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Bernie and Warren are very much alike.
St-Sinner comments on Jan 30, 2020:
Bernie will not be president. If at all he is nominated, he will have another heart attack after Trump trashes him in the first debate. There will not be one term for Bernie, and there will not be two terms of Bernie. So rest well. Don't worry. Don't let the impossibilities bother you.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 31, 2020:
@RoboGraham Speculation is worth about as much as spit. Time will tell and since half the candidates drop out long before PA gets a shot to vote, there is not much reason to get excited about the whole thing for at least a couple of months. So we shall see of the Democratic machine wins again with Biden ( big mistake in my opinion) or the Bernie or bust crowd carries him to the top. Or Warren get's the backing of the female vote, or Buttigege can pull his fans together and stay near the top. As the election in 2016 showed, polls and guessing don't make a president.
Bernie and Warren are very much alike.
St-Sinner comments on Jan 30, 2020:
Bernie will not be president. If at all he is nominated, he will have another heart attack after Trump trashes him in the first debate. There will not be one term for Bernie, and there will not be two terms of Bernie. So rest well. Don't worry. Don't let the impossibilities bother you.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 30, 2020:
@St-Sinner Barnie2years: 0 @RoboGraham I am not a Bernie supporter. I was the last time, but his message is stale and he is too old. I’m backing Buttigeg as long as he is in the top tier. I think he’s going to be the surprise candidate.
Bernie and Warren are very much alike.
St-Sinner comments on Jan 30, 2020:
Bernie will not be president. If at all he is nominated, he will have another heart attack after Trump trashes him in the first debate. There will not be one term for Bernie, and there will not be two terms of Bernie. So rest well. Don't worry. Don't let the impossibilities bother you.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 30, 2020:
@St-Sinner so when the Trump overinflated economy collapses, as Republican economy bubbles regularly do, you will be stuck with a dictator whose only interest is keeping his own and other billionaires money safe, you will be kissing much of the middle class benefits gained over decades goodbye. But then, maybe you are rich enough not to care.
I am sick of being single.
Wangobango3 comments on Jan 28, 2020:
Yes, one must put in the effort for results. Or, live online in a quasi virtual reality.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 28, 2020:
I’ve grown quite fond of my quasi reality! Far less disappointment, being unfriended is nowhere near as painful. I can express myself as I choose and many people agree with me. So much nicer than when I was married and everything I said was wrong (so I was told) and nothing I did was enough.
Spreading the word! Huge influx of much younger men on POF looking for women my age to have sex ...
Charlene comments on Jan 25, 2020:
Barnie2years replies on Jan 25, 2020:
Plenty of Fish, dating site.
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 22, 2020:
When will theses asshats realize they work for We The People?!?
Barnie2years replies on Jan 24, 2020:
They couldn’t hold office if their constituents didn’t keep voting them in and smart people stopped going to the polls. It means that over half the people that show up to vote in Kentucky are every bit as repulsive as he is.
Florida Supreme Court gave itself the power to shred liberal precedent, starting with death penalty ...
Sticks48 comments on Jan 24, 2020:
The state is shaped like a flaccid, nut less penis for a reason.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 24, 2020:
The nuts are recessed, they are called Alabama and Mississippi! 🤣
The Real Problem I Love this site and the clarity of thinking exhibited, even love chasing down the...
Joanne comments on Jan 24, 2020:
I would like to see more secular humanist places where people in need can go when they assistance: food, clothing, shelter etc. One reason the fundamentalists don't like the government helping people is because they want people to turn to their god (via their church, of course) for help so they can ...
Barnie2years replies on Jan 24, 2020:
And they can focus there help on believers. They do help in non Christian areas, but ultimately the goal is to convert.
Debunked: "Socialism Has Never Worked" - YouTube
Biosteelman comments on Mar 2, 2019:
1rst part where he is wrong. He attempts to redefine socialism as a meaning on the Left. He also attempts to state that care for equality is a socialism idea. This is incorrect. Right side views of equality is that for Oppurtunity versus outcome. Going to bible is bad choice if you don't mention ...
Barnie2years replies on Jan 23, 2020:
Laissez faire is another way of saying Oligarchy. It protects the fortunes of the most wealth while stymieing the rights of their workers. The last time we had “laissez faire” government was in the early part of the Twentieth Century, just before the market crash in the 1920’s and created the rise of Unionism. Sadly, the Robber Barons have returned.
BANNED FROM FACEBOOK FOR 3 DAYS: 5 White Women Were wearing T-shirts that said (all together) Only...
Barnie2years comments on Jan 21, 2020:
You must have some hateful followers! I’ve posted way worse.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 22, 2020:
@resserts why algorithms fail!
Ok, I don’t want to be a lurker, even though I don’t get on here often.
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 16, 2020:
No hips at all, I suggest it's a tranny with great implants
Barnie2years replies on Jan 16, 2020:
Sorry, I’ve seen under the panties. It’s all good, all female, all delicious looking!
Watching Rachel Maddow interview Lev Parnas today and he sure sounds truthful.
Barnie2years comments on Jan 15, 2020:
At this point I never get excited about Trump looking like he is going down. He’s slippery as an eel.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 16, 2020:
@sassygirl3869 as we found out when they refused to even consider the Obama Supreme Court nominee a year before the election, when Trump would not allow anyone in his entourage to respond to House subpoenas, the Trumplicans are not responsive to the idea of “have to.”
Watching Rachel Maddow interview Lev Parnas today and he sure sounds truthful.
Barnie2years comments on Jan 15, 2020:
At this point I never get excited about Trump looking like he is going down. He’s slippery as an eel.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 15, 2020:
@sassygirl3869 me too. Hitler’s top officers stayed by his side to the very end. Trump’s retinue is every bit as devoted to their Dear Leader.
Watching Rachel Maddow interview Lev Parnas today and he sure sounds truthful.
Barnie2years comments on Jan 15, 2020:
At this point I never get excited about Trump looking like he is going down. He’s slippery as an eel.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 15, 2020:
@sassygirl3869 watch them. There is nothing slimier than than a batch of Republicans under heat. They will stick together like glue and lie about everything. If this goes as deep as I feel it does, they will never give up.
Does anyone else have a homophobic family member?
