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Taken by my daughter on the way home from her swimming practice, 30.11.19
What is your favorite color and why?
resserts comments on Dec 3, 2017:
I loved red when I was a kid. No conscious reason, really, it just caught my attention and I liked it. As an adult, I still like red, but I'm more drawn to deeper, richer colors (like burgundy) and I'm fascinated with color combinations. But I still hate mauve.
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 3, 2017:
Ah, too bad. My second favorite is mauve! l2m
Creativity: What is it?
btroje comments on Dec 3, 2017:
a unique expression of the individual in whatever small or grandiose way that may be.For me it may be cooking without recipes, building my own house. making swales and berms on my pasture to see what may grow with better use of water or crocheting lace. None will be declared art but it is the use of...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 3, 2017:
Very nice description "expression of the individual".
Creativity: What is it?
goatgirl comments on Dec 2, 2017:
For me it is just an obsessive need to sort and arrange. Colors, shapes etc. I live with artful things for a while then when I get bored with them I rearrange them. I am the lone re-arranger! Kind of like a bower bird.
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 3, 2017:
Are you looking for shapes, colors, forms, whatever catches your eye type of thing? I do all those things all the time. If I can't take it with me I photograph it. My kids love dumpster diving which is good but not good. Do you assemble them in a fixed way or are they always interchangeable?
Creativity: What is it?
goatgirl comments on Dec 2, 2017:
For me it is just an obsessive need to sort and arrange. Colors, shapes etc. I live with artful things for a while then when I get bored with them I rearrange them. I am the lone re-arranger! Kind of like a bower bird.
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 3, 2017:
I have to ask. What sort of found objects?
Creativity: What is it?
goatgirl comments on Dec 2, 2017:
For me it is just an obsessive need to sort and arrange. Colors, shapes etc. I live with artful things for a while then when I get bored with them I rearrange them. I am the lone re-arranger! Kind of like a bower bird.
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 2, 2017:
I had to look up what a Bowerbird is. They're mating ritual is for the male to build a structure with sticks and decorate it with colorful objects hoping to attract a mate. Does your work make use of found objects?
Creativity: What is it?
silvereyes comments on Dec 2, 2017:
To take and make To stitch and weave To play, to fall into flow To put on a beautiful show And, splat! And boom! And wizz... Creativity can't be defined, my friend. It is too pure. Like love. Any words would not do it justice.
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 2, 2017:
I love your word plays, the way you say things in colorful and clear ways, the corrections you so gently administer, and the justice you bring to words.
What are your quirks?
evestrat comments on Dec 1, 2017:
1. My friends and co-workers say my laugh, when I truly find something unexpectedly funny, is just like Edna Krabappel from the Simpsons ... I've always called it my "gunshot" laugh because it comes out of nowhere. 2. I get irritated when people use certain mathematical concepts/words/phrases ...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 2, 2017:
You make me blush.
Seasons: How does the effect of the seasons, due to the earth tilting or ‘wobbling’ affect your ...
AMGT comments on Dec 1, 2017:
If I could be in a coma from Halloween till March, that’d be great.
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 2, 2017:
Sex: Eyes opened or Eyes closed
Kreig comments on Dec 2, 2017:
Other: Just put a flag over their face and do it for your country. :P
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 2, 2017:
You're so patriotic.
Are you a night owl or a morning bird? Something in-between?
Maya405 comments on Dec 2, 2017:
Morning person. Fond of afternoon naps.
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 2, 2017:
The perfect schedule.
What are your quirks?
AstralSmoke comments on Dec 2, 2017:
Quirks? I don't have any personally, but other people think I do. 1) Talk to whoever is up first. Act happy and jolly. 2) My middle toe on both feet are the longest. 3) Would like to through the tv away. Only receives local news, CNN, and Jeopardy. 4) When I have an idea I almost wet my pants ...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 2, 2017:
@silvereyes No worries, I know you (sort of).
Seasons: How does the effect of the seasons, due to the earth tilting or ‘wobbling’ affect your ...
silvereyes comments on Dec 1, 2017:
Hot liquids: soup, hot cocoa, coffee, tea- all taste better in the cold weather. Water is divine in the summer. So are smoothies and fresh juice. Fall brings me nostalgia for some reason. I like the gray skies and crisp leaves. Spring... allergies. But, also I love to see nature warming back up....
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 2, 2017:
Well, we all need our fresh air.
