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Analysis of air flows emitted by performers from the MET highlight COVID-19 risks [phys.
BDair comments on Aug 17, 2022:
We must place an immediate ban on all operatic singing before anyone else can be subjected to its dangers.
Went out on my boat last Sunday with Kathy, she loves to show her bod but first time she flashed me,...
BDair comments on Aug 17, 2022:
Nice set of assets.
The truth will come out.
BDair comments on Aug 17, 2022:
'Cohen had received Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccine in April. Her second dose came April 25, 10 days before her panic attack. The physicians who treated her at HCA Florida Aventura Hospital, a South Florida medical center, feared her illness might have been related to the vaccine, though they had no proof.'
Cosplay cuties.. Daphne and Velma. 🔥🔥🔥
BDair comments on Aug 17, 2022:
Quick girls, get in the van.
This will be a thread on the 'Origins of Covid 19'.
BDair comments on Aug 16, 2022:
Depopulation and the mRNA Vaccine -
More Doublespeak and obfuscation from the CDC.
BDair comments on Aug 16, 2022:
Concerning - From Kennedy's new book "A Letter to Liberals" As of February and April 2022 - The Weight of the Science Suggests That COVID mRNA Vaccines Can Indeed Alter Human DNA. While the CDC continues to reassure us on its web page that “The genetic material delivered by mRNA vaccines never enters the nucleus of your cells, ”Swedish researchers at Lund University on February 25, 2022, published a study showing that messenger RNA (mRNA) from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines rapidly enters human liver cells and reverse-transcribes into DNA. The terrifying ramifications of these findings are difficult to over state. They raise the real possibility that the mRNA vaccine may permanently alter the human genome, potentially priming—from mothers to children—a DNA code that might continually produce spike proteins known to damage nervous systems, brain, bone marrow, and immune systems and to produce blood clots. In April 2022, CDC finally admitted that it had no data to support its claim that mRNA vaccines don’t alter DNA.
No one knows what the long term consequences of injecting an experimental mRNA biologic into the ...
BDair comments on Aug 16, 2022:
ABSTRACT: Operation Warp Speed brought to market in the United States two mRNA vaccines, produced by Pfizer and Moderna. Interim data suggested high efficacy for both of these vaccines, which helped legitimize Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the FDA. However, the exceptionally rapid movement of these vaccines through controlled trials and into mass deployment raises multiple safety concerns. In this review we first describe the technology underlying these vaccines in detail. We then review both components of and the intended biological response to these vaccines, including production of the spike protein itself, and their potential relationship to a wide range of both acute and long-term induced pathologies, such as blood disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune diseases. Among these potential induced pathologies, we discuss the relevance of prion-protein-related amino acid sequences within the spike protein. We also present a brief review of studies supporting the potential for spike protein “shedding”, transmission of the protein from a vaccinated to an unvaccinated person, resulting in symptoms induced in the latter.We finish by addressing a common point of debate, namely, whether or not these vaccines could modify the DNA of those receiving the vaccination. While there are no studies demonstrating definitively that this is happening, we provide a plausible scenario, supported by previously established pathways for transformation and transport of genetic material, whereby injected mRNA could ultimately be incorporated into germ cell DNA for transgenerational transmission. We conclude with our recommendations regarding surveillance that will help to clarify the long-term effects of these experimental drugs and allow us to better assess the true risk/benefit ratio of these novel technologies
This song was originally done in a live set by the skiffle band The Quarrymen around 1958.
BDair comments on Aug 16, 2022:
I am still amazed at their output and transition in such a relatively short span of time.
Vaxxed and boosted First lady Jill Biden tests positive for COVID-19 - []
BDair comments on Aug 16, 2022:
It sounds like a she caught a cold, but if it suits their agenda to call it Covid that is fine.
Thailand study of young adults post jab showed nearly 30% with cardiovascular injuries - ...
