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Sometimes it's best to just stay silent.
OldGoat43 comments on May 12, 2022:
Tammy Faye Makeup Cake
AnneWimsey replies on May 13, 2022:
@glennlab naaaah
Building back “better”
p-nullifidian comments on May 12, 2022:
Wait, seriously? Are you implying that Joe Biden is to blame for empty shelves in a supermarket? I assume you realize that the Biden administration‘s attempt to pass “build back better” was undermined by the Republicans and one Democrat from West Virginia?
AnneWimsey replies on May 13, 2022:
@CourtJester uuummmmmm, the Great Toilet Paper Shortage was drumpy's fault, is what you are saying?
Biden: Same-sex marriage next if Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade
rainmanjr comments on May 12, 2022:
Dems are so fucking stupid. The hypothetical (although likely true) isn't necessary. Stick with the outrage to women before passing that over for how it affects the gays. It's time to threaten the Q's, IMO, so they have a clear picture of what the new America looks like.
AnneWimsey replies on May 12, 2022:
Because women can fight this alone, who needs LGBTQ people.......(estimated 10-20 of the population, plus their friends & parents?)?!!? IMO you need to think this through a bit more, Biden is 100% right on this,we All need to mobilize against the removal of All hard-won protections!
Ashamed to say this is my attention span..!
OldGoat43 comments on May 12, 2022:
Where did I leave my glasses?
AnneWimsey replies on May 12, 2022:
I knuckled and bought several pairs (on-line, like Zenni, they are dirt-cheap)
My go-to road rage therapy.
Marionville comments on May 12, 2022:
Sorry…I can’t seem to open the link
AnneWimsey replies on May 12, 2022:
The link opens for me but there is no way to make it "play"
Did you know that since 2017 the FDA approved drugs in the U.
AnneWimsey comments on May 11, 2022:
1. You have to agree to wear that patch, or I suppose it could be court-ordered (like a chemical castration pill for a convicted but parolled-to-care-for-his-dying-mother pedophile? Fine with me! 2. AND you would have to have the app on your cellphone, again either voluntarily or court-ordered
AnneWimsey replies on May 12, 2022:
@LenHazell53 you do realize if you have a cellphone on you, none of this other stuff is even remotely needed, right?
Amazing that CNN doesn’t talk about it with this perspective.
AnneWimsey comments on May 11, 2022:
The owner is as dumb as you......imagine that....
AnneWimsey replies on May 11, 2022:
@CourtJester which is World-wide, but I bet you think that was Biden too......
“I don’t know what my I.
Oldman51 comments on May 10, 2022:
That is according to who. A history buff, some English buff or some political ass hole.
AnneWimsey replies on May 10, 2022:
Stephen Hawking?!!!!!!!!!! You never heard of Stephen Hawking?.......
Atheism is a gateway drug to genoi, doodaaa
skado comments on May 8, 2022:
What's genoi?
AnneWimsey replies on May 8, 2022:
@Garban, @skado, no, no, that would be doodaaa, doodaaa..........
MyPillow Guy Mike Lindell Suggests SCOTUS Roe v Wade Leak Was Done to Sabotage Him Specifically
barjoe comments on May 8, 2022:
He shouldn't flatter himself. Nobody gives a shit about that crackhead motherfucker.
AnneWimsey replies on May 8, 2022:
Well & succinctly put!
AnneWimsey comments on May 7, 2022:
Having stopped being able to get air in 2018, I could not agree more!!!
AnneWimsey replies on May 8, 2022:
Every state in the country has Safe Haven laws that allow a women to drop off an infant at a fire ...
AnneWimsey comments on May 7, 2022:
You Can be arrested/fined for drug use & alcoholabuse during pregnancy in many places, ad unless you deliver in an alley, babies born with signs of fetal alcohol syndrome or drugs in their system result in the mother's immediate arrest and the baby seized by DCYS at birth.
AnneWimsey replies on May 8, 2022:
@ChestRockfield I use a 10" tablet exclusively & cannot figure out how to Make a link with it, lucky I can click on them I guess. So you will have to Google Exactly what I told you all by yourself & then read the 30+ pages that came up for me. Shame you are so intent on proving your (cruel, abusive, illegal "plan" of deforming/crippling children to "make them sorry") so you ignore both common sense, common decency & the enforced laws....
