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Really? Did we miss the big event?
BDair comments on Nov 4, 2022:
See, if we didn't have so many Teslas on the roads, California would be underwater right now.
BDair replies on Nov 4, 2022:
Prove me wrong on those counts. Explain how a steel and concrete structure can collapse in free fall, which requires that all of its supporting structural elements such as steel columns offer no more resistance to collapse than air. The 'vaccines' are killing more people than Ralph Baric's UNC developed bioweapon has.
Really? Did we miss the big event?
BDair comments on Nov 4, 2022:
See, if we didn't have so many Teslas on the roads, California would be underwater right now.
BDair replies on Nov 4, 2022:
@NostraDumbass Since you live in a basement with no access to current events, I will bring you up to date. The state government in CA and more broadly the federal governments of a number of countries have made transitioning to EV's a key component of their strategy to curb climate change. Climate change, or 'Global Warming' is ostensibly causing sea levels to rise. Coastal states, such as California will eventually experience their landmass being inundated by the ocean. Fortunately, Californians are ahead of the curve and have been purchasing Teslas en masse and have therefore averted climactic disaster.
‘Against The Wind’ With Dr.
BDair comments on Nov 3, 2022:
An interesting and informative dialog as always. ‘Against The Wind’ Episode 58: Why Aren’t Doctors Telling the Truth? With Denise Sibley, MD, FACP
BDair replies on Nov 4, 2022:
You can sail against the wind, but it is much easier to just ease the sheets and go with the wind and waves. All doctors that go against the Big Pharma controlled status quo have found themselves battling an ill wind and tide. Even though they can show results and prove the science is on their side, if they buck the system, they lose their licenses and are ostracized from their profession. It is said that 'Gentlemen don't sail to weather'. Most medical professionals don't question their medical training even when many of the patients in their care are having poor outcomes. They just keep using the same 'standard of care' they always have, and happily collect their paychecks without ever rocking the boat and conducting a rational inquiry into alternatives. This is why our healthcare is in crises and chronic illness is on the rise rather than being in decline. Sometimes you have to bash into the wind and waves to get to your desired destination.
Really? Did we miss the big event?
BDair comments on Nov 4, 2022:
See, if we didn't have so many Teslas on the roads, California would be underwater right now.
BDair replies on Nov 4, 2022:
@NostraDumbass Have you ever met a non sequitur you did not like?
Wednesday morning fire
BDair comments on Nov 2, 2022:
I often run across naked nymphs like this when hiking in the forest.
BDair replies on Nov 3, 2022:
Enchanted ones.
A Wellesley Student Speaks Out 'I was appalled, but not surprised, when on Saturday, September 24,...
puff comments on Nov 2, 2022:
What needs to happen is take these arseholes to court. It is a rather simple case in my view. Argument points would be; 1) Prove via risk assessment that this directive does not improve safety at all. Plenty of evidence these covid medicines do not stop one catching or transmitting the virus....
BDair replies on Nov 2, 2022:
Big Pharma and all of the alphabet agencies have flouted all the rules and protocols since the outset. You can't administer a product under an EUA unless there is an emergency and there are no alternative treatments available. Millions of people contracted and recovered from Covid before there were any vaccines, the emergency if there ever was one certainly ended more than a year ago. But they are still pushing the jabs and whatever else Pfizer concocts under an EUA so they can maintain their liability shield. You can not advertise a product that is under an EUA as safe and effective, but our government has been pushing it through all of it mouthpieces like NPR. The entire system is corrupt. The lawsuits are coming, and we are starting to win our rights back. Hopefully there will be a landslide, and people will eventually be held accountable.
A Wellesley Student Speaks Out 'I was appalled, but not surprised, when on Saturday, September 24,...
BDair comments on Nov 2, 2022:
Well written, and directly to the point.
BDair replies on Nov 2, 2022:
Lots of informative links are included in the piece.
Denial of Early Covid-19 Treatment – A Crime Against Humanity Posted on December 30, 2021 by The ...
BDair comments on Nov 1, 2022:
"Most people did not die of the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself, nor even its primary Covid-19 symptoms. They died at the hands of obdurate-minded and unaccountable public health officials. They died as the result of a horrendous experiment in humanity on the part of The Party – one conducted gleefully on...
BDair replies on Nov 1, 2022:
There are many lawsuits making their way into courtrooms. Some people need to be held accountable.
Sudden and unexpected consequences after recieving the 'safe and effective' vaccinations.
Castlepaloma comments on Nov 1, 2022:
When a mass amount of celebries die off from vaccines lethal injection. Being that it would very much, would disrupt their brainwashing programming. If that doesn't work, then I don't know what will work to wake them up.
BDair replies on Nov 1, 2022:
People are slowly beginning to wake up, although many have not and some never will. There are mountains of data showing that the vaccines are neither safe nor effective. There many cases going through the courts, and vax mandates are falling by the wayside.
Vinay Prasad Speaks Out - Joe Biden Needs to FIRE all his COVID advisors | Jha, Walensky, Murthy &...
St-Sinner comments on Nov 1, 2022:
How about firing Kamala first and then firing himself?
BDair replies on Nov 1, 2022:
There will be interesting times ahead. I do not believe Mr. Biden will be capable of completing his term, and Kamala has no presidential qualifications at all. I think they will both be kept out of the public eye as much as possible as the puppeteers behind the scenes run the show until they can find a candidate to run in 2024.
Well, how did that work out for you then?
BDair comments on Nov 1, 2022:
Not so well, actually.
BDair replies on Nov 1, 2022:
I have had up to four unvaccinations, and considering my fifth one. He'll need 8- 10 jabs, if he survives the first four or five.
Well, how did that work out for you then?
BDair comments on Nov 1, 2022:
Not so well, actually.
BDair replies on Nov 1, 2022:
Please keep videogame studio director J. E. Sawyer in your thoughts today, as he’s struggling with baffling, sudden and unexpected blood clots throughout his body. The good news though is that, since he’s always been a cheerleader for the jabs, he’s protected from covid. Probably. Sawyer never even HAD a blood clot before. Now he has oodles of them.
Vaccine Zombie
Garban comments on Oct 31, 2022:
Vaccination denier.
