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GOP super-lawyer Ted Olson cuts off donations to Republicans who refuse to convict Trump ...
anglophone comments on Feb 12, 2021:
As if any of the head-in-the-sand Rethuglicans are going to take any notice of him!
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 12, 2021:
@anglophone oh, IMO the psychopath ship has already sailed.....
Only 6% of the total Covid death count in the US actually had Covid 19 as the only cause of death?
mtnhome comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Just read this science-based article about the CDC stats that have been very popularly twisted around, starting the the big LOSER himself. The commenters below got it right. Those people would still be alive today with their mostly age-related other health issues. They were just easier for covid to ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 12, 2021:
@Castlepaloma becuz it wasn't all Jews, as I pointed out just above. Huge amounts of others........Duuuuhhhhhh
The Conservatives have been at digging dirt on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and California ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 12, 2021:
No link! What" dirt"???? And is it true, or another hoax? Bearinsg in mind that every time they run for office their opponents are digging.....
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 12, 2021:
@St-Sinner you are better than clickbait.....
HeAdAkE comments on Feb 8, 2021:
A woman can never love a man the way he wants to be loved and a woman can only love u for what u can provide for her the feminine imperative is pretty eye opening :( breaks my heart :( its so important for men to protect themselves
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 12, 2021:
HeAdAkE: If you truly feel that way i feel very sorry for you. If you just posted ii "becuz" WTF is wrong with you.....?
Woo hoo Friday I actually hate weekends
barjoe comments on Feb 12, 2021:
Marjorie Taylor Greene is a ho.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 12, 2021:
@whiskywoman a Cheap ho!
Fun stuff some facts even
ZantiMisfit comments on Feb 12, 2021:
Volcano snails? Wow!
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 12, 2021:
Makes "the fragility of life" sound silly,no?
As many as 77 federal judges announce they are leaving allowing Biden to appoint their replacements ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Why/what makes you think Biden will appoint "conservative" judges?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 12, 2021:
@St-Sinner where did i mention Bernie? Your weirdo obbession's coming out again. And BTW Vermonters are considered Very conservative in most areas, and also admired for their common sense.
Only 6% of the total Covid death count in the US actually had Covid 19 as the only cause of death?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 10, 2021:
So, alrightythen, we should just take off our masks & Ppppaaaahhhty! Unless of course you are not 100% perfectly healthy........ Which, just to mention, the guy who wrote the first book on running (Jim Fixx) died at 52 of a heart attack....
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 12, 2021:
@Castlepaloma "I worked for" who gives a rat's ass?
Only 6% of the total Covid death count in the US actually had Covid 19 as the only cause of death?
mtnhome comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Just read this science-based article about the CDC stats that have been very popularly twisted around, starting the the big LOSER himself. The commenters below got it right. Those people would still be alive today with their mostly age-related other health issues. They were just easier for covid to ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 12, 2021:
@Castlepaloma your LIE about the "opposing" testing results made me stop reading the rest of your post immediately . Plus i see you are a Holocaust denier. Well, good for you. FYI,it was Not just Orthodox Jews (becuz that of course would make it all okay) in those death camps, it was the old people, physically & mentally disabled, Gypsies, gay people of all kinds, Catholics, journalists, dissenters, anyone who tried to help the Jews, and etc....if you ever get your head out of your ass & get some facts, i will be happy to welcome you back to Humanity, but not now.......
As many as 77 federal judges announce they are leaving allowing Biden to appoint their replacements ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Why/what makes you think Biden will appoint "conservative" judges?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 11, 2021:
@St-Sinner no a Good politician cares about advancing his/her agenda. If they have luck,& some charisma,they may win, but pushing something you care about to create big changes even if you do not win is what motivates the Good ones! Like $15/hr & Medicare For All.......
As many as 77 federal judges announce they are leaving allowing Biden to appoint their replacements ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Why/what makes you think Biden will appoint "conservative" judges?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 11, 2021:
@St-Sinner i didn't say being a good person will always help in Any area of life! I am merely refuting your contention that there are no good people in you equate "winning" to being good? Even sadder & scarier than i first thought! (And something drump would say, it was his Only criteria)
On the epistemological syllogism that "God, by definition, is that for which no greater can be ...
Cyklone comments on Feb 11, 2021:
Words, sophistry. God doesn't exist! Can you refute that statement? Show me evidence or stop wasting my time.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 11, 2021:
@anglophone and even St-Siinner cannot abide this above!
