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Fun thought for the day.
AnneWimsey comments on Dec 11, 2020:
I have NEVER claimed to be "normal", not once...gave that idea up at about age 9
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 11, 2020:
@Triphid not even normal to me...I surprise myself on a regular basis.
Vitamin D is the solution to the problem. []
BitFlipper comments on Dec 11, 2020:
YouTube is where I learned about UFO tunnels under Arizona.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 11, 2020:
@BDair and you think local statistics are meaningful in an "I win" sort of old are you? 8?
“Offensive” Christmas Card Company Draws Manufactured Outrage from Christians | Hemant Mehta | ...
AnneWimsey comments on Dec 11, 2020:
Hey, at least they are leaving Starbucks' cup design alone this year.....
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 11, 2020:
@KKGator you kain't depend on nuthin' nowadays!
Vitamin D is the solution to the problem. []
BitFlipper comments on Dec 11, 2020:
YouTube is where I learned about UFO tunnels under Arizona.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 11, 2020:
@BDair FLA removed all restrictions because their Governor is an anti-science gawdlover, and wants/needs tourist ("snowbird") $$$$, not because it is safe, you fool!
Vitamin D is the solution to the problem. []
BitFlipper comments on Dec 11, 2020:
YouTube is where I learned about UFO tunnels under Arizona.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 11, 2020:
@BDair about as do know your body manufactures Vitamin D upon exposure to sunlight, right? So explain why Florida is so hard-hit?
Wall Street Begins Trading Water Futures as a Commodity []
Petter comments on Dec 10, 2020:
A wise predictor of the future said the next major wars would be fought not over oil or minerals, but over fresh water. The only possible preventative would be access to enough energy for the bulk desalination of water.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 11, 2020:
@Petter most plants can tolerate a bit of salinity. And perhaps farms could move to areas more friendly to the crop being grown...when has it Ever made sense to grow lettuce in the hottest part of Arizona, for example?
There are many preventative and therapeutic measures for COVID 19 that the public is not being ...
Charlene comments on Dec 10, 2020:
His Sepses "cocktail" has found to be I doubt any opinion he has on the subject..
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 11, 2020:
@BDair I have, and he jumped the gun publidhing his "findings" after 3 (three!) patients recovered. Subsequent studies on larger populations, by others, (the gold standard for proof) showed No discernable benefits, nor could his further studies replicate his own "study".
There are many preventative and therapeutic measures for COVID 19 that the public is not being ...
BitFlipper comments on Dec 11, 2020:
I find your argument to be disturbing and misdirected. Staying home is the best thing we can do right now, and its nothing to be trivialized.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 11, 2020:
@BDair his initial article on his "cure" is now completely considered Very premature & has NOT been validated by further studies. Both you & he are looking foolish!
Senator Feinstein is no longer fit to serve. This is why we need term limits. [youtube]
barjoe comments on Dec 10, 2020:
Why because she is old? What about Bernie? We need to get rid of gerrymandering in the house of representatives, every two years wouldn't be a rubber stamp that way. I think the Senate should be redone. Some states should get one senator, some states should get 4. They should have 2 term limit. She ...
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 11, 2020:
@RoboGraham you ask me to provide proof whereas you have none, at all, and yet posted this smear.......brass-plated, are they?
Senator Feinstein is no longer fit to serve. This is why we need term limits. [youtube]
AnneWimsey comments on Dec 10, 2020:
This guy is a Green Party CANADIAN. His source could be somebody the Senator fired, but why not just stomp all over her instead?
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@RoboGraham ohferpetessake, "she hugged Graham"? Whom she has known for how many decades? And she might have Hearing of course never asked the same thing twice, right?
Senator Feinstein is no longer fit to serve. This is why we need term limits. [youtube]
barjoe comments on Dec 10, 2020:
Why because she is old? What about Bernie? We need to get rid of gerrymandering in the house of representatives, every two years wouldn't be a rubber stamp that way. I think the Senate should be redone. Some states should get one senator, some states should get 4. They should have 2 term limit. She ...
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@RoboGraham IF true, probably a med combo problem, and instead of stomping on her get her some Competent doctors. On the other hand, source? She, oh, i dunno, fired an incompetent staffer & they are revenge-filled?
