16 Like Show
It seems rather puzzling that since most of the women on this site claim to be open to meeting ...
NoPlanetB comments on Jul 4, 2019:
No, it's just a lure, we're all really lesbian and you're just here for amusement. 0.0 There is no such thing as "all" anything. You'll have to ask them individually.
AnneWimsey replies on Jul 5, 2019:
@NoPlanetB. Well, at least somewhat original behavior, if just silly......
The census. Go ahead, put the question on it. It just forces people to lie. What say you?
AnneWimsey comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Perhaps we should ALL decline to answer Any questions? It is used to exploit/sell stuff to everybody anyway....
AnneWimsey replies on Jul 5, 2019:
@IAJO163 ummmm, they don't now....?
I try my best to be tolerant, I drummed tolerance into my two sons when they were growing up, but ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jul 2, 2019:
That affectation (dropping the "g") is a mark of a very upper-crust birth & education in the UK, or it was 30 years ago
AnneWimsey replies on Jul 5, 2019:
@Marionville ummmm, from a lifetime e of reading English murder mysteries (Dorothy Sayers, Agatha Christie) I can assure you dropping your "g" was an affectation of the huntin' and shooting' and fishin' set, all activities limited to the wealthy classes. Even used as a clue in a couple of stories!
'I was shocked it was so easy': ​meet the professor who says facial recognition ​​can tell if ...
Aryn comments on Jul 4, 2019:
Not necessarily nephrology. There is a specific bone structure that goes with a lot of people who are born gay. Men look more fine, women look more capable. Gaydar is real.
AnneWimsey replies on Jul 5, 2019:
Ohferpetessake.....Rock Hudson, anyone?
President of National Border Patrol Council: 'Ocasio-Cortez is trying to dehumanize us' | TheHill
JimG comments on Jul 4, 2019:
The actions of the border patrol in following inhumane policies, obeying illegal orders, and the negligent homicides (at best) of detainees are what dehumanize these monsters. Hopefully, his misplaced sympathy will be used against him, when he's sentenced for his crimes against humanity.
AnneWimsey replies on Jul 5, 2019:
@Bobby9 you sir, are a nasty piece of work.
Dear Rose: Please send supplies.
AmelieMatisse comments on Jul 5, 2019:
I am checking my family ancestry and I have found that my great great great grandmother was one of the first stewardesses for the Valley Forge Airline.
AnneWimsey replies on Jul 5, 2019:
Did she get groped by any drump relatives? Oh, wait, they had not immigrated yet.......
It seems rather puzzling that since most of the women on this site claim to be open to meeting ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Are they as they represent themselves? None of them (6 so far)have been, yet, including one Very nasty predator. Are they relatively close? 400 or so miles away is fine, New Zealand not so much. Are we compatible in any other areas? For example, you adore rock-climbing, I have several complete...
AnneWimsey replies on Jul 5, 2019:
@WayneDalton soooo not your mother, and WTH are you going there?
It seems rather puzzling that since most of the women on this site claim to be open to meeting ...
NoPlanetB comments on Jul 4, 2019:
No, it's just a lure, we're all really lesbian and you're just here for amusement. 0.0 There is no such thing as "all" anything. You'll have to ask them individually.
AnneWimsey replies on Jul 5, 2019:
@WayneDalton That would be You, sweetie.
It seems rather puzzling that since most of the women on this site claim to be open to meeting ...
NoPlanetB comments on Jul 4, 2019:
No, it's just a lure, we're all really lesbian and you're just here for amusement. 0.0 There is no such thing as "all" anything. You'll have to ask them individually.
AnneWimsey replies on Jul 5, 2019:
@WayneDalton BS, I call BS on this soon as you point out the idiocy of his blanket generalization, he turns on you! Just the kind of partner I am looking for...NOT!
Disclaimer: the following is based on several years of personal experience with online dating and ...
Seeker3CO comments on Jul 3, 2019:
"look like a woman is supposed to"... how do non-curvy women feel about that? Other than that problem, which you perhaps did not intend, I understand your frustration. But perhaps you are just choosing the wrong type of men? I've online dated for quite awhile (currently on hiatus) and found it ...
AnneWimsey replies on Jul 4, 2019:
@Seeker3CO I have The Best anecdotes from online dating (hikarious, scary, everything in between) a long time "pen pal" some lovely adventures. I do not want marriage or even living together, maybe that means I am less picky? I have Never paid to use a site........but at this age (almost 71) I would Not have the local choice that online opens up, never. And, easy to eliminate smokers, trump lovers, and guys who live in New Zealand ( lovely country, but tough to go out spontaneously for coffee...)
So if trump loses the election, will he fabricate a crisis and try to stay in power?
DenoPenno comments on Jul 3, 2019:
I believe there is a good chance that he might do that. Will anyone have guts enough to forcibly remove him?
