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Eventually, the truth will be out in the open.
BDair comments on Feb 15, 2022:
Peter Fam of Maat's Method Solicitors confirms filing an urgent application in the Federal Court to get Brendan Murphy of the Dept of Health to Cancel of Suspend the provisional approvals for all currently provisionally approved COVID injections.
'Neanderthal Thinking' is spreading to a state near you. []
BDair comments on Feb 14, 2022:
They will all be dead by March.
Narrative 2.
BDair comments on Feb 14, 2022:
Take the money and run. Moderna CEO Just Dumped $400 Million in Stock and Deleted His Twitter Account -
Watch for it.
BDair comments on Feb 14, 2022:
You can still wear your three N-95 masks as you drive alone in your car if you want to.
Watch for it.
BDair comments on Feb 14, 2022:
Following the Political Science. "We certainly understand and have seen in polling that the public is tired of COVID," Psaki said. "We understand that. So are we. And there have been some good signs recently where there has been a decrease in hospitalizations around the country and again, we're in constant touch about what it looks like moving forward. But our responsibility as the federal government is to rely on the data and the science that is being analyzed by our public health experts, and we will continue to rely on that for what recommendations we're making."
The facts will come out eventually.
BDair comments on Feb 14, 2022:
Random Graphical Representation
BDair comments on Feb 11, 2022:
Where is the Big Pandemic?
Steve's fact-based COVID-19 hub - []
BDair comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Salient points - Early treatments using repurposed drugs in a proven protocol are the best way to treat COVID. Treating as soon as symptoms appear is key. Fareed and Tyson have now treated over 10,000 people infected with COVID without any deaths as long as the people arrived early in the disease. The NIH and CDC ignore these treatments. I recommend you choose an early treatment protocol where there have been at least 10,000 COVID patients treated early without a single death (such as the Fareed-Tyson protocol), and start it as soon as you have symptoms.
Myocarditis following mRNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, a case series - []
BDair comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Further reading -
Countries with high Covid Vaccination Rates all suffered an extraordinary rise in Excess Deaths - ...
BDair comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Case in point.
Seltin Sweet - Beautiful
BDair comments on Feb 10, 2022:
She can keep her shoes on.
Myocarditis following mRNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, a case series - []
BDair comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Myocarditis following mRNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, a case series - []
BDair comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Myocarditis following mRNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, a case series - []
BDair comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Joe knows his base.
BDair comments on Feb 9, 2022:
Gearing up for the Altered State of the Union Address.
Were masks a waste of time?
BDair comments on Feb 8, 2022:
"It is not difficult to see why mask mandates proved irresistible to politicians. Masks are the perfect form of hygiene theatre, conveying an intuitive sense of safety regardless of demonstrable efficacy at scale. They also offload responsibility for controlling the pandemic to ordinary people. The overcrowding of ICUs can be blamed on the bad behavior of “anti-maskers”, rather than on the allocation of resources by governments and hospital CEOs. When cases and deaths spike, it is the fault of the citizenry, not the leadership."
Solid unimpeachable data collected by the DoD.
BDair comments on Feb 8, 2022:
1. Hypertension – 2,081% increase 2. Diseases of the nervous system – 948% increase 3. Malignant neoplasms of esophagus – 794% increase 4. Multiple sclerosis – 580% increase 5. Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs – 524% increase 6. Guillain-Barre syndrome – 451% increase 7. Breast cancer – 387% increase 8. Demyelinating – 387% increase 9. Neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands – 374% increase 10. Female infertility – 372% increase 11. Pulmonary embolism – 368% increase 12. Migraines – 352% increase 13. Ovarian dysfunction – 337% increase 14. Testicular cancer – 269% increase 15. Tachycardia – 202% increase
This will be a thread on the 'Origins of Covid 19'.
BDair comments on Feb 8, 2022:
Fauci and friends were working on Moderna's mRNA vaccine in 2015 with tax payer funding.
Israel is still demonstrating how effective getting 3 or 4 jabs in a vast majority of the population...
BDair comments on Feb 7, 2022:
It seems to me that heavily vaccinating most of the population should have that line trending downward.
The Truth about the Daily Mail Article Regarding Joe Rogan Podcasts with Dr.