Wall Street Begins Trading Water Futures as a Commodity []
Petter comments on Dec 10, 2020:
A wise predictor of the future said the next major wars would be fought not over oil or minerals, but over fresh water. The only possible preventative would be access to enough energy for the bulk desalination of water.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 10, 2020:
Submarines have had, for decades, such a device, it is about the size of a dorm fridge, only deeper front to back. Works like a charm for unlimited amounts of time. Works on electricity (on subs, from electricity produced by the reactor, of course) & produces plenty of cooking & drinking for the entire crew.
I need some ideas! A family up the street has been overly generous lately.
ZantiMisfit comments on Dec 9, 2020:
Gift cards?
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@Holysocks something they can actually USE & not get Covid from is pretty darn meaningful in my opinion! Put it in a nice package with a handwritten note of thanks, being as specific as you can. I cannot think of anything more meaningful that well-expressed thanks!
Here's one of the better tattoos I've run in to while shopping; she kindly let me photograph it.
LucyLoohoo comments on Dec 9, 2020:
Wonder if she'd need long sleeves in places like Texas or Mississippi?
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@LucyLoohoo hey, sometimes you just want to be in stealth mode
Happy Tuesday wonderful people! What is something new that you would like to try?
Zster comments on Dec 9, 2020:
I would love to try blowing glass.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@Zster I think it was only about $45 with the Groupon thingy, class was there about 3 hours & they let me park my tiny RV overnight in their parking lot, so pretty cheap all around!
Here's one of the better tattoos I've run in to while shopping; she kindly let me photograph it.
LucyLoohoo comments on Dec 9, 2020:
Wonder if she'd need long sleeves in places like Texas or Mississippi?
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 9, 2020:
She could dab on a wash-off "R" just in front & fit right in.......
Okay so there's this commercial on TV with an emu burying his head in the sand.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 9, 2020:
Yep, ostriches just run, or kick to kill.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 9, 2020:
@1of5 true, so keep your intestines covered
Okay so there's this commercial on TV with an emu burying his head in the sand.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 9, 2020:
Yep, ostriches just run, or kick to kill.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 9, 2020:
Velociraptor cousins?
Diaper Don - LMAO! [] Rocky Mountain Mike
LucyLoohoo comments on Dec 9, 2020:
"Six foot three?" In his DREAMS! And in his ''lifts!"
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 9, 2020:
@zeuser if he's 239 I'm freakin' Cindy Crawford in her runway hayday!
Happy Tuesday wonderful people! What is something new that you would like to try?
Zster comments on Dec 9, 2020:
I would love to try blowing glass.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 9, 2020:
I took a class, found it on Groupon, spent a lovely afternoon with a patient instructor & 4 other people, made a 6" pumpkin with a long curly "handle! Fun, incredibly interesting, but go in the cooler months! I believe lots of glassblowing places do this for a bit of revenue...I bought some earrings while there.....
Unsolicited Dick Pics: let me explain why you should not send them, heterosexual gentlemen.
Deb57 comments on Dec 7, 2020:
Seriously. Don't send me a picture of your junk unless you want me to rate it on a 1 - 5 scale.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 7, 2020:
Ummm, pretty sure that ratings scale should extend (!!!!) to negative numbers.....
Pastor Rick Joyner: When I Had COVID, I Sat Face-to-Face with God for 15 Days | Hemant Mehta | ...
Word comments on Dec 6, 2020:
Rick Joyner is not someone I would had expected to have seen comments about on this app. As I phased away from being Christian I had read several of Rick Joyner's prophetic books. His books had a strong connection to the supernatural experiences I had experienced to find out Jesus is lucipher the ...
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 6, 2020:
Ummmmm, wait...what? And that's spelled LUCIFER
Rudy may save Trump from having to pardon him.
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 6, 2020:
Thoughts and prayers for Rudy. We ain't gonna ever admit out loud what I'm thinking.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 6, 2020:
Speak for yourself, girl! I have long thought the guy is taking up valuable air?
Rudy Said (By Trump, it must be noted) To Have Tested Positive For the Hoax! []
BirdMan1 comments on Dec 6, 2020:
So, does Covid-19, assuming that this is not another BS story of Donnie boy's, an excuse to halt the idiotic legal circus, does covid-19 take a dick and shrivel and dry it up? Asking for a friend.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 6, 2020:
Actually I have heard that...but don't, fergawdssake, tell that to the "no-maskers"!
Rachael Maddow Friday: those kids separated from their parents at the border, and the current admin.