What are your quirks?
evestrat comments on Dec 1, 2017:
1. My friends and co-workers say my laugh, when I truly find something unexpectedly funny, is just like Edna Krabappel from the Simpsons ... I've always called it my "gunshot" laugh because it comes out of nowhere. 2. I get irritated when people use certain mathematical concepts/words/phrases ...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 2, 2017:
I like to tickle. Guess it comes from growing up in a large family. You look happy. No tickle! Coffee is set on a timer. It'll be ready when you are. Thank you for letting me keep my head.
What are your quirks?
AMGT comments on Dec 1, 2017:
1. I’m often asked how often I work out. I don’t. It’s genetics, I’m not responsible and I’m grateful. 2. I prefer silence in the morning until I’ve had two cups of joe. If you speak, I’ll smile, that’s about it. 3. I’m a stickler for fork on the left, knife and spoon on the...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 2, 2017:
@Kreig schmutzen: to get dirty; schmutzig: dirty. It's an on-going lesson with my kids.
What are your quirks?
Lancer comments on Dec 1, 2017:
1) when I exercise only 1 ear is hot and the other is freezing cold. When I get injured enough that my Adrenaline kicks in, both my ears become really hot. 2) if i get really sad or slightly depressed. My OCD kicks in and I end up doing chores or arrange things. I once lined up all of the chairs ...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 2, 2017:
The ear thing is weird!
What are your quirks?
evestrat comments on Dec 1, 2017:
1. My friends and co-workers say my laugh, when I truly find something unexpectedly funny, is just like Edna Krabappel from the Simpsons ... I've always called it my "gunshot" laugh because it comes out of nowhere. 2. I get irritated when people use certain mathematical concepts/words/phrases ...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 2, 2017:
Wow, ok, I won't tickle you. It will be difficult though. You look so ticklish. A 3D line? Is it technically still a line if it's 3D? A pipe could serve as a line, but that's servitude. And we probably couldn't live together. I would be headless after the first morning.
What are your quirks?
evergreen comments on Dec 1, 2017:
OH - this is a fun one ! My environmental consciousness sometimes causes some oddities : When riding my bicycle - which I do almost daily - if I see a plastic water bottle on the ground, that still has water in it - I bring it home and use the water for plants. Whenever I use a public ...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 2, 2017:
We have a couple of things in common. I cut my own hair (I'm bald most of the time), I like to ride my bike (don't pick up trash unless I'm hauling my trailer), I'm part reptilian (ridge on my head), I always forget where I put my cell phone, and I'm one of those naked people.
What are your quirks?
BucketlistBob comments on Dec 1, 2017:
1. Saying huh? To my wife. She's got a soft voice, I cant hear her. 2. Telling my wife , baby, I said yes! She'll ask me a question and keeps giving me options after I say yes. 3. Telling my wife, babe, please get out of the kitchen baby! When im cooking. She'll walk behind me and when i turn ...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 2, 2017:
You really need to rearrange your kitchen!
DEATH Someone just posted about dealing with another's death. How about your own?
AstralSmoke comments on Dec 1, 2017:
It means the end of me. I want to be buried with a living tree over me. That way I'm slowly scattered.
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 2, 2017:
@kmdskit3 I' haven't done any feasibility tests and I doubt it's legal here in TN. Doesn't mean it's not a great idea!
I met a friend at a pub tonight called The Office.
Maya405 comments on Dec 1, 2017:
Hope you were being a good student.
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 2, 2017:
Must not have been a great one. He moved to the other side of the bar twice.
Patriotism vs Pacifism ...Thoughts ?
snytiger6 comments on Dec 1, 2017:
Too often "patriotism" is used to justify wars that only profit/benefit a few persons. The reasons are more economic than they are sovereign or for protection of citizens. As an example, George W. Bush started a war with Iraq, saying they had "weapons of mass destruction" as an excuse, which ...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 2, 2017:
This is my take on the Gulf War. No money initiated the conflict, but it nicely paid for it. GW Bush attacked Iraq because his father was limited. Bush Jr wanted to even the score. He felt like his father had been mistreated. Revenge.
Addiction: How far are you willing to go (expenditure of energy, finances, time) to help someone who...
atheist comments on Dec 1, 2017:
I was a psych nurse on an addictions unit for 18 yrs. plus other shit - that's enough!
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
I'm sorry for your loss.
Addiction: How far are you willing to go (expenditure of energy, finances, time) to help someone who...
resserts comments on Dec 1, 2017:
I guess it depends on how close I am to the addict. I don't think money helps much, and the only way it's effective at all is if the person is dedicated to getting better. I think being supportive in terms of time and energy is more valuable, and if someone especially close to me needed that direct ...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
@resserts Thanks, somehow I knew you'd understand. "[If] someone especially close to me needed that direct emotional care and anchor, I'd provide what I could."