As many as 77 federal judges announce they are leaving allowing Biden to appoint their replacements ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Why/what makes you think Biden will appoint "conservative" judges?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 11, 2021:
@St-Sinner wow, if that is what you believe i feel VERY sorry for you! Jimmy Carter springsimmediately to mind,also Ruth Bader coffee yet,I suspect I could name a few more finally awake.
Only 6% of the total Covid death count in the US actually had Covid 19 as the only cause of death?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 10, 2021:
So, alrightythen, we should just take off our masks & Ppppaaaahhhty! Unless of course you are not 100% perfectly healthy........ Which, just to mention, the guy who wrote the first book on running (Jim Fixx) died at 52 of a heart attack....
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 10, 2021:
@Castlepaloma why exactly are you veering off the subject You posted? Could it be your basic premise is/was deeply flawed?
Are you hearing Bruce Castor, Trump impeachment attorney in the Senate?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Even money says drump will pick the one that kisses his ass the best.......
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 10, 2021:
@whiskywoman I'm not taking that bet! It's CertainTeed he will not!
Are you hearing Bruce Castor, Trump impeachment attorney in the Senate?
St-Sinner comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Bad attorneys, a bad case but Trump is still going to win. Is that called luck?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 10, 2021:
@St-Sinner i think now is an Excellent time to hoist you by your own petard: his AGE
As many as 77 federal judges announce they are leaving allowing Biden to appoint their replacements ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Why/what makes you think Biden will appoint "conservative" judges?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 10, 2021:
@St-Sinner ummmm, one is a thoughtful person with a good heart, the other is a loon within the meaning of the word. Get a grip! You couldn't even write the above without wincing
Only 6% of the total Covid death count in the US actually had Covid 19 as the only cause of death?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 10, 2021:
So, alrightythen, we should just take off our masks & Ppppaaaahhhty! Unless of course you are not 100% perfectly healthy........ Which, just to mention, the guy who wrote the first book on running (Jim Fixx) died at 52 of a heart attack....
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 10, 2021:
@Castlepaloma but the overall premise is, if you have any kind of "condition", (which Mr Fixx was considered the epitome of health) you may Or not know it! Then "something else", like Covid, gets added tothemix. Do you think he was not studied/tested extensively by doctors? "Running" as a sport was new & trending! His book is full of statistics & evidence of how healthy his lifestyle was making him,("you can be too")...then, suddenly,, deader than a doornail at 52. So your complacency is just silly, and, yes, foolish.
US election: Criminal probe into Trump's 'find the votes' call []
barjoe comments on Feb 10, 2021:
This should've been a second article of impeachment against Trump. That tape was such strong evidence of electing fraud, attempted vote manipulation, blackmail of Georgia Secretary of State, extortion. The recording of the phone call is indefensible.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 10, 2021:
I would like it better if it was "simple" criminal charges rather than impeachment...too many partisan assholes in Congress for me!
Are you hearing Bruce Castor, Trump impeachment attorney in the Senate?
St-Sinner comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Bad attorneys, a bad case but Trump is still going to win. Is that called luck?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 10, 2021:
You call anything to do with this a "win"?????? For whom?
This pertains to both religion and politics, but mostly religion.
barjoe comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Jezebel the was wife of King Ahab. She was guilty of worshipping false prophets. Meanwhile those two pastors from Texas worship at the alter of Donald Trump. They are more like Jezebel.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 10, 2021:
@barjoe yup & used her for dog food
As many as 77 federal judges announce they are leaving allowing Biden to appoint their replacements ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Why/what makes you think Biden will appoint "conservative" judges?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 10, 2021:
@St-Sinner you equate them? How so?
As many as 77 federal judges announce they are leaving allowing Biden to appoint their replacements ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Why/what makes you think Biden will appoint "conservative" judges?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 10, 2021:
@St-Sinner poorly-educated, easily-led young that Marjorie gal?l. Alrighty then!
So, this morning in my email i receive a strongly-worded punishment from Admin about my remark on ...
Apunzelle comments on Feb 8, 2021:
Now I’m dying to know what Daffy Duck of all “people” has said that’s reprimand worthy. 😄
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 10, 2021:
@Triphid I did, I reply was made while LOL'ing.....
