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Federal agents probe Hindu sect for using forced labor to build New Jersey temple | TheHill
Barnie2years comments on May 12, 2021:
Fairly typical of immigrants taking advantage of their fellow immigrants. My guess is there are a great many churches and cathedrals that were built the same way. Just make them believe they are doing god’s work and they will never complain.
Barnie2years replies on May 12, 2021:
@barjoe wouldn’t surprise me. The Eastern European community is well organized around there too.
Federal agents probe Hindu sect for using forced labor to build New Jersey temple | TheHill
Barnie2years comments on May 12, 2021:
Fairly typical of immigrants taking advantage of their fellow immigrants. My guess is there are a great many churches and cathedrals that were built the same way. Just make them believe they are doing god’s work and they will never complain.
Barnie2years replies on May 12, 2021:
@barjoe I had a friend came over here legally from Slovakia, but he spoke little English and was having a tough time finding work. Wound up working under the table for some Polish roofing contractor out of Trenton for crap wages just to feed his family.
I didn't realize the charismatic Bibles were larger now I know why they have all these extra rules.
Barnie2years comments on May 12, 2021:
They are all works of fiction anyway. You get just as much moral guidance from Aesop’s Fables, and it’s a better read.
Barnie2years replies on May 12, 2021:
@Fernapple exactly! Like most legal documents, there is enough wiggle room to fit an elephant through. One need only look at the hundreds of “sects” within each religion, all of the sure they have found the magic key. From buggy driving Amish, to snake handling Pentecostals, to Branch Dividians. They are all working off the same script.
Spent 20 years in Afghanistan "fighting terrorism". We have enough terrorism right here.
Lorajay comments on May 6, 2021:
Is this the woman that got killed in the January 6th insurrection?
Barnie2years replies on May 6, 2021:
I thought she was a tall blonde.
Jim Bakker to Court: Selling a Fake COVID Cure is Part of My “Religious Freedom” | Hemant Mehta...
BDair comments on May 4, 2021:
To be fair, Pfizer is selling a fake COVID cure, and made $3.5 billion in the first quarter of 2021.
Barnie2years replies on May 4, 2021:
They’ve never presented it as a cure. No more than Viagra is a cure for ED. Both are just temporary preventatives.
This Quiz Will Tell Exactly What Part Of The US You're From. Take It.
Barnie2years comments on May 2, 2021:
Philadelphia, I’m about 50 miles away.
Barnie2years replies on May 3, 2021:
@barjoe actually they gave me all three, despite the fact that I grew up (from 7-16) in Europe. I actually call them subs, highway and you all.
Dozens of Ultra-Orthodox Jews Die in Stampede During Religious Celebration | Hemant Mehta | Friendly...
Petter comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Yet more people killed by religion. Jews in Israel. Hindus in India Christian factions in assorted countries. Muslim factions in assorted countries. At least it helps to keep the world population down.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 30, 2021:
If most of these groups didn’t breed like rabbits. Even with the pandemic they breed faster than nature can cull.
My new favorite bumper sticker.
CuddyCruiser comments on Apr 28, 2021:
If I lived there I’d be wearing these often.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 28, 2021:
Actually I believe a lot of countries and even people living here call us “the Asshole Nation.”
My new favorite bumper sticker.
lerlo comments on Apr 28, 2021:
Barnie2years replies on Apr 28, 2021:
@FearlessFly did you go to a butcher shop to get it? I walked four blocks home after mine.
President Biden recognizes Armenian Genocide. This is Turkey's response - CNN Video
Barnie2years comments on Apr 27, 2021:
The Turks and the Ottoman Empire were a blood thirsty empire bent on ever expanding their dominion. But probably no more so then any of the other ancient “Empires”. Be it the Romans, Mongols, Napoleon or Hitler. Mass genocide just seems to be a part of the history of every power mad ruler. ...
Barnie2years replies on Apr 27, 2021:
@barjoe just like Putin wants to recreate the Soviet Union. If you look at the list, many of these wars and genocides occurred in the 20th century.
Chadwick Boseman fans furious after shocking Oscars loss
Barnie2years comments on Apr 26, 2021:
Everything anyone does creates outrage for someone. No matter which team wins a sporting event, supporters of the other team are going to be critical of the ref calls. No matter who wins a race, fans of the loser are going to blame some minutiae that caused their hero to not win. The big difference ...
Barnie2years replies on Apr 26, 2021:
@barjoe I have been so disappointed so many times by movies I went to see because they had won awards. I pay absolutely no attention to the award shows anymore.
Pastor: I Pray That God Stops Biden from Passing Voting Rights or Court Reform | Beth Stoneburner | ...
Barnie2years comments on Apr 24, 2021:
I hope this pastor’s head swells and bursts like an over ripe tomato. But that is just as likely to be influences by my feelings as his prayer will influence legislation.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 24, 2021:
@phoenixone1 yep, that would be perfect! 🤣
Our character shows in almost everything we do.
ChurchLess comments on Apr 24, 2021:
So, if you're severely disabled you're an animal.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 24, 2021:
@AnneWimsey, @LovinLarge Not anywhere I shop. It is generally a neglected item until they run out of carts in the store. The supermarket closest to me has a slanted driveway towards the major highway. Abandoned carts, even more so on windy days, have a tendency to head toward the road. I’m sure you would be very understanding if you were driving by the entrance and a cart slammed into your car at 10mph (it’s a steep hill) because someone couldn’t walk three steps that secure it in a corral. On a really windy day at another center I watched one cart slam into three different cars before finally hitting a curb. I was too far away to chase it. But it’s OK, I’m sure they had a perfectly fine reason for leaving it in the middle of the parking lot (more than likely because they parked far away from other cars to avoid their car getting a door ding). All I’m saying is if there is a will, there is a way. And loose carts present dangers.