AnneWimsey replies on Jul 3, 2019:
Me & my pitchfork! (I really have one, the traditional one for pitching perfect is That?!!)!)
I am in love with this woman and we've been seeing each other for 3 years now.
Nardi comments on Jun 29, 2019:
To be fair I knew there would be problems going into this relationship but we got on so well together I felt it was worth it. I thought I was man enough to deal with anything but what I never anticipated was firstly how deeply I fell in love with her and secondly how much not seeing her for long ...
AnneWimsey replies on Jul 2, 2019:
"Being man enough" is such a Trap! Relationships are supposed to be mutually supportive!
Americans have been voting for the “lesser evil” for too long.
Buddha comments on Jun 30, 2019:
I'm still feeling the Bern, but more and more I'm thinking all is lost.
AnneWimsey replies on Jul 1, 2019:
Meet you in Canada!
Has others seen the news, that trump wants to seal off the Lincoln Memorial and just have friends, ...
gater comments on Jun 29, 2019:
King Trump - I like it :)
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 30, 2019:
@gater geez louise gater, you gotta stop watching Faux! Seriously, man, you used to have a brain!
I am in love with this woman and we've been seeing each other for 3 years now.
Nardi comments on Jun 29, 2019:
To be fair I knew there would be problems going into this relationship but we got on so well together I felt it was worth it. I thought I was man enough to deal with anything but what I never anticipated was firstly how deeply I fell in love with her and secondly how much not seeing her for long ...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 30, 2019:
You can call the Helpline in your area, usually 311 or 411, you can request low/no cost therapy as well. Do yourself a big favor & interview a few before you commit to one!
God created nature or are we an evolution of bio organisms first?
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Why are you babbling on about some "gawd"? Pretty inappropriate!
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 28, 2019:
@Debbera who, exactly, wrote that about "112 levels of reality"??????? You, maybe?
New Alabama Law Permits Christian Church To Establish Its Own Police Force | Michael Stone
Kojaksmom comments on Jun 27, 2019:
The Taliban is now in control of Alabama. I also read that a pregnant woman was shot in an argument causing her to miscarry a five-month-old fetus. The woman carrying a fetus faces jail time for the murder of a child, but the shooter walks free. Welcome to living life under the Christian fascists ...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 28, 2019:
@Kojaksmom no, I mean the shooter would be charged with murder in many places.
God created nature or are we an evolution of bio organisms first?
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Why are you babbling on about some "gawd"? Pretty inappropriate!
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 28, 2019:
@Debbera um, I had an IQ of 143 at the 8th grade test, only missed 2 questions on the PSAT 2 years later. (Graduated HS after 3 years) Unless dyslexic, sheer laziness IMO.
What do you think about Deism?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Labels again. I'm an agnostic pantheistic deist. OR AM I? If a deist believes IN any kind of supreme being, that's not me. I guess I believe IN the possibility of the existence of SOME kind of "prime cause," or if you will, an as yet undefinable, unknowable Something. Do I call this Something "god?"...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 27, 2019:
@Storm1752 phoney or not, hugely successful by any measure. Oh, and BTW, did Cayce ever get The Amazing Randy's million dollars? No? Why not?
Teacher Disciplines Student for Saying There Are Only 2 Genders | The Official Position of the State...
Athena comments on Jun 22, 2019:
I'm not sure what I think of this. Stating there are only two genders is unsupportive of trans people. I wonder how this would have gone if, instead of gender, he referred to a biracial person and said, "Someone is either black or white."
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 27, 2019:
@Jacar oh no they are not! Blanket generalizations are Crap!
Teacher Disciplines Student for Saying There Are Only 2 Genders | The Official Position of the State...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 23, 2019:
So, you want to live in a world where teachers can censure kids for asking. Perhaps the teacher should have started a productive discussion...i'm betting there are some kids right in that class with "2 moms" or whatever, and the teacher could have pointed out that it is None 9f Anybody's Business!
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 27, 2019:
@Jacar because just maybe several kids in their class are Living this reality and my taxpayers $$$ is not (hopefully) being used to make them feel bad about themselves and/or be bullied about it? What exactly do you think a little kid can do to make the adults around them conform to Your notions of "acceptable"??????
Am I the only one who is insulted and feels like a piece of meat when they receive a message that is...
EyesThatSmile comments on Jun 25, 2019:
I would try to take it as a compliment and say thank you.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 27, 2019:
You have to start somewhere... it is, what, less than a minute of your time to find out a bit more before you Block them?
