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Your Local Epidemiologist: A note... and Q&A boosters for 5-11 year olds
BDair comments on May 25, 2022:
Virtual insanity. Children are at virtually no risk from Covid. The long term side effects from an unapproved experimental mRNA treatment are unknowable. Young people are at more risk from the 'vaccines' than they ever were from Covid.
BDair replies on May 26, 2022:
Another random statistical graphic,
Your Local Epidemiologist: A note... and Q&A boosters for 5-11 year olds
BDair comments on May 25, 2022:
Virtual insanity. Children are at virtually no risk from Covid. The long term side effects from an unapproved experimental mRNA treatment are unknowable. Young people are at more risk from the 'vaccines' than they ever were from Covid.
BDair replies on May 26, 2022:
Random statistical reference.
Your Local Epidemiologist: A note... and Q&A boosters for 5-11 year olds
BDair comments on May 25, 2022:
Virtual insanity. Children are at virtually no risk from Covid. The long term side effects from an unapproved experimental mRNA treatment are unknowable. Young people are at more risk from the 'vaccines' than they ever were from Covid.
BDair replies on May 26, 2022:
Don't take my word for it. Do your own research. Here is an opinion from the BMJ. "Hard to justify right now for most children in most countries - Following widespread vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 of older adults and other highly vulnerable groups, some high income countries are now considering vaccinating children; just days ago, the US Food and Drug Administration authorized the use of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in children 12-15 years of age. Young people have been largely spared from severe covid-19 so far, and the value of childhood vaccination against respiratory viruses in general remains an open question for three reasons: the limited benefits of protection in age groups that experience only mild disease; the limited effects on transmission because of the range of antigenic types and waning vaccine induced immunity and the possibility of unintended consequences related to differences in vaccine induced and infection induced immunity."
More of the vaccinated, boosted winding up in NC's hospitals with COVID. Why? []
Lorajay comments on May 24, 2022:
Current boosters do not prevent omicron. Much of the vulnerable population is getting the boosters and then thinking they are more protected than they are. That means they are forgoing masks and visiting crowded places.
BDair replies on May 25, 2022:
Masks were never proven effective.
Oh, and one more thing.
Redneckliberal comments on May 25, 2022:
BDair replies on May 25, 2022:
@Redneckliberal You can read this paper and become an expert.
Oh, and one more thing.
Redneckliberal comments on May 25, 2022:
BDair replies on May 25, 2022:
If you have any information that challenges the veracity of the commentary posted above, you are welcome to share it here.
More of the vaccinated, boosted winding up in NC's hospitals with COVID. Why? []
BDair comments on May 24, 2022:
"We don't want this to sound like the vaccine doesn't work," said Dr. David Weber, an infectious disease specialist at the University of North Carolina's School of Medicine. .... but the vaccine doesn't work. Natural immunity works.
BDair replies on May 25, 2022:
Anyone that has been exposed to and recovered from any corona virus, even if they had mild cold like symptoms, will have a robust long lasting and broad immunity to all corona viruses and variants. This why more than 99% of the population never had any worry from SARS 2 Covid 19.
As Monkeypox Cases Spread, Report Shows Gates Foundation, WHO, Pharma Execs Took Part in Monkeypox ...
BDair comments on May 24, 2022:
Whenever there is a drill or a simulation, the real event will follow soon.
BDair replies on May 24, 2022:
Have you perused this little document?
As Monkeypox Cases Spread, Report Shows Gates Foundation, WHO, Pharma Execs Took Part in Monkeypox ...
BDair comments on May 24, 2022:
Whenever there is a drill or a simulation, the real event will follow soon.
BDair replies on May 24, 2022:
Do you cuddle with your Gates plushy toy every night?
How Medical Doctors Change Their Minds Commentary from Jennifer Margulis 'Cammy Benton, M.
FrostyJim comments on May 24, 2022:
Maybe we should go back to the middle ages - no vaccines and life expectancy was 30? ...oh and don't forget penicillin and antiseptics... instead of a mustard-mugwart polstice?? ...naturopathy is not necessarily better.
BDair replies on May 24, 2022:
You have an opinion, that is fine. I will continue to live my life and maintain my health through a healthy diet and natural means.
How Medical Doctors Change Their Minds Commentary from Jennifer Margulis 'Cammy Benton, M.
BufftonBeotch comments on May 23, 2022:
Unvaccinated people might be better accepted if they isolated themselves from others. Special tents outside of normal hospitals and all that. If you make a life choice to be a toxic skin sac to others it should have consequences. And unknown what the realities of this new monkey pox might ...
BDair replies on May 24, 2022:
@creative51 You need to read the last paragraph in the above post, and perhaps consider that it may be your mind that is in need of some expansion. The small pox vaccine is not considered safe. "The United States stopped giving mandatory smallpox vaccinations 30 years ago. Soon after that, doctors eradicated the disease from the planet. But now, the government has decided to bring back the vaccine because of fear that terrorists, or Iraq, could use the virus as a weapon." -
How Medical Doctors Change Their Minds Commentary from Jennifer Margulis 'Cammy Benton, M.
KKGator comments on May 23, 2022:
As someone who has absolutely no influence on the medical care of any child, I will not take a side. Although, as a child, I was given all the recommended inoculations. Didn't suffer any side-effects from any of them. At least, that I'm aware of. However, as an older adult, I have only my ...
BDair replies on May 24, 2022:
@FrostyJim We have medical treatments that can keep a person alive as long as someone is able to keep writing checks. We also have higher levels of all chronic diseases than we had in previous generations, and our 'healthcare' system is a leading cause of mortality.
How Medical Doctors Change Their Minds Commentary from Jennifer Margulis 'Cammy Benton, M.
