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When Considering A Relationship With Someone, How Important Is The Person's Annual Income ?
Anonbene comments on Feb 23, 2018:
As a straight guy I already know that women make about 3/4s or less of what I make so I pay more attention to what she spends her money on, if she spends it all, has heavy credit card debt or is saving for a special thing she wants are big indicators. To me her attitude toward sex is way more important than how much she makes because I also know if I'm inspired by a sexually satisfying relationship I can easily go out and get as much money as I want to.
Do you ever experience FOMO?
Anonbene comments on Feb 23, 2018:
It seems to be a big problem with people that buy stocks. Don't you wish you could go back in time and buy Apple stock or Google stock or Birkshire Hathaway when they were first offered?
Are you involved in any charitable work?
Anonbene comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I give away houses.
What do you have more of, then most people you know?
Anonbene comments on Feb 23, 2018:
More value than Gates, Bezos and Buffet combined.
Hello, fellow heathens.
Anonbene comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I can't believe I only just found this out now, but New Zealand's famous blind bi sexual goose has ...
Anonbene comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I'm pretty sure it's a universal thing that humans and animals with penises will stick said penises into anything.
Arming public school teachers.
Anonbene comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Teacher leaves her gun on a toilet, kids find it.
How would you tell a guy that his fly is open in a party/public?
Anonbene comments on Feb 22, 2018:
If you're across the room, Point and laugh. Hey your flys down!
We need to understand, the opposition, the NRA, is about twisting this from a safety issue to a ...
Anonbene comments on Feb 22, 2018:
I took a different tac. I've been posting to Democrat politicians to insert one line into the next bill Republicans want approved and also asking the kids in Florida to go directly to the source of all the Republicans and NRA power base. Their parents that vote for Republicans. Without them none of this is possible and I think very restrictive gun policies can be put into place
If You Are Wondering What That Means, This List is For You
Anonbene comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Didn't help. Someone here used the term, tornado twister or turner or something like that and I Google it and still have no idea what that means.
Anonbene comments on Feb 22, 2018:
I realized a long time ago you share life with people you don't get to own them anymore. Me and my female friends have been happier ever since.
Is it consider mental abuse if someone preaches to you about their religion without your consent?
Anonbene comments on Feb 22, 2018:
I think you left yourself wide open for his "pitch" by telling him your studying religious stuff. He tried to sell you on his version. Next time you'll be a little bit more wary about giving out info to strangers. It's ok to say no. Yes, that is mental and verbal abuse.
Anonbene comments on Feb 22, 2018:
I'm dating a woman that use to be a bishop or something in the methodists church until I met her.
Good morning.
Anonbene comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Do you need money for food? If so IM me and I'll send you some.
If a guy or girl straight up asked you to have sex with them, how would you respond to it?
Anonbene comments on Feb 21, 2018:
If an attractive woman asked me, of course.
What's the strangest question you've been asked on this site?
Anonbene comments on Feb 21, 2018:
What is wrong with you? :)
Flirting, what are your tactics when implementing this strategy?
Anonbene comments on Feb 21, 2018:
I got pretty good at making everything I say sound sort of naughty without using bad words.
Christian Wife Swappers Preach The Word Of God Through Swinging - YouTube
Anonbene comments on Feb 21, 2018:
What a way to ruin a great party. On the other hand I can understand the appeal of overcoming taboos you were raised with because of religion about sexuality. Being nude in front of more than one person is very liberating and confidence building and putting body image and sex itself in prospective. We've all had more than one sex partner in our lives so why not have them in the same room at the same time? How many marraiges would be saved if cheating wasn't a part if it? Be open and honest with each other about your desires. Your partner may be having the same ones.
Anonbene comments on Feb 21, 2018:
The dark secrets I only talk about with other veterans the dirty secrets on the other hand are very entertaining and will gladly share under the right circumstances. Most common responses to them are, no way, that's a lie, are you shitting me. They're funny and they're true.
Have you ever been around people that would suddenly bring up something in the past and it start an ...
Anonbene comments on Feb 20, 2018:
We men that have known women for ten years are very familiar with that phenomena.
If someone messaged you and straight out asked to meet up would this be creepy and off-putting or a ...
Anonbene comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I envy the young man you message, go ahead and read her bio and posts. These type women are rare
Does your ideal partner exist?