New Alabama Law Permits Christian Church To Establish Its Own Police Force | Michael Stone
Kojaksmom comments on Jun 27, 2019:
The Taliban is now in control of Alabama. I also read that a pregnant woman was shot in an argument causing her to miscarry a five-month-old fetus. The woman carrying a fetus faces jail time for the murder of a child, but the shooter walks free. Welcome to living life under the Christian fascists ...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 27, 2019:
I actually would need to see some documentation of this..."murder" of a fetus has been a law on the books in many states for a long time, so this seems odd.....
Does anyone know of anything practical we can do to help the detained children at the border?
gater comments on Jun 21, 2019:
Support the wall so they wont die trying to get here.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 26, 2019:
@Varn that was for gater & everybody else who thinks a wall is a good idea......
What do you think about Deism?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Labels again. I'm an agnostic pantheistic deist. OR AM I? If a deist believes IN any kind of supreme being, that's not me. I guess I believe IN the possibility of the existence of SOME kind of "prime cause," or if you will, an as yet undefinable, unknowable Something. Do I call this Something "god?"...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 26, 2019:
@Storm1752 my point is, believers gonna believe. And I do not think you can discount him being taken more seriously than the average tent-prophesy was/is because he was a Male. Joseph Smith was even more successful than Cayce, why do you use him as an example?
I think this is just venting (uinless anyone can offer some assistance?
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 25, 2019:
She was frightened about your phone being busy for so long & used the "computer thing"as an excuse so she wouldn't have to admit she had visions of you lying on the floor with phone in hand, having had a stroke or heart attack in the middle of dialing 911. Good grief !
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 26, 2019:
@Lillyfield41 just like mine (RIP)
Am I the only one who is insulted and feels like a piece of meat when they receive a message that is...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 25, 2019:
What can you actually say to an unknown person to start a conversation? Lighten up!
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 25, 2019:
@MizJ Men are visual creatures.
Does anyone know of anything practical we can do to help the detained children at the border?
gater comments on Jun 21, 2019:
Support the wall so they wont die trying to get here.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 25, 2019:
@Varn ummmm, The Great Wall of China, 20' wide, 5,000 miles long, 20' high or higher, the only man-made structure big enough to be seen from space. How many people did it keep out over the centuries? NONE! Wall, my ass......
The hardest part of divorce. . . Finding and removing the dead mice on your own.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 24, 2019:
Learning to kill those big millipedes in the bathtub at 3am...thank goodness for Orkin!
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 25, 2019:
@heymoe2001 daddylong legs are Not harmless, certain ones have a bite that will put you in the hospital!
What do you think about Deism?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Labels again. I'm an agnostic pantheistic deist. OR AM I? If a deist believes IN any kind of supreme being, that's not me. I guess I believe IN the possibility of the existence of SOME kind of "prime cause," or if you will, an as yet undefinable, unknowable Something. Do I call this Something "god?"...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 25, 2019:
@Storm1752 I used to read Tarot cards...beloved in what I was doing, too. Quite successful actually. Then I noticed whatever reading I gave, to whomever, they claimed it "fit".
Last year, at age 61, I got my first (and only) tattoo.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 25, 2019:
I just found out the local casino (Mohegan Sun) has a mechanical bull! Looking for something to do for my 71st next month.....
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 25, 2019:
@Buddha no pain no gain? Falling "soft", as if you were drunk, is IMO key........maybe I will eat my traditional birthday lobster a day earlier...doubt they will bring me one if I am in traction.
Does anyone know of anything practical we can do to help the detained children at the border?
zesty comments on Jun 21, 2019:
Send them back, wherever they came from.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 25, 2019:
@zesty when your "logic" is patently just thinly disguised nastiness, always go personal.........
I feel like no matter how I word this, I will come out looking bad, but here it goes.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 24, 2019:
Jobs come & go nowadays...she may land a fabulous one next! Unless she wants you to support her, not really your business, is it?
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 25, 2019:
@JasonTomerlin2 how do you know there will be something to avoid?
Does anyone know of anything practical we can do to help the detained children at the border?
zesty comments on Jun 21, 2019:
Send them back, wherever they came from.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 24, 2019:
@zesty ummm, many are the cream of the crop...doctors, lawyers, engineers, people with the vision to want a better life. Your ASSumptions about their education are revolting, your ill-wishing "because they deserve it" is absolutely disgusting! Except for an accident of birth, it could be you & yours. Hubris is So unattractive!
Jess Hill's mission to understand abusive men - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
ToolGuy comments on Jun 24, 2019:
I agree that men far outnumber abusive women but in my counselling practice I also saw women who had abused their partner or their children. I also saw men — not as numerous as women mind you — who had suffered from physical abuse and NEVER retaliated. I counselled a family (mother and 2 sons) ...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 24, 2019:
My youngest brother has stayed married to a mentally & physically abusive woman for almost 30 years...they were even able to adopt 2 special-needs kids because he wouldn't open his mouth!
