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Everywhere I go, I would wear it.
BD66 comments on Dec 25, 2022:
I wish I still had my 90 year old grandma.
Feel better now???? (I did some fact checking and found estimates as high as $285,000,000,000)
BD66 comments on Jan 20, 2023:
My two friends started a company called One of them made $800,000,000 The other one made $400,000,000 They gave me a chance to invest very early. I now take comfort in the fact that every other financial or investment mistake I have made is small compared to not investing in their company.
How deep does the hypocrisy go?
BD66 comments on Jan 25, 2023:
Finding logical contradictions for Lindsey Graham is as easy as finding logical contradictions in the Bible.
I'm sure many of you have seen this meme on facebook or elsewhere this week.
BD66 comments on Feb 12, 2023:
Good for you! You didn't waste 4 hours of your life watching a great game only to have the outcome decided by a terrible call!
Not even half time and the haters are already out.
BD66 comments on Feb 12, 2023:
Keri Lake had a good point about the "fixed" thing. Did you see that defensive pass interference call?
Kamala Babble
BD66 comments on Mar 6, 2023:
Sounds like she is talking about her work securing our southern border.
We have a huge selection of essential oils to choose from, this seems to work best
BD66 comments on Mar 15, 2023:
seriously. :-)
"1200 People Were Asked Why They Left Christianity.
BD66 comments on Mar 27, 2023:
I guess "It's all a bunch of complete nonsense" would fall under "Intellectual Integrity" I'm surprised I'm in such a small minority 7%.
You'd think that OSHA would stop them from doing that
BD66 comments on Mar 28, 2023:
That's darn impressive!
Social Security will be insolvent by 2033- []
BD66 comments on Apr 3, 2023:
The year I turn 67, Fantastic! It will be 49 years of putting money in and 0 years of taking money out!
“It is from the Bible that man has learned cruelty, rapine, and murder; for the belief of a cruel ...
BD66 comments on Apr 10, 2023:
Man had engaged in 1,000,000+ years of cruelty, rape, and murder before the Bible was ever written.
Ha, I knew it!
BD66 comments on Apr 11, 2023:
Many times it's why the divorce process begins.
Interesting vid on what many non-white people say quite openly, and why they think it's okay.
BD66 comments on Apr 30, 2023:
A consequence of 40+ years of race baiting by the media and academia.
Yesterday I renewed my drivers license.
BD66 comments on May 12, 2023:
Sounds similar to getting my 16 year old son a driver's license in Illinois last year.
Unlikely to turn out well
BD66 comments on May 16, 2023:
A pet cougar is a great way to keep the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons away!
Anyone else think that's a bit weird?
BD66 comments on May 16, 2023:
I'm glad to do it!
A meme I saw on Facebook, which makes a valid point.
BD66 comments on Aug 31, 2023:
Exactly! That little turd Robert Reich is one of the people shaking the jar.
1903 & 1911 Nobel prize winner!
BD66 comments on Sep 11, 2023:
Radiation is to be feared.
If I were him, I'd be grinning too.
BD66 comments on Sep 12, 2023:
That explains the smile.
It's a great catch in Texas.
BD66 comments on Sep 22, 2023:
I don't understand that level of love for hunting.
You are not it
BD66 comments on Sep 26, 2023:
They should put up a picture of a guy from the Chicago Bears.
I really don't want Democrats to control anything Federal after the next election.
BD66 comments on Sep 29, 2023:
Same here. When it was Trump vs. Hillary, I did not like either candidate, so I just stopped watching. It's a pretty easy matter to just go here: take their quiz, decide which candidates and parties are most closely aligned with me, then turn off all the BS on the news.
Love after marriage
BD66 comments on Oct 4, 2023:
All young men contemplating getting married should see this.
He bashed Donald Trump for pledging to build it and promised during the campaign.
BD66 comments on Oct 6, 2023:
Post that for the lefties to read.
This atheist hero opposed organized religion.
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2023:
According to the movie, she was killed because people wanted to get the money she had raised promoting Atheist causes. I don't know how accurate the movie was:,as%20Madalyn%20Murray%20O'Hair.
When will they ever learn?
BD66 comments on Oct 13, 2023:
India and Pakistan on a smaller scale.
Just promise him a certain percentage or something, lol.
BD66 comments on Oct 16, 2023:
Then we get Harris.
If we don’t secure the southern border we are eventually going to have a major security problem as...
BD66 comments on Nov 5, 2023:
Best argument you can make to secure our southern border:
Federal judge: Atheist parolee jailed for rejecting Bible study can seek financial damages -- ...
