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Wendy Davis, Democrats sue over "Trump Train" incident in Texas | The Texas Tribune
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 24, 2021:
I am Thrilled to see this! It was on a par with Jan. 6!!!!!!!
Rudy G. Suspended by New York Court, Trump will deny knowledge of the guy. []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Yup, from drump, by the weekend at the latest: "Rudy who?"
Andrew Giuliani Cries About Rudy's License Getting Suspended! I Laughed My Ass Fucking Off! Boo Hoo ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Maybe if You had thrown a net over Dear Daddy when he started acting demented, you could have actually helped him, instead of Using him as he taught you....
24th June 1812…Napoleon Bonaparte’s Grand Armee, numbering half a million, begin their invasion ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Space Force Releases Initial Cost Estimate to Yeet Matt Gaetz Into The Sun
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Cheap at twice the price.
FOX News Guest Implies Protesters Are Eager to “Attack and Dethrone God” | Hemant Mehta | ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 23, 2021:
Well, yeah, if a gawd existed I'd be on that bus!
This is Nikki B.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 23, 2021:
So, you're her pimp?
There were two viruses in the America last year and now down to one.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 23, 2021:
Yes, drump is gone,but not silenced, yet......
Not in my 30 years! Voter Fraud in Ohio, By....Guess: []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 23, 2021:
Every time they start pointing fingers the first place to investigate is right behind them. Period!
So I invented my own diet plan for the next 2 weeks.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 23, 2021:
Extremely deficient in amino acids, your hair will go very very thin, nails brittle, about 4 months from now! Vitamins do not supply the amino (proteins) you Must get from food
General's response to Matt Gaetz leaves him shaking his head - YouTube
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 23, 2021:
Does Gaetz rhyme with Twerp? Becuz it should!
We had a request for more meaningful discussions.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 23, 2021:
I thought this was Wonderful & figured everyone would jump right on it...I read it as a very young teen. I am now 72.....
There really IS election fraud. []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 23, 2021:
Yuppers, like that idiot who used his dead girlfriends ID to vote for drump! Does it make any difference that he was the reason she was dead?
Jim Bakker: Give Me $500 and I’ll Send You This Prophetic Mug and Blanket | Hemant Mehta | ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 23, 2021:
Send me $50, and I'll send you 2 mugs & a plush throw! (The Dollar Store is having a sale this week.....)
Something to discuss. []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 23, 2021:
"Something to discuss" on The Woo Channel, maybe........
Trump campaign insiders accused by Dem lawmaker of helping to organize the Capitol insurrection ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 23, 2021:
Probability that this is TRUE: 100% X 100!
Joe Biden Is Still “Deeply Catholic” Even If He Pushes Pro-Choice Policies | Hemant Mehta | ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Because Joe understands SEPARATION of Church & State.......why is that a problem? Any more than JFK being Catholic was? And I was around to watch the Ridiculous BS at that time..." The Pope will run the country" aaaand etc. As a youngster I found it as patently ridiculous then as it is now!
FEDERAL CANNABIS NEWS 622/20/21 The Biden administration will endorse legislation to eliminate ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Connecticut's Governor signed the Recreational Use law today!
Manchin To Vote Yes To Proceed With Debate On Voting Rights Bill - YouTube
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 22, 2021:
For an insignificant official from an insignificant state, he sure is good at getting publicity.
Very accurate portrayal
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Goooooood one!
Strange how prevention works
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 22, 2021:
This does not happen enough! However, I have hope!
Very weird! Lol
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Senate Republicans block Democrats' election bill []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Critical Race Theory for Dummies 1.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Simple, obvious, very frightening/threatening to many, most of whom love drump. I want everybody to get genetic testing so most "lily-whites" can STFU!
Why not equality right now?
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Another "you gotta suspend any critical thinking you ever possessed" to even begin to wade through it. So sad about yer brain......