Why religious people use "He" for god, and why is there no female prophet in history of religion?
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 24, 2019:
Umm, Cassandra? Judith, Ester, etc from the babble? This is why blanket statements are Never true!
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 24, 2019:
@COGITOERGOSUM "bible"...seems more descriptive!
One of the things I find really irritating is when a post or such like includes LOL or ROFLMAO etc.
Marionville comments on Jun 23, 2019:
I don’t understand half the acronyms used!
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 24, 2019:
Google them!
What do you think about Deism?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Labels again. I'm an agnostic pantheistic deist. OR AM I? If a deist believes IN any kind of supreme being, that's not me. I guess I believe IN the possibility of the existence of SOME kind of "prime cause," or if you will, an as yet undefinable, unknowable Something. Do I call this Something "god?"...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 24, 2019:
@Storm1752 My brother lives in Norfolk VA, I have toured the Center, plus knew about him from decades ago. Another "seance" type charlatan, like so many others, just a man instead of a woman so he was given more cred. "No way of knowing" crapola.......
I had another date with someone who went on about how my pictures don't do me justice.
Cast1es comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Many years ago , I signed up for a dating site . I'd prefer a younger man . Eventually , the site reorganized and placed me , along with all other women my age , in a segment where we'd only be seen by older men . So much for personnel preferences .
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 24, 2019:
@Detritus I find Plenty of Fish does a fine job, including the distance I prefer to do have to "refresh" every now & then, but otherwise no problems uncover 8 years.
Jess Hill's mission to understand abusive men - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
webbew1 comments on Jun 24, 2019:
That's pretty simple, really. Abusive men are a lethal combination of low level evolutionary development, paranoid and delusional thought processes and below average intelligence. A more telling research project would answer why women pick and choose to stay with these knuckle dragging derelicts...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 24, 2019:
You think that only dumb, unsuccessful men are abusers? I would be ROFLMAO if that wasn't so far away from the truth....and believing that is a Huge part of the problem! and all of us battered women Know that leaving is the absolutely most dangerous time...we told these researchers that for 20 years (after the Tracy Thurman case) and Then they came out and said the same thing....gee, thanks......
I had another date with someone who went on about how my pictures don't do me justice.
Cast1es comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Many years ago , I signed up for a dating site . I'd prefer a younger man . Eventually , the site reorganized and placed me , along with all other women my age , in a segment where we'd only be seen by older men . So much for personnel preferences .
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 23, 2019:
All the sites I have been on let you delineate your parameters, age, smoker, religious or not, etc etc, usually in the "profile" section
What do you think about Deism?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Labels again. I'm an agnostic pantheistic deist. OR AM I? If a deist believes IN any kind of supreme being, that's not me. I guess I believe IN the possibility of the existence of SOME kind of "prime cause," or if you will, an as yet undefinable, unknowable Something. Do I call this Something "god?"...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 23, 2019:
@Storm1752 Edward Cayce...ohferpetessake
A post a while back mentioned something about running across people you know on dating sites.
potteryguy2018 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
After I divorced my wife for cheating on me, I ran across two of her dating profiles. These were from when we were still married!!
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 23, 2019:
I found the website of his porn-making (married with grandkids) girlfriend...a magic moment, for sure!
Agatha Christie
Athena comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Marriage is always depicted so badly on this site, and it seems to be the case everywhere else too. If this is the case, why is everyone always asking me why I'm not married?
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 23, 2019:
That would be because it IS a bad idea, unless you want a bunch of ingrained assumptions to appear.....
Alcoholics Anonymous... Is a religious cult?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 22, 2019:
It's for the birds...they insist on doing the same exact boring ritual--sort of like mass--every single time, and it's VERY god-centered. It ALL bothers me to no end, but particularly repugnant is the "moral inventory'" where you do a lengthy autobiographical history of your drinking career, ...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 23, 2019:
@Storm1752 ummmm, my first marriage was to a physically & mentally abusive drunkard. I still have actual scars, some on my face, from that time over 50 years ago. I am usually teetotal, and cannot abide being in the prescence of a drunk. It triggers my PTSD. Your ASSumption that I need counseling in this area sickens me!
Have an RV? Become a Workamper. []
sfvpool comments on Jun 22, 2019:
Interesting... I’v been thinking of getting a travel trailer... Thanks!
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 22, 2019:
@MissKathleen I believe you are the 12th or 13th person to ask that, lol! Sorry, no. We do have several "cult" websites that you can try, and/or people advertise advice, group rally info, etc.....
Does anyone know of anything practical we can do to help the detained children at the border?
zesty comments on Jun 21, 2019:
Send them back, wherever they came from.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 22, 2019:
@zesty ummm, most of these desoerate families presented themselves at the proper border points and requested asylum, as is the law. Ever hear of karma? Your ill-wishing, towards CHILDREN, makes me glad you are far away from me....and BTW, the taxpayers Are paying all their expenses from the day they were seized, and until "whenever".