BDair replies on Nov 1, 2022:
I did my own research, and I discovered that the 'vaccines' were never trialed to see if they prevented transmission. They were not trialed to determine if they prevented serious infection or hospitalization. It is now well documented that they met neither of those endpoints. What is clear from the data from the most vaccinated countries is that vaccine adverse events are numbering in the millions and the all cause mortality and excess death numbers in those countries are off the charts. Florida Man hits his waypoint dead on.
CDC director tests positive for Covid-19 - CNN Dr.
miklthetaz comments on Oct 30, 2022:
cannot get covid if you never get tested. just saying.
BDair replies on Oct 31, 2022:
That has worked for me.
BDair comments on Oct 28, 2022:
From the horses mouth, for those that like to view things objectively after hearing more than one side of the story. Del Bigtree Interviews Alex Jones (Full Interview, Part 1 & Part 2)
BDair replies on Oct 28, 2022:
No harm in listening to perspectives you disagree with.
nogod4me comments on Oct 28, 2022:
"Words became more harmful than murder," when they lied about the murders in order to justify high powered weapons causing murder to be repeated over and over again. It is not that complicated, try thinking more instead of believing.
BDair replies on Oct 28, 2022:
How exactly does Trump fit into this dialogue?
A better booster campaign YLE 10/24/2022
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 25, 2022:
I've had 2 boosters already. I don't have a problem getting a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th. 12th,...
BDair replies on Oct 28, 2022:
FDA urged to publish follow-up studies on covid-19 vaccine safety signals - Other studies Other research groups, including Fraiman’s, have produced results that are compatible with the FDA’s surveillance data. An observational study from three Nordic countries—Denmark, Finland, and Norway—found statistically significant increases in thromboembolic and thrombocytopenic outcomes following both Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines.
A better booster campaign YLE 10/24/2022
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 25, 2022:
I've had 2 boosters already. I don't have a problem getting a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th. 12th,...
BDair replies on Oct 28, 2022:
SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and increased myocarditis mortality risk: A population based comparative study in Japan - Conclusion - SARS-CoV-2 vaccination was associated with higher risk of myocarditis death, not only in young adults but also in all age groups including the elderly. Considering healthy vaccinee effect, the risk may be 4 times or higher than the apparent risk of myocarditis death. Underreporting should also be considered. Based on this study, risk of myocarditis following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination may be more serious than that reported previously. ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPIC There are many epidemiological studies showing increased myocarditis incidence after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. There are also some case reports of fulminant myocarditis after receiving SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. However, no epidemiological studies focusing the association between vaccination and myocarditis death.
A better booster campaign YLE 10/24/2022
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 25, 2022:
I've had 2 boosters already. I don't have a problem getting a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th. 12th,...
BDair replies on Oct 28, 2022:
Since you are a man of science, can you please point me to a peer reviewed scientific paper that explains the mechanism of action of injecting a synthetic mRNA computer derived spike protein intramuscularly to prevent a respiratory virus that takes hold in the mucosa? We are all here to learn from others that have expertise we do not have.
A better booster campaign YLE 10/24/2022
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 25, 2022:
I've had 2 boosters already. I don't have a problem getting a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th. 12th,...
BDair replies on Oct 27, 2022:
VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports Reports from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. Our default data reflects all VAERS data including the "nondomestic" reports.
A better booster campaign YLE 10/24/2022
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 25, 2022:
I've had 2 boosters already. I don't have a problem getting a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th. 12th,...
BDair replies on Oct 27, 2022:
So, you must be able to read and comprehend all of the data that proves that the vaccine trials were a sham and that the vaccines never offered any protection from a pathogen that in reality posed no threat to more than 99% of the population.
A better booster campaign YLE 10/24/2022
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 25, 2022:
I've had 2 boosters already. I don't have a problem getting a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th. 12th,...
BDair replies on Oct 27, 2022:
Collect the whole set and get FREE Myocarditis.
A better booster campaign YLE 10/24/2022
laidback1 comments on Oct 25, 2022:
This is all falling apart.. the only reason so many fell for this in the beginning wàs because of distractions of politics and the novelty of it .. Most All that's over with ,now we see a handful of people in masks.. The vast majority has shifted No one's going to put up with these ...
BDair replies on Oct 27, 2022:
The vaccines provide no protection from anything. This is readily apparent.
Random Graphical Representation What changed at the end of 2020 that can account for this?
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 24, 2022:
See the chart difference the 2020 and 2021 flu almost went down to almost nothing. Now flu has gone up again in 2022 like crazy. They borrowed the flu deaths exchange to covid death during though years, just with far greater terrorism
BDair replies on Oct 24, 2022:
It's funny that the flu just vanished that one year. They will bring the numbers back up this year because no one is lining up for Covid bivalent boosters and their monkeypox scare fizzled out so they need to push the flu vax on everyone.
A better booster campaign YLE 10/24/2022
BDair comments on Oct 24, 2022:
Booster uptake is suboptimal because the shots do not work and nobody wants them. People with two shots and 3 boosters are still testing positive. There are millions of doses of the vaccines that are expiring and headed for disposal, and billions of our tax dollars are going to waste.
BDair replies on Oct 24, 2022:
Nobody Wants Biden’s Boosters — But He Forked Over Billions To Pfizer And Moderna For Them Anyway -
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) | CDC
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 24, 2022:
This is not going to go well, there are so many already that could Obviously care less about others who were "justified" when it was "only old people", which it was NotI i am breathlessly waiting for BDair to step up & recommend...........what? Goat Urine? (Popular during The Black Death, ...
BDair replies on Oct 24, 2022:
@Garban My advice is as least as credible as anything the CDC (Brought to you by Pfizer) puts out. Florida Man takes his new houseboat out on the river.
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) | CDC
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 24, 2022:
This is not going to go well, there are so many already that could Obviously care less about others who were "justified" when it was "only old people", which it was NotI i am breathlessly waiting for BDair to step up & recommend...........what? Goat Urine? (Popular during The Black Death, ...
BDair replies on Oct 24, 2022:
Care "Most RSV infections go away on their own in a week or two." An ounce of prevention equals a pound of cure. Eat right, eat citrus fruits with high vitamin C content. Supplement with vitamin D and Zinc if need be. I eat raw garlic and ginger if I feel a cold coming on. No problemo.