Who knew? Not I....and I've been an ornithologist for decades! []
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 9, 2021:
They also take off upwards & backwards from a standing start. Also taste a bit like beef liver. Ex was an avid hunter & fisherman, he learned everything he could about every species he stalked.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 10, 2021:
@Robecology meh...and tiny
This pertains to both religion and politics, but mostly religion.
barjoe comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Jezebel the was wife of King Ahab. She was guilty of worshipping false prophets. Meanwhile those two pastors from Texas worship at the alter of Donald Trump. They are more like Jezebel.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 9, 2021:
The poor thing worshipped the gods she had been raised to worship after a political marriage took her far away from home forever, to live amongst a nasty bunch of gawd-worshippers....who killed her.
As many as 77 federal judges announce they are leaving allowing Biden to appoint their replacements ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Why/what makes you think Biden will appoint "conservative" judges?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 9, 2021:
@Lorajay but doyou not see the Ageism @St-Sinner is pushing?
Android barcode scanner with 10 million+ downloads infects users Researcher says Google hasn't ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 9, 2021:
I ignore all that crap, just get my emails & usually reply by home phone. Nor do i , or would I ever, bank on-line,or do my taxes on-line.....don't pay bills on-line either. None of the above is necessary, or particularly time-saving either. Why put all your info out there for even moronic ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 9, 2021:
I have thoughtfully lived so that there are no awful things to "come to light", no do I give a rat's ass about what others think. I consider those who think the internet is a safe place to put Anything,like monetary info, fools. Apples & Oranges......
As many as 77 federal judges announce they are leaving allowing Biden to appoint their replacements ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Why/what makes you think Biden will appoint "conservative" judges?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 9, 2021:
@Lorajay so, Ruth Bader Ginsberg should have never been allowed on the Supreme Court?
So, this morning in my email i receive a strongly-worded punishment from Admin about my remark on ...
Apunzelle comments on Feb 8, 2021:
Now I’m dying to know what Daffy Duck of all “people” has said that’s reprimand worthy. 😄
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 9, 2021:
@Triphid jeebus, the day i coddle these half-wits is the day I activate a Conservator as my last rational act.......
As many as 77 federal judges announce they are leaving allowing Biden to appoint their replacements ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Why/what makes you think Biden will appoint "conservative" judges?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 9, 2021:
@Lorajay ooookkkaaayyy, how many have died in office over, say, the last 20 years? Or gone senile, other than Reagan? Seems like a Huge non-issue!
New ABC Poll [thehill.
Mooolah comments on Feb 9, 2021:
If Bernie is radical, we can sleep at night. If "The Donald" is radical we had better not sleep at night. "The Donald". A gangster name. Thug rap "Artist" name. Yo yo yo. The Donald rock'in the House....& Senate.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 9, 2021:
@Mooolah ummm, so far, impeachment is proceeding. Maybe time to return your crystal ball for one that works!
Bruce Castor has a plan here.
BTHT comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Castor was, practically, rambling incoherently. I had history teachers in high school like him lol!
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 9, 2021:
That is why drump likes him, he reflects well on his overlord
As many as 77 federal judges announce they are leaving allowing Biden to appoint their replacements ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Why/what makes you think Biden will appoint "conservative" judges?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 9, 2021:
@St-Sinner that makes more sense, thanks.
Catholic schools in US hit by unprecedented enrollment drop []
CuddyCruiser comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Part of the reason is also because of unaffordability. Tuiton is expensive. Back in 2010 a friend of mine had a daughter who went to Mercy High School in Riverhead, NY and tuition was $1,000 a month. The school I attended in Brooklyn also closed down in 2009 because of declining enrollment.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 9, 2021:
Plus buying the uniforms!
evidentialist comments on Feb 8, 2021:
Also the title of one of the books in my anthology series, *Twisted Tails*. The book contains a number of stories of precocious progeny purposely perpetrating perilous projects with penache.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 9, 2021:
@evidentialist i think Those are the lucky ones ! Being "celebrated" at a young age,for things you do not even fully understand, and probably surrounded by those who hope to profit off you, would not be fun!
Why do defense forces feel the need to further protect the Capitol during impeachment trial through ...
Mooolah comments on Feb 8, 2021:
Voter fraud is infinitesimal. With each state running their elections differently voter fraud is very likely to remain so. It really is a concern with no merit. Since when? Since January 6th 2021.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 9, 2021:
@Flowerwall there was 100% social distancing & fully masked Everybody Everywhere, it's he law in CT! And what would That have to do with voting/ballots? There were also large men, volunteer firefighters mostly, outside every polling place to insure the 75' rule, as always. (no signs/campaigning within 75' of polling places)
This picture turns my stomach.
