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"The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naïve and usually idiotic.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
I consider myself as getting more & more radical as I see the nasty turn this country is taking under the OrangeIdiot.
"To acquire immunity to eloquence is of the utmost importance to the citizens of a democracy.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
You mean like, be able to spot the BS? Bertrand Russell was the first one who made me doubt religion...maybe age 11-ish. Love him forever!
Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: Does Socialism Affect Freedom? []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
How about if we ask some Scandinavians?
Racism and COVID-19. []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Sadly true
“The wise man regulates his conduct by the theories both of religion and science.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Ummmm, no.
see? FB is good for SOMEthing.... LOL
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Excellent point...sitting on those earthmovers certainly would give ya distance!
[] []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Maybe when you lean over to bless these sentiments you get a nice whiff of exhaust...thaaat's right, just keep inhaling......
I just read this statement and it made me think, Agnostic.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Privately financed by one or two people who believe in no gawds. Try reading their Mission Statement, whydoncha ?
I just read this statement and it made me think, Agnostic.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Agnostic is a " mission" site, privately funded. Show some respect, instead of nasty & untrue conjectures!
I've been on the phone with customer service lately for various reasons .
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
I feel such ANGER towards the OrangeIdiot!!!
OK...have to share my latest AntiTrump memes...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
The Obama one brought tears to my eyes.
Groaner alert again
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Just aaargh!
Bill O’Reilly said most of those dying from COVID-19 were on their last legs anyway.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
What a humanitarian!
How I'm Living Now: Carol Burnett, Comedian | Hollywood Reporter
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Such a nice down to earth lady!
I am becoming very adept at using my elbows for things I used to use my hands for.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
If you do not go out, have someone come in, or bring things in (isolate anything for 3 days and/or wipe with disinfectant), your home is a safe place where you do not have to do all that.
Louisiana Pastor: 'True Christians Do Not Mind Dying' Of Coronavirus If Infected At Church | ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Too bad, soooooo sad.......
Rush Limbaugh Claims Health Experts Are Hillary Clinton Allies Trying To Hurt Trump | HuffPost
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Gee, is this fathead seeing any doctors for his cancer?
Harvard Law School FedSoc President Brings Gun To Class | Above the Law
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Ummmm, what "class"? They are shut down like everybody else! It was in his own house during a Zoom class...oh, I am so scared!
It really is all Trump's fault, an interesting read from the Atlantic []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
But.......We're Number One.......leading the world in body-bag use!
‪Pastor says his worshippers would rather die than miss his services []‬
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Pastor is an egomaniac! Can you say "CULT"?!
Perhaps this is a bad joke under the circumstances, but I would like to practice social-distancing ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Wow, you just noticed this? Welcome back from Pluto, sweetie!
Happy Thursday Everyone! I'm sitting here at work (home) with my door and windows open.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
That soft air, and birdsong! Oh, and peepers
It’s like a distant memory. Ahhh the good ol days!
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Good times, good times.......
The forgivable loans for small buisness.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
"Tried to apply"???? Where? Nothing has been set up yet that I heard of......
I had run across this article if you decide to treat with zinc research the effect of zinc on people...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
You get plenty of zinc from everyday foods like yogurt, nuts & seeds, etc. High dosages, like "too much" of anything, can leach other important minerals, like copper, from your system. And yes certain conditions can mandate very high doses by prescription & closely monitored by the prescribing doctor for several reasons including the above about leaching. Does anybody ever Google anything before posting?!?
I guess I'm finally among fellow romantics?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2020:
This an interesting video about viruses. What does anyone think? []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 8, 2020:
This is such BS...parasites? He has tapeworms? WTF?! I Googled him, he's a very controversial nutritionist who advocates 100% raw food. No training or knowledge in viruses, At All. Another monomaniac who sees everything through their weird filters.
Hello, I've been MIA for some time but today i needed to be on here.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Frightened people do stupid things. It is possible she thinks gawd will listen if enough voices join up......stupid, yes, in fact ridiculous, but you have to weigh everything else she is to you as a friend & just move on until things return to normal......
Some random images in my camera roll of stuff I've dug up/collected recently
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Wow, like a crystal museum!
Perhaps the biggest story, at least in numbers, of all from deep time. []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 8, 2020:
This was informative & fun!
Are you ready boots? Get walking ☺️
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 8, 2020:
I want that outfit!
It’s time to embrace the Finnish tradition of drinking in your underwear []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 8, 2020:
My bet is on, "that ship has sailed"!
Is your city in a lockdown?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Loving Citizen of Atlantis!!!!!!!!