Quick question, if someone told you something was "melon colored", what color of the rainbow do you ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Cantaloupe insides
Wise advice.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 22, 2021:
After about 4 bad, really bad haircuts, i have been cutting my own for over 50 years, and none of my cuts were as bad as that last "professional" one!
If you ever find yourself among a group of people while you’re wearing a mask and they start ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Also add a throaty cough...don't cough on or towards one of these assholes, for sure they will pull a Karen on you, just cough & "helplessly try to stifle it"! Now they'll have a minimum of 3 weeks' anxiety!
Does teaching "white guilt" also cultivate a "white pride" backlash?
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 22, 2021:
1. Who is "teaching" this, exactly? And where? 2. You think that quite a few white people do not deserve the vilification they richly deserve based on their actions? Like the murderer of George Floyd, maybe? The ASSUMPTIONS you put forward to create a false narrative would take me all day to point out, so I will just leave you with these 2, for now......
This aspect of Stoic wisdom is one I've found useful many, many times for offenses big and small.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 21, 2021:
My Mother told me, "You make your own Heaven or Hell right here" which she meant, how you React/deal with whatever comes determines if your life is Heaven or Hell. Best Advice Ever!
Carl Nassib of Las Vegas Raiders Announces He Is Gay, Pledges $100,000 to Trevor Project
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 21, 2021:
It wasn't until gays came out all over & people realized they were their beloved children, brothers,sisters, best friends that acceptance began in earnest....sports is one of the last frontiers
If you can't sell it for its original use, make up a new one
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 21, 2021:
The State of Oklahoma needs ideas for its stockpile of hydrochloquinone!
Happy Summer Solstice.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 21, 2021:
Right back atcha!
Sums it up pretty well
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 21, 2021:
And a lot of dead bodies......
These are from my May 15 trip to Biltmore.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 21, 2021:
I was there several years ago in the middle of a killing heat wave, far too hot to walk the bedraggled gardens. Thank you for posting!
From the UK, the 1958 telling of the Titanic: A Night to Remember. []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 21, 2021:
When the most recent version came out, there was "Titanic-mania" for awhile, they showed this several times, lots of clips, info on wreck exploration, and etcetcetc. The most wonderful clip, burned in my memory, was an interview with a very old English woman who escaped in the boats with her mother as an 8-year old, (her father went down with the ship). She had been telling people Forever that it broke in half just before finally sinking, and been told over & over by Everybody that she was Wrong/imagining things/just a kid, blah, blah, blah. Then they found it broken in half, and after all her life, she had the satisfaction of saying "I told you so"!!!!! I was, and remain, So happy for her!
Even though he is finally out of office he still manages to entertain us with his buffoonery.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 21, 2021:
I fail to be amused
I love these fun facts
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 21, 2021:
I hate Ranch dressing!
Cute mushrooms while out for a walk
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 21, 2021:
I believe the beautiful ones on the right are Death Caps, known for their alluring looks & dissolving your liver over several agonizing days,then you welcome Death, unlike most " poisonous" mushrooms that only give you temorary digestive woes.
Your only chance
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 21, 2021:
Hippos actually attack & kill humans, deadlier than crocodiles in fact!
I am seriously considering leaving Agnostic.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 20, 2021:
Censorship would Ruin this site IMO! Toughen up, learn to laugh at the losers, where else can you find "40-50" people you enjoy?
I get weird crap happening.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 20, 2021:
Uuummmm, you think they were not scammers......????
Just 12 People Are Behind Most Vaccine Hoaxes On Social Media, Research Shows : NPR
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 20, 2021:
So middle eastern look8ng names mean they Must be Muslims?
Florida is at it again smh
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 20, 2021:
Weird old white guys with far too much time on their hands.....
You look Maaavelous! 😊
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 20, 2021:
I have crossed rooms to tell strangers how great they look, or what fabulous shoes they are wearing, etc.
Trump CFO Allen Weisselberg could face indictment as soon as this summer: NYT []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 19, 2021:
First Day of Summer is this coming week!
