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Reading the bible while I can't go out!
BD66 comments on Apr 16, 2020:
And that wooden boat survived, 750 feet of rain per day for 40 days!
"Ain't it the truth" The Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of OZ....
BD66 comments on Apr 16, 2020:
I'd swear that's the rally of the: National Socialist German Workers' Party It started as the: German Workers' party Then Hitler, Himmler, and the boys changed it to the: National Socialist German Workers' Party
After watching the "rally" in Michigan, am I wrong?
BD66 comments on Apr 16, 2020:
3. Temperature 4. Humidity
What was your journey into becoming an Atheist/Agnostic?
BD66 comments on Apr 15, 2020:
I went to the Methodist Church growing up. At the age of 12, I had to decide whether I wanted to go through confirmation classes to become an adult member of the church. I told my parents I believed it was all nonsense.
The two biggest challenges that I have encountered in dating are women who smoke and women are too ...
BD66 comments on Apr 14, 2020:
I'm looking for the following: 1. Reasonably good physical shape. 2. No smoking. 3. Jesus is not the most important thing in her life. 4. Some form of college degree. 5. No dogs (I'm allergic to dogs). I swear there are about two single women within 50 miles of me that meet those criteria.
Something to stick up Trumps ass ! []
BD66 comments on Apr 14, 2020:
It's not their policies. It's the heat and humidity. Let's see how they are doing in July when it is winter there and summer here.
... ... ...
BD66 comments on Apr 12, 2020:
It only took them 500 years to catch on.
Why the broad disparity in death rates from COVID-19?
BD66 comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Two most likely causes: 1. Many of the European countries have large elderly populations. This disease hits the old much harder than the young. 2. Different methods of testing in different countries, so in many countries a large number of cases go undiagnosed.
I'll never fathom out the way Christians think! I can understand how the Jewish establishment of ...
BD66 comments on Apr 12, 2020:
The other thing that makes no sense is "Jesus died for your sins" Jesus was only dead for 2 days. It was more like a very very bad day followed by a long nap.
Since we like verses so much.
BD66 comments on Apr 12, 2020:
The old testament God is like a murderous bipolar child.
Kentucky Governor Says In-Person Churchgoers Will Have License Plates Recorded, Be Forced to ...
BD66 comments on Apr 12, 2020:
They should force them to quarantine at the church for 14 days. Hopefully those fools will get enough churchgoing in for a long time.
Part of my indoctrination as a believer was that humans have souls and other creatures do not.
BD66 comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Heaven is a fairy tale meant to entice gullible humans into giving money to a cult of human sacrifice. They will make heaven sound as appealing as they possibly can to get as much money as they can. If humans have souls that live on after death, it's only logical that other mammals would have souls too.
One might say that there is an air of intellectual superiority about enthusiastic libertarians, ...
BD66 comments on Apr 12, 2020:
That's exactly what we have in the USA and many other countries. A free market economy coupled with a relatively generous safety net. That's why people around the world have been trying to immigrate here for the past 100 years. There will be a constant battle about how free the markets should be, and how generous the safety net should be. You just have to accept that as the cost to living in the USA or in other similar countries.
Meanwhile the crooks are still out there....
BD66 comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Did he really say that?
So how come?
BD66 comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Terrestrial bias.
Let's sing and scat along! (71 seconds) []
BD66 comments on Apr 11, 2020:
That guy creeps me out more than all the other televangelists.
Oh shit, I should've it would too good to be true.
BD66 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Hasn't gotten me yet.
Another missed opportunity...
BD66 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
We have a long history of nominating duds for President: 2000 election: Nothing special about GWB or Al Gore other than their family names. 2004 election: Nothing special about GWB or Kerry other than their family names. 2008 election: Obama - Never once made the honor roll as an undergraduate student. Biden - Graduated bottom third in his class as an undergrad and in law school. McCain - Graduated 5th from the bottom of his class at the US Naval Academy Palin - Took 6 tries to finally graduate with a B.S. degree in journalism.
Never saw this one, I wonder if it's any good.
BD66 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
It sucks.
BD66 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
We're a rare breed.
Good question....
BD66 comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Reminds me of a question my son asked me when he was 10: My son: Dad Me: What My son: Is it normal for people to have sex with their pets. Me: No, and the first person to get the death penalty in the original colonies got it for doing that. My son: OK
Taking a wider view, it's clear that different cultures at different times invent whatever gods they...