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 8, 2020:
She sounds as bitter as I feel, but in a much more classy way!
On the internet this morning there was a statement: "Biden says that Trump was gracious during ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Totally agree, "gracious" ain't right!!!!!
April 6, 2020: Vaccination Ruminations.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Ummmmm, did you forget the part about how 4 or 5 out of 6 children died of smallpox, cholera, typhoid, and etc. Before vaccines?
My husband and I went on a little adventure today.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Just wow!
Who avoids discussing religion and spirituality?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 8, 2020:
I try, in person, as it leads nowhere & stupidity makes me Very cranky. But, for example, I am sitting in the waiting area of DMV (such a fun activity!!!) and the gal next to me, out of a clear blue, wants me to agree that abortion is a sin.....1st sentence outta her mouth. Shortly, she moved to a different seat far away.
I accidentally killed my fish that I’ve had for over 2.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 8, 2020:
So sorry you have to deal with this
Coronavirus Live Updates: Trump Threatens to Cut Funding for World Health Organization ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Gee, terrific timimg......
Where have all the Conservatives gone on this site?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 8, 2020:
St-Sinner is still here, and Jacar, and etc....... I actually prefer them to the "holier than thou: crowd we have had lately, that tell us how we should feel....... Do you know you are a bad person if you express fear/rage?
[] Horniness and social distancing. Comments?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 8, 2020:
New partner after a long time relationship finished?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Not giving up my freedom, or the TV remote, either! Anyway, I have ways to keep you oblivious......
I am sitting here this evening, after finishing a project that took me most of the day.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
I feel tired a lot because the effort to not do the same is Immense. Hugs!
Bi-sacksual (bye-sack-shu-ul) adj.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Geez, I thought this thread was going to be titillating........way to let a gal down......
Coronavirus Is Forcing the GOP to (Tacitly) Admit Its Ideology Is Delusional By Eric Levitz ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
No kidding!
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Never knew anything about her, but my first reaction is that she has a gawd-awful grating voice. Ugh!
BREAKING NEWS: Trump has a new Communications Director-Kayleigh McKennany, former CNN Analyst and ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
If they worked at Fox, they are a tool. Period.
Israel health minister, who claims coronavirus is ‘divine punishment’ for homosexuality, tests ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
By gawd, there IS a gawd........
I just watched Trumps daily clown porn.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Rachel Maddow, or escape to an English murder internet provider is giving me about 30 more options, like Acorn, for free this month.
Are Non Believers Happier People Than Christians?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Beats the daylights out of thinking your every move/ thought is being judged, harshly.
Trump Goes Off on Mail-In Voting, Wisconsin Democrats
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Does he have ANY idea there is a pandemic....????
Bonus! 😆 😸
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Get 'em tattoo'd!
A friend of mine on Facebook posted the following statement question.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
I totally agree
DT lost 1 billion. So far. []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
If only Trump would follow people that have done his bidding . Modly RESIGNS []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
The Captain of any Navy vessel, which is staffed with predominantly young men, in some ways is a father figure. Captain Crozier was rightly upset that his crew were becoming ill at an alarming rate, and sought help, as was his duty. He has been shamefully treated! This idiot who went on the ship and called him stupid was roundly boo'ed by the crew, and is lucky that is all that happened to him. This whole thing is the result of crummy "leadership" from the top down!
I hope people remember in November
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
I stand with George Takei on everything!
I don't know what is worse, the plot or the acting...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
I concur! This show Sucks!
Saw this craziness as I was scrolling through my Facebook News Feed.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
How about just looking at any Middle Eastern country where non-separation is a reality?
COVID-19 has jumped species at least twice: first to humans from bats, now from humans to big cats, ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
I worry people will read this and start dumping pets in droves...our local humane society is not open for either take-in or adoption right now.
The chicken that visited me last night was named moustache.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
This is the time of year farm-supply stores sell chicks! My family got 200 every year, the store dyed a few Easter colors for us kids. A Happy memory!
Classy? Not particularly. Sexy? That's up to you. For boredoms sake? Most definitely!🤪
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
No, thanks.....
Here’s my conundrum about Easter and Passover.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Couldn't you watch something on Netflix instead of trying to make sense of nonsense???????
Although it’s a parody there is always that element of doubt if trump is involved that it could ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Satire that makes me feel nauseous.
In this time of crisis I want to thank each and every one of you antisocial distancing experts for ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Trump’s Lost Months Are Killing Us. Here’s How to Make Them Politically Fatal for Him.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Succinct, powerful, TRUE!
