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Growing up
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 18, 2018:
If you haven’t grown up by 50 you don’t have to. ...
So do all atheists accept the scientific consensus about evolution and have you met some that ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 18, 2018:
I believe evolution as fact and I believe religion as a fabrication of early humans to explain the natural world until it was organized against them for power and greed.
Herr Trump: I Hate To Watch The Children Being Taken Away- One Big Lie
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 18, 2018:
This is a screen shot of my twitter page, we need to vote this shit off the planet, the responsibility belongs to us all.
Trump Foundation Follies
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 18, 2018:
Those tiny hands have grabbed allot of cookies. ... I behaved myself and went with cookies.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 18, 2018:
Sadly I have no argument for’s certainly somthing we must stop doing. When my grandfather and his brother both left Italy one went to Canada and the other to The USA, lucky me.
Who Supports Herr Trump?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 18, 2018:
Just to be clear the morons and dickheads are also traitors.
A little patch humor...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 18, 2018:
Nice collection:)
I've noticed through conversations that some people develope shallow reasons, based on past ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 18, 2018:
Barry Manilow is a dealbreaker. I prefer your first name not be the same as my ex wife but if need be I’ll give you a nick name. I have no intentions of ever getting married again... I don’t see any benifit in the institution for men. Barry Manilow is not a shallow reason:)lol
Yard sale fun
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 18, 2018:
I don’t think it would be funny since you usually have kids running around, take your sex toy home and have a party all by your bad self.
I love posting about some of my favorite kitchen tools and no I am not talking about exs who cook.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 17, 2018:
I have my great grandmothers wooden spoon, it has stired thousands of pots of pasta in the last 100ish years. Good knives. Potato peeler and a wooden spoon, keep it simple with the best ingriedrvtd I can afford:)
It's hot here (okay not by some standards ).
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 17, 2018:
Father's Day video. CW, offensive to pretty much everyone! []
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 17, 2018:
Is Atheism a belief system?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 17, 2018:
I’m atheist not agnostic... I don’t need to keep an open mind about the ridiculous. This site may be agnostic but at least it’s atheist friendly:)
Cover Of The Rolling Stone-Dr.Hook []
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 17, 2018:
Cover of the Rolling Stone was the first record I ever baught... My mom took the cover away from me because she didn’t like the lyrics but said I could keep the record because you couldn’t understand what they were saying anyway.
I'm not sure I've posted to this group since joining.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 17, 2018:
There is no wrong place to share your awareness and desire to be a better you. Meditation has made a big difference for me. It brings a calm that I don’t otherwise feel naturally and it’s always avalible. I use a meditation app called insight timer, it has a simple timer and all sorts of guided meditations.
Random acts of kindness
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 17, 2018:
Better than the deed is it’s example that we may all bestow random acts of kindness in whatever ways we can. Since I was just reading politics and seeing how hateful and self serving our nation has become kindness is more important than ever. These are the darkest days for our nation so we best take care of each other. Kudos to this retailer.
Oh my mammary glands!
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 17, 2018:
Utterly ridiculous.
Buying vegan wine is a jungle! Trader Joe’s has a list and can tell you which wines are vegan.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 16, 2018:
What's the worst purchase that you have ever made?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 16, 2018:
When I think something is vegan, buy it and read the label more closely when I get home only to find out I’m not going to eat it. Granola fooled me... Why would they put dairy in granola? Oh and my marriage liscence was also not a good purchase.
Where do you guys stand on the whole “Analog vs. Digital” debate?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 16, 2018:
Analog is still superior, digital is far more convenient and accessible. People do like to go on about analog like it was a religion but when I run music off my iPhone through my car speakers it sounds way better than the 8 track player that was in my 1973 Porsche 914 ever did. Records are still great but most of the time I would rather stream off Spotify because I have a life to live... I pick up the Bluetooth speaker and bring it with to the Kitchen, garage, beach or pool... My 1970 stereo system with the techniques turntable kind of stays put. I basically have fond memories and a warm spot in my heart for the technology of the past but I like technology and I’m not afraid of the future.
Seems pretty accurate
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 15, 2018:
Now maybe he’ll be able to find his shirt.
Just a little religious art humor....
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 15, 2018:
Who’s your daddy?
In Numbers Facts of the Day Today is National Beer Day in the UK.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 15, 2018:
As told to me by a barkeep in London the moment he realized I was American and before I could place my order, “American beer is like making love in a canoe, it’s fucking close to water”. To which I responded, “I didn’t come here for an American beer“. We got along fine after that.
Coffee drinkers, do you grind your beans or do you buy it already ground?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 15, 2018:
I buy it ground, drink it and go to work... I’ll grind my own beans when I retire.
How many use cilantro?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 14, 2018:
Extremely important ingredient in a fresh salsa :-) love it.