Barnie2years comments on Jan 10, 2020:
What exactly is a “bad experience with gay people.”? Was he sexually molested or raped? Or was he simply approached and asked for a date? I know that some men react to a simple solicitation as if they have been violated in some way. They are often the same people that are most pushy at ...
Barnie2years replies on Jan 15, 2020:
@vjohnson51 doesn’t sound too traumatic to me, but everyone has their own sensitivity. The two women having sex sounds rather like a fantasy come true to me! 😄
Has anyone ever attended a Meet Up Atheist/Freethinker group?
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jan 14, 2020:
I have. In a number of different places. They're OK. I'm not social enough to go to the trouble but others sure seem to enjoy them. They do some cool activities, at least the one's I joined did.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 15, 2020:
@ElusiveMoby I meet once a month for breakfast with a senior group of motorcycle riders. They are fun people and we talk bie adventures and eat well. One of the very few group activities I do. But I am not a morning person and the breakfast venue is about a half hour drive from my house. Every month, I have to really push myself to get up early and ride or drive to the breakfast! I mean almost physically throw myself out of bed! 😄 Once I get there, I have a nice time and I like many of the people I talk to. But in the 25 years I have been in the club I have never made a close friend, someone I get together with outside of the club functions. Weird right?
In need for advice and/or support.
Storm1752 comments on Jan 14, 2020:
It's always possible there are more bad than good people in the world! That aside, I seem to get taken advantage of...I can be manipulated, have trouble standing my ground, and maybe tagged as weak by sociopaths who are good at "culling the vulnerable from the herd." I try to not make myself a ...
Barnie2years replies on Jan 15, 2020:
@Storm1752, the problem, if you want to call it that, is I have become so comfortable being alone that I think it would be very hard to accept another person coming into my life and trying to change it. I have been alone for more than 15 years, don’t have any close friends of either gender, no one to talk to about feelings or issues. This is one reason I am on here and Facebook all day. It’s the closest thing I have to an outlet for my thoughts and feelings. And it works in that I don’t have to worry about repercussions or alienating the few people I do have in my life. I have my mom, my last wife, my son and step-son. They need me, I depend on none of them for anything. My ex is probably the closest thing I have to a friend. But the only benefit for me is I know if I was to be hospitalized for something, she would take care of my dog! 😊 She has his mother and I take her when she goes away or works long hours. So basically, I am where you are going. Comfortable in my own skin, if anything perhaps too much.
In need for advice and/or support.
Storm1752 comments on Jan 14, 2020:
It's always possible there are more bad than good people in the world! That aside, I seem to get taken advantage of...I can be manipulated, have trouble standing my ground, and maybe tagged as weak by sociopaths who are good at "culling the vulnerable from the herd." I try to not make myself a ...
Barnie2years replies on Jan 15, 2020:
I’m pretty much in that boat too. I have acquaintances, online Friends. But not really any close friends, certainly none I’m not in a sexual relationship with anyone. It’s been so long I am not even sure how I would deal with being close to another person. I would sure give it a try if I somehow met someone who made me feel comfortable.
Has anyone ever attended a Meet Up Atheist/Freethinker group?
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jan 14, 2020:
I have. In a number of different places. They're OK. I'm not social enough to go to the trouble but others sure seem to enjoy them. They do some cool activities, at least the one's I joined did.
Barnie2years replies on Jan 14, 2020:
@ElusiveMoby that would be my issue. I love being at home with my dog. Has to be something really exciting to get me out of the house!
What do you think of the concept "guns don't kill people, people kill people?"
Cutiebeauty comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Humans have been inventing new and more efficient ways to kill each other since the beginning of time... We use whatever is available.. Cavemen used sticks and rocks... Today, we use knives, hammers, machetes, bats, cars, etc.. The thing about guns is, it makes it easier and puts distance between ...
Barnie2years replies on Jan 12, 2020:
@LarryClifford so what you suggest is, since regulations don't 100% guarantee that people won't take a high capacity firearms and a bag full of ammo into crowded mall and start shooting people, it's no use having any regulations? Given your examples of failures to do this, I assume that you think there should be no automobile regulation (license, speed limits, stop signs, vehicle inspections etc) since non of these "controls" stop people from killing themselves or others. And since doctors make mistakes, perhaps we should go back to the good old days when anyone choosing to tag themselves as a doctor were allowed to practice, with no oversight, in any place they chose in whatever way they saw fit? After all, why have regulations if they are not 100% effective. Why have any regulations at all? People seem to be able to create pipe bombs, even though they are illegal, why not just let everyone buy the equipment to make them? Why are firearms the only thing the CDC is not allowed to do studies on? Why are gun manufacturers protected from lawsuits more than any other manufacturer? We have rules for everything even though none of them prevent people from doing stupid things, but without them surely there would be more people doing even worse things more often. Regulating high capacity magazines, silencers, types of ammo, and having waiting periods for purchase as well as age limits are not "taking your guns", they are sensible methods of maybe saving a few more lives every day. I am a gun owner and I have no problem with any of these or many of the other proposed legislation out there.
Your thoughts on pubic hair fashions?
Barnie2years comments on Jan 22, 2019:
I would be ecstatic just to see one in real life at this point! Hair or no hair, doesn’t matter to me!
Barnie2years replies on Jan 9, 2020:
@MsHoliday but true! 😄
How do you stop swearing?
Barnie2years comments on Jan 3, 2020:
I stopped when I married my last wife and her one year old son. He was very smart and picked up language very quickly. So I would save all my swearing until I was with adults and out of his hearing range and then it was like a damn breaking and I swore in ways I never had before (quite ...
Barnie2years replies on Jan 3, 2020:
@K9Kohle789 at a certain age they are like parrots! With no filter. I never swore around my Dad growing up, so I had lots of practice holding those words in. I don't think I swore in front of him until I was in my forties! Maybe even later than that.
Trump signs the SECURE act
Sticks48 comments on Dec 25, 2019:
That is too old.
Barnie2years replies on Dec 26, 2019:
@Sticks48 it wouldn't matter what the raises are, since they are a percentage of your annual payments and everyone gets the same percentage. So the difference would pretty much stay the same. I was basing it on my annual report our company handed out every year which gave the current and future (67 and 70) payouts. Plus I had the shits of working! And if I live long enough I will inherit some money which will off set any loss. I am making with my pension almost what I was working 40 hours a week, so it really didn't give me any incentive to stay on the job.