JamesRN comments on May 24, 2022:
IMHO, confirmation bias affects most of us in the vaccine discussion. Whatever you are looking for, you will find it, especially in the Internet age. I had a fellow RN who became vehemently anti vaccine after a mother and daughter he took care of developed Guillain-Barre from taking the flu ...
BDair replies on May 24, 2022:
Everyone has been told their entire lives that vaccines are safe and effective and are essential for modern society to succeed. What they do not take in to consideration is that the narrative they believe has been controlled and manipulated for the last century by a trillion dollar industry that has a profit motive and the ability to stifle all competition and any alternative narrative. There is credible information available on both sides of the issue.
How Medical Doctors Change Their Minds Commentary from Jennifer Margulis 'Cammy Benton, M.
FrostyJim comments on May 24, 2022:
Maybe we should go back to the middle ages - no vaccines and life expectancy was 30? ...oh and don't forget penicillin and antiseptics... instead of a mustard-mugwart polstice?? ...naturopathy is not necessarily better.
BDair replies on May 24, 2022:
It is possible to live a long and healthy life without vaccines and allopathic medicines. Most of the improvement in longevity and disease remediation is due to sanitation, refrigeration, and a readily available food supply full of diverse and nutritious foods that were not available to early humans.
How Medical Doctors Change Their Minds Commentary from Jennifer Margulis 'Cammy Benton, M.
BufftonBeotch comments on May 23, 2022:
Unvaccinated people might be better accepted if they isolated themselves from others. Special tents outside of normal hospitals and all that. If you make a life choice to be a toxic skin sac to others it should have consequences. And unknown what the realities of this new monkey pox might ...
BDair replies on May 23, 2022:
You better rush out and get your Monkey Pox vaccine, and since the efficacy of the Covid vaccine wanes almost immediately, you may as well get yourself 'up to date' with a booster while you are at it.
How Medical Doctors Change Their Minds Commentary from Jennifer Margulis 'Cammy Benton, M.
KKGator comments on May 23, 2022:
As someone who has absolutely no influence on the medical care of any child, I will not take a side. Although, as a child, I was given all the recommended inoculations. Didn't suffer any side-effects from any of them. At least, that I'm aware of. However, as an older adult, I have only my ...
BDair replies on May 23, 2022:
Most people here likely had only a handful inoculations, from infancy through middle school. Nothing close to the schedule administered to children today. Most human interventions have unintended consequences, and medical treatments have a poor record in regard to adverse side effects. In my opinion.
VAERS data on the 'safe and effective' Covid 19 'Vaccines'. []
Carcup comments on May 22, 2022:
I first heard about this system when consulting with my doctor about vaccines and she mentioned VAERS. She explained that VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) was the world's best tracking system for rare side effects that can only be detected under conditions of large-scale vaccine use. ...
BDair replies on May 23, 2022:
Many doctors are unaware of VAERS, and most do not bother to make reports because the system is intentionally designed to be onerous and difficult to navigate and it can take half hour to make a report. This group has figured out how to navigate the system and make the data accessible.
I can't believe I am arguing with a fb friend that COVID is real.
BDair comments on May 20, 2022:
You rang? Keep wearing your mask and stuffing cotton balls into your ears. You do not want to have any direct exposure to information that may challenge your preconceived opinions. It was just a pure coincidence that Ralph Baric just happened to be doing 'gain of function' research to make Horseshoe...
BDair replies on May 20, 2022:
There has never been any evidence that masks are effective in preventing the spread of a respiratory virus. If it makes you more comfortable, wear one.
NIST confirms its Building 7 report is indefensible — Part 1 of 5: The omitted web stiffeners - ...
FrayedBear comments on May 20, 2022:
20 years on & the US government is still lying about it.
BDair replies on May 20, 2022:
...and the general public is still buying it.
I can't believe I am arguing with a fb friend that COVID is real.
BDair comments on May 20, 2022:
You rang? Keep wearing your mask and stuffing cotton balls into your ears. You do not want to have any direct exposure to information that may challenge your preconceived opinions. It was just a pure coincidence that Ralph Baric just happened to be doing 'gain of function' research to make Horseshoe...
BDair replies on May 20, 2022:
There is a thread,,.
I can't believe I am arguing with a fb friend that COVID is real.
BDair comments on May 20, 2022:
You rang? Keep wearing your mask and stuffing cotton balls into your ears. You do not want to have any direct exposure to information that may challenge your preconceived opinions. It was just a pure coincidence that Ralph Baric just happened to be doing 'gain of function' research to make Horseshoe...
BDair replies on May 20, 2022:
Remdesivir, developed through a UNC-Chapel Hill partnership -
Moderna Knew Vaccinated People Will Never Acquire Proper Immunity After Breakthrough Infections - ...
callmedubious comments on May 20, 2022:
cynic that i am i recognized the whole covid bs early on as a big pharma scam. sadly, still, most ppl are totally brainwashed & deluded.
BDair replies on May 20, 2022:
That is a very rational deduction when all of the available evidence is taken as an aggregate.
Moderna Knew Vaccinated People Will Never Acquire Proper Immunity After Breakthrough Infections - ...
AnneWimsey comments on May 20, 2022:
How many hours a day, exactly, do you spend combing through parrot-cage droppings? Have you ever thought this is your One & Only life?
BDair replies on May 20, 2022:
Of course this is my one and only life, and I plan to extend it indefinitely by eating a healthy plant based diet and avoiding all contact with the allopathic based medical system and not exposing myself to experimental biologic treatments.
Moderna Knew Vaccinated People Will Never Acquire Proper Immunity After Breakthrough Infections - ...
