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Scottish or Irish?
BDair comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Udderly remarkable.
Decided to share the beauty of nature.
BDair comments on Aug 26, 2021:
It looks like 'man made' materials there to me.
FDA authorization makes covid mandates hard to challenge in court []
BDair comments on Aug 26, 2021:
At least now, Pfizer will be open to product liability lawsuits from vaccine injuries. And there will be thousands of them. "EUA-approved COVID vaccines have an extraordinary liability shield under the 2005 Public Readiness and Preparedness Act. Vaccine manufacturers, distributors, providers and government planners are immune from liability. The only way an injured party can sue is if he or she can prove willful misconduct, and if the U.S. government has also brought an enforcement action against the party for willful misconduct. No such lawsuit has ever succeeded. At least for the moment, the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine has no liability shield. Vials of the branded product, which say “Comirnaty” on the label, are subject to the same product liability laws as other U.S. products."
This is a good hospital. 👍
BDair comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Why wasn't Fauci, the CDC, WHO, etc... saying this from the beginning? Stay home wearing three masks, until you can have your third jab is all the advice the could come up with, and the result of that has been disastrous
From the people who don't think the FDA should even exist.
BDair comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Is it any wonder?
Delta to charge $200/mo to unvaccinated employees. []
BDair comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Since the vaccines are proving to be diminishing in effectiveness over time, and it is not effective for the variants, will people without their third jab be considered 'unvaccinated'?
From the people who don't think the FDA should even exist.
BDair comments on Aug 25, 2021:
The FDA has a long history of corruption, 'revolving door' hires of Big Pharma executives, and malfeasance. I didn't trust them before, and they are only creating more mistrust by considering approving a product that has not completed standard testing protocols and has apparently caused thousands of deaths.
Yes, these are the facts.
BDair comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Related content.
Unvaccinated people 29 times more likely to get COVID []
BDair comments on Aug 25, 2021:
This is the 'study' they reference.
Correct me if I'm mistaken.
BDair comments on Aug 24, 2021:
How many should they have not approved? "All too often, patients and clinicians mistakenly view FDA approval as [an] indication that a product is fully safe and effective," he says. "Nothing could be further from the truth. We learn tremendous amounts about a product only once it's on the market and only after use among a broad population."
This is a very murky situation. They are pulling some unethical shenanigans.
BDair comments on Aug 24, 2021:
There are some lies and deceptions in this tangled web.
The fastest vaccine ever created, tested, and approved took 5 years, and that was the Ebola ...
BDair comments on Aug 24, 2021:
Before they have concluded their trials for safety and efficacy. And after thousands of people have been disabled and many have died shortly after vaccination. This is unprecedented. The FDA has been fully captured and corrupted by Big Pharma.
Dr. Fauci, look here
BDair comments on Aug 24, 2021:
Both women are displaying their subservience.
Scientists claim...
BDair comments on Aug 24, 2021:
And they always say 'scientist', never geologist, physicist, chemist, etc... An astrophysicist may not have anything useful to say about the symbiotic microbiome.
CDC officially states not to use Ivermectin to treat COVID. []
BDair comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Can you quote the CDC's official statement? It is not alluded to in the article.
Hopefully no one here is pushing Ivermectin, or has the poison control number handy after they OD.
BDair comments on Aug 23, 2021:
For your entertainment.
Hopefully no one here is pushing Ivermectin, or has the poison control number handy after they OD.
BDair comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Further reading.
Hopefully no one here is pushing Ivermectin, or has the poison control number handy after they OD.
BDair comments on Aug 23, 2021:
General information for those actually interested in educating themselves.
Soaring: European Union Reports 1.9 Million Vaccine Injuries, 20,595 Deaths []
BDair comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Neither safe nor effective.
Military to be vaccinated soon.
BDair comments on Aug 23, 2021:
I do not support a mandate pushing a dangerous experimental product that has not concluded its trials for safety and efficacy, and never will since they broke the trial protocol by vaccinating the control group, on enlisted people.