Our character shows in almost everything we do.
ChurchLess comments on Apr 24, 2021:
So, if you're severely disabled you're an animal.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 24, 2021:
@AnneWimsey me too! If someone is finished unloading as I go by I take theirs as well.
Our character shows in almost everything we do.
ChurchLess comments on Apr 24, 2021:
So, if you're severely disabled you're an animal.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 24, 2021:
If you are severely disabled, chances are you have someone with you who could return it. If not, I’m sure you could ask someone to stash it in the cart corral. Or ask the cashier if an employee could come with you to help you load your groceries and return the cart. How did you get the cart in the first place? That could be a clue.
Am I the only one who has adverse reactions to some posters but instead of blocking them, I continue...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Generally that's how I treat them, but then I'm forced to since blocking doesn't work for me.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 24, 2021:
@Theresa_N did you exceed your quota of blocks? 🤣
I just read this morning that a bipartisan group thinks a gasoline tax should be put in place to pay...
Lorajay comments on Apr 23, 2021:
Gasoline taxes are definitely regressive. We all know there are several different kinds of Republicans and several different kinds of Democrats. I don't have a Democrat to write to in Congress I hope some of the rest of you do.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 23, 2021:
I have one of each. No use writing to either. I know Casey (D) will vote with Biden. I also know Toomey (R) will vote with McConnell, no mater how many letters I would send. And forget about my Representative, he’s a Trumplican all the way.
This article describes NRA members wet dreams! Many “good guys” with guns gathered together.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 21, 2021:
Lucky the cops didn't kill everyone with a firearm on sight & ask questions later....oh, wait, they were all white, right?
Barnie2years replies on Apr 21, 2021:
More than likely.
This article describes NRA members wet dreams! Many “good guys” with guns gathered together.
rainmanjr comments on Apr 20, 2021:
Oooh. They scored one. There'll be no living with them now.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 20, 2021:
You had who knows how many drunken guys with guns firing in the air. To scare the first guy, who fired into the air. Sounds like some kind of bad western.
I've heard it's always easier the next time if you make yourself do something that is frightening.
Wangobango3 comments on Apr 16, 2021:
How about after the age of sixty? Of course, it's a lot easier for men.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 20, 2021:
@Lorajay I’ve tried lunch, coffee, ice cream... At this point I have pretty much learned to enjoy solitude.
A Creationist Laughably Said He Was “Deplatformed” After Speaking at a Church | Hemant Mehta | ...
Barnie2years comments on Apr 18, 2021:
Some educated people actually even go to church. Hard to believe, but once indoctrinated, it's quite hard go cold turkey for many. So they give up the really silly parts and keep their magic friend as a pacifier.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 19, 2021:
@abyers1970 many Christian groups have sort of dismissed the entire Hell thing except as used in keeping the kids in line. Certainly not the Evangelicals and wacko groups who thrive on fear based religion. My father, who I feel sure was quite Agnostic, as he approached death, was turning to religion just in case. Not out of fear of hell, but out of hope of some kind of eternal life. That I believe is the driving force for most religion. As a friend of mine once said when beliefs were being discussed “I just can’t believe this is it (life). There has to be something more!” It’s the narcissistic view of human existence. We are so special that there is no way we follow the same laws of nature that everything else on the planet is ruled by.
A Creationist Laughably Said He Was “Deplatformed” After Speaking at a Church | Hemant Mehta | ...
Barnie2years comments on Apr 18, 2021:
Some educated people actually even go to church. Hard to believe, but once indoctrinated, it's quite hard go cold turkey for many. So they give up the really silly parts and keep their magic friend as a pacifier.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 19, 2021:
@DenoPenno I tend to agree with you. Much of it is social/family/tribal ritual. My son, who found religion with his wife’s faith, used to try and convince me church was a good place to pick up women. An ex girlfriend told me I should lie to a crazy Christian woman I had the hots for just to get laid. Sorry, I have to much personal integrity to do either of those things. My disbelief is open and unshakable.
GOP Adopts Dr Suess 'Tho He Defined 'America First' 80 Years Ago
nogod4me comments on Apr 17, 2021:
Dr. Suess is the only author Republicans can read, or at least enjoy the illustrations.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 18, 2021:
Definitely Trump and his followers reading level. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the last book Trump read! 😂
Rick Wiles: A “Satanic Zionist Power” is Controlling America | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly ...
girlwithsmiles comments on Apr 18, 2021:
Was there any suggestion of evidence for any of it? I certainly saw none in the article, so anyone that believes it must be a bit of a fruit loop!
Barnie2years replies on Apr 18, 2021:
Anyone who follows these crazed Evangelical wackos are certifiable fruit loops! 😃
Rick Wiles: A “Satanic Zionist Power” is Controlling America | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly ...
barjoe comments on Apr 17, 2021:
I guess he's pretty much a Nazi.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 18, 2021:
Nazis were among other thing, definitely White Suprematism at its worst and extreme form.
I've heard it's always easier the next time if you make yourself do something that is frightening.
Wangobango3 comments on Apr 16, 2021:
How about after the age of sixty? Of course, it's a lot easier for men.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 16, 2021:
I don’t know where you heard that! At 69 I haven’t had a dinner date in over five years. And at this point I expect to exit the world alone.
Gwen Shocks a Christian I was in Walmart today and, as is my wont, struck up a conversation with...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 13, 2021:
I joke 24/7, even my cardiologist who sees a lot of people remembered me from my heart attack because he says I’m the only person he has ever seen that was cracking one joke after another while experiencing a heart attack. I really have a great attitude and I face the hard to face facts frankly ...