Addiction: How far are you willing to go (expenditure of energy, finances, time) to help someone who...
btroje comments on Dec 1, 2017:
If they ask me for a ride to a treatment unit I would give them that. Otherwise I think a lot or actions that look like help to the average person ends up to be enabling
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
Yes, I agree, and it can be heart-wrenching. When do you give up on them?
Addiction: How far are you willing to go (expenditure of energy, finances, time) to help someone who...
Lyonesse comments on Dec 1, 2017:
my brother was a heroin addict for a long while, thankfully he is clean now, I tried to help him when he was addicted but tbh it was fairly pointless. Whether it's tobacco, booze, drugs or soaps, an addict will only really stop when THEY want to.
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
I agree, but if there is just a slight glimmer of hope don't you keep trying?
Addiction: How far are you willing to go (expenditure of energy, finances, time) to help someone who...
Lyonesse comments on Dec 1, 2017:
So to answer your question, I would help as much as I could without hurting myself
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
And if s/he is a good friend, would you stop helping if there were a possibility of future pain?
Silence is golden but sometimes I just want to talk to someone.
AstralSmoke comments on Dec 1, 2017:
Yes, I love it when it's quiet, no one talking. And yes, I need someone to talk to as well sometimes. What do you do when you want to talk but there's no one around? I usually mumble to myself (no reason to talk clearly), but that doesn't go very far because I already know what I'm going to say. I ...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
@Shuvrokhan That's very true if you have all your electronics on. No quiet. Turn off your tv, your radio, your cell phone you can mute. Sit back, breath deeply. If you want someone to listen to you, I'm more than willing. If you want someone to share their ideas with you, I can do that as well. I do require that you stay real. Just saying.
Seasons: How does the effect of the seasons, due to the earth tilting or ‘wobbling’ affect your ...
VictoriaNotes comments on Dec 1, 2017:
Fall makes me happy. It’s the time of year when I feel light-footed, the most invigorated and creative. It’s the time of the year when I get to sleep an extra hour when the time changes. It’s the time of the year when I am seduced by candy corn and fragrant aromas . . .cinnamon and ...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
It sounds like the most delicious time of year.
Sex: Eyes opened or Eyes closed
MichaelSpinler comments on Dec 1, 2017:
lmao, open and lights on film running mirrors on the ceiling, i dont do vanilla i prefer an adventurous partner. with no sexual repression . it will be interesting to see how the ladies on here find this answer, lol
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
When's your next movie out?
Sex: Eyes opened or Eyes closed
Sarahroo29 comments on Dec 1, 2017:
If you're moving into different positions, you need to have your eyes open.
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
No, no, no! You should look at each other. It's a form of communication. You want to experience it together. Watch each other, feel each other, experience the essence of each other. Movement comes naturally.
Sex: Eyes opened or Eyes closed
evergreen comments on Dec 1, 2017:
Depends on the moment, and the closeness to the one I'm with. No rules here.
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
You're super close and he prefers the lights on.
Sex: Eyes opened or Eyes closed
SKDeitch comments on Dec 1, 2017:
The only way I can tell if I'm doing it right is looking at her face her face. That and the sound, but generally a totally goofy face=job well done.
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
Yes, It's enjoyable to watch.
Sex: Eyes opened or Eyes closed
btroje comments on Dec 1, 2017:
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
Is your reasoning similar to @AMGT 's?
Sex: Eyes opened or Eyes closed
AMGT comments on Dec 1, 2017:
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
Nice response.
Sex: Eyes opened or Eyes closed
resserts comments on Dec 1, 2017:
One open, the other closed — to eliminate binocular vision so it looks two-dimensional and reminds me more of internet porn. (Now, if only I could get her to wear a "buffering" icon…)
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
If I were a betting man, I would have said you, of all people, would pick other.
Seasons: How does the effect of the seasons, due to the earth tilting or ‘wobbling’ affect your ...
AMGT comments on Dec 1, 2017:
If I could be in a coma from Halloween till March, that’d be great.
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
What, you don't like the cold?
Seasons: How does the effect of the seasons, due to the earth tilting or ‘wobbling’ affect your ...
resserts comments on Dec 1, 2017:
I like very in northern New York, where we have winter, and then the other two months. I really hate winter.
