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There is no progress fairy anymore than there is a savior god.
ninjarider1 comments on Jan 22, 2019:
This argument has been put forth ever since civilization first rose on the plains of Africa. There have always been naysayers who predicted collapse, famine, shortages of various commodities, and, of course, the biblical Apocolypse, which is predicted in every generation. As to the ...
Barnie2years replies on Jan 23, 2019:
@TheAstroChuck, you are not even taking into account natural disasters (massive volcanic eruptions, asteroids) or just as possibly human disasters (nuclear war, water contamination) which could precipitate a massive change in survival of many species, including human. Already our ventures into space are being threatened by military takeover. Russia is escalating their military research into areas not even heard of (The supposed tsunami bomb) that could wipe out vast areas of habitable land. Many countries, primarily in Africa at the moment, are growing populations far faster than a diminishing supply of water and food can support. Those countries least able to support population growth are those least likely to regulate births. The massive migrations will force developed countries to absorb or reject millions of those looking to escape, causing what we currently see in Europe, countries turning to Right Wing leaders to stop that flow. Will we as a species all disappear like the dinosaur? Not likely, as even certain species continued to evolve even under the circumstances that killed off the largest creatures. But our societies will probably devolve to a system not much resembling our current one. As you state, every civilization of humans has at some point been destroyed and been forced to start again. The US society is only slightly older than 250 years. In the history of mankind and the Universe, a drop in the bucket.
Barnie2years comments on Jan 20, 2019:
I wish I could have aged with one of my partners. I have been in relationships with women 20 years younger to 20 years older. Age was never the criteria for any of them. When I was still using dating sites, and even on here, I limit my searches to -10 to +2. I am not interested in starting life ...
Barnie2years replies on Jan 20, 2019:
By the way, looking at your profile, I would date you in a New York minute! ? You remind me of Sally Fields, who I think still looks amazing!
I love to go hiking, anyone in PA, like to go with me ?
Barnie2years comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Can I take my puppy? Well he’s almost three, so I guess I should be referring to him as my dog. ?
Barnie2years replies on Jan 19, 2019:
@joantheloon keep in touch. We aren’t that far away.
Muslim youths clean up National Parks trashed during shutdown
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jan 13, 2019:
This reminded me of the Muslims that were all over the PA Synagogue shooting when not one Christian appeared to offer help, support, etc., and the Muslims that raised money to replace the books burned by anti-transgender Christian sects in CA. While these are only two accounts of the good done by...
Barnie2years replies on Jan 17, 2019:
Muslim youths clean up National Parks trashed during shutdown
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jan 13, 2019:
This reminded me of the Muslims that were all over the PA Synagogue shooting when not one Christian appeared to offer help, support, etc., and the Muslims that raised money to replace the books burned by anti-transgender Christian sects in CA. While these are only two accounts of the good done by...
Barnie2years replies on Jan 17, 2019:
Muslim youths clean up National Parks trashed during shutdown
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jan 13, 2019:
This reminded me of the Muslims that were all over the PA Synagogue shooting when not one Christian appeared to offer help, support, etc., and the Muslims that raised money to replace the books burned by anti-transgender Christian sects in CA. While these are only two accounts of the good done by...
Barnie2years replies on Jan 16, 2019:
During WW II Muslim congregations helped smuggle hundreds of Jews out of Paris and providing them false identities. At great risk to themselves.
It's been a while since I've been on here.
Barnie2years comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Welcome back Joan! What’s your Love life status these days? Any improvements?
Barnie2years replies on Jan 13, 2019:
@joantheloon, you need to get out, it sounds toxic.
Controlling your Atheism...
Benthoven comments on Dec 29, 2018:
I've never been comfortable around people without filters. Knowing what to say, when to say it, or when not to say it has always been important to me.
Barnie2years replies on Dec 30, 2018:
That would be why our current president is so widely unliked, but also explains why people without filters feel so fond of him. He is like them, whatever stink builds up in his brain must be released into the atmosphere for everyone to share! LOL
Michelle Obama voted most admired woman, bumps Hillary Clinton from the top spot: Gallup poll
Varn comments on Dec 27, 2018:
...but what about the *Republican* former ‘first lady’s’ … though I’m having a difficult time recalling any ;-)
Barnie2years replies on Dec 28, 2018:
We all remember Nancy Reagan’s drug initiative: “Just say no!”
Have you ever been so happy from a weight loss journey, you’ve actually cried ?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 15, 2018:
No, it's my hair loss journey that made me cry.
Barnie2years replies on Dec 16, 2018:
I’m with you on that, ?
Good morning everyone! Anyone else wake up to this nonsense?
CallMeDave comments on Dec 9, 2018:
yes. Love it
Barnie2years replies on Dec 11, 2018:
@Heidi68, you have a farm and no tractor? Somebody in the neighborhood must have one. That’s a long driveway and it looks like another storm headed your way.
Good morning everyone! Anyone else wake up to this nonsense?
CallMeDave comments on Dec 9, 2018:
yes. Love it
Barnie2years replies on Dec 10, 2018:
@Heidi68, one of the joys of being retired: when we get that much snow, I just sit in the house and look our the window! I have nowhere I need to be, no reason to drive anywhere. I have to dig out a place for Barnie to do his business and a path for the mailman to get through, and I’m good. Most of the time in a matter of days it’s gone on its own. If I know I have to get out for some reason and it’s as deep as yours, I do have a snowblower I can fire up. When I was working (bus driver) I had to get to work regardless of snow. Very few times did they call off service for snow, and even if they did, if you showed up at work, you got payed! So I got there! ?
Good morning everyone! Anyone else wake up to this nonsense?
Barnie2years comments on Dec 9, 2018:
So happy it stayed south! You got slammed!
Barnie2years replies on Dec 9, 2018:
@Heidi68, gotta treat it like the exercise it is. Warm up, stretches, slow start, plenty of breaks. Back in 2009 I shoveled about 6 in of my driveway, about 75 ft long while I was in total heart block (didn’t know it at the time). It was slow, but I got it done. Just think how much more you’ll be in shape for the next one! ?
Good morning everyone! Anyone else wake up to this nonsense?
Barnie2years comments on Dec 9, 2018:
So happy it stayed south! You got slammed!