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) | CDC
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 24, 2022:
This is not going to go well, there are so many already that could Obviously care less about others who were "justified" when it was "only old people", which it was NotI i am breathlessly waiting for BDair to step up & recommend...........what? Goat Urine? (Popular during The Black Death, ...
BDair replies on Oct 24, 2022:
Symptoms People infected with RSV usually show symptoms within 4 to 6 days after getting infected. Symptoms of RSV infection usually include- Runny nose Decrease in appetite Coughing Sneezing Fever Wheezing
Asking the questions and getting no answers, just crickets from the authorities that are supposed to...
barjoe comments on Oct 22, 2022:
I used to like Nurse P. Dr Campbell until he started pandering to the antivaxxer crowd. Of course since he did that, he now has over 2 million subscribers which means he's making a shitload ££££ of Google ad revenue. Congratulations to him for that.
BDair replies on Oct 24, 2022:
When I was young, and presumably you as well, only a handfull of innoculations were given to most of the population. I would guess that my last booster for any of those was more than 45 years ago. Either they all offered lifetime protection, or they are just unnecessary. They have not done much study comparing vaccinated populations to unvaccinated so it is hard to know. Recent studies seem to point to unvaccinated children being healthier than vaccinated. I have avoided all allopathic medicine my entire adult life, and have never had any health issues. Overall, chronic health conditions in the US have increased dramatically in recent decades as more and more medications are administered. So, to answer your question, I do not fully support people getting any vaccinations.
Subclinical Myocarditis - NEW Report from Switzerland - Vital Findings []
BDair comments on Oct 24, 2022:
The more we learn, the worse it looks. Read through the comments section. The word on the street is getting louder, more and more people are suffering from the jab juice.
BDair replies on Oct 24, 2022:
deb smith "I am female and i also had chest pain right side moved to left side since then i have dizzy spells almost black out and shortness of breath , I never had issues before the first plizfer dose . did not get second one and never will get any vaccines again."
Subclinical Myocarditis - NEW Report from Switzerland - Vital Findings []
BDair comments on Oct 24, 2022:
The more we learn, the worse it looks. Read through the comments section. The word on the street is getting louder, more and more people are suffering from the jab juice.
BDair replies on Oct 24, 2022:
Ana H "I’m a woman in my 40s and I developed myocarditis after 2nd dose of Astra Zeneca vaccine. More than a year later, I still have chest pain and palpitations and my hs Troponin is still high. My cardiologist has told me I have a persistent ‘Troponin leak’ related to the vaccine."
Subclinical Myocarditis - NEW Report from Switzerland - Vital Findings []
BDair comments on Oct 24, 2022:
The more we learn, the worse it looks. Read through the comments section. The word on the street is getting louder, more and more people are suffering from the jab juice.
BDair replies on Oct 24, 2022:
wwjccsd "Pre-covid myocarditis was so rare that my case was completely dismissed by multiple ER doctors and cardiologists when I brought up that it could be myocarditis because I had sharp heart pain and a heart rate double my resting because I was "a healthy, young male". At least until my troponin was at 20 ng/mL, then they tried to cover their rears against malpractice. It's a shame that the medical field is still dismissive."
Subclinical Myocarditis - NEW Report from Switzerland - Vital Findings []
BDair comments on Oct 24, 2022:
The more we learn, the worse it looks. Read through the comments section. The word on the street is getting louder, more and more people are suffering from the jab juice.
BDair replies on Oct 24, 2022:
quantumac "I'm an old guy, retired. I had two shots of Moderna. I had a fast heartbeat afterwards. My wife had postmenopausal bleeding. Neither of us reported these side effects. We were told minor side effects were "normal" and to be expected. How many people are exactly like us? Have we been permanently injured by these jabs? Now we hear about a 16% increase in excess mortality and nobody can explain why. Worse, nobody seems interested in finding out why. All they want to do is keep pushing the jabs."
Asking the questions and getting no answers, just crickets from the authorities that are supposed to...
barjoe comments on Oct 22, 2022:
I used to like Nurse P. Dr Campbell until he started pandering to the antivaxxer crowd. Of course since he did that, he now has over 2 million subscribers which means he's making a shitload ££££ of Google ad revenue. Congratulations to him for that.
BDair replies on Oct 24, 2022:
There is no relationship between previous vaccine platforms and the CV 19 mRNA biologics. Previous attempts at introducing mRNA vaccines all ended in failure. The current CV 19 'vaccines' have failed to offer any protection and are being linked to more and more adverse reactions. The news about the vaccines is getting worse and worse every day. Stay tuned.
Asking the questions and getting no answers, just crickets from the authorities that are supposed to...
barjoe comments on Oct 22, 2022:
I used to like Nurse P. Dr Campbell until he started pandering to the antivaxxer crowd. Of course since he did that, he now has over 2 million subscribers which means he's making a shitload ££££ of Google ad revenue. Congratulations to him for that.
BDair replies on Oct 24, 2022:
Once again, he does not push anything. He reads through the published peer reviewed medical science papers and he comments on what they say. And what they say is that HCQ and IVM have been proven effective and that the CV 19 'vaccines' have not been proven effective. He has changed his mind based on new information, while you remain indoctrinated by the Vaccine Apologist Dogma despite a complete lack of evidence supporting your position.
Asking the questions and getting no answers, just crickets from the authorities that are supposed to...
barjoe comments on Oct 22, 2022:
I used to like Nurse P. Dr Campbell until he started pandering to the antivaxxer crowd. Of course since he did that, he now has over 2 million subscribers which means he's making a shitload ££££ of Google ad revenue. Congratulations to him for that.
BDair replies on Oct 24, 2022:
He did not start 'pandering to the antivaxxer crowd'. He was very pro vax until the studies he was reviewing seemed to indicate that the 'vaccines' were not efficacious and were instead causing harm. Over a period of time he changed his mind after recieving new information. Information based on the science in peer reviewed studies and papers or from governmental data. Keep watching him and perhaps you may learn something that changes your perspective.
Asking the questions and getting no answers, just crickets from the authorities that are supposed to...