OldGoat43 comments on Feb 8, 2021:
The Creepy Tweety claimed to have never known Epstein or his female supplier, but of course everything he ever said was a lie.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 8, 2021:
Those damn "fake" pictures......
So, this morning in my email i receive a strongly-worded punishment from Admin about my remark on ...
Apunzelle comments on Feb 8, 2021:
Now I’m dying to know what Daffy Duck of all “people” has said that’s reprimand worthy. 😄
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@p-nullifidian ah HA! So "cunt" is fine, "dickwad" is fine, , but, "stupid" is The it
So, this morning in my email i receive a strongly-worded punishment from Admin about my remark on ...
HeAdAkE comments on Feb 8, 2021:
Its deththpicable! but were u being a crass ass?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 8, 2021:
I was being me, x2
So, this morning in my email i receive a strongly-worded punishment from Admin about my remark on ...
Apunzelle comments on Feb 8, 2021:
Now I’m dying to know what Daffy Duck of all “people” has said that’s reprimand worthy. 😄
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@Apunzelle yeah, like one guy on here i think last year (but maybe longer, who can tell nowadays?!?)who used to call me a "cunt" 3 or 4 times in One post, & on Several threads, aaaaaannnnnd ....nuthin'.......... But quote Daffy Duck (and IMO anybody could tell it was a quote because i carefully wrote it in the vernacular!) and it's the slap with a wet fish!
So, this morning in my email i receive a strongly-worded punishment from Admin about my remark on ...
Charlene comments on Feb 8, 2021:
So they banned you from the group?.. it wasn't the 6th grade class group was it?.. 🙄🙄
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@Apunzelle some discussion thread where i was objecting to the entire premise......Admin wants me to "revise" but of course i cannot even access it, being removed, so duuuhhhhhhh
So, this morning in my email i receive a strongly-worded punishment from Admin about my remark on ...
Apunzelle comments on Feb 8, 2021:
Now I’m dying to know what Daffy Duck of all “people” has said that’s reprimand worthy. 😄
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 8, 2021:
"Are you, like, stupid er sumthin'?"
evidentialist comments on Feb 8, 2021:
Also the title of one of the books in my anthology series, *Twisted Tails*. The book contains a number of stories of precocious progeny purposely perpetrating perilous projects with penache.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@evidentialist most wonder kids come to a sad end.......the success stories are wonderful, of course, but the majority do not flourish.
evidentialist comments on Feb 8, 2021:
Also the title of one of the books in my anthology series, *Twisted Tails*. The book contains a number of stories of precocious progeny purposely perpetrating perilous projects with penache.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 8, 2021:
Bad thing,, thing,generally,IMO
Pfizer expects to cut COVID-19 vaccine production time by close to 50% as production ramps up, ...
barjoe comments on Feb 7, 2021:
The article doesn't say how soon we will see this increase in production.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@barjoe no stocks of any kind, ever...too much like gambling, to me.
Pfizer expects to cut COVID-19 vaccine production time by close to 50% as production ramps up, ...
barjoe comments on Feb 7, 2021:
The article doesn't say how soon we will see this increase in production.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@barjoe what causes you to say that?
Why do defense forces feel the need to further protect the Capitol during impeachment trial through ...
Mooolah comments on Feb 8, 2021:
Voter fraud is infinitesimal. With each state running their elections differently voter fraud is very likely to remain so. It really is a concern with no merit. Since when? Since January 6th 2021.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@Flowerwall since when cannot your employer (We The People!) press charges?
Why do defense forces feel the need to further protect the Capitol during impeachment trial through ...
Mooolah comments on Feb 8, 2021:
Voter fraud is infinitesimal. With each state running their elections differently voter fraud is very likely to remain so. It really is a concern with no merit. Since when? Since January 6th 2021.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@Flowerwall BS, i was a volunteer poll monitor for Common Cause on Election Day, (as were thousands all over the countty) to make sure the Laws, as described above,were being enforced all day at 5 polling places...put almost 400 miles on my car that day.
Pfizer expects to cut COVID-19 vaccine production time by close to 50% as production ramps up, ...
barjoe comments on Feb 7, 2021:
The article doesn't say how soon we will see this increase in production.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@barjoe why not? And can't help but notice there are already plenty of candidates with easier-to-store stuff already.......
Why do defense forces feel the need to further protect the Capitol during impeachment trial through ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 8, 2021:
"Voter Fraud" is simply BS to stir up the gullible! Perhaps 2 (Two) instances have been found, nation-wide. Start listening to actual factual news reporting and remove that tinfoil hat so you can actually hear it!