Trump signs the SECURE act
Sticks48 comments on Dec 25, 2019:
That is too old.
Barnie2years replies on Dec 25, 2019:
@mcgeo52, that’s kind of the point. If it’s going to run out why not go out early and collect as long as you can. If you die or the system dies, at least you got some of your money out. Not that I expect it to go away. Seniors would start a revolution!
Trump signs the SECURE act
Sticks48 comments on Dec 25, 2019:
That is too old.
Barnie2years replies on Dec 25, 2019:
@Sticks48 that’s exactly what I did. If I had worked to 67, my official retirement age I would have had to live to I think 93 to really come out ahead. And even then, not that much.
What do you think of the concept "guns don't kill people, people kill people?"
Cutiebeauty comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Humans have been inventing new and more efficient ways to kill each other since the beginning of time... We use whatever is available.. Cavemen used sticks and rocks... Today, we use knives, hammers, machetes, bats, cars, etc.. The thing about guns is, it makes it easier and puts distance between ...
Barnie2years replies on Dec 25, 2019:
@LarryClifford, too easy and requires the Internet knowledge of a five year old, but to help you out:
Updating a work of fiction.
Barnie2years comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Nothing the Evangelicals aren’t doing over here and ISIS in the Middle East.
Barnie2years replies on Dec 24, 2019:
@AnneWimsey, Evangelists are not socialists, unless you define it as blind obedience of their leader. But they have pretty much rewritten the Bible to cover their greed and hatefulness.
What do you think of the concept "guns don't kill people, people kill people?"
TonyGriffiths1 comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Guns give the ability to kill it just makes it easier to kill. People who have the urge to kill will kill by any means at their disposal guns just make it easier for them to do so.
Barnie2years replies on Dec 24, 2019:
And to kill more people in a shorter amount of time.
What do you think of the concept "guns don't kill people, people kill people?"
Cutiebeauty comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Humans have been inventing new and more efficient ways to kill each other since the beginning of time... We use whatever is available.. Cavemen used sticks and rocks... Today, we use knives, hammers, machetes, bats, cars, etc.. The thing about guns is, it makes it easier and puts distance between ...
Barnie2years replies on Dec 24, 2019:
@LarryClifford, there are examples of the reduction of firearm death with stricter gun control worldwide. Don’t believe the NRA hype. Mass shooting become a rarity rather than a daily occurrence.
My sister "made fun" of me that I'm getting gray hair at age 27.
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2019:
My sister-in-law went completely gray at 29, if it bothers you dye it, if you want to wear it like a badge of courage, do it. From 16-60 I had about the same amount of gray hair, it has only slightly increased in the last 5 years. My grandfather had almost no gray hair into his late 60s, it's all ...
Barnie2years replies on Dec 19, 2019:
Lucky! I have familial hair loss on the crown (I call it my solar panel!). I’m just thankful I didn’t inherit the other side of the family hair loss. They all lose it from the front back.
My sister "made fun" of me that I'm getting gray hair at age 27.
Aurora62 comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Stress and genetics what can we do? Lol I don’t have any but as soon as I get them I’m going to show them off like Rogue from X-Men. I don’t dye my hair, prefer my natural hair color so when grays come in it will be welcomed.
Barnie2years replies on Dec 19, 2019:
I always figured I earned every one of my gray hairs! And I find women with natural color hair including grey sexy.
My sister "made fun" of me that I'm getting gray hair at age 27.
ZantiMisfit comments on Dec 19, 2019:
I like a little gray. Not sure what age I started getting gray in the beard though :)
Barnie2years replies on Dec 19, 2019:
The beard is usually the first to turn grey.
Gwen does a happy dance. Impeached. []
dalefvictor comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Yes, and the republicans offered nothing of substance in his defense.
Barnie2years replies on Dec 19, 2019:
@bingst or comparing Trump to Jesus.
I don’t want to offend anyone...
mischl comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Impeachment will take too long and, I fear, turn out to be not very satisfying for us who want to save the republic. At the present time, the Senate is run by faithful believers in Trump. The Senate trial is likely to be no more than a dog and pony show. One possible benefit is that it will amplify ...
Barnie2years replies on Dec 18, 2019:
The Thuglicans in the Semate will do everything within their power, (which with McConnell at the head of the snake is great) to run this through so fast that nothing new will be allowed to come out. We Democrats have been bickering or sleeping for the past 40 years and this is the result. And reversing our trajectory into hell is going to require time and a lot of work if it can be accomplished at all.
I officially quit smoking cigarettes! Has anyone else been able to quit?
1of5 comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Good for you! Never started so never had to quit Vaping doesn't seem to do anything but keep you hooked from what I've heard, so not vaping sounds like a good choice.
Barnie2years replies on Dec 16, 2019:
@vjohnson51 addiction is definitely a disease. And I believe to a great degree genetic. One of the reasons AA works is the people get addicted to god idea, the meetings and support system. They have to have something outside themselves controlling their life, be it drugs, alcohol, or con men selling god. Non addictive personalities can get hooked on something like cigarettes, drugs or alcohol because of social circumstances and the chemicals in the product. But they can usually get off them if they can fight the chemical addiction. They don’t need the emotional attachment I started smoking because my friends smoked and it seemed cool. When I decided I wanted to try a drug I spent a summer reading up on common drugs, their effects, side effects and addictive qualities. I settled on marijuana as the least likely to have bad outcome and went for it. After three months of having fun and playing with it, I heard though the grapevine my name was circulating in my mom’s social circle as a drug user. So I put my stash in the woods and never touched it again.
I officially quit smoking cigarettes! Has anyone else been able to quit?
1of5 comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Good for you! Never started so never had to quit Vaping doesn't seem to do anything but keep you hooked from what I've heard, so not vaping sounds like a good choice.
Barnie2years replies on Dec 16, 2019:
@1of5 I never got into anything stronger than pot, and that was only for a brief period around 16. Never was a big drinker, my stomach regurgitates when I over drink 😄. Cigarettes were really my only vice, if you don’t include porn, which was never really an addiction, just a pass time 😁. I never had any desire to even try the more addictive drugs, their effects never seemed like anything I needed in my life.