BDair comments on Oct 21, 2022:
Considered comments- Ken Wilkie "As a retired Australian GP, I am appalled at the medical profession's lack of interest in investigating the causes of excess deaths and not even considering the most obvious association."
BDair replies on Oct 22, 2022:
Google 'Died Suddenly and Unexpectedly'. It is trending all over. All cause mortality is off the charts in the time period directly following the mass vaccinations.
Asking the questions and getting no answers, just crickets from the authorities that are supposed to...
BDair comments on Oct 21, 2022:
Considered comments- Ken Wilkie "As a retired Australian GP, I am appalled at the medical profession's lack of interest in investigating the causes of excess deaths and not even considering the most obvious association."
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
ZokStar1 "My brother suffered a catastrophic stroke 2 weeks after his second clot shot. Nothing could be done to save him. My best friends father died 2 weeks after his second clot shot. His wife's father suffered the same fate 3 weeks after his second shot. My wife's father was admitted to hospital 4 days after his second clot shot and died 8 days later. A friend from work lost his wife after her booster shot. 5 days after receiving it. And last but not least. My sister suffered a stroke 2 days after her booster. Spent 2 weeks in ICU. Miraculously, she made a slow recovery and returned to her usual self 3 months later. EXCESS DEATHS??? I don't think so. All sponsored by Pfizer."
Asking the questions and getting no answers, just crickets from the authorities that are supposed to...
BDair comments on Oct 21, 2022:
Considered comments- Ken Wilkie "As a retired Australian GP, I am appalled at the medical profession's lack of interest in investigating the causes of excess deaths and not even considering the most obvious association."
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
Finch Mellor "I’m a healthy CDN male aged 49. Worked out all my life. No major health concerns, blood req April ‘22 confirmed this. Booster in May. I had major chest pain while doing cardio exercise mid-June. Now under cardiologist care and awaiting CTE to figure out why my heart isn’t functioning properly. All because I listened to my elected officials and relied on their expertise. If I’d been playing a high impact sport when this chest pain happened - I’d be dead. Hospital cardio techs both told me boosters harmed hearts and they’re seeing it everyday. Warp speed is fiction and now seems so ridiculous!"
Asking the questions and getting no answers, just crickets from the authorities that are supposed to...
BDair comments on Oct 21, 2022:
Considered comments- Ken Wilkie "As a retired Australian GP, I am appalled at the medical profession's lack of interest in investigating the causes of excess deaths and not even considering the most obvious association."
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
Kivalt "The latest booster gave me first weird "heart hiccups" (from the very first day I took that "booster vaccine"), and a few months later I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation after an episode of arrhythmia landed me in the ER. The cardiologist got pissy when I told him the fact that I had never experienced heart issues until I took that "booster vaccine". I would have been also basically banned from working at my job if I hadn't taken it."
Asking the questions and getting no answers, just crickets from the authorities that are supposed to...
BDair comments on Oct 21, 2022:
Considered comments- Ken Wilkie "As a retired Australian GP, I am appalled at the medical profession's lack of interest in investigating the causes of excess deaths and not even considering the most obvious association."
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
marilyn jackson "As an Aussie I personally know of heaps of family, friends, and friends of friends who have had major adverse reactions or who have died, my sister died and was told the vaccine had caused Interstitial Lung disease....diagnosed by a Specialist who was brave enough to speak up, and he had 4 other cases in a small country town, He'd only seen 1 case all his life as a Dr, I have never known anyone with an adverse reaction, in all my 68 years till now..from the day she had the first V. was 2 months till they had to resuscitate her 4 times and eventually it took her life.."
Asking the questions and getting no answers, just crickets from the authorities that are supposed to...
BDair comments on Oct 21, 2022:
Considered comments- Ken Wilkie "As a retired Australian GP, I am appalled at the medical profession's lack of interest in investigating the causes of excess deaths and not even considering the most obvious association."
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
Sherri "I am in California,USA. My 54 yr old husband was healthy and passed from sudden cardiac arrest this past Apr 13, 2022. I performed CPR for over 20 minutes. Paramedics said there was a pulse, but when I arrived at the hospital - I was told he had passed. He worked for the government and was told the vaccine was mandatory for his position/base. Do I believe he passed from the vaccine? Absolutely! The love of my life was taken in a moment. We have 4 adult children and had recently adopted 3 little ones (2, 4, 5) through foster care. This has been the worst year of my life. We were married for 33 1/2 yrs. Our love was deeper than the oceans. He always said, “We are two peas in a pod.” I love you, Robert, forever"
Asking the questions and getting no answers, just crickets from the authorities that are supposed to...
BDair comments on Oct 21, 2022:
Considered comments- Ken Wilkie "As a retired Australian GP, I am appalled at the medical profession's lack of interest in investigating the causes of excess deaths and not even considering the most obvious association."
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
Rohini Hyde "To ignore the association and keep jabbing seems to be the safer option for doctors. My ex GP refused to see me unless I took my second jab even though I had lost my ability to walk after the 1st one and was referred to a neurologist by her. Do no harm seems to have fallen by the wayside. Very disappointing and sad."
Asking the questions and getting no answers, just crickets from the authorities that are supposed to...
BDair comments on Oct 21, 2022:
Considered comments- Ken Wilkie "As a retired Australian GP, I am appalled at the medical profession's lack of interest in investigating the causes of excess deaths and not even considering the most obvious association."
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
Sandra Thornton "Those speaking out have been sacked or deregistered, like other organisations speaking out. Many health professionals are afraid to speak out that much is obvious. Hence these ,marches taking place in Australian States and many Doctors speaking out. But these are not being reported on main stream media."
For a vast majority of the world's human population, there was no threat of succumbing to COVID 19.
Marionville comments on Oct 19, 2022:
Tell that to the thousands of bereaved who lost family members…and to those who are now suffering from Long Covid. Tell that to the medical staff at the hospitals who nursed the severely ill and dying round the clock, in shift after exhausting shift. I do wish you would stop posting this ...
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
Graphical representation of the data.
For a vast majority of the world's human population, there was no threat of succumbing to COVID 19.
Marionville comments on Oct 19, 2022:
Tell that to the thousands of bereaved who lost family members…and to those who are now suffering from Long Covid. Tell that to the medical staff at the hospitals who nursed the severely ill and dying round the clock, in shift after exhausting shift. I do wish you would stop posting this ...