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@Flowerwall i am not the one posting phony divisive BS
Why do defense forces feel the need to further protect the Capitol during impeachment trial through ...
Mooolah comments on Feb 8, 2021:
Voter fraud is infinitesimal. With each state running their elections differently voter fraud is very likely to remain so. It really is a concern with no merit. Since when? Since January 6th 2021.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@Flowerwall do you have any idea that on Election Day each polling place has an equal-numbers squad of both Republicans & Democrats & Green, or whomever,if, they are on the ballot, right there on answer questions by voters, assist the handicapped, and, yes,keep an eye on All the proceedings? EVERY polling place!
Why do defense forces feel the need to further protect the Capitol during impeachment trial through ...
StarvingArtist comments on Feb 8, 2021:
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@Flowerwall ummm, because Biden did not instigate & foment them? Duuuuhhhhh. Are you talking about BLM demonstrations? I myself took to the streetsafter seeing the Horror of wanton killings by "authorities"....which historically can spread to Everyone if no one takes a stand!
This is so true.
BitFlipper comments on Feb 7, 2021:
And isn't that Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttijiej?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 7, 2021:
Maybe 20 years ago...he doesn't have that much hair nowadays
So taxpayers have to foot the bill to pay for this ultra-privileged moron to get served organic food...
CourtJester comments on Feb 5, 2021:
At least we’re supporting an American citizen.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 7, 2021:
@CourtJester: Scumbags of a feather, flock together.
So taxpayers have to foot the bill to pay for this ultra-privileged moron to get served organic food...
CourtJester comments on Feb 5, 2021:
At least we’re supporting an American citizen.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 7, 2021:
@LenHazell53 Well said!
Pfizer expects to cut COVID-19 vaccine production time by close to 50% as production ramps up, ...
barjoe comments on Feb 7, 2021:
The article doesn't say how soon we will see this increase in production.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 7, 2021:
I would expect Very quickly after announcing this, they do not want to look foolish. Of course,I am biased......grew up here in SE Connecticut near their original home, still live just down the street from the place, and they have Always been thought highly of around here, as a company, neighbor, & employer.
Would you say that some agnostics know of seemingly endless examples where assertions about the ...
Mvtt comments on Feb 7, 2021:
lol a “gnostic agnostic”?! @DangerDave
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 7, 2021:
@Triphid oh,now he put up a poll that leaves us horrifying GA's out entirely, but includes a few choice words about our delusions.....he is Obsessed!
As I made my beef liver, okra, mushroom and onion stir fry for lunch.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 7, 2021:
Okra! YUCK!
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 7, 2021:
@Canndue i will happily send you any happen to have! Mazeltov!
A Visit to the Donald J. Trump Presidential Library
LucyLoohoo comments on Feb 7, 2021:
I can hardly wait to see it! Will it be in Mar a Lago? Or some other building he needs funding for...just the thing to use as his ''library.''
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 7, 2021:
Right down the street from me is the pump station for the water tower....windowless brick bldg about 15' x 15,' parking for 3 cars.....perfect!
If you're looking for tips, I'd say there may still be some upside room for Pharmacielo (PCLOF) and ...
Cast1es comments on Feb 7, 2021:
Good tip . I had read that Coco cola originally had real coke in the recipe , which is how they were so successful in the first place . When the government ruled coke to be illegal , they switched to caffine and sugar , to keep that surge of energy in their product .
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 7, 2021:
100% True, "coca[ine] cola!
The beauty begins as the makeup comes off........ []
Cast1es comments on Feb 7, 2021:
I hate wearing make up , so I don't . But have been told by others , "Oh, you'd look so much better wearing makeup ." After being told this repeatedly , by a specific co-worker , I decided to try it, on a morning I had woken up too early . So I'm at work that day , and he starts in , "You'll never ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 7, 2021:
He sounds like a complete dickhead!
About 7 miles from me hooray
barjoe comments on Feb 6, 2021:
That's quite a huge place for a shore house.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 6, 2021:
@barjoe size comparison. Looks to be 60 or so years old, unless a reproduction.....nowhere near the cost when new. My cousins bought an across-the street from-the-ocean substantial 3 bedroom "cottage" for $40,000 when I was about 6. "OMG They must be crazy!" Sold for 6+million 12 years ago.