I loved this song, and felt it deeply when I was young.
KKGator comments on May 7, 2022:
I'm so happy to live alone. Granted, having a long-distance relationship can be rather problematic at times, but the cliche "absence makes the heart grow fonder" is actually true.
AnneWimsey replies on May 8, 2022:
@Redheadedgammy buy a USED RV, they are readily found everywhere. Park in a friend's back forty/back yard & run water & power to it, pay the raised utility bills & mow their lawn or clean their house for a fee.
Every state in the country has Safe Haven laws that allow a women to drop off an infant at a fire ...
AnneWimsey comments on May 7, 2022:
You Can be arrested/fined for drug use & alcoholabuse during pregnancy in many places, ad unless you deliver in an alley, babies born with signs of fetal alcohol syndrome or drugs in their system result in the mother's immediate arrest and the baby seized by DCYS at birth.
AnneWimsey replies on May 8, 2022:
@ChestRockfield many but not all states treat/charge it as child abuse! You did not keep reading. JAMA had a huge discussion about it in 2017, to give doctors/nurses mandtory reporting guidelines, it's not new.
Every state in the country has Safe Haven laws that allow a women to drop off an infant at a fire ...
AnneWimsey comments on May 7, 2022:
You Can be arrested/fined for drug use & alcoholabuse during pregnancy in many places, ad unless you deliver in an alley, babies born with signs of fetal alcohol syndrome or drugs in their system result in the mother's immediate arrest and the baby seized by DCYS at birth.
AnneWimsey replies on May 7, 2022:
@ChestRockfield um, yes,this is a USA thing & the mom will most likely get jail time ...... Google "what happens if my baby is born with.........."
Oh the Irony.
Organist1 comments on May 7, 2022:
When was the last time a pregnant woman could infect you with a deadly virus?
AnneWimsey replies on May 7, 2022:
@BD66 no irony, just false"reasoning" by you, again.
Are ya sure it's dead? (Shudder) []
AnneWimsey comments on May 4, 2022:
Beach BBQ!
AnneWimsey replies on May 5, 2022:
@wolf041 no, o9t at all. The supposed chewiness of squid is due to overlooking every single time (not to age/size, ever). Just 20 seconds too long equals Rubber! Either slow-cook for a low temp. & long time, or flash-fry & pay attention!
Know thine enemy. Know thine friend.
CourtJester comments on May 3, 2022:
Good times!!!!
AnneWimsey replies on May 4, 2022:
@CourtJester no but they have a fax and pictures of all the registered doctors, you fathead. Unless your profile pic is as phony as the rest of you.......
Dave Chappelle Tackled During Hollywood Bowl Comedy Show
AnneWimsey comments on May 4, 2022:
I don't see how a stranger/uninvited guest/ intruder assaulting a participant is Anything like the Will Smith incident. Was the assaultant/his family insulted by Chappell? Did he even know who Chappell was? And etc.
AnneWimsey replies on May 4, 2022:
@barjoe they didn't tackle him fast enough, IMO 37 demerits for not Immediately closing in on "who da fuck that?" fast enough. Will Smith or any famous face in a tux, they are not even getting near until after he does something.....
Discovering ancient cave art using 3D photogrammetry: pre-contact Native American mud glyphs from ...
AnneWimsey comments on May 4, 2022:
Fascinating but no sound?
AnneWimsey replies on May 4, 2022:
@skado the article was great too, and I am glad to know i do not need to call The Geek Squad, thanks.
Dave Chappelle Tackled During Hollywood Bowl Comedy Show
AnneWimsey comments on May 4, 2022:
I don't see how a stranger/uninvited guest/ intruder assaulting a participant is Anything like the Will Smith incident. Was the assaultant/his family insulted by Chappell? Did he even know who Chappell was? And etc.
AnneWimsey replies on May 4, 2022:
@barjoe that's why Every person on a stage, since the beginning of using stages, has several beefy fellows "working the sound system" right there.
Tell the court , and vote
ChestRockfield comments on May 4, 2022:
"Oh, ummm, and also, ya know, don't like concentrate on how long someone hangs on to a lifetime appointment, ya know, cause, cause that's part and parcel to a woman choosing. Right?" -RBG
AnneWimsey replies on May 4, 2022:
@ChestRockfield yes and Merrick Garland has been a fine Justice.......