How, in a land made prosperous by rugged individualism and personal sacrifice, not by government, ...
BDair comments on Aug 23, 2021:
People will ignore the mountains of evidence that refutes the popular narrative.
I am NOT kidding, trying to pull your leg, etc, etc, when I tell this, it IS 110% the Truth.
BDair comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Fauci believes this.
Canadains age 80+, twice covid deaths than all combined age groups.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Everyone below the age of 50 should have carried on with life as normal, unless they were diabetic or obese. No lock downs or business closures. Face the virus, if you get it , you will most likely be fine after a brief illness and have long term immunity..
Man goes to hospital after using livestock Ivermectin to treat COVID-19.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
This story lacks credibility. Some 'person' or 'individual', no name or location, took animal Ivermectin and was hospitalized. That is certainly plausible, as it is often dosed for horses, and you need to base dosage by weight. Many people have actually been doing this because they have made Ivermectin so hard to get, that has almost become a black market item. This is criminal, and has led to thousands of unnecessary deaths. Ivermectin has been proven effective, and some countries have administered freely to their populations and seen Covid cases plummet. There was a case where a care home administered Ivermectin to one group of patients for a Scabies outbreak, and they ended up fairing much better than the general population for Covid.
"It is nothing less than shameful that we are still bogged down in the basic question of whether or ...
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
From the comments section. "Pilots in the United States aren’t allowed to wear beards because they compromise the seal of oxygen masks on the face, primarily used for emergency decompression and for fire and smoke. Without a good seal, even an N95 won’t provide proper protection, which is why most include instructions for achieving a proper fit. In general, having two bands going around your head makes it far easier to get a good seal than with ear loops. Respirators are nice; it’s amazing to handle chemicals without smelling them, but they are heavy and uncomfortable to wear for long." I have a beard, and I don't believe the masks I've worn would do anything to prevent exposure to a respiratory virus.
This is not a rare event, unfortunately.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Another. Yahoo News Australia and agencies A 72-year-old Adelaide woman has died after she developed blood clots following administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine.
This is not a rare event, unfortunately.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Another. The county announced earlier this month the death of a fully vaccinated woman. She was 70 and died in March after being hospitalized. At the time it was considered the first such death, but medical examiner records obtained by inewsource show a 73-year-old vaccinated man at the county-run Edgemoor Hospital in Santee died of COVID-19 on Feb. 2.
This is not a rare event, unfortunately.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Another. Other deaths post-vaccine Zook’s death comes on the heels of a Florida doctor who died on Jan. 3, weeks after getting his first Pfizer shot. Gregory Michael, a 56-year-old obstetrician and gynecologist in Miami Beach, suffered idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), a rare immune disorder in which the blood doesn’t clot normally. His death is under investigation.
This is not a rare event, unfortunately.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Another. A Virginia woman died within hours of receiving the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine, according to her family but state officials say that her death and the vaccine may not be related.
This is not a rare event, unfortunately.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Another. A 45-year-old Baltimore woman appears to have passed away from complications after taking the second dose of an employer-mandated COVID-19 vaccine, according to reports.
This is not a rare event, unfortunately.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Another. Family members say an Effingham, Kansas, woman died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine earlier this week.
This is not a rare event, unfortunately.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Another. Keyes received a first dose of Pfizer vaccine Jan. 30 and died shortly after at VCU Tappahannock Hospital. A report documenting her case in the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System said she began having trouble breathing in the parking lot of her vaccination site about 20 minutes after getting the shot. She then began vomiting every 20 to 30 seconds.
This is not a rare event, unfortunately.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Another. A33-year-old woman from New Orleans, who was fully vaccinated, died Sunday after she was diagnosed with COVID-19.
This is not a rare event, unfortunately.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Another. Woman dies from blood clot after Covid jab
This is not a rare event, unfortunately.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Another. Tzfat: 22-year-old woman dies of myocarditis after Covid vaccine
This is not a rare event, unfortunately.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Another. A 39-year-old woman has died one day after receiving her second dose of vaccine under the Governments new vaccine mix and match program, giving patients the AstraZeneca vaccine after first receiving the inferior Sinovac vaccine to fight covid-19.