Barnie2years replies on Dec 9, 2018:
@Heidi68, it is good exercise! I always think of the months of leaf raking as warmup for the coming snow.
Federal court upholds New Jersey gun-control law limiting high capacity magazines
Barnie2years comments on Dec 6, 2018:
It’s of little use when the states all around you have them available. Unlike guns which at least have some regulations everywhere, magazines require no identification, background checks or registration. It’s good they passed the laws, but not going to stop those who really want them.
Barnie2years replies on Dec 6, 2018:
@OwlInASack, two things off on your thoughts. 1) if you want to compare it with something alcoholic, you would have to compare it to prohibition on a state by state basis. If one state outlawed it, and the states or, in the case of the Constitutional Amendment, neighboring countries, did not; it does not work. 2) New York and New Jersey already have some of the most strict gun laws in the nation. This will make little difference in how those who illegally own guns operate. 3) I just made a lovely grilled London Broil. The chance of me becoming a vegetarian are zero. Putting thousands of ranchers and the cattle industry out of business are by my guess about the same. In fact, other countries, as they gain spending money, buy more meat, not less. I myself don’t support the sale of military style weapons and am very much against high capacity magazines, seeing no reasonable need for the average gun owner to have them. If you need 60 rounds of ammunition to kill a deer, you should give up hunting; someone is going to get hurt.
Federal court upholds New Jersey gun-control law limiting high capacity magazines
darien75 comments on Dec 6, 2018:
Kool so instead of one or two mags with thirty or fifty rounds they can buy ten mags with eight rounds so much more economical.
Barnie2years replies on Dec 6, 2018:
A lot of shootings have been ended during a reload. It’s not perfect, but it allows a brief period where there is not rounds coming out of the barrel, and a misstep can slow the shooter for a moment of vulnerability.
After years of taking up too much space, Trump is finally small.
JackPedigo comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Kathleen, Thank you for this (I wonder what Roberts is thinking about Kavanaugh). The one big obstacle (except for the fact that conservatives still have a senate majority) is when will the tRump puppets finally let go of their loyalty as the prime virtue idea and see him for what he is (that he ...
Barnie2years replies on Nov 25, 2018:
@JackPedigo, it was a move in the right direction, but if you look at a lot of those elections, including the ones won by Republicans, they were won by pretty slim margins. So saying either party is a majority in much of the country is to ignore that it is only by a small fraction. This means that elections turn on who can get the most people to the polls rather than the true sentiment of the population. And that’s not even including the close to 40% who seem uninterested in even expressing an opinion by voting. And most of the Red areas are smaller populations, which gives them fewer Representatives (thus Democratic control) but equal Senate representation (thus Republican Senate control. In Pennsylvania Casey and our governor Wolf, both Democrats, maintained their offices because the most populated areas are Liberal (Pittsburgh and Philadelphia) while the vast middle of the state is solid red, which kept our state congress in Republican control, even with our Supreme Court redistricting.
After years of taking up too much space, Trump is finally small.
JackPedigo comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Kathleen, Thank you for this (I wonder what Roberts is thinking about Kavanaugh). The one big obstacle (except for the fact that conservatives still have a senate majority) is when will the tRump puppets finally let go of their loyalty as the prime virtue idea and see him for what he is (that he ...
Barnie2years replies on Nov 25, 2018:
@JackPedigo, your local election might have been progressive, but as long as the national map is colored as it is now below, it can hardly be called a shift to the liberal side on a national basis.
There is no progress fairy anymore than there is a savior god.
Mitch07102 comments on Nov 14, 2018:
You make many valid points. I think as things get really bad you are likely to see governments impose drastic population control measures, along the lines of China's one child policy. Exemptions for the rich, of course.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 25, 2018:
Even China has not been able to sustain their one child policy. In countries where birth rates are low (Japan and Russia) it creates economic hardships for the aging populations of previous generations who cannot be viably sustained by the reduced numbers of younger people. This is one reason the China one child policy is being changed. Without a Solent Green style solution, or a massive population die off, there is little chance of voluntary reduction working. One need only look at the birth rates in the most impoverished and famine plagued areas of Africa to see that under bad circumstances birth rates actually go up, not down. We are like rabbits without natural predators.
Some people are just born into a lucky life while others aren’t? True or false?
motrubl4u comments on Sep 26, 2018:
So true. My life has been a war. Between auto immune disease and the financials that go with that and chemo and transplants it's been rough. My little brother could fall in a crap factory and the crap would move away from him and leave a spotless place for him to land lol
Barnie2years replies on Nov 24, 2018:
Or he would figure out how to turn it into a fertilizer business and make a fortune! LOL
After years of taking up too much space, Trump is finally small.
JackPedigo comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Kathleen, Thank you for this (I wonder what Roberts is thinking about Kavanaugh). The one big obstacle (except for the fact that conservatives still have a senate majority) is when will the tRump puppets finally let go of their loyalty as the prime virtue idea and see him for what he is (that he ...
Barnie2years replies on Nov 24, 2018:
@JackPedigo, in far too many of the elections the D vs R was broken at very close to 50%. I agree with you that nationwide the moderates and Liberals outnumber the Conservatives and Nationalists who have formed a union. But in many states, and even here in Pennsylvania, the Conservatives control large segments of the voting districts, enough to maintain majorities in the state government and assure unequal showing in the Federal House. Our PA Supreme Court redraw of districts last year made a big difference in how close the elections were, but only actually affected some of those running against Republican incumbents, even though they were close.
Do You Feel Like an Outsider?
DenoPenno comments on Nov 24, 2018:
I can identify with your words because I have always felt like an outsider. I agree with what you are writing here and the big diff that I see is I know you have more energy than I do. Otherwise I tend to think like you do on many things.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 24, 2018:
She has more energy than most two people combined half her age! ?
When you are the only one who lijes pecan pie, and the entire rhibg is YOURS!!!
AzVixen52 comments on Nov 22, 2018:
"Likes" and "thing". Fucking phone!
Barnie2years replies on Nov 23, 2018:
@CaroleKay I use it often! ?
"Winter Sparkle" song seems like NRA-propaganda
thinktwice comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Did you see the movie? The bunny suit PJ's what he got instead of a BB had nothing to do with making him look innocent, just disappointed to not get what he wanted... Look at the time was a more innocent time when all boys wanted a BB gun to play cowboys... The movie was ...