Know thine enemy. Know thine friend.
CourtJester comments on May 3, 2022:
Good times!!!!
AnneWimsey replies on May 4, 2022:
@CourtJester I told you already I called the Walker Count Medical Board & talked my best "southern" to the lovely gal who answered the phone....only about 15,000 residents there, or haven't you noticed....
Garban comments on May 4, 2022:
Polled Hereford cattle don’t have natural horns and are generally preferred to the original Hereford by ranchers because the pollard operation can be a blood mess.
AnneWimsey replies on May 4, 2022:
Cauterize the area the horn will sprout from Before they emerge, while the calves are being ear-tagged anyway. Cutting the horns off a grown animal would be a huge operation & Only be for dire cause! (previous non-healing injury, cancer, etc. on a genetically highly-rated animal)
Know thine enemy. Know thine friend.
CourtJester comments on May 3, 2022:
Good times!!!!
AnneWimsey replies on May 3, 2022:
@TheMiddleWay Court Jester is, at best, a chiropractors assistant. I made it my business to find out after he claimed to be first a doctor, then a pharmacist,and then to have a PhD to buttress several arguments he got into on here. At the end of it all, he stated, in writing, "well, I graduated High School, in Georgia that's something". Which is even odder because he claims to be from Jasper ALABAMA, a small town with which I am familiar & thus could check his phony claims.
Diet wise, I started sampling ketogenic foods in 2017.
Tejas comments on May 2, 2022:
Keto diet is great for weight loss. I prefer it over intermittent fasting. Some of the keto breads and desserts are terrible though, I still haven't found any replacement foods that I enjoy very much.
AnneWimsey replies on May 3, 2022:
@EarnestEccentric hate totell you but that "seafood" stuff has more carbs than potatoes, read the label....trashfish held together with starch powder, and sugars!! The Only reliable nutrition info is on the Back label, which is federally-oversene/mandated. The front can say any damn thing, it's "puffery" just like used-car salesmen use.
My apologies for being somewhat aggro and angry like yesterday, my excuse is, and it is a factual ...
SnowyOwl comments on May 3, 2022:
Your tree and therefore your business, his solar panels and his decision to put them in a suboptimal location are his business. Currently, I am in year 7 of a property dispute whereby the 20 residents of a small cluster of homes at the end of a private lane way are engaged in a program of ...
AnneWimsey replies on May 3, 2022:
@SnowyOwl you need to look up "adverse possession" and take steps Immediately, by which I mean,at a minimum, a lawyerly letter sent "return receipt required" And putting up a temporary fence, with pictures, for at least 24 hours. My family went through this with farmland & you could lose substantial rights & property!!!
Think about this
Garban comments on May 3, 2022:
All fruit is dangerous ⚠️!
AnneWimsey replies on May 3, 2022:
Just ask drump!
The smell of BBQ smoke 😁
AnneWimsey comments on May 1, 2022:
Honeysuckle from the seat of a moving motorcycle. Leaded gasoline. Cedar. Real-Butter Popcorn.
AnneWimsey replies on May 2, 2022:
@Barnie2years my family had a dairy farm & milk delivery, we had a gas pump on property. I was Always ready to volunteer to pump that orangeade-looking stuff, looove that smell when fresh!!!!! Do not remember what emissions smelled like.
“Your habitually unhappy person resents it when you try to cheer them up, because that means they ...
Theresa_N comments on May 1, 2022:
None of the commenters to this entry show any insight into depression and the unhappiness it causes. I would not want any of you as friends.
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2022:
This is SO not about Clinical Depression, a serious illness! It is about those who tragically/stupidly Choose to be unhappy, and worse, inflict it on anyone & everyone around them to get attention. Are you always this judgemental on No evidence?
I'm gonna be alone forever.
Triphid comments on May 1, 2022:
As a Psychologist of some note in Australia where I live and am still working, pro bono and gratis, as a Psychologist I am sorry to say BUT the more an longer you elect to wallow in your self-pity, etc, etc, the less you will truly deserve the understandings, etc, of others. And as the father and ...
