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Can you live without meat?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 6, 2018:
Yes, I don’t eat meat or dairy and am healthier than I ever was when I did, plenty of protein in plants, B12 is in certain products I buy... I don’t tell otheres to do as I do, I did it to have fewer migrains! Is it better for the world, animals and us? Yes ...if someone changes because of my example great but I don’t preach it. It often feels like people get pissed off at me for not eating meat, lots of vegan cracks... but I have my path and believe in it.
Why does extremism in politics seem to be the new norm?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 6, 2018:
Trump has given the worst of humanity permission to be intolerant bigots and found his peeps. Why it seems to be simultaneously happening around the world I would think is no different. We can communicate instantly with people anywhere on the planet via the Internet, we’ve made the world smaller and when thinking is small that thinking we will everywhere. November will be a tipping point one way or the other!
Life's Soundrack If you put together a music soundrack for you life today, what songs would be on...
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 6, 2018:
I get in to listening to music I want to learn to play as a guitarist... I have to play the guitar everyday! I live with a song till I internalize it, currently in heavy rotation under my fingers is: Georgia on my mind, All of me, friend of the devil, Highway 61 and somewhere over the rainbow. It’s the flow of the song, mostly the guitar part, lyrics can be great or meaningless depending on the music under them. Although my band is no longer doing anything we have two albums out, the music I have wtittrn and co written will always be important to me. My band was Ardent Octopus hence the Ardent Athiest?
Agnostic vs Atheist
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 6, 2018:
The question itself shows a lack of fully understanding the terms. I’ve struggled to get it clear as well. Someone posted this a few days ago... I want a new category... “atheist, agnostic fluid” ... because I have 100% certainty no gods exist some days and slightly less on others. In any case pretty much everyone on here is an atheist, just some are also agnostic while others are gnostic.. so they weren’t mistaken as much as you think. Today I’m feeling gnostic.
What are your thoughts on age gaps in a relationship?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 6, 2018:
Well, I’m about to get real... my ex had a boyfriend for four years before I found out and we got divorced, he was old then, now 12ish years later she is still a relatively young woman and he has a walker, false teeth, and hearing aid... she’s a nurse maid to him... and I happen to know she’s dating someoneelse while he sits home, kinda like she did to me except I’m not elderly. Age may not matter in your forties but the difference will be amplified faster than you think. Hats off to karma.
What music are you listening to right now?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 5, 2018:
I work in a music store, just got in, my ears are ringing, I’m listening to my tinnitus... Perhaps some Ray Charles later.
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Yes, I clicked because it said boobs! I knew there was a catch, lol
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Feed them to the lions, lol... It would depend on why an individual is here, if they are curios about what kind of people don’t believe in god, great, maybe they have cracked the door open and are starting to see logic or just exploring their doubt? But if they are here just to be spew religious poison and argue from ignorance, the lions!
Hurray for the Riff Raff - give them a try.
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 5, 2018:
What kind of hat should we wear?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 5, 2018:
A Pope hat with a picture of a middle finger on it.
Life after death
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Yes, but not for the dead person.
How do you feel about people who just want to put people down, whether it's in opinions or ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 5, 2018:
I’ve never been a member of any group where everyone agreed on everything. One would think that the logic people apply to become an atheist would hold true on other topics. it’s rare but I have seen a lack of critical thinking applied to veganism and meditation. Both are areas on my radar. But I can deal) it’s certamly a much bigger issue on FB.
What record album/cassette/cd/8-track/reel-to-reel/song on the radio/VIDEO changed your life?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 5, 2018:
I grew up in house full of Opera, I had a broken green turntable and a copy of Abby Road that was my uncles... I used a sewing needle and a paper cone in one hand while spinning it manually with the other to discover the Beatles. This pretty much destroyed that copy but not before I got an ear full:) I am not certain what the specific song was any longer?
How to respond to a proselytizing sibling?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Let her follow her own path, be an example of other thinking. If you must say something tell her, “it’s not something I believed in doing but be safe” ... if you go in like bang busters you have a chance of a damaging family rift. There is the possibility that the way you feel is already representative of a rift, I would let that go... whatever you do, do it with kindness, then go out drinking:)
Atheists and politics
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I think there are probably more atheists that are progressive than not… If you don’t believe in God it’s likely that you are a proponent of the scientific method, that supports a progressive mindset...Sure there are exceptions but that doesn’t seem any more logical to me then being a theist. I realize saying this could piss some off but I believe it’s a minority. If statistics prove me to be wrong I would find that to be disappointing.