NostraDumbass comments on May 19, 2022:
Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Say your prayers. Stay safe.
BDair replies on May 20, 2022:
Wearing a mask and washing hands are demonstrably useless interventions in preventing the spread of a respiratory virus. Prayers are always useless. Fortunately, corona viruses and humans have been coexisting for thousands of years and there is no threat to a vast majority of humanity.
This will be a thread on the 'Origins of Covid 19'.
BDair comments on May 19, 2022:
United States D.O.D issued a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before COVID-19 officially existed -
BDair replies on May 19, 2022:
The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia-like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020, because it was not until the 11th of that month that the World Health Organisation officially named the novel coronavirus disease Covid-19. So with this being the official truth, why does United States Government data show that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for ‘COVID-19 Research’, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19? The shocking findings, however, do not end there. The contract awarded in November 2019 for ‘COVID-19 Research’ was not only instructed to take place in Ukraine, it was in fact part of a much larger contract for a ‘Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’. Perhaps explaining why Labyrinth Global Health has been collaborating with Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, and Ernest Wolfe’s Metabiota since its formation in 2017.
So anyway, this.
AnneWimsey comments on May 19, 2022:
All of Connecticut is pretty much a shining example of this! Intelligent, rational leadership & excellent support throughout. And while i am bragging about my state, it's now gearing up to provide safe legal abortions for everyone too!
BDair replies on May 19, 2022:
Everyone in Florida has already died from Covid.
So anyway, this.
AnneWimsey comments on May 19, 2022:
All of Connecticut is pretty much a shining example of this! Intelligent, rational leadership & excellent support throughout. And while i am bragging about my state, it's now gearing up to provide safe legal abortions for everyone too!
BDair replies on May 19, 2022:
They are doing great.
So anyway, this.
BDair comments on May 19, 2022:
Nice graphic you have there. Can you provide any data that supports it?
BDair replies on May 19, 2022:
84% of New Hospitalizations are FULLY VACCINATED - from ME CDC Data -
Mrs Betty Bowers on abortion, God & Jesus.
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 17, 2022:
A 40% miscarriage rate may be a low estimate.
BDair replies on May 18, 2022:
Humanity is precariously clinging to life above the precipice, with only 7 billion of us overrunning the planet, we are just a handful of miscarriages away from extinction. Or, maybe not.
Just Don't Do It!
MizJ comments on May 17, 2022: Or we could get our info from LEGITIMATE SOURCES like the top medical school in the US.
BDair replies on May 17, 2022:
No they are not. Maybe 1 million people have perished with a positive PCR test, but the number of cases and mortality is vastly overstated and demonstrably fraudulent. It is unknowable what the long term adverse effects of the 'vaccines' will be, but it could ultimately cause more deaths than the so called virus.
Just Don't Do It!
MizJ comments on May 17, 2022: Or we could get our info from LEGITIMATE SOURCES like the top medical school in the US.
BDair replies on May 17, 2022:
A broad range of local and systemic side effects following COVID-19 vaccination have, however, been reported in late-phase trial data. Although these side effects are generally mild (ie, they do not typically impact routine activities), they are more prevalent in younger individuals (ie, those younger than 55 years) and more pronounced following the second dose with some vaccines, within sequential staged vaccine administration. Specifically, in one of the most widely used COVID-19 vaccines to date, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine (BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19), local reactogenicity was encountered in 83% of younger individuals and systemic reactogenicity, with fatigue and headache, was reported in about 50% of all individuals, with around 25% requiring anti-pyretic or analgesic medication. Pertinent to athletes, myalgia was reported in 21% of younger individuals following the first vaccine, rising to 37% following the second vaccine. Notably, there are no published data on the duration (days) of side effects and their impact on ability to perform physical activity; clearly this information will be an important consideration.
Just Don't Do It!
MizJ comments on May 17, 2022: Or we could get our info from LEGITIMATE SOURCES like the top medical school in the US.
BDair replies on May 17, 2022:
Myocarditis-induced Sudden Death after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Korea: Case Report Focusing on Histopathological Findings -
Just Don't Do It!
MizJ comments on May 17, 2022: Or we could get our info from LEGITIMATE SOURCES like the top medical school in the US.
BDair replies on May 17, 2022:
COVID-19 vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
Just Don't Do It!
MizJ comments on May 17, 2022: Or we could get our info from LEGITIMATE SOURCES like the top medical school in the US.
BDair replies on May 17, 2022:
OK - Acute Myocarditis Following COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination in Adults Aged 18 Years or Older
I am finally all packed for my first trip to the Portland area in over 20 years.
Pralina1 comments on May 17, 2022:
I love love love Portland and Maine ! I drove it from Virginia Beach years ago , then last I flew to it b4 covid . Take the boat ride . Visit the light houses ! The lobsters were saying hello to me and I had as many as I could Glenn , delicious !!! Everything about Portland is nice ! Just the damn ...
BDair replies on May 17, 2022:
Left coast.
1 million deaths Remembering the lives lost to COVID-19 in America []
Beowulfsfriend comments on May 16, 2022:
And the real number is probably higher.
BDair replies on May 16, 2022:
... or lower.
The Pushers are still pushing.
SeaGreenEyez comments on May 13, 2022:
I'm sorry, but that's rightwing propaganda. We just buried 1 million Americans and a good many of those died needlessly because of organizations such as Children's Health Defense, and every other conspiracy pusher that pumped dis/ill/mis-information into the minds of those not interested or bright ...
BDair replies on May 16, 2022:
Wake up.
The Pushers are still pushing.
SeaGreenEyez comments on May 13, 2022:
I'm sorry, but that's rightwing propaganda. We just buried 1 million Americans and a good many of those died needlessly because of organizations such as Children's Health Defense, and every other conspiracy pusher that pumped dis/ill/mis-information into the minds of those not interested or bright ...