BDair comments on Aug 16, 2022:
'18% of kids had an abnormal EKG post-vaccine?!? That has to be extremely troubling. A vaccine is not supposed to do that. Are doctors telling parents the vaccine causes serious heart issues in 18% of kids? At least let them know. The paper noted that “Cardiovascular effects were found in 29.24% of patients, ranging from tachycardia, palpitation, and myo/pericarditis.” Wow. Almost 30% of the cases?!?! That’s not “rare.” Finally a 3.5% rate of myo/pericarditis (including subclinical) among males 13-18 is not rare either. We were lied to by the CDC. Big time.'
Astute commentary from a comments section.
BDair comments on Aug 16, 2022:
More on the 'safe and effective' mRNA injections.
BDair comments on Aug 16, 2022:
Pfizer CEO vaxxed and boosted with his safe and effective mRNA product, has Covid.
News from the net.
BDair comments on Aug 15, 2022:
A Troubling Safety Profile We also know that the vaccine has a troubling safety profile, and is particularly dangerous for teenage boys and young men. Just last week the editor of Medscape died suddenly. Bret Stetka was 43 years old. His wife is devastated, and has no idea what caused the seizure that led to his death. But just before his untimely and unexpected death, on July 21, he posted a photograph on Twitter of his one-year-old daughter getting the COVID-19 vaccine. A post-doctoral fellow at the University of California also died. She had had three COVID-19 vaccines. Sara White was 37. She also leaves behind an infant daughter. Brayden Fahey also died. A second-year student at Diablo View Middle School in Clayton, California, he had a severe and inexplicable medical emergency playing football. He died two days later.
Astute commentary from a comments section.
BDair comments on Aug 15, 2022:
"Put simply, Covid-19 was not an epidemiological event, it was a money laundering scheme, a smoke screen for economic/social restructuring towards total control and a massive psychological operation." Pfizer accused of pandemic profiteering as profits double Drugmaker makes $37bn in vaccine sales and predicts bumper year ahead from Covid jabs and pill -
Although alleging to have had two doses and two boosters of his safe and effective mRNA product - ...
BDair comments on Aug 15, 2022:
I am sure he has access to plenty of Paxlovid, which appears to be just as effective as his 'vaccine' product.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Says No One Can Convince Her Jan 6th Rioters Weren’t Antifa US Rep.
BDair comments on Aug 15, 2022:
A light hearted take on the narrative.
Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark - Bardcore [youtube.
BDair comments on Aug 12, 2022:
Very cool.
Stasya Schpits
BDair comments on Aug 12, 2022:
She couldn't get her clothes off fast enough, but I told her "Relax baby, I'll be here all night."
There was only one more person who knew it. Hint.... It wasn't Hillary.
BDair comments on Aug 12, 2022:
Have a cigar.
Dubai is a joke: capitalism meets megalomania []
BDair comments on Aug 12, 2022:
It will all collapse soon, and turn back in to desert.
Christian spelling/grammar is hilarious...
BDair comments on Aug 12, 2022:
Looks like she got her own baby Jesus in the deal.
CDC ends social distancing and contact quarantining Covid recommendations Change in guidelines come...
BDair comments on Aug 12, 2022:
'The nation’s top public health agency on Thursday relaxed its Covid-19 guidelines, dropping the recommendation that Americans quarantine themselves if they come into close contact with an infected person. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also said people no longer need to stay at least 6ft (about 2 metres) away from others. The changes are driven by a recognition that more than two and a half years since the start of the pandemic an estimated 95% of Americans ages 16 and older have acquired some level of immunity, either from being vaccinated or infected, agency officials said.'
CDC admits COVID is over!! It's the vaccine, STUPID! COVID is done but is being kept ALIVE by ...
BDair comments on Aug 12, 2022:
From the comments section - 'It is 100% over. Let's stop talking about it because it was a scam from day one and we can see with our own eyes that life is back to normal and almost no-one cares. If we keep talking about it, it lends it credibility. As 2nd Smartest Guy says in his Substack - DO NOT COMPLY If people want to mask up and get fifth and sixth boosters against the common cold, let them. This was always an IQ test set by Social Darwinians. If some people are too stupid to see what is happening this late in the game, it's far too late to save them anyway. The only people I see wearing masks now are morbidly obese people and Branch Covidians. Unless you have some genetic disorder, you did that to yourself (they always seem to have dozens of bottles of fizzy sugary drinks in their trolley so unlikely). As for the Branch Covidians, they still believe the TV. I class that as a lack of critical thinking skills and sorry, you also deserve your Darwin Award. Sorry, if you can't look after yourself and eat healthily, my freedom is not negotiable. You are 100% responsible for what goes into your mouth and also your brain.'