About 7 miles from me hooray
barjoe comments on Feb 6, 2021:
That's quite a huge place for a shore house.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 6, 2021:
Would fit in the foyer of Mar-a-Lago
Romania's Orthodox Church supports the killing of babies by drowning [bbc.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Their Actual position is to sprinkle the infant's head with a few drops of water! There is no need to spread lies & slander, what is. your Problem?! Other than re-telling a nasty LIE.........
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 6, 2021:
@anglophone still cannot read or understand, i see. Too bad, so sad that you ignorantly stir up the anthill just like drumpy,but take no responsibility for your nasty actions based on Nothing. So,yes,SHAME ON YOU!
Anti-LGBTQ Student Journalist Says He Was Fired For Expressing His Faith | Val Wilde | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Feb 6, 2021:
Bigoted, Self-righteous, Homophobic, Misogynistic little Prick imo. Perhaps, just PERHAPS, IF scum like him actually got know LGBTQI people then they may actually learn to see them in a very different light for once. For example, over the years I have met, gotten to know and made good friends ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 6, 2021:
You mean,like this asshole?
Romania's Orthodox Church supports the killing of babies by drowning [bbc.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Feb 5, 2021:
I read the article - now - the church did NOT support the killing of babies. The church did or is trying to mitigate the dumb ass priest's actions. I find it similar to other laws and stances that allow for "tragic accidents" like kids killing themselves with guns. The priest should be ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 6, 2021:
@anglophone right,but too late you have "inspired" at least 7 posts on this thread full of totally unnecessary vitriol towards others. Good on you.......
Romania's Orthodox Church supports the killing of babies by drowning [bbc.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Their Actual position is to sprinkle the infant's head with a few drops of water! There is no need to spread lies & slander, what is. your Problem?! Other than re-telling a nasty LIE.........
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 6, 2021:
@anglophone no,I SAID I read several articles,I suggested You go to the website of the denomination. If you cannot understand simple sentences, it is no wonder you post nasty & divisive BS without one moment's thought! Have you read some of the horrid posts you have inspired on this thread!?? Which i said, The Posts in reply were nasty...again, try reading! SHAME ON YOU!
It doesn’t make any sense at all to impose draconian environmental regulations like shutting down ...
Paul4747 comments on Feb 6, 2021:
The percent of immigrants in the US population is no more now than it was in the 1880s. Of course, since we have a much larger population, the absolute number is bigger, due to *math*, a thing of which you might be aware. And they come from different places than in the 1880s, and they look ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 6, 2021:
@Trajan61 yeah,right....wanna buy abridge?
Could be a widespread problem...
St-Sinner comments on Feb 6, 2021:
I disagree. It is white and I am told it is tasty too. Oops.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 6, 2021:
Not very.....
It doesn’t make any sense at all to impose draconian environmental regulations like shutting down ...
Paul4747 comments on Feb 6, 2021:
The percent of immigrants in the US population is no more now than it was in the 1880s. Of course, since we have a much larger population, the absolute number is bigger, due to *math*, a thing of which you might be aware. And they come from different places than in the 1880s, and they look ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 6, 2021:
@Trajan61 Bill Clinton, a Democrat, ended up with SURPLUS, NO DEFICIT! Pay attention, hear me well: Lying, since drump is gone, is no longer acceptable!!!!!!!
Romania's Orthodox Church supports the killing of babies by drowning [bbc.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Their Actual position is to sprinkle the infant's head with a few drops of water! There is no need to spread lies & slander, what is. your Problem?! Other than re-telling a nasty LIE.........
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 6, 2021:
@anglophone, @UUNJ i was baptized using total immersion! Font, about 6' x 6' x 3' deep, ringed by steps to go down into it, for older kids & adults, built into the church behind the altar. Infants sprinkled on the head at Christening,from a portable small basin brought out for the purpose. This was 50++ years ago in a non-evangelist protestant church in the Northeast. Lutherans, Presbyterians, etc all had the same type of setup...nobody drowned. To tar & feather a probably older, foolish priest because one dire thing happened makes us look as nasty as Q-anon yelling "pizzagate"
Romania's Orthodox Church supports the killing of babies by drowning [bbc.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Their Actual position is to sprinkle the infant's head with a few drops of water! There is no need to spread lies & slander, what is. your Problem?! Other than re-telling a nasty LIE.........