Barnie2years replies on Nov 17, 2018:
@thinktwice, I introduced some of my family members to the movie last Christmas after seeing one of my neighbors had a “leg lamp” in their front window and laughing my ass off the rest of the way home, walking the dog. Nobody seemed to know what I was talking about, so I rented the movie for them. Still funny! By the way @Literatehiker, Ralphie regrets getting his rifle as he almost puts his eye out with it. Hardly something the NRA would promote. And there is nothing very religious about the movie, just a good comedy.
Trump supporter: "Would you vote for Oprah for president?"
hippydog comments on Nov 17, 2018:
if reagan can be president.. why not oprah. ?
Barnie2years replies on Nov 17, 2018:
@AngryAF How was Reagan a Union supporter? His bulldozing of the Air Taffic Controller’s struck set the stage for union losses ever since. Thanks to him, union members turned on union members. I was in a union at the time. It made me sick to hear our members talk about the ATC members being “overpaid”, too many benefits, etc. The way unions worked was showing solidarity, not envy. If another union got something better than you, you made more effort next contract to get similar benefits. It was this that produced better wages, holidays, vacations, 40 hour work weeks etc. Now it’s the companies doing that. If one company doesn’t pay overtime or reduces benefits and gets away with it, other companies try to do the same. My father was management, I used to get invited to tag along to dinners at their exclusive Country Club, where the other top management people would brag about which one was paying their most qualified machinists the least amount of money. Made me sick, I stopped going with him.
Trump supporter: "Would you vote for Oprah for president?"
Tompain1 comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Trump supporters abandon reason to do so. There beliefs seem to come from visceral biases and the denial of clear and simple facts. In the traditional liberal vs conservative debate that has occupied the national debate forever, Trumpsters bound into the space vomiting mindless chants of "lock her ...
Barnie2years replies on Nov 17, 2018:
Trumpsters are very much a sudo-religious cult. They cannot be rehabilitated unless they want to. Or shock therapy, but that is considered cruel and unusual! ?
Trump supporter: "Would you vote for Oprah for president?"
Sticks48 comments on Nov 17, 2018:
I get tired of people telling me to be nice and reason with these people. If they had the ability to reason, they wouldn't have voted for this most UNQUALIFIED man to begin with. Fuck these people.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 17, 2018:
@daylily, Family will be family. My father was a staunch Republican (passed away before the Trump circus) who thought Obama Wing the election was the end of the country as we know it. While I understand much more how he felt with Trump in office, we generally remained civil by just avoiding the subject. With solid opposing views that are never going to change, a cease fire is often the best way to keep family gatherings the joy they should be. If they start the MAGA talk, deflect to better topics.???
Men don't have to worry about this.
LiterateHiker comments on Nov 16, 2018:
"You look like a victim," the last man I met said. "Because you are thin, men see you as easy to grab." That chilled me to my core. Edit: I walk quickly with confidence, good posture and strength. Chin up, back straight. **Never** look at my phone or in my purse while walking outside. ...
Barnie2years replies on Nov 16, 2018:
I could never understand anyone running or riding bike (or walking for that matter) with ear buds in. When I am out and about I want all my senses in full use! I have heard vehicles long before I saw them when I rode bike. Heard people coming behind me when walking. Safety and being aware is often better than being armed and zoned out in a song. Having to react after you’re grabbed is much harder than being prepared to act early. My guess is you would do all right in a fair fight! ?
A little brightness for those of us on the east coast of the US.
Barnie2years comments on Nov 15, 2018:
And now back to reality!
Barnie2years replies on Nov 15, 2018:
Do You Feel Like an Outsider?
MichelleM comments on Nov 15, 2018:
I do on here. I'm trying to figure out this site.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 15, 2018:
You'll catch on, it's not too complicated. As you post and comment, you add points. As you add points, there are more areas you can explore. Welcome to the site.
A little brightness for those of us on the east coast of the US.
Barnie2years comments on Nov 15, 2018:
And now back to reality!
Barnie2years replies on Nov 15, 2018:
@Heidi68 I'm retired so it's great looking out the window at the winter wonderland. And my dog loves it, except the snowballs he gets in his paws make it a bit hard for him to stay out too long.
Ricky Gervais on the Late Show: SC”You’re not worried about death?
Benthoven comments on Nov 15, 2018:
I don't fear death. I do fear dying though.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 15, 2018:
He said the same thing. Also, how you go out. But then we really don’t have a lot of options with that most of the time.
Do You Feel Like an Outsider?
Umbral comments on Nov 14, 2018:
Everyday I sit and look around at people I just don't seem to fit with. It's nothing really negative about them. I just feel different. I also keep in mind that it's my perception though. If that makes sense?
Barnie2years replies on Nov 14, 2018:
Very much so!
Do You Feel Like an Outsider?
Elusia8 comments on Nov 14, 2018:
Yes. I’m the one standing alone in the crowd. In those moments I stop and observe. I find it fascinating that no one seems to notice. I usually look around to see if anyone else is also standing alone so that I might engage with them. I rarely find that person. I suspect someday I may find my ...
Barnie2years replies on Nov 14, 2018:
Strangers across the plaza lock eyes. The rest is history. How romantic! ❤️
Scientists Discover Adorable Bird That's Actually 3 Species in One
dare2dream comments on Nov 11, 2018:
You said, "This aptly describes my dating life." So, you're dating outside your species? How's that working for you?
Barnie2years replies on Nov 11, 2018:
@LiterateHiker, all the women I have in my life want everything but sex. I kind of envy you. But sex without love I find distasteful too. So I have neither.
Former White House Counsel John Dean calls Trump evil. He's right.
joeymf86 comments on Nov 10, 2018:
I feel like we need to think about the words we use to describe someone or aa group of people we disagree with politically or socially. Yeah, Trump is a stupid piece of shit and doesn't deserve to be president, but words have consequences and "evil" is such a strong word. He's called Democrats and ...