I officially quit smoking cigarettes! Has anyone else been able to quit?
1of5 comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Good for you! Never started so never had to quit Vaping doesn't seem to do anything but keep you hooked from what I've heard, so not vaping sounds like a good choice.
Barnie2years replies on Dec 16, 2019:
Not starting any addictive behaviors is always the best way not to have to deal with quitting. 😄
The first semester of my program, I went over my compass test results.
PondartIncbendog comments on Dec 13, 2019:
So, if you have a pie, and you cut it in eight pieces, and each piece is four inches across, what do you have?
Barnie2years replies on Dec 13, 2019:
A square pie? :D
Could it be that humanity is missing its sense of community; from being around campfires and at ...
Barnie2years comments on Dec 7, 2019:
There are two ways of looking at this. Community very often leads to tribalism. Tribalism is why countries in the Middle East and much of Africa will never have peace. It is evident even in more advanced societies in the form of religious sects, gangs and political groups. Do we really need more? ...
Barnie2years replies on Dec 7, 2019:
@girlwithsmiles on here I think that could be a safe bet. I know I, and I’m sure many others don’t feel any real need to “belong” while still enjoying being able to express ourselves in an open forum, without fear of repercussions.
Could it be that humanity is missing its sense of community; from being around campfires and at ...
dahermit comments on Dec 7, 2019: Having sat in on many teacher's meetings with the administrators, this is what usually happens.
Barnie2years replies on Dec 7, 2019:
Shades of Twelve Angry Men! And why I do my best to avoid groups. I have a bad habit of trying to prove my point when I feel the consensus is off. 😁
Could it be that humanity is missing its sense of community; from being around campfires and at ...
Marionville comments on Dec 7, 2019:
There are a plethora of interest and hobby groups that provide social community without any need of god. Many of them..such as my choir, are cross- community, cross-age, cross-gender and cross-religion (or none in my case), although we do rehearse in a church hall because it’s central for ...
Barnie2years replies on Dec 7, 2019:
@Marionville to a degree, in that there are more possibilities and more diversity. But then you run into the issue of finding the ones that fit your needs. I imagine with the Internet that has become much easier than it was before.
Barnie2years comments on Dec 6, 2019:
I won’t believe they have the balls to cross Big Rump until the votes are counted.
Barnie2years replies on Dec 7, 2019:
@dalefvictor if I understand correctly, it’s like a jury trial. After all the facts have been presented, witnesses questioned And statements made the Senate body votes to find the president guilty or not guilty, no take backs!
I just came across this. Too good not to share. Totally something I'd do..... []
Athena comments on Dec 7, 2019:
Ugh... No! Another thing to prompt the expedition toward establishments going cashless!
Barnie2years replies on Dec 7, 2019:
I have a Chinese friend who had returned to China last year after a long time living stateside. She was amazed that they have very little remaining of cash transactions. Most everything is done by card now. It sounds like hell to me! I can’t imagine the book work of balancing my checking account with every transaction less than $10 listed! 😁
Could it be that humanity is missing its sense of community; from being around campfires and at ...
Marionville comments on Dec 7, 2019:
There are a plethora of interest and hobby groups that provide social community without any need of god. Many of them..such as my choir, are cross- community, cross-age, cross-gender and cross-religion (or none in my case), although we do rehearse in a church hall because it’s central for ...
Barnie2years replies on Dec 7, 2019:
Being British or any other European country, what you say is true. But religion in the US is a different animal in most of our communities, especially the smaller ones. In large cities finding secular or at least more diverse groups is generally easier than in smaller, tight knit communities. As Freedompath said in an earlier post about joining a garden club and feeling awkward as a non believer extends to much of the social groups in our county, be it hiking clubs or motorcycle organizations. Europeans have evolved to a great degree past that.
Could it be that humanity is missing its sense of community; from being around campfires and at ...
greyeyed123 comments on Dec 7, 2019:
Technology is having a powerfully negative effect on us--especially young people. I've been teaching teens for the better part of two decades, and it is getting worse. I don't wholly agree with everything he says, but most of it is mostly true...and that's scary... ...
Barnie2years replies on Dec 7, 2019:
Could do without the dramatic music! 🙄 Generational angst is nothing new. Had we had the glut of audio/visual information going on 24/7 that exists today I can’t imagine what my parents generation would have been saying about us, the Boomers! And I’m sure their parents, my grandparents, never thought their kids would be able to handle adulthood. And yet, here we are, the world still spins, people are born and people die. Some societies advance and some decline. And the previous generation continues to dissect the next.
Your version of a Healthy Relationship?
Alkimia comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Perfect for me would be someone loyal and honest, who hate sports and people as much as I do. Someone I could drink coffee or beer with, go to the beach, on last minute adventures, binge watch horror movies and shows, sing in the car (or that at least let me sing in the car), someone who find ...
Barnie2years replies on Dec 5, 2019:
I was thrilled with your bio until I got to the age part. Since I didn’t see your age listed I can only go by your photos and assume you are much closer to my son’s age (turning 40 today). But everything else on your list sounds incredibly wonderful. And you are in my city! Reach out if you feel inclined, we can at least be friends, maybe catch a cup of coffee or a beverage sometime.
What do you think about 'intuition?
Moravian comments on Dec 1, 2019:
I rode my motorbike all over London in the '60's and always made a point of being first away from traffic lights. Once I delayed without knowing why and a car shot through the red light across my path. If I had gone as usual I would have been under the car. I often wondered why I delayed but I can ...
Barnie2years replies on Dec 1, 2019:
Or it could have just been happenstance. You may have delayed hundreds of times but they were not remarkable or memorable because nothing unusual happened until this time. Life is full of these split second misses, many of which we are not even aware.
Black Friday.
1of5 comments on Nov 29, 2019:
I get to take my mom to the doctors, then help them put up the 4 gazillion Xmas decorations my stepdad carved. Yippie
Barnie2years replies on Nov 29, 2019:
Thankfully I don’t do decoration post Thanksgiving either. I have elves (my sister and her husband) that arrive shortly before Christmas and go crazy putting up every decoration I have accumulated over the past 50 years! My only job is to take it all down as soon after Christmas as I can. I have no problem doing that!
Someone on Facebook borrowed my dog Barnie’s picture and animated it with a voice supporting Pete ...