Better L8 than never: a group dedicated to level 8 members
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 14, 2018:
Really I don’t get the fascination with levels. Some of the posts of people reaching a level sound like they are accepting an academy award. The pursuit of points is not content. Post for the intellect, the content, the solidarity the camaraderie or to impress a potential date:) ... you’ll get your points but not for the sake of the points. If points were the point there would be no point.
I think think a Mexican restaurant would be nice...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 13, 2018:
We will have to find a place with the most beautiful chocolate cake you’ve ever seen.
Badly explain your profession
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 13, 2018:
I assist churches in acquiring as many tax free bass guitar as possible.
Vain people take selfies, and vain people look at themselves in the mirror.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 13, 2018:
Social media and convenient technology has made vanity a cultural norm. We all have our pictures taken between three and 500 times a day. A decent self image is important since we always feel a little like we are on stage:) my profile pic is a selfi. I have two ways I generally feel, first is I don’t really give a crap and the second is I hope I look halfway decent :-) In your case I suspect it was done with mirrors:)
Do you swear?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 12, 2018:
That’s gonna cost him.
Ben Howard - Small Things []
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 12, 2018:
People say forgive and forget, I say forget about forgiving and just accept.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 12, 2018:
Let it go☯️
I have to buy this mug. I have to!!!
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 12, 2018:
Should have been a donkey
And the Winner is...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 12, 2018:
One fart away from a forest fire!
I'm on this other dating website and I've never been married with no kids.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 12, 2018:
When someone takes issue with any aspect of who you are as a reason not to move forward don’t fight it, they just shot a torpedo across your bow, wish them luck and say next.
I believe that God is a result of man's fear ,insecurity and ignorance,and religion speaks to that
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 12, 2018:
Gods were how ancient people explained the natural world, religion is a tool to control populations for economic and geographic gain using people’s belief in Gods against thier own interests. When it is shed completely and it’s stench ceases to permeate the fabric of civilization we may finally consider ourselves enlightened by the truth. Any good churches have done has been a façade for its evil. Art and music are not enough, if Michael Angelo had been commissioned to do the cieling of a science center it would have been no less beautiful and if Handles Messiah was about the natural movemts of the stars it would still have a meaningful impact on emotions. The universe is grand enough and is diminished by falsehoods.
Is playing Dungeons and Dragons harmful to young people as it encourages acknowledgement of deities?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 11, 2018:
No, that’s not why it’s harmful.
Your best caption here
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 11, 2018:
Come at me bro!
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 11, 2018:
On the surface knowing only what is posted I would naturally agree... I also suspect some things may have been left out of the story. I would need more information and actual facts about your relationship and how things have been lately if I were going to take sides. Apply critical thinking to more than just religion... you seem nice, I wish you well... I would not do that... but you have a 9 year history and have posted a 5 line singular event.
NASA is sending Helicopter to Mars!! Smart or Silly? Thunderf00t []
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 11, 2018:
Since we have slowed the landers with parashutes it stands to reason you can create lift.
How's that working for ya?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 11, 2018:
I have a cousin that does this, I’m never sure if I’m responding to her or her husband. Being married should not mean loosing your identity! My buddy who was best-man at my wedding has been instructed to break a chair over my head If I every say I’m getting married again, he’s like a sponsor that don’t take no shit!
There are scientists doing research on religion (anthropologists, cognitive and social ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 11, 2018:
The fact is religions are false and all religions require suspending belief in reality... that’s the bottom line, this post attempts to make it more... I don’t need to take anymore time to understand falsehood than it took to realize they are falsehoods.
I will always answer ❤️☕️
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 11, 2018:
Unless something major is brewing I tend to filter my calls.
Norman Greenbaum, most famous for “Spirit In The Sky”, catchy tune, but some stupid lyrics.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 11, 2018:
292 visitors to my profile and still can't get a date. That must be a Guinness record !!!! ????
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 11, 2018:
It’s geogeaphy. I know if I was here to date I’d be looking for local, that’s like under 10 miles:)
How Conservatives and The NRA Avoid Talking About Gun Control and More! - SOME MORE NEWS ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 11, 2018:
Amusing and accurate.
For the ladies only
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 10, 2018:
I’m always curious to see what I will find when it says, for woman only:) ... I was who I was, she tried to change me and now we are divorced. If she didn’t like the vintage to start with she should have drank from a different bottle.
OkGo! Watch it! ? []
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 10, 2018:
Best RubeGoldberg I’ve seen:)
What Religion Gives Us (That Science Can’t)
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 10, 2018:
I’ve done fine without religion and can’t imagine why I would sully that with lies. My emotions are not appeased by falsehoods.
This is a bit of a rough.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 10, 2018:
I dare anyone to watch this all the way through.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 10, 2018:
I tried, there isn’t enough Kool-Aid in the northern hemisphere for me to make it to the end.