I guess it’s ultimatum day.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 22, 2019:
Why, again, are you allowing yourself to be put in this position? Just say No, just see the man when he is free.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 22, 2019:
@ProudMerrie is he being used as a free babysitter every weekend (under the ASSumption that older persons have no life?) Or is it his choice because he adores these kids and/or needs to be needed? Huge difference!
So I have an uncomfortable suspicion regarding my father.
Sgt_Spanky comments on Jun 20, 2019:
If this happened over 35 years ago it seems to me you'd have noticed some questionable behavior over the decades -- too much attention to a child he knows or among your friends when you were a kid -- something to indicate these impulses were ongoing and he struggles against acting on them. A ...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 22, 2019:
@kodimerlyn Truth!
Have an RV? Become a Workamper. []
sfvpool comments on Jun 22, 2019:
Interesting... I’v been thinking of getting a travel trailer... Thanks!
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 22, 2019:
@MissKathleen I have a Rialta, a '96 with less than 50,000 miles on it! 18mpg, tolls same as cars, small turning radius, German engineering, love love love it!
Is anyone else on this site sick and tired of practically being called a bigot for saying the same ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 19, 2019:
We were mostly once xians, or are very aware of xian culture. I see 99% those who post nasty stuff about Muslims are totally ignorant of actual Muslim culture, they are just spewing crap to foment trouble & strife. How about You?
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 22, 2019:
@TheDarkNolanite ummm, to start at the beginning....Madelyn Murray O'Hare got Daily death threats her entire life.
Does anyone know of anything practical we can do to help the detained children at the border?
zesty comments on Jun 21, 2019:
Send them back, wherever they came from.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 22, 2019:
@zesty ummm, "some South American shithole"??? Sorry, Our ICE agents & children/infants the USA ripped from their families for daring to seek asylum. (A legal right, BTW)
Alcoholics Anonymous... Is a religious cult?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 22, 2019:
It's for the birds...they insist on doing the same exact boring ritual--sort of like mass--every single time, and it's VERY god-centered. It ALL bothers me to no end, but particularly repugnant is the "moral inventory'" where you do a lengthy autobiographical history of your drinking career, ...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 22, 2019:
Wow, lots of reasons to keep drinking there......
Does anyone know of anything practical we can do to help the detained children at the border?
zesty comments on Jun 21, 2019:
Send them back, wherever they came from.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 22, 2019:
@zesty if you support this administration in any way, you are as responsible as the actual officers carrying out these policies.
Is anyone else on this site sick and tired of practically being called a bigot for saying the same ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 19, 2019:
We were mostly once xians, or are very aware of xian culture. I see 99% those who post nasty stuff about Muslims are totally ignorant of actual Muslim culture, they are just spewing crap to foment trouble & strife. How about You?
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 22, 2019:
@TheDarkNolanite really? Some of them were in schools & churches, in fact quite a few.....your willful ignorance is Astounding....
Is anyone else on this site sick and tired of practically being called a bigot for saying the same ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 19, 2019:
We were mostly once xians, or are very aware of xian culture. I see 99% those who post nasty stuff about Muslims are totally ignorant of actual Muslim culture, they are just spewing crap to foment trouble & strife. How about You?
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 21, 2019:
@TheDarkNolanite ummmmmmm, plenty of evangelicals with guns have Actually shot people, or haven't you noticed?
So I have an uncomfortable suspicion regarding my father.
Sgt_Spanky comments on Jun 20, 2019:
If this happened over 35 years ago it seems to me you'd have noticed some questionable behavior over the decades -- too much attention to a child he knows or among your friends when you were a kid -- something to indicate these impulses were ongoing and he struggles against acting on them. A ...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 21, 2019:
@Sgt_Spanky maybe he was made to feel bad the same as people used to condemn masturbation?
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 20, 2019:
Ummmmm, what?
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 20, 2019:
@Amisja yes, I think so, but no link, no context, no nuthin'........
‘My mum didn’t vaccinate me – this is what happened next’ "It started when I accidentally...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 19, 2019:
80 years ago A Lot of people died from simple wounds & lacerations that we feel free to be cavalier about!
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 20, 2019:
@Piratefish I have heard thus for over 30 years now......and I cannot believe that we are not now Much better at inventing new antibiotics than we were then...... The real problem is the massive use of routinely putting large amounts of antibiotics into cattle/cows/chickens, thus giving bacteria a Huge field to play in.
So I have an uncomfortable suspicion regarding my father.