Lovingkindness22 comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Cute pup.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 28, 2019:
Thanks, whoever used his picture must have thought so too!
Just want to wish all my American chums here on Agnostics a very Happy Thanksgiving! Here in the ...
Barnie2years comments on Nov 28, 2019:
I will eat an extra piece of Turkey 🦃 just for you! Right after I undo my belt! 😁
Barnie2years replies on Nov 28, 2019:
@Marionville for sure! I made sugar free Pumpkin Cheese Cake!
Happy Feast Day, aka "Thanksgiving.
Clare comments on Nov 28, 2019:
For me it was always just a day that all of our immediate family came together and hated being around each other and reminded us why we stay away from each other.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 28, 2019:
That’s kind of sad I think. But each their own.
Is propaganda replacing religion?
Bierbasstard comments on Nov 27, 2019:
I was pretty much a loner growing up so I never really felt any need to fit in with a clique. I guess that's why I don't fall for any conspiracy theory nonsense and choose to investigate claims, especially click bait, from multiple sources before forming an opinion.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 27, 2019:
I fit in this category too. Growing up we moved frequently, lived in three countries in Europe after we left the US. Never developed the need to belong to a tribe, have a gang as it were. My last two years of high school in the US were in a very “cliquey” school, but I never really fit in and could get along with everyone. One of my best friends was in the young Republicans group and I was pretty much a Liberal hippie, but we got along. Even now I have no need to feel part of a group in real life. It is nice finding people on this site as well as Facebook that hold similar views. I don’t feel quite so outsiderish, but I also feel no need to join the local Freethinkers group just to hang out and discuss it.
Barnie2years comments on Nov 25, 2019:
His mind is a breath away from snapping altogether and never coming back.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 26, 2019:
The only problem is, will we be able to tell?
Fun day flying with the family in King of Prussia iFly.
silverotter11 comments on Nov 26, 2019:
WOW! That looks like fun! I'd never do it out of a real airplane tho. That mall is very near where my twin sister lives. She's in Freasterville-Trevose.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 26, 2019:
Me neither! Not jumping out of a plane any time since.
Fun day flying with the family in King of Prussia iFly.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 25, 2019:
That looks fun!
Barnie2years replies on Nov 25, 2019:
Everyone enjoyed it. Even the ones who were not too wild about the idea. The boys loved it, youngest one is 8.
I am still waiting to find true love, but know I will recognize it, if I do.
Wangobango3 comments on Nov 23, 2019:
My soul repairs are an ongoing process. But I am still hoping to find peace and contentment with a fellow human of the female persuasion.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 23, 2019:
You and me both brother!
❤️You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your ...
Barnie2years comments on Nov 20, 2019:
Barnie2years replies on Nov 20, 2019:
@MsHoliday I found mine after watching yours! He is funny! 🤣
❤️You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your ...
aintmisbehaven comments on Nov 19, 2019:
I still think the coffee was spilled because someone bumped into "me". it was coffee that was spilled because it was coffee in the cup that got bumped, but the coffee got spilled because of the bump. the question wasn't "why was it coffee that got spilled?".... it was "why DID the coffee get ...
Barnie2years replies on Nov 19, 2019:
What comes out would seriously depend on the circumstances of the “bump”. An accidental bump in a crowded store would make something totally different come out than a busy looking at my phone but going full speed ahead bump.
At some point we will be living in caves as some other, smarter animal takes control of the world.
FearlessFly comments on Nov 18, 2019:
. . . maybe it would be better to **NOT** give "air time" to 'nutjobs' :O
Barnie2years replies on Nov 19, 2019:
They are growing in numbers. It says in the article and I read it in the French news: 7% of the population of Brazil believes the world is flat. That’s millions of people. But then if you take into consideration the billions that believe in an all powerful invisible being and a equally undetectable place or places everyone goes and lives after they die... It’s not hard to understand how several million people can be sold on the idea that the world Is flat and all science is a government/Illuminati conspiracy to maintain control of the population. Despite millions of years of evolution the Neanderthal genes are still often dominant in large segments of humanity. 😄
Texas appeals court blocks Rodney Reed execution
EdEarl comments on Nov 17, 2019:
I hope the court helps him.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 17, 2019:
@EdEarl but they are elected by Texans!
I now believe that Forbes is controlled by FoxNews.
Barnie2years comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Forbes is just a tool for the top 10% of wealth and those who wish were. These are the same people who are bad mouthing Warren because she might require them to pay a few more millions of their billions to help people who make in a year what these executives make every 15 minutes. It’s not a Fox ...
Barnie2years replies on Nov 17, 2019:
@SeaGreenEyez, the Right Wing and their magazines think think anything that makes life more worth living for their workers is communism and stealing their deserved multiple millions of dollars. These are nothing new, Trump being a fine example, I sat at dinners where executive were bragging which one paid their most skilled employees the least amount of money. The dinner at the country club we were eating at probably cost more than most of their employees made in two weeks. Made me sick.
Trump intervenes in military justice cases, granting three pardons
gater comments on Nov 16, 2019:
Trump finding justice for some of our military - great job!
Barnie2years replies on Nov 17, 2019:
He would have pardoned all those convicted at Nuremberg too. War crimes are way OK for Nazis.
Since when did “Black Friday” become the entire month of November?
silverotter11 comments on Nov 15, 2019:
and Christmas music.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 15, 2019:
@silverotter11, I was watching that last night (always try and catch Colbert). Funny stuff!
Since when did “Black Friday” become the entire month of November?
silverotter11 comments on Nov 15, 2019:
and Christmas music.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 15, 2019:
We have one station that plays that crap 24/7 starting right after Halloween!
Hillary Clinton is talking like she might get into the Democratic presidential race.
alliwant comments on Nov 14, 2019:
No please no. She's business as usual, a GOP lite corporatist. Not what we need. A vast improvement over Hair Furor, but a piece of driftwood would be better than him.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 14, 2019:
I’m with you!