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2022:
@Organist1 there is a current thread entirely devoted to this horribly abusive behavior, he cannot see it because he has blocked pretty much everyone on it, which was a Great relief. I suspect you're next as @triphid cannot stand even one tiny jot of (perceived) criticism, Especially when it is Richly deserved, as seen right here. The kindest comment i believe was mine when I suggested dementia & that we should not engage in any way as he cannot handle it.
"Nothing would be done at all, if a man waited till he could do it so well that no one could find ...
AnneWimsey comments on May 1, 2022:
On my wall i have a small framed quote where I can see it all the time: "The woods would be very silent if only the birds who sang best sang there"
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2022:
@MsKathleen I think they changed one or 2 words/their order as it hasn't any attribution.... nice line drawings & a bit of color on 2 (sort of) singing bluebirds
Oklahoma GOP Chair Calls for Dr.
glennlab comments on May 1, 2022:
I just wish they would stop exporting their crazy to other areas.
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2022:
@JonnaBononna topped with A Lot of razor wire, please?
Beats working for a living.
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2022:
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 30, 2022:
@glennlab more burger for me!!!!!!!
Beats working for a living.
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2022:
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 30, 2022:
Re 2nd one: OMG where did you get that 1000% accurate pic & quote of my ex? I got A Lot of whipped cream because of maraschino juice!
Beats working for a living.
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2022:
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 30, 2022:
Mean drunk, that's why I do not drink....One time when I was i think 23 was Plenty......
One of god's mysterious ways
TheMiddleWay comments on Apr 29, 2022:
Did a quick search. A lot of people are asking this question. None are identified as Christians. All are answered quite seriously as this is a common misconception. But hey, as long as we're attacking "the enemy", who cares about facts?. 🤷
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 29, 2022:
@TheMiddleWay and you can tell they are Xians by the yellow star on their armband, right?
Lawrence: Ron DeSantis Is $1 Billion Stupider Than We Thought - YouTube
Fernapple comments on Apr 29, 2022:
Is it OK for people who don't live in Florida to laugh ?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 29, 2022:
I believe that ship has already sailed.....
I'm not fond of tick tock because it keeps on going but if I copy this link correctly I think you ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 28, 2022:
Blank grey screen inside a black screen, that is all.....
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 29, 2022:
@Lorajay How Cool! And really good guitar playing too! Thanks!
Revamping Our Dysfunctional Drug Approval Process It is a tried-and-true tactic with effective and...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 28, 2022:
You have No Idea how clinical trials work, do sad. I have participated in several, and scheduled for more, so I actually have knowledge about how they work.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 29, 2022:
@Castlepaloma try using real words, not "volunteerly" for example, it Might lend a Bit more credibility to your BS...oh, wait......
More Than 1 Million Covid Deaths In America
Tejas comments on Apr 28, 2022:
I wouldn't be surprised to find out America was a victim of a targeted biological test/attack coming from China. Or our numbers are exaggerated to a high degree.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 29, 2022:
@Tejas, in your case that ship Sailed several decades ago....jumping immediately into "conspiracy theory" is the epitome of NOT thinking, or haven't you heard.....
I'm not fond of tick tock because it keeps on going but if I copy this link correctly I think you ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 28, 2022:
Blank grey screen inside a black screen, that is all.....
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 28, 2022:
@Lorajay I would go to YouTube to see that, maybe use it at karaoke, with appropriate pronoun changes. My kind of thing, def! Name of song/singer please?
A very well kept secret.
Garban comments on Apr 28, 2022:
Even when they’re not biting, it beats working.😉
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 28, 2022:
@glennlab but ya gotta go thru the drive-in on the way home.....
My years of dog training carry over into my normal life.
Garban comments on Apr 28, 2022:
Your “normal life”, when does that start?😉
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 28, 2022:
@glennlab got any clue as to what @Garban is nattering on about?
Anyone surprised?
NostraDumbass comments on Apr 28, 2022:
Bad hair day then. Bad whore day now.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 28, 2022:
Reeeeeeallly bad whore, most of them keep their mouths shut about politics & religion!
Revamping Our Dysfunctional Drug Approval Process It is a tried-and-true tactic with effective and...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 27, 2022:
I'm glad some countries like Mexico are on to the great scam of pharmaceutical companies.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 28, 2022:
@BDair "proving".....that some hustler knows how to get into your wallet, period
Ideas for kiling spiders from a distance please! Hair spray works but is messy.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 28, 2022:
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 28, 2022:
@MizJ tape a dowel to the handle of a regular flyswatter....use a third piece spanning the 2 for strength. Use good duct tape, wrap tightly. The extra length will also add momentum, i.e. kill power.