Supper: Curried red lentil stew.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 10, 2018:
Looks fantastic!
TRump is talking about legalizing marijuana at the federal level now (after threatening to enforce ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 10, 2018:
He can not be trusted and I won’t cave on my decent if a traitor does one good thing, but still, don’t hold your breath. I’ll manage to get weed either way.
Talking about their generation!
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 10, 2018:
I find the kids today to be more ready and able to take on the world and defeet ignorance than any I’ve seen, or maybe it just seems like that because there’s so much damn ignorance being spewed by out of touch dysfunctional bigots that don’t know how to start anything but a lawnmower.
Do you refuse to attend religious ceremonies of family and/or friends?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 10, 2018:
I don’t support the events, I support my friends and family. To word it in a way that assumes my attendance supports the religion or its rituals is ridiculous.
If you had a nonreligious close friend who decided to become a believer and practice their faith ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 10, 2018:
I don’t choose my friends based on ethnicity, or orientation and instead base it in musical taste:)
How do you level up on this game? Lol!!!
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 10, 2018:
My method is simple, I just do what I feel like, then I get what I get and I don’t get upset:) I’m not here for points and I don’t think many are since if the content went away we would happily leave and do somthing else rather than clicking in a void for pointless points:)
Someone once schooled me in the notion that atheism is not a thing in it's self.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 10, 2018:
I was not religious long before I ever heard the terms theist, atheist or agnostic. I only allow myself to have the atheist label to distinguish myself from those that would allow the influence of in politics, education and science. If not for that I would not care what anyone believes or claims for themselves. It’s a way of separating myself from the ignorant and insidious damage caused by claiming to know what you can’t possibly while insisting that others tow the line with you. It allows us to determine who may be willing to fight these things with us or at the very least who might be fun to have a beer with.
So black people love "God" because they are original, what does that statement mean exactly?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 10, 2018:
It means someone’s an idiot. Generalizing of people is bigoted. I’m a NY Italian, you can make assumptions about who I am, how I act and what I believe based on that or you can evolve.
So, coffee.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 10, 2018:
Beautiful coffee, I have about 20 coffee pots from my Great grandmothers Neapolitan stove top espresso pot to the modern drip... i drink it or I die! I work with people that have Energy Drinks in the morning, they don’t understand the meaning of life!
Use Commas, Please!
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 9, 2018:
Brilliantly simple.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 8, 2018:
Agreed, just stop teaching falsehoods.
RIP Anthony Bourdain...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 8, 2018:
Very sad...
Sounding off.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 8, 2018:
I looked because of this post... you seem like a good person, that’s not a critique is it? ☯️Peace
Deadheads: help, please: I heard an old Dead song with intriguing lyrics.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 8, 2018:
Happy pride month everyone.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 8, 2018:
I fully support pride month and I’m very proud that I have a daughter that felt safe and free enough to talk to me about it :-) After we talked I had to look up gender fluid :-)
Open it up for Jesus!!
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 8, 2018:
Because legs don’t lie:)
Nom nom nom
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 8, 2018:
I will risk it.
Choose Wisely.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 8, 2018:
I love that the solution is not get rid of the duck but to simply work around it-)
Daytime at the Mall, and I'm still in the dark.....
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 7, 2018:
I’d like set you loose with your camera in downtown Manhattan... you would have a field day filled with shapes, shadows and light.
Understanding sex ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 7, 2018:
If I haven’t healed the universe yet it’s screwed. ... Much of this is dogma... I agree that mindful sex is better sex and that it should be with someone you care about. I also believe it can increase the bond between two people and that it can be a very healthy activity between two healthy consenting adults, also that the universe is oblivious to the copulating of every creature from the titmouse to humans.
I love doing animal tattoos. :)
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 7, 2018:
I’ve considered an octopus, would want it simple and in black ink to match my Phoenix and must be sure the arrest won’t make it look like a Scrotum?
A New Sex Tape !
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Get a room!
Who here is a fanilow?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 6, 2018:
I think I’m the odd ball out... in the posts you all are at worst ok with Barry Manilow ... well, I am not a fan ... it’s a not even at gunpoint thing... he is clearly talented but if I had to listen on a car trip I’d be looking for a cliff to drive off. My sister played I Write The Somgs on the piano so much when we were kids I almost had a seizure. But I think you are all wonderful people even if you like Barry, lol
What are your top 3 current favorite TV shows?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Nope, can’t say I like anything current nor can even name a current show... Odd Couple, Star Trek & ... can’t even think of a 3rd... Is Seinfeld still considered current… I liked that. Anyway if you just bought your first TV I think you’re getting into it when most people are getting out but I’m sure other people in this thread will have awesome ideas that I would never consider, enjoy.