My kind of chamber music
BDair comments on Aug 12, 2022:
Cello Dolly.
A sign I'm on the lookout for
BDair comments on Aug 11, 2022:
The world needs more dirty hoes right now.
Big Pharma Bucks - they care about your health, really they do.
BDair comments on Aug 11, 2022:
While the commoners were locked down losing everything.... 'Nearly 500 People Became Billionaires During The Pandemic Year' -
There is something in the water in Israel.
BDair comments on Aug 11, 2022:
The Testimonies Project was created to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the covid-19 vaccines, and to make sure their voices are heard, since they are not heard in the Israeli media. We hope this project will encourage more and more people to tell their story.
Has anyone caught sheep pox yet?
BDair comments on Aug 10, 2022:
There is a lot of it going around.
Two in one
BDair comments on Aug 10, 2022:
This will not be allowed on Fascistbook. They have standards.
I went on a date with a Christian.
BDair comments on Aug 10, 2022:
Just steer the conversation away from religion, and stay on common ground. You will never change her beliefs, but you can still enjoy her company.
Trumpanzee Beauty Contest... Pick the winner!
BDair comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Isn't that New Zealand's Prime Minister?
And SeaGreenEyes just blocked me, after attacking me on a thread about dating and what issues, ...
BDair comments on Aug 9, 2022:
So much drama.
'3X More Fully Vaccinated Hospitalizations and Deaths than Not Vaccinated in July Higher Rate of ...
BDair comments on Aug 9, 2022:
'By using the population and vaccination rate data directly from the ME CDC’s website, we can recreate the same rate for July (06/27 to 07/25). With 75% of 1.34 Million Mainers now considered fully vaccinated, we see that the vaccine had effectively zero impact on the rates of hospitalization or deaths in the month of July. In each category, the rates are so similar it would be foolish to consider drawing any conclusion of efficacy. From 06/27 to 07/25, Fully Vaccinated Mainers died at a rate of 3.28 per 100k fully vaccinated residents compared to 2.96 per 100k not fully vaccinated Mainers. Hospitalization rates were just as similar, with 14.70 hospitalizations per 100k fully vaccinated Mainers compared to 15.11 hospitalizations per 100k residents that were not fully vaccinated.'
This will be a thread on the 'Origins of Covid 19'.
BDair comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Rockefeller Lockstep 2010 was Blueprint for 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic -
'Fourteen young Canadian docs die after getting the shot.
BDair comments on Aug 9, 2022:
'The vaccine kills people in subtle ways that are NOT being investigated by medical examiners. They are deliberately looking the other way.'
Here's how the media makes you care more about Ukraine than about Iraq and the darker lands invaded ...
BDair comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Jimmy Dore is great at getting the real story and highlighting the propaganda in the 'Current Thing'.
You always wanted to be a pin cushion! Why get a one and done or a two-dose series when you can get...
BDair comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Related article from @AnneWimsey 's favorite publication. New Science Shows Vaccines Help Omicron Spread: Peer-Reviewed Study -
5 Reasons Why You NEED A COVID-19 Vaccine - Jennifer Margulis Aug 6 Run, don't walk, to the ...
BDair comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Brief outline. Click the link to learn more. 1. You want to support the luxury real estate purchases of Moderna and Pfizer executives! 2. You can’t wait to get your very own case of VITT! 3. You always wanted to be a pin cushion! 4. Your relatives need something to write about on Facebook! 5. It’s a safer, more reliable way to get protection than getting sick!
The Branch Covidians have all been brainwashed into believing the Vaccine Apologist Dogma.
BDair comments on Aug 8, 2022:
If there was a dangerous pathogen circulating in the population, should not people be concerned that used face diapers are littering the sidewalks and waterways?