More Than 1 Million Covid Deaths In America
Tejas comments on Apr 28, 2022:
I wouldn't be surprised to find out America was a victim of a targeted biological test/attack coming from China. Or our numbers are exaggerated to a high degree.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 28, 2022:
Yes, why not start yet another baseless conspiracy rumor instead of facing up to the fact that our quasi-religious Fools, egged on by trumpian Repugs, are to blame.......
How'bt that?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 28, 2022:
What's yer hurry?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 28, 2022:
@St-Sinner start earlier.
Either, A.
Charles1971 comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Or E. No vaccination is 100% effective, no one wears a mask 24/7, masks are not 100% effective, and the tests worked as they should. If you expect perfection then you must be constantly and utterly disappointed by every facet of existence every waking moment of your life. What the vaccinations...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 28, 2022:
@Charles1971 But Wait! @BDair spends his entire day, 24/7/365, combing through every weirdo publication in the universe,to provide us with his invaluable (weirdo) insights. Show some gratitude, man! Also his time management is admirable, all that research and sex, too....oh, wait, 3 minutes here & there At Best.
Rush Limbaugh spent a considerable amount of airtime complaining about the "dumbing down" of the ...
Redheadedgammy comments on Apr 28, 2022:
Two of the dumbest women on the repub side!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 28, 2022:
That be a Whole Lotta Dumb,Fer sure!
New delicious yet cheaper
ChestRockfield comments on Apr 27, 2022:
Wouldn't that be a Big Pickle?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 28, 2022:
@ChestRockfield Ooooh, adventurous eating!!! Cool!
New delicious yet cheaper
ChestRockfield comments on Apr 27, 2022:
Wouldn't that be a Big Pickle?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 28, 2022:
@ChestRockfield you're right, and I could live with that!
New delicious yet cheaper
ChestRockfield comments on Apr 27, 2022:
Wouldn't that be a Big Pickle?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 27, 2022:
@ChestRockfield if they lost the ketchup, made it mayo, yeah.
I will wait
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 26, 2022:
No link or pic...?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 26, 2022:
@Garban now that's far more interesting!!! WHY is it gone???????
Clearing the Air I feel it necessary to respond to a recent complaint by Ryo1 that my motive in ...
skado comments on Apr 25, 2022:
For all our internal bickering here, in a way it's a pretty tight-knit community. Or at least there *is* a sense of community of sorts. And for a lot of us it is a kind of home territory where many people feel somewhat protective of the community identity. A lot of folks have invested many ...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 25, 2022:
Well said!
Hot guy on dating site: "Hey let's meetup." Me: "Ok. How about Odenton?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 21, 2022:
Not going to some unknowns house! When you try to complain about being raped there, the police will laugh you out of the station! AS IF this "man" doesn't already know that.......
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 23, 2022:
@UrsiMajor that's Exactly the way it was in the 70's, BUT nothing you could catch wasn't easily curable then. UBIG difference, HUGE!
Tombstone Special
Austin-Cambridge comments on Apr 23, 2022:
There is no coming back for us! :-D
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 23, 2022:
Or Anybody......
Debbie Harry in 1977. Hope she used sunscreen
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 23, 2022:
Heroin prevents sunburn, doncha know?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 23, 2022:
@NostraDumbass OMG no, teetotaller 99% of my drunk on Reunite once at I think 22. Hated how I acted, plus no control over it, hated how I felt the next day, D.O.N.E. Ms. Harry has tallked many times about her heroin habit the entire time they were making music.
Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It’s hardly ever for them.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 23, 2022:
Nosy....they want to know who is calling on their humans. Then they can tail wag approval, or growl their disapproval.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 23, 2022:
@Zealandia gonna start training that!!!!!!
I posted a Glen Campbell song recently, but since today, April 22, would have been his 86th birthday...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 22, 2022:
The only one I ever liked.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2022:
Not even the one that begins "I am a lineman for the County...".?
Unvaccinated people are dying of COVID and nobody is talking about it. []
CourtJester comments on Apr 19, 2022:
We haven’t had a Covid death in over a month
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 20, 2022:
CourtJester, "no deaths" where, in tiny Jasper AL?