And stay there!
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 4, 2018:
When someone wants to argue and you don’t, just say OK and move on, leaves them flapping in the wind! Was a tip from my old meditation instructor.
What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without food?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I’ve never gone a day without food. Longest I go is when I sleep.
Is religion good or bad?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 3, 2018:
In the words of Neil Degrasse Tyson, “stay out of the science classroom”.
That would be my answer
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight? - Joker ?
Are you a coffee person? If so, what's your favorite coffee?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Stovetop espresso made with my great grandmothers coffee pot.
Anyone else get a bit paranoid about giving out your actual address to this website at level 8 to ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I’m all over the internet with every type of acct. I’m the easiest person to find on Earth, I don’t worry about that stuff... but if you come over bring wine:)
Wake and bake
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I have to oporate heavy equipment... a Les Paul... I better hold off.
Do the right thing
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 3, 2018:
When I get a debilitating migraine it’s medicine & when I don’t it helps me play the guitar better! Now that’s versatility:)
Any struggles with Atheism/Agnosticism?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Let go of being worried about it, it’s the fate every person who ever was or will be, our great fortune to have hit the life lottery. We go on as the DNA in future generations. When I was very young I was told religious stories, don’t think I ever believed, motions for the sake of culture... now I’ve let that go too.
How about a game of music sharing so we can all broaden our horizons or touch on old familars, or ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
What's the best pickup line you've heard?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
That stripper pole really brings out the color in your eyes.
What does an Atheist believe we come from? Where are we going?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Primordial soup & oblivion
What is your reaction to assertions you don't think are true?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
What's the best bit of advice you've ever been given?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Sit down! Prior to being told it was twins.
What's the best pickup line you've heard?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Give me your number and we can talk about blank tape later... how I picked up my ex wife when I worked in a record store.
Gospel music. Do any of you still feel something when you hear gospel music?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I play Amazing Grace and Battle Hymn of the republic on slide guitar, I’ll go to a church if the architecture is beautiful... it is part of history and it should be enjoyed in a historical context for art, architecture and music... just as I enjoy bugs bunny knowing it’s not real I can enjoy what religion has given us! Religion is best enjoyed by atheists and best feared by the flock.
Does anyone shy away from using a company who promotes religious ideals?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Yes, the NRA!
I have heard many religious people state that Atheists do not have moments of awe because they do ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Being curios like a child, nature created the world and it’s a far greater story then some omnipotent dude waving his hand... that actually leaves me uninspired and without aw because it’s bullshit.
Why is it difficult to find true love??
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Because of expectations... people know what they want and fill out a form like they are placing a take out order. If I decide what I want I may never find it, if I choose from what’s available I may find something wonderful I had never considered. If you ask me what type of girl is my type I could tell you but the single best love of my life did not fit that mold... our problem was we lived in different countries 3,000 miles apart and both had things keeping us from being together, she was not the perfect I was looking for but she was awsome in a thousand ways, she was the one the made the worst 5 years of life the best 5 years of my life and if I never find that again I’ll die happy knowing I had it for just a little while. I did not join this site to date as you can see on my profile but I don’t go to Publix looking for a date either... if happens it’s no different than that.
New design for T-shirt, less political, more humanitarian.
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Can you imagine getting a phone alert that your kids school is on lockdown with an active shooter? I just need a shirt that says, “Fuck The NRA” I have 3 teenagers in school in south Fl... the kids are rattled! As a parent it’s always in the back of our minds... I’m ok with armed security but not the teacher, there job is hard enough!
Have you ever: walked out of a store & forgot to pay for an item?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
No, but I would go back.
Hey, gentlemen, do us both a favor and please add a picture to your profile! It's not so much about...
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I agree.
Atheists make up their own fantasy morals and meanings of life. []
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
That said, since god does not exist all morals are made up... why is it that 99% of the people in jail are religious? If you want to read some depraved sinister lack of morals try the Bible... a book that has no moral problem with slavery. My life has meaning with out a contrived fantasy, thank you for your concern.
Bright sunshine and blue skies today, so it got me thinking ahead to summer.
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
My favorite beverages is Guinness, year-round!