BDair replies on May 13, 2022:
Having a vaccine linked to millions of adverse reactions and thousands of deaths around the world is pretty earthshattering information if you ask me. Your brainwashed mind may see it differently.
The Pushers are still pushing.
SeaGreenEyez comments on May 13, 2022:
I'm sorry, but that's rightwing propaganda. We just buried 1 million Americans and a good many of those died needlessly because of organizations such as Children's Health Defense, and every other conspiracy pusher that pumped dis/ill/mis-information into the minds of those not interested or bright ...
BDair replies on May 13, 2022:
Dr. Henry Ealy – CDC Violated Law to Inflate COVID Cases and Fatalities -
The Pushers are still pushing.
SeaGreenEyez comments on May 13, 2022:
I'm sorry, but that's rightwing propaganda. We just buried 1 million Americans and a good many of those died needlessly because of organizations such as Children's Health Defense, and every other conspiracy pusher that pumped dis/ill/mis-information into the minds of those not interested or bright ...
BDair replies on May 13, 2022:
I'm sorry, you are posting misinformation. VAERS data is provided by the CDC. One million people in the U.S. did not die from a corona virus called SARS2 Covid 19. Many died from or with an average of four other comorbidities and many succumbed to improper treatment protocols involving intubation and Remdisiver.
They don't even have the 'Ministry of Truth' up and running yet.
rainmanjr comments on May 13, 2022:
It was invented but we had no system ready to get it into people's arms. Therefore, it wasn't available. Grow up.
BDair replies on May 13, 2022:
Biden was vaccinated before he was inaugurated, as were many frontline workers.
Narrative 2.
Petter comments on May 13, 2022:
So what about the Astra Zeneca as a booster to the initial BioMTech vaccine?
BDair replies on May 13, 2022:
That sounds like a protocol that would increase the probability of blood clots exponentially.
Big mask good, small mask bad? huh?
BDair comments on May 11, 2022:
One of these things is not like the other.
BDair replies on May 12, 2022:
I do not know anyone, nor do I believe I have met anyone that is proud of the KKK. I also do not know anyone that is offended by other people wearing masks. There are of course lots of people that are opposed to the mandated use of masks in many social situations, which is why so many people gleefully remove their masks as soon as possible.
Big mask good, small mask bad? huh?
BDair comments on May 11, 2022:
One of these things is not like the other.
BDair replies on May 11, 2022:
Big mask good, small mask bad? huh?
BDair comments on May 11, 2022:
One of these things is not like the other.
BDair replies on May 11, 2022:
Wearing those masks to prevent the spread of a respiratory virus is pure psychological theater. All of the science and data going back decades shows they have a negative impact.
New UK government data shows the COVID vaccines kill more people than they save I've been asking ...
AnneWimsey comments on May 10, 2022:
Either you are completely delusional or a bald-faced Liar! Wait! BOTH!
BDair replies on May 10, 2022:
Kindly point out where you believe I have posted a lie, and I will gladly correct the error.
New UK government data shows the COVID vaccines kill more people than they save I've been asking ...
Charles1971 comments on May 9, 2022:
Steve Kirsch is a known supporter of misinformation about Covid vaccinations. Also, the claim in this article seems illogical to me. How do you count the number of people that didn't die from Covid because of the vaccine? Is it everyone who got the vaccine and then got Covid and didn't die? Is it ...
BDair replies on May 9, 2022:
Before there were any vaccines for Covid, millions of people that were infected recovered with no medical intervention. It is clear that the vaccines are causing a lot of health issues unnecessarily. Steve Hirsch has made many offers with large sums of money for experts to challenge his work, and no one has stepped up.
Commentary fron Jeff Childers - 'Covid and Coffee' More bad news for the jabs.
BDair comments on May 9, 2022:
Thus, to start with, since natural infection induces both anti-S AND anti-N production (and antibodies to all the other parts of the virus), you can confidently say that natural infection is a better vaccine than the jabs are. So. But here’s the problem raised by the study. The lower anti-N ...
BDair replies on May 9, 2022:
This raises a lot of questions. Is this evidence of “original antigenic sin,” which suggests that many vaccinated people get “locked” into an original antibody response that only produces expired antibodies and does not respond well to new variants? Or of damaged immune responses or even autoimmune problems? Or something else, maybe even something benign? In any event, it is compelling evidence that the jabs are significantly inferior to natural immunity.
FDA Limits Use of J&J Vaccine Over Blood Clotting Disorder, But Experts Say Pfizer, Moderna Shots ...
LovinLarge comments on May 6, 2022:
9 deaths out of 18 million doses.
BDair replies on May 6, 2022:
You are still wrong. An epidemiologist does not treat patients in an ICU and try to determine a proximate cause of a condition. She might collect data from many ICU physicians to track reports of vaccine injury to determine if the vaccine itself was creating an epidemic, which it is.
FDA Limits Use of J&J Vaccine Over Blood Clotting Disorder, But Experts Say Pfizer, Moderna Shots ...
LovinLarge comments on May 6, 2022:
9 deaths out of 18 million doses.
BDair replies on May 6, 2022:
Recognizing a vaccine injury has nothing to do with epidemiology.
FDA Limits Use of J&J Vaccine Over Blood Clotting Disorder, But Experts Say Pfizer, Moderna Shots ...
LovinLarge comments on May 6, 2022:
9 deaths out of 18 million doses.