Anonbene comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Yes and she could as easily be on this site as anywhere else but she doesn't know it yet. My advice would be to the guys on this site stop being so namby pamby bending over backwards to try to relate to the sensitivities of the women and elsewhere. Most women won't pick a 'sensitive' guy as her ideal mate. They will pick them for provider and nest supplier and screw the jerk guy that doesn't care about her well being at all. She already has a guy for that need. Try being original, someone worth knowing, someone doing something, interesting. Women are not fragile creatures. They can handle men that are tough and rough around the edges. Don't pretend you're something other than what you are and ask for what you want and expect up front should the opportunity arise. Right now there is likely a woman here that hadn't said a word directly to me or you but they're looking and reading and weighing the words you are posting. So be honest and yes flawed and give her enough info about you so she can make her presence known. Stop giving the customer what you think they want. Be a dick or a prince, some women like one and not the other. Let them decide.
How about a non-hysterical discussion about guns in the US?
Anonbene comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Nonsense. People once said theres no way to get rid of slavery. Nothing is impossible. First of all. Bloodbath? How ridiculous. No one. I mean NOT ONE of your "Patriot gun loving buddies" is coming to your rescue should the cops show up at your house so that's out. It would very easy to confiscate all your weapons and you guys gave me the answer to how to do it. "You people" are always claiming you are "law abiding" gun owners, good citizens but are you really? and would you stand by that nonsense? As a "rational" person you would agree according to what you've already said, if you break any laws then the sherriff gets to take all your guns. Agreed? Surely as a reasonable rational person you would agree to that right? I propose a new law. If gun owners break ANY laws they are to have all of their guns confiscated because if you can't be trusted to be law abiding you can't be trusted with guns. I have written letters to Congressmen asking them to slip that one sentence into the next bill presented to Congress. Stay tuned.
Had an odd religious debate with a coworker. Where does Good and Evil come from?
Anonbene comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Wait wait hold up just a second. Everybody just blew right past it but what the hell is tornado twirling?
How to battle the proliferation of political correctness?
Anonbene comments on Feb 19, 2018:
It sounds like you're asking us progressives to be ok with you being a little bit racist and or a little bit sexist and or a little bit xenophobic. We're all guilty it's tough disregarding old habits but we try to make progress when it's explained why this or that is wrong but mostly it boils down to manners and respect for the "others"
When a person cheat, do you look for revenge or do you just let it go?
Anonbene comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Why ruin a great friendship over sex? You both had sex before you met and you both will have sex after you part. Talk to each other. Let your friend have sex, have sex with others yourself. The person that told you that it must be monogamy is the same person that told you god exists. It's destructive delusional and you don't get to own people! Do your thing.
Are you getting any?
Anonbene comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Im pretty lucky being 65 widower don't drink or take drugs can still get it up when asked to, financially secure, non judgemental, genuinely glad to see visitors, I listen and do what I'm told to. Sex isn't sex unless the woman has enough orgasms to the point of not being able to walk. A few years ago I was standing in a church parking lot waiting for a friend to lead me to an estate sale when the ladies in the circle asked who this guy is. My friend introduced me and someone asked if I was married, I said no but if any of you wid'r ladies need a roll in the hay to come visit, giggles and gasps all around, they visit, one visited today to get her needs met. Life is what you make it.
Those of you who enjoy science fiction and fantasy and would like to take a gander at my first ...
Anonbene comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I'm liking it. So far so good. More later.
I notice that this site is mostly made up of people from the U.
Anonbene comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I live a couple of miles from Danville VA. go there to shop. It's the last Capitol of the Confederacy. Lots of confederate flags around, comes with a local chapter of the KKK. Heathens no but the jury is still out on being pinkos. Tell the Prince when you see him we Yanks love that he invited Obama and not Trump to his wedding. That's hilarious. We know everything about England because we saw Upstairs Downstairs and Monty Python. Is there more?
Anonbene comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I have great grand son. How cool is that?
Is it normal or strange someone wouldn’t like French kissing?
Anonbene comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I don't kiss mouths at all if I can possibly avoid it, it's not that I think it's gross it just weird? childish? or just silly, sort of like when grown ups high five each other.
How to battle the proliferation of political correctness?
