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Going Vegan is GREAT for the environment (but do it for the animals first!!!) .
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I went vegan for my health, although I appreciate and support all the reasons. Just to help make it easier for those on the fence to make the switch I would like to point out the both Guinness and Oreo cookies are vegan!
When you're home alone do you ever grab a glass of wine and turn on some music and just sit in a ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Or some facsimile :-)
Is there better men on here after you get higher points.
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I only came around here to see the changing of the guard and all that jazz.... anyway I assume when I hit 7 my bald spot will fill in and I’ll be able to rennber the lyrics of every Bob Dylan song.
Eating meat []
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Very interesting, I went vegetarian initially for health reasons. Dr. after Dr. tried to help me with my debilitating migraine headaches, take this medication, eliminate this food, eat that blah blah blah... it was inevitable that I wouldn’t be able to stick with it properly nor was it eliminating many triggers Dr’s hadn’t considered, I couldn’t control what they were trying to tell me to do. In the throws of what must been the worst migraine I’ve ever had I decided the only thing I didn’t try was to become a vegetarian. It helped a lot but not completely so I became vegan, I feel so much better, migraine headaches are now rare and less severe. Pain is a great motivator! Now I can embrace the many good reasons to stay vegan and enjoy life without constantly ending up in a dark room for 8 hrs.
How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike without training wheels?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 27, 2018:
I remember having trouble doing it, just kept falling over... then one day I was running and wanted to go faster and I jumped on my friends bike and took off... maybe I was 7? The thinking needed to be replaced with doing, I apply this principle in music. When I can’t remember the chord changes I play it fast so I won’t have time to think about it, actually works:)
How comfortable are you with the word "Atheist" ?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 27, 2018:
A label tells you what to expect, a way of making sure your in the right place. I don’t like that we need a label but since we do I’m glad we have it.
Do you talk to yourself?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Everyone talks to themselves, the question is, do you move your lips?
For atheists - what makes you believe no deity exists?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Everything to me is part of the same universe, we know how old it is... before time began would be just as natural, I see no reason to attribute it to a god simply because we don’t know the answer, that’s falling into the god of the gaps thing and would make us the same as a theist... agnostic seems like your trying to hedge your bets should your logic fail you. Seems to me once you have gone as far as agnostic you would have to go to hell for finding out to late and not being saved... reason enough to make the jump to athiest for me. We don’t need evidence to prove no god exists, I can make up stuff you can’t prove all day, it’s up to theists to prove he does, but once they say it’s a matter of faith the conversation is over.
I am curious what some of you think.
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I would say if getting his own phone would improve his sex life he should do it, realizing you are only meeting for coffee but it’s even screwing that up. If he calls I think you should say you don’t go out with people you can’t contact and suggest he stop at a Verizon and fix his life. Apologies if that sounds harsh since I don’t know you, but I would not want my daughter trusting this and so I don’t think it’s a great idea for anyone.
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 26, 2018:
If unnecessary guilt comes under the heading of unhappy I would say atheists are happier in that regard. That said, delusion can make a person unjustifiably happy. I think atheists are largely people who can be happy or sad and do so without the aid of imaginary reasons. A few on here have given me a subtle hard time for saying meditation helps keep my emotions in check, one guy offered to have me babysit, (thanks I have 3 of my own) but simply if you have the tools and make an effort to be accepting of how things are you can lesson the swing of emotions a bit, you never stop being human, it’s truly just a tool and not a panacea. Now I have also found atheists on here treating nonbelief as a religion, they seem still to struggle with accepting reality and are looking for a replacement to religion, they may find happiness more elusive. I prefer not to call the religious morons, I prefer misguided, once you insult someone they are gonna dig their heals in and the chance of them changing is I’m sure greatly diminished.
50 & Up
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 26, 2018:
My job keeps me on my feet and moving all day, I’ve got a litttle belly but being vegan I mostly stay within a 5lb fluctuation, 170/175... the week I found out Oreos were vegan I gained a few extra lb and hit 178lb but I don’t have a cookie problem, lol
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Having dated a girl from Hull who I still concider an awesome amazing person I learned never to put strings or staples in my cup:) She even decorated an old coffee can to remind this tea challenged American:) it says, “U.K. Tea bags, No Strings! LOL”
This lady is delusional!
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I understand if you drink it while playing Starway To Heaven backwards it can open a portal directly to hell under your feet.
SCIENCE WARS - Acapella Parody - YouTube
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Awesome, but again, more cowbell would have been nice.
The Molecular Shape of You (Ed Sheeran Parody) | A Capella Science - YouTube
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I like it, needs more cowbell.
My response to "It's well established that humans are natural omnivores".
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I’m 2 1/2 years vegetarian and vegan for the last four months, I feel so much better... One who pays attention to how what they eat makes them feel will eventually figure out that we are not meant to eat meat. It’s breaking with cultural norms that holds a person back. People who concider themselves freethinkers, lovers of science and supporters of truth should be understanding this better than most. That said, I’m finding many people on here that use atheism like religion, an excuse to stop thinking. If you think, reason will tip your hand and you will need to change to be congruent with your new found evidence, but that takes effort and most people would rather keep taking Tums until their Quadruple bypass is scheduled.
Now Registering Animal abusers
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 25, 2018:
It will be interesting to see how many people make both lists.
Parkland Students Discuss Gun Reform, March For Our Lives | The Daily Show []
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 23, 2018:
I have 3 teens in a nearby school... Assault weapons have no business on the streets of a civilized society, no hand guns until 21, mental health screenings & waiting periods. We need to make it completely unnecessary for teachers to be armed. I’m not opposed to an armed officer but not the teacher.
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Just had a cup of ginseng tea with sugar infused with ginger and a few chunks of the ginger.
Stephen Hawking Will Be Laid To Rest Alongside Darwin And Newton At Westminster Abbey | IFLScience
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Hmmm, I visited Westminster Abby in 92 and as I recall they buried Darwin standing up as not to give much floor space to an Atheist, he has a tile on the floor pointed out to us by our tour guide. It will be interesting to see the logistics. His passing is a great loss to humanity.
Are you optimistic about the future of the US & do you think conditions will improve?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Yes, things will improve! A slow insidious take over would not generate the giant blue wave that’s coming. Ignorance, hate and the general hijacking of our nation makes a clear and obvious target and we will be taking our country back! Vote every Republican out of office in every election at every level.
Will you be changing your FB account?
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 21, 2018:
No option in your list for being ahead of the curve on managing it. I don’t use it much and nothing real important gets posted, I’m a twitter nut and follow the same principles of no sensitive information being used.
The motto on our money
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 21, 2018:
Absolutely not, it has no place in an age of scientific discovery, put instead, “In the scientific method we trust”.
Aah my virgin post, you only get 1 and this one is mine.
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 21, 2018:
Thank you all for the welcome... The question, “How do you define spirituality?”. It’s the peace I feel when I reach the point of everything being silent, it’s the awareness that is unchanging for all our life, the core of our being. That said, I don’t imagine it to be something other than my own mind and I won’t until science makes that the more likely. In meditation I don’t judge it, I just let what’s good come, I can use reason to decide how to process it later.
My therapist wants me to explain my Spirituality to her and I don't have a clue
ArdentAtheist comments on Mar 21, 2018:
I just posted on the spirituality topic, I was noticing the difference between what I use for the benefit and what I believe. I don’t believe in an outside force, it’s all in the mind but still ok to “be” with that as long as you know the difference. If you have no idea that’s what you should say. I’m trying this app instead of therapy:) cheers


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