BDair replies on May 6, 2022:
You can read an expert's opinion here. "California-based ICU physician and surgeon Patricia Lee, M.D. was compelled by her conscience to write a letter to the heads of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) detailing her first-hand experience of COVID-19 vaccine injuries." -
FDA Limits Use of J&J Vaccine Over Blood Clotting Disorder, But Experts Say Pfizer, Moderna Shots ...
LovinLarge comments on May 6, 2022:
9 deaths out of 18 million doses.
BDair replies on May 6, 2022:
How many deaths are acceptable before a product that has not completed its safety and efficacy trials should be pulled off the market until a proper investigation can be completed?
We urge you to donate to the DNC now, before pregnant men lose their right to an abortion.
barjoe comments on May 3, 2022:
You're a total right winger. I challenge you as an atheist if you think a soul lies within a zygote that is not a fully formed human. All Republicans are pieces of shit.
BDair replies on May 4, 2022:
I'm sure you can provide information that proves this far fetched story is a fabrication.
We urge you to donate to the DNC now, before pregnant men lose their right to an abortion.
barjoe comments on May 3, 2022:
You're a total right winger. I challenge you as an atheist if you think a soul lies within a zygote that is not a fully formed human. All Republicans are pieces of shit.
BDair replies on May 3, 2022:
Midwives Being Taught How to Deliver Babies through ‘Male Genitalia’ -
We urge you to donate to the DNC now, before pregnant men lose their right to an abortion.
barjoe comments on May 3, 2022:
You're a total right winger. I challenge you as an atheist if you think a soul lies within a zygote that is not a fully formed human. All Republicans are pieces of shit.
BDair replies on May 3, 2022:
Also, I do not believe there is a soul, and abortions often happen well beyond the the zygote stage. Like most issues, it is complicated with no black and white answers for all situations.
We urge you to donate to the DNC now, before pregnant men lose their right to an abortion.
barjoe comments on May 3, 2022:
You're a total right winger. I challenge you as an atheist if you think a soul lies within a zygote that is not a fully formed human. All Republicans are pieces of shit.
BDair replies on May 3, 2022:
I am not a Republican or a 'right winger'. I am a pragmatic free thinker that is capable of independent thought. I support a woman's right to have an abortion, but I am not certain about extending that right to expecting males.
Revamping Our Dysfunctional Drug Approval Process It is a tried-and-true tactic with effective and...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 27, 2022:
I'm glad some countries like Mexico are on to the great scam of pharmaceutical companies.
BDair replies on Apr 29, 2022:
@AnneWimsey Do you know who is profiting from the Plandemic to the tune of billions of dollars ? Hint: It is not people selling Ivermectin for 10 cents a dose.
Narrative 2.
BDair comments on Apr 28, 2022:
During the April 6, 2022 Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) meeting both briefers and committee members acknowledged that the neutralizing antibody titers that have been used as a surrogate for immunity in order to issue EUAs, were in fact not valid surrogates. ...
BDair replies on Apr 28, 2022:
This is really important, because Pfizer and Moderna have been relying on titers to get their vaccines okayed for the younger age groups, those below 16 and 18 respectively. They don't have data showing the vaccines are actually reducing cases by 50% or more, which is the standard FDA said was necessary. They don't have data showing that the vaccines prevent serious cases or deaths, another standard. Up until now, FDA accepted titers in lieu of actual efficacy results from clinical trials to issue its EUAs for children--but with the recent VRBPAC admissions, which must have been planned in advance (otherwise why did multiple people at the meeting discuss it as settled fact when they had never mentioned it before?) FDA can no longer do so.
A change is blowin' in the wind.
Charles1971 comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Ivermectin is irrelevant. More than 5 billion covid vaccinations have been administered across the world. That's about 65% of the population. Many countries are well above 80% vaccination rate. In the U.S. we're just over 77%. Let's put aside the fact that ivermectin is for horses and has not ...
BDair replies on Apr 28, 2022:
The state Health Department introduced Ivermectin as prophylaxis for close contacts of Covid patients, health workers as well as for the treatment of the patients themselves through a government order on August 6, 2020, after a committee headed by the Director General, Medical and Health Services, gave it the go ahead. “Uttar Pradesh was the first state in the country to introduce large-scale prophylactic and therapeutic use of Ivermectin. In May-June 2020, a team at Agra, led by Dr Anshul Pareek, administered Ivermectin to all RRT team members in the district on an experimental basis. It was observed that none of them developed Covid-19 despite being in daily contact with patients who had tested positive for the virus,” Uttar Pradesh State Surveillance Officer Vikssendu Agrawal said.
A change is blowin' in the wind.
Charles1971 comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Ivermectin is irrelevant. More than 5 billion covid vaccinations have been administered across the world. That's about 65% of the population. Many countries are well above 80% vaccination rate. In the U.S. we're just over 77%. Let's put aside the fact that ivermectin is for horses and has not ...
BDair replies on Apr 28, 2022:
Revamping Our Dysfunctional Drug Approval Process It is a tried-and-true tactic with effective and...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 28, 2022:
You have No Idea how clinical trials work, do sad. I have participated in several, and scheduled for more, so I actually have knowledge about how they work.
BDair replies on Apr 28, 2022:
Do you know how clinical trials can be designed to show deceptive conclusions, like the one described in the article?
Revamping Our Dysfunctional Drug Approval Process It is a tried-and-true tactic with effective and...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 28, 2022:
You have No Idea how clinical trials work, do sad. I have participated in several, and scheduled for more, so I actually have knowledge about how they work.
BDair replies on Apr 28, 2022:
What can you tell me about the incomplete trials for safety and efficacy of Covid 'vaccines' and why they circumvented so many established protocols?
A change is blowin' in the wind.