Larry68Feminist comments on Dec 5, 2020:
Rachel needs to turn over the names of insurance company lobbyists who tell her what to say what NOT to say for the last 11 years since she took over Keith OhlbermanS job
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 6, 2020:
@Larry68Feminist "gawdless maddow" would prefer for her to be religious?
Rachael Maddow Friday: those kids separated from their parents at the border, and the current admin.
Larry68Feminist comments on Dec 5, 2020:
Rachel needs to turn over the names of insurance company lobbyists who tell her what to say what NOT to say for the last 11 years since she took over Keith OhlbermanS job
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 6, 2020:
@Larry68Feminist does this mean you are rescinding your pretty recent offer to come visit & get cozy? Or do you not remember it
Unsolicited Dick Pics: let me explain why you should not send them, heterosexual gentlemen.
Barnie2years comments on Dec 6, 2020:
I’m afraid you’re setting the bar too low for many men! 🤣
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 6, 2020:
No, no, worked in a shipyard for 13 years, amongst 20,000 + men who did not always know a woman was in their vicinity. Enlightening, but I got over it......
Unsolicited Dick Pics: let me explain why you should not send them, heterosexual gentlemen.
ChestRockfield comments on Dec 6, 2020:
I am still of the mind that you should never send them, but women at work talk about them, share them, and have admitted to sleeping with a guy because of them. So, this is not a one-sided problem. If it never worked, guys would probably stop, but since it does, dudes are going to play those odds....
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 6, 2020:
I have worked in about 30 places in my life, and never, not once, has any conversation gone like that, not even in the ladies' restrooms in a shipyard. These ladies at your work are "shinin' you on"!
Rachael Maddow Friday: those kids separated from their parents at the border, and the current admin.
Larry68Feminist comments on Dec 5, 2020:
Rachel needs to turn over the names of insurance company lobbyists who tell her what to say what NOT to say for the last 11 years since she took over Keith OhlbermanS job
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 6, 2020:
Larry68: At the best of times you are barely coherent, but this, posted here, is totally disgusting. Get a med adjustment! And....11 years ago"????
Right-Wing Pastor: The “Coup” Against Trump is a Sign of the “End Times” | Beth Stoneburner ...
Barnie2years comments on Dec 5, 2020:
It would be good if they all go out and committed suicide the day after Biden is inaugurated. Would save so much trouble having to monitor their activities for the next at least four years.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 5, 2020:
What a freakin' Excellent Idea! We could call it The Voluntary Rapture!
Franklin Graham warns Christians that Biden will promote science & the “godless” LGBTQ ...
barjoe comments on Dec 5, 2020:
Got to fear that awful science. He will protect us from "unchecked" LGBTs. I guess he fears the temptation.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 5, 2020:
I need protection?
Well, that's one way to pass the time.
St-Sinner comments on Dec 5, 2020:
No TV is a good thing, better yet they missed Reagan, Bushes, Clinton, Obama, Trump and the China Virus. It is China Virus because it came from China. They should not come back if you ask me.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 5, 2020:
So you enjoy being laughed at like everybody laughs at drump when he says, on his inimitable loving way, "The China Virus? To deflect from his terrible response to it? Really?
I was watching Biden being interviewed, and he was asked, "Do you want to see Trump at your ...
RobertNappi2 comments on Dec 5, 2020:
Joe is just taking the high road...
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 5, 2020:
@Diogenes the high road is Not always the safe road....look how you are all in a lather! Talk softly, act like an adult, and prosecute the crap out of the whole gang! No need to fall to the carpet while foaming at the mouth, I for one have had all I ever want of That!
This is what my friends house in Newville, PA looks like at Xmas time.
AnneWimsey comments on Dec 3, 2020:
I would pay to tour the place, loooove stuff like that!
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 5, 2020:
@fishline79 if I can ever get back into the RV again, and go somewhere, I would be thrilled!
A Satisfying moment in Walmart.
barjoe comments on Dec 2, 2020:
Philadelphia police have been enforcing trespass. Everybody has a mask in Wal-Mart, Home Depot and every store. I saw one incident. The customer acted up and was removed bodily.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 5, 2020:
@JeffMurray you posted just above how bad you feel thinking about kids watching their parents die....dragging in GawdKnowsWhat to my original light-hearted post, but no, we gotta go to the death & dying
A Satisfying moment in Walmart.
barjoe comments on Dec 2, 2020:
Philadelphia police have been enforcing trespass. Everybody has a mask in Wal-Mart, Home Depot and every store. I saw one incident. The customer acted up and was removed bodily.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 4, 2020:
@JeffMurray ummm, their children/friends will not be allowed to be near them if they are dying, or even very nowadays is Not a Dickens novel.....
