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I am here for the community only. I find many of the discussions here interesting, but haven't really had much time lately to join in. I have been using my real name, and I think it is about time that I stopped doing that. Just the content of my posts and comments should be enough to judge me by, at least in this context.

I am rather left-wing. Voted for Nader, Bernie. At one point in my life, Angela Davis. I used to be anti-theist, but not as much lately. I am getting old. Yet I am learning more, hopefully.


Why do so many males hover or look at my profile?
AtheistReader comments on Sep 3, 2018:
I sometimes accidentally hover on profile. It's easy to do. :) And besides I need to check up on my competitions, right? No, but seriously, many of the members here sound intelligent and rational, and I am sometimes curious as to their background.
Raising children with/without religion
AtheistReader comments on Sep 3, 2018:
I tried to teach her the truth as I know them, as in all other matters. And tell her that she will have to make certain choices on her own, and the choices comes with consequences. And I also tried to give her my moral values: that we should avoid making choices whose consequences hurt people.
A guy with “good Christian values” who is “a child of God” looking for a calm, feminine ...
AtheistReader comments on Sep 3, 2018:
I don't date children. And I don't care who their Parents are.
You deserve the best?
AtheistReader comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Or, in the immortal words of William Munny...
Book titles that should be but aren't
AtheistReader comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Not So Great Gatsby.
So are you one who is fashionably early or fashionably late to places?
AtheistReader comments on Sep 2, 2018:
I am always annoyingly early. Annoyingly was the term used by my friends to describe the earliness.
I have Anisocoria.
AtheistReader comments on Sep 2, 2018:
I like going to the bookstores and running my fingers through the stack of books..... Hmmmmm... It sounds more creepy than I initially thought. :)
Do you make the distinction between being skeptical vs. cynical?
AtheistReader comments on Sep 2, 2018:
A cynic is made as a result of the initial failure to exercise the judicious amount of skepticism in the first place.
My mother is going downhill - asking for kind thoughts or feedback
AtheistReader comments on Sep 2, 2018:
I am so sorry...
AtheistReader comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Hmmm. My idea of an amazing woman is not a prize to be won. I am pretty amazing, and I refuse to fight for someone who does not recognize that. :) I take no for an answer. All those whom we love are worthy. We shouldn't judge the worthiness, based on whether someone is "easy" or not.
What I should be doing and what I want to do are in fierce opposition. Ugh.
AtheistReader comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Lol! Not me. What I should be doing lost.
The best things in life ❤❤❤
AtheistReader comments on Sep 2, 2018:
I don't know. My new phone is pretty sweet. ? We are still on our honeymoon phase.
Do nice guys/gals finish last?
AtheistReader comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Hell, I am never sure if I am actually "nice." If I am, I am being nice because that's who I am, and not because I want to finish last or first or anything in between. What I've learned in my attempt to date at this stage of my life is that I am going to be who I am. I just don't have the leisure and the energy to become something I am not... Nice or not nice.... I'd have to give it a shrug....
Too many people are looking to fill a void instead of loving themselves and finding someone to share...
AtheistReader comments on Sep 2, 2018:
I am sorry. But this is platitude. Sure, one must have some acceptance of oneself. But the need for a mate is more than philosophical or psychological. I suspect that it is sexual, physical and sociological. It does help to have self-esteem to find that mate, or significant other ad we call them, but self-esteem alone isn't quite enough. :)
Have a scammer on my pm telling me how the deity would let me do some nonsense.
AtheistReader comments on Sep 1, 2018:
God is, after all, great. I am joking. Sorry. :)
If we don't valu ourselves and what we bring to the table...
AtheistReader comments on Sep 1, 2018:
You are what you pretend to be -Kurt Vonnegut- P.S. Alright, I left out the context. He said "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." Not worried about settling. I am more worried about what I pretend to be.
The Humanist Dilemma: Is It Right—or Obligatory—to Mandate Basic Education for All?
AtheistReader comments on Sep 1, 2018:
Education is like vaccination. It must be mandatory.
“I’m not looking for a serious relationship.