BD66 comments on Nov 18, 2023:
The parole officer deserves prison time.
Kumasi in Ghana
BD66 comments on Dec 2, 2023:
That's more entertaining than any church service I have ever been to.
BD66 comments on Dec 20, 2023:
The Democrats definition of a Nazi: Any Republican who has a chance to get elected.
An all-female Catholic college will no longer admit trans women after right-wing outrage -- ...
BD66 comments on Dec 23, 2023:
Should they be allowed to discriminate against people born male who identify as men? Should they be allowed to discriminate against people born male who identify as women? I don't see the distinction.
While the following is a dated read, that sort of hypocrisy is easily observable to this day and ...
BD66 comments on Dec 28, 2023:
Go to your nearest calendar store and check out SI's weekly swimsuit calendar. One week: The model weighs 110 pounds. Next week: The model weights 250 pounds. Next week: The model weighs 110 pounds. Next week: The model weights 250 pounds. Next week: The model weighs 110 pounds. Next week: The model weights 250 pounds. If they had any business sense, they would make a calendar full of 110 pound models, and a calendar full of 250 pounds models. They would then realize their calendar with 110 pound models sells 100 times more than their calendar with 250 pound models, and stop with the morbidly obese female swimsuit models altogether.
Montana school district finds its electric buses can handle sub zero weather : NPR
BD66 comments on Feb 1, 2024:
You would think they would have done that research BEFORE they bought the buses!
My wife of 48 years is pressuring me to go to church with her on Sunday as she says that’s what ...
BD66 comments on Feb 2, 2024:
Call the minister and propose a debate on the existence of God rather than the normal church service.
Well Donald is not above the law according to the highest court. We should rejoice.
BD66 comments on Feb 6, 2024:
Why do you care? I could not care less about the legal troubles of Australian politicians.
Damn, where is love?
BD66 comments on Feb 15, 2024:
They hymen is not the issue. It's the corruption in family law courts. It should be simplified to "No Diamond"
Truth be Told
BD66 comments on Feb 23, 2024:
She has gray hair and she is only 34 years old. Doing battle with all those lefties must have taken its toll!
When white people see black people praising a white Jesus they smile ...
BD66 comments on Feb 27, 2024:
No, it's because Black people are better at praising Jesus. :-)
Ppl say he ain't going to change but he's gonna get worse
BD66 comments on Mar 1, 2024:
Well look at the alternative:
might be true!
BD66 comments on Mar 8, 2024:
Depends on the woman. Most women here in the Midwest would make most men lose their appetite.
For anyone who had watched Biden's State of the Union Address last night, am I the only one who ...
BD66 comments on Mar 8, 2024:
They must give him a red bull before he goes out in public.
When you want to go forward ...
BD66 comments on Mar 10, 2024:
Sometimes Reverse Makes More Sense:
Investigation finds policies at Catholic-run hospitals restrict reproductive health care | PBS News ...
BD66 comments on Mar 18, 2024:
I have a friend who is the only non-Catholic executive at a Catholic run hospital. Part of his job is referring patients who want abortions to the appropriate non-Catholic hospital to perform the abortion.
Bernie Sanders is trying very hard to cost the American job market great losses.
BD66 comments on Jun 6, 2019:
Don't worry, Walmart isn't going to do anything Bernie Sanders wants them to do.
What the actual hell?!?
BD66 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
Those thoughts never occurred to me.
For today's lesson of "How you can use religion as a weapon" Pastor Said He Was Sucking Demons Out...
BD66 comments on Jun 12, 2019:
Robert Kraft should have used that defense "I just needed some demons sucked out of me"
I have been trying to come up with a meaning for the acronym g.
BD66 comments on Jun 12, 2019:
J - Jumbo E - Extortion S - Saddled U - Upon S - Society
A hugely blaring difference between Capitalism and Socialism that Americans seem to miss (and very ...
BD66 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
How do you tie capitalism together with expensive education? I would say you can blame the defense budget, the war on drugs, the Marshall Plan etc. on the fact that the cost of education is higher here than in many countries. When you devote all of those resources to overseas objectives, you don't have as much money left to subsidize the education of your citizens.
Top 20 most and least religious countries The 20 most religious countries Ethiopia - 99% feel...
BD66 comments on Jun 18, 2019:
You can see the huge correlation between religion and poverty.
He does want a parade
BD66 comments on Jun 18, 2019:
Trump is too old to cheat on Melania the way JFK cheated on Jackie O, otherwise he probably would.
The American Healthcare system.