Huskygirl4ever comments on Nov 12, 2019:
I honestly wish I knew our oldest works at Sam's Pizza add insurance and she won't even think of going back to school you want a good job you need that diploma
Barnie2years replies on Nov 12, 2019:
I also told him when we had that talk that later in life, when he was trying to get a job or change careers and was unable due to lack or a university degree or his performance in school not to try and blame me! This was his warning and the next move was his and I would not be made to feel guilty at a later date! 😊
Huskygirl4ever comments on Nov 12, 2019:
I honestly wish I knew our oldest works at Sam's Pizza add insurance and she won't even think of going back to school you want a good job you need that diploma
Barnie2years replies on Nov 12, 2019:
My son. When he got to Jr. High just stopped doing homework. His teachers and us tried a variety of ways to try and push him, to no avail (gets it honestly, I was not much on homework either). His Mom would scream and threaten with little result when he came home with bad grades. I sat him down and told him if he continued not doing his work and failing at this stage and beyond, he would not have the option to get into college. And if he just got a HS degree he could certainly find work, it would certainly limit his choices. He could get lucky and get a fair paying job like I did, but chances were he would be in a low wage employment. Thankfully, he got into trade school his last two years and excelled (no homework). But years later, when he thought he might want to change careers and become a policeman, it came back to bite him in the ass. Even though he did very well at the testing stage, his lack of secondary education put him out of the running. I reminded him of our talk! Luckily, he now has a good job in his chosen field, and a chance of advancement in the construction company he works for.
freeofgod comments on Nov 12, 2019:
I totally agree. Damned repug party is full of men that are sex abusers or cover for them. Or child molesters! I've said all along this "Us going high " has got to stop. We need to get as dirty as they are. Al Franken resigned for this shit? :(
Barnie2years replies on Nov 12, 2019:
Al Franken’s resignation was exactly what the whole thing was orchestrated to do. Totally set up to shame an honorable man for something that was no more that a common hijinks in a high stress environment. He never should have left, the whole thing would have blown over in a news cycle or two. Trump on the other hand has been accused of actual harassment by at least 22 women and it gets buried in all the other despicable things he has done in his life.
silverotter11 comments on Nov 12, 2019:
I commented on another post. It almost isn't about trump anymore but what he has exposed. Single handedly showing us just how fucking ugly, greedy, power hungry, cruel and stupid many Americans really have become.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 12, 2019:
True, it has always been simmering under the surface of civility. The Far Right has been organizing this takeover for decades and the Left and Centrists were not paying attention. Putting the evil back in the box, if we can do it at all, is going to be a monumental task. Like Pandora’s box, never should have been opened.
LenHazell53 comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Are they really that frightened of the neon orange turd?
Barnie2years replies on Nov 12, 2019:
Last semester, I had to watch "Jesus Camp" in my sociology class.
VictoriaNotes comments on Nov 12, 2019:
I have seen it. Sigh. Here's the scene (starting at the 5:00-minute marker) where the children were instructed to take the hammer and break glass cups. Before this scene, he tells the children that they are going to become radical. The video is contrasting two teaching environments for children with...
Barnie2years replies on Nov 12, 2019:
They are turning these kids in the church camp into mentally ill robots! In a decent world this would be illegal. It is the foundation of white supremacy, Right Wing militias, and Trump supporters. They have been deprived of the power to think, only to parrot and obey. 🤬
Triphid comments on Nov 10, 2019:
I honestly doubt that Humpty tRumpty could find his own arse without someone giving him a map and very explicit directions in words of 2 or less syllables. It's an odds on bet that Melania has to get on top to have sex with him as well because his one. lone brain cell can't comprehend where to TRY ...
Barnie2years replies on Nov 10, 2019:
The vision you describe just ruined a perfectly good meal! 🤮
Done deed, for sure. []
WilliamFleming comments on Nov 4, 2019:
This 2004 article is full of wild speculation and fear-mongering. There were a lot of predictions about how the evil religious right was going to take over the government. Those predictions have totally fallen apart. Meanwhile the author, Christopher Hedges has become an ordained Presbyterian ...
Barnie2years replies on Nov 4, 2019:
@MissKathleen I’m with you! As I was reading the book, I could see the progress they had made from the time it was written. Despite the fact that the Constitution says there shall be no religious test to hold office; there is in most states, though not officially. The Dominionists have pretty much taken over running the Republican Party. The only thing slowing there agenda down is the Courts, which thanks to McConnell sitting on Obama’s nominations for six years and fast tracking the most religious conservative judges they can come up with to fill all vacancies since Trump’s election, court interpretation of the Constitution will be Right and Religious leaning for decades.
North Carolina Sheriff Prohibits Employee Cohabitation Before Marriage Because God | Michael Stone
Marionville comments on Oct 26, 2019:
Do they breed these halfwits in NC specially to put into office?
Barnie2years replies on Nov 1, 2019:
Too much inbreeding over the centuries! 😁
Speaking of dying I just read a post about it.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 25, 2019:
I have nothing but good things to say about Hospice. They are there to allow people to die with peace and dignity, not prolong suffering and pain. Chances are your husband would not have lived a day more had you kept him at home. And given what you say, he may have taken you with him by burning ...
Barnie2years replies on Oct 27, 2019:
@K9Kohle789, that’s just the the way it goes. My son died when my parents had taken a break from a constant vigil for months to go out and get a breath of fresh air taking a walk. My wife and I were in the room, but Mom felt guilty for leaving. My ex wife who was comatose in hospice and receiving no food or liquids as her DNA requested, survived for almost two weeks, surrounded by friends and family. She died at night when only her mother was still there. No doubt my son felt bad about not being there, but I don’t think it was in anyway deliberate. Even my last ex’s dog, who was very sick and barely breathing all evening waited until my wife came home to take her last breath. Coincidence? Probably, but there is no way of knowing. Life and death happens, celebrate the life he had, don’t destroy the memory over the way it ended.
Speaking of dying I just read a post about it.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 25, 2019:
I have nothing but good things to say about Hospice. They are there to allow people to die with peace and dignity, not prolong suffering and pain. Chances are your husband would not have lived a day more had you kept him at home. And given what you say, he may have taken you with him by burning ...