Anonbene comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Can you give me an idea of what part of political correctness is troublesome to you? And a bit of what unrealistic world view and negative benefit your referring to?
Would you deny someone a date if they were wearing something you didn't like?
Anonbene comments on Feb 19, 2018:
If I saw a confederate flag or a maga hat then that's a big no.
Do women enjoy sex as much as men? Does it depend on who they're having sex with?
Anonbene comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Guys guys, pay attention. Notice some of these ladies answers. Look for words like commitment, connection, it depends, conditions apply, love, consideration, thoughtfulness, attention etc. and almost in the very next sentence they mention how equally as good or better than good inanimate rubber dildos are. Kind of ridiculous ain't it? Almost like they're negotiating. Funny. Notice the womansplaining thing.
Hugs & kisses.
Anonbene comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I've seen the boys on YouTube having the time of their lives doing this. If the guy moves closer than your outstretched hand then turn your hand around and give him a backhand slap in the nuts. Then laugh. The kids on YouTube seem to be having a lot of fun doing it. Also It's hilarious to see a guy balled up laying on the ground moaning.
What is your biggest fear?
Anonbene comments on Feb 19, 2018:
It use to be being the very real likelyhood of being shot by north Vietnamese now it's the only slightly less likely chance of sitting in a class room or concert or gathering of any kind and some asshole "law abiding" gun owner walking down the hall/street with an ar-15. Because of the former I avoid the later.
Religion and politics are the same - it's all about control
Anonbene comments on Feb 19, 2018:
And dating too.
Why isn't it socially acceptable on the first date to just hand each other questionnaires you've ...
Anonbene comments on Feb 18, 2018:
I think people always lie in predate interviews or conversations because they want to date you so I think asking opinions on things before you look them in the eye is a waste of time. I want to know what a woman thinks of religion money politics and sex on the first date. And I watch body language as they answer. The first date shouldn't be only light and breezy I have to know if she's worth a second date. In case you were wondering. Religion: If you want to go to church then knock yourself out just don't put my money in their plate and don't even try to convert me or anyone in my presence. Money: if you want to use it to help others I'm for it. Politics: being fiscally conservative and socially liberal then we're good. Sex: if you are inhibited or ever try to use it to get your way then you're sleeping on the couch and your stuff will be packed up and waiting by the door when you wake up.
So what is the solution to the online dating fiasco?
Anonbene comments on Feb 18, 2018:
You will have to define your version of what you think dateing means to you before I can answer. Why are you dating? What's your goal? What's the motivation? What's your ulterior motive?
What are the biggest factors in terms of financial success?
Anonbene comments on Feb 18, 2018:
It's easy to be rich but being richer comes with responsibilities most people don't want, work they won't do, ambition they don't have and a fear of losing what little they have.
How do you handle talking to a parent when they are politically opposite of you?
Anonbene comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Dad, do you always vote for Republicans? You know I do boy. Then I guess that means you're complicit in murdering all those little school kids. Your vote made it possible. That's not good Dad. Not good at all.
After 10 Years, Here's Why I’m Over Online Dating | HuffPost
Anonbene comments on Feb 18, 2018:
To me she reeked of desperately wanted a husband.
Who gave you the 'birds and bees' lecture
Anonbene comments on Feb 18, 2018:
My best friends Mom. There's a lot more to this story but I answered the question.
Who gave you the 'birds and bees' lecture
Anonbene comments on Feb 18, 2018:
My best friends Mom. There's a lot more to this story but I answered the question.
Social conservatives like to make the argument that being gay is a choice.
Anonbene comments on Feb 18, 2018:
It may stem from their insecurity in all things different. But it is strange so many of them keep being caught with someone else's dick in their hands.
What do you find uplifting?
Anonbene comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Pretty much anything relating to boobs.
Is it easy or hard for you to get to sleep?
Anonbene comments on Feb 18, 2018:
You may think your circadian clock means you have to sleep 8 hours in a row every night or something is wrong. You don't. The problem is you are forced to be awake when your brain wants to sleep. Now that I'm retired I take 1/2 to three hour naps whenever I want to and feel great all the time. Basically society is forcing you into what it wants you to do. Thank the pharma industry there's a pill for that.
So I posted something earlier that I took down because my intentions were being misunderstood.