This is not a rare event, unfortunately.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Another. Physical therapist, 28, working at a senior living facility in Indiana dies two days after getting the COVID-19 vaccine
This is not a rare event, unfortunately.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Another. A MUM-of-three died after suffering with blood clots following the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine.
This is not a rare event, unfortunately.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Another. An 18-year-old woman died at Genoa's San Martino hospital on Thursday after suffering a blood clot following vaccination with the AstraZeneca jab on May 25.
This is not a rare event, unfortunately.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Another. A 39-year-old single mom in Utah with no underlying medical conditions died four days after receiving her second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, according to a report.
This is not a rare event, unfortunately.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Another. Virginia woman dies shortly after Covid vaccination
This is not a rare event, unfortunately.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Man goes to hospital after using livestock Ivermectin to treat COVID-19.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
This 100% False. "Despite a lack of scientific evidence that ivermectin is effective at treating COVID-19, it has become a popular go-to drug in some circles, especially among opponents of COVID-19 vaccines and public-health measures like masking. It’s a similar phenomenon to the push last year for COVID-19 patients to take hydroxychloroquine despite studies finding it ineffective against the virus." There are over 100 studies, most proving Ivermectin effective. Same for HCQ. Both have been used for decades all over the world with few adverse side effects. You have been completely brainwashed by Big Pharma propaganda.
Insurers are not picking up COVID-19 costs since vaccination is more or less preventative.
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
But the vaccine has not proven to be at all preventative. They are already rolling out a third jab, and working on an Oral Anti-Viral treatment, because two has not proven effective. Less than 1% of the people in the placebo arm of the vaccine trials tested positive for Covid making the vax 1% effective at best.
Octavia May - Pierced dimples and titties
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
I would wash her dishes, anytime.
Naughty Princess Jasmine Cosplay
BDair comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Very cute.
The vaccines do not prevent infection.
BDair comments on Aug 19, 2021:
"What is clear is that “breakthrough” cases are not the rare events the term implies. As of 15 August, 514 Israelis were hospitalized with severe or critical COVID-19, a 31% increase from just 4 days earlier. Of the 514, 59% were fully vaccinated."
The healthcare system is SO overwhelmed, and doctors & nurses are SUCH heroes, that they're about to...
BDair comments on Aug 19, 2021:
Healthcare workers would rather quit or be fired than get the jab. Maybe they know something.
For all in lockdown? Stupidity on stupidity?
BDair comments on Aug 19, 2021:
That is cool. I need to try a looper sometime.
Get up stand up Aussies. Harden the Fuck Up! []
BDair comments on Aug 19, 2021:
Get the message.
I'm here listening with bells on. Can't wait.
BDair comments on Aug 18, 2021:
Almost no one is talking about monoclonal antibody treatment, most people have never heard of it. In most cases, low cost out patient treatments, in prophylaxis or early onset, with HCQ, Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Zinc, etc.... will be all anybody needs.
We're going to have to wait longer for the child vaccinations.. []
BDair comments on Aug 18, 2021:
Children are statistically at zero risk from Covid. They are at far greater risk from the vaccines. The risk/ benefit calculus favors not vaccinating them.
John Butler : OCEAN []
BDair comments on Aug 18, 2021:
Inconvenient Facts for the Vaccine Apologists.
BDair comments on Aug 18, 2021:
"And we have the proof. Israel, one of the most vaxxed countries in the world, is experiencing a surge in cases among the vaxxed, while neighboring Palestine with virtually no one vaxxed is experiencing no surge. And now Israel is locking down again. Are the vaccines causing the Delta surge? You certainly won’t get an honest answer from Fauci & Pfizer. There are hundreds of billions in profits to be made. Just get that booster and all will be well."
The Delta(India) variant disappeared as quickly as it came, after a major Ivermectin campaign.
BDair comments on Aug 18, 2021:
Read all about it.
The Delta(India) variant disappeared as quickly as it came, after a major Ivermectin campaign.