Sgt_Spanky comments on Jun 20, 2019:
If this happened over 35 years ago it seems to me you'd have noticed some questionable behavior over the decades -- too much attention to a child he knows or among your friends when you were a kid -- something to indicate these impulses were ongoing and he struggles against acting on them. A ...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 20, 2019:
I repeat, if the kids in question (your Dad & a girl) were about the same age, Mutual Exploration is NOT "molestation", in any sense of the word!
‘My mum didn’t vaccinate me – this is what happened next’ "It started when I accidentally...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 19, 2019:
80 years ago A Lot of people died from simple wounds & lacerations that we feel free to be cavalier about!
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 20, 2019:
@Piratefish it is not good because the bacteria keep mutating, but it is not, not even close, to the times before we had antibiotics. Every hear ofThe Black Death? Bubonic plague, wiped out 1/3 of the population! Still around but yields to antibiotics, for just one example
Is anyone else on this site sick and tired of practically being called a bigot for saying the same ...
Matias comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Could you give us an example of some Liberal (from the mainstream, not from the "lunatic fringe"!), who actually glamorizes the hijab and defends the burka as just another cultural practice which should be defended ?
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 19, 2019:
@TheDarkNolanite R Koop ROFLMAO.... SI Swimsuit Edition? Omg.......
Is anyone else on this site sick and tired of practically being called a bigot for saying the same ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 19, 2019:
We were mostly once xians, or are very aware of xian culture. I see 99% those who post nasty stuff about Muslims are totally ignorant of actual Muslim culture, they are just spewing crap to foment trouble & strife. How about You?
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 19, 2019:
@TheDarkNolanite you mean, like atheists who used to be xian talk about their former beliefs?
More women are choosing not to have kids, and society can't cope - ABC Life
ProudMerrie comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Why does society hate it so much when women do what they want?
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 19, 2019:
@slydr68 Truth!
Is anyone else on this site sick and tired of practically being called a bigot for saying the same ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 19, 2019:
We were mostly once xians, or are very aware of xian culture. I see 99% those who post nasty stuff about Muslims are totally ignorant of actual Muslim culture, they are just spewing crap to foment trouble & strife. How about You?
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 19, 2019:
@TheDarkNolanite How about Not telling everybody how You think they should live? And recognizing that Imposed policies, whether it be capitalism or any type of religion, Never has worked in the history of the world!
More women are choosing not to have kids, and society can't cope - ABC Life
ProudMerrie comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Why does society hate it so much when women do what they want?
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 19, 2019:
@slydr68, @ProudMerrie in some places there have been. However, fertility clinics make Huge bucks from their clients, (not covered by insurance, so they get $$$$$$l so can maintain privacy & exclusivity with ease. As usual, money gets you privilege, and privacy
More women are choosing not to have kids, and society can't cope - ABC Life
ProudMerrie comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Why does society hate it so much when women do what they want?
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 19, 2019:
@slydr68 yes it is!
More women are choosing not to have kids, and society can't cope - ABC Life
Charlene comments on Jun 19, 2019:
The human race will survive!
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 19, 2019:
@Spinliesel all Good things!
Old dick it is
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 18, 2019:
Hey! I am of Slovenian extraction, you racist pig!
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 19, 2019:
@whiskywoman ummmmmmm, SARCASM...?!
Conservative Christian Activist Warns Masturbation Is Gay Sex | Michael Stone
ADKSparky comments on Jun 18, 2019:
Just ignore them and vote against evangelical politicians.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 18, 2019:
Perfect suggestion!
Oh FFS, if this relationship goes south it will be because of one of the following: 1.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 16, 2019:
1. Can he be proud of your competence (at anything) or does it give him a "chip on the shoukder" attitude? 2. They are not Your relatives (at any age!) So their actions are not a reflection on you....stay above it all, BUT make it clear, nicely but firmly, what behavior You expect in Your house ...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 17, 2019:
@ProudMerrie you cannot & should not allow yourself to become caretaker of these kids, or anybody else's! End of story! I am glad you tried it but have seen the light! Everyone needs some "alone time", while he babysits, you can get a pedicure, etc.
‪This sweet little baby has been resting in my grandparent’s yard the past couple of days.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jun 11, 2019:
Those look like ticks around the eye so you should really contact an animal rescue group that can help that fawn. You should also spray the yard to eliminate the tick infestation or you could end up with them transferring to your pets or family.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 15, 2019:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I have dogs, my yard is full of singing birds, occasional skunks, possums, even a coyote in this little city. I would Never use broad-spectrum killers like Seven...hey, I want to be out there too!
Amisja comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Spelling is one things but some words actually have a slightly different meaning. The word momentarily for instance. Obviously there are the biggies like 'fag' and 'rubber'. I managed to avoid them for virtually the entire time I lived in USA. It was mostly ok, most of the time I could make myself ...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 13, 2019:
@Moravian fag is also a junior (english) member of a college like Oxford who "serves" an uppercalssman as a kind of dogsbody.