Anonbene comments on Feb 18, 2018:
We finally accepted the fact that we ain't ever getting laid so we made up a bunch of flowery bullshit about how mature and thoughtful we are because after about two visits the broads here realized all the men here can be summed up in two words. You ugly. ;)
What would you never pay for?
Anonbene comments on Feb 17, 2018:
A house.
How long did it take you to get over your divorce?
Anonbene comments on Feb 17, 2018:
I'm going to need a teensy bit more info here are we talking Walmart Taco Bell or Burger King parking lot here?
I'm starting to suspect that while I can see my profile photo on my profile, others can't?
Anonbene comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Who said that?
Haters will say this is fake news...
Anonbene comments on Feb 17, 2018:
I read it on the internet so it must be true.
I recently downloaded two books for men, on relating to women and how to have a great relationship.
Anonbene comments on Feb 17, 2018:
I'm still going over the Why can't you guys read our minds, chapter.
Gun control?
Anonbene comments on Feb 17, 2018:
I believe a very few people own most of the guns. It would be very easy to confiscate them. One locked gun per house is plenty.
Can you give a brief review of a favorite, but perhaps little known, book you frequently reread?
Anonbene comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Well that sounds like a fun romcom if I ever heard one.
Hello potential friends.
Anonbene comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Welcome to the dark side Chandler. Youre among friends. The women don't do "that" here either. Sorry
I still see more liberal gun grabbers making poor arguments for gun control.
Anonbene comments on Feb 17, 2018:
@admin how do I block this guy?
This post is to greet new members to g:66.
Anonbene comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Not delightful yet. I'm still trying to figure out how to get that mysterious taste out of my black iron frying pans. Grrr.
I thought this group would stir shit up, and it has.
Anonbene comments on Feb 17, 2018:
I believe if this subject were taught in junior high school explaining what Republicans support and Democrats don't about guns and 12 year old daughters came home one day and asked their parents who they vote for and if the answer is Republicans then the daughter looked straight into their parents eyes and said. You caused this!
Too many examples around me! Hahaha
Anonbene comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Ha. Me and my daughter get so annoyed by stuff like that so I put one in my house construction pics I post on Facebook. All the insulation in a short video showing my progress were hung in the same direction except for one. So as I'm panning and doing the walkthrough it was only on camera for a second and she noticed it and yelled at me for doing that knowing I did it just to annoy her. Now she'll always be pissed knowing that behind the sheetrock there's one insulation hanging upside down. A perfectly Dad thing to do. :)
I see a lot of debate and memes on Facebook about guns.
Anonbene comments on Feb 17, 2018:
I wish I could talk to every 12 to 16 year old daughter in the country. To teach them the difference between what Republicans and Democrats believe regarding guns then send them home to look into the eyes of their parents and ask them. Do you vote for Republicans Mom and Dad? Yes. Then you made this happen. You made it possible for all those kids to be killed and maybe me someday too.
To all the old men like me (over 60): Don’t you love and hate this group at the same time?
Anonbene comments on Feb 17, 2018:
I've enjoyed my time here from the first tv my folks got to being able to watch some guy shoot his car into space. In spite of bad news we all have reason to be optimistic. I wish I could live another 100 years to see what will happen it's all pretty interesting to me.
I've actually had relatives unfriend me on Facebook because I didn't pretend to be a christian and ...
Anonbene comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Speak your mind, you may be encouraging a younger member of the family that's wondering if all this religion stuff is real.
How do I back out gracefully?
Anonbene comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Are you expected to pay for any part of her trip? If so then just say no. No sex, religious nonsense and paying is too much to ask for.
Ever used Craigslist personals?
Anonbene comments on Feb 16, 2018:
I'm pretty sure Craigslist wouldn't exist if meetings like that happened often.
What is the real problem (about guns)?
Anonbene comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Its not the guns or the NRA or 2nd amendment supporting congressmen and women because none of those people and things would have any power if they weren't given it. The real problem with guns are the Republican parents of dead and soon to be dead school children that vote for Republicans (influenced by Fox news, that support the NRA and gun rights.
What do you know well enough to teach others?