BDair comments on Aug 18, 2021:
The panic porn media was running non-stop horror stories about India and the bodies piling up in the streets back in May. At that time less than 4% of the Indian population had been vaxxed. Even today it is only 7% of their 1.3 billion people. The talking heads, and Fauci, all pointed to India as a humanitarian tragedy in the making – using it as their fear tactic for getting the jab. But their narrative fell apart in a matter of weeks and you no longer hear about India on the nightly news.
Why wouldn't you trust a pharmaceutical corporation that has paid out billions in fines for various ...
BDair comments on Aug 18, 2021:
"Editor’s Note: We are not anti-vaccine. We are pro due diligence. The speed at which Pfizer’s Covid vaccine was produced, the absence of animal studies, randomized control trials, and other usual gold standard tests and procedures for a new drug are all, at the very least, concerning. In addition, all Covid vaccine makers have been granted legal immunity for any injuries or deaths they may cause. If these vaccines are as safe as promoted, why do their makers need blanket immunity?"
Today is "8" day, 130 points to go...I've been a 7 waaay too long!
BDair comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Too much Tupperware.
Sing to me Avril...
BDair comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Nice skeleton on this one.
Unlike the silly memes or propaganda pieces of the Vaccine Apologists, I present the published ...
BDair comments on Aug 17, 2021:
@AnneWimsey perhaps you have some clinical data that refutes this.... "Several doctor-initiated clinical trial protocols that aimed to evaluate outcomes, such as reduction in mortality figures, shortened length of intensive care unit stay and/or hospital stay and elimination of the virus with ivermectin use have been registered at the US Real-time data is also available with a meta-analysis of 55 studies to date. As per data available on 16 May 2021, 100% of 36 early treatment and prophylaxis studies report positive effects (96% of all 55 studies). Of these, 26 studies show statistically significant improvements in isolation. Random effects meta-analysis with pooled effects using the most serious outcome reported 79% and 85% improvement for early treatment and prophylaxis respectively (RR 0.21 [0.11–0.37] and 0.15 [0.09–0.25])."
Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, ...
BDair comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Educate Thy Self
There is a media blackout on the success of Ivermectin in completely eradicating COVID where ever it...
BDair comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Related content.
From the 'You could not make this up!' files.
BDair comments on Aug 17, 2021:
The vaccines are failing in Israel. []
BDair comments on Aug 16, 2021:
Fascistbook does not allow unapproved sources such as this.
Have you seen the latest Ivermectin study ?
BDair comments on Aug 16, 2021:
Now it makes sense. The study is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Have you seen the latest Ivermectin study ?
BDair comments on Aug 16, 2021:
There are over 100 Ivermectin studies, with a net positive result indicating efficacy. It is beyond proven effective, with a decades long safety profile showing little in the way of side effects. Also there are many observational testimonies from doctors that have been successfully using the IMASK protocol.
573 Days..
BDair comments on Aug 16, 2021:
The best thing is to have exposure to the virus, and develop natural immunity.
The Light The deaths are more then 1400.
BDair comments on Aug 16, 2021:
The CDC's VAERS vaccine adverse events reporting system has reported more the 12,000 deaths and half a million adverse reactions.
Have you seen the latest Ivermectin study ?
BDair comments on Aug 16, 2021:
Obviously they are showing their bias at the outset. They are making the evidence fit their conclusions. "The study’s results on Ivermectin haven’t been formally published or peer-reviewed. Earlier peer-reviewed results from the Together Trial related to the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, which had been touted as a miracle treatment for COVID by then-President Trump, were published in April; they showed no significant therapeutic effect on the virus."
BDair comments on Aug 14, 2021:
No children should be Covid Vaxxed.
I didn't make this. Honest.
BDair comments on Aug 14, 2021:
If your vaccines are effective, why are unvaccinated people any concern to you?
I didn't make this. Honest.
BDair comments on Aug 14, 2021:
The smartest people in the room, are the most 'vaccine hesitant'. Perhaps they know something you are unable to comprehend.
