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It seems all totalitarian/authoritarian states are officially atheist. Coincidence?
Barnie2years comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Totalitarian states are hardly Atheist. Turkey, Egypt, Russia are not Atheist states by any stretch. The first two are Muslim, the last Christian Orthodox. Most dictators are smart enough to get the dominant relgion of their country on their side and most regligions are smart enough to support ...
Barnie2years replies on Mar 27, 2018:
@markdevenish Libya, Syria and Iraq are all Muslim countries. Cuba and Venezuela are both Catholic countries. Don't quite understand what any of that has to do with America attacking, not to mention that we have not attacked Venezuela that I know of.
It seems all totalitarian/authoritarian states are officially atheist. Coincidence?
davyjones comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Isn't Trump our supreme entity? :P
Barnie2years replies on Mar 27, 2018:
Given the Evangelical worship of Trump and his sudden embracing of all things Christian (except of course fidelity, kindness, adultery, sympathy and most other so called Christian values) for the purpose of political expediency, he is the perfect dictator and example of what I stated earlier in this thread. With religion on his side, it makes it much easier to baffle the unquestioning masses. Con men and women love the true believers, they are so easily led!
How comfortable are you with the word "Atheist" ?
AtheistInNC comments on Nov 6, 2017:
I am comfortable with Atheist, but maybe we should call ourselves "non-delusional" versus the "delusionals".
Barnie2years replies on Mar 26, 2018:
@SACatWalker @Paul628 I have referred to myself as a "Realist" on many occasions as well. The setting and area of discussion determines what I may call myself, be it "non-believer", atheist, Realist, Secularist, Humanist, or "denier of the legend!" LOL
How old were you when you got married for the first time?
Sciencemama comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I was 27 when I married the first time. My ex was 25. We had 3 daughters and lasted 18 years. The thing was, I still loved him when we divorced. There just was no way we could be together without hurting each other. There was so much stuff that had calcified between us and it took the divorce -...
Barnie2years replies on Mar 25, 2018:
I was married two more times myself. After some time to let the bitterness lose its bite, I became friends with both. My second wife and I had a son and we were married 22 years, We decided to bury the hatchet when our son's wife became pregnant with our first grandchild and remained friends until she died of cancer about a year ago. My third wife was from Slovakia (not a bought bride! ?) and had a one year old son that I fell in love with as much as I did with her. I knew we had issues, but thought we could work them out to keep the boy growing up here in the US. It didn't work, but we stuck it out long enough for them to get their permanent Green Cards. She left me and we didn't communicate much for about five years, until she mentioned in an email that the guy she left me for was ignoring her son. So, I said I would be glad to help out with him in anyway I could. I was really the only father he had known, we were together the first 5 years of his life. She eventually got rid of the boyfriend and we spend time together (with no sexual benefits) since neither of us have anyone else in our lives. And it's looking like that will be the story for the rest of my life, since I can't seem to even get a date for dinner nowadays.
Board Games
Crimson67 comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Clue, Sorry and Life are the ones that get played the most here. We do game night once a month but everyone prefers Yatzee or Uno.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 24, 2018:
I still have Yatzee too. I used to have my stepson and my friends stepdaughter over for game nights. We would play Uno, Ono99 and Rummykub. Then they got older and stopped having time.
Board Games
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Rummikub! No down time, makes your brain actually feel fatigue after about 2 hours.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 24, 2018:
@Donotbelieve played that often as well.
Board Games
MarvelAnn comments on Mar 23, 2018:
We will play anything. Favorites are Payday, Sorry, Mastermind, Bananagrams, Yahtzee, and all sorts of card games such as Slamwich, Match Stix, Spot it!.... The baskets are all small games.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 24, 2018:
@Funnygir175 Uno and Ono 99 for card games.
First day on this site and I am curious.
Barnie2years comments on Mar 21, 2018:
Not sure about the generalisation of non-thiest as being less happy. I know some really, realy unhappy christians. And much of the happiness thing is just a self delusion that they are the chosen ones, the delusion that even when bad things happen some outside forceis going to take care of you. If ...