The Branch Covidians have all been brainwashed into believing the Vaccine Apologist Dogma.
BDair comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Some people will believe whatever they are told is the current thing.
A somewhat dystopian viewpoint - but some it is already happening.
BDair comments on Aug 5, 2022:
Nearly 30,000 Deaths Reported to VAERS, Including 17-Year-Old Who Died of Myocarditis 5 Months After Pfizer Shot VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,371,474 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 29,981 deaths and 249,116 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 29, 2022.
A somewhat dystopian viewpoint - but some it is already happening.
BDair comments on Aug 5, 2022:
The 'vaccine' formulations are inconsistent, and there are 'good' and 'bad' batches. Not everyone that has been injected will suffer an adverse reaction. But the numbers of injuries and deaths from the mRNA injections will be substantial.
[] Tracy Chapman - Give Me One Reason (Official Music Video)
BDair comments on Aug 5, 2022:
Love the song, and the video.
What do think of this beauty?
BDair comments on Aug 5, 2022:
Chromatically challenged.
Various anecdotes from around the web - "It's endlessly interesting to me that folks I know with ...
BDair comments on Aug 5, 2022:
"I am in Australia, This time of year there is Aussie Rules Football played almost all over the Country. There are 18 to a Team with a few Emergency players that are dressed and ready to go on if someone gets injured on the Field on the day. It is more common in the State of Victoria where I am. Over the years due to the nature of the Game there is Injuries. Today a reasonably large town that has a list of players that means they have always been able to Field a Team, came out with a Press release saying 64% of the Players in that one side were out with what they called "Injuries" Yes 64%"
BDair comments on Aug 5, 2022:
The scientific literature is now loudly signaling the failure of Covid booster vaccines. In the UK, negative efficacy is spelling disaster for their vaccine push while natural immunity again reigns supreme with a new bombshell finding out of Qatar.
The least vaccinated countries on the planet have had the best outcomes in Covid infections and ...
BDair comments on Aug 5, 2022:
@AnneWimsey a randomized controlled trial linked in the article for your edification. Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers -
The least vaccinated countries on the planet have had the best outcomes in Covid infections and ...
BDair comments on Aug 5, 2022:
@AnneWimsey A paper cited in the article you disparaged. Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines -
The least vaccinated countries on the planet have had the best outcomes in Covid infections and ...
BDair comments on Aug 5, 2022:
A paper cited in the article. Between a hygiene rock and a hygienic hard place: Avoiding SARS-CoV-2 while needing environmental exposures for immunity -
We'll be seeing more of this as time goes on.
BDair comments on Aug 4, 2022:
South Africa’s health regulator today confirmed a person died as a direct result of receiving Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine. It is the country’s first death officially attributed to a COVID-19 vaccine, officials said. The person died of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) soon after being given the J&J shot, Reuters reported. GBS is a rare neurological disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks part of its peripheral nervous system, the network of nerves located outside of the brain and spinal cord.
Just someone's opinion, that I happen to share.
BDair comments on Aug 4, 2022:
Fact - "Several times in America’s recent history, the medical community has suspended or cancelled a vaccine program over a small number of deaths. The first rule of medicine is “physician do no harm.” At any sign of harm, a vaccine should and must be questioned, and/or suspended."
From a comment section online, people describe their rare vaccine adverse reactions from the safe ...