Barnie2years replies on Apr 15, 2021:
@Gwendolyn2018 that wasn’t directed at you dear. I just meant even under bad circumstances there is no need not to keep your sense of humor. Being an Atheist I think actually helps with that.
Gwen Shocks a Christian I was in Walmart today and, as is my wont, struck up a conversation with...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 13, 2021:
I joke 24/7, even my cardiologist who sees a lot of people remembered me from my heart attack because he says I’m the only person he has ever seen that was cracking one joke after another while experiencing a heart attack. I really have a great attitude and I face the hard to face facts frankly ...
Barnie2years replies on Apr 14, 2021:
When I was in total heart block and spent a couple days in the hospital to get my first pacemaker, the one nurse in the special care unit told me as I was getting ready to leave that I was the healthiest sick person she had ever had! I was constantly joking around and kidding with the nurses and doctors when they would come in. Why be a sour puss!
This is called the Ludwig drum in a small museum in Mt Pleasant NC.
Barnie2years comments on Apr 10, 2021:
Wow! Fascinating history there Jo. Any idea how old he was at the time? Drummers and flag bearers were often quite young.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 10, 2021:
@Lorajay So you come from a strong line of women it sounds like. That explains your feistiness! LOL
This is called the Ludwig drum in a small museum in Mt Pleasant NC.
Barnie2years comments on Apr 10, 2021:
Wow! Fascinating history there Jo. Any idea how old he was at the time? Drummers and flag bearers were often quite young.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 10, 2021:
@Lorajay that’s quite a history! Sounds like your family a couple generations back was not big on propagating itself. 😁 How did you get the information? Family records or
Chauvin trial: Police Prep for Unrest, Seek Help From Community
Barnie2years comments on Apr 10, 2021:
His lawyer kind of makes me gag! With the testimony being presented so far, if he gets off with no prison time, I’d be rioting too!
Barnie2years replies on Apr 10, 2021:
@barjoe the ones doing the damage are generally a minority. They are out to cause mayhem. It is not a BLM issue, since the same things happen at Super Bowl win celebrations, spring break celebrations and any other time large crowds assemble. The big difference is often in how the police and others react to the protests. And I still think much of the damage is done by outside instigators.
Christian Post Columnist: “White America” is Under Assault by the Left | Beth Stoneburner | ...
Barnie2years comments on Apr 9, 2021:
I don’t get why Indian’s don’t realize they could be the next to rise to the top of the white hate list!
Barnie2years replies on Apr 10, 2021:
@barjoe Indian from India. Look how many of them are cheerleaders for the Far Right and run for office as Republicans. Like Republican gays and blacks, they don’t seem to notice how tenuous their position is in the Party of Trump. The only reason they are allowed in the door is they have money and their old white guys can point to them and declare themselves diversified.
Does anyone else feel conflicted about dating? No? Just me?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Why I have spent the past five years alone! And talking to several of my married friends, the idea of being with someone again just gives me cold chills! It would have to be someone very special. Since I haven’t even been able to get so much as a lunch date in years I am holding out little hope.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 6, 2021:
@AnneWimsey come on down! 😄
Easter! I would say that Easter is one of the most misunderstood holidays, but in reality, most ...
redhog comments on Apr 4, 2021:
I'm just glad I could pull and extension cord and my Sawzall out to finish up chopping up some Mulberry that I need to cure for the smoker lol
Barnie2years replies on Apr 5, 2021:
@Gwendolyn2018 you would really have to work at it! 😁 If you’re determined enough, you could do it with a pocket knife. I do consider the reciprocal saw much safer than a chain saw though not as fast on green wood.
Does anyone else feel conflicted about dating? No? Just me?
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 4, 2021:
I used to take my time to get to know them before sex. To find out if they have STDs than later it was aids. Today Government wants us to wear two layers of masks and a plastic coat over our bodies. Can't afford to take them out so my dates now are mostly with palm-me Anderson
Barnie2years replies on Apr 5, 2021:
That’s what they invented Fleshlights for! Give Ms Palm a break! 😁
Easter! I would say that Easter is one of the most misunderstood holidays, but in reality, most ...
redhog comments on Apr 4, 2021:
I'm just glad I could pull and extension cord and my Sawzall out to finish up chopping up some Mulberry that I need to cure for the smoker lol
Barnie2years replies on Apr 5, 2021:
@Gwendolyn2018 you can get quite long blades for them, if that is the issue,
NY GOP Official: If We Put Gay People on an Island, They’ll Die Out in 40 Years | Hemant Mehta | ...
redhog comments on Apr 3, 2021:
I think we need to put his ass on an island with all the other bigots..... then test the next generation of MOABs on that island.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 4, 2021:
I think these Christian jackasses should build an Ark and sail off into the sunset where they can do no harm.
Archie and Betty
freedom41 comments on Mar 31, 2021:
I wish it would warm up some more I go around the house in the buff without jacking up the heat. I might even visit my first nudist colony this Summer.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 31, 2021:
@freedom41 everyone seemed very nice at the one we were at. Very family oriented, kids to grandparents.
Archie and Betty
freedom41 comments on Mar 31, 2021:
I wish it would warm up some more I go around the house in the buff without jacking up the heat. I might even visit my first nudist colony this Summer.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 31, 2021:
I did years ago. Fun experience (wife didn’t think so!). I enjoyed Hedonism II in Jamaica much better. One of my best vacations ever, even though (or because maybe) I went alone.
BBQ Thumper
Lorajay comments on Mar 29, 2021:
My daddy said he loved to eat rabbits so he bought two pair and had somebody make a couple of hutches for him. The next thing we knew he had about 20 hutches and he paid this guy $35 to haul off the rabbits and the hutches. For some reason he could never kill them because he can see their little ...