So, i can't change the Ukraine's pain, make Bobert or Greene STFU, and a million other things i ...
CourtJester comments on Apr 20, 2022:
You could have not voted for Biden and prevented it though. There’s always that.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 20, 2022:
You think Biden has something to do with fashion choices of pop star wanna-bes? I meant the show itself is about half what it used to be, not government budget cuts, duuuuuuuuuuuuh
It is hard being hungry when you're a kitty. Raven was impatient for his lunch today.
glennlab comments on Apr 20, 2022:
Well feed him, he probably hasn't eaten in hours.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 20, 2022:
30 minutes, tops.....
Oddly enough, the 'talking heads' from our public health agencies never once advocated for proper ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 20, 2022:
Because they have been advocating that for so long it is a given.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 20, 2022:
@BDair 1. The Food Pyramid, since decades... 2. Too much D will kill you, is a fat-soluble vitamin & easily stored to excess.
Be like a quokka, a Western Australian marsupial with a perpetual smile on their face.
miklthetaz comments on Apr 19, 2022:
when a quokka is threatened it drops its baby from its pouch. the baby make a lot of noise attracting the predator allowing the mom to escape.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 19, 2022:
Seems like an evolutionary very sound practice to me.
US judge throws out Biden mask mandate for planes and trains []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 18, 2022:
That tiny RV (18+mpg on regular!)may be the best investment I ever made!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 19, 2022:
@rainmanjr I pride myself on Never paying for overnights! Adds to the fun. Tip: I find zipping into a Used Car lot after they close is a pretty good deal, especially if they already have a few funky vehicles around.
Hey, hey, HEY!! My eyes are UP HERE!
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 18, 2022:
Def Most Ugly Sweater Ever contender
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 18, 2022:
@zeuser yeah,spend money on it, look stupid in it, draw a bunch of revolting (but well-deserved!) Rude comments, get a cheap ribbon for an award, and oh yeah, be in a hall with a gaggle of unmasked assholes...yup, got That plan down!!!
Does anyone really believe that these 2 ships are the same?
Diaco comments on Apr 18, 2022:
Yep, Another view for a better comparison :D
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 18, 2022:
@azzow2 one shot is from the aft end looking forward, the other is from the front looking aft.
A pic you can taste
Fernapple comments on Apr 18, 2022:
Warm, funny, friendly and wise memes just like always. But just a point of fact, 2020, 2021, 2022 were bad, but they did not have a sound track by Yoko Ono.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 18, 2022:
EXCELLENT point!!!! And praise gawd for small favors!!!!
Irrefutable Godly Contact?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 16, 2022:
Except...."heaven" "eternal life,." etc etc is described as singing praises to gawd 24/7/365+++. Even as a child that sounded Dreadful to me! Hard Pass!!!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 18, 2022:
@raymondahult actually, no, that's a direct quote from the Babble, but I will consider your invitation, thanks.
Easter is putting me under pressure.
Paul4747 comments on Apr 17, 2022:
An Obama administration official once had to resign for using the word "niggardly". People don't know the language any more.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 17, 2022:
@LizZyG who, exactly, would anyone complain to???? @Garban, just above, just told you the site Admin has been AWOL for forever. You could, if sufficiently contentious for no reason other than it's your hobby, find yourself frozen off the site because so many people individually blocked you....and that is Forever. We prefer mature thought & discussion, (except for me, I am the resident Snark), not in-your-face BS for the sake of drama on here.
David Barton is spreading a new lie about churches and the Constitution
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 15, 2022:
Oooohhh, a role model for our own @CourtJester.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 15, 2022:
@snytiger6 I'm sorry, i was referring to the guy on here who, to try & make his ideas/opinions important, has claimed to be a Pharmacist, an MD, and lately to have a PhD. When called out about it, his reply was " Well at least I graduated High School, in Georgia that's really something." Truth at last i guess....
Cast1es comments on Apr 15, 2022:
I don't see any comment about how much pain is involved in having an abortion using these substitutes .
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 15, 2022:
I have heard only "some cramping"
Anybody into meditation?