Barnie2years replies on Nov 10, 2018:
@joeymf86, time will tell I guess. What I was saying is by the time good people decide to act is often too late. And I thin you highly underestimate his appeal. It’s all the squeaker elections just past, the popular support he has is very close to 50% in many, if not most areas. That goes way beyond the despicables. A good con man surrounds himself with disciples who rarely question his actions as long as they stand to benefit. It will be interesting to see what Muller uncovered, and what happens once it is revealed. The US is not 1930’s Germany, but we are flawed humans susceptible to being overtaken by forces of evil dressed as patriots.
Former White House Counsel John Dean calls Trump evil. He's right.
joeymf86 comments on Nov 10, 2018:
I feel like we need to think about the words we use to describe someone or aa group of people we disagree with politically or socially. Yeah, Trump is a stupid piece of shit and doesn't deserve to be president, but words have consequences and "evil" is such a strong word. He's called Democrats and ...
Barnie2years replies on Nov 10, 2018:
So a person who talks about abusing people, encourages others to attack the news media, immigrants, and other religions in subtle ways, encourages election rigging, and sends American troops with loaded weapons to meet unarmed refuge seekers is not “evil” until people actually start to die? Until the concentration camps start to overfill and bodies wind up in trenches? This is exactly the thinking that allowed Hitler to build up his military, start the process of Jewish elimination, and take control of the German government. Evil starts long before the atrocities begin. After they start is generally too late to change the direction without a major loss of life.
Does not raking leaves kill the grass?
Barnie2years comments on Nov 9, 2018:
If they are thick enough it cuts off air and will turn the grass brown. And if you get a layer of snow on top of that yet, you will not have a pretty yard in the spring. Also, if you have a wet winter it can develop mold and screw up your lawn. If you are not going to take them off, at least mulch ...
Barnie2years replies on Nov 9, 2018:
@Stephanie99, I used to have tons of leaves. Sometimes the snow would beat me to the last raking. It did leave my grass brown for the early spring. It comes back over time. Leaves are good for the forest floor, they help feed the plants and trees. Ever notice there isn’t much grass in the forest?
Does not raking leaves kill the grass?
Barnie2years comments on Nov 9, 2018:
If they are thick enough it cuts off air and will turn the grass brown. And if you get a layer of snow on top of that yet, you will not have a pretty yard in the spring. Also, if you have a wet winter it can develop mold and screw up your lawn. If you are not going to take them off, at least mulch ...
Barnie2years replies on Nov 9, 2018:
Does not raking leaves kill the grass?
Barnie2years comments on Nov 9, 2018:
If they are thick enough it cuts off air and will turn the grass brown. And if you get a layer of snow on top of that yet, you will not have a pretty yard in the spring. Also, if you have a wet winter it can develop mold and screw up your lawn. If you are not going to take them off, at least mulch ...
Barnie2years replies on Nov 9, 2018:
@Stephanie99,Yes, leaving fallen leaves to decompose does return valuable nutrients to the soil, provides habitat for lots of important and valuable insect species over winter, and acts as a natural mulch. Unfortunately, the article was not exceedingly clear about one place you do NOT want to just leave your leaves: your lawn. The only way to leave the leaves on your lawn is to chop them finely with a mulching mower or a leaf shredder, or shred them in a trash can with a string trimmer, then return them to the lawn. (We describe how to do that in this newsletter article that we also wrote a year ago that didn’t go viral…oh well) You cannot leave a layer of fallen leaves as-is on your lawn…unless you want to have to do a lot of lawn repair next year. Layers of leaves block sunlight and trap excess moisture against the lawn, resulting in bare patches come spring.
Midterm Election update: a strong surge LEFT across America
Bobbyzen comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Shenanigans in the Florida’s gubernatorial race. They found uncounted votes that likely will flip the election to Gillum. Scott is suing. Oy!
Barnie2years replies on Nov 9, 2018:
Republicans cry foul whenever they get caught pulling their shenanigans! Claim voter fraud while they are vote rigging. Always trying to distract from their own corruption. ReThuglicans! ?
Found this on Facebook.
mordant comments on Nov 8, 2018:
This sounds exactly like how political conservatives / Republicans think in the US. Because fundamentalist Christian ideology is the primary wellspring of such thinking. And even when it's not, it resonates with it and wants to support and rationalize it.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 8, 2018:
That’s why the Evangelicals embrace Trump without questioning anything he says or does: He declared himself one of them, that overcomes any character flaws.
All set for the Democrat election watch party
Barnie2years comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Looks good (as you always do!), the T-shit is cool too! ?
Barnie2years replies on Nov 6, 2018:
@LiterateHiker Not looking as good as I was hoping! ☹️At least Pennsylvania has done pretty well so far. Kept our Democratic Governor and Senator. In fact it looks like the Blue Wave is turning more into a wave of governors going Democrat. US congress, not so much.
I voted. It was great.
AliceDaneal comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Good job!
Barnie2years replies on Nov 6, 2018:
@Donotbelieve so you were voting for two! ?
I voted. It was great.
evergreen comments on Nov 6, 2018:
One adorable looking voter !
Barnie2years replies on Nov 6, 2018:
@Donotbelieve, wait, Trump was right! This is definitely an illegal voter! ???
Read the whole tweet but read the last sentence slowly. Is that a confession?
joeymf86 comments on Nov 4, 2018:
I don't know, Mr. President. Let's have Robert Mueller ask you that same question under oath and see what happens.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 4, 2018:
Like being under oath would keep him from lying. The man lies so much he has no concept of what truth is.
Sorry this made me laugh..... All I need Sex, sleep & music
Barnie2years comments on Nov 3, 2018:
Didn't come out right for me. Unless my phone number is 1-0-3, which it is not.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 4, 2018:
@Heidi68 I always enjoyed the last two numbers! ??
Sorry this made me laugh..... All I need Sex, sleep & music
Barnie2years comments on Nov 3, 2018:
Didn't come out right for me. Unless my phone number is 1-0-3, which it is not.
Barnie2years replies on Nov 4, 2018:
@Heidi68, it would be easier to change what makes me happy I think to my phone number 4-6-9. ?
The Final Sermon I Should Have Preached
mordant comments on Nov 2, 2018:
That's a good executive summary of the Problem of Evil (or what i prefer to call the Problem of Suffering, both because it's far more objective and accurate and because of the fortuitous double-entendre of the resulting acronym). I saw all these issues but inertia and operant conditioning kept me...