Were there any problems in this world BEFORE Trump was president or did ALL of the world issues ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 11, 2019:
He has made spewing hatred, even physical violence, acceptable. Before drump, there was a thing called "politeness" where people that said/did things to make other people unhappy/miserable/ injured were looked down upon by most. Now, not so much.....
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 13, 2019:
@tiger78 ummmm.....most of the violence comes from people WEARING the MAGA hat (made in China), either actually or your sources?
The “wise” Mr. Watts...
Matias comments on Jun 12, 2019:
People whose personality changes within five minutes are suffering from some kind of mental disorder (bipolar or borderline .. come to my mind)
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 12, 2019:
‪This sweet little baby has been resting in my grandparent’s yard the past couple of days.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 11, 2019:
You need to call Wildlife Rehabilitation NOW....this fawn will die from an infection like this, or a predator will find it because the infection gives off a scent predators can easily find (fawns are scentless, normally)
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 12, 2019:
@1EarthLovingGal they will not rat you out to him! Call!
‘Straight Pride’ organisers revealed to have links to far-right and white nationalist groups
JacarC comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Don't believe this shit. The left-polers label anyone they don't like as "far-right."
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 11, 2019:
Oh, Jacar, we are all aware of where your sympathies lie...try not to be so obvious about it, sweetie
HOW GOD ALMOST KILLED ME: A true story. - YouTube
St-Sinner comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Religion does not ask you to commit suicide. It gives you ideas. It is up to you as a grown up to sort out what is right and wrong and choose your path forward. Almost all of us came from religion in childhood but chose to leave the bad behind and be freethinkers. It is the slavery of mind, not ...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 10, 2019:
Every religion I know calls suicide a very bad cannot even be buried in consecrated ground.
I'm single, in my 40's and am allergic to cats.
A2Jennifer comments on Jun 9, 2019:
I’m single (divorced) 38 and atheist and “allergic to cats” is a “dealbreaker” for me.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 10, 2019:
@Bigwavedave oh well.....
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 10, 2019:
ROFLMAO...this is sarcasm, right?
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 10, 2019:
@DavidLaDeau I think you may be on the wrong site. 1. A religious site definitely needed 2. Help Line or maybe Pity Party, or both
I'm single, in my 40's and am allergic to cats.
A2Jennifer comments on Jun 9, 2019:
I’m single (divorced) 38 and atheist and “allergic to cats” is a “dealbreaker” for me.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 10, 2019:
@onthefire I hate cats!
Older Americans Are Preparing for Death, but Not Long-Term Care
JeffMesser comments on Jun 9, 2019:
well that's what pills and guns are for. we can't afford to live that long.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 10, 2019:
@MsDemeanour, @JeffMesser taking pills is a complete toss-up, as soon as you become even partially unconscious 60% of people will vomit most of them up, leaving you, now probably with brain damage, to be pitied by all your acquaintances. Guns, tailpipe exhaust, trains, or falls from tall places are more certain. Of course I have never ever thought about theses things.....
Older Americans Are Preparing for Death, but Not Long-Term Care
JeffMesser comments on Jun 9, 2019:
well that's what pills and guns are for. we can't afford to live that long.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 10, 2019:
@MsDemeanour put some heavy blankets over you & the chair, then pull the trigger. Of course I have never ever thought about any such thing......
Lyme disease..
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 9, 2019:
I live less than 20 miles from Lyme Ct, and have had both myself, my ex, & most of my dogs get Lyme, several times each. Once you have had it, you will Always test positive, so most docs will prescribe 10 days of doxycycline if you exhibit symptoms. There are a lot of quacks out there telling you...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 9, 2019:
@FatherOfNyx there is a Lyme vaccine for dogs, but it is pretty ineffective...hubby & I were enrolled in the human trials for a similar vaccine, the trial was ended prematurely because of ineffectiveness..that was about 20 years ago
Trump Administration Plans to Reclassify High-Level Radioactive Waste as Low-Risk [democracynow.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 8, 2019:
Because truth is flexible......
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 9, 2019:
@JanGarber that's SARCASM!
"We must resist the impoverishment of public discourse on matters of religion which has come about ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 8, 2019:
So we should spend more time discussing religion (!!!???!) No thanks.......
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 9, 2019:
@CeliaVL neither, thankyuvurrymuch, unless Amazing Randy's estate starts offering that million dollars again...
The Reality That All Women Experience That Men Don’t Know About - The Good Men Project
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 7, 2019:
I broke down crying while reading this. Got my Huge boobs at age 11, no idea how to cope, now 71, got boobs reduced last year & wear white hair...unbelievable relief probably 80% of the time....guess to be treated like a PERSON I will need to be dead.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 8, 2019:
@Ms_McSteven that's a commentary on both her level of competence & empathy. Sad!