In West Virginia, a MAGA Cultist Republican Lawmaker Came Out as Gay | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 18, 2021:
He be severly lost, in more ways than one!
Republican Madison Cawthorn upholds Viet Cong militants as Second Amendment heroes [rawstory.]
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Their arms came from Russia, you stupid fool!
Gonna steal this
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Might need to borrow this! Edit: will throw in some throaty coughing, too....
That's right, folks.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Another deeply researched post from the Captain! Oh goody!
Ex-police chief who stormed the Capitol used his tax-exempt charity to promote violence and spread ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Gee, there's a shocker....
'Who wrote it for him?
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Was it written in crayon? If no, he had "help"
Trump supporter arrested in Texas after boasting he felt 'invincible' while storming the Capitol...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Drunk on power-madness fueled by drimp. Too bad so sad about the arrest.......
Trump appointee complains to judge that spreading footage of his Capitol attack is making him look ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 18, 2021:
No, sweetie, your traitorous Actions make you (look) bad.
GOP's collapse in Michigan stronghold a 'warning light' for Republicans still embracing Trump: ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 18, 2021:
One of my brothers, drump-voting, gun-toting, Ayn Rand -loving die-hard, refers to drump as a "loon" since Jan 6! This Is Progress!!!!
Concession speech? []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 17, 2021:
Now for an apology for undermining the entire country. (Not holding my breath!)
CNN's Chris Cuomo slams Mike Pompeo for absurd claim that Biden wasn't tough enough on Putin ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 17, 2021:
Becuz drump settsuch a splendid example of toughness against him ( and North Korea)
Haha ha ha ha ha!!! 😛
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 17, 2021:
How very probable!
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 17, 2021:
Ummmm, the attire should be food-flecked pajamas + wheelchair + attendant
Supreme Court Rules For Catholic Foster Care Agency Over Philadelphia Gay Rights Law
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 17, 2021:
So here's a, to me, pretty obvious question: if you are gay & hope to adopt, why would you ever apply to an organization with "Catholic" as the first word in in its' name?
Poll: Atheists Overwhelmingly Oppose the Death Penalty; Most Christians Favor It | Rebekah Kohlhepp ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 17, 2021:
Nope, I want them out of the gene pool Yesterday!
Trump whines American Jews 'don't love Israel enough' because they didn't vote for him ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 17, 2021:
Could be, just maybe,that they remember how The Holocaust started & saw "a few" signs?
Anti-Vaxxer Rick Wiles Blames Chinese Agents for His COVID-19 Infection []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 17, 2021:
Becuz he is SO important they sent special agents just for him......
Supreme Court upholds ObamaCare in 7-2 ruling | TheHill
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 17, 2021:
He's pretty old, no doubt getting a whole new perspective plus from family & friends that are aging too
Viewers crack up laughing over Trump's Fox News rant about saving birds from windmills ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 17, 2021:
AS IF he has empathy for anything......
“And if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that he’d have such an uneasy vanity as to be...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 17, 2021:
Writer of the original ideas that got me growing into an atheist!
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 17, 2021:
Hoping i never need to use it, in any form!
Joined 23 groups on first day. And made 3 dumb posts. So far. []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 16, 2021:
What is making her look as if she has 3 breasts hanging out, plus 2 more where they ought to be?
(Satire Alert!) Trump Will Have His Own Summit With Putin Once He’s Reinstated on August 43rd...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 16, 2021:
Maybe fly to Russia & seek asylum? Doubt he would get it......
Pretty much! 😂😂😂
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 16, 2021:
My freaking Mantra!
If China wanted us to know 100% the Virus did NOT come from their lab, they would have let us in the...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 16, 2021:
You cannot ever prove a negative.
Kevin McCarthy’s popularity continues to slide — even among Republicans []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 16, 2021:
Aaaawwwwwwwww, I am so sad about this.....couldn't happen to a nicer guy.......