Barnie2years replies on Mar 30, 2021:
I hunted and killed a few rabbits, but I probably left even more go. I was more interested in pheasants, but their population was declining every year. Since I ate anything I killed, and I never figured out how to cook rabbit to make it edible, I stopped hunting them.
VERY satisfying shopping trip yesterday, seeing My Pillow prominently displayed at the entrance of ...
barjoe comments on Mar 26, 2021:
Bobby Rydell is selling My Pillow? LOL Mike Lindell. It's okay. His name should not be memorable. I'd rather sleep with my head on a rock than buy one of his fucking pillows. @bobwjr You remember this one? Stomping ground from my youth.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 29, 2021:
@barjoe I am not a sun and beach person, so it doesn't really affect me. My parents live in Florida after they retired on the Gulf coast. I would go down for two or three weeks, I would spend one Florida day, go to the beach and hand out at the pool. The rest of the time I just hung around the house. LOL
VERY satisfying shopping trip yesterday, seeing My Pillow prominently displayed at the entrance of ...
barjoe comments on Mar 26, 2021:
Bobby Rydell is selling My Pillow? LOL Mike Lindell. It's okay. His name should not be memorable. I'd rather sleep with my head on a rock than buy one of his fucking pillows. @bobwjr You remember this one? Stomping ground from my youth.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 29, 2021:
@barjoe That's why we always rented a place in Stone Harbor with my grandparents. I almost drowned there, got caught in a whirlpool, slammed me into the sand face first, but then left go. One of those things you don't forget. But we would go to Wildwood for the boardwalk fun most evenings. Lots of Lancaster people used to go to Stone Harbor. Now they head further south. My in-laws always went to Rehoboth, most of her mom's family had summer places, mobile homes, down there. My son's in-laws rent a place down in Hatteras. I think Jersey got too expensive, you have to pay to use the beaches. Most the people I worked with had places down near Ocean City, MD.
VERY satisfying shopping trip yesterday, seeing My Pillow prominently displayed at the entrance of ...
barjoe comments on Mar 26, 2021:
Bobby Rydell is selling My Pillow? LOL Mike Lindell. It's okay. His name should not be memorable. I'd rather sleep with my head on a rock than buy one of his fucking pillows. @bobwjr You remember this one? Stomping ground from my youth.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 28, 2021:
@barjoe I was just a kid when we were going down there. Rarely have been back since. Cape May was just a weekend a couple of times years ago.
VERY satisfying shopping trip yesterday, seeing My Pillow prominently displayed at the entrance of ...
barjoe comments on Mar 26, 2021:
Bobby Rydell is selling My Pillow? LOL Mike Lindell. It's okay. His name should not be memorable. I'd rather sleep with my head on a rock than buy one of his fucking pillows. @bobwjr You remember this one? Stomping ground from my youth.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 27, 2021:
@barjoe every summer two weeks with the grandparents and our family in Stone Harbor, evenings on the boardwalk at Wildwood! Until my family moved to Europe in 1959. About six years ago I took a girlfriend to Cape May. I didn’t fall in love, but I had the best creamed chipped beef I have ever tasted! 😁
One of the more difficult aspects of being an atheist, at least from an outsider’s perspective, is...
freeofgod comments on Mar 24, 2021:
I don't see a link.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 26, 2021:
@freeofgod it’s a disease! Or maybe he is questioning or testing his faith. Kind of the same reason homophobes spend so much time on gay websites and watching gay porn! 🤭
GOP Senator: No One Should Be Allowed to Vote on Sundays Because That Angers God | Hemant Mehta | ...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 25, 2021:
I was unaware of any Sunday voting, ever...?
Barnie2years replies on Mar 25, 2021:
Only certain states.
A Happy Bill Maher Back In The Studio — “There’s Real People. Thank You Jesus!”
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Bill hasn't been relevant in a while, his angle on millennials and cancel culture is flawed and very old guyish. He should retire and let Sarah Silverman take over, she's much brighter and edgier.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 23, 2021:
I enjoy both of them for different reasons. Would hate to see either one retire. I love that Bill isn’t afraid to call out the Left as well as the Right, even though the Right is easier.
Anonymous No More, the Man Who Documents Pastors’ Expensive Sneakers Speaks Out | Hemant Mehta | ...
Moravian comments on Mar 22, 2021:
A Harley Davidson cruiser worth more than one of his parents tithes ?. How much more ? A top of the range Harley costs over $20,000.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 22, 2021:
You can barely get a sportster for $20K. Full blown road hog will set you back $40 to $50k at least. And that's without all the trimmings and blinking crosses and shit!
Keeping it all in the family
phxbillcee comments on Mar 21, 2021:
Adam wants to know if he can watch!
Barnie2years replies on Mar 21, 2021:
This would help explain Franklin’s predilection to voyeurisme! 🤣 He was just following biblical teachings.
How to find out what each state is proposing to either restrict voting rights or expand voting ...
Barnie2years comments on Mar 5, 2021:
Trump or Graham I think it was said it best. If everybody votes, the Republicans would never win a presidential election again. Let’s make sure that happens, regardless of how many obstacles they throw in the way!
Barnie2years replies on Mar 21, 2021:
@JackPedigo so basically you’re saying that there should be a voter intelligence test. Before you can vote for a candidate, you need to answer a few questions on what their position is on certain issues? Or a voter school, where you go to study up on the background and postions of all the candidates? Or perhaps an originalist who wants to return to the original Constitutional language that only land owners are permitted to vote? In the day and age informed voting relies on truckloads of totally biased information on candidates who are parsed by their Party to be the most loyal to that Party’s platform. While independents numbers are growing, and more are joining third Party groups, the numbers will never be enough to kill the two Party system. So it always comes down to which can drive the largest number to actually vote for their side, and a popularity contest, having little to do with facts. Truth is relative in politics, it has more to do with personality for most than reality of their promises.