A Satisfying moment in Walmart.
barjoe comments on Dec 2, 2020:
Philadelphia police have been enforcing trespass. Everybody has a mask in Wal-Mart, Home Depot and every store. I saw one incident. The customer acted up and was removed bodily.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 3, 2020:
@JeffMurray sorry, there are no laws preventing me or anyone else from "just coughing"...I was even maintaining social distance! Where do you get from my post i was acting aggressively & violating protocol?????? Just standing patiently waiting for her to give me room to get by while maintaining distance....I even had my mask on the entire time. Just wow.....
Did George H. W. Bush Really Say Atheists Shouldn’t Be Considered Citizens?
DenoPenno comments on Dec 2, 2020:
He was religious. I never knew him but I think he knew that "one nation under god" was added by Eisenhower to take a stand against communism.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 3, 2020:
It was added by Congress when Eisenhower was President because of Joseph McCarthy & his pernicious witch-hunting!
A Satisfying moment in Walmart.
barjoe comments on Dec 2, 2020:
Philadelphia police have been enforcing trespass. Everybody has a mask in Wal-Mart, Home Depot and every store. I saw one incident. The customer acted up and was removed bodily.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 3, 2020:
@JeffMurray you can only be charged with assault (people with AIDS have been convicted for spitting on others) IF you are in fact infected...I just happened to need to cough. Big difference!
Rational discourse from someone with credentials and expertise. []
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 26, 2020:, wait, this deserves an OHFERFUCK'SSAKE!
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 3, 2020:
@BDair we Were doing very well, until a bunch of New Yorkers showed up at their Summer Houses in late fall.....and what, pray tell, has that to do with your stupid assertions about Wuhan conspiracies???????
kmaz comments on Nov 30, 2020:
I'm troubled by - the ~74m votes that would (in my opinion) have resulted in the death of the USA.... the fact that we came so close to death....., - that I am not seeing sufficient awareness on the left of the need to listen to those 74m to see what can be constructively taken from them (and ...
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 2, 2020:
@kmaz I live in a state that accepts 6 forms of ID, including addressed letters. , I am willing to believe there may be suppression elsewhere, but apparently a lot less than 6 million plus, so how bad could it possibly be?
A Satisfying moment in Walmart.
barjoe comments on Dec 2, 2020:
Philadelphia police have been enforcing trespass. Everybody has a mask in Wal-Mart, Home Depot and every store. I saw one incident. The customer acted up and was removed bodily.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 2, 2020:
@JeffMurray I have Plenty to say to them!!! Or, like me you could start violently coughing while having your mask " accidentally" come loose......
kmaz comments on Nov 30, 2020:
I'm troubled by - the ~74m votes that would (in my opinion) have resulted in the death of the USA.... the fact that we came so close to death....., - that I am not seeing sufficient awareness on the left of the need to listen to those 74m to see what can be constructively taken from them (and ...
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 2, 2020:
@kmaz today, even Barr is giving up on this BS...but you? Nooooooo
Citing rise of 'Christian nationalism,' Secular Democrats unveil sweeping recommendations for Biden
rainmanjr comments on Nov 30, 2020:
Joe's a devout Catholic so don't look for religious reforms.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 1, 2020:
@rainmanjr uuummm, what are you talking about....? Have seen Nothing like that in his entire decades-long career, and neither have you
Sean Hannity said Trump should pardon himself and his family to avoid a ‘witch hunt’ from the ...
AnneWimsey comments on Dec 1, 2020:
Sean H is a shitstain on your tv
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 1, 2020:
@dermot235 yeah, good point.....
CourtJester comments on Nov 30, 2020:
I hope you suffer from everything you voted for.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 1, 2020:
Oh, it's you again, the FAKE doctor from Jasper AL...I called, neither the local county nor the State Medical Association have ever heard of you & were Very interested in your claims of prescribing substances...have a nice time while they look for you, with the pic I provided from here, you LIAR!
kmaz comments on Nov 30, 2020:
I'm troubled by - the ~74m votes that would (in my opinion) have resulted in the death of the USA.... the fact that we came so close to death....., - that I am not seeing sufficient awareness on the left of the need to listen to those 74m to see what can be constructively taken from them (and ...