ChestRockfield comments on Apr 14, 2022:
The first one! 🤣 There are people at work that talk about crystals and how you have to cleanse them with moonlight. It sounds so batshit.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 15, 2022:
@JeffMurray sarcasm, sweetie...I went through the crystal/tarot/Wiccan/ astrolgy thingies in the 70's.....
Be fucking real
linxminx comments on Apr 15, 2022:
These are great. 😀 I especially love the "I've been gooder..." one. I haven't always been myself. Too many years as a people pleaser. But left that behind years ago to just be me. I've found though that most people, women especially, live the majority of their lives being people pleasers. ...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 15, 2022:
I think you have tried & failed to date them....
Anybody into meditation?
ChestRockfield comments on Apr 14, 2022:
The first one! 🤣 There are people at work that talk about crystals and how you have to cleanse them with moonlight. It sounds so batshit.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 14, 2022:
Moonlight seems like so much more trouble than soap & water over the bathroom sink..........
I know I do...
glennlab comments on Apr 13, 2022:
mmmmm On Sale!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 14, 2022:
Magic Words fer sure!!!!
Inflation Hits Gas, Food And Shelter Prices | Rachel Maddow's Startling Announcement - YouTube
ASTRALMAX comments on Apr 13, 2022:
Ethanol has a corrosive effect on fuel tanks and other components, see link
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 13, 2022:
I heard I was going to have trouble when I bought my 1996 tiny Winnebago with a 1995 VW 4-stroke gas engine. Beause "ethanol would kill it" . Never has had anything but ethanol gas (Regular grade gas) in it, still starts & runs like a top with simple regular oil change &, normal maintenance. Nor has our little cult of Rialta owners had any ethanol-caused problems and many units are topping 200,000 miles.
Yeah, I know... I'm the one who needs a muzzle. 😆
Reignmond comments on Apr 12, 2022:
That could be me. I have an "Ellie May" complex around animals, but some people really annoy me.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 13, 2022:
Extra Crispy or Original Recipe?
FvckY0u comments on Apr 12, 2022:
I haven't had extra crispy, is it like the original only crispier?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 13, 2022:
@Garban the extra crispy has heavy batter like Popeye's was double-dipped.
I don’t see what’s crazy about her…
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 12, 2022:
6 cats is normal-person stuff. You need to be up in the double digits......
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 12, 2022:
@glennlab now That could create a mess
Fun times ahead. What are your least favorite rules to follow?
ASTRALMAX comments on Apr 12, 2022:
Without rules or some form of agreement there cannot be any notion of meaningful relationships in which common values are shared. All games have rules; the rules define the limits of the moves that can be made in any game. Without rules no game is possible.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 12, 2022:
@Sticks48 well, Happy Happy & Many More a bit in advance!
Let's just say I had a ton of luck. What about you?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 12, 2022:
Now l'm just old and stupid, but have the wisdom to know l'm old and stupid. It feels a whole lot like young and stupid, but not near as much fun.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 12, 2022:
Brilliant post!
At teatime today I’m posting my first big teenage crush and pin-up ….
Sticks48 comments on Apr 11, 2022:
We did a show with Ricky and the Stone Canyon Band in Denver a few months before he died. Very sad. Musicians should not fly. Too many musicians have died in plane crashes, how many have died in bus crashes? I can't think of any.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@Sticks48 I have taken Trailways up & down the entire Eastern Seaboard several times as a young 20-something.....EXHAUSTING!
I'm not very good at holiday planning.
Barnie2years comments on Apr 11, 2022:
Every day is a good day for steak! I love holiday meals, don’t give a damn about the reason for the holiday! Pork and sauerkraut for New Years, ham for corned beef and cabbage for St. Paddy’s Day, ham for Easter, burgers for the Fourth of July, turkey for Thanksgiving and prime rib for ...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 11, 2022:
More leftovers for You!
At teatime today I’m posting my first big teenage crush and pin-up ….
Sticks48 comments on Apr 11, 2022:
We did a show with Ricky and the Stone Canyon Band in Denver a few months before he died. Very sad. Musicians should not fly. Too many musicians have died in plane crashes, how many have died in bus crashes? I can't think of any.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 11, 2022:
I think maybe it is good if your pilot isn't snorting cocaine.....
For those who are fortunate enough to actually have a sexual partner here are some tips for ...