BDair comments on Feb 7, 2022:
Salient points, for those that are wary of clicking on a scary link that takes them outside their bubble. "On January 10, more than 250 doctors signed an open letter to Spotify, entitled: 'A call from the global scientific and medical communities to implement a misinformation policy.'” A minority of these signatories were physicians, and the majority included nurses, trainees, and podcasters. In contrast, the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists (for which I serve as President) has over 17,000 validated signatories of the Physician’s declaration, and all are physicians and medical scientists."
A brilliant scientific mind such as Dr.
BDair comments on Feb 4, 2022:
Related content can be found here.
How Bad is My Batch - Are some batches more toxic than others?
BDair comments on Feb 4, 2022:
Not everyone receives the same formulation. And then there is this not so rare occurrence...
Anti-vaxxer priest, in Italy, dies. Social post says he flew to heaven - did he?
BDair comments on Feb 4, 2022:
This story looks like a complete fabrication.
Judge shoots down religious discrimination claim: Whole Foods' mask policy is not 'part of a satanic...
BDair comments on Feb 3, 2022:
The mask policies will be gone and forgotten shortly.
NEW: Joni Mitchell pulls her music from Spotify. Joni is a polio survivor. []
BDair comments on Feb 1, 2022:
I wonder how Neil or Joni feel qualified to judge the opinions of this man who is an accomplished scientist.
NEW: Joni Mitchell pulls her music from Spotify. Joni is a polio survivor. []
BDair comments on Feb 1, 2022:
I wonder if she has ever seen a Joe Rogan pod cast.
Act Now: Sign Our Petition To Convene a Special Grand Jury To Investigate the CDC’s Conduct During...
BDair comments on Feb 1, 2022:
In March 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) abruptly changed how death certificates were recorded. However, the CDC only made this change for one type of death — COVID-19 — and apparently broke multiple federal laws to do so. Shortly thereafter, the CDC adopted the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists’ April 15, 2020 position paper for defining what constitutes a COVID case. The CDC did so without implementing safeguards to ensure that the same individual would not be counted multiple times.
When asked why I'm reclusive: Long-term effects of COVID []
BDair comments on Feb 1, 2022:
You are letting propaganda keep you in a state of fear and paranoia. Go outside and soak up the Sun. Supplement with Vitamin D, Zinc, and Quercitin. You will be fine.
On January 24, 2022 Senator Ron Johnson invited a group of world renowned doctors and medical ...
BDair comments on Feb 1, 2022:
Watch the video, and read the discussion in the comments.
On January 24, 2022 Senator Ron Johnson invited a group of world renowned doctors and medical ...
BDair comments on Feb 1, 2022:
Watch the video, and read through the comments. Very enlightening.
When the story just does not seem to add up, follow the money.
BDair comments on Feb 1, 2022:
When the story just does not seem to add up, follow the money.
BDair comments on Feb 1, 2022:
I'm listening.
BDair comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Ridiculous analogy. Eyeglasses have been used for hundreds of years to correct or improve someone's vision. They generally do not cause any permanent changes in the health of the wearer. Being injected with an unapproved experimental biologic treatment, which can cause severe disabilities, is not reversible. Also, there is no need to vaccinate for a virus that has multiple protocols for prevention and treatment, and for which a vast majority humans on the planet experienced no adverse effects from exposure as they were able to protect themselves with their innate immunity.
I can't wait to hear your answer.
BDair comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Bakersfield in 1955.
The darling Daria Shy
BDair comments on Jan 31, 2022:
On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths...
BDair comments on Jan 31, 2022:
The evidence - We herewith present scientific evidence that calls for an immediate stop of the use of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines. We first lay out why the agents cannot protect against viral infection. While no positive effects can be expected, we show that the vaccines can trigger self-destructive processes that lead to debilitating illness and death.
AN URGENT WARNING The world's most mRNA vaccinated countries now have shockingly high Covid ...
BDair comments on Jan 28, 2022:
On Saturday, Israel had 84,000 new infections, the equivalent of almost 3 million in the United States. Infections in Israel have risen unthinkably fast since late December. They’re are up 100-fold in one month, driven by the collapse of booster protection and the arrival of the Omicron variant. Israel is not alone. Denmark reported 42,000 cases yesterday, equal to almost 2.5 million in the United States. France, the second-largest country in Europe, reported the American equivalent of about 12 million new infections in the last week. Australia had a tremendous surge in cases earlier this month, though it seems to be subsiding for now. These countries have very different population demographics and previous exposure to Covid. They even have very different weather; it is summer in Australia. What do they share, then? Incredibly high Covid vaccination rates, mostly with the mRNA vaccines. Israel is among the world’s most vaccinated countries. More than 90 percent of Israeli adults have been vaccinated with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. Almost 80 percent have received a booster dose, and several hundred thousand have gotten a fourth.