Barnie2years replies on Nov 2, 2018:
I just want to say I am blown away by your writing! Your second response in many ways expresses my own feelings about the voyage of life. There is no puppet master out there pulling our and our loved ones strings. Just natural events, unintended consequences, life's vagaries taking place until our turn to die. Thank you for your contribution to this discussion and sharing your thoughts.
Today's hike: environmentalists vs. callous hicks
dahermit comments on Oct 30, 2018:
"...Someone illegally shot a coyote..." Are you sure it was an "illegal" shooting? Here in Michigan and many other states, they can be shot as vermin, sport or fur, the only requirement being a hunting license.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 31, 2018:
@dahermit, the creatures you mention are either predators or scavengers. They are great at cleaning up coyotes and other creatures that die of natural causes (age and sickness). As a hunter and friend with hunters, shooting healthy animals for the joy of killing something with no interest of using the animal for some purpose is the worst of hunters and why many people dislike them. At the very least, the carcass could have been disposed of in a more secluded space, out of sight, if feeding the scavengers was the goal.
Today's hike: environmentalists vs. callous hicks
dahermit comments on Oct 30, 2018:
"...Someone illegally shot a coyote..." Are you sure it was an "illegal" shooting? Here in Michigan and many other states, they can be shot as vermin, sport or fur, the only requirement being a hunting license.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 30, 2018:
Even if it was legal, an ethical hunter does not put his kill up for display out in the field and leave it there. You take it out of the woods with you and dispose of the carcass in a proper way. This was just “callous hicks” out partying and killing things.
I'm alone for the first time in two weeks and it's luxurious.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 29, 2018:
I’m alone most the time. Unless you count the dog. Then I’m rarely alone! ?
Barnie2years replies on Oct 29, 2018:
@Donotbelieve, having the dog? Yes. Being alone all the time? Not so much. But I have grown to accept it and adopt. It’s been that way for about 12 years now.
Republican TV ads are becoming more unhinged by the day! Associating every Democratic candidate with...
JacarC comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Here in michigan the women candidates are being blamed for what all the male repubs had done the past 20 years. And the shitheads believe it.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 27, 2018:
That is their most popular tactic this season: blame the Democrats for what they did wrong and take credit for what Democrats did right.
Republican TV ads are becoming more unhinged by the day! Associating every Democratic candidate with...
Secretguy comments on Oct 27, 2018:
How about the one that has Scott Wagner threatening to stomp on the governor's face with golf spikes?
Barnie2years replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@SageDavenot there. I will keep trying.
Republican TV ads are becoming more unhinged by the day! Associating every Democratic candidate with...
Secretguy comments on Oct 27, 2018:
How about the one that has Scott Wagner threatening to stomp on the governor's face with golf spikes?
Barnie2years replies on Oct 27, 2018:
This new one makes Wagner look like the thug clown he is. I have been trying to find a copy or clip online with no success. In fact, I only saw it once, compared to the dirge of negative ads from both sides hitting the airways. My guess is, since it was a PAC ad, it will show up in other states as well.
Republican TV ads are becoming more unhinged by the day! Associating every Democratic candidate with...
Carin comments on Oct 27, 2018:
They need to keep the message very simple & basic for their imbecilic followers.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 27, 2018:
They are not simple and basic. They are false and inflammatory (they actually do have flames!) Trump goes on TV from his office and says we need unity and tone down the rhetoric, then goes to his rallies and does not condem ads from his Party that do the polar opposite. If the Democrats put out an ad as I describe in the post can you imagine the condemnations that would be spewing from the the White House Twitter King?
Interesting news out of Idaho regarding the gubernatorial race there. Any Idahoans want to comment?
PinkyandtheBrain comments on Oct 25, 2018:
She will win if a bunch of idiots vote with their little head. She is gorgeous. I love you no matter what color you are. But I am with daringdavid Idaho is so beutiful one of the most conservative happiest places to live and raise a family a utopia a zion wish you were here.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 27, 2018:
She is gorgeous for sure. I hope that draws votes, even if it’s for the wrong reason.
Someone just tried to murder Barack and Michelle Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, two members of ...
blumandolin comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Strangely the "experts" still haven't confirmed if the bombs were even capable of exploding. That would seem like a simple task. unless they were trying to whip up fear so the government could save you by taking away something they otherwise would have no support too. Keep your eye on the donut ...
Barnie2years replies on Oct 25, 2018:
This is my fear too. The Rethuglicans will stop at nothing to hold onto power. These bombs were so crudely done, it seems they were never meant to do damage, just stir up fear. And Trump is already inventing Chinese interference with no proof to blame when Democrats win close elections.
Currently posting surf tunes and more with girls that shred.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Looks like a group I would have had posters of hanging on my wall back in the day! Real retro look and sound! Good work, hope you do a East Coast tour ?
Barnie2years replies on Oct 22, 2018:
@CaroleKay try “ group....” Just a suggestion. Eliminates the band group association.
Is it ok to confront public figures in public places if you disagree with them?
Barnie2years comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Given that he is ignoring about 50% of the population of the country while he sits in ivory tower, I find it refreshing that he is getting to ”meet” the other half when he goes out among them. I’m sure he can afford private or expensive restaurants where he would only be among his millionaire ...
Barnie2years replies on Oct 21, 2018:
@patchoullijulie Photo op of people picking on him so they can make a news item out of it and make the kind hearted Democrats feel sorry of them. Like going to a Mexican Restaurant after you just publicly supported separating immigrant children from their parents.
Currently posting surf tunes and more with girls that shred.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Looks like a group I would have had posters of hanging on my wall back in the day! Real retro look and sound! Good work, hope you do a East Coast tour ?
Barnie2years replies on Oct 21, 2018:
@CaroleKay didn’t click the link, sorry! I thought it was the name of the singing group! Got me all excited! It doesn’t take much these days! Got it now.
What do you do to look better in photos? Apart from turning your back.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Selfies drive me nuts. My arms aren’t long enough and fingers dexterous enough to get the right angle. And I get so busy trying to see that I am centered, I rarely have a decent smile, even though I am a fairly smiley person. I would much rather take pictures of my dog!
Barnie2years replies on Oct 21, 2018:
@LiterateHiker, sounds like a great sense of humor and a joie de vivre to me!