BDair comments on Aug 4, 2022:
"I had such a bad reaction to my shots that I ended up having severely irregular heart rates. Immediately after my 2nd dose I started having chest pains and shortness of breath, which then turned into tightness in my chest. I had a high heart rate notification from my Apple Watch one night of 200bpm.... that should have killed me. I also had another night a month or so ago where my resting heart rate while sleeping went down to 40 bpm. I never had issues with heart before my shots. I've been wearing an Apple Watch since 2017 and have all my heart data to compare with. Throughout the fall of last year, I went on to be hospitalized on 8 separate occasions with severe anaphylactic shock. I almost died twice. I would wake up out of a dead sleep covered in hives and with my throat almost closed over. Doctors ran various tests, blood tests, urine tests, etc... and still found nothing that I was allergic to. The whole time this was going on the doctors were saying "Oh it's highly unlikely that it would be the shots" and wouldn't file this as a potential side effect even when I pleaded. Both shots that I ended up taking were the Prizer ones, and I didn't necessarily want to get them either. But in Canada, where I live, they were basically forcing everyone to get the shot. Had I not gotten mine I likely would have had to drop out of school in my last year. I recently read the listed side effects that I had in the Pfizer adverse reaction documents. The anaphylactic shock, the breathing and heart rate issues. It was all in the side effects list. And yet the entire time I talked to doctors about this, they just wanted to avoid the topic altogether. Even going as far as asking me if I was going to get a booster after getting sick with covid and recovering from it perfectly fine. I sincerely hope we get to the bottom of this issue. Because it stinks from top to bottom of corruption. The misreporting of people with issues like mine, or worse even, is criminal. And what's worse is, I don't tell my story often to people, because a lot of the time you just get partisan political actors that say "oh well it could have been so much worse had you not been vaccinated" or "well that reaction seems so unlikely and you seem to be doing much better now" ... as if that is some sort of a comforting notion. There's so many people out there that would rather roll the dice on whether someone lives or dies from getting a vaccine, but can't seem to apply the same principle when it comes to getting covid. It's no wonder so many people have historically low trust in institutions and media. I'm doing much better now for anyone wondering, but I still have issues with my heart from time to time. I will forever have to carry an epi pen as a precaution now and have to be extremely ...
Shocking Testimonies From the Covid Jab Injured []
BDair comments on Aug 4, 2022:
An amusing story by a very ProVax writer. I'm sure she has had three boosters by now. 'What My Covid-19 Vaccine Saga Taught Me About the U.S. Health Care System I had to change Covid-19 vaccines midstream. Two months, five doctors and multiple Benadryls later, it was very clear the system isn’t set up to help non-cookie-cutter patients like me.'
Shocking Testimonies From the Covid Jab Injured []
BDair comments on Aug 4, 2022:
The Testimonies Project - Many Israelis report their vaccine injuries.
Jocelyn Chew
BDair comments on Aug 4, 2022:
I could try a little nibble.
The least vaccinated countries on the planet have had the best outcomes in Covid infections and ...
BDair comments on Aug 4, 2022:
Another reason that Africa has fared so much better than Europe and America may be the widespread use of ivermectin, according to a team of researchers in Colombia. Ivermectin is used prophylactically to treat river blindness (Onchocerciasis). A 2021 study published in the American Journal of Therapeutics examined the efficacy of ivermectin for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infection. These researchers found that “using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease.” While ivermectin remains controversial, clinicians around the world have reported excellent outcomes using ivermectin as part of an early treatment protocol.
You can look this up.
BDair comments on Aug 4, 2022:
CDC is NOT a 'Federal' agency, just like the 'Federal Reserve', NOT Federal and NO Reserve..
We will be seeing a lot more of this in the near future.
BDair comments on Aug 3, 2022:
@Garban "Other misinformation promoted by Children's Health Defense is a conspiracy theory in relation to the Great Reset that claims that elites, including Bill Gates, plan to take over the United States and establish a Marxist high-control regime." Did you already forget about all of the lock downs, mask mandates, school and business closures, travel bans, mandadory injections etc...?
We will be seeing a lot more of this in the near future.
BDair comments on Aug 3, 2022:
AstraZeneca Covid Vaccine Banned in Denmark and Norway after reports of Blood Clump Side- Effect
We will be seeing a lot more of this in the near future.
BDair comments on Aug 3, 2022:
Scientists Find How AstraZeneca Vaccine Causes Clots
We will be seeing a lot more of this in the near future.