Do you normally have a lot of energy? What boosts your energy?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Coffee of course ... but in general I have better energy now that I’m vegan than before. ... also when completely wiped out sexual energy can amaze oneself, that’s the real resurrection.
Why do men hate to ask for dIrectIons?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
There’s a huge swath of Canada that I would’ve completely missed out on had I asked how to get to Vermont!
Do we have a soul?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
There is a big difference betweeen what I would like to be true and what is true, I love the idea of reincarnation but no. I don’t think you continue in any tangible way that would preserve your conciseness or life force. My purpose in living is that my kids will continue, my DNA will go on... if I didn’t have kids my purpose would be to make the world better for those that do... if Earth were to blow up tomorrow the universe wouldn’t even notice that we were gone, we have the temporary gift of conciosmess, we are lucky not chosen.
Have you ever: cheated at a card/board game?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
No, I have reasonable win to loss ratio as it is.
Stems and seeds....
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
And if the government was an alcoholic beverage it would be Steve Bsnnons Budweiser backwash, salute
What are some of the arguments that you have heard from theists
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Jesus came to me, you can’t tell me he didn’t because I felt it! .... excerpt from Easter dinner! Yup
Have you ever: drank too much & made a fool of yourself?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Oh geez, lol, cheers?
The Antidote
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Being present, anything upsetting you is either ruminating of a past you can’t change or a future that hasn’t happened. Focusing on your breath is one way to bring your mind to the present, where nothing is wrong. The actual practice of this is to continually bring your thoughts back to the present because your mind will wander, bringing it back is the practice, nothing is wrong... helps me. I use a meditation app and find it very useful.
In other Florida news. Anyone looking for a big murder kitty?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I crashed into barricades on I-95 swerving to miss a group of Florida panthers in a construction zone about 25 years ago, haven’t seen one since.
Have you ever asked a question on social media that you regretted asking after reading the responses...
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
No, I’ve regretted comments not questions.
What obsolete things did your mom try to teach you?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
The accordion. At the age of 5 I was told to choose an instrument and I would get lessons, I picked the guitar. The next morning there was an accordion in my room. My mom owned an accordion studio and had 30 of them... so I took a few lessons until she finally relented due to my persistent tears and I started guitar, turned out there was a 1903 Gibson L1 in the closet, I’ve played it for 50 years now:)
Gotta hand it to the kid
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Teacher: oh my! Studant: it’s a dildosaurus
Good morning my lovlies!
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I have been saved by espresso.
How would everyone feel about being refused a date because you’re an atheist?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Could you handle being with someone so religious that they won’t date who they like? It’s a sign of how far gone he is. You were ok with him being religious and that needs to be mutual. As for how I would feel, crappy for a bit I suppose.
Would you dare to have sex in a church?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I would like to do a tour and have sex in all the churches in Europe.
Is There an Objective Reality?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
We have five access points to experience the world around us, the spectrum is far greater than our senses can comprehend but we have some pretty good tools to extend our senses... Telescopes, infrared and so on. Independent of our knowledge of it is an interesting question, our knowledge goes as far as the tools, it seems unlikely that we know everything. That said, not knowing is an acceptable position and nothing we don’t know needs to be atributed to basically something else that we don’t know... I’m confident that the natural world goes behind our understanding, I don’t accept that if we have no answer an intelligence interveened.
Hold it - I'm confused?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
It’s a shame there is no hell for this guy to go to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The wonderful benefits of meditation.
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I have my meditation practice, like any practice you need to develop it, never judge it... I could go in deep but I get that it’s a joke so I’ll leave it at that and spare you the guru shpeel☯️
The one Messiah I could Worship....Charlie Always sunny!
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I loved that show! I don’t get into a show often but Hulu binged this one:)
New Year's Resolution is holding up well.
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Bit rough on my vegan sensibilities, Oreos and Guinness for me:)
Monday..What can I say?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Monday is my day off, I’ll be doing my inward screaming on Tuesday?
Modern technology has made it so much easier...