The climate crisis is still lurking, so does the Green New Deal look like the way forward.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
There are 3 comments below the article... is yours the third one? "Craig"?
Mrs. Betty Bowers []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
As bitter as I feel!
So far the focus has been on the lungs, but COVID-19 appears to attack heart muscle tissue as well.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Good news for us congestive heart failure people! More freakin' winning........
I was out in the yard today and a young chicken came up and sat in my lap.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Meant to be! Do not leave it alone outside at night!!!!!!!!
I will likely read this book. But what do you think about the argument in this description?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Why we need UNIONS!
[] So true...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
No shit, Sherlock, becuz none of us have noticed that.......
Czech nudists reprimanded by police for not wearing face-masks – Kafkadesk
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Damn right! The penis is Not a mode of transmission of Covid-19!
And now for something completely different ( I wish) here's where trump got his amazing Plaquenil...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
How come this doctor looks exactly like the one who wrote drump that glowing bill of health during the campaign? You know, the one that sounded exactly like drump wrote it?
What does 'recovered from coronavirus' mean?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Very informative! Thanks!
Happy Tuesday to my wonderfully supportive group! I hope it finds you doing well.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Master procrastinator! I can ignore/put off stuff for Eons!
A musical inter-lewd? []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
No very good singers......
Meanwhile in Japan.....
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
And now for something completely different ( I wish) here's where trump got his amazing Plaquenil...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
I hear his family has stock in the surprising!
April 6, 2020: Vaccination Ruminations.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Yup, anti vaxxers are going to triumph in a time of pandemics & lack of care........ROFLMAO!
I'm sure others have noticed but I've tried avoiding looking at him until these daily briefings.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Sometimes while perusing my "recorded" list, he is on......I noticed my hand flies up to block the screen, just like when I had the "duck reflex" when married to the first ex, the batterer.
Oops caught
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Batteries are SOooo old-school, rechargeables are the way to go. Or just get something that plugs in, for maximum "ooomph"
[] What did Trump say about this being unpredictable? Lying MF!
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 6, 2020:
TWO (2!) Years ago!
Bible stories may not be factual - but they are nonetheless true
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Ummmm, what? And if it was just the 4 of them, who got pregnant by whom to populate the earth? I'll wait right here while you think about it......
Job hunting during the coronavirus pandemic: It’s dismal.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Several chains around here are frantically trying to hire....
This by a 7 year old is great.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Enjoyable music & Well stated! (The St.-S thing!)
This is an interpersonal "relationship", and a self "love:" post.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 6, 2020:
For me, the first time in my life I can blissfully indulge myself, and I do!
Front porch concert. What are you all doing with your isolation?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 6, 2020:
I am going to set up my karaoke machine & annoy the neighbors, it is supposed to be warm enough tomorrow to open the windows!
The whole world is watching and listening with baited breath, what will the fool say next?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Today he said "things are going well, so well...."
Why are we condoning our members wishing infection and death upon people for flaunting gathering ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 6, 2020:
So, reading this thread is quite enlightening. There are many who are venting their anger against the ANIMALS who are thoughtlessly spreading infection to those of us who try to do the right thing. And there are several holier-than-thou types trying to make us feel bad for being enraged because we are, in fact, being threatened in a very real way. Not feeling bad, o for one minute. And if you are such a weeper for the stupid why aren't you volunteering at hospitals to ensure they survive & breed more stupid people so the next pandemic can leave the cockroaches in charge? Or, you could STFU about how superior you are.......
Trump is the captain of the Titantic sadly.........
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Very, very apt!
Who wants to play??😂
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Hold yer breath until that happens.......
So we will likely get some snow again soon.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Just before the virus hit the news i spent $1300.86 to get the RV ready to travel. Guess I should have just planted geraniums around it.....
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Lia and I had to go to Aldi's today.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 6, 2020:
I TELL people I am smiling when wearing my mask...otherwise how would they know? Lol!
Lindsey Graham Complains Nurses Getting Too Much Money From Coronavirus Bill – Breaking News USA
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Lindsey Graham should need hospitalization for something, anything, this week, in fact tomorrow!!!!!
Black Sabbath - God Is Dead? (Official Video) - YouTube
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Love me some headless bat!
[] Why Trump is promoting a combination of hydroxychloroquine and eurythromycin?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 6, 2020:
He owns stock in a company that makes the brand name version, duuuhhhhhhh.
Why are we condoning our members wishing infection and death upon people for flaunting gathering ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 6, 2020:
They want to send me/us to ETERNAL torment........
And this shall henceforth be called "The Plague Afghan.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Love these colors, and the diagonal pattern!


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