What do you do to look better in photos? Apart from turning your back.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Selfies drive me nuts. My arms aren’t long enough and fingers dexterous enough to get the right angle. And I get so busy trying to see that I am centered, I rarely have a decent smile, even though I am a fairly smiley person. I would much rather take pictures of my dog!
Barnie2years replies on Oct 21, 2018:
@LiterateHiker you look mahvelus! Simply mahvelus my dear! ?
What do you do to look better in photos? Apart from turning your back.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Selfies drive me nuts. My arms aren’t long enough and fingers dexterous enough to get the right angle. And I get so busy trying to see that I am centered, I rarely have a decent smile, even though I am a fairly smiley person. I would much rather take pictures of my dog!
Barnie2years replies on Oct 21, 2018:
@LiterateHiker kind of hard to do holding the dog! ?
What do you do to look better in photos? Apart from turning your back.
GreatNani comments on Oct 20, 2018:
It is rare that any come out good so I don't know.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 20, 2018:
Ha, that’s a laugh! Your profile picture looks perfect! ❤️
Look what was in my mailbox today!
Barnie2years comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Barnie2years replies on Oct 20, 2018:
@LiterateHiker, you’re gorgeous! Don’t ever sell yourself short! ?
Look what was in my mailbox today!
Stevil comments on Oct 20, 2018:
How come you look great in yours, and I look so awful in mine?
Barnie2years replies on Oct 20, 2018:
@LiterateHiker, you look like a a very comfortable pencil to hold to me! ?
I just don't understand how people can stand being alone.
Eazyduzzit comments on Oct 4, 2018:
I like being alone unless I'm going to a movie, or out to eat. I hate sitting in a restaurant alone.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 13, 2018:
I just rarely go out to eat by myself. That and I tend to like my own food better than much of what I get out. My issue is what you do while waiting for your food? Read a book, work on your phone or tablet? Plug headphones in? Sit there looking at all the couples talking to each other? So I generally only eat out with someone and even then not that much.
To reuse or not to reuse, that is the question.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 22, 2018:
My ex-wife, both when we were together, and even more so after we split up, obtained much of her furniture and decore from roadside trash piles and free yard displays. Repourposed school lockers, old wash tubs, she was very creative in that way. Even had her friends keeping an eye out for useable ...
Barnie2years replies on Oct 13, 2018:
@FrayedBear I have a washer and dryer that has been in use since I moved into the house in 1992. Not sure the newer ones would last that long.
Yes we do have peace
ldheinz comments on Oct 12, 2018:
There was an episode of "The X files" where a Genie gives Mulder 3 wishes, and he wishes for Peace on Earth. Suddenly all people are gone. He had to spend another wish to get them back.
Barnie2years replies on Oct 13, 2018:
That would be about the only way! ?
What happens after a human being dies?
Barnie2years comments on Sep 12, 2018:
I have never understood what is so hard about accepting that our time on this earth is limited, like every other living creature, and when it is over, it’s over. Human narcissism seems to know no bounds. The idea that as humans we are so incredibly important that we should exist in some form ...
Barnie2years replies on Oct 11, 2018:
@JimiYugo, quoting you: Realizing this and thinking about it just for a moment quickly brings about a feeling of indescribable sadness, imagining that we will never again see our loved ones, and makes the reason for the desire for more life, the afterlife, quite obvious. Hence, God. If we think that we are so special that our lifespan needs to be extended forever into another realm, that is the wish to live forever. Whether you believe it or not was not my point. It is however one of the reasons people hold onto their religious beliefs.
Well, I left my boyfriend a couple weeks ago, the smoking and drinking and name calling got to be ...
joantheloon comments on Oct 8, 2018:
My poor cats, I am temporailaraly back with him, he invited me back, didn't want me sleeping in my car, not safe, he said, but my cats remember living there, though there are very wary. I am looking for an affordable place to live with my cats, or another motel to stay at, but right now, they are ...
Barnie2years replies on Oct 8, 2018:
Do you need to stay in that immediate area? A bit further away from Hershey I think would help both in availability and price.
The Daily Insanity that is DT.
bigpawbullets comments on Oct 8, 2018:
There is an old military saying: "Respect the rank, if not the man."
Barnie2years replies on Oct 8, 2018:
He did not destroy the Democratic Party. With the help of Russia and some stupid mistakes by the Democrats he stole the election. The same way the Republicans, with little blowback from Democrats, stole a Supreme Court seat (not the last one, the one before) as well as dozens of judicial appointments. If the Democratic Party doesn’t grow some balls, or perhaps vaginas with teeth and stand up to Right Wing tricks and quasi legal state election rigging (voter suppression and gerrymandering), democracy as we know it will be dead.
Hysterical reviews too []
Barnie2years comments on Oct 7, 2018:
My dog loves to chew on his Cheeto doll! ?
Barnie2years replies on Oct 7, 2018:
@Qualia, he doesn’t swallow the stuffing, and so far he’s only chewed off a foot! I guess he tastes as ugly as he looks! ?
Feeling vindicated yet?
Redheadedgammy comments on Oct 7, 2018:
People better get out and vote in November. We are close to losing our Democratic Republic since so many don't bother to vote. The minority are going to destroy everything we have achieved, and will push their religious agenda through if we don't stand up and say NO!
Barnie2years replies on Oct 7, 2018:
We have reached a point where the Republican worst control not only all branches of the federal government but many of the state government bodies. They put in place laws that favor them, gerrymandering, voter suppression laws, that make it at best difficult if not impossible for Democrats to achieve a majority. The longer this situation lasts, the harder it becomes to affect any significant change. With the conservative majority in the Supreme Court (and the very real possibility of at least one more liberal justice going out before the end of Trump’s time in office), Republicans can run roughshod over decades of progressive rulings. I dread to imagine what the result would look like! If you look at polling for the November election, many if not most of the races across the country are all but dead heats and will be decided by small margins. Look for Republicans to involve every dirty trick in the book for contests where they lose by small numbers, including getting their new court to rule against elections they lose.
Shortest conversation EVER through online dating.
GuyKeith comments on Oct 5, 2018:
A few years ago I met this woman and we got along fabulously. After a nice expensive dinner, I was driving her back to her place, for what I was hoping to be some good times, when she dropped the dreaded question, "Where do you go to church?". I explained my position and she could not get away ...