An informative lecture. []
BDair comments on Aug 13, 2021:
Rational dialog censored by the thought police.
Third Jab roll out, coming soon.
BDair comments on Aug 13, 2021:
Related content.
Lots of 411 with links to research and documentation. []
BDair comments on Aug 13, 2021:
47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects
Here's my new facebook profile pic. What do you guys think?
BDair comments on Aug 12, 2021:
You can have your MultiPass after your 5th Jab.
Vaccine 'hesitancy' among the highest educated. []
BDair comments on Aug 12, 2021:
"A new report by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh has found that the most highly educated Americans are also the most vaccine hesitant."
Sammy Braddy
BDair comments on Aug 12, 2021:
She looks conflicted, I'm sure I could assuage her concerns ...or massage her gazongas or something.
Because, why should anything make sense in these times?
BDair comments on Aug 12, 2021:
Swimming is expressly prohibited on these hiking trails until further notice.
Viva la Revolution []
BDair comments on Aug 11, 2021:
Viva la Revolution []
BDair comments on Aug 11, 2021:
I'm listening.
BDair comments on Aug 11, 2021:
Can you post a more ludicrous non sequitur?
Anti-vaxxers spread false information on Youtube via school board meetings now. []
BDair comments on Aug 11, 2021:
It is a fact that people that have been exposed to a corona virus will acquire a robust, long lasting immunity to all strains and variants. Vaccinations can not improve on that, in fact, it is possible that vaccinating someone that has recovered may trigger a negative auto-immune response.
Anti-vaxxers spread false information on Youtube via school board meetings now. []
BDair comments on Aug 11, 2021:
Can you prove anything he said is false information? Your opinion has no weight. Everything he said can be supported by the medical literature. The WHO and NIH have not 'proven' anything, they are both arms of the pharmaceutical corporations.
An Israeli study showed Ivermectin to be efficacious in CV19 treatment. []
BDair comments on Aug 11, 2021:
"Ivermectin has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration since 1987. The drug’s discoverers were awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine for its treatment of onchocerciasis, a disease caused by infection with a parasitic roundworm. Over the years, it has been used for other indications, including scabies and head lice. Moreover, in the last decade, several clinical studies have started to show its antiviral activity against viruses ranging from HIV and the flu to Zika and West Nile."
A woman has an opinion and writes some things. []
BDair comments on Aug 11, 2021:
"Did you know that some physicians have successfully treated COVID patients in the community with already licensed drugs and holistic health therapies that help prevent hospitalizations and deaths from the disease? Do you find it curious that public health officials are not informing the public about those successes or sharing information about treatments that work? Do you find it odd that when physicians talk about how to help people clear the SARS-CoV-2 infection and heal without suffering complications, they are hounded and smeared?"
When the Spokesperson for your anti-vaxx cause gets banned from YouTube because he is a quack.
BDair comments on Aug 11, 2021:
So it is fine with you to censor a US Senator, for quoting from published research studies?
Wear a mask folks
BDair comments on Aug 11, 2021:
Intubation is absolutely the wrong protocol for a person with a severe viral infection. They killed about 80% of the patients they vented. Any doctor still using this protocol is very misinformed. They discovered that resting patients on one side and letting the alternate lung clear, then flipping them over every 30 minutes was far more effective.
Push Back
BDair comments on Aug 11, 2021:
I can't substantiate the veracity of this post, but it is least as factual as what my Vaccine Apologist friends post frequently without any critical thinking.
Fascistbook does not approve of this post. []
BDair comments on Aug 11, 2021:
"The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.”
I recommend flying with airlines with pilots that are less likely to have thrombotic events at high ...
BDair comments on Aug 11, 2021:
Related article.
Vaccines are failing, Ivermectin is rallying.... []
BDair comments on Aug 11, 2021:
"The Ivermectin patients are cleared of symptoms (N of 44) in average of 2.4 days. The Non-Ivermectin patients (N of 19) are cleared of symptoms after 5.7 days. Furthermore, on day 5 of the illness, we always have the patients go and get tested again. The Ivermectin patients have literally a 100% negative rate by Day 5. The non-Ivermectin patients have a 58% clearance rate by Day 5."