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 6, 2021:
@anglophone how about going to the website of the actual denomination itself, duuuuhhhhhh. But no, that would be doing some thinking instead of posting pejorative nonsense... I dislike, intensely, religion in any form, but posting stupid " baby-killer" nonsense does no one any good, makes reasoning atheists look exactly like Q-anon yelling " pizzagate"
Chiefs assistant admits in warrant to drinking before I-435 crash that hurt 2 children, 1 severely
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Well, to be fair, who else would employ him with that record?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 5, 2021:
@barjoe that was sarcasm! He is barely qualified to be assistant janitor somewhere,but........ nepotism....
Romania's Orthodox Church supports the killing of babies by drowning [bbc.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Their Actual position is to sprinkle the infant's head with a few drops of water! There is no need to spread lies & slander, what is. your Problem?! Other than re-telling a nasty LIE.........
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 5, 2021:
@anglophone i have read several articles on this story. Which is where got the Facts that support my post!
Romania's Orthodox Church supports the killing of babies by drowning [bbc.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Their Actual position is to sprinkle the infant's head with a few drops of water! There is no need to spread lies & slander, what is. your Problem?! Other than re-telling a nasty LIE.........
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 5, 2021:
@anglophone stupid hidebound priest, duuuuhhh...or maybe the parents requested it? Also duuuhhh
Democrats Reject GOP Attempt to Say Pledge of Allegiance at Judiciary Meetings | Hemant Mehta | ...
CourtJester comments on Feb 5, 2021:
They’d have allowed it if it was the Chinese anthem or pledge.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 5, 2021:
Do you actually ever hear yourself? Never mind, not possible.....
I'm not sure, butt is this low-hanging fruit?[]
Moravian comments on Feb 5, 2021:
That seems to contradicting the laws of physics. What's keeping his trousers there. Does he have incredibly knobbly knees ?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 5, 2021:
Really long suspenders? Rope? No, wait....duct tape!
This shit was funny as hell
St-Sinner comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Now it is climate change based on science which predicted 7 times that the world was going to end in the last 60 years. The Sun is still shining, the grass is green and the birds are singing.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 5, 2021:
Yeah, and it is almost 50 degrees here in New England in early February...dream on! Warmest winter on record...since last year & the year before......
I sometimes wonder what people who call themselves Christians or Jews think of stories of genocide ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 5, 2021:
My last ex was from Florence, made me LOL! I wonder how Miss Florence Diner is doing?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 5, 2021:
@Behind-the-dog good to know! My in-laws favorite place
Cha, Cha, Cha, Changes. There and Back Again - Why we never make any significant progress.
St-Sinner comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Who's next? Marjorie Taylor Greene for President?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 5, 2021:
Going to need a big dose of Pepto after That pic!
Cha, Cha, Cha, Changes. There and Back Again - Why we never make any significant progress.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Actually I think seeing how bad things can get, and at what speed, has been a big, good, eye-opener for many!
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 5, 2021:
@Beowulfsfriend yes,but big change can come from just a few "woke", and big mistakes avoided ditto
Trump won't testify. What a total pussy.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 4, 2021:
I doubt his lawyers are convinced he couldn't do so without further incriminating himself!
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 5, 2021:
@GeorgeRocheleau can i pick "all of the above"?
64 year old neighbor.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Why only male 4 month old babies? Seems rather sexist to me.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 4, 2021:
@JeffMurray I knew that already!
Vomited up : If you want more laughs read the Book of Jonah in the "King James Version" It's a ...
St-Sinner comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Hold on..... Hinduism will be second to none in stupidity
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 4, 2021:
Only because they have had longer....
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 26, 2021:
Ohferpetessake...lynch mob, anyone? Was not Jan.6 enough of that for awhile?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 4, 2021:
@Killtheskyfairy who exactly has determined he is a fascist? I see no evidence of that At All!
Tally Stick not to be confused with that other tally thing.
Charlene comments on Feb 3, 2021:
Damn, they accomplished legally what Guy Faulks (thanks Annewimsey) tried 200 years earlier..😳
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 3, 2021:
Took me a mean Guy Faulks, right?
Qookoo for cocoa puffs..
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 3, 2021:
Jewish space lasers....
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 3, 2021:
I'm sorry.
FearlessFly comments on Feb 2, 2021:
. . . perhaps a glitch, but I'm able to comment in groups that I have not joined and have the message "You must be a member of this group before commenting" :O
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 2, 2021:
I am too, except the individual replies do not have a "reply" button, so I just post on the main comment box.
This may not be all that deviant, just a question I want answers too: When a young lady who is ...