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
For a vast majority of the world's human population, there was no threat of succumbing to COVID 19.
Marionville comments on Oct 19, 2022:
Tell that to the thousands of bereaved who lost family members…and to those who are now suffering from Long Covid. Tell that to the medical staff at the hospitals who nursed the severely ill and dying round the clock, in shift after exhausting shift. I do wish you would stop posting this ...
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
A word to the unwise.
Insightful Commentary on the net from 'Debra' to Steve Kirsch Steve: you come from the Left (what...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 19, 2022:
Sounds like a lot of anti-vax gobbledygook: long on drama and short on evidence.
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
@Alienbeing I will try to offer shorter posts for those with limited attention spans.
Insightful Commentary on the net from 'Debra' to Steve Kirsch Steve: you come from the Left (what...
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 21, 2022:
Since this is from our Resident Anti-Vax Idiot, BDair, i am not buying most of it, maybe less.....
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
That is an excellent way to remain ignorant.
Insightful Commentary on the net from 'Debra' to Steve Kirsch Steve: you come from the Left (what...
Spinliesel comments on Oct 21, 2022:
Learn how to spell Weltanschauung.
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
@AnneWimsey Typical of you to astound us with your inability to offer any intelligent commentary.
For a vast majority of the world's human population, there was no threat of succumbing to COVID 19.
Marionville comments on Oct 19, 2022:
Tell that to the thousands of bereaved who lost family members…and to those who are now suffering from Long Covid. Tell that to the medical staff at the hospitals who nursed the severely ill and dying round the clock, in shift after exhausting shift. I do wish you would stop posting this ...
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
I'll await your informed analysis of this research paper. 'SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and increased myocarditis mortality risk: A population based comparative study in Japan'
For a vast majority of the world's human population, there was no threat of succumbing to COVID 19.
Marionville comments on Oct 19, 2022:
Tell that to the thousands of bereaved who lost family members…and to those who are now suffering from Long Covid. Tell that to the medical staff at the hospitals who nursed the severely ill and dying round the clock, in shift after exhausting shift. I do wish you would stop posting this ...
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
@Organist1 I am sorry for your loss. I do not know the circumstances of your son's passing, so I can not comment. But there is no evidence that the 'vaccines' have prevented any mortality. They never prevented infection or transmission. Many parents have lost their children to vaccine injuries. I do not intend to be insensitive, but I am not posting BS. Everything I post is backed by data and medical literature. Watch the video segment above in which a man with serious credentials and a 50 plus year medical career offers some informative commentary. Below is recent data from VAERS.
ACIP meeting: Updated info on COVID-19, vaccine safety for kids and pregnancy Your Local ...
BDair comments on Oct 21, 2022:
What it means is that is that the liability shield that the 'vaccines' have been enjoying under an Emergency Use Authorization will now apply to the 'approved' vaccines once they begin administering them in the US. Children have never been under any threat from covid, and the vaccines pose a greater...
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
"This does not mean the CDC is mandating vaccines for schools (looking at you Tucker Carlson). In fact, the CDC has no say in this. This is done on the state and local level. Some states may decide to mandate the vaccines, but some states will not. (This is why vaccine mandates, overall, are not uniform across the country" She is being somewhat disingeuous here, as she knows that many states’ laws automatically include the entire CDC vaccine schedule, so when the CDC added the jabs to the list, it also effectively added the mandate to those states.
Insightful Commentary on the net from 'Debra' to Steve Kirsch Steve: you come from the Left (what...
Spinliesel comments on Oct 21, 2022:
Learn how to spell Weltanschauung.
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
I have no idea what the term means. You can take it up with the author, 'Debra'.
What we suspected was true: Trump forced the CDC to paint a rosy picture of COVID-19 "I remember...
BDair comments on Oct 20, 2022:
He was being advised by Fauci who told everyone that there was no need to wear a mask, the virus would not be a threat in the US, and there was no need to prohibit air travel from China to US cities.
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
"They should open the schools, absolutely, I think they should. And it's had very little impact on young people," Trump said, although new reports have revealed more cases of children stricken with a potentially fatal syndrome possible linked to COVID-19.' Fauci himself is now claiming that he never advocated for school closures. Children are at almost zero risk from Covid. You have been brainwashed by propaganda.
What we suspected was true: Trump forced the CDC to paint a rosy picture of COVID-19 "I remember...
BDair comments on Oct 20, 2022:
He was being advised by Fauci who told everyone that there was no need to wear a mask, the virus would not be a threat in the US, and there was no need to prohibit air travel from China to US cities.
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
444 HCQ COVID-19 studies, 346 peer reviewed, 367 comparing treatment and control groups. Late treatment and high dosages may be harmful, while early treatment consistently shows positive results. Negative evaluations typically ignore treatment delay. Some In Vitro evidence suggested therapeutic levels would not be reached, however that was incorrect [Ruiz]. Recent:Gómez Obrișcă Go Núñez-Gil Babayigit Yuan Pablos. HCQ/CQ was adopted for early treatment in all or part of 35 countries (52 including non-government medical organizations).
What we suspected was true: Trump forced the CDC to paint a rosy picture of COVID-19 "I remember...
BDair comments on Oct 20, 2022:
He was being advised by Fauci who told everyone that there was no need to wear a mask, the virus would not be a threat in the US, and there was no need to prohibit air travel from China to US cities.
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
Hydrogen Peroxide as an Adjuvant Therapy for COVID-19: A Case Series of Patients and Caregivers in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area -,pandemic%20in%20the%20Mesopotamian%20valley%20%5B%202%20%5D.
What we suspected was true: Trump forced the CDC to paint a rosy picture of COVID-19 "I remember...
BDair comments on Oct 20, 2022:
He was being advised by Fauci who told everyone that there was no need to wear a mask, the virus would not be a threat in the US, and there was no need to prohibit air travel from China to US cities.
BDair replies on Oct 21, 2022:
"While Trump was convincing his cult followers to drink bleach and take hydroxychloroquine instead of talking the vaccine, he almost died from the virus because he rejected Fauci’s advice." Trump never mentioned 'bleach', unless you can cite a verbatim quote. He mentioned 'disinfectants', of which hydrogen peroxide is one that is used to treat viral infections either nebulized or injected. HCQ has been used effectively all around the world in both prophylactic and early treatment protocols and is proven effective in numerous studies. Nothing in your post is accurate.