BDair comments on Aug 3, 2022:
Concerns about the risk of blood clots in under-30s who had the Astra Zeneca vaccine were already being aired in health circles, and just a week after Jack had his vaccine, it was withdrawn from use in this age group. …
Shocking Testimonies From the Covid Jab Injured []
BDair comments on Aug 3, 2022:
“mRNA ‘Vaccine’ Genocide 2021-2022: Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff,” tells the stories of people around the world who have been injured by the COVID jab Their struggle, their pain, their deaths deserve to be acknowledged for what they are — the result of medical malfeasance, regulatory corruption and societal “mass formation” insanity driven by media fearmongering and outright lies
It was a lie of gravest dimensions, COVID pandemic lie, the lockdown lunacy, school & business ...
BDair comments on Aug 3, 2022:
The PCR test was used to carry out this great fraud, starting on Trump. And there was nothing ‘novel’ about COVID virus, our immune systems had seen this before in some manner. It was actually over, the virus was circulating maybe as early as mid 2019, for sure Fall/Winter 2019 in global nations, and burning out; it was done March 2020 and the Diamond Princess told us there was a threshold of 19-20% infection even in a closed population. We even have Vancouver Canada data (Pellech et al.) showing about 90% of the population had some form of sero immunity mid 2020 or so. How? Unless it was circulating for a long while prior.
Living proof, you can get a golf ball through a garden hose!!!!
BDair comments on Aug 1, 2022:
She should not have tried to suck the honey out of a beehive.
The hues and tones.. so comfortable. ☀️
BDair comments on Aug 1, 2022:
Can she come over for a play date?
Biden just can't seem to catch a break, and all of Pfizer's magic is failing him.
BDair comments on Aug 1, 2022:
Pfizer is fleecing the government of our tax dollars, while none of their products seem to be effective. COVID Rebound Health officials and Pfizer have said Paxlovid rebound impacts a small number of recipients, although White House adviser Anthony Fauci also experienced it several weeks ago. Fauci confirmed that he tested negative for four days before testing positive as he took the drug, which was first handed an emergency use authorization by the Food and Drug Administration in late 2021.
Another cautionary tale/ Human interest story.
BDair comments on Aug 1, 2022:
“Within two weeks after receiving the first vaccine, I began to have chronic fatigue and insomnia,” Parker told The Defender. “I went to a couple of doctors … and they just said it was menopause that was causing it.” Parker’s symptoms worsened significantly after she received the Pfizer booster on Nov. 9, 2021. “Within 2-3 weeks after the booster, my hair began falling out and I started having severe brain fog and chronic fatigue,” Parker said. “I started having uncontrollable tremors, shaking and spasms, migraines, brain fog … to a point where I couldn’t communicate and couldn’t walk,” she added.
Carly lauren - I'm a buyer for whatever she's selling
BDair comments on Aug 1, 2022:
This 'Wild Animal Show' sounds very interesting.
Survey Says - The Narrative is Changing.
BDair comments on Jul 29, 2022:
Those that died from vaccination were unable to respond to the poll.
9-Year-Old With No Pre-existing Conditions Died 2 Weeks After Pfizer Shot, Latest VAERS Data Show -...
BDair comments on Jul 29, 2022:
'VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,357,940 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 29,790 deaths and 247,686 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 22, 2022.'
Five physicians - four 50 or younger - have died in the Toronto area in the last two weeks But ...
BDair comments on Jul 29, 2022:
'All these physicians had almost certainly received at least three Covid vaccine jabs. Canada has mandated shots for health-care workers since last year. Whether any had received a fourth shot is not clear. But on July 13 Ontario dropped any age restrictions on a second booster, so any or all of them could have. Hospitals in Canada - like hospitals everywhere - have heavily pressured employees to get Covid shots and a first booster, though the pressure for a second booster appears to have lifted somewhat.'
Let's reflect on Julia Yaroshenko!
BDair comments on Jul 29, 2022:
Flashing herself.
In rebuke to Pentagon, Navy board finds 3-0 for vax objector amid questions of mandate's lawfulness ...
BDair comments on Jul 28, 2022:
'Younts argued at the board hearing that the mandate for the experimental COVID vaccines was not a lawful order since the military has not made fully FDA-approved versions of the vaccines available to military members. The military defense attorney told Just the News that the attorneys for the Navy agreed with him that there are no FDA-approved vaccines available, only interchangeable vaccines. Younts added that if there are no FDA-approved vaccines available, then the president would have to authorize the experimental shots that are currently available, which hasn’t happened.'