These Religious Leaders Are Encouraging Their Congregations to Get Vaccinated | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Hmmm, is IT because these so-called Leaders are really interested in the lives of their Followers OR, is it, perhance, a method to ensure that the Followers will continue to live, attend services and continue to drop money into the Collection Plates, etc, etc? Call me suspicious if you will, but I ...
Barnie2years replies on Mar 19, 2021:
The leaders are, like Trump, just a bunch of quite skilled con men and women. They are playing a scam that has been around since the beginning of mankind in one form or another. Shaman’s, witch doctors, priests, or whatever they happen to call themselves, find that they can exert control over those around them just by the sound of their voice. Or sometimes just their presence makes people want to support them and worship them. That’s why they all loved Trump, they recognized a kindred spirit. And most people, (unlike most on this site) are to one extent or another no better than sheep, who follow and obey the shepherd that appeals to their most pressing need, like the drug du jour. I am just thankful everyday that I don’t have that need for tribe and domination in my gene pool.
The Spa Shooting Suspect Was a Born Again Baptist Who Was “Big into Religion” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Barnie2years comments on Mar 17, 2021:
His parents turned him in according to the evening news. And he was on his way to Florida with the intent to shoot up a porn production company. In his perv mind he was doing the work of the lord! I am really surprised his Baptist parents turned him in.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 18, 2021:
@bbyrd009 I'm guessing they know how much of a psycho he is and were afraid if they didn't he would be killing a lot more people.
Massage Parlor shooter was all about guns and God []
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Mar 17, 2021:
I wonder if he had a "thing" for Asian women and was rebuffed. And I vote for the death penalty--let god sort him out. He is of no use to society and he needs to be put down.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 17, 2021:
@UrsiMajor they blame Asians (so many Americans have no idea that China isn’t the entire continent) because Cheeto insisted on calling it the China virus. He fueled this attack on Asian Americans with his lies and stupidity.
Christian Nurses Who Won’t Perform Abortions Lose Lawsuit in European Court | Hemant Mehta | ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 17, 2021:
To understand this better let me switch the subject to an auto repair shop that will not do an oil change. Doesn't make much sense does it? These nurse need to find another profession.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 17, 2021:
I’m sure there are plenty of nursing homes in need of medical staff. Then it wouldn’t even come up. Of course nowadays with assisted suicide becoming legal in many states, that would offend their godly principles I’m certain.
Watched, ‘Captain Fantastic’ tonight, about a couple that attempted to bring up their family on ...
Barnie2years comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Just added it to my Netflix queue.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 14, 2021:
@girlwithsmiles just watched it last night. I would hardly classify it as a comedy! Family drama maybe? Very well done and poignant, showing the difficulty of leaving society behind and the devastation of bipolar disease on families, even the most self contained. I was so glad the kids stuck with their father, rather than giving in to opulent wealth syndrome of the grandfather. Thanks for the recommendation, I’m going to give it five stars on Netflix DVD!
Survey: Atheists Are More Likely to Get Vaccinated Than Any Religious Group | Hemant Mehta | ...
freedom41 comments on Mar 6, 2021:
The evangies are biggest fools in the world of religion.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 6, 2021:
No, I would say that goes to the Radical Islamists. They are even more adamant at refusing to allow their followers to get any kind of vaccination or most any other western medical help.
Feeling quite lucky today! My "Buy it for looks, buy it for Life" Moen faucet neck broke off in my ...
Fletch comments on Mar 4, 2021:
Products across the board are not well made anymore. I'm especially disappointed at the quality of clothes and furniture.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 4, 2021:
Most of my major appliances are close to 30 years old and working fine. Most of my clothes and shoes are close to 20 years old, and still going strong. So I don't know too much about new stuff! LOL
OK Lawmakers Want to Spend $85,500 to Put “In God We Trust” in Public Buildings | Hemant Mehta |...
BestWithoutGods comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Barnie2years replies on Mar 3, 2021:
@Lorajay more states have that in their Constitutions than don’t. But the Republicans don’t care anymore than they do about the Federal Constitution.
I ended up with a Facebook friend who is evidently one of those so-called Patriots and he sent this...
AnonySchmoose comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Yikes! She's scary . . . making me aware how evil she thinks progressives are. If I follow her suspicions, I would be moral if I would get a gun and shoot myself, because I'm so evilly progressive-minded. She talks of freedom, but she is not willing to give any progressive the benefit of the ...
Barnie2years replies on Mar 3, 2021:
Her “patriotic” fervor is the same used by Christian Nationalists, Nazis, and haters everywhere. And it is that way because it’s very effective at sucking in people who blindly follow what they perceive as the “truth.” It is why millions of people go to church/mosque/temple every week to be brainwashed again and again. Once they are hooked, getting people to see any other point of view is all but impossible.
Called Out for Anti-Semitic Stereotypes, TV Show “Nurses” Pulls Episode Off Air | Val Wilde | ...
Barnie2years comments on Mar 2, 2021:
And yet I am sure this happens, probably on a regular basis. It’s a shame when reality is seen as offensive, while “reality” TV shows broadcast a distorted reality that so many believe in.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 2, 2021:
@barjoe Orthodox and Hasidic Jews are, like Evangelical Fundamentalist Christians, outside the norms of their religion. Most TV drama draws off of actual stories (not all but many). WKRP in Cincinnati wild plots were mostly based on actual radio events from around the country. As for showing things like this happen:
New gun bill drawing hot debate over controversial text |
barjoe comments on Feb 27, 2021:
I'm a gun owner. I have no problem with a 3 day waiting period and a background check. Who wants a nutball in having a gun? The greedy gun manufacturers don't care. I do. Gun owners should.