Quotable Quote - "You only need to silence and censor other people’s ideas when you know your own...
barjoe comments on Oct 20, 2022:
So now I'm supposed to listen to a Deuce Bigelow?
BDair replies on Oct 20, 2022:
It sounds like he is fairly accomplished, being an actor, screenwriter, director, and producer. I am only judging his quote, which I find has merit.
VAERS Data set 10-7-22
puff comments on Oct 20, 2022:
Had shingles and was told "stress" causes it, that was all the information I got. Could be physical, could be mental........just stress. You had to have had chicken pox to get it. There was a lot of stress the last few years, so not so sure the vaccine can be blamed. But if the vax was taken ...
BDair replies on Oct 20, 2022:
Climate change could be the cause, or video games, potato chips, coffee, too much sleep, not enough sleep, anything but a vaccine.
What we suspected was true: Trump forced the CDC to paint a rosy picture of COVID-19 "I remember...
BDair comments on Oct 20, 2022:
He was being advised by Fauci who told everyone that there was no need to wear a mask, the virus would not be a threat in the US, and there was no need to prohibit air travel from China to US cities.
BDair replies on Oct 20, 2022:
Flip Flop Fauci
What we suspected was true: Trump forced the CDC to paint a rosy picture of COVID-19 "I remember...
BDair comments on Oct 20, 2022:
He was being advised by Fauci who told everyone that there was no need to wear a mask, the virus would not be a threat in the US, and there was no need to prohibit air travel from China to US cities.
BDair replies on Oct 20, 2022:
If you believe that Anthony Fauci was ever 'clear and consistent', then you do not know what happened.
Quotable Quote - "You only need to silence and censor other people’s ideas when you know your own...
barjoe comments on Oct 20, 2022:
So now I'm supposed to listen to a Deuce Bigelow?
BDair replies on Oct 20, 2022:
I am not familiar. But no, all you have to do is read a brief quotation.
What we suspected was true: Trump forced the CDC to paint a rosy picture of COVID-19 "I remember...
BDair comments on Oct 20, 2022:
He was being advised by Fauci who told everyone that there was no need to wear a mask, the virus would not be a threat in the US, and there was no need to prohibit air travel from China to US cities.
BDair replies on Oct 20, 2022:
On January 27, 2020, Fauci publicly opposed travel restrictions on China saying: “That would create a lot of disruption economically and otherwise and it wouldn’t necessarily have a positive effect.” On February 17, 2020, Fauci opined that the danger of the coronavirus was “just minuscule” but that Americans should be worried about the “real and present danger” of seasonal flu. On February 29, 2020, Fauci asserted, “Right now, at this moment, there is no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day-by-day basis. Right now, the risk is still low[.]” On March 9, 2020, Fauci commented that: “If you are a healthy young person, there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship, go on a cruise ship.”
COVID-19 State of Affairs: Your Local Epidemiologist 10/18/2022
Trucia01 comments on Oct 19, 2022:
I already have mine
BDair replies on Oct 20, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz But she is a proud single dad living in AZ....I wonder what her pronouns are.
Tylenol Autism Lawsuit ←🐂💩
BDair comments on Oct 20, 2022:
Evidence the U.S. autism epidemic initiated by acetaminophen (Tylenol) is aggravated by oral antibiotic amoxicillin/clavulanate (Augmentin) and now exponentially by herbicide glyphosate (Roundup)
BDair replies on Oct 20, 2022:
While this does not delve specifically into autism, it is an interesting discussion between two career pediatric doctors. Interview With Past President of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Joseph Zanga, M.D.
Tylenol Autism Lawsuit ←🐂💩
BDair comments on Oct 20, 2022:
Evidence the U.S. autism epidemic initiated by acetaminophen (Tylenol) is aggravated by oral antibiotic amoxicillin/clavulanate (Augmentin) and now exponentially by herbicide glyphosate (Roundup)
BDair replies on Oct 20, 2022:
I do not disagree. You can apply that same observation to Covid 19 and many other clinical diagnosises. 'There is no Covid epidemic in the United States There's a Covid diagnosis epidemic. Back in the day most of the profoundly ill were said to have the flu. The term 'bronchial pneumonia' is unused today, that diagnosis has miraculously gone away. Those on the lower end of the spectrum used to be said to have a respiratory virus or even thought to just have a cold. Today they're all painted with a broad brush. COVID.'
For a vast majority of the world's human population, there was no threat of succumbing to COVID 19.
Marionville comments on Oct 19, 2022:
Tell that to the thousands of bereaved who lost family members…and to those who are now suffering from Long Covid. Tell that to the medical staff at the hospitals who nursed the severely ill and dying round the clock, in shift after exhausting shift. I do wish you would stop posting this ...
BDair replies on Oct 20, 2022:
Please listen to the opinions of experts with long successful pediatric medical careers in this informative discussion. ‘Against The Wind’ Episode 56: Interview With Past President of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Joseph Zanga, M.D.
For a vast majority of the world's human population, there was no threat of succumbing to COVID 19.
Marionville comments on Oct 19, 2022:
Tell that to the thousands of bereaved who lost family members…and to those who are now suffering from Long Covid. Tell that to the medical staff at the hospitals who nursed the severely ill and dying round the clock, in shift after exhausting shift. I do wish you would stop posting this ...
BDair replies on Oct 19, 2022:
You just regurgitate whatever the Ministry of Truth tells you to believe.
For a vast majority of the world's human population, there was no threat of succumbing to COVID 19.
Marionville comments on Oct 19, 2022:
Tell that to the thousands of bereaved who lost family members…and to those who are now suffering from Long Covid. Tell that to the medical staff at the hospitals who nursed the severely ill and dying round the clock, in shift after exhausting shift. I do wish you would stop posting this ...
BDair replies on Oct 19, 2022:
Perhaps you can explain why Ireland has not stopped Covid after vaccinating 80% of the population. But poor Nambia which vaccinated 20% of its population ended the pandemic in 2021.
For a vast majority of the world's human population, there was no threat of succumbing to COVID 19.