FDA, CDC Sold Out America’s Children — Could Their Betrayal Bring Down the Entire Childhood ...
BDair comments on Jul 28, 2022:
'In late June, the United States became the first country in the world to grant Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID jabs for toddlers as young as 6 months. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued the EUA on June 17, and the very next day, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended all toddlers get the shot as soon as possible. The pediatric EUA was based on extremely weak evidence — and that’s after the FDA lowered its efficacy requirements for the pediatric population, even though they have the lowest risk of COVID and therefore have the least need for the shots.'
When you see it...
BDair comments on Jul 27, 2022:
Sudden Adult Death Syndrome has been very popular among the vaccinated.
Come on people! They can only change the expiration date so many times on the unapproved ...
BDair comments on Jul 26, 2022:
'But the failure of the vaccines is actually less corrosive at this point than the grim refusal by public health authorities, politicians, and the media to admit that failure. Practically everyone knows the truth. How can I be so sure? In the most basic way. No one gets mRNA shots anymore - not for themselves, and not for their kids. More than a month after regulators broke every guideline they have to approve the shots for children under 5, more than 97 percent of kids that age remain unjabbed. Overall uptake has also cratered. Even with 19 million small children now eligible, the media and health authorities endlessly pushing boosters and reboosters (maintain, granny, maintain!), and some colleges insanely demanding boosters of their students, Americans are getting fewer than a quarter-million Covid jabs a day.' - Alex Berenson
COVID NEWS AND COMMENTARY Jeff Childers - 'Coffee & Covid' The British Medical Journal (BMJ) ...
BDair comments on Jul 26, 2022:
Studies like this one, and the Benn preprint, may be what’s fueling the narrative pivot we appear to be seeing. They directly challenge the original conclusions the FDA regulators used to approve the drugs. We have no idea how many similar studies are in the pipeline, but journal editors do. And we know that government actors like Fauci and Collins talk to the journal editors; we’ve seen this kind of “cooperation” in the covid emails. We’ve also seen Fauci and Collins plotting media campaigns. So it’s not a stretch to link what’s happening in journals to what we see happening in corporate media. If there is a connection, things will get very interesting, very fast.
Fully vaccinated account for 91% of COVID deaths in one country []
BDair comments on Jul 25, 2022:
In the first five months of the year, England's "fully vaccinated" population accounted for more than 90 percent of the deaths attributed to COVID-19, according to official government data. The U.K.'s Office for National Statistics, or ONS, recently published its data for the period of Jan. 1 through May 31, which show that deaths rose among the vaccinated month by month while falling among the unvaccinated, The Expose reported.
So, this was Misinformation then....
BDair comments on Jul 22, 2022:
This will be a thread on the 'Origins of Covid 19'.
BDair comments on Jul 21, 2022:
The Plan - The Globalist Plan Revealed Before Your Very Lives -
Exposure to nature does wonders. 🦾
BDair comments on Jul 21, 2022:
I can fit her into my schedule.
Sandy, she claims to be a true farmer's daughter.
BDair comments on Jul 21, 2022:
I'm sure she has been plowed.
So, this was Misinformation then....
BDair comments on Jul 21, 2022:
Some fully vaxxed people also 'Got Covid' apparently, according to the press.
Brunei was late to the party.
BDair comments on Jul 20, 2022:
Weird, you would think that vaccinating almost the entire population with the 'safe and effective' biologic mRNA product would have flattened the curve, not turned it into a mountain.
AOC Sits In Invisible Police Car Awaiting Transport To Invisible Jail - []
BDair comments on Jul 20, 2022:
Everything is a charade. these days.
The Covid Crime Family is still cashing in on this nonsense.