BD66 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Here's a better analogy. You go to McDonalds and there is no menu. They tell you. "Just order what you want and we'll send you a bill." You go home and a month later, you get a bill for $400. You call the complaint line, wait on hold for an hour, then finally reach someone. They tell you that if your fast-food insurance was in-network, the bill would have been reduced to $200, and the insurance company would have picked up the next $100, so your bill would have only been $100, but this particular McDonalds was out-of-network, so you owe the entire $400, but that's fine because the $400 will be applied to your $10,000 out-of-networkd deductible.
Name something edible that can be stored in your cabinet with an amazing shelf life?
BD66 comments on Jun 22, 2019:
Is anyone else as scared as I am about global warming?
BD66 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Stop being duped.
They belong in a freak show circus.
BD66 comments on Jun 26, 2019:
That never appealed to me.
He might have been an egotistical bastard.
BD66 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Probably why he never made 5 star general.
Christian Trophy Hunter Thanks God After Killing Giraffe | Michael Stone
BD66 comments on Jul 9, 2019:
You need God's help to shoot an animal that is 20 feet tall??
When it is breakfast time my babies sit down at the verandah of their classrooms to enjoy their ...
BD66 comments on Jul 11, 2019:
Interesting topic. My mother goes to a megachurch in Bloomington IL, They support missions in places like Uganda and Haiti. They send a good deal of charity to missions in those countries, but the charity comes with a large dose of preaching. I can imagine it's difficult for a non-religious group to compete.
Most ridiculous religious experiences you’ve witnessed.
BD66 comments on Jul 14, 2019:
Church sponsors a baskeball youth league. At halftime, they lock the doors of the gym to keep people in and force them to listen to them spout their religious BS.
Are they taking Nancy Reagan war on drugs too far.
BD66 comments on Jul 16, 2019:
Nancy Reagan didn't start the war on drugs. Like many things, the war on drugs was started with good intentions, but the US Government messed it up. Incarcerating more than 1,000,000 non-violent drug offenders is costing us a fortune. Criminal Justice reform and reducing the sentences associated with drug crimes should be the top priority.
I wonder what would happen if Twitter banned Trump from posting tweets.
BD66 comments on Jul 17, 2019:
It’s easy to implement, just stop watching morning news
OK, not funny :(
BD66 comments on Jul 19, 2019:
They have been saying this since the early 1990's. How much land have we lost in the last 25 years?
"Spiritual not religious" I know this subject has probably been beat to death but having just come ...
BD66 comments on Aug 1, 2019:
In my own specific case, I believe there may be some form of life after death, based on experiences my father and brother had with people who had just passed away. My father and brother are two of the most sane, rational people I know. That's the spiritual part. As far as the religious goes, I don't believe any organized religion has any particular insight with respect to how the universe was created, what that creator wants for us, what happens after you die, etc. That's where the "not religious" comes from.
What’s the worst thing a loved one tried to defend on behalf of religion?
BD66 comments on Aug 2, 2019:
I explained to my mother yesterday how scientists are sure the Universe was about 13,500,000,000 years old when modern humans emerged rather than rather than 6 days, and her response was, "yes, but back then a day represented billions of years" facepalm.
Why would anyone need a gun when you go to Starbucks?
BD66 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Maybe he thinks it will help him get to the front of the line faster.
Holy shit was real
BD66 comments on Aug 8, 2019:
My daughter is hyper enough already. I can't imagine what she would do with cocaine candy. Check out the "Horehound" flavor!
Why they ruining the fun ?
BD66 comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Are uncircumcised penises OK?
Cleaning out the fridge and pantry.
BD66 comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Tough call. You stock up, and you make fewer trips to the store to save gas, but if you buy too much, the food goes rotten and spoils, wasting the money and energy spent to produce it.
John Hickenlooper ends 2020 presidential campaign, nods at potential Senate bid Hickenlooper says...
BD66 comments on Aug 15, 2019:
Hickenlooper is right: Hickenlooper says Bernie Sanders' socialism will FedEx the election win to Trump in 2020.
I wonder how fast gun control legislation would pass if Ivanka was murdered in a mass shooting?
BD66 comments on Aug 20, 2019:
It would not pass.
For anyone who thinks that i was a point whore, I posted this in not the most popular group, though ...
BD66 comments on Aug 26, 2019:
In 2019, and idiot wrapped in Aluminum Foil is just as useful as a Knight in Shinning Armor.
Can we and should we separate a man from his body of work if that man has done wrong in his personal...
BD66 comments on Aug 26, 2019:
I can just imagine the audio tour: "And here is the bed where Michael slept naked with little boys"
My presumption, or ASSUMPTION, is that members of Agnostic are progressive, or liberal in their ...