BDair comments on Jan 28, 2022:
He must be a really bad money manager if he went from an estimated net worth of $1 - 2 Million to destitute in a few months.
BDair comments on Jan 28, 2022:
This my favorite.
China, where the U.S. Government shops for your healthcare needs.
BDair comments on Jan 27, 2022:
Potential for False Positive Results with Antigen Tests for Rapid Detection of SARS-CoV-2 - Letter to Clinical Laboratory Staff and Health Care Providers -
Coming to a country near you soon. []
BDair comments on Jan 27, 2022:
Because the third jab experiment worked out so well in Israel.
China, where the U.S. Government shops for your healthcare needs.
BDair comments on Jan 27, 2022:
"The Defense Department announced on Jan. 14 that the U.S government had awarded iHealth Labs Inc. a contract worth $1.275 billion to produce millions of at-home rapid COVID-19 antigen tests. The contract will supply testing kits that serve up to 250 million people, Reuters noted."
Israel demonstrates how well Pfizer's grand experiment is going after the 4th Jab.
BDair comments on Jan 27, 2022:
They had a pretty good trend line going after the third jab.
Israel demonstrates how well Pfizer's grand experiment is going after the 4th Jab.
BDair comments on Jan 27, 2022:
They deem this a success, as you can't die from a virus if the vaccine kills you first.
Thursday morning fire
BDair comments on Jan 27, 2022:
Worth a second lick.
She speaks some truth here.
BDair comments on Jan 25, 2022:
Japanese Study — Vaccines pose 7X times higher death risk than Covid disease for young people…
Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19 - []
BDair comments on Jan 25, 2022:
Follow the Money, not the Science. The hospital payments include: A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with government-paid fee to hospital. Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis. Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital. A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin. Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated. More money to the hospital if cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if patient did not die directly of COVID-19. A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.
Random information from the blogosphere.
BDair comments on Jan 25, 2022:
"Meanwhile, the FDA has green-lighted wide scale distribution of Merck’s Covid pill, Molnupiravir, which according to a December 13 article in the journal Nature, failed to show any more efficacy than a placebo in its final clinical trials. The Nature article’s headline advises, “Merck’s COVID pill loses its lustre: what that means for the pandemic.” Furthermore, the article explains that some scientists are actually worried about Merck’s drug, saying “molnupiravir’s novel mechanism of action has the potential for long-term safety risks.” The drug works by incorporating itself into Covid’s genes and interfering with its ability to replicate. But, according to Nature, “intentionally introducing mutations into viral RNA might create a more dangerous version of SARS-CoV-2, critics say.” Sounds great. The FDA did not comment on why it approved an EUA for a drug whose CLINICAL TRIALS failed to show efficacy but cancelled the EUA for existing drugs without any clinical evidence of a failure to show efficacy. So. Weird. I say Florida’s Department of Health should use its clinics to distribute free horse dewormer and fluvoxamine, since the mABs are now arbitrarily unavailable."
May the flu be with you.
BDair comments on Jan 25, 2022:
Stay indoors, paranoid and afraid watching Netflix and ordering Pop-Tarts on Amazon. There is an evil virus out there that kills people on contact. Early estimates were that 2 million Americans would perish in this pandemic. There are body bags stacked up like cord wood in refrigerated container trucks. Only 99.9997% of us will remain after this is finally over.
She was scared in both posts.
BDair comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Oh, the horror...
She was scared in both posts.
BDair comments on Jan 21, 2022:
If she is in critical care, how is she posting to social media?
My sources say, "In good news, I was just looking at COVID trends and it looks like hospitalizations...
BDair comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Uncle Joe has to have this situation under control by the time he gives his State of the Union address in March, it is traditionally given in January or February but he needs some good news. You will see them redefining what a Covid case or death is, and they will change the testing protocols like when they reduced the cycle thresholds on the PCR tests on his inauguration day to make it appear his policies were reducing the number of cases.
They are starting to change their tune. Fauci's bank account disagrees.