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
I've been to NY in winter. 4' snows and where are you? I lived in northeast Ohio and I swear the summer was only 3 weeks long. The winter was wonderful though, frozen rivers and noses.
Seasons: How does the effect of the seasons, due to the earth tilting or ‘wobbling’ affect your ...
zanyfish comments on Dec 1, 2017:
For me, since I have a healthy obsession with the natural world, it's confirmation that life on this planet has EVOLVED to exist with the changing seasons.
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
It's amazing to watch the migration of birds and insects, to watch the trees shed their leaves, and to wait on the yellowjackets to end their season.
Seasons: How does the effect of the seasons, due to the earth tilting or ‘wobbling’ affect your ...
Varn comments on Dec 1, 2017:
Great question. It certainly reminds me of ‘the reason for the season/s’ :-) It triggers such a spectrum of change in nature that it’s easy to understand how earlier humans searched for various answers to such change. An admirer of Madalyn Murray O’hair, I’ll occasionally ponder her ...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
That's a practice I'd like to implement!
Seasons: How does the effect of the seasons, due to the earth tilting or ‘wobbling’ affect your ...
CC_David comments on Dec 1, 2017:
I love the changes in seasons. It is a tangible reminder that things in life always change. I don't think it is an accident that seasonal metaphors are so common in our language. Specifically, I find three of the seasons to be very refreshing. Summer is just too hot, but it sure does make me ...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
Summer is normally too hot here as well. This year was very pleasant. Next year a different story.
Seasons: How does the effect of the seasons, due to the earth tilting or ‘wobbling’ affect your ...
SeptemberSara comments on Dec 1, 2017:
Seasons? What are these "seasons" you speak of? I live in SoCal. I've been here 30 years and I still get confused by the lack of seasons. :(
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
I'm sure southern California has its moments. Personally, I like/need the seasons. It contributes to my rhyme.
Seasons: How does the effect of the seasons, due to the earth tilting or ‘wobbling’ affect your ...
silvereyes comments on Dec 1, 2017:
Hot liquids: soup, hot cocoa, coffee, tea- all taste better in the cold weather. Water is divine in the summer. So are smoothies and fresh juice. Fall brings me nostalgia for some reason. I like the gray skies and crisp leaves. Spring... allergies. But, also I love to see nature warming back up....
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
You sound like an outside girl of sorts, but I know better. It is about time for a hot cup of chocolate. I know Jakob would concur.
Seasons: How does the effect of the seasons, due to the earth tilting or ‘wobbling’ affect your ...
btroje comments on Dec 1, 2017:
fall back east is a melancholy time for me though it is beautiful. I like spring there better. Here in New Mexico fall is bright yellow and sparkly.Even as temps drop with the sun you can still be working outside in the 40s. HEre spring is a brutal season with high winds that create anxiety in a lot...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
I can't really imagine the colors there. O'keefe painted some wonderful things, but I've never been there. I try to imagine it though. Here in the southeast, it's finally getting chilly, the leaves are falling, the autumn maintenance is almost finished. Hoping for a snow or two, but probably won't be delivered this year. We miss you.
Seasons: How does the effect of the seasons, due to the earth tilting or ‘wobbling’ affect your ...
MichaelSpinler comments on Dec 1, 2017:
it doesnt. it does pose a problem for the flat earhers i imagine, how would they explain it? lol
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
You don't have a favorite season?
Seasons: How does the effect of the seasons, due to the earth tilting or ‘wobbling’ affect your ...
wordywalt comments on Dec 1, 2017:
What affects me most are temperature and humidity. I love all seasons except summer. But, when I lived in a northern climate, su7mmers were also good -- especially in Berlin, where conversing with friends over a good beer or bottle of white wine midsummer daylight lasted from 2:20 AN to 10:30 PM ...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
Germany is good all year round. I remember drinking Gluehwien at the Christmas Markets standing near a space heater. Good times!
What are your quirks?
DJVJ311 comments on Dec 1, 2017:
1. I dislike people who are too similar to me in the personality department, which really confuses people who actually like me. 2. I constantly forget what time it is. I will message/text people at inappropriate hours of the morning when no one should be awake and _then_ check the time. 3. I ...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
Your missing 0.9%. They don't show a like or dislike for your laughter?