BDair comments on Jul 19, 2022:
From the comments section. "So I peruse government auctions as part of my business, and a few weeks back came across multiple lots of thousands of pallets of COVID PPE in NYC that they were selling at bargain prices (if you bought them all, it would have been over 100 truckloads). There's no way that masks, gloves, shields,& coveralls should have an expiration date (maybe hand sanitizer, but not really), so, at pennies on the dollar, Kathy should just have bought her own surplus, and saved the NY taxpayers big time. Oh, I guess it doesn't work that way." - Doug Young
The Titanic ship that is Big Pharma is going to sink, and it is going to take all of the regulatory ...
BDair comments on Jul 19, 2022:
Top doctors and scientists at the leading U.S. public health agencies are “frustrated, exasperated and alarmed” about the direction of the agencies they work for, according to the authors of a Substack post. They’re also embarrassed — about “bad science.”
Israel's Yinon Bar-On et al.
BDair comments on Jul 18, 2022:
If you go and boost with the Wuhan strain vaccine (the one we are using now), then you will be calling up Wuhan vaccinal Abs based on initial fixation or immune imprinting, OAS. The immune system is prejudiced to respond to the initial prime or exposure and recall those Abs, be it via vaccine or natural virus exposure and infection.
Commentary from Jeff Childers - 'Coffee & Covid' - 'A new peer-reviewed study published this week ...
BDair comments on Jul 17, 2022:
Long-term immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection among children and adults after mild infection July 14, 2022 Study provided insights into the long-term features of the immune response to COVID-19 for different age classes, which could help in future COVID-19 vaccination strategies and prevention policies.
Long-term immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection among children and adults after mild infection ...
BDair comments on Jul 17, 2022:
'A study published in JAMA Network Open of Italian children and adults with SARS-CoV-2 infection, found that anti–SARS-CoV-2 S-RBD IgG persisted until 12 months after infection in all age groups, with significant higher antibody peaks for younger individuals at every follow-up point. This study may provide an important basis to determine the schedule of COVID-19 vaccination in non–previously infected children and of booster immunization in pediatric patients who have already experienced COVID-19.'
Love(Can Make You Happy) by Mercy reached number 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1969.
BDair comments on Jul 15, 2022:
I always the this was the Mamas and the Papas.
Maybe. Whadda ya think?
BDair comments on Jul 15, 2022:
Always look on the bright side, of life....
Aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolic ...
BDair comments on Jul 15, 2022:
I say that all of the time.
Gone Picking
BDair comments on Jul 15, 2022:
I'm not sure what fruit is on the tree, but those are some nice peaches.
Public Service Announcement []
BDair comments on Jul 13, 2022:
They forgot to add 'Wear a Mask' and 'Stay Up to Date on Your Vaccinations'.
Public Service Announcement []
BDair comments on Jul 13, 2022:
Come in out of the nuclear fallout, you'll ruin your clothes!
More on this.
BDair comments on Jul 13, 2022:
Hold your ground 'NoVaxx'.
Love the light. ☀️ Among other attributes. 🔥
BDair comments on Jul 13, 2022:
Exquisite. Send her on over. I'll start writing checks.
Higher vaccine rates associated with greater rise in hospitalization.
BDair comments on Jul 13, 2022:
'We’re seeing strong association with more vaxx, greater rise in rates of hospitalization for covid, and more oddly, it’s well out of season in most of the high vaxx states. This sudden unseasonable surges pattern is aberrant relative to past covid outcomes which adds further cause for suspicion of new external drivers. (I suspect one could advance an argument about immune exhaustion from repeated boosting here as well).'
Commentary from Dr.
BDair comments on Jul 13, 2022:
'DR. FAUCI: "One of the things that's clear from the data [is] that even though vaccines - because of the high degree of transmissibility of this virus - don't protect overly well, as it were, against infection, they protect quite well against severe disease leading to hospitalization and death. And I believe that's the reason, Neil, why at my age, being vaccinated and boosted, even though it didn't protect me against infection, I feel confident that it made a major role in protecting me from progressing to severe disease. And that's very likely why I had a relatively mild course. So my message to people who seem confused because people who are vaccinated get infected - the answer is if you weren't vaccinated, the likelihood [is] you would have had [a] more severe course than you did have when you were vaccinated." Three studies for Dr. Fauci to read and hopefully will inform him:


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