Anonbene comments on Feb 16, 2018:
I can teach anyone how to get a free house anywhere in the US. (Just the building) Related, I can teach all the residential construction trades I can teach how to get money to buy land the house gets put on I can teach how to beat poverty and homelessness permanently I can show you how to give a house to all the homeless veterans. I can teach you how to beat the capitalism system I can teach how to get very wealthy I can teach you how to flip close Congressional districts And do all that with houses people are throwing away and will give to you for free For 300,000 people every year Edit, in addition to making anyone that wants the job to be a rich and famous host or hostess of a pod cast/tv series showing people how to do what I just described
Not the Price of Freedom - an Opinion to ponder Another shooting at an American High School.
Anonbene comments on Feb 15, 2018:
I don't think the problem is what you think it is because we all know who is directly responsible for all these dead children. I would say to turn to your brother or sister or mother and father point your finger right in their face and say. YOU DID THIS! When you voted for Republicans.
Hey & Hi everyone! New here! Can you guys gimme some tips how to up my levels on here?
Anonbene comments on Feb 15, 2018:
You must be willing to take a leap, lets say expose and open yourself up and engage in vigorous and various intercourse with as many members as is possible, as often as you are able, both singularly or in groups to attain the climactic heights of personal satisfaction thus coming to an understanding and satiating your curiosity and deep desire to achieve more. PS. Some members here post things that may sometimes be taken out of context or misunderstood.
I should start my own YouTube channel.
Anonbene comments on Feb 15, 2018:
And just like that we became instant friends.
Why do women have to basically spell it out for men in what they want? Why are they so clueless?
Anonbene comments on Feb 14, 2018:
We misinterpret one word and we lose our careers, marraiges, houses, children reputations. Why can't women say what they mean and want?
Why do posts from me with "???" Keep showing up when I didn't post that?
Anonbene comments on Feb 14, 2018:
It happens when you try to post an emoji. You have to do the colon right parenthesis for a smiley face here. :)
Share one song that you cannot help but sing along with when it comes on the radio.
Anonbene comments on Feb 14, 2018:
That reminds me I owe @ellendale a crooning. It's coming Ellen but I've been sick as a dog but if a ballad can be considered super star I always accompany the Beatles with In My Life.
Another f@!king mass shooting here in America! At least 17 dead, 23 injured.
Anonbene comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Consider. What if we talked about the white victims of gun violence the way conservatives talk about blacks being killed by guns. A bunch of white kids in Florida being killed by a white kid, meh, so what, it's just what "those people" do. No big loss.
To anyone who has sent me a message the past, month maybe?
Anonbene comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Darn. That notification I sent you to claim the Publishers Clearing House $5,000 a week for life was only valid for 72 hours. But on the bright side you can see your notifications now so ...
For all the singles, how long have you been single?
Anonbene comments on Feb 14, 2018:
I'm great with being single and on the rare occasions when I'm feeling a bit down I found out it's just constipation.
Who would you like to see as a speaker
Anonbene comments on Feb 14, 2018:
If this trend continues in Congress come November it will be Adam Schiff otherwise everyone else is on closed captioning. I like it quiet.
Is blocking someone on Facebook because of too many religious "shares" intolerant?
Anonbene comments on Feb 14, 2018:
What fun is that? I torment them until they block me. How dare they shit on my lawn.
A joyous Lupercalia - Celebrated February 14th and 15th.
Anonbene comments on Feb 14, 2018:
You left out the address
Last night I entertained the greatest fantasy.
Anonbene comments on Feb 14, 2018:
I live like that now. It's as nice as you imagine.
Why some people posts here under two or more user names?
Anonbene comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Well, to be completely honest some of the women I may or may not have sent very inappropriate disgusting sickening bordering on probably illegal in several southern states messages to may have good reason to change their identities. I deny everything! ;)
When its more than physical.
Anonbene comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Yeah, tough break kid. Let's move on.
"Books are a poor substitute for female companionship but they are easier to find" - Kvothe, The ...
Anonbene comments on Feb 14, 2018:
And way more expensive and complicated than any book.
I wonder what those who discount the Theory of Evolution might have to say about this new and ...
Anonbene comments on Feb 13, 2018:
Now this is interesting.
Bottom lines.