Barnie2years replies on Feb 27, 2021:
@barjoe I was a member decades ago, as they were just starting to radicalize. My died in the wool Republican father dropped his membership before I did when they were pushing for military weapons to be easily available. I was hunting and getting their hunting magazine, so stayed a little longer until they pretty much dropped the pretense of being anything but firearms industry shills.
New gun bill drawing hot debate over controversial text |
barjoe comments on Feb 27, 2021:
I'm a gun owner. I have no problem with a 3 day waiting period and a background check. Who wants a nutball in having a gun? The greedy gun manufacturers don't care. I do. Gun owners should.
Barnie2years replies on Feb 27, 2021:
I’m with you 100%. NRA keep blabbing about proposed laws being too restrictive , but I rearely see them present any law to show they care about anything but selling weapons to as many people as possible. That worked so well out west in the 19th century where Main Street shootouts were à for of entertainment. 🤪
Definitely not my design.
ZantiMisfit comments on Feb 24, 2021:
How about this one?
Barnie2years replies on Feb 24, 2021:
I prefer that to an uninvolved audience. At least you could have a fart off, or see who could stand the smell longest! 😂😂🤣
Fry’s Electronics is shutting its doors for good - The Verge
barjoe comments on Feb 24, 2021:
I still remember Radio Shack. I assume they are gone by now.
Barnie2years replies on Feb 24, 2021:
I keep getting advertising from them on Facebook. Apparently they went all online and got rid of most of their stores.
Evangelist: The Only Way Biden Could Be President Is If “Americans Are Idiots” | Beth ...
barjoe comments on Feb 20, 2021:
Christians are idiots.
Barnie2years replies on Feb 20, 2021:
@freedom41 the key word is "evangelist" and "evangelical". They are a special breed of dumb.
Home appraisal for Black couple skyrockets after help from white friend : TheGrio
barjoe comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Wow! They appraised the house for less because the homeowner was black?
Barnie2years replies on Feb 17, 2021:
I’m thinking this is pretty typical and has always been. Racism is not always overt and obvious.
57 GOP State And Local Officials Were At The Capitol Insurrection | HuffPost
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 16, 2021:
No surprise there. I doubt they will suffer any political consequences for their participation with their state parties or even in their next election. In fact, in red voting areas, it may even help.
Barnie2years replies on Feb 16, 2021:
Hell, the way the State GOPs are reacting to the seven that voted for impeachment, they probably handed out medals to the ones that led the crowd.
Florida County Will Consider Allowing Alcohol Sales on Sunday Mornings | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
barjoe comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Philadelphia. When I was a kid, the 4th largest city had strong "Blue Laws" You couldn't buy anything on Sunday. Bars had last call just before midnight on Saturday. Sunday you couldn't go to a store, restaurant, groceries. This was until the mid 60s when it was relaxed a bit. Bars were still ...
Barnie2years replies on Feb 16, 2021:
@barjoe they just opened Sunday hunting up for certain Sundays in the deer season. It’s a slow process.
The men behind the man: Abraham Lincoln’s gay lovers / LGBTQ Nation
girlwithsmiles comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Is bisexual still a dirty word?
Barnie2years replies on Feb 16, 2021:
Not in my vocabulary!
Fox host argues against raising the minimum wage because "fun things" will cost more | Media Matters...
barjoe comments on Feb 13, 2021:
The Democrats didn't sell this right. It's not a $15 minimum wage. It's a $10 minimum wage that goes up $1/hr each year, going to $15/hr over a five year period. An actual instant $15/hr min wage in 50 states would hurt small business and cost jobs. That's not what it is, and it should be explained ...
Barnie2years replies on Feb 13, 2021:
The Democrats have trouble selling anything, no matter how good it is. They don't have the PR savvy the Republicans do. Like the ACA, tax increases on the wealthiest, plowing more money into infrastructure than the military, the Republicans get ahead of them with wild ass stories of doom and gloom, call them communist plots, find some conservative "think tanks" to back them up, get everyone on Fox News to spew the lies and nothing happens to the bills. The Democrats don't have the money behind them to counter these waves of bullshit, they try and talk logic while the Republicans just scream and shout trash talk. It's a shame, but it's become the world we live in. You can only use logic on a narrow percentage of the population (people on this website for example). The rest are caught up in whatever fantasy their religious and political leaders choose to blanket them with.
Islamic Cleric: People Who Got the COVID Vaccine “Have Become Homosexuals” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Barnie2years comments on Feb 9, 2021:
He wishes! 🤣
Barnie2years replies on Feb 10, 2021:
@snytiger6 all religious leaders are to one extent or another, including Hindu and Buddhist.
Kyle Rittenhouse Violates Bond; Prosecutors Seek Arrest Warrant | HuffPost
Lorajay comments on Feb 9, 2021:
With that kind of bond and the crime that was committed, it sounds to me like it was irresponsible to wait so long to check out why he was not responding to court inquiries.
Barnie2years replies on Feb 9, 2021:
Given the controversy, with so many on the Right looking for a fight, maybe they figure they would rather have the two million bucks than the headache of a trial?
Praise Jesus! God Destroys Family’s House But Leaves Behind Some Bible Verses | Hemant Mehta | ...
Barnie2years comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Nothing, I mean nothing, else survived, right? People can be made to believe most anything.
Barnie2years replies on Feb 5, 2021:
@Triphid exactly! Believe, but cover your ass! Just in case your god isn’t paying attention to how much you love him! 🤣
Marjorie Taylor Greene Hits Back After Mitch McConnell 'Cancer' Comments
Barnie2years comments on Feb 4, 2021:
This is such fun to watch! The GOP and Trumplicans eating each other up. Now if we can keep the Democrats and Progressives from tearing things up, our future looks much brighter.