Charles1971 comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Ivermectin is irrelevant. More than 5 billion covid vaccinations have been administered across the world. That's about 65% of the population. Many countries are well above 80% vaccination rate. In the U.S. we're just over 77%. Let's put aside the fact that ivermectin is for horses and has not ...
BDair replies on Apr 28, 2022:
Can you point to where on this chart the effect of the safe and effective vaccines can be shown to significantly reduce the mortality rate?
Wild Conspiracy Theories from CNN?
barjoe comments on Apr 27, 2022:
@BDair So it's a wild conspiracy theory because it's reported by "fake news" CNN? Does it become credible when it's from a conservative news outlet and affected Trump officials?
BDair replies on Apr 28, 2022:
No, but if it had been printed in an outlet which does not meet your approval you would have written it off as a wild conspiracy theory. My point being, if you accept that this story to be likely to be true, there are many 'conspiracy theories; that are not any more implausible.
Revamping Our Dysfunctional Drug Approval Process It is a tried-and-true tactic with effective and...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 27, 2022:
I'm glad some countries like Mexico are on to the great scam of pharmaceutical companies.
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
Ivermectin off the shelf.
A change is blowin' in the wind.
Charles1971 comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Ivermectin is irrelevant. More than 5 billion covid vaccinations have been administered across the world. That's about 65% of the population. Many countries are well above 80% vaccination rate. In the U.S. we're just over 77%. Let's put aside the fact that ivermectin is for horses and has not ...
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
Just what you would expect see after an effective vaccination program. A massive rise in cases. Flattened that curve right out.
A change is blowin' in the wind.
Charles1971 comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Ivermectin is irrelevant. More than 5 billion covid vaccinations have been administered across the world. That's about 65% of the population. Many countries are well above 80% vaccination rate. In the U.S. we're just over 77%. Let's put aside the fact that ivermectin is for horses and has not ...
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
Yes, Covid deaths are certainly age stratified, but the Africa piece fails to note that HCQ is in wide use as an anti-malarial.
A change is blowin' in the wind.
Charles1971 comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Ivermectin is irrelevant. More than 5 billion covid vaccinations have been administered across the world. That's about 65% of the population. Many countries are well above 80% vaccination rate. In the U.S. we're just over 77%. Let's put aside the fact that ivermectin is for horses and has not ...
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
NPR has a strong pro vax bias. Here is a piece from that same time period with a different perspective.
Either, A.
hankster comments on Apr 27, 2022:
i myself subscribe to the notion that have no idea what you're talking about.
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
Excellent entertaining eloquently elaborated effusion.
New delicious yet cheaper
BDair comments on Apr 27, 2022:
They never use 'meat' any way.
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
They use GMO Soylent Green.
New delicious yet cheaper
BDair comments on Apr 27, 2022:
They never use 'meat' any way.
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
Soylant Green
A change is blowin' in the wind.
Charles1971 comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Ivermectin is irrelevant. More than 5 billion covid vaccinations have been administered across the world. That's about 65% of the population. Many countries are well above 80% vaccination rate. In the U.S. we're just over 77%. Let's put aside the fact that ivermectin is for horses and has not ...
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
Most African countries vaxxed less than 10% of their populations. Israel vaxxed most of their population, many with one or two boosters.
Either, A.
hankster comments on Apr 27, 2022:
i myself subscribe to the notion that have no idea what you're talking about.
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
Can you surmise why someone in a high office that has had two vaccinations and two boosters has tested positive for CV 19? There have been millions of 'breakthrough' cases. It is possible that the jabs are ineffective, and it is documented that any efficacy rapidly wanes. There is no data that proves masks are effective in reducing the spread of a respiratory virus. It is possible that the tests are unreliable, as the PCR tests were proven to be unable to distinguish between Covid and a corona virus caused cold. Kamala may be a false positive. Or, as I believe, it could be a summation of all of these suppositions.
Either, A.
Charles1971 comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Or E. No vaccination is 100% effective, no one wears a mask 24/7, masks are not 100% effective, and the tests worked as they should. If you expect perfection then you must be constantly and utterly disappointed by every facet of existence every waking moment of your life. What the vaccinations...
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
What makes you think doctors are well versed in vaccinations? There is no real data available to them, because there have been no studies done. They rely on pharma corporations to tell them that their products are great. Many physicians are just drug pushers for Big Pharma, and it is well documented that they receive bribes and kickbacks to push certain therapeutics and procedures.
Either, A.
LovinLarge comments on Apr 26, 2022:
No Einstein, no vaccines, PPE or tests are 100% accurate or effective. That does not make them worthless.
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
Outcome Reporting Bias in COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trials -
Either, A.
LovinLarge comments on Apr 26, 2022:
No Einstein, no vaccines, PPE or tests are 100% accurate or effective. That does not make them worthless.
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
"ARR is also used to derive an estimate of vaccine effectiveness, which is the number needed to vaccinate (NNV) to prevent one more case of COVID-19 as 1/ARR. NNVs bring a different perspective: 81 for the Moderna–NIH, 78 for the AstraZeneca–Oxford, 108 for the Gamaleya, 84 for the J&J, and 119 for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines. The explanation lies in the combination of vaccine efficacy and different background risks of COVID-19 across studies: 0·9% for the Pfizer–BioNTech, 1% for the Gamaleya, 1·4% for the Moderna–NIH, 1·8% for the J&J, and 1·9% for the AstraZeneca–Oxford vaccines."
Either, A.
Pralina1 comments on Apr 27, 2022:
Condoms , birth control medication, pregnancy tests . We should not bother with any of this , sense , Unfortunately , they are not 100% effective either . Congrats . U made it to my “ hero “ list . Without u here on this site , I will had feel like the only one w less education / ...