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
There was a girl from Hull I was involved in mutual consensual stalking with:)
How would you feel in a relationship if your significant other refused to fight?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I’m not one to sweat the small stuff... I like open and honest, never had fights with any girlfriends with the exception of the one that ended in divorce... other than that I’m still friends with most, most being 2 out of 3... the 3rd started putting nasty stuff on FB after we parted so I blocked her. I would have stayed friends even if just fringe but it is what it is... now I date, not in anything serious and that may be best for a while... the problem with my ex was I found out she had a boyfriend for the last 4 years we were together. I didn’t deserve that and when I found out I left, I have the kids half the time and live 5 blocks away. If she was not happy she should have talked to me and gave me my life back way sooner.
What is the most embarrasing thing that has ever happened to you?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Maybe I’ll comd back to this after a few more beers?
Looks like it's time to welcome latest bunch of new members.
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I think I’ve been here two weeks... the words he speaks are true... truth, reality and honesty is why I’m hanging around... not here for dating necessarily, want to be part of a delusion-less community... I’m a massive Twitter user, have an atheist page a vegan page and a few antiTrump pages, this is a nice break. A different vibe, I only keep FB for geographically challenged friends/family:)
Looks like it's time to welcome latest bunch of new members.
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I didn’t realize there’s T-shirt’s, I’ll be getting in on that... don’t want any religious manatees talking me up when I’m kayaking.
So, what does everyone do on religious holidays?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Family and dinner... tonight the topic of is there a God came up between my agnostic son and my 93year old cousins GF, I stayed out of it because nothing good could come from anything I could have added, I had two scotches and a Guinness!
He's a hands on type of guy
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Oy vey
Well this explains everything..
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
If that was Trump, smiling like an idiot he might have said, “Very smart people have told me my answer is best, I’m a very smart person, the smartest and my Dad is rich!”.
What WON'T you do?
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I won’t eat meat or any animal product.
I am an atheist and were going to church tomorrow with the family! If you were in my shoes, would ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Don’t take the communion, is the trick.
Misadventures in Dating I have reached peak absent mindedness y'all.
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I did the same thing once with POF, we dated for 3 years... no regrets, we were almost compatable.
Home from work 10:44pm Have to be back at work at 6 am.
ArdentAtheist comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Ouch ... brutal shift, ain’t corporate America grand?
Happy Trans Day of Visibility
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 31, 2018:
One of my three kids identifies as gender fluid and I’m very proud of the fact that she felt 100% comfortable telling me at the age of 14, which she still is :-) it was kind of funny because I excepted it completely without question but then after she left the room I had to Google it, LOL
The best evidence ever collected for Yahweh, the god of the Bible. Happy Easter!! []
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 31, 2018:
I especially liked the let there be light part.
Why do theists believe in their book without reading every book?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 31, 2018:
It’s not a fair question to ask of people with no intention to think for themselves, they were told by what they concider to be an authority that had done the research for them... I also have not read the Bible cover to cover but I’ve read enough and I can tell a fable from a fact, that’s like an atheist super power.
Have you done something very sinister, got away with it, and have NEVER told anyone?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Not in my opinion.
I hope no one else has to work today. Happy Saturday, meh.
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Oh but I do!!!! Till late! But as an atheist it’s not like I’m missing something Easter related, tomorrow I’ll cook, we will eat, Easter done! ... i’ll stop and pick up some peeps for the kids ?
Today was interesting, my morning starts off with my supervisor handing me a home made tombstone ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 31, 2018:
If that’s disrespectful you should probably avoid me:)
What constitutes a 'healthy' society & is it attainable?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 31, 2018:
As I attempt to determine what constitutes a healthy sociaty I’m forced to conclude it is unobtainable. Best we could hope for is healthier... more people accepting reality, more kindness, more working to achieve universally beneficial goals, less bigotry, greed & power grabbing to the detriment of the people, animals and the planet. Getting the GOP out of Washington would be a good start.
Point ... Counterpoint
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 31, 2018:
It appears in this meme that you’re actually addressing the cabinet :-)
Do you consider religious people delusional?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Yes, the ones who trully believe are delusional, disconnected from reality, fantasy wonderland bonkers & certifiable but the ones who don’t actually believe but are in it for profit or control are assholes. ...imho
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I like it so hot that I regret it for an hour, I want the endorphin rush, a bit adicted to hot peppers.
What would your last wIsh be?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Perfect... I would’ve gone with a Joint & Guinness.
Fun with words....