Barnie2years replies on Feb 5, 2021:
@DenoPenno A) I was not complaining about Biden, didn’t mention him at all. B) Social Security and Medicare have nothing to do with the Parties splitting up. Both Democrats and Progressives want to shore up SS and healthcare. Both Republicans and Trumplicans would be happy to reduce or even sell off both programs to the highest bidder. The splits in the parties are on much different things.
Democrats Consider Withholding Coronavirus Stimulus Checks From Wealthier Households | HuffPost
Willow_Wisp comments on Feb 4, 2021:
I think the only thing I've heard from Republicans in five years that I agree with is that people still employed and earning six or more digits really don't need assistance. I really hate agreeing with fascist on anything, but the idea of Wilbur Ross or Mitch McConnell getting a stimulus check ...
Barnie2years replies on Feb 4, 2021:
@Willow_Wisp I understand what you are saying, but a one time stimulus check is not going to cure regional income disparity. But it will go a long way to help the wait service, hotel service ant millions of others in all areas of the country who’s hours have been slashed, who lost even the smallest of benefits they had. Or couples who have lost one income due to medical issues. Sadly, regional income and housing issues are a whole other financial problem that needs to be addressed on its own. If you’re having troubles making ends meet at over $75k imagine what the thousands making 50k or less with a couple of kids are going through. Affordable housing is a national outrage, especially in urban areas or tech heavy locations. I had a friend used to drive two hours to his teaching job, even though it paid far more than local ones, because the housing costs were so much cheaper here. Of course to the underpaid teachers here, it didn’t seem like such a bargain. But back on subject, a one time $1,400 check is not going to solve all out financial inequality problems. For many people, that will barely cover a month’s rent.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Hits Back After Mitch McConnell 'Cancer' Comments
Barnie2years comments on Feb 4, 2021:
This is such fun to watch! The GOP and Trumplicans eating each other up. Now if we can keep the Democrats and Progressives from tearing things up, our future looks much brighter.
Barnie2years replies on Feb 4, 2021:
@DenoPenno not sure where that fits into the narrative of political Parties imploding?
Marjorie Taylor Greene Hits Back After Mitch McConnell 'Cancer' Comments
Barnie2years comments on Feb 4, 2021:
This is such fun to watch! The GOP and Trumplicans eating each other up. Now if we can keep the Democrats and Progressives from tearing things up, our future looks much brighter.
Barnie2years replies on Feb 4, 2021:
@JeffMurray that was my point!
Democrats Consider Withholding Coronavirus Stimulus Checks From Wealthier Households | HuffPost
Willow_Wisp comments on Feb 4, 2021:
I think the only thing I've heard from Republicans in five years that I agree with is that people still employed and earning six or more digits really don't need assistance. I really hate agreeing with fascist on anything, but the idea of Wilbur Ross or Mitch McConnell getting a stimulus check ...
Barnie2years replies on Feb 4, 2021:
I agree. There proposed cut off was $50k I believe, but might be better. Or progressively reduced amounts between 50 and 75. If you’re making $100k + the virus is not affecting your life in any significant way.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says tighter restrictions on mail-in ballot procedures will deter voter fraud
Barnie2years comments on Feb 4, 2021:
The only voter fraud is Republican elected officials.
Barnie2years replies on Feb 4, 2021:
@Flowerwall they manage to find one or two, and the fact that they are caught speaks to the safety of or election system. One was caught in PA trying to vote for his dead mother. Since he was Republican, according to Republican State legislators thinking, all Republican votes should gave been nullified and not counted in that district.
Ark Encounter Ticket Sales Continued to Plummet in December Due to COVID-19 | Hemant Mehta | ...
Mb_Man comments on Jan 21, 2021:
To be honest, i'm surprised that it's still open. I have to wonder if this is sort of a Nickelback effect. The more that people hate, the more screen time the brand gets. To be honest, the exact reason why I used to get annoyed with Youtube Atheists (years ago now) for always reacting to the...
Barnie2years replies on Feb 2, 2021:
@Mb_Man he sucked up a lot of government funding, plus crazy church support. All those tax fee dollars. He didn’t need normal funding.
Christian Hater Condemns Group for Blocking Military Dogs from Going to Heaven | Hemant Mehta | ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Feb 1, 2021:
Religion has no place, aside from allowing those that practice to do so by themselves. Personal story: I was in the Navy and tried breaking up with a woman via mail while overseas (yes, it was a shitty way to handle that relationship). Said woman got my parents to contact the USO. In turn, the ...
Barnie2years replies on Feb 1, 2021:
I thought Dear John letters always went the other way! 🙂
Republican Lawmaker Mocks Parkland Survivor Over Marjorie Taylor Greene Video - NowThis
Barnie2years comments on Jan 31, 2021:
Mental illness needs to be treated, not glorified in videos. These women have serious mental issues and need to be deprogrammed.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 31, 2021:
@yvilletom they closed down most of our state hospitals decades ago in Pennsylvania. It’s considered much more humane to allow them to sleep on the streets, join gangs or Trump caravans. 🤪
Christian Mom: eHarmony Ad with Lesbians Eating Ice Cream “Brainwashes” Viewers | Hemant Mehta |...
Freedompath comments on Jan 30, 2021:
Sex, sex is at the top of the Christian’s worry list! Too many people are taking advantage of sex and too many people are all mixed up about it! How does the Christian manage to get through each day, with this heavy sex load on his/her heart? I wonder if they realize that people are dying by ...
Barnie2years replies on Jan 30, 2021:
Uhhh, NO! 😁 Making people feel guilty about things that give them pleasure is so much easier than solving the problems of what makes them feel bad.