Why Octopuses are badasses
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Not only are they so smart they might be smarter than us there is reason to believe they are actually aliens that came here frozen from another galaxy and than further evolved on Eath ... My band is Arddnt Octopus because they are the coolest animal I know ... here is the Octopi Waltz... An instrumental intended to make you a little uncomfortable?
I'm a survivor, how about you???
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 6, 2018:
It’s a chest beating meme, look how tough I am,I survived the attempts of our society to poison me and general stupidity. Well, I did too.. but that doesn’t make it better. Knowing what you have learned would you intentionally eat lead paint chips? That said, depending on where you are in the country hose water is fine :-)
Can you see me?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 6, 2018:
If it’s a witchhunt it sure is finding a hell of a lot of witches, warlocks and minor demons.
So I'm a member of a secular humanist organization called the Houston Oasis.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 6, 2018:
If so I don’t know about them and wouldn’t join anyway. Sounds like a fine thing for someone that was religious that came to thier senses and is looking to fill the void. Since I was never religious I don’t feel anything is missing and have no void to fill.
How would u respond if someone put this statement to u.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 6, 2018:
My entire life summed up
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Dogs are saving you? There seems to be people in many windows, where is it that it’s not been condemned?
Lefties, how have you adapted to the right-handed world?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Since I sell guitars I often deal with left-handed people faced with a really really pathetic left-handed guitar selection. I explain how the way we all hold the guitar right handed was actually invented by a left-handed woman during the renaissance period. A strong left-handed person can have some trouble on a right-handed guitar in getting good smooth strum down with the right hand... But like a piano you need both hands and lefties and righties both play them.. It’s tricky because if you’re left-handed and struggling on a right-handed instrument it’s to know if you would be struggling on the left handed instrument as well? I have a left-handed daughter that plays the guitar right-handed and has no idea that a left-handed instrument even exists, hasn’t been a question and hasn’t been a problem. Flipping the strings around to make a righty guitar lefty is not as easy as you might think, intonation issues. Jimi Hendrix did way more modifications than just flipping the strings the other way.
The Animals - We Gotta Get Out Of This Place (1965) HD/widescreen ♫♥50 YEARS & counting - ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Love the Animals! Caught them at the Passsaic Theater in New Jersey at some point in the last millennium. Icicle works was the opening band if that helps pin down the year?
I hope this is okay to post.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Loved it.
Where in the world
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Short answer, food:)
TV or not?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 4, 2018:
I don’t watch TV but I’m not anti entertainment either, between my phone and computer we have a plethora of entertainment options with a fraction of the commercials... with alternate devices my controll over what I see is greater and I’m more involved in what I’m doing rather than just passing out with a remote in my hand.
What is your favorite season?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Winter because it’s s break from the 9 months of summer. Florida heat can really wrck me, I’ve been here since 85 so it doesn’t look like I’m going to get use to it.
Did I post this yesterday?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 4, 2018:
I do like most of my customers, after all they are mostly guitarists ...but a few them could use an ear full.
My daughters grandparents gave her a wooden cross blessed by a bishop.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 4, 2018:
When my Dad was alive he would take his grandkids to church, it did no harm. I don’t think he ever took me?, lol
Just don’t know how many volumes there are.....
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 4, 2018:
I just got therough the 3rd book... only 97 to go.
Quite a couple
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Oy vey
My daughters grandparents gave her a wooden cross blessed by a bishop.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Leave it and hang the periodic table to the left of it and a picture of Einstein to the right.... if you have room on the walk for a poster showing evolution that wouldn’t hurt either ... once it’s all on the wall sing the Sesame Street song together ... one of these things is not like the other:)
If you could choose to design and be awake inside a lucid dream, where would you go and what would ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 4, 2018:
I would go to the beginning of time and see first hand the origins of the universe and visit great cultures on planets that are already gone on my way back.
It's a redneck g
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Riding a dirtbag bike?
Cuckold Joe
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Mary, you got some splain’n to do!
Sometimes musicans that we follow as children continue to make music; however, the newer music is ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 3, 2018:
None! Not all their fault ... Most of the bands have been ok but not great like the earlier days... The Who, The Doors, Alman Briothers ... I like Neil Young then and now... I say not all thier fault because I have also changed as well... with my own band we rocked out with lots of energy in the 80’s but if you here the later recordings it’s a little like we listened to one to many Steely Dan albums:)
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Has anyone seen her? Working theory is Trump hit her, probably because she wanted to leave and she can’t show her face till it heals. She has officially not been seen in public longer than anyother First Lady in history.
It is baffling that any Trump supporter still actually believes that any of his actions or policies ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 3, 2018:
To them Trump is a religion... evidence is not real... Hillary’s emails! When the religious or religion gets tied up in politics why would we expect facts or logic to change anything?
My riff on the "guess what it is" posts.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 3, 2018:
How are you different from most people ?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jun 3, 2018:
I like kale chips.


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