Anonbene comments on Feb 13, 2018:
On gov. regulations. I was just reading this morning where there is a very big increase of black lung for miners in Appalachia n Coal mines. So I am all for gov. regulations relating to the health and welfare of us citizens. Getting rid of or at least redifining the scope the 2nd amendment would be great. Like the Bible I don't care for laws that can be interpreted to suit anything the reader wants it to.
You are attracted... but then?
Anonbene comments on Feb 13, 2018:
Now I ain't no gay or nuttin but I do admit that Gene Hackman was quite fetching in that movie The Birdcage. Huh, now that I think about I might be a big ole C. ;)
You Can Run, But You Can't Hide []
Anonbene comments on Feb 12, 2018:
I've always suspected that when the phone company updates our phones they are really uploading all the information off of our phones to be used as leverage or evidence against us should the need arrive.
Bottom lines.
Anonbene comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Jesus h man one thing we can all agree on is a limit of two questions per post. How about breaking that up into manageable segments suitable for texting?
Hello I hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday.
Anonbene comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Judging by the responses to some of my comments that's frowned upon here.
Imagine MeToo turning the U.S. into a "Bumble" Society ?
Anonbene comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Did your friend Kate happen to mention what she thinks men owe her for dating her? How many dates with her when she assumes ownership of the man? How many dates until she decides she can go through his phone? Did she say when she decides she is DUE an explanation for every second of her dates life? Did she mention what she expects for use of her vagina in a consensual sex act? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Anonbene comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Her attitude is about the only thing I notice or am attracted to anymore.
Have you ever helped someone and they gave all the credit to god?
Anonbene comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Yes, even after telling them I am an atheist I've been told, that's just jeebers working through you.
I’m a closet agnostic! I want out... any tips on how to make the leap of unfaith!
Anonbene comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Just wait until they bring it up, they will eventually. Then do what I do, laugh in their face and say I don't believe any of that silly shit and as an adult I'm surprised that you do. Is santa still bringing you presents? Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
MeToo What do you consider sexual harassment?
Anonbene comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Mom's. Its your fault. Why are you sending defenseless daughters out into the world? You went through it yet you didn't learn anything from the experience or if you did you didn't pass that information on to your daughter? Who does that? No verbal or physical weapons provided to them? As in, this is what some men do, here is a way to defend yourself. Why don't you mother's enroll your daughters in a self defense classes where they can get use to kneeing a man in the balls? They are called the Facts of Life. Teach them. If a man is close enough to grab your boob your close enough to put your knee in his balls. If you do that and he and every man he knows will never do that to you again. If a man says something you don't like have a comeback ready. Stop being a victim and become the confident strong woman your supposed to be. Yes you will be nervous the first time you try kneeing some dick in the balls but you won't be the second time. It's happens a lot, take action. It's nothing to be traumatized about and have it ruin your whole life.
Dating multiple people at once.
Anonbene comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Depends a lot in your age. At 65 I "date" the brains out of several women. They know about each other. They have their own homes and interests. They don't want another man around the house but they still like getting laid without all the crap attached. Reading all these comments by women saying there's no way they would put up with that I say, religion has taught you well.
How Has Your Sexual Libido Changed As You Have Aged?
Anonbene comments on Feb 12, 2018:
All you ladies answering this thread in the positive are invited over my place right now. If you kill me, which seems likely, just Weekend at Bernie's me and stay and enjoy the weekend until the food liquor wine beer and pot are gone. :)
So I am watching the Olympics and somehow I started wondering if men competing Olympics figure ...
Anonbene comments on Feb 12, 2018:
I understand completely. When me and my girlfriend are sitting on the couch watching a movie and my arm is draped over her shoulder and my hand is holding her boob I ask her every 15 seconds if my holding her breast is ok. I admit we both miss most of the movie but it's better to be safe than sorry I always say.
What do you know that most others don’t?
Anonbene comments on Feb 12, 2018:
I know how anyone in the US can get a free house.
Valentine's Day special offer "gifts for her"
Anonbene comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Make her life easier. She'll love you for it.
Religion—particularly, Christianity has lobotomized the Black psyche for centuries.
Anonbene comments on Feb 11, 2018:
I have a black buddy that I told I was an atheist years ago so we never talked about religion but he just told his nephew in front of me he's an atheist. I was very surprised because I know his whole family and they are all very religious.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Freethinker
Open to meeting women
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  • Joined Jan 15th, 2018
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