'Trump betrayed his oath': WaPo editorial sounds alarm about new DOJ bombshells []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 16, 2021:
Keep on digging!
SCOYUS Stnads Up to Sickos: []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
Awwwws, poor widdle babies.........
This documentary focuses on women’s testimony from all walks of life who have been victim of ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
Horrific stuff being dished out, But I have little sympathy for ONLINE abuse claims by adults....block, or go read a book, duhhhhh
(It figures it's this fool, but, come to think of it, it could just as well been any of them.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
The Stupid is strong in this one........
Five officers fired after Black man died by hanging in police custody | TheHill
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
JUST fired? How about negligent homicide, at a bare minimum.....IMO malice aforethought homicide!
21 Republicans vote against awarding medals to police who defended Capitol on Jan. 6 | TheHill
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
And gee, I never saw any of those names in other "how stupid can they be?" news stories,
Just got my second covid shot today. Waiting for side effects.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
Don't hold yer breath!
Somebody take this idiot out... ASAP... Pleeeeease. []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
Do you think the Sercret Service would think this Horrible threatening post was funny? I think I should mention it to them!
Our local dog wash. []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
I wanna do that!
Former Rep.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
Yuppers! I just stood back & urged them on.....
WATCH: Former QAnon believer warns conspiracy theorists will turn violent because they think they're...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
Becuz you can kill Satan with bullets?
Israeli Archaeologists Unearth Magnificent Roman Basilica []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
Interesting that one can find historical confirmation of Herod's existence apart from the Babble, but "Jesus of Nazareth"? Nada, zip, zilch, nuttin'..........
The Fucking President Has Fucking Dementia: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
From the first paragraph: "The fact that Biden is continuing all of Trump's policies...." I stopped reading right there.......
West Virginians are ready for 'non-violent sit-ins' against Manchin for abetting GOP voter ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
How can I help?
GOP Lawmaker Who Made $5,500 “Donation” to Hate-Preacher Says It Was a Mistake | Hemant Mehta | ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
Craven, cowardly, POS.........oh wait, POS plural.
Southern Baptist Leaders Shut Down System-Wide Investigation Into Sexual Abuse | Hemant Mehta | ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
Ooops! Found too much already, didn't ya.....
GOP Lawmaker Says She’ll Finally Stop Comparing Mask Mandates to the Holocaust | Beth Stoneburner ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
You mean she's getting a brain transplant?
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
Nice "click bait" but completely false, & look who bought into it! (again)
Shake Shack Manager Accused Of Poisoning Shakes Sues NYPD Officers, Union For Defamation
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
Give him enough to comfortably retire on!
'Glad I wasn't born Black -- I'd kill myself!' Michigan cop's racist Facebook rant sparks ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
I will happily pay for his DNA testing!!!!!!!! (Nobody, nobody comes up "lily white"!!!)
Common Cold Can Protect Against Infection by COVID-19 Virus []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
TOTAL bullshit! Click Bait x 10........... In the article, it stresses that you must get Interferon in a very small window, Before you have symptoms, so good luck to you......
'Fact-checking nightmare': Publishers are openly mocking Trump's inability to land a book deal ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
Well, maybe if he could actually read or write, or form coherent thoughts......
Don't Know How To Love You Haley Reinhart []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
The QAnon zombie digital soldiers disillusioed with QAnon's inactivity threatens to physically ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 15, 2021:
Big mouths, small dicks, even smaller brains......
Senate Republicans are setting a trap to kill Biden’s agenda: report []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 14, 2021:
If I never had to look at that power-mad evil visage again, I could die happy!
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 14, 2021:
Where is "All of the above"?
A pubican leading a pubican! 😆😂 []
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 14, 2021:
Yuppers, Mike, that's the secret of his charm!
As I get older it seems like no matter how slow I'm going I need to remind myself to go slower.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 14, 2021:
I remind myself that nothing is going to slow things down more than several weeks in traction, followed by nursing-home rehab


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