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 1, 2020:
"Supressed vote count"? Where/when???,,.....I'll wait right here while you get some actual FACTS instead of beleiving drump.....
Paranoia of this time: Is anyone watching how many Electoral College members are getting calls from...
joeandbarb comments on Dec 1, 2020:
At this point in the game with so much going for Biden anyone who tries anything sketchy will probably end up in jail after a couple of months of the Biden administration. Even high profile republicans are backing away slowly from the orange dumpster fire and the only ones hanging on are the ones...
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 1, 2020:
Sounds wonderful!
Citing rise of 'Christian nationalism,' Secular Democrats unveil sweeping recommendations for Biden
rainmanjr comments on Nov 30, 2020:
Joe's a devout Catholic so don't look for religious reforms.
AnneWimsey replies on Dec 1, 2020: One time he injected his personal beliefs into his politics...I'll wait right here...oh, and you can explain his "pro-choice" stance, too......
Happy Sunday Everyone! It's pose your own question day! Please pose your questions, and have fun!
RoyMillar comments on Nov 29, 2020:
1 Why do so many women never learn about banking, paying bills ,drivng a car etc and depend entirely on there partner to do all that out of trust and have no idea what they have for money and put so much trust in there partner to do the right thing ,The same in reverse as some males are this ...
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 30, 2020:
And how many men learn to properly shop, cook, clean house or even care for themselves, get out & make social connections, etc etc big reason unmarried men die at Much higher rates than women. Car/home maintainence, I can pay for (but i never do, i am quite mechanically inclined!)....caring for my physical & emotional needs, priceless.
The poor conservatives are complaining that they are being abused on agnostic!.
barjoe comments on Nov 30, 2020:
Lurking around in the Conservative group? I have some jackass keeps calling me a commie. I got pretty nasty back. I'm cool with alternate viewpoints but I'd rather not fight with people.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 30, 2020:
@barjoe he was completely out of left field.......
Some chocolate bars for your kid's Christmas stocking ?
Killtheskyfairy comments on Nov 30, 2020:
I don’t get it.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 30, 2020:
@Moravian "someone" has waaaayyyy too much time on their hands!
Rational discourse from someone with credentials and expertise. []
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 26, 2020:, wait, this deserves an OHFERFUCK'SSAKE!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 30, 2020:
@BDair yuppers, if you say so.......
I’ve met a few atheists over the years that believe ghosts are real.
Happycanuck comments on Nov 28, 2020:
Yeah ,I agree. I do not know what to do what to do with the woman who walks by our kitchen door and occasionally meets us in our hallway . Have seen her for 10 years or so. My wife and I both see her, but yeah,no evidence.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 30, 2020:
I was working in a cotton mill at age 20, when the supervisor came around i asked him about the new (older woman)employee working a machine about 40' from mine, we had been smiling at each other & making eye contact off & on for several hours. He looked very startled & asked me to describe her, which I easily did. She had operated that very machine for 35 years, had passed away about 3 years before I came to work there (indeed, before I ever arrived in that town). Her sprigged-flower dresses (hers was light blue with pink & white tiny flowers!) were her trademark.
Fact checkers lie and get sued and forced to make a public retraction. []
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 29, 2020:
Wow, major claptrap from a right-wing rag & an Uncle Tom-asina
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 29, 2020:
@Thirst2learn and there it is, the delusion, common among drumpers, that money is important & conveys status.
Fact checkers lie and get sued and forced to make a public retraction. []
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 29, 2020:
Wow, major claptrap from a right-wing rag & an Uncle Tom-asina
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 29, 2020:
@Thirst2learn are you really as dumb as you seem?
Rational discourse from someone with credentials and expertise. []
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 26, 2020:, wait, this deserves an OHFERFUCK'SSAKE!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 29, 2020:
@BDair "walked back their flip-flops" mean, presented updated information as knowledge of Covid grew? Or are you as dumb as you sound?
Fact checkers lie and get sued and forced to make a public retraction. []
barjoe comments on Nov 29, 2020:
What a bunch of pussies. She done be a ho.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 29, 2020:
@barjoe I reported his "commie" slur...what a dumbass!
Fact checkers lie and get sued and forced to make a public retraction. []
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 29, 2020:
Wow, major claptrap from a right-wing rag & an Uncle Tom-asina
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 29, 2020:
@Thirst2learn I am aware of the definition, and "feminized" it to fit the subject. No idea where Your interjection of "obey" enters in....freudian slip, much?