BD66 comments on Apr 7, 2020:
The Mormons are a pretty recent religion too. Their secret "Miracles all the time". That beat the Christians who didn't have any miracles to speak of for about 1800 years.
Just another day or is it?...
BD66 comments on Apr 7, 2020:
At least Bill got to see other people. My quarantine is more like solitary confinement.
Ugh! 🙄🙄😂
BD66 comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Wish I could unsee that.
Most cities are putting inspiring messages in their windows during the lockdown.
BD66 comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Scottish people get right to the point.
This is my GF right now.
BD66 comments on Apr 4, 2020:
My GF picks out a movie I would never watch, I become interested, then she falls asleep a few minutes into it. I end up watching a lot of movies I would never watch that way.
2020 -- scariest year ever!
BD66 comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Does electing a man suffering from dementia make you feel better?
I heard an interesting prediction yesterday.
BD66 comments on Apr 3, 2020:
They would be better off just nominating Cuomo from the convention floor.
I find the popularity of this crazy idiot to be quite alarming! []
BD66 comments on Apr 3, 2020:
What's scary is the US university system is turning out millions of idiots like her, and it's being paid for by taxpayer money through student loans that will never be paid back.
Best timing ever
BD66 comments on Mar 26, 2020:
The Gambler he broke even.
Best timing ever
BD66 comments on Mar 26, 2020:
Good point!
To all believers: Why you guys 1) join this group and 2) attempt to convert me?
BD66 comments on Mar 17, 2020:
Don't block them, convert them.
Seven family members fatally shot in North Carolina
BD66 comments on Mar 16, 2020:
A byproduct of social distancing?
With the stock market going down, the fed is printing more dollars, lowered interest rates to near ...
BD66 comments on Mar 16, 2020:
You got it. That's how it works.
Another one sent to me by my nephew. He's freakin' hilarious!
BD66 comments on Mar 14, 2020:
I'm going to try that right now!
So I went to the store again and notice the stupid seems to be increasing exponentially.
BD66 comments on Mar 14, 2020:
You can beat up someone else and take his toilet paper, and nobody will know who did it.
I know it shouldn't surprise me anymore, but DAMN people are so incredibly stupid!
BD66 comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Looks Jewish rather than Satanic.
Yeah. Answer that!
BD66 comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Damn good question!
No more kisses from granny
BD66 comments on Mar 7, 2020:
I've never thought of that before.
BD66 comments on Mar 7, 2020:
My late wife, Iris Chang was a guest on his show. She thought Mathews was the biggest jackass she had ever encountered.
Thinking about maybe 2024.
BD66 comments on Mar 7, 2020:
No way Condoleezza Rice runs for President. She has never run for a single political office.
Well smack my bum , till I shout Che Guevara was nice to gays.
BD66 comments on Mar 6, 2020:
I'll have to remember this line: Well smack my bum , till I shout Che Guevara was nice to gays That's golden.
She's right there...
BD66 comments on Mar 5, 2020:
Easy answer: You don't have to live with the random person you argue with on the internet.
I'm betting this will be a campaign speech Trump will give at some point.
BD66 comments on Mar 5, 2020:
Crazy Bernie has the whole Democratic Party lined up against him.
Trump is NOT a conservative.
BD66 comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Trump is really a Centrist. However to the Radical Left, he appears to be a Conservative.
A Brokered or Contested Convention?
BD66 comments on Feb 27, 2020:
That's a futile gesture. Warren and Buttigieg hold about the same positions on the big issues that Sanders does.
Who has been the most influential Atheist/Agnostic famous person for you?
BD66 comments on Feb 24, 2020:
I was Atheist/Agnostic at the age of 12. It wasn't until I was a couple years older that I realized lots of other people had felt that way in the past.
Did you hear Bernie Sanders' latest stupid remark?
BD66 comments on Feb 24, 2020:
That's the kind of literacy program Bernie wants.
Last night's debate was the closest I've seen to a political version of a WWE Smackdown.
BD66 comments on Feb 20, 2020:
Given the format, Bloomberg didn't stand a chance. The other candidates got to attack him one after the other, and Bloomberg had to just stand there and take it. I wasn't impressed with Mayor Pete either. Warren was in her comfort zone, attacking a rich white successfull businessman.