Addiction: How far are you willing to go (expenditure of energy, finances, time) to help someone who...
resserts comments on Dec 1, 2017:
I guess it depends on how close I am to the addict. I don't think money helps much, and the only way it's effective at all is if the person is dedicated to getting better. I think being supportive in terms of time and energy is more valuable, and if someone especially close to me needed that direct ...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
I've dated two women (not at the same time) that turned out to be alcoholics. I ended up fleeing the scene. I had no way of helping them. It was beyond my understanding and education. I wish I could have done something to help, but I felt it was better to help myself at the time and remove them from my life. It still eats at me sometimes.
What do you think about the "trickle down" theory?
WeekiWacheeMax comments on Dec 1, 2017:
It's impossible for either trickle down or trickle up not to work. Trickle up shouldn't need any explanation. Poor people buy something from companies, services of those more well to do and the benefit goes up in both profits and the need to hire more people to deliver/produce the goods/services. ...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
I like your naivete. Trickle down does not work. Why else are there billionaires? They're not sharing 'their' money. It's simply a ploy that for some reason a lot of people buy into, to the benefit of the wealthy. Education is a key factor that the US is missing.
Is global warming real?
resserts comments on Dec 1, 2017:
The data shows a much sharper increase recently in global temperatures than at any other time (using various methods of determining temperature at other times in history), and the increase directly correlates with carbon emissions from human industrial activity. I think there's more to learn about ...
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
Also, the orbit of the earth is approaching it's furthest distance from the sun, so the earth should be approaching another ice-age, yet it's getting warmer instead of getting colder.
Do you have a subconscious racial bias?
AstralSmoke comments on Nov 30, 2017:
No automatic preference between African Americans and European Americans.
AstralSmoke replies on Dec 1, 2017:
I'm not horribly prejudiced against other races. Perhaps I'm oversensitive to most of their plights. But I know I have prejudices against people that I perceive to be overweight, lazy, or generally unhealthy. I blame this on social conditioning but am not positive.
Where is happiness?
Hope4Zoe comments on Nov 29, 2017: This is a video on happiness. It's just a few minutes long and worth watching.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 30, 2017:
Thanks. It's well done, but not about happiness. I guess I was searching for a more 'enlightened' version. (;))
Are dysfunctional families the norm?
AstralSmoke comments on Nov 25, 2017:
I was raised in a 'stable' family environment, meaning my father and mother stayed married. All of their sons, me included, had broken marriages. Both of my sisters are in stable marriages, meaning they have not divorced. One probably should but won't. Dysfunctional doesn't necessarily mean divorced...
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 30, 2017:
GareBear517 We have shared histories, meals together, boomers' parents, and camping. My mom's mom was a flapper too! I just found a chainmail purse and necklace of hers. Pretty cool. It's ironic how the intended lessons are learned and the unintended lessons are absorbed.
Art: Does art affect your life? If so, how?
goatgirl comments on Nov 29, 2017:
I am ridiculously creative. It's almost a pain in the ass. Now that I am older and semi-retired though I am creating my mixed media nonsense with reckless abandon and having a blast. I am working through my hatred of our current government, my hatred of commercialized religion and my hatred of ...
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
It must be powerful.
"Everything we do is for the purpose of altering consciousness.
AstralSmoke comments on Nov 29, 2017:
I know Sam Harris is a neuroscientist that has sold millions of books and has his on podcasts etc., so who am I to disagree with this man. Well, I'm only me, and I still disagree. I don't believe we do things in order to feel emotions, like love, friendship, etc. I think we make these bonds because ...
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
@Annaleda "Everything we do is for the purpose of altering consciousness." Your remarks altered mine. I need a butterfly net!
"Everything we do is for the purpose of altering consciousness.
AstralSmoke comments on Nov 29, 2017:
I know Sam Harris is a neuroscientist that has sold millions of books and has his on podcasts etc., so who am I to disagree with this man. Well, I'm only me, and I still disagree. I don't believe we do things in order to feel emotions, like love, friendship, etc. I think we make these bonds because ...
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
@silvereyes The initial emotions have no incentive.
Art: Does art affect your life? If so, how?
Decieven comments on Nov 29, 2017:
You bet! It is a reminder that there are beautiful things in the world. Moments that move you deeply & send you on a journey - if even for just a moment. It reminds me of my childhood when my imagination reigned & the world was so much simpler. Those moments of shear awe & inspiration remind me that...
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
Does art need to be beautiful? Very objective, I know. I have an artist friend who swears he tries to make his art as ugly as possible (he really means dark), but a lot of people, myself included, see the beauty in his ugliness.
Art: Does art affect your life? If so, how?
markdevenish comments on Nov 29, 2017:
stimulation of the imagination leads to greater awareness which can only be good for you.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
I'll have what he's having.