Barnie2years replies on Oct 26, 2019:
@K9Kohle789, watching people die, especially people you love, is a sobering experience and difficult under any circumstances. If they are in a comma or non communicative it is hard enough. But when they are lucid and protesting it makes it even more disturbing and guilt inducing. My father was in a nursing home the last five month of his life. He was lucid and combative, not happy being there but not able to be taken care of at home by Mom even with help. It was hard to see him so helpless, but it was the best for his own safety and Mom’s to have him under 24 hour care. I got to spend a week visiting him a week before he died. He had no indication that was going to happen, nothing in his issues seemed fatal, just incapacitating. I don’t regret not being there to witness his death, I appreciate that we got to spend some quality time together before it happened. My first son died from leukemia at 15 months old and I was there when he took his last breath, hooked up to IV’s after months of pain and sickness from treatment he received to keep him alive. Was it worth it to extend his life that short time? Only he could answer that question. I debated with myself whether the pain and suffering he went through was for my benefit or his. Would he have preferred dying much sooner at home and just sedated? He couldn’t say what he wanted, too young to speak. Don’t beat yourself up. You did the best you could out of love for your father, you were there as often as possible to comfort him. It’s the best we can do.
About it, I'd say
Geoffrey51 comments on Oct 17, 2019:
There was the old WWII joke. When the British bombed, the Germans ducked, when the Germans bombed the British ducked, when the Americans bombed, everybody ducked.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 17, 2019:
We do like to toss explosives! 😄
I was just reminded of a story I have to tell.
St-Sinner comments on Oct 16, 2019:
I will hand fair justice only if I know both sides of the story. I am very fair. 1. We do not know his side yet 2. We do not know if he was caring and trying to give a helpful feedback 3. It is possible that he loved her and wanted her to be healthy, also look better 4. His weight of 175 lbs is ...
Barnie2years replies on Oct 16, 2019:
“and he would always make indirect comments referring to her weight.” Indicates he was making remarks. Given her reaction, I would guess they were snarky. But then, this is simply a story (not a dissertation on proper health advice) meant to be funny. I laughed!
Have all y’all heard about Buy Nothing?
ToolGuy comments on Oct 14, 2019:
With all the stuff I have it would be a full-time job. I’ll let my kids auction it off after I die.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 14, 2019:
My plan exactly! Most everything in my house has meaning to me: a gift, a person, a time in my life. Most will have little meaning to my son and he can dispose of them however he wishes. I went through the same thing with my Dad. Things I knew he had emotional attachments too were much easier for me to dispose of.
Electoral College Overwhelmingly Favors Republicans, Abolishing Entire System Only Remedy: Study
mcgeo52 comments on Oct 14, 2019:
The founding fathers established the Electoral College to serve as a defense against a demagogue becoming President. I believe that at this point they would be far more than ready to pull the plug on that failed experiment.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 14, 2019:
It seriously failed when we needed it the most!
Pretty much sums it up! 😡
callmedubious comments on Oct 12, 2019:
could they buy US weapons? did they have anything that the US needed? serves the dumb fcks right for believing in US to begin with.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 13, 2019:
We had already abandoned the Iraquien Kurds after first Iraquien war to be slaughtered by Sadam Hussein after they helped us liberate Kuwait. Now we leave them to be slaughtered by the Turks. If they were smart, they would try and make a deal with ISIS to get a patch of land they could call their own.
White House sends talking points on ex-Ukraine ambassador meant for allies to House Democrats
Barnie2years comments on Oct 12, 2019:
I'm thinking more like sabotage from within. Trump's omerta is falling apart, bit by bit.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 12, 2019:
@adaptable1958 let's hope so!
A pastor at a church I went to w/my grandmother when I was a teen said that "reading Revelations is ...
creative51 comments on Oct 12, 2019:
That would be quite a book to do that. But the modest amount of reading I have done it, there seems to be no such effect. Oh well, it is what it is, a book of myths interspersed with names of real places and names of historical figures. BTW that technique is Fiction 101, spice up your fiction by ...
Barnie2years replies on Oct 12, 2019:
Why I always have to chuckle when some archiologists find a ruin or artifacts that support something in the bible. As if that made the rest of the novel real! It's kind of like saying James Bond is a real person because Jamaica exists and is featured in some of the books! LOL Of course much of the bible is loosly based on actual places and events. So is the Illyad and the Odessey. Doesn't make the book anything more than a legend. SMH
Dating sites.
LeighShelton comments on Oct 11, 2019:
the whole planet is a dating sight. how did people manage before computers?
Barnie2years replies on Oct 11, 2019:
I have made up my mind if I am going to meet someone at this point, it is going to be the old organic way. I managed to have plenty of relationships before social media and I have found that being alone has some real advantages. In fact when I am out shopping like yesterday and hear couples arguing about what kind of chips or cookies to get, I kind of hug myself and grab whatever I want off the shelf!! 😄
Dating sites.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Gave up after trying a half dozen and being totally unimpressed. Almost getting taken in by a scam artist on one was the nail in the coffin. Could have cost me a lot of money.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@RoadGoddess a beautiful, athletic woman like you should never have to use online dating. You seem to be active with cycling and other activities. Can’t you meet people doing those? If not, Texas men are even worse than their politicians! 😁
North Carolina law prohibits cohabitation: [] Isn't that amazing in these modern times?
WilliamFleming comments on Oct 9, 2019:
This is old, old news. The case has long since been decided and the law struck down by the NC Supreme Court. Why bring up something long since settled, except to have something to feel angry about?
Barnie2years replies on Oct 9, 2019:
I’m with you! There is enough stupid law on the books and being enforced we shouldn’t worry about what was going on and decided over a decade ago!
Barnie2years comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Trump has something really bad he is hanging over Lindsey and Mitch’s heads to get them to do his bidding. Hope that comes out in the wash too!