Have you ever thought of religion and communism as not being that different?
BD66 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
Communism has its roots in Christianity. I've thought this myself for a long time, but here's a more thorough essay on the subject:
Not sure how people don't see a problem with this.
BD66 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
I busted my butt in high school track and these were my best times: 400m 56 800m 2:11 1600m 4:55 3200m 10:59 I never came close to making the state meet. It would have been a lot easier to put on a wig and some make up than to run all those miles. :-)
The women seem to be getting quite wild and crazy at the Bernie Sanders Rallies.
BD66 comments on Feb 17, 2020:
That's the only thing that would make me consider going to a Bernie Sanders rally.
I've just started reading "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins and he say something that I never ...
BD66 comments on Feb 14, 2020:
Catholicism (The largest monothestic denomination), is really a mixture of monotheism and polytheism, because those who practice it pray to God, Jesus, the Holy Sprit, and a whole bunch of patron saints. It all goes back to when the priests imposed Catholicism on most of the polytheistic world, and the Catholic Church bureaucrats were faced with the problem that the people they were subjugating liked to pray to multiple gods, so they just replaced each god with a patron saint.
Bad grandma, no!
BD66 comments on Feb 12, 2020:
That's what it would take to keep Trump from winning re-election given the sorry state of the Democratic field. It's a tactic many leftists have used in the past .
Traitorous Bastard. 🤬
BD66 comments on Feb 5, 2020:
A pathetic excuse for a politician.
Geeze all these women on dating sites saying "Jesus is first" who wants sloppy seconds?....
BD66 comments on Feb 2, 2020:
That's great. I know not to waste any time with them.
Kobe Bryant said, "God is great.
BD66 comments on Jan 31, 2020:
If Kobe believed in God, he almost surely thought God had treated him pretty well for 41 years, then all that changed in an instant.
😂😂😂 Get you a man that can get you 💦💦💦 wet dripdrip
BD66 comments on Jan 31, 2020:
We should see if Trump can pass the "Umbrella through the Gate" test:
Needed social media buttons.
BD66 comments on Jan 28, 2020:
My wife was diagnosed with liver cancer a month ago.
BD66 comments on Jan 23, 2020:
Tough situation. You and your wife have my sympathy.
It is vitally important to stop the spread of STD's in 2020. Help spread the message
BD66 comments on Jan 17, 2020:
These fantastic trade deals. The record low unemployment. The record high stock market. Withdrawing (or at least not creating or escalating) conflicts in the Middle East. These things really suck don't they? I can't stand any more of it!
Pope Francis assures atheists: You don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven | The Independent
BD66 comments on Jan 16, 2020:
Kind of defeats their whole Pascal's wager argument doesn't it?
Has anyone ever attended a Meet Up Atheist/Freethinker group?
BD66 comments on Jan 15, 2020:
I have. It was in Normal, IL. I liked all the people I met there, but once I met my girlfriend, I no longer had time to go to those meetings.
They're all heart those republicans.
BD66 comments on Jan 8, 2020:
That's one way to reduce social spending.
BD66 comments on Jan 8, 2020:
Get out of the small town.
Sign of the times.... and that he might be an idiot...
BD66 comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Can't argue with that.
Again Mexico killing Americans.
BD66 comments on Jan 6, 2020:
That's not the role of the American government. People know the risks they take when they go to Mexico.
Love this guy!
BD66 comments on Jan 2, 2020:
That's true for good scientists.
One coping mechanism
BD66 comments on Jan 2, 2020:
That's a good way to approach it.
Happy New Year 🎉 🎈
BD66 comments on Jan 1, 2020:
He hasn't aged well.
A GOP legislator in Washington called for a 51st state led by a military Christian government
BD66 comments on Dec 31, 2019:
I'm for a 52nd state by splitting Illinois on the north and south sides of Route 80. That's the only thing that will save us downstate Illinois people from fiscal bankruptcy.
What are some of the things you can think of that were originally answered by religion that have ...
BD66 comments on Dec 31, 2019:
Thunder was "The Good Lord belching"
A new original. Opinions?
BD66 comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Burning Wood will create much more pollution than burning fossil fuels. Using animals for transportation will generate much more methane in the atmosphere than burning gasoline.
Oh those crazy christians, what will they think of next?