If nothing was stopping you, what job would you like to have?
AstralSmoke comments on Nov 29, 2017:
Artist, same as now.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
@DJVJ311 I look at trees as living things, which they are, until they die. But they're still a tree, just like a dead human is still a human. I understand and agree with you about carving on living trees or even something like graffiti on rocks, but it could also be considered wasteful to let a beautiful log just rote. I believe we agree on at least half the story, so that's a good start.
If nothing was stopping you, what job would you like to have?
AstralSmoke comments on Nov 29, 2017:
Artist, same as now.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
@DJVJ311 I'm not sure what you'd call a downed tree other than a tree. Do you live in a building? Does it have doors (maybe wood doors)? Does it not have wood trim and possible wood structure? Wood comes from cut up trees.
Art: Does art affect your life? If so, how?
Hominid comments on Nov 29, 2017:
I can't afford it, so I make it. ;-) I'm a photographer that likes to dabble in Photoshop to turn my images into art, then get them printed on canvas to sell. Some artists disagree that photography is art, but my income disagrees with them. ;-)
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
I'm not a stickler about media, medium, or ideas. I like to photograph but don't consider myself a photographer. Do you get someone to print them for you? And I'd have to say that earning money doing what you enjoy is fantastic, but I'd also have to say earning money has nothing to do with the art.
Happiness: What is happiness for you?
snytiger6 comments on Nov 29, 2017:
I find a lot of things bring me into a peaceful and happy state. Such as... i no particular order... A good book. A car purring on my lap. A long bike ride. Hiking naked in the woods. A day at a nude beach or nudist club (platonic nude recreation in general) The satisfaction of a job/task ...
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
So, you like to play with model cars? I used to have a pretty good Matchbox collection. (;))
Happiness: What is happiness for you?
resserts comments on Nov 29, 2017:
For me, happiness is the unnatural, unsustainable state just beyond contentment that can last for a few minutes to a few weeks, a reprieve from the stresses and rigors of daily life, convincing me that living is somehow bearable by overemphasizing the happy moments and downplaying the grind that ...
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
Sort of like being in love.
Life is a Noun in search of a Verb!
MKennedy comments on Nov 29, 2017:
Life: An individual's Life is an objective system of behaviors and actions that cause further actions and behaviors, such as a ripple effect. However, the objective system is different than a ripple effect because of the number of reactions possible based upon a number of subjective components. ...
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
Yea, what she said.
If you could be a bird for a day, what kind of bird would you be? Why?
GeekLeen comments on Nov 29, 2017:
I'd choose a seagull or a heron, those are cute! I don't have a reson why. I like birds! I have 21 birds tattooed on my shoulder!
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
Wow, you must have broad shoulders. (;))
If nothing was stopping you, what job would you like to have?
AstralSmoke comments on Nov 29, 2017:
Artist, same as now.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
@DJVJ311 or do you mean the one I'm sitting on?
If you find yourself in a box, how do you get out?
tomservo comments on Nov 29, 2017:
I do get lonesome when I go for days without talking to anyone. And often, I'll have weeks where I'm just deep in a funk where I have no appetite and sleep too many or too few hours. So, when I'm in a box.... I don't really know how to get out.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
I think it's important to realize you're in a box before you decide to get out.
If nothing was stopping you, what job would you like to have?
AstralSmoke comments on Nov 29, 2017:
Artist, same as now.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
@silvereyes There are some really good trees around (already dead @DJVJ311) that could possibly yield very intriguing faces. I know an artist that carves. (;))
What do you do for fitness?
webbew1 comments on Nov 27, 2017:
Beer curls. I also do one sit up a day. I start it when I wake up in the morning, and I finish it when I go to bed at night. But, seriously.... I have yet to find a work out routine that doesn't bore me so much by the third month that I simply can't stomach doing it anymore. The last thing...
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
Try cycling. It's never the same twice.
What do you do for fitness?
BradleyOgle comments on Nov 27, 2017:
I go into super markets walk around and wait... Then when the mgr. looks for me along with the police I run...Its great exercise gets your heart pumping and you have motivation...Oh the only thing I wear is my tennis shoes...
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
Streaker! I've just been mooned!
What do you do for fitness?
sourceofdesire comments on Nov 27, 2017:
Diet and Yoga, And I think that's enough unless you want muscles.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
@sourceofdesire I wasn't familiar with Falon Gong. After looking it up I've found it involves qigong, a system of coordinated body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used for health, spirituality, and martial arts training. I've seen something similar before and it looks so easy, but isn't.