Barnie2years replies on Oct 9, 2019:
@silverotter11 no, I think Barr is just a fan boy. The Senators were very outspoken critics of Trump when he first started running. Now all of a sudden they can’t suck up the shit he spews fast enough.
moosepucky comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Defeat him at the voting booth. Trying to remove him instead of winning the next election just looks like the Democrats are afraid that they can't win in an election. If I see this without it being shoved in my face, others are seeing it too.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 9, 2019:
@moosepucky, so in your mind Trump was right when he said he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and no one would care? Because we fear his base more than we fear having a criminal in the office of President? Because we should wait another year and hope we can find a candidate that can overcome all the shit he will throw at them with whatever countries he can get to help him out, because, what the heck, there are no consequences. Thankfully a majority of House Democrats are not in fear of doing their job: upholding the Constitutional separation of powers and oversight.
moosepucky comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Defeat him at the voting booth. Trying to remove him instead of winning the next election just looks like the Democrats are afraid that they can't win in an election. If I see this without it being shoved in my face, others are seeing it too.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 9, 2019:
@moosepucky, this has nothing to do with emotions and everything to do with rule of law. Trump has broken it, overtly and with disdain. The more corruption the House exposes, the more moderate Republicans will turn on him. The Democratic Party needs to stand behind what is right and follow the law. If we don’t, we are no better than the pathetic criminals of the Republican Party. The Senate must have a trial if the impeachment process is voted positive in the House! If it distracts the Democratic Party presidential race, imagine what it will do to the Republicans! Trump will not likely be impeached, but once out of office he will be ripe for criminal prosecution. Since when does doing the right thing, regardless of fear, become a negative?
moosepucky comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Defeat him at the voting booth. Trying to remove him instead of winning the next election just looks like the Democrats are afraid that they can't win in an election. If I see this without it being shoved in my face, others are seeing it too.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 9, 2019:
I guess you would let a bank robber get away with robbing the bank because if he was stopped and arrested you might not be able to deposit your paycheck while the police were arresting him. Letting someone get away with flaunting the rule of law and denying the Constitutional right of the House to investigate it sets a most horrible precedent.
I am finally moving out of Shawn's house ! Awhile back, he was drunk, of course and he gave me 30 ...
Barnie2years comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Now that you are out of Shawn’s grasp, stay out. Expect him to try and lure you back at some point. Don’t! Be cautious if you still have things to move. Drugs, alcohol and religion create some very dangerous people.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 8, 2019:
@joantheloon, they will not go Joan. Time to move on and forget this relationship. Both alcoholism and smoking are probably the hardest legal habits to give up, let alone both or them combined. I know you have set yourself up with a long commute and change is difficult, especially if it was a long term relationship, but you deserve better and you will never find it if you keep going back to try and salvage what is not healthy for either of you.
Saudi Arabia to allow unmarried foreign couples in hotel rooms | World news | The Guardian
NoPlanetB comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Why the fuck would anyone want to go there. Blech, not for all the love nor money in the world.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 7, 2019:
I’m with you!
NBC Breaking News 9:00 AM: A firm of attorneys confirms that his team represents multiple ...
Barnie2years comments on Oct 6, 2019:
I’m leery! When you corner a con artist like the Don, he will try every trick in the book to weasel out of it. I seriously worry that in order to throw the impeachment off track, the Trump team will plant false allegations out there to overburden the investigation, then at some point show them to ...
Barnie2years replies on Oct 6, 2019:
@JackPedigo, that was how he got elected! It was and still is Trump on the airwaves 24 hours a day everyday! As any good PR person knows, good or bad, the way you get people to pay attention is have them seeing and hearing you in their sleep. Trump knows PR.
NBC Breaking News 9:00 AM: A firm of attorneys confirms that his team represents multiple ...
moosepucky comments on Oct 6, 2019:
I really do not understand why the Democrats do not try to win the next election rather than wasting time, money, and momentum to make a point. Pelosi knows there is no chance that the Senate will vote for removal when it is held by the opposition party. They do not have a majority much less 2/3. ...
Barnie2years replies on Oct 6, 2019:
You don’t not investigate a Mafia Don when you have viable information that could at least expose him for the fraud he is, just because you fear a family war to replace him. You can not allow this Don another year to highjack the Constitution without putting forth an effort to expose him for the traitor he is. Of the few Presidents to undergo an impeachment inquiry, Trump is surely the most deserving.
I'm sorry in advance.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 5, 2019:
I will never understand the fascination southeners have with a treasonous flag that lost a war.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 6, 2019:
@Mofo1953, that formalized it for the governments of the Southern States to lay down their arms and rejoin the Federal Government. It doesn’t mean the Southerners stopped mistreating people of color and it doesn’t mean that all the people accepted the surrender as the end of the South as a separate union.
I'm sorry in advance.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 5, 2019:
I will never understand the fascination southeners have with a treasonous flag that lost a war.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 5, 2019:
Isn’t treasonous to them. Many don’t accept that the war is over, they feel it was a ceasefire much in line with the Korean situation. Just waiting for the dog whistle to to signal the restart.
Sometimes I'm confused on what to call myself.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 4, 2019:
After reading the answers on here, I am not sure you have any better answer than you had before. So, I will throw my two cents in. I often consider myself a “realist” as much as an Atheist. Which means that I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about what I can’t prove, can’t see and ...
Barnie2years replies on Oct 5, 2019:
@vjohnson51, best advise: just live the best life you can with what you have! Leave all the ephemeral questions for those who have nothing better to do with their time. We live, we laugh, we cry, we die. Pretty straightforward and simple. Does why any of it happen really matter? Will pondering it change it? In the words of one of my favorite songs, “don’t worry, be happy!” Or from The Life of Brian, “Always look on the bright side of life, d-do, d-dodo dodo!” 😁
Every year, I post a birthday begging video on Youtube.
Donotbelieve comments on Oct 4, 2019:
If you really want a gift, pm me your address. I'll send you something super nice!
Barnie2years replies on Oct 4, 2019:
@Gwendolyn2018 goes to show: sometimes you get what you ask for! 😁
Barnie2years comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Given that he is running the most corrupt government in modern history, this is laughable. But then many people thought Hitler was just a funny guy in his early years.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 4, 2019:
@LenHazell53 , he absolutely thinks anything he does is right. The great thing about narcissists is they feel they can never do anything wrong. Being elected president after he did everything that would have sunk anyone else, he feels invincible.
I suppose that after 14 years of being off and on dating sites and receiving many inappropriate ...
Barnie2years comments on Oct 4, 2019:
You have to realize there is a theory out there espoused by certain men that directness is the best way to achieve a goal. In the world of sales it is taught that the law of averages says that the more “no’s” you get, the closer you are to a “yes”. In sales classes I attended this idea was...
Barnie2years replies on Oct 4, 2019:
@Gwendolyn2018 it’s unlikely those who follow this line of thinking read past the first three words if it doesn’t look like a positive response. From posts on here, they obviously already didn’t read the profile, just looked at the picture. 😁


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