The new relationship...
Barnie2years comments on Jan 29, 2021:
Not my bed! That has been a rule with every animal I’ve had. Even my beloved Barnie sleeps in his crate in the next room. The crate is not closed, but the door is.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 30, 2021:
@TomMcGiverin not having a warm human body is not my choice either. Just how life worked out.
William Barr: There’s a “Militant Secular Effort” to Suppress Religion | Hemant Mehta | ...
jeshuey comments on Jan 30, 2021:
My first impression is Barr is incapable of discerning the difference between "secular" and "anti-theist". If he genuinely understood the difference he could relax.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 30, 2021:
Point well taken. But then him and his band of miscreants can’t distinguish between socialism and communism either. So you can’t expect anything rational to emanate from their closed minds.
The new relationship...
Barnie2years comments on Jan 29, 2021:
Not my bed! That has been a rule with every animal I’ve had. Even my beloved Barnie sleeps in his crate in the next room. The crate is not closed, but the door is.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 30, 2021:
@TomMcGiverin cats were generally locked out of the bedroom as well. I don’t sleep with furry animals. At this point of course I don’t sleep with any living creatures sharing my bed.
QAnon Thinks Trump Will Become President Again on March 4
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 29, 2021:
What's the significance of that date?
Barnie2years replies on Jan 30, 2021:
@yvilletom thank you! Also shows that assholes in the president’s office is nothing new.
1.. just one.
1950debris comments on Jan 26, 2021:
14, or maybe fifteen if I knew what a Sea Monkey is or was.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 27, 2021:
1.. just one.
1950debris comments on Jan 26, 2021:
14, or maybe fifteen if I knew what a Sea Monkey is or was.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 26, 2021:
You didn’t read comic books as a kid? They were usually advertised there. 😁
When folks don’t understand why it’s a big deal that Harris is the Vice President(no matter your...
JackPedigo comments on Jan 23, 2021:
Sorry, seems this photo is skewed. Some presidents are missing and the one after Mondale (green box) is Gerald Ford who should be right after Nixon (yellow box).
Barnie2years replies on Jan 24, 2021:
@JackPedigo she is the VP, so this is more pertinent. If she becomes President it will require a whole new meme. I thought Nixon was VP under Eisenhower, but was too lazy to look it up 😁. Also, I wouldn’t be able to identify most of the VP’s on here other than those more recent or who became president later.
When folks don’t understand why it’s a big deal that Harris is the Vice President(no matter your...
JackPedigo comments on Jan 23, 2021:
Sorry, seems this photo is skewed. Some presidents are missing and the one after Mondale (green box) is Gerald Ford who should be right after Nixon (yellow box).
Barnie2years replies on Jan 24, 2021:
@JackPedigo Nixon was VP quite a bit earlier.
When folks don’t understand why it’s a big deal that Harris is the Vice President(no matter your...
Fernapple comments on Jan 23, 2021:
Are the pictures in the right order, I can't work it out ?
Barnie2years replies on Jan 23, 2021:
@Fernapple got me too! I figured it out, but it took a while.
When folks don’t understand why it’s a big deal that Harris is the Vice President(no matter your...
JackPedigo comments on Jan 23, 2021:
Sorry, seems this photo is skewed. Some presidents are missing and the one after Mondale (green box) is Gerald Ford who should be right after Nixon (yellow box).
Barnie2years replies on Jan 23, 2021:
Took me a couple of minutes to figure that out too.
The 5th Beatle exposed.
Barnie2years comments on Jan 22, 2021:
This Bernie thing has taken a life of it’s own! Here he is in front of my house.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 23, 2021:
@Lorajay I didn’t make it, my sister sent it to me. I’m having a laugh fest seeing all the different memes with him in them. Facebook feed has a half dozen every day. 🤣
Christian Terrorist in Capitol Siege Said It Was “God’s Will” to Kill Millions | Hemant Mehta ...
Apunzelle comments on Jan 22, 2021:
What’s even more insane is that this man is an *attorney* ... which means he’s highly educated, not some backwoods simpleton. *How* his mind could work this way utterly baffles.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 22, 2021:
Having a law degree does not indicate our mental stability. One need only look at Giuliani! 🤣
It’s so nice watching a President work rather than posing and having to show off his scribbled ...
davknight comments on Jan 22, 2021:
Biden has done more in two days than Trump has done in four years!
Barnie2years replies on Jan 22, 2021:
Definitely more good! Already has Moscow Mitch spitting!
Conservative Christians Have a Bunch of Irrational Fears About a Biden Presidency | Hemant Mehta | ...
barjoe comments on Jan 21, 2021:
They fear their congregations will figure out that they've been lied to and the money might dry up.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 21, 2021:
All about the green!
Ark Encounter Ticket Sales Continued to Plummet in December Due to COVID-19 | Hemant Mehta | ...
Mb_Man comments on Jan 21, 2021:
To be honest, i'm surprised that it's still open. I have to wonder if this is sort of a Nickelback effect. The more that people hate, the more screen time the brand gets. To be honest, the exact reason why I used to get annoyed with Youtube Atheists (years ago now) for always reacting to the...
Barnie2years replies on Jan 21, 2021:
Sadly they have benefited from state and local government support.
Gathering dirt? 😅
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Especially be wary of the ones named Hoovers, they MUST be working for the F.B.I. and are the covert inventions of its founder....LOL.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 19, 2021:
@TimeOutForMe It’s like Kleenex and Q-tips. It’s become the designation for anything that resembles those products.
Gathering dirt? 😅
Canndue comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Roomba all the way...
Barnie2years replies on Jan 19, 2021:
Roomba is automatically storing the layout of your home and sending it to China! 🤪🤣🤣


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