BD66 comments on Aug 27, 2019:
I'd say 80% to 90% of the people on this site are politically liberal, and most of them are likely Democrats. If you would like to meet the 10% to 20% of the people on this site who are conservative, go to the Conservative Atheists group.
Judge orders men who lied about military service to wear 'I am a liar' signs [thehill.
BD66 comments on Aug 27, 2019:
A judge should order ministers to wear the same signs.
"This is how it is with the universe.
BD66 comments on Aug 28, 2019:
Each one of us is the product of the 1 in 100,000,000 sperm that was lucky enough to fertilize the egg, so we are all lottery winners, otherwise we would not be here.
According to a WH press release, Trump has decided to spare Florida from any Hurricane Dorian damage
BD66 comments on Aug 30, 2019:
Trump saves Florida, and you lefties are still ungrateful!
I thought that this news from Canada’s Supreme Court would be of interest here.
BD66 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
I think in terms of priority, almost everything should come before religious beliefs, but it appears to work almost exactly the opposite here in the USA.
Sad but true
BD66 comments on Sep 1, 2019:
Here's a better analogy:
Birthday e-card and gift from a man I met 15 years ago. Why?
BD66 comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Obviously it's because you are irresistible to men.
OMFG! Wow! Just, Wow! I mean Wowzer! I can’t believe this sht! []
BD66 comments on Sep 6, 2019:
The intersection of crazy and deluded with crazy and deluded.
Does anyone have a favorite book that helped you in your transition out of your religion?
BD66 comments on Sep 9, 2019:
The Bible.
Why would you vote for Democrats?
BD66 comments on Sep 10, 2019:
Because they want free stuff.
Dead fish photos. A turnoff?
BD66 comments on Sep 11, 2019:
My dad was a very good fisherman, and we always went on fishing trips together. Dead fish photos bring back a lot of good memories for me. Eating the dead fish was good brain food too. Without it, I might be a Christian.
Do we have to believe something (in order to cope with reality)?
BD66 comments on Sep 11, 2019:
It seems like the most common replacement mechanisms on this site: Faith in God -> Faith in Leftist government. Fear of Amageddon -> Fear of climate change.
Humans (Homo Sapiens) have existed on this planet for 200,000 years. Is this our legacy?
BD66 comments on Sep 12, 2019:
Damn, that's some amazing ignorance.
What is it that Trump knows, but what the left has forgotten?
BD66 comments on Sep 15, 2019:
That helps explain why Republicans adopted "family values" and pull those out again each election cycle.
Only 4% Of Europeans Trust Donald Trump
BD66 comments on Sep 15, 2019:
He'll know not to run for President of Europe.
Is it possible to be a conservative and atheist at same time?
BD66 comments on Sep 19, 2019:
It's definitely possible to be fiscally conservative and an Atheist at the same time.
Who’s your favorite scientist and why?
BD66 comments on Sep 24, 2019:
Richard Feynman - Loved his books.
As Biden falters, Hillary attacks Trump and positions herself to enter presidential race
BD66 comments on Sep 27, 2019:
Nooooooooooo! Not another Trump vs. Hillary election!
How many logical fallacies can you count?
BD66 comments on Oct 4, 2019:
I could only stand to watch the first 22 seconds.
Hypothetically, how does someone who is not an expert in a field differentiate from "real science" ...
BD66 comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Read more and study more science. The more you understand chemistry, physics, biology, and genetics, the easier it is to distinguish the real science from the BS science.
Provided by one of my neighbors. 🍷👌😆
BD66 comments on Oct 18, 2019:
I don't care who you are, that's funny! You should post that in the Politics section.
The agnostic crowd is much more intelligent than the rest!! Sorry, but it is the truth.
BD66 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
Neil DeGrasse Tyson's stats sum this up quite well:
Car safety through the ages....
BD66 comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Looks like a form of capital punishment.
Joe Biden claims Republicans will have an "epiphany" and work with him.
BD66 comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Shows Joe is completely delusional.
someone didnt go to thier osha class
BD66 comments on Nov 8, 2019:
He needs a chain saw.
How do you deal with Christmas?
BD66 comments on Nov 9, 2019:
Just enjoy the secular part of Christmas and ignore the baby Jesus, star of Bethlehem, three wise men, virgin Mary nonsense.
I love this cat so much..... ;-)
BD66 comments on Nov 21, 2019:
Trump and Smudge memes have a whole lot of potential.
That would do it.
BD66 comments on Dec 7, 2019:
That would do it.


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Agnostic, Humanist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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