Getting back in the dating game. The search is daunting. What dating sites are recommended?
RoyMillar comments on Nov 28, 2020:
POF is a great site except men have to pay to answer ,so one usually only get men who ares serious
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 29, 2020:
I had a PenPal from POF for several years, until he passed...hwe only talked on POF, he never paid...??
We need to start being honest and start calling what tRump is doing an attempted coup ...
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 23, 2020:
I believe the rash of Court cases his shills are filing are an attempt to get just one before the Supreme Court...apparently he never noticed most Judges are pretty picky, & the higher you go, the more so.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@yvilletom thanks for a very clear explanation!
So recently I've been watching a lot of Jeopardy! Right now I'm watching this episode where the ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 28, 2020:
People are getting married as young as 14, still, with parental consent which explains them marrying at 14.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@dalefvictor my first brother in law, at 29, married a 14 year old...Alabama, of course. By 18 she had 4 kids & had run off at least 7 times, poor kid. Thankfully she got her tubes tied.......
[] That went well 🤔🤣
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 28, 2020:
And yet just last night, trumpers like Court Jester an Alabama troll who is a member, just told me that "that not mean nothing because the electors from the college will elect Trump" just you wait and see. Amazing lunacy!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@actofdog I am familiar with his hometown, Jasper AL. When he was going on & on about being a doctor, (but WTF,) i told him I was contacting the Medical Association in his Very tiny town to ask about his credentials & suddenly instead of being a complete dickhead to me he went all sweet & "we should get together, i am sure we would enjoy it"...yeah, okay.....
Edited: Who knows the highest indicator for intelligence?
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 28, 2020:
I much prefer a "good" IQ paired with humor & Commn Sense
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@Petter sorry, but along with common sense has come a lifetime of "cold-shouldering", particularly from people who IMO should be glad I saved their ass......
Getting back in the dating game. The search is daunting. What dating sites are recommended?
Boomtarat03 comments on Nov 28, 2020: 😉🙃
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 28, 2020:
What I like is, you can look back on their posts not made just for my eyes, & get a great sense of them. This IS the best site, although people are mostly far away......
Getting back in the dating game. The search is daunting. What dating sites are recommended?
273kelvin comments on Nov 28, 2020:
They all have their respective pluses and minuses. Ones, where you pay are supposed to reduce scammers but can just leave you with better ones. Sites like POF, are okay but you have to make an effort. By which you should attend regularly and at hours you think your ideal date would be there, The ...
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 28, 2020:
It is all work, in person or online! But I find the free sites like POF (ignore their suggestions about paying for an upgrade!!!) attract Less scammers than the expensive ones. I always ask specific questions, such as about childhood pets, and block returning non-responsive "general" answers...sure sign of a scammer! As a woman looking in my age group, after I tell you i do not give out personal contact info until a meeting, and suggest we set one up, and you pressure me (humorously or not!) to "just send me your cell #" you get immediately blocked!
Getting back in the dating game. The search is daunting. What dating sites are recommended?
TheDoubter comments on Nov 28, 2020:
my only advice is: don't buy a pig in a poke. be careful. don't accept blindly what you see written. if after online contact the person seems genuine, meet in person. it's harder to fudge face to face.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 28, 2020:
Never give out personal info like phone, email, anything until After a personal meeting!!!
Edited: Who knows the highest indicator for intelligence?
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 28, 2020:
I much prefer a "good" IQ paired with humor & Commn Sense
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@Petter if I had a nickel for everytime, on a nuclear submarine under construction, I said, "why don't we try a "-framis" in here", and had a bunch of stymied highly-degreed engineers geta funny look in their eyes & then go, "okay".... of course they had to write the paper to malke it legit & accepted by the Gov't. To me it is a combination of intuitive understandin/seeing what might work plus the ability to make it work. Hard to explain, but I have had it all my life.
[] That went well 🤔🤣
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 28, 2020:
And yet just last night, trumpers like Court Jester an Alabama troll who is a member, just told me that "that not mean nothing because the electors from the college will elect Trump" just you wait and see. Amazing lunacy!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 28, 2020:
Court Jester is amazingly dense!
I’ve met a few atheists over the years that believe ghosts are real.
Marcie1974 comments on Nov 28, 2020:
Technically I don’t believe in ghosts, however I have had an unexplainable experience
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 28, 2020:
I've had several in my life...just weird. Perhaps nascent or latent "powers"? Lotta brain there with no apparent use for it!