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
@Pralina1 Well, respiration is required every minute of every day, which I guess makes it popular. I have been getting by with having sex only about three to five times a week. I am not sure what mathematical relationship you can derive from that. For more than 99% of the population, without comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes, or Vitamin D deficiency, there was no severe reaction to exposure to a corona virus. Most people, like myself and my lady friend, have had mild symptoms or have remained asymptomatic.
A change is blowin' in the wind.
Charles1971 comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Ivermectin is irrelevant. More than 5 billion covid vaccinations have been administered across the world. That's about 65% of the population. Many countries are well above 80% vaccination rate. In the U.S. we're just over 77%. Let's put aside the fact that ivermectin is for horses and has not ...
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
India did well when they administered IVM.
A change is blowin' in the wind.
Charles1971 comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Ivermectin is irrelevant. More than 5 billion covid vaccinations have been administered across the world. That's about 65% of the population. Many countries are well above 80% vaccination rate. In the U.S. we're just over 77%. Let's put aside the fact that ivermectin is for horses and has not ...
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
Countries with the highest rates of vaccination have done much worse than countries with low rates of vaccination. Countries that used Ivermectin and HCQ saw CV 1 disappear without major vaccination campaigns.
A change is blowin' in the wind.
Redneckliberal comments on Apr 26, 2022:
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
Everyone welcome back Redneckliberal and his B.S. Congrats on your return Redneck.
Either, A.
LovinLarge comments on Apr 26, 2022:
No Einstein, no vaccines, PPE or tests are 100% accurate or effective. That does not make them worthless.
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
No, not being 100% accurate or effective does not make them useless, being closer to 0% accurate or effective makes them worthless.
Either, A.
Charles1971 comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Or E. No vaccination is 100% effective, no one wears a mask 24/7, masks are not 100% effective, and the tests worked as they should. If you expect perfection then you must be constantly and utterly disappointed by every facet of existence every waking moment of your life. What the vaccinations...
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
I have not mentioned an expectation of 100% efficacy. The efficacy of masks is nowhere near 100% in preventing the spread of a respiratory virus in a population. Mask mandates made no discernable impact. The Covid 'vaccines' provided a 2% 0r less absolute risk reduction using their own safety and efficacy trial data. The vaccines do not reduce your risk of contracting Covid. The mechanism of action of an intermuscular injection is all wrong for a respiratory virus which takes hold in your mucosa. Sending spike proteins throughout your bloodstream has no benefit..
Either, A.
Pralina1 comments on Apr 27, 2022:
Condoms , birth control medication, pregnancy tests . We should not bother with any of this , sense , Unfortunately , they are not 100% effective either . Congrats . U made it to my “ hero “ list . Without u here on this site , I will had feel like the only one w less education / ...
BDair replies on Apr 27, 2022:
What is the failure rate of condoms? What is the failure rate of birth control pills? What is the failure rate of pregnancy tests?
A change is blowin' in the wind.
LovinLarge comments on Apr 26, 2022:
BDair replies on Apr 26, 2022:
Your sources are demonstrably biased and misinformed. Your belief in something does not make it fact.
A change is blowin' in the wind.
LovinLarge comments on Apr 26, 2022:
BDair replies on Apr 26, 2022:
Re: Your study above. "Between March and August 2021, 679 patients received a daily dose of ivermectin over the course of 3 days. The researchers found that ivermectin didn’t reduce the risk that people with COVID-19 would be hospitalized or go to an emergency room within 28 days after treatment." Their 'treatment' did not follow established and proven protocols. They gave a minimal dosage in only three doses. With Ivermectin, it is safe to give a larger dosage until treatment is complete. You take antibiotics until the course is done, not just once a day for three days. Ivermectin is used effectively in combination with Zinc, Vit. D, and other elements.
A change is blowin' in the wind.
LovinLarge comments on Apr 26, 2022:
BDair replies on Apr 26, 2022:
Do you have any trustworthy sources that don't publish misinformation?
Danish study shows no benefit to overall mortality from mRNA vaccines - []
puff comments on Apr 25, 2022:
The control group should be 25% of the sample group. If the control group receive the medicine being tested, they are no longer a control group.
BDair replies on Apr 25, 2022:
They dissolved the control group, so essentially their trials are incomplete and can never be completed.
Danish study shows no benefit to overall mortality from mRNA vaccines - []
Garban comments on Apr 25, 2022:
If your thing is wildly over emotional anti-science provocation, this is an excellent article. If you want some good humor go to the bottom of the article and look at the comments. If your expecting science based conclusions; keep moving.
BDair replies on Apr 25, 2022:
Everything you don't agree with is a joke and a conspiracy theory. But that's just like your opinion, Man.
Danish study shows no benefit to overall mortality from mRNA vaccines - []
Garban comments on Apr 25, 2022:
If your thing is wildly over emotional anti-science provocation, this is an excellent article. If you want some good humor go to the bottom of the article and look at the comments. If your expecting science based conclusions; keep moving.
BDair replies on Apr 25, 2022:
Or you can take into consideration the opinions of this anti-science former Harvard professor.
Danish study shows no benefit to overall mortality from mRNA vaccines - []
Garban comments on Apr 25, 2022:
If your thing is wildly over emotional anti-science provocation, this is an excellent article. If you want some good humor go to the bottom of the article and look at the comments. If your expecting science based conclusions; keep moving.
BDair replies on Apr 25, 2022:
You can take up your criticisms with the 'Lancet', which of course is known to be a 'wildly emotional anti-science' publication.
Industrial Food Production Is Failing Us, Regenerative Farming Is the Solution - ...
KateOahu comments on Apr 22, 2022:
Plant a garden! Teach the children.
BDair replies on Apr 22, 2022:
It really should be taught in schools to children, along with other useful life skills.