AtheistReader comments on Sep 1, 2018:
Hmmmm. If that is what they want or do nor want, why should anyone else be upset by that? Wouldn't that count as honesty? Apart from the fact that it is an imprecise statement of their intentions, it sounds harmless.
Where were you born? Use a GIF
AtheistReader comments on Sep 1, 2018:
As a lawyer I feel compelled to point out that if you post here that you were not born somewhere in the U.S., that can and will be used against you in your exclusion or deportation hearing. :) And I am only semi-kidding....
How many needs a shoulder? ?
AtheistReader comments on Sep 1, 2018:
Come to think of it, I may, I said may, have a shoulder-fetish. ;)
Ok ladies.
AtheistReader comments on Sep 1, 2018:
Lol! Funny. :) As a guy, I would have to say, if you are a woman judging a guy worthy of your love and affection by these criteria, please, don't message me. Ever. Of course, I will say this with all due chivalry.
How old were you when you came to disbelieve?
AtheistReader comments on Sep 1, 2018:
Well, not sure if it is "religious" per se but a lot of "moral" values from my religious days have been engrained in me and hard to shake them loose. One of the books by a catholic author said, in essence, if a child half way around the world is starving it is because I did not share my food. I saw the truth of it, and I still carry that with me.
Quick! I need a man! []
AtheistReader comments on Aug 31, 2018:
I was totally expecting something else. :)
Age of understanding
AtheistReader comments on Aug 31, 2018:
Raised by catholic parents. 14: transitioning to liberation theology 15: watched the Cosmos by Sagan. Bought the book. Read again and again 16: confirmed atheism.
Fear of Rejection
AtheistReader comments on Aug 30, 2018:
This is interesting. I was just thinking that this online dating thing has been instructive about my own double standards. I've met a couple of highly intelligent and wonderful women to whom I did not find myself physically attracted. Am I that shallow? Probably. But then I felt unsure of how to communicate this in a sincere yet non-assholish way... At any rate it isn't the fear of rejection from a stranger that I hardly know that bothers me; what bothers me is the challenge to my sense of self esteem that whispers "ok, maybe you are not as suave and witty as you think you are." :) But I would like to think that I am bit of the deviation from the norm, and there is always a price to pay for that privilege.
I recently joined a couple of other free dating sites, and I am quite open about being atheist.
AtheistReader comments on Aug 30, 2018:
I do too, but I know at least couple of friends who are Chatholics and they are truly good people. Liberation theology, I hope, is still a thing.
Do people take "Here for community" seriously?
AtheistReader comments on Aug 30, 2018:
I think it is how this site is advertised. It said that it was a "dating" site, and when I got here it seemed that is a bit inaccurate. :) This looks more like a forum, which is fine, and if forum members start dating, that's bonus, right.
How comfortable are you with the word "Atheist" ?
AtheistReader comments on Aug 30, 2018:
Logically, you may be right. But to paraphrase a quote from Star Trek, "whoever accused of the humanity of being logical?" :) I think historically that the majority of humanity has held religious beliefs of some sort, and continues to do so. So, I am perfectly happy with separating myself from the majority with the label "atheist." One of my favorite theist writer is Reza Aslan, and I enjoy reading his books (and many would say that his books are not exactly "scholarly" and they are probably right, but still very entertaining), and he makes a point that the state of belief as opposed to the state of non-believing has been, and is, the norm. I agree that that has historically been the norm. I would of course argue that it shouldn't be. But the fact is that it is.
Should public nudity be legal?
AtheistReader comments on Aug 30, 2018:
Should a society legislate morality? I think that is a bigger question. If the answer is yes, then the question is what criteria and procedure should the society use in order to define "morality" and how to enforce it to what degree. Then it is a simply a matter of communal agreement. Atheists are not burdened with "religious" mores, but they do have "mores" stemming from other sources. Personally, I think it is legitimate for a society to legislate morality, if morality is defined as "preventing individuals from causing unnecessary harm to others." In that sense, yes, I absolutely think that being nude in public should be legal.