Barnie2years replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@blumandolin, someone once suggested that when I had the hots for a crazy Christian woman. First, there is no way I am pretending to be a believer under any circumstances. Second, she was off the wall even for a Christian and far Right in her politics. We would have had nothing to talk about after sex. And I like to talk and cuddle.
Why harassed people are slow to talk- a personal story
ADKSparky comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Things really haven’t changed that much. ?? Barf Kavanaugh got away with being angry, shrill, combative, interrupted Senators. Republicans thought he was strong and forceful. I thought he acted like a two year old.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 29, 2018:
Two year olds are the new normal for the Republican Party. Look who they nominated and elected president. The majority of the party can’t read or write according to most of their op-ed spews.
My computer is acting very strange. must be the devil.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 28, 2018:
Don't forget to give it last rites if it looks like it's going to die! My primary computer died on Monday, quite unexpectedly. Poor thing never got the last rites, so I fear for it may have gone to purgatory. I did take it to Wizard shop and they are going to try to revive it. If not, I will ...
Barnie2years replies on Sep 28, 2018:
@Lillyfield41 have you tried just saving your work directly on a thumb drive or external hard drive rather than use them as your backup drives? I have certain secure files I keep that way. Then backup your portable drive on the computer drive if you want. If your computer blows up, you can continue your work on any computer until you get a new one.
My computer is acting very strange. must be the devil.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 28, 2018:
Don't forget to give it last rites if it looks like it's going to die! My primary computer died on Monday, quite unexpectedly. Poor thing never got the last rites, so I fear for it may have gone to purgatory. I did take it to Wizard shop and they are going to try to revive it. If not, I will ...
Barnie2years replies on Sep 28, 2018:
@Lillyfield41, thankfully I had my Quicken accounts backed up every time I sign out. Most of the rest of the stuff I can start over or do without if they cannot get it running. I have to start saving more files to thumb drives so I can use them on either computer. It’s good when we can learn from our mistakes! ?
I went to a local fair. Got my picture taken. May or may not have stolen a chicken.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 27, 2018:
Keep the chicken, I want the eggs!
Barnie2years replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@Donotbelieve I have eggs and ham pretty much every morning. So that basket of eggs wouldn’t go too far. Need the hen to keep refilling it. ???
I went to a local fair. Got my picture taken. May or may not have stolen a chicken.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 27, 2018:
Keep the chicken, I want the eggs!
Barnie2years replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@Donotbelieve you’re on! Name your arena! Winner take both chicken and the eggs, since we don’t know which came first! ?
A few years back I was travelling from Pennsylvania to California I was a solo traveler stopping ...
PontifexMarximus comments on Sep 26, 2018:
Well ... This might be the privilege of females. But let's face it perhaps you would have complained if the waitress had been a horribly ugly grandmother in her 80s. Less than a week ago I went to a hairdressing salon with a sole operator. I just wanted a trim to the few lonely hair(s) still ...
Barnie2years replies on Sep 26, 2018:
I love your description: “I just wanted a trim to the few lonely hair(s) still still resisting the unstoppable desertification process.” I have to try and remember that! ? I always refer to it as my solar panel which keeps growing due to needing more energy to charge my old batteries! ?
Going towards theocracy in Alabama.
OCJoe comments on Sep 26, 2018:
People can post the 10 commandments where ever they want as as it is entirely financed with private sources.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 26, 2018:
See what happens if Humanists, Atheists, Jews or Muslims try to erect non religious monuments on public (everyone’s) land. All hell would break loose. With hundreds of church properties in every town and city, there is no need for their legends on public land. And it is settled law, barring the Republican desire to rollback the Constitution.
Being a woman is worse than being a farmer
LiterateHiker comments on Sep 26, 2018:
My little sister got skin cancer at age 22. That was my wakeup call. Since age 27, I have worn sunscreen on my face and neck every day, year round. Add a large, brimmed, Solumbra hat while hiking and gardening. I never wear foundation. Here I'm glowing after a run in 2016. Age 63....
Barnie2years replies on Sep 26, 2018:
And beautiful you are!
Being a woman is worse than being a farmer
Stephanie99 comments on Sep 26, 2018:
I saw my teenage son engage in the male equivalent of this which is sadly developing with the invention of manscaping. Making people unsure of themselves is a good way to sell a product.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 26, 2018:
I see this to an extent in my stepson as well. It’s sad that instead of women choosing to be more natural, the men (boys?) are feeling more need to be artificial and spending more money to look like someone they saw in a magazine.
I am a very tolerant person.
towkneed comments on Sep 18, 2018:
While I agree with you about openness, I think one would need to be careful when supporting someone who talks about grabbing women "by the pussy". I believe in fairness but I don't think you have to take it to the point of supporting misogyny, racism or homophobia.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 22, 2018:
Clinton lost all my respect when he lied about his affair. While the actual affair didn’t bother me (it happens and is part of human nature, and Trump is more guilty than most) the fact that he looked into the camera (the eye of the people) and told a complete lie turned me off to him the rest of his time in office. The difference is, he did not set our country on a course to take us back to the Dark Ages. Do everything he could to start civil war, ruin the environment, denigrate science over fiction, steal from the poor to give to the rich, turn almost all democratic countries against us while sucking up to the worlds dictators, or in general act like a very spoiled 5 year old
Where are you from?
ipdg77 comments on Sep 20, 2018:
I live on the Isle of Wight, UK. I was born in Wiltshire (UK) and moved to London when I was about a year old. I left the London area 47 years later. I have a London accent, south London to be precise. I don't know if it's the same round the world but there are nuances and subtleties to accents in ...
Barnie2years replies on Sep 20, 2018:
This is common in most countries. When I grew up in France and French was all but mu primary language outside the home, I could tell you which part of France the TV news announcers came from by their pronunciation of words. My last wife, who was Slovak, could tell which part of Slovakia people she met over here were from just by their way of speaking Slovak. And there were definite class distinctions in how she reacted to those from some areas than others. And we here in the States certainly have hundreds of differing accents, not only state to state, but specific areas and even cities within the states. I live in Lancaster, PA, home of the Pennsylvania Dutch and often get asked where I am from because Even though I was born here, I grew up overseas and never quite developed the accent despite living here for 50 years. Never bothers me.