Demanding End to 'Rotten' Opposition to Medicare for All, Doctors and Nurses to March on American ...
Rob1948 comments on Jun 8, 2019:
Having talked to some doctors, I’m not sure that they are all that happy with Medicare. The reason: fees paid for certain procedures or specialties in one location are wildly divergent to those paid in another. That has resulted in an imbalance in services offered from location to location. (This ...
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 8, 2019:
It takes "forever" to get an appointment with a Good doctor for the same reason you need to wait for a Good roofer, or plumber, or any other specialist. The Good ones are in demand. Anybody that can "come right over" is not worth having!
The Reality That All Women Experience That Men Don’t Know About - The Good Men Project
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 7, 2019:
I broke down crying while reading this. Got my Huge boobs at age 11, no idea how to cope, now 71, got boobs reduced last year & wear white hair...unbelievable relief probably 80% of the time....guess to be treated like a PERSON I will need to be dead.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 8, 2019:
@Ms_McSteven you need an actual Doctor. Someone who listens to what You want! Your requests sound perfectly reasonable, I think that idiot just wanted to pad the bill...what you wanted/needed would probably have been covered by insurance, all that crap she describes would Not, therefore, a lot of money for her, from you. Disgraceful!
The Reality That All Women Experience That Men Don’t Know About - The Good Men Project
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 7, 2019:
I broke down crying while reading this. Got my Huge boobs at age 11, no idea how to cope, now 71, got boobs reduced last year & wear white hair...unbelievable relief probably 80% of the time....guess to be treated like a PERSON I will need to be dead.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 8, 2019:
@altschmerz have never understood the very widespread ASSumption that because I had big boobs (strictly genetics, not a choice!) I was somehow a "loose woman".......
What do you look for in a man or a woman if you want a long term relationship, and whats more ...
ToolGuy comments on Jun 6, 2019:
Not really looking anymore. Little point.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 8, 2019:
@ToolGuy I find the world generally meets my expectations, at least in the years since I turned 60........
Isn't it funny that religious fundamentalists and anti-religion activists have one trait in common:...
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 7, 2019:
Still pushing that, "there is no actual truth" crapola drumpy wants us to buy, are ya?
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 7, 2019:
@Mb_apples & oranges. In the Real world, despite Fox & drumpy's crowd, there is Plenty of actual TRUTH. Saying there is not is endorsing his crap!
What do you look for in a man or a woman if you want a long term relationship, and whats more ...
ToolGuy comments on Jun 6, 2019:
Not really looking anymore. Little point.
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 7, 2019:
What the Hell are you talking about?!! Do you have any idea how wonderful every precious minute is at this age, especially enhanced by someone to share some of them with?!!!??
Ummmm..... REALLY? []
Petter comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Whilst we're about it, how about covering the costs of make-up and hair gel?
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 5, 2019:
Do not trivialize what causes a lot of suicides & life-ruining depression, thanyuvurrymuch.
Or drive a tank.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Apparently they are all in a permanent bad mood, and have Huge teeth......
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 4, 2019:
@GeorgeRocheleau good point.......
Very Sad... []
VictoriaNotes comments on Jun 4, 2019:
So, the federal government is policing where Americans go on vacation. Is China next?
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 4, 2019:
@Aryn um, that ban was lifted almost a decade ago...welcome back from Pluto?
True American asshole.
BD66 comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Do you believe that is an impeachable offense? I'd say the lack of an American flag on his lapel pin is about 1% as embarrassing at this:
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 4, 2019:
@BD66 ooookkkaaaayyy, because going back Half A Century is Soooo helpful now.........
Should atheists have to do jury duty?
Imatheistically comments on Jun 3, 2019:
NO ONE should "have to do" jury duty! Its a violation of the 13th Amendment's "involuntary servitude" prohibition, and also compromises the "impartiality" guatanteed by the 6th Amendment! Or is being judged by a bunch of hostages an option?
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 4, 2019:
So you think living in a heavily-intertwined society is somehow a free ride?
Here's a different take...
gater comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Life does begin with conception, the question is at what point is it too late to abort, I always thought it was ok in the 1st trimester. That gives a woman 3 months to decide, isn't that enough?
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 4, 2019:
Ummm, who, exactly, is "GIVING" the woman this option? Mind Your Own Business!!!!!!!!!!!
I've posted this before but every time I do I get berated for doing so.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 1, 2019:
Ohferpetessake, THIS again? Any sound can have meaning if people agree on that meaning, which is where all language comes from. Tiresome at best.......
AnneWimsey replies on Jun 4, 2019:
@EdwinMcCravy um, that's all in Your, who cares?


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