Amazon and Apple 'not playing their part' in tackling electronic waste Global retailers should ...
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 27, 2020:
And who would buy an outdated (if more than a year old, or less!) And refurbished item like that? They wouldn't be able to give them away......
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@FearlessFly newer is usually Cheaper & has more features......
We need to start being honest and start calling what tRump is doing an attempted coup ...
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 23, 2020:
I believe the rash of Court cases his shills are filing are an attempt to get just one before the Supreme Court...apparently he never noticed most Judges are pretty picky, & the higher you go, the more so.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 27, 2020:
@yvilletom would love to hear your perspective!
Bounteous adjective freely bestowed; plentiful; abundant.
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 27, 2020:
We have a bounteous harvest of weeds most years.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 27, 2020:
@altschmerz dandelions are my favorite! Tough little bundles of cheeriness!
Be still my heart.
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 27, 2020:
I was just thinking we need to publicize the names & addresses of the actual Electoral College vote-caster so that we know who is true to the will of the voters, and where to find them if they are not!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 27, 2020:
@jeshuey yes,but put them on FB and all other platforms. so they know they are bering watched! This is no time for looking the other way! Remember that GA gal who wanted to change her mind after a phone call from drump, just about 2 weeks ago?
Apparently today was thanksgiving day in America.
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 26, 2020:
Turkeys are murdered in the name of tradition, which is something the Brits excel at. Our Christmas "dinner" can be whatever we want it to be, Thanksgiving in the US there is usually a choice of Ham or Turkey. I had my Thanksgiving dinner last Saturday with some of the family, today I have been home...
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 27, 2020:
@James121 all prey animals know this,which is 90%+ of animals. Do you think a mouse or rabbit is not Constantly on guard? Only apex predators such as humans find this hard to understand, and only for about 15,000 years for us.
Apparently today was thanksgiving day in America.
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 26, 2020:
They were only born in the first place to be eaten, not like the herds of bison, ya know
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 27, 2020:
@James121 ummmm, yeah, almost everything we eat...would there be billions of chickens and turkeys? Huge herds of beef or milk cows? Hell, giants wheat fields? I think not.......
Rational discourse from someone with credentials and expertise. []
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 26, 2020:, wait, this deserves an OHFERFUCK'SSAKE!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 26, 2020:
@BDair ummmm, everything ever put out by the CDC, Dr. Fauci, and my own state of CT.
Op-Ed: In what moral universe does Biden require a Catholic task force when Trump got a free pass?
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 23, 2020:
What "catholic task force"? Careful, your pre-JFK unreasonable predjudices are showing.....
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 26, 2020:
@IAJO163 no, seeing it right here.
Hello all you wonderful Niblets! What are you all doing this fine Feast Day?
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 26, 2020:
Cooking a fresh duck, made all my very low carb sides yesterday, sausage & onion & cauliflower stuffing, roasted Brussels sprouts, spaghetti squash with butter & curry powder. Toasting walnuts for the cranberry fool dessert later in the residual oven heat. Dogs get the innards & some juices on ...
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 26, 2020:
@dalefvictor short drive, ayah.....
Hello all you wonderful Niblets! What are you all doing this fine Feast Day?
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 26, 2020:
Cooking a fresh duck, made all my very low carb sides yesterday, sausage & onion & cauliflower stuffing, roasted Brussels sprouts, spaghetti squash with butter & curry powder. Toasting walnuts for the cranberry fool dessert later in the residual oven heat. Dogs get the innards & some juices on ...
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 26, 2020:
@dalefvictor i ate some of the sides yesterday as I made them...they should be even better today! Get yourself to the southeast of CT, near Rhode Island, and enjoy leftovers!
A Beautiful Eulogy
BestWithoutGods comments on Nov 26, 2020:
I would be very glad to hear about the death of the Chump. Given the opportunity, I would visit his grave and do my happy dance on it.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 26, 2020:
Even though I am sure it will be a Bigly grave, you will need to wait in line for that
News in Photos: []
LucyLoohoo comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Joke or not--I somehow can't imagine the pustule admitting he's nuts!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 25, 2020:
Indeed....he can't even admit he lost
News in Photos: []
TheDoubter comments on Nov 25, 2020:
giuliani looking healthier than i've seen him in a while
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 25, 2020:
Old pic, maybe 20+ years ago
Op-Ed: In what moral universe does Biden require a Catholic task force when Trump got a free pass?