Marionville comments on Oct 19, 2022:
Tell that to the thousands of bereaved who lost family members…and to those who are now suffering from Long Covid. Tell that to the medical staff at the hospitals who nursed the severely ill and dying round the clock, in shift after exhausting shift. I do wish you would stop posting this ...
BDair replies on Oct 19, 2022:
I am posting facts. You are the one that is posting propaganda. There was never a need to inject people with an experimental unapproved mRNA biologic that does not prevent infection or transmission of a virus. Many people would be alive today if proven prevention and treatment protocols had not been prevented from being used in Big Pharma controlled countries. Those poor countries that did not have access to the vaccines but where HCQ and Ivermectin were available over the counter and in prevalent use had no problem at all with Covid. You are literally killing people with your vaccine propaganda. The 'Plandemic' was already over before the first vaccine was administered.
The media is under the complete control of Big Pharma who account for a large majority of ...
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 19, 2022:
When eveyone is brainwashed from media that is sponsored by Pfizer. Do you think everyone can tolerate another total shutdown?
BDair replies on Oct 19, 2022:
My hope is that many people have come to realize that the entire 'plandemic' was nonsensical. Far too many people are still playing along with the 'narrative', but the most recent 'booster' has been a complete flop. I would guess that more than half the population will resist any more attempts at imposing draconian mandates. That being said, it seems the majority of the resident population on this site will happily wear their masks and stay up to date on their injections until the end of time.
Insightful Commentary on the net from 'Debra' to Steve Kirsch Steve: you come from the Left (what...
Charlene comments on Oct 18, 2022:
And exactly What The Fuckery are you expounding..Anti-vaxx claptrap? Or the World Wide Fascism movement.. which btw, Trumptyhumpty was The headliner for one in Spain..
BDair replies on Oct 19, 2022:
Yes, I can offer you plenty of information, data, and medical literature. Here are some interesting points for consideration published in the British Medical Journal. 'Covid-19 vaccines: In the rush for regulatory approval, do we need more data?'
Insightful Commentary on the net from 'Debra' to Steve Kirsch Steve: you come from the Left (what...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 19, 2022:
Sounds like a lot of anti-vax gobbledygook: long on drama and short on evidence.
BDair replies on Oct 19, 2022:
There is plenty of evidence available to those that are willing to read through the data and medical literature from around the world.
Insightful Commentary on the net from 'Debra' to Steve Kirsch Steve: you come from the Left (what...
Charlene comments on Oct 18, 2022:
And exactly What The Fuckery are you expounding..Anti-vaxx claptrap? Or the World Wide Fascism movement.. which btw, Trumptyhumpty was The headliner for one in Spain..
BDair replies on Oct 19, 2022:
You are misinformed. None the mRNA platform biologics completed their safety and efficacy trials, and they never will because they unblinded the participants and vaccinated most of their control group. This is an unprecedented breach of protocol. Their trials were proven to be a complete sham. The FDA and all of the other alphabet agencies are completely captured by the pharmaceutical industry, and they never did any of their own research. They just publish Pfizer's press releases without any scrutiny.
Insightful Commentary on the net from 'Debra' to Steve Kirsch Steve: you come from the Left (what...
Charlene comments on Oct 18, 2022:
And exactly What The Fuckery are you expounding..Anti-vaxx claptrap? Or the World Wide Fascism movement.. which btw, Trumptyhumpty was The headliner for one in Spain..
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
Are you obtuse enough to believe that a polio vaccine has any relationship with an experimental mRNA biologic, not a vaccine by definition, that has not completed clinical trials and was never trialed to see if it prevents transmission?
Insightful Commentary on the net from 'Debra' to Steve Kirsch Steve: you come from the Left (what...
Charlene comments on Oct 18, 2022:
And exactly What The Fuckery are you expounding..Anti-vaxx claptrap? Or the World Wide Fascism movement.. which btw, Trumptyhumpty was The headliner for one in Spain..
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
It looks like a fairly severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, where everything you disagree with must be tied to Trump some how, and a bit of indoctrination with the Vaccine Apologist Dogma. Both cases demonstrate a lack of objective critical thinking.
Insightful Commentary on the net from 'Debra' to Steve Kirsch Steve: you come from the Left (what...
Jolanta comments on Oct 18, 2022:
And those same people would not for one moment take that parent home and look after them.
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
We do not have any idea what their personal circumstances were, but certainly millions of people find themselves in no position to care for their aging parents on a daily basis..
Insightful Commentary on the net from 'Debra' to Steve Kirsch Steve: you come from the Left (what...
Charlene comments on Oct 18, 2022:
And exactly What The Fuckery are you expounding..Anti-vaxx claptrap? Or the World Wide Fascism movement.. which btw, Trumptyhumpty was The headliner for one in Spain..
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
In case you are unaware, the 'vaccines' have been proven to not provide any protection from infection or transmission. And they have been implicated in many adverse reactions and thousands of deaths. If pointing that out to people makes me an 'anti- vaxxer', then I will wear that moniker proudly. Or, whatever it is you were going on about.
Americans have simply got to be suicidal or do they have a cure?
barjoe comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Anybody who believes Russian propaganda deserves to get Covid .
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
I am not selling anything, I am giving out the truth for free.
Americans have simply got to be suicidal or do they have a cure?
barjoe comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Anybody who believes Russian propaganda deserves to get Covid .
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
Because we would never do sketchy gain of function work at our university lab, like that Ralph Baric guy at UNC Chapel Hill did when he altered horseshoe bat derived corona viruses to make CV19.
Americans have simply got to be suicidal or do they have a cure?
barjoe comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Anybody who believes Russian propaganda deserves to get Covid .
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
No one is getting Covid anymore. But they have new pathogens in the pipeline they will likely unleash on humanity. It must be most blissfull to remain so willfully ignorant. "Sen. Marshall Statement on Boston University Risky Gain of Function Research (Washington, D.C., October 17, 2022) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. issued the following statement after it was revealed researchers at Boston University developed an 80% more lethal COVID strain in a lab."
Never forget what some people did in the name of COVID. []
BDair comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Wrong Solutions to Imaginary Problems
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
You can clearly see the nonsense.