ChestRockfield comments on Feb 2, 2021:
That hymen/virginity thing is a myth. Plenty of stuff in TV and movies plays on medically-related nonsense, so you could get away with it if you really wanted, but I would recommend playing on the facts of the matter and educate while you entertain.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 2, 2021:
@mischl there is a opening, otherwise how would menstural blood get out?
Inflation theft
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 29, 2021:
The Tuttle Twins are leadin' you astray on yer Facts, buddy!
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 2, 2021:
@Thirst2learn knew more than you do right now before i started.....
Something to do now, at least in moderate climates, and the Northern hemisphere, but which brings ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 2, 2021:
This year I am planting Thornless Blackberry bushes (small ones!!) In 2 tractor tires filled with dirt, ringed with strawberries until they get much bigger. Deciding on what color(s) to paint the tractor tires...have a cellar full of assorted partial cans of paint, so maybe something "custom", or ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 2, 2021:
@MikeInBatonRouge i was Amazed to find out how huge some varieties get! it is just me,with only the freezer than comes with the fridge here. I think 2 plants that somewhat produce twice will be plenty! One reason i gave up even a small garden,now i enjoy shopping the various Farmer's Markets we have around here...2 tomatoes,not 20, lol!
Get your shot Moron!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 2, 2021:
If you are really worried about being microchipped that is easy to solve all you have to do is use any good quality stun gun on the chip by placing it carefully over the injection site and zapping it until it burns out the chip rendering in useless... If you do this several times for 15 seconds each...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 2, 2021:
I like detailed, helpful plans......
Inflation theft
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 29, 2021:
The Tuttle Twins are leadin' you astray on yer Facts, buddy!
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 2, 2021:
@Thirst2learn i did a 4-month study for an enrichment paper in my Senior year in HS, which included study of the various depressions/recessions and how they were related. You?
Inflation theft
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 29, 2021:
The Tuttle Twins are leadin' you astray on yer Facts, buddy!
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 2, 2021:
@Thirst2learn no it did not!!!!....don't demean yourself with bald-faced lies, i Googled all the things suggested before I posted them!
What are things you would have liked to know pre-divorce or pre-breakup to make life after easier?
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 31, 2021:
Interview several lawyers before you choose one! My brother, a divorce lawyer in a different state, gave me this advice...damn fine advice! You can usually get a initial interview for free. One wanted to let me ramble on, at $350/hr.(it was not my idea & I was blindsided),one wanted to blow ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 1, 2021:
@sassygirl3869 i suppose one lawyer for 2 is fine if you are on the same page...we were decidely Not!
I am at level two! Wondering if I have joined atheist or Scientology?👣.
girlwithsmiles comments on Jan 31, 2021:
No level allows access to the spaceship; so not like Scientology 😉 But if you enjoy the site the points aren’t so important 😊
AnneWimsey replies on Jan 31, 2021:
@MorganR hey! I have command of the spaceship & you don't get aboard without the secret pass-ticket,which is a certified cashier's check for all your money...oh, wait, sorry, that's Scientology....
I am at level two! Wondering if I have joined atheist or Scientology?👣.
Willow_Wisp comments on Jan 31, 2021:
OMFG! There’s a point system!? Why?
AnneWimsey replies on Jan 31, 2021:
@MorganR 10...but when you get to 9, you pretty much stay there FOREVER
Biggest Contradictions in the Bible.
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 31, 2021:
I prefer to spend my time/life ignoring The Babble!
AnneWimsey replies on Jan 31, 2021:
@Triphid I have read it cover-to-cover(except for the Begats, of course) 2x times in my life,once as an 11 year old believer...when most of the sexual content totally escaped me. I also delved into parts as the fancy took my young "seeker" days...also Tarot, astrology, was the 70's! (Astonished at what i missed/misinterpreted as a kid!!!!!) And i have an interest in the Apocrypha , weird stuff! Then a few years ago I had a friend, nice guy in many ways & smart, but totally into 100% literal interpretation, which i could Not reconcile....he was continually quoting sections & putting a good face on them, so i dug in & got right back at him, using quotes was amazing what i remembered from age 11, scary, really. But to look into it for reasons to not"believe"? Bah, Humbug! (Which it Totally is!) But"humorous"????? ..gory,nasty, oh,and wallowing in gore seems more like.....
Inflation theft
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 29, 2021:
The Tuttle Twins are leadin' you astray on yer Facts, buddy!
AnneWimsey replies on Jan 30, 2021:
@Thirst2learn inflation,corporations,congress causing inflation, etcetc...but Start with "The Tuttle Twins" and report back!


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