
April 23rd is St. George's Day in England. Mostly overlooked. He is the patron saint of this country and widely ignored. Consequently for me its likely to be a normal work day. Is there something else going on?
Amisja replies on Apr 18, 2018:
@kenriley the world is coming to end two years on the anything I need to do? I can bake
Name something women should stop doing.
Alimacbean comments on Apr 17, 2018:
Shame other women. We should stick together and stop trying to bring each other down.
Amisja replies on Apr 17, 2018:


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting men, women, trans men, trans women, genderfluids and others
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