People who are vaccinated and those who are not vaccinated should watch this video clip from an ...
BDair comments on Aug 11, 2021:
Right on the money.
The truth behind the Ivermectin bs []
BDair comments on Aug 10, 2021:
Read through the medical literature, and stop trying to frame a medical treatment in terms of a political ideology. You are being blinded by your obstinate defense of your willful ignorance.
The truth behind the Ivermectin bs []
BDair comments on Aug 10, 2021:
It is a fact that Ivermectin has been in use for effective prevention and treatment of corona viruses. This means that the vaccines are being administered to the public illegally, which they are. Millions of people contracted CV19 and fully recovered before the vaccines were rolled out. This proves that viable treatment protocols already existed which prevents the vaccines from being marketed or administered until they can complete their trials and receive full approval. Unfortunately, the vaccine makers are making billions of dollars from a product that in normal times would have been discontinued until it can be proven safe and effective. However, Big Pharma controls our media, and our corrupt government.
On this Medscape page, doctors describe the adverse reactions they have had from the 'vaccines', and...
BDair comments on Aug 10, 2021:
Debbie Nazzaro3 days ago "I'm hoping that most people posting have read the full Pfizer protocol and FDA review for the EUA. If not, it's worth a read. One of the reasons that physicians may not be associating adverse events, like strokes, seizures, neurological issues, blood clots, etc., is that Pfizer ran almost no bloodwork during their studies. During their single phase I trial of 30 subjects they only did basic hematology and chemistry, showing transient decreases in lymphocytes. As per Good Laboratory Practices, Phase 1-3, pre and post drug bloodwork is critical and encompasses hematology, chemistry, inflammatory biomarkers, pharmacodynamics/pharmacokinetics, specialty markers like D-dimer, etc. This was not done. In their single Phase 2, which was simply the first 360 subjects enrolled, the remaining 39,640 (roughly) were considered as Phase 3, there was no blood work, other than immunogenicity, at all. How then can Pfizer or any physician know if an adverse effect is caused by the vaccine? We have no data on how the liver, kidney, vascular system, etc., is affected. Do pre and post D-dimer on your patients and see what you find. Also, there was an increased incidence of appendicitis during the study. Of note, out of the almost 19,000 in the vaccine group, the median age m/f was 50/51, with only 4% being >75 yrs old and 53% having no comorbidities. This, as you know, does not match the at risk groups at all. In order to issue an EUA, 2 basic things must be present: an emergency and no other potential treatment. Now, look back over the last 18 months and see how often any mention of potential treatment was immediately shot down and is now being censored. Why? That is what keeps me up late at night."
NBC is reporting at least 125,000 'Breakthrough' cases of the safe and effective vaccines.
BDair comments on Aug 9, 2021:
" At least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans have tested positive for Covid and 1,400 of those have died, according to data collected by NBC News."
An MD makes some good points. []
BDair comments on Aug 6, 2021:
You got off to a bad start here. Where a piece is published is not a great way to judge its content. "besides the fact that this is coming from a ultra-conservative site (articles like "Who are the Proud Boys" and Blue States Secede? Make My Day", both laced with gaslight phrasing among other alt-right rhetoric)" It appears you did read the piece though, and offered your qualified opinions. There are plenty of qualified people with viewpoints that may differ from yours. You have a right to be convinced that your views are correct, I have a right to lean more towards what this author has written. Framing anything as right or left, conservative or liberal is not the way to conduct scientific inquiry. Politicization of science, and the outright censorship of opposing viewpoints is not constructive.
What is the universe made of ? Just curious
BDair comments on Aug 6, 2021:
Does it 'matter'.
I know that we have a few members here who absolutely LOVE pierced nipples.
BDair comments on Aug 6, 2021:
She has nice eyes.


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Taboo Island Atlantis
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Personal Wellness
9 members
Sustainable living
5 members
Community Senate
385 members