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Ok... my band name is Ardent Octopus.. we have a story line for the epic. Ardent Octopuses arch enemy is Upstate Condor which spells Ardent Octopus if you rearrange the letters, also the lair of the Ardent Octopus is the Dancer Outpost.. Rearranged also spells Ardent Octopus... and the rabbit hole goes a lot deeper than that. There’s an app for that?
Are there no workhouses?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I make donations to whom and when I choose, not a fan of the cashier asking, rather give it to a homeless person... they may spend it on alcohol but who needs a drink more than that guy?
Any way you look
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Took a minute because my phone kept rotating the picture:)
What about your life gives you a sense of meaning?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I have 3 great kids, I play lots of music and I’m willing to look reality in the eye... Our purpose is to perpetuate the species, we are animals and a happy accident, I don’t need to assign meaning to it, I need only enjoy whatever time there is and maybe leave the world a hogs breath better than I found it. But it doesn’t “mean” anything... it is what it is. Trying not to take life to seriously, everything is temporary from your cat to the universe. Let go of the idea that it must have meaning, why put that kind of pressure on yourself? ok, if I just answer the question, if I had to pick something? Other people, connections with family and friends.. it’s tricky because easy to say my kids give my life meaning but you don’t need to have kids to feel as if your life has meaning so.... sticking with there is no meaning, but maybe a bit of purpose:)
Does anyone else have a problem with the Pledge of Allegiance?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 30, 2018:
My opinion has changed with the times, I think you handled it perfectly. When my thinking was different I was not in tune with the oppressed, know that I am I stand with them, or sit... I have much more of a world view now than I did in 1976 when I was 13 and waving a flag in New York Harbor for the bicentennial. Love this country and it’s Flag but until it waves equally for every American it will never feel like it did in 76... That said, I refuse to allow Republicans and the GOP hijack our symbols, half mast until conditions improve! I’m a New Yorker who believed in the great melting pot... I want us to be the country the Statue of Liberty stands for... if we don’t fix things soon I’ll have to start Looking towards Brooklyn when I’m on the Staten Island ferry.
Today's lesson...
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I’ve known people that could do that.
I have a cousin whom I love dearly.
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Just say ok... you wish her well, that’s the same thing and has the same outcome, so just say ok... And then just to lighten up the mood perhaps say something like, “how about that Darwin?”
Do you accept or reject friend request on Facebook by people you don’t know?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I have about 900 pending requests, I actually know a few of them but I’ve lost interest so I’m on Twitter mostly, but here latly.
How fast do you drive in a 35 mph zone?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 29, 2018:
When I was younger I had a lead foot, these days I make every effort to stay close to the speed limit, not because I’m older but because I had too many tickets and I’m tired of paying through the nose to get someplace I probably don’t want to go 5 minuets sooner.
Sexuality Lables
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Whatever makes you happy. If It doesn’t influence science or politics it’s none of my business and if it pisses off the religious extreamests I’ll fully support it.
Clown on clown on clown violence...
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Proud to say I’ve not been in a McDonslds in about a decade??
Do you over think? Do you under think? Do you feel like you might be forgetting something?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 29, 2018:
We all do it, it’s how we are wired. When we take the time to be present and not roominate life is better. This post hits on one of the best reasons to practice meditation. We still do it but can better recognize what we are doing and bring our mind back to the present, because that’s all we have... when lost in thoughts past and future we miss the president.
Eating out alone?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I like to eat alone and equally enjoy company. Alone I can read or take the time to practice mindful eating. You need to eat, enjoy it. If you are uncomfortable I recamend a little shift in thinking. Your happiness need not be dependent on another person, if someone joins you they should simply be adding there happiness to yours but either way you have yours... kayaking is also something I enjoy differently on my own, and I usually bring lunch:)
You got to admit, she looks good in those boots
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Don’t judge me!
You mIght be a dudeIst
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I mean I prefer Guinness but otherwise I’m pretty much there.
Sex or the opportunity to try 3800 different types of tater tots?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Can I just pick a few potatoes and have lazy half assed sex? Because all potatoes and no sex is not how I like my potatoes..
What’s your favorite medium for music? I’m into original vinyls myself
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Well I have a nostalgic love of media defunct but the simplicity and convenience of digital is great!… That said, I still have a turntable & a huge pile of records, once in a while that’s fun, we would be silly to think the advances aren’t improvements. I like vinyl because it reminds me of when I was a kid but not so much because it’s better.


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  • BirthdayJune 19
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