Never forget what some people did in the name of COVID. []
BDair comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Wrong Solutions to Imaginary Problems
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
Indoctrinate your childen with the Covidiot Dogma.
Never forget what some people did in the name of COVID. []
BDair comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Wrong Solutions to Imaginary Problems
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
Protect yourself from yourself.
Never forget what some people did in the name of COVID. []
BDair comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Wrong Solutions to Imaginary Problems
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
Young people were not at risk from Covid, but we need to keep the fear level up.
Never forget what some people did in the name of COVID. []
BDair comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Wrong Solutions to Imaginary Problems
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
Do not venture out in public without full protection.
Never forget what some people did in the name of COVID. []
BDair comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Wrong Solutions to Imaginary Problems
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
The public needs to be protected from Tuba Players.
Never forget what some people did in the name of COVID. []
BDair comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Wrong Solutions to Imaginary Problems
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
Never forget what some people did in the name of COVID. []
BDair comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Wrong Solutions to Imaginary Problems
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
Never forget what some people did in the name of COVID. []
BDair comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Wrong Solutions to Imaginary Problems
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
Protect yourself from a deadly pathogen.
Never forget what some people did in the name of COVID. []
Secretguy comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Yah. Die.
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
Thank you for your insightful comment, whatever it is you were trying to convey.
Losing My (Vaccine) Religion: A Doctor’s Journey From Hope to Despair A Tragic COVID Opera in 4 ...
ADKSparky comments on Oct 18, 2022:
This is click bait. You can’t read the article without subscribing to his newsletter.
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
One of the many resources linked in the article- SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Elicits Cell Signaling in Human Host Cells: Implications for Possible Consequences of COVID-19 Vaccines
Losing My (Vaccine) Religion: A Doctor’s Journey From Hope to Despair A Tragic COVID Opera in 4 ...
ADKSparky comments on Oct 18, 2022:
This is click bait. You can’t read the article without subscribing to his newsletter.
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
The spike protein produced by the vaccines is actually toxic to our vascular and nervous systems. At first, we thought the SARS-COV-2 spike protein was benign — just a thing the virus uses to gain access to our cells. But it turns out that the spike protein is highly toxic — damaging the lining of our blood vessels “endothelial damage”, predisposing to blood clots and provoking inflammation and tissue damage wherever it is found. So what are we to make of the fact that the vaccines instruct our cells to produce high levels of spike protein? Concerning? Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and Novavax all create production of “full length” spike proteins, and this paper clearly states that “full length” proteins trigger vascular damage in lung tissue.
Losing My (Vaccine) Religion: A Doctor’s Journey From Hope to Despair A Tragic COVID Opera in 4 ...
ADKSparky comments on Oct 18, 2022:
This is click bait. You can’t read the article without subscribing to his newsletter.
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
The vaccines don’t work very well at this point. Understand that the vaccines have not been updated since this entire pandemic began. That’s right folks: the vaccines still being administered are against the original Wuhan strain -- which, of course, is no longer in circulation. We are now dealing with version 4.0 (Wuhan, Alpha, Delta, and now Omicron and its variants), and with each generation, vaccine efficacy has weakened. Comparative example: How excited would you be about getting the flu shot from 4 years ago?
Losing My (Vaccine) Religion: A Doctor’s Journey From Hope to Despair A Tragic COVID Opera in 4 ...
ADKSparky comments on Oct 18, 2022:
This is click bait. You can’t read the article without subscribing to his newsletter.
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
Excerpt - Vaccinated people are just as infectious as unvaccinated. Turns out that leaked CDC data revealed vaccinated people developed viral loads that were just as high, prompting this juicy quote from Dr. Fauci: “You can make a reasonable assumption that vaccinated people can transmit the virus just like unvaccinated people can,” Fauci said. Then a UK study, which followed households for 12 months to track infection rates, confirmed that peak viral load did not differ by vaccination status, and then concluded with this bombshell: You were just as likely to catch COVID from a vaccinated family member as from an unvaccinated one (25% if your sick family member was vaccinated and 23% if unvaccinated). Meanwhile, back in Seattle, my sister-in-law was neighbor-shamed into getting vaccinated (despite her hesitations and medical comorbidities) because the parents of her 3-year-old son’s best friend wouldn’t let the kids play together until she got the shot.
The criminals are in cahoots with the criminals.
BDair comments on Oct 18, 2022:
The Health Resources & Services Administration has clarified what needs to happen for a vaccine to become liability free: “For a vaccine to be covered, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) must recommend the category of vaccine for routine administration to children or pregnant ...
BDair replies on Oct 18, 2022:
Ghost Shot: Pfizer quietly admits it will never manufacture original FDA approved COVID vaccines Company claims it is manufacturing Comirnaty product with new formula. The August 23, 2021 FDA approval of Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine was a cause for celebration. Marked as a turning point in the battle against COVID19, the announcement was highly publicized by the Biden Administration with the clear intention to extinguish “vaccine hesitancy” and boost uptake.
Public Service Announcement
Captain_Feelgood comments on Oct 16, 2022:
I'd rather ditch this retard of a president.
BDair replies on Oct 17, 2022:
He is unlikely to make it to the end of his term. He will be replaced with dopplegangers and CGI.
Fall Boosters, myocarditis, and Benefits/Risks For Young People YLE 12/13/2022
JackPedigo comments on Oct 14, 2022:
So it seems the 'more mature' individuals are safer than the younger ones. In the great pandemic of 1918 it was shown many of the deaths were because of a persons immune system over reacting. A larger percentage of younger people were dying whereas the older ones, with a reduced immune system, were ...
BDair replies on Oct 14, 2022:
Once heart tissue is damaged, it can not repair itself.
Global Failure: A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7 []
NostraDumbass comments on Oct 13, 2022:
May I be the first to congratulate you on your transition from Anti-Vaxxer Trutherism to 9/11 Trutherism. (Well, I’m assuming I’m first, but you’re probably not giving away prizes anyway, right?)
BDair replies on Oct 14, 2022:
@NostraDumbass Can a photograph be deceitful and deceptive? Here is a photo of a woman not being incinerated by 'intense fires' standing in a hole apparently made by a large aircraft carrying 10,000 gallons of jet fuel not more than an hour previous.


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