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 23, 2020:
What "catholic task force"? Careful, your pre-JFK unreasonable predjudices are showing.....
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@IAJO163 ummmm, you posted it, it's yours. Wriggling out is SO unattractive
Not-for-Profit Oxford COVID-19 Vaccine Threatens Big Pharma Profit Logic
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Pfizer has stated it will charge about $4 per dose. These knee-jerk reactions/assumptions help no one!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 25, 2020:
That "Big Pharma" is some kind of ogre, always......
Trump lawyer humiliates herself on national TV with laughable defense [youtube.
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Does she think drump's dick is the same size as her "landslide"???? I do!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@chalupacabre you know me too well!
How did India become so prudish? I bet the British are to blame.
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 24, 2020:
It depends on what religion, they have thousands, with subcultures in each.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@TimeOutForMe ALLreligions keep their adherents & surrounding cultures "back". Are you thinking a new thought?
holidays and other shit
Cyklone comments on Nov 24, 2020:
What's funny about #4???
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 25, 2020:
Too much work to explain, trust us......
So exactly how do Biden supporters justify the televised subtraction of 19k+ from Trump to Biden in ...
t1nick comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Even without those votes in PA, Biden won an overwhelming victory. Without more SPECIFIC information and FACTS, it is not possible to evaluate. Biden is President-elect, so that is what we have to work with. Trump was a POS, so things can only improve. Biden may not be what everybody on ...
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@Flowerwall "televIsed" On what channel/show? Maybe a talk show parody? "Televised" means NOTHING!
Melania dyed her hair blonde, put on 6 inch heeled boots and now up for decorating the fucking ...
DaisyMaeNot comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Focking Christmas.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 24, 2020:
"Pass"?????? Not in a bajillion years!
Here's the latest.
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 24, 2020:
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@Beowulfsfriend when yer right,yer right......OhFFS!
Op-Ed: In what moral universe does Biden require a Catholic task force when Trump got a free pass?
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 23, 2020:
What "catholic task force"? Careful, your pre-JFK unreasonable predjudices are showing.....
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@IAJO163 ummm, no, you for posting such drivel on here. Either 0wn it or use better judgement
They also want your money. []
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 23, 2020:
You mean to tell me i can make a lot of $$$$$ babbling?! WTF didn't somebody tell me that before?!??!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@dalefvictor i Would have a tough time keeping a straight face.......but I could give 90% of the $$$ to Heifer International & Smile Train & spread lots of joy! That would help!
They also want your money. []
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 23, 2020:
You mean to tell me i can make a lot of $$$$$ babbling?! WTF didn't somebody tell me that before?!??!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 23, 2020:
@Wildgreens i am an Excellent actress, the main reason I lived through "life" with the abusive wife-beater.. Betcha I can do tongues with or without a Southern accent, too.
CUTIEBEAUTY where are you? Worried!
LucyLoohoo comments on Nov 23, 2020:
That makes three of us! Have you sent a message?
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 23, 2020:
I am torn between worry & fear of being a pest! Ain't we all?
Letters From An American 11/20/2020
Detritus comments on Nov 21, 2020:
There is a YouTube video explaining why this behavior can lead to 20 years in the pen.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 23, 2020:
@Detritus she explains things so succinctly! Thanks!
Giuliani Fires Conspiracy Theorist Powell After Insane Press Conference President Donald J.
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 23, 2020:
Watching Team Trump in action--from Trump himself to his family, to his advisors and spokespeople, to his legal representatives--is like watching Homer Simpson, the Three Stooges and the Keystone Cops all at one time!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 23, 2020:
Giuliani Fires Conspiracy Theorist Powell After Insane Press Conference President Donald J.
zeuser comments on Nov 23, 2020:
It's the A team all right, but the A doesn't stand for what it usually does.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 23, 2020:
Good catch!
No Mask No Service! This is our Health! []
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 14, 2020:
No sound,thank dawg!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 23, 2020:
@Wildgreens S'okay, i can imagine for about 10 seconds before I need to vomit.
Klingenschmitt: Under Biden, There Will Be an “Atheist Army for the Antichrist” | Hemant Mehta ...
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 22, 2020:
All signed up, the bus to Boot Camp leaves Tuesday 6am sharp!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 23, 2020:
@Triphid especially if they fall to their knees in beseeching!


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