BDair comments on Jan 20, 2022:
"Finally you admit that we shouldn’t be giving boosters to healthy children or adolescents. Just great… after you supported giving them for months and those of us who were against mandating vaccines in children were told we were spreading misinformation and had our posts censored. Do you realize you are only saying this now because you can no longer get away with playing an active role in the deaths of innocent children?" - Reid Sheftall
Covid-19 vaccines and treatments: we must have raw data, now - []
BDair comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Salient point- "Unacceptable delay Pfizer’s pivotal covid vaccine trial was funded by the company and designed, run, analysed, and authored by Pfizer employees. The company and the contract research organisations that carried out the trial hold all the data. And Pfizer has indicated that it will not begin entertaining requests for trial data until May 2025, 24 months after the primary study completion date, which is listed on as 15 May 2023 (NCT04368728)."
Not to brag. Knock on wood.
BDair comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Unvaccinated and unaffected.
Doctors in Tampa Florida got pissed at Tampa General serving McDonalds at the hospital and took out ...
BDair comments on Jan 20, 2022:
That is great. More people need to realize that diet is the key to health. For the most part, our allopathic healthcare system ignores the link.
What conservatives and antivaxxers on this site get for hitting level 10. []
BDair comments on Jan 19, 2022:
What does conspiracy theory have to do with questioning the safety and efficacy of an unapproved experimental genomic therapy? There is no trial data for long term adverse side effects. There is no trial data for two shots plus a booster every three to four months. And, the FDA tried to bury Pfizer's documentation for 75 years.
The narrative is quickly unraveling.
BDair comments on Jan 19, 2022:
In a memo sent Tuesday to employees, the Seattle coffee giant said it was responding to last week’s ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court. In a 6-3 vote, the court rejected the Biden administration’s plan to require vaccines or regular COVID testing at companies with more than 100 workers.
More Than Two-Thirds of Adverse COVID-19 Vaccine Events Are Due to Placebo Effect
BDair comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Myocarditis is not a placebo effect.
NEWSTriple Vaccinated Olympic Athlete Speaks Out About Covid Vaccine Side Effects - ...
BDair comments on Jan 19, 2022:
"26-year-old Swiss sprinter and Olympic athlete, Sarah Atcho, was diagnosed with pericarditis five days after receiving a Pfizer booster shot, the Covid world reported. Sarah Atcho announced on her social media accounts on Monday that she was diagnosed with pericarditis (inflammation of the thin membrane surrounding the heart). Atcho previously received the Moderna vaccine. She decided to take the Pfizer vaccine for her booster after she was told that it was safer than Moderna."
Claudelle Deckert
BDair comments on Jan 19, 2022:
I must have this recipe!
Aside from the most beautiful and very sexy Irina Telicheva stretched out to her full glorious body ...
BDair comments on Jan 19, 2022:
OK, just act naturally.
Think about it
BDair comments on Jan 18, 2022:
There are plenty of masked boobs.
Don't get the Spike, not even once.
BDair comments on Jan 18, 2022:
Hundreds Of Soccer Players Collapsing On Field After Vaccines -
📺 January 17, 1984 📼 Recording TV Ruled Legal In what became known as the "Betamax ...
BDair comments on Jan 17, 2022:
I can't find Fast and Furious XIV in the Beta format.
BDair comments on Jan 17, 2022:
Giddy yup. Ride'em cowboy!
Public Service Announcement: When frying eggs & bacon for breakfast in the nude, always use the BACK...
BDair comments on Jan 17, 2022:
The temperature sensors are activated.
My dear Anti-vaxxer, I am quite happy for you to hurt yourself and kill yourself by virtue of ...
BDair comments on Jan 17, 2022:
How is the fact that I am not vaccinated going to hurt or kill someone? In two years of the 'CV 19" circulating in the population, I have not died yet. I have not been sick yet. It is documented that the vaccinated can still be infected with and transmit the virus. The vaccines lose effectiveness so fast, that they no longer use the term 'fully vaccinated'. Even if the entire population was jabbed, you would still not achieve herd immunity with the 'leaky vaccines'.
Random Information in a Tabular Format -
BDair comments on Jan 17, 2022:
You can look up the safety profile of many medications here.
Covid-19 Policy Israeli Immunologist Writes Open letter "It is time to admit failure" - ...