BD66 comments on Dec 26, 2019:
That's hilarious.
Do you approve capital punishment?
BD66 comments on Dec 23, 2019:
Government is incompetent in almost every endeavor. I don't trust our government to determine who committed capital crimes and who has not. The "Central Park Five", and the "Norfolk Four" are prime examples. Therefore I'm against capital punishment.
In the grand scheme of the universe we are just a small ...
BD66 comments on Dec 16, 2019:
And that's just one of 100,000,000,000 galaxies.
People are not smart.
BD66 comments on Dec 12, 2019:
Some boy needs to join, and when they refuse, he can sue them for not allowing him to join the boy scouts because he is a boy.
The 1970 Buffalo Bills are responsible for the Kardashians
BD66 comments on Dec 8, 2019:
Brown met Simpson in 1977 when she was eighteen years old and working as a waitress at a Beverly Hills private club called The Daisy. Although Simpson was still married to his first wife, Marguerite, the two began dating.
That would do it.
BD66 comments on Dec 7, 2019:
That would do it.
Just a friendly PSA -
BD66 comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Goats get a bad rap.
Too bad about your sisiter-in-law.
BD66 comments on Dec 5, 2019:
And people like that are allowed to sit on juries.
Enjoy, I found this in a facebook debate group!
BD66 comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Look at the choice we will likely have in 2020. It's a sad state of affairs.
Think about it...
BD66 comments on Nov 28, 2019:
It didn't work out too well for the inhabitants in 1620, and it won't work out too well for the inhabitants in 2020.
I get two points.
BD66 comments on Nov 27, 2019:
4 for me
This morning, we had an agency-wide managers’ meeting, offsite.
BD66 comments on Nov 23, 2019:
You need to get out of there. Those religious zealots will discriminate against you, so your career is limited there.
Have you ever had a relationship with someone who converted to a religion?
BD66 comments on Nov 23, 2019:
Yes. My wife. It was a complete disaster.
I love this cat so much..... ;-)
BD66 comments on Nov 21, 2019:
Trump and Smudge memes have a whole lot of potential.
Cheers to my agnostic family
BD66 comments on Nov 21, 2019:
And that's a pretty darn small group.
Chick-fil-A no longer donates to controversial Christian charities
BD66 comments on Nov 18, 2019:
Next step: Hire a team of Jews and Atheists to staff their restaurants on Sundays.
Is this really "Fake News"... []
BD66 comments on Nov 18, 2019:
Well armed, but an easy target.
Got a Republican to see the wonderful movie about Harriet Tubman.
BD66 comments on Nov 18, 2019:
Did they point out in the movie that the people involved in helping the runaway slaves following the Underground Railroad were Republicans, and the people hunting down the runaway slaves were Democrats?
Gonna leave this here
BD66 comments on Nov 18, 2019:
I agree 100%. It makes you wonder about the reasoning behind the lefties who want a bigger more powerful government.
Been asking this question since I was 5 years old.
BD66 comments on Nov 15, 2019:
You certainly have us in suspense!
Largest U.S. Christian Charity Reportedly Donated $56.1 Million to Hate Groups
BD66 comments on Nov 15, 2019:
This doesn't look like a hate group to me. It looks like a group that promotes adoption rather than abortion.
That's a "Good Christian Man" right there...
BD66 comments on Nov 14, 2019:
The judge should be in prison with him.
This exactly
BD66 comments on Nov 13, 2019:
I'll go with Disney's Pocahontas:
Went to a humanist funeral yesterday and I was blown away.
BD66 comments on Nov 13, 2019:
My first wife was Chinese, and her grandmother's funeral was the same way. The focus was on her grandmother, not a magic Jew in the sky.
BD66 comments on Nov 10, 2019:
The guy is 73 years old, and he gets up at 3am to start tweeting. He no-doubt needed an afternoon nap.
How do you deal with Christmas?
BD66 comments on Nov 9, 2019:
Just enjoy the secular part of Christmas and ignore the baby Jesus, star of Bethlehem, three wise men, virgin Mary nonsense.
We won't listen in time.
BD66 comments on Nov 8, 2019:
Collectivists have done a lot more to harm the environment than Capitalists have: Here is an article on Soviet Russia: Communist China: Multiple Countries:


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Agnostic, Humanist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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