What do you do for fitness?
wordywalt comments on Nov 27, 2017:
When I was young, I played team sports. For over 325 years, I walked 3 - 5 miles a day. Over the past 11 years, I have worked out with weights 3 times a week -- from 120 to 360 pounds (depending on the muscle group) on 13 different machines. At the age of 80, I am as strong as I ever was, but ...
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
Some places count years a little differently than we do.
What do you do for fitness?
BucketlistBob comments on Nov 28, 2017:
Its a concern over here too. Good food is my disease. A lot of my gravies and sauces are yummy/ tastey. Lots of cream, starch, flower, and milk. Most of the time i like a starch / flower and burnt onion gravie. Then theres a broccoli and cheese over potato wedges. To me a meal requires a sauce . ...
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
Rearrange your kitchen so you have to search for everything.
What do you do for fitness?
Hominid comments on Nov 28, 2017:
Whenever I get inspired to exercise, I lie down till the feeling goes away.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
Love a thinker!
What do you do for fitness?
Mattbat637 comments on Nov 28, 2017:
I play video games. My thumbs get a real workout.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
I bet you're pretty fit!
Face It: Some people like makeup. Others don't. You?
btroje comments on Nov 29, 2017:
never wore it
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
You should change you distance preferences so we are more compatible (;))
Where is happiness?
Hope4Zoe comments on Nov 29, 2017: This is a video on happiness. It's just a few minutes long and worth watching.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
The link's not working for me.
Where is happiness?
naughtyxavi comments on Nov 29, 2017:
“I have lived through much, and now I think I have found what is needed for happiness. A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good, and who are not accustomed to have it done to them; then work which one hopes may be of some ...
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
Probably no more children, but I like Tolstoy.
Where is happiness?
goatgirl comments on Nov 29, 2017:
I am a certified atheist hermit on ten acres in the bible belt. I feel very happy :) For some solitude and nature can be just the right medicine. For others it would be nothing but stress inducing. I do miss hiking with someone though.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
I love to hike. Are you busy this weekend?
Face It: Some people like makeup. Others don't. You?
Kreig comments on Nov 29, 2017:
Worth watching..... or in reverse.....
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
Face It: Some people like makeup. Others don't. You?
evestrat comments on Nov 29, 2017:
For myself, being a ginger, my eyelashes and eyebrows are translucent. So I like to use an eyebrow pencil and mascara daily as they help bring that definition to my face (seriously, the days when I don't I look extremely odd, at least to me lol!!). I used to not wear any makeup in general until ...
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
I understand your point of view.
Face It: Some people like makeup. Others don't. You?
Sarahroo29 comments on Nov 29, 2017:
I just discovered makeup this week. I always enjoy looking at natural beauty. But I wanted to try and look better than a train wreck. My profile pic is me with my makeup done. My other photos I'm not wearing any.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
I like your photos without makeup personally. You look more real. I bet you're a beautiful train wreck.
Where is happiness?
ErichZannIII comments on Nov 28, 2017:
Wouldn't the better question be "what is happiness?"
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 29, 2017:
What is happiness is a fine question. And I really didn't think this post would go this way, but hey, it's going.
If you could be a bird for a day, what kind of bird would you be? Why?
markdevenish comments on Nov 28, 2017:
patty boyd just so i could drive the boys wild
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 28, 2017:
Outside the curve. You win!
What's the deal with studio apartments? It's not like they make TV shows in your apartment.
webbew1 comments on Nov 27, 2017:
Don't give the reality TV people any ideas.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 28, 2017:
You even gave them the title!
If you could be a bird for a day, what kind of bird would you be? Why?
BD66 comments on Nov 28, 2017:
A peregrine falcon. I'd love to dive at 240mph.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 28, 2017:
That would be super cool. Do you skydive?
If you could be a bird for a day, what kind of bird would you be? Why?
evidentialist comments on Nov 28, 2017:
I ... I would be the lowly pigeon. You see, as a pigeon, I can shit on all the cute little christians gathered in the parking lot after services just so I could watch them struggle with maintaining their cool in earshot of the congregants. Pigeon shits on Sheila in the church parking lot: ...
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 28, 2017:
I think you're holding back. How do you really feel?
Dog Owners: What are some of the ways you and your dog resemble each other?
DUCHESSA comments on Nov 28, 2017:
Well, my dog is Atheist....LOL
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 28, 2017:
Poetry Time: Fill in the blanks And you want to ______ with her And you want to _____________ ...