BDair comments on Jan 14, 2022:
"In the end, the truth will always be revealed, and the truth about the coronavirus policy is beginning to be revealed. When the destructive concepts collapse one by one, there is nothing left but to tell the experts who led the management of the pandemic – we told you so."
Just a few pieces of hard evidence, is that so much to ask for in exchange for believing the Xstian ...
BDair comments on Jan 14, 2022:
And, they were Black people.
Silvia Caruso
BDair comments on Jan 13, 2022:
She has a point there.
Doctor is asked to take his patient, dying from incurable cancer off incubation in ICU to free it up...
BDair comments on Jan 13, 2022:
This is fiction.
She is vaxxed and boosted, yet got the virus.
BDair comments on Jan 13, 2022:
She will likely be treated with Ivermectin, as many other representaives and staff have.
She is vaxxed and boosted, yet got the virus.
BDair comments on Jan 13, 2022:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets pass from mainstream media after going mask less at packed Florida bar over new years -
2021 Covid Logic []
BDair comments on Jan 12, 2022:
Humanity has lost the plot.
Random Graphical Representation - NSW Hospitalization is falling for Unvaccinated and rising among ...
BDair comments on Jan 12, 2022:
"For the first time, New South Wales (NSW) has seen more fully vaccinated patients hospitalised with COVID-19 compared to the number of unvaccinated patients as the Omicron outbreak continues to edge toward its peak. Data published by the NSW government’s COVID-19 Critical Intelligence Unit has revealed that as of Jan. 9, 68.9 percent of COVID-19 patients aged 12 and over in hospitals had two doses of the vaccine, with 28.8 percent unvaccinated. The number of double-dose vaccinated patients in intensive care units (ICUs) also surpassed those of the unvaccinated, with 50.3 percent of the vaccinated presenting to ICU with COVID-19, more than the 49.1 percent who are unvaccinated."
Stores Refusing To Sell Chicken Noodle Soup After Rumor COVID Patients Are Using It To Feel Better -...
BDair comments on Jan 12, 2022:
It is 100% effective against the 'Moronic' variant.
EU Regulators, WHO Call for End to COVID Boosters, Citing Evidence Strategy Is Failing - ...
BDair comments on Jan 12, 2022:
"European Union drug regulators on Tuesday warned frequent COVID boosters could adversely affect the immune system and said there are currently no data to support repeated doses."
EU Regulators, WHO Call for End to COVID Boosters, Citing Evidence Strategy Is Failing - ...
BDair comments on Jan 12, 2022:
If the fourth jab doesn't do the trick, it is time to consider a new strategy.
Twitter thread Is the CDC director "bad at messaging"?
BDair comments on Jan 12, 2022:
"Well, turns out we were wrong about that, too. With Omicron you are actually more likely to contract and transmit Covid. But trust us, we are certain that even though getting vaxxed will make you more likely to contract and transmit Covid than someone who is unvaxxed, we know it will protect you from serious illness. Trust us. We are certain it is safe in both the short term and long term. So get your booster!"
Lucy Pinder is nearly perfect
BDair comments on Jan 12, 2022:
This one will do nicely. Wrap it up, I'll take it.
Omicron is forcing many Americans to dump their cloth masks for N95s. Should Australians follow?
BDair comments on Jan 12, 2022:
If you test positive for the 'Moronic' variant.
(Let the disagreements begin...) Top Ten Worst Hit Songs of 1976 []
BDair comments on Jan 11, 2022:
I love 'Chicago'.
Pfizer CEO Says 2 Shots Offer ‘Very Limited Protection, if Any’ Against COVID - ...
BDair comments on Jan 11, 2022:
He doesn't care. He still gets paid, it matters not if his product is safe or effective.
I've always considered Dr.
BDair comments on Jan 11, 2022:
There is a book out that is selling rather well, that illuminates Fauci.
If you are getting tested for the 'Moronic' variant.
BDair comments on Jan 11, 2022:
Or, it could be your jabs. They can not differentiate. “Potential cross reactivity of the InteliSwab™ COVID-19 Rapid Test with COVID-19 vaccines or therapeutics has not been evaluated.”
They got some good tips from Fauci, who knew there would be a 'surprise' pandemic.