Barnie2years replies on Mar 22, 2018:
@lawnchaircrew I live in an Amish area as well. They are simple folk with a simple outlook on life. They also are taught to hide negative feelings. I lived in their area, and I know that things are not always as happy as they may appear. But community support, as long as you stay faithful, is always there. Stray and you get shunned, and lose all your community contact. Great way to keep them in the fold.
Should athiest really be saying 'rest in peace'
scurry comments on Mar 17, 2018:
I have no problem saying "Rest in Peace". I won't say that 'I'll send prayers', but I will say 'your in my thoughts'. I'll offer my condolences and respect. I also say gesundheit or bless you (though I do feel silly) when someone sneezes. And I wish people a happy St. Patrick's Day and Merry ...
Barnie2years replies on Mar 21, 2018:
@scurry I and my family have always said “gesundheit”, Pennsylvania Dutch sneeze protocol. Means health.
I have a serious question here: By posting stuff on here and so on you earn points, which increases ...
GoldenDoll comments on Mar 17, 2018:
When do I get perks? I haven't had any perks! I need perks!
Barnie2years replies on Mar 21, 2018:
You’re a level 7, you’ve got perks to burn!
Does anyone else find that as a non-believer in an all powerful beings, it's very difficult for me ...
mordant comments on Mar 19, 2018:
I see no reason to have to put *anything* on a pedestal. That is projection and a sure recipe for disappointment. In my days as a fundamentalist I was often taught that "everyone worships something, even if it's only themselves". But that is false. There are individuals who inspire us to be better ...
Barnie2years replies on Mar 19, 2018:
I had to chuckle when I read “everyone worships something!” That is kind of what my Dad told me one time we were having a discussion on belief. He was, I honestly think, at least an Agnostic, though he would never admit to it. Mom was the believer in the family, and he went along to keep her happy. The nice thing was, if he didn’t go to church on Sunday, my sister and I could usually beg off as well. And he didn’t go fairly regularly. But he told me one time that you have to believe in something, be it god or a person or yourself. And I really never quite accepted that premise. About the only thing I believe is that if I wake up in the morning I’m alive, some day I will die, and life will go on without me.
Wondering about the full body mud bath?
TerriCity comments on Mar 17, 2018:
I have done the mud bath in Calistoga CA twice as part of a spa pckage that includes a bath & back scrub first, then laying in soft ashy and peaty sulphuric lava mud with natural geothermally heated spring water, then a shower, blanket wrap and massage. Feels absolutely marvelous and it's kind of ...
Barnie2years replies on Mar 17, 2018:
I did that a few years back on a trip through California. Loved it! The hot spring bath after was great too!
Does anyone else like cooking for their own pleasure?
mordant comments on Mar 17, 2018:
Yeah "and I will be eating it for the next few days" pretty much sums up my personal malfunction with cooking, even for two people. It's hard to cook for just a meal or two, and hard to eat the same thing for a week. My stepson loves to cook, and now and then, when he's home with us as he'll be ...
Barnie2years replies on Mar 17, 2018:
That’s what freezers are for! I still have pork and sauerkraut from New Years to heat up from time to time. Turkey soup too. I have a cabbage vegetable soup I have been eating for a few days that I will ptobably freeze for another time. So I seldom eat out and rarely eat readymade food.
Tough question here! Why are so many people absolutely certain the bible has NO truth in it if they ...
SweetHarp comments on Mar 8, 2018:
I have read it. My question. Why do you believe the bible is true?. Religion came first, then they wrote the book to back themselves up.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 17, 2018:
Is there truth in Lancelot and the knights of the Round table? The fact that some biblical stories intersect with regional historical events does nothing to prove the bible is a truthful document anymore than the average novel peppered with actual historic references is made to be believed. The fact is that the bible the faithful worship today has been translated, edited, rewritten, revised thousands of times, and was originally put together to benefit a Roman emperor and consolidate his power. To make this book the center of your life makes as much sense as worshipping Dr. Seuss, or Aesop’s fables, both of which contain better life philosophies. And a book that can encompass