BucketlistBob comments on Nov 28, 2017:
And you want to _travel_____ with her And you want to ___show her off to your friends And you know that _you worked hard to get her For you’ve touched _your dream car_ with your mind
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 28, 2017:
If you could be a bird for a day, what kind of bird would you be? Why?
Kreig comments on Nov 28, 2017:
A Kakapo. With just over a hundred left in existence, the Kakapo is a species that only breeds once every decade. So I would happily become a Kakapo, get my freak on, and actually IMPROVE a species' chances of survival! Win/win all-round! :D
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 28, 2017:
He's really going for it!
Poetry Time: Fill in the blanks And you want to ______ with her And you want to _____________ ...
BucketlistBob comments on Nov 28, 2017:
And you want to _travel_____ with her And you want to ___show her off to your friends And you know that _you worked hard to get her For you’ve touched _your dream car_ with your mind
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 28, 2017:
Pretty good except you used a forbidden word!
If you could be a bird for a day, what kind of bird would you be? Why?
Sarahroo29 comments on Nov 28, 2017:
A seagul, so I could choose whose head to shit on.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 28, 2017:
If you could be a bird for a day, what kind of bird would you be? Why?
AlexiaJaquet1 comments on Nov 28, 2017:
I would be a penguin.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 28, 2017:
Why a penguin?
If you could be a bird for a day, what kind of bird would you be? Why?
Kreig comments on Nov 28, 2017:
A Kakapo. With just over a hundred left in existence, the Kakapo is a species that only breeds once every decade. So I would happily become a Kakapo, get my freak on, and actually IMPROVE a species' chances of survival! Win/win all-round! :D
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 28, 2017:
Yes, a kakapo! Your link isn't working (for me).
Poetry Time: Fill in the blanks And you want to ______ with her And you want to _____________ ...
resserts comments on Nov 28, 2017:
And you want to laugh with her And you want to feel her contented sigh And you know that there's nothing left to seek For you've touched her tender heart with your mind
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 28, 2017:
Very nice.
Poetry Time: Fill in the blanks And you want to ______ with her And you want to _____________ ...
KingofHarts comments on Nov 28, 2017:
And you want to go to Walmart with her And you want to use her credit card And you know a trailer park is near For you’ve touched every day low prices with your mind
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 28, 2017:
Laughing, holding my sides.
Poetry Time: Fill in the blanks And you want to ______ with her And you want to _____________ ...
JoshuaHenderson comments on Nov 28, 2017:
And you want to LEONARD COHEN with her And you want to LEONARD COHEN And you know that LEONARD COHEN For you’ve touched LEONARD COHEN with your mind
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 28, 2017:
You might be as sarcastic as I.
What is the best economical and political system for human being?
AstralSmoke comments on Nov 28, 2017:
I'm sorry there are only two choices.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 28, 2017:
I disagree. There are only two answers because of power and money. We all need to broaden our thinking.
Poetry Time: Fill in the blanks And you want to ______ with her And you want to _____________ ...
Eponymous comments on Nov 28, 2017:
And you want to breathe with her And you want to entwine And you know that in this moment You've touched infinity with your mind.
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 28, 2017:
I like it. Has a little twist that opened my mind.
Thoughts on the story below?
rpmazzella comments on Nov 28, 2017:
I love this one. I have said that many people of faith do good things for the rewards that they expect to receive or fear of punishment from god - whichever god they worship. I as an Atheist, do not expect a reward nor fear punishment from a benevolent non-exiting being. Atheists do altruistic ...
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 28, 2017:
And that begs the question, does that sound like your next post?
do you follow the crowd or do your own thing?
AstralSmoke comments on Nov 27, 2017:
I feel like I have a blindfold on, with eyeholes cut out. Shar Pei?
AstralSmoke replies on Nov 28, 2017:
@LeighShelton The table looks like it could spin, does it? Do you make the ceramic faces and scary creatures? What's growing inside the tree's mouth?


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The green man in Berlin, Germany. East Germany's crosswalk light. At the fall of the Wall, every city in Germany got a set of these crosswalk lights to show the unity of Germany. Photo taken in 21.10.16.
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At our family reunion, 16.07.18
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On the balcony of my 'new' flat, 23.11.19.
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Bean planking.
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Our new puppy, Bean, 14.11.19
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Around 1962-63.
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1961 with my granddad, Herschey Boy.
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I'm the little guy on the far left, early April 1962.
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