BDair comments on Jan 11, 2022:
Dozens of Republican and Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill have invested in companies that have a direct stake in the nation's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an Insider analysis of federal financial records. In 2020, at least 13 senators and 35 US representatives held shares of Johnson & Johnson, the medical behemoth that produced the single-shot COVID-19 vaccine that more than 15 million Americans have received. At least 11 senators and 34 representatives also held shares in 2020 of another COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer, Pfizer. Two representatives or their spouses held shares of Moderna during the same year that the world went on lockdown in response to the pandemic.
Data show excess mortality all around the world due to covid “vaccines” - []
BDair comments on Jan 10, 2022:
Not only deaths but also serious injuries are on the rise from these injections. Think things like heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, circulatory diseases and neurological issues, “the same vaccine-induced ailments we were warned about by the physicians and scientists who’ve been telling us the truth from the start,” noted Unz‘s Mike Whitney.
Tweet, tweet.
BDair comments on Jan 10, 2022:
She was unable to vote in person, due to the continuing health crisis, but she was fine with partying in a crowded club in Miami.
Tweet, tweet.
BDair comments on Jan 10, 2022:
Tweet, tweet.
BDair comments on Jan 10, 2022:
Vaxxed and boosted.
More Good News on Ivermectin - []
BDair comments on Jan 10, 2022:
A scientific review by Dr. Andrew Hill at Liverpool University, funded by the WHO and UNITAID and published January 18, 2021, found ivermectin reduced COVID-19 deaths by 75%. It also increased viral clearance. This finding was based on a review of six randomized, controlled trials involving a total of 1,255 patients.
More Good News on Ivermectin - []
BDair comments on Jan 10, 2022:
According to Dr. Surya Kant, a medical doctor in India who has written a white paper on ivermectin, the drug reduces replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus by several thousand times. Kant’s paper led several Indian provinces to start using ivermectin, both as a prophylactic and as treatment for COVID-19 in the summer of 2020.
Huge Number of Vax Deaths & it’s Getting Worse – []
BDair comments on Jan 10, 2022:
World renowned CV19 critical care and pulmonary expert Dr. Pierre Kory says the data is clear the CV19 injections are “not safe, not effective” and shows they are causing a huge number of deaths. It’s going to get much worse if we don’t stop the shots. Dr. Kory warns, “They already broke death records with these vaccines almost a year ago. Now, you are starting to see it in actuarial data with life insurance companies. The life insurance companies have been paying out claims like they never have before, and they are noticing the deaths cannot be explained by Covid. If you look at the actual morbidity and mortality from the CDC . . . 2019, 2020 and 2021 in the ages of 18 to 64 . . . you’ll see in America, starting in quarter two of the year 2021 (when the vaccines started), the mortalities started to rise, and it rose from 120% above normal to 140% above normal, and it’s far exceeded the death rates in 2020. The difference in 2020 and 2021, we had covid in both years. In 2021, we had the vaccines. They know the amount of deaths they are reporting cannot be explained by Covid. . . . There is something else driving a huge and extremely terrifying mortality signal in the U.S. population. To think that it is anything but the vaccines, if we get this wrong and if you keep saying they are safe, that line which is already in a significant and steep incline will continue the more we boost and the more we vaccinate. . . . This has to stop. We have to stop, people are dying.”
Marjorie Taylor Greene Accuses Government of 'Murder' Over Withholding Ivermectin for COVID
BDair comments on Jan 10, 2022:
She is correct on all counts.
How do we protect the kids? []
BDair comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Have you actually reviewed the data yourself? Children are fine. Even Fauci said the panic is exaggerated.
Airline Safety Compromised by Covid-19 Vaccinations Pilots Sue Biden Administration - []
BDair comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Having pilots blacking out in the cockpit is certainly not a good thing.
BDair comments on Jan 7, 2022:
He does not want end up like the hundreds of professional athletes that are suffering severe adverse reactions.
One Story []
BDair comments on Jan 7, 2022:
A sad story, that is being repeated over and over.


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65 members
Gardening and natural crafting
61 members
61 members
Biden Piñata
60 members
Common Ground
55 members
54 members
No more war
50 members
Electric Vehicles and Vehicle Related Technology.
50 members
The Truth Is Out There
49 members
Agnostic SoCal
48 members
Libertarians Worldwide
47 members
Elon Musk
30 members
Conspiracies & High Strangeness
19 members
Taboo Island Atlantis
15 members
Personal Wellness
9 members
Sustainable living
5 members
Community Senate
381 members