I would like to share a question some of my friends from the believer’s communities commonly ask.
Nichole765 comments on Sep 19, 2018:
I just posted a similiar question. Being a liberal agnostic in a red state is very lonesome
Barnie2years replies on Sep 19, 2018:
See if you can find a Unitarian/Universalist group nearby. I think they tend to be less judgmental of non believers and offer various social activities without the hard dogmas.
Are you very concerned what happens to your body after death?
ohnoudun comments on Sep 16, 2018:
Yes. Donate anything that is not too decrepit to use, do NOT embalm. I would really like one of those compostable urns you can plant a tree in. I don't want to take up any real estate or poison the earth.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 18, 2018:
I got mine online and already have my cremation paid for. Picked a Maple tree for the urn.
When to switch primarily identifying as an Agnostic to Atheist?
Gmak comments on Sep 3, 2018:
I find both the theist and atheist positions absurd! It's beyond our purview to know whether there is or isn't a god. To take either of these positions demonstrates a preposterous lack of humility.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 17, 2018:
This part of the tread reminds me of the flat earthers. No matter how many satellites and space ships circle the earth, they create excuses to dismiss. No matter how much you can’t show any evidence for an invisible diety, where it is, what and how it does what you think it might do. If you believe in an after life, where you go, how you you get there, what you are. Nothing provable, nothing within the qualifier of reality. Ghosts and aliens have more proof available than gods.
Your thoughts on pubic hair fashions?
Commonsense comments on Aug 31, 2018:
Gotten to used to waxed...these days
Barnie2years replies on Sep 15, 2018:
Yours or theirs?
What happens after a human being dies?
Barnie2years comments on Sep 12, 2018:
I have never understood what is so hard about accepting that our time on this earth is limited, like every other living creature, and when it is over, it’s over. Human narcissism seems to know no bounds. The idea that as humans we are so incredibly important that we should exist in some form ...
Barnie2years replies on Sep 13, 2018:
@JimiYugo grieving has nothing to do with the idea that somehow because we are humans we deserve to live forever. We all miss those who die, be it your family member, friend or pet. But coming up with the idea that they are all floating around out there someplace waiting for us is at best a coping mechanism, but more like a fantasy to allow people to not accept the finality of death. Enjoy the memories you have of your loved ones, time spent with them, and do it often.
What happens after a human being dies?
Meme0309 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
Well, having just lost my 46 yo hubby suddenly, it's very sad. I almost wish I believed he was here in spirit, I know he is not. His ashes are in a box in my closet right now cause it's too hard to deal with at this point in time. Hasn't been very long. We had a turbulent relationship and we're ...
Barnie2years replies on Sep 12, 2018:
Those who die are with you in in spirit. They are in your memories and the memories of your children, family and friends. I have had an ex wife recently die. We were divorced and had a very up and down marriage for over twenty years. But for all the bad times, we had some good times. I have been going through some old photo albums, and remembering some of those good times brings a smile to my face. That is how she lives on. When I am gone, my son will look through these albums and remember good times we had as a family and maybe talk about them to his boys. In this way we live on long after our physical selves are turned to dust. Life never goes backward, but our memories can.
This may have been asked before but I haven't seen it as I was scrolling through topics.
daveeleceng comments on Sep 8, 2018:
I refuse to shop at Hobby Lobby. Particularly due to the Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. case. That case said that in a simple way, a closely held religious company does not have to abide by laws that violate their religious beliefs. In this particular case, them not being required to have ...
Barnie2years replies on Sep 8, 2018:
It already occurs to a certain extent. Amish are excluded from standard educational requirements and child labor laws to a great extent. Churches and most religious organizations don’t pay taxes. And Catholic hospitals are known to refuse service for certain kinds of treatment that they feel is against their scewered beliefs.
Sextortion - I learned a new word today.
Minta79 comments on Sep 7, 2018:
I so would have called their bluff. "Dude, send it, hit me with a copy, too."
Barnie2years replies on Sep 7, 2018:
Like most spam,any reply can give them more information than they already had. Just dump it in the spam folder or forward it to the police and local news stations to warn others.
Sextortion - I learned a new word today.
Nardi comments on Sep 7, 2018:
If this happened to me i would admit it straight away and not to mention all my friends know anyway. Theres no shame in this for me at all haha. Octopus porn FTW! :)
Barnie2years replies on Sep 7, 2018:
Just thinking the same thing; no one would be surprised! ?
Anyone else in my age bracket having this issue?
GipsyOfNewSpain comments on Apr 18, 2018:
I can only speak of my experience... what you are looking for can always be obtained in a former lover. I have a former GF. We even lived together and who knows how close we may had been of tying the knot. But we parted ways with a friendly hug, many years later we hang out as a couple would every ...
Barnie2years replies on Sep 6, 2018:
Glad to hear I am not the only one to have that kind of relationship with an ex. Thanks!
How long should you go without sex before giving up?
LiterateHiker comments on Aug 28, 2018:
With a high sex drive, I always have my vibrator. Excuse me while I see if the battery is working. *(long pause) * *(suggestively) Was it good for you, too?*
Barnie2years replies on Aug 31, 2018:
@LiterateHiker washing machine doesn’t seem quite so bad, kind of leaned up against it myself a few times. ? Unless the load is off balance, then it looks more like a bucking bronco! I still have a top load, front loads don’t do that, I think.
How long should you go without sex before giving up?
LiterateHiker comments on Aug 28, 2018:
With a high sex drive, I always have my vibrator. Excuse me while I see if the battery is working. *(long pause) * *(suggestively) Was it good for you, too?*
Barnie2years replies on Aug 31, 2018:
@Qualia I’ve watched those paint shakers at the store! That would be one rough ride! ??
How long should you go without sex before giving up?
WilliamFleming comments on Aug 29, 2018:
Go ahead and give up. Just say the hell with it. When women sense that you aren’t needy they’ll come running up in droves, wanting to drop their drawers. You’ll have an entirely different category of problem.
Barnie2years replies on Aug 31, 2018:
The only time I ever found random women seeming to be interested in having sex was when I was married. During periods when I wasn’t married, suddenly they all disappeared.


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