For Three Deaths Prevented, Two Inflicted?
BDair comments on Apr 22, 2022:
The paper was co-written by Dr. Harald Walach, a researcher based in Germany who three doctorates: one in Psychology from the University of Freiburg, one in Clinical Psychology from the University of Basel, and a Ph.D. in the History of Science from the University of Vienna; Dr. Rainer Klement, ...
BDair replies on Apr 22, 2022:
As we learn more about the virus, our understanding will change and evolve. But to figure out the best way forward we have to look honestly and openly at all the information we have at any given time. That’s how science works. That said, why have a dialogue when you can just monologue? Why exchange ideas when it’s so much cozier to live in an echo chamber? And why listen to anyone who disagrees with you when canceling them is so much more fun? Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., is an award-winning science journalist. She graduated magna cum laude from Cornell University, earned a Master’s degree at the University of California at Berkeley, and a Ph.D. at Emory. A contributing writer at the Epoch Times, she is also the author/editor of eight books. Find out more and sign up for her private email list (oh, no, please Lord, not more emails!) at
For Three Deaths Prevented, Two Inflicted?
BDair comments on Apr 22, 2022:
The paper was co-written by Dr. Harald Walach, a researcher based in Germany who three doctorates: one in Psychology from the University of Freiburg, one in Clinical Psychology from the University of Basel, and a Ph.D. in the History of Science from the University of Vienna; Dr. Rainer Klement, ...
BDair replies on Apr 22, 2022:
2. Besides death, severe side effects occur, including myocarditis, which may then lead to premature death or permanent disability that will not be blamed on vaccines. Retraction or not, the bottom line, according to these three scientists: “Thus, we have novel and worrying data that confirm the analysis we published in summer 2021, urging us to repeat our call for an installment of a European-wide active monitoring system that documents the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines long-term and for a rational public debate about the risk-benefit ratio of these novel vaccines.”
For Three Deaths Prevented, Two Inflicted?
BDair comments on Apr 22, 2022:
The paper was co-written by Dr. Harald Walach, a researcher based in Germany who three doctorates: one in Psychology from the University of Freiburg, one in Clinical Psychology from the University of Basel, and a Ph.D. in the History of Science from the University of Vienna; Dr. Rainer Klement, ...
BDair replies on Apr 22, 2022:
This letter explains that their original June 2021 article was accepted for publication with data from only four weeks published in an Israeli study. Given that we have more data now, the team has reviewed an additional six months’ worth of information. What they found in analyzing this more extensive data is that if we vaccinate 100,000 people, we theoretically save five lives, while at the same time we risk causing two to four deaths from the vaccine. If this sounds like a lot of collateral damage to you (as it does to me), the researchers also point out that theirs is likely a gross underestimate of the real damage caused by these COVID vaccines. As they explain: 1. Passive reporting systems (like VAERS) are notorious for underestimating casualties and side effects.
For Three Deaths Prevented, Two Inflicted?
BDair comments on Apr 22, 2022:
The paper was co-written by Dr. Harald Walach, a researcher based in Germany who three doctorates: one in Psychology from the University of Freiburg, one in Clinical Psychology from the University of Basel, and a Ph.D. in the History of Science from the University of Vienna; Dr. Rainer Klement, ...
BDair replies on Apr 22, 2022:
Instead, radio silence from the mainstream media. Then several editorial board members from the journal resigned in protest. And—surprise!—the paper was then retracted. Cancel! Retract! Censor! Silence! Problem solved. That fixed it. Delete the paper and the dangers of the COVID vaccine magically disappear. Oh wait. In February 2022 the same team of scientists, Dr. Harald Walach, Dr. Rainer Klement, and Wouter Aukema, published a letter to the editor in the smaller journal, Clinical and Translational Discovery: “The risk-benefit ratio of Covid-19 vaccines: Publication policy by retraction does nothing to improve it.”
From Vinay Prasad - TSA mask mandate "Everyone is mad at the judge, they should be mad at the CDC...
LovinLarge comments on Apr 22, 2022:
The judge is a political hack Trump appointee and Vinay Prasad needs help.
BDair replies on Apr 22, 2022:
Having a strongly held belief does not make it a fact.
It is a sad reality we are living in today.
LovinLarge comments on Apr 22, 2022:
You live in your own reality of alternative facts.
BDair replies on Apr 22, 2022:
I'm a bigot because I don't believe a person with testicles should be in an athletic competition with women? Your logic processes are convoluted.
It is a sad reality we are living in today.
LovinLarge comments on Apr 22, 2022:
You live in your own reality of alternative facts.
BDair replies on Apr 22, 2022:
Quite ironic. I believe it is you that have been indoctrinated by the mainstream media. Can you explain how your links disprove the fact that a biological male human is competing as a woman.
It is a sad reality we are living in today.
Matias comments on Apr 22, 2022:
A common misconception: in sports, it is not gender identities but *bodies* that compete against each other. The crucial question: Has a body undergone male or female puberty? Everything else is irrelevant, if you want to have a fair competition.
BDair replies on Apr 22, 2022:
"Thomas swam for three years at Penn as a male before transitioning, sat out a year while undergoing testosterone suppression treatment and returned to compete as a woman. She will also compete in the 200-yard and 100-yard NCAA championships later this week."
It is a sad reality we are living in today.
LovinLarge comments on Apr 22, 2022:
You live in your own reality of alternative facts.
BDair replies on Apr 22, 2022:
"Thomas swam for three years at Penn as a male before transitioning, sat out a year while undergoing testosterone suppression treatment and returned to compete as a woman. She will also compete in the 200-yard and 100-yard NCAA championships later this week."


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