Garban comments on Apr 11, 2022:
Men, once a women trusts you she will TELL you what she likes, all you have to do is listen. Women, a man wants to hear that he’s the best ever, in other words lie to him.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 11, 2022:
Ummmm, what I "luuuuv" is when I say "don't stop". Did I miss the memo where that phrase means "change everything"??????? Seriously, WTF?
What can i say, I am a hopeless romantic
Sierra4 comments on Apr 10, 2022:
I don’t like bourbon. I have no one to tongue kiss with. I could dance under the moon by myself, but someone would probably call the police.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 10, 2022:
So Sorry you have humorless neighbors......
What can i say, I am a hopeless romantic
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
For all you non bourbon drinkers, I haven't had bourbon or any dark whiskey since 2008, substitute any mood altering, inhibition releasing substance or action you wish.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 10, 2022:
Soooooooo, you have extra time to dance & etc........inquiring minds want to know......
Does anyone know why "god" freed the slaves from Egypt, but didn't bother with any other slaves, ...
BufftonBeotch comments on Apr 10, 2022:
My riligio ridiculous mom M0m - "Even dogs know not to cross species!" Me - "People of different colors and races are not a different species. And your dog is over there trying to fuck a stuffed monkey."
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 10, 2022:
My spayed female enjoys the winter throw pillows, but not the summer ones.....
A little froggy combo
Killtheskyfairy comments on Apr 10, 2022:
Both sound nauseating 🤢🤮
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 10, 2022:
Actually frogs legs are Delicious, like not-dry really good chicken! Personal stuff at an NA meeting, Eeeeeeeeeewwwwwww, you have No Idea where that's been!
How to avoid confronting and dealing with "conspiracy theories": simply assert that the Conspiracy...
Garban comments on Apr 10, 2022:
Telling them they are stupid hasn’t worked so far. Instead we should tell them they are just gullible?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 10, 2022:
I've been chiding our @BDair about his incredible credulousness for just about appears to spur him on to find new "sources".
We could really use Teddy Roosevelt now.
Paul4747 comments on Apr 9, 2022:
No, I think we just need someone to hit Trump & cronies with big sticks.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 9, 2022:
I can do that!!!!
I'm gonna leave some details out to try to make this as short and sweet as possible.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2022:
If all I was paying was the $500 deductible I would have chosen counters (up to the allowed tier) that I liked, period. IMO unless You caused "the next problem", (if indeed there ever is one, and perhaps the cause wouldn't be an issue anyway...was your neighbor penalized in any way?) that would be...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 9, 2022:
@JeffMurray 3 words: Small Claims Court. Some states are now up to $14,000. Filing fees usually $75 or so. And Document...emails & texts are Excellent!!!!! Start off with "I just want to be sure I am clear about our discussion on [date] regarding _______"...and ask a pertinent question. Get a reply, or No reply......Done!
I'm gonna leave some details out to try to make this as short and sweet as possible.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2022:
If all I was paying was the $500 deductible I would have chosen counters (up to the allowed tier) that I liked, period. IMO unless You caused "the next problem", (if indeed there ever is one, and perhaps the cause wouldn't be an issue anyway...was your neighbor penalized in any way?) that would be...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 9, 2022:
Oh, and if your old boss is annoying, get a restraining order, he/she has no rights over you unless you are voluntarily Employed/being Paid.
Five finger death punch - wash it all away []
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 31, 2022:
There's gargling, and there is singing. Never should the 2 be confused.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 9, 2022:
@Garf complete lack of empathy, no sense of humor,, crap grammar skills plus turning insulting when challenged no doubt has gotten you far in life, as it will on here.....
Five finger death punch - wash it all away []
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 31, 2022:
There's gargling, and there is singing. Never should the 2 be confused.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 8, 2022:
@Garf that should be "their", not "there". See how good correcting remarks like that feels?
Five finger death punch - wash it all away []
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 31, 2022:
There's gargling, and there is singing. Never should the 2 be confused.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@Garf at 73, able to play several instruments, and singing all my life in Numerous genres, I think I Might be able to form & express an opinion about what I like without being scolded by some "superior" pratt As If I was 4 years old, thankyuvurrymuch.
Living alone through Covid, there is an additional advantage to having your puppy.
Garban comments on Apr 7, 2022:
Animals have more personality that some people I know!🐶🤣
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 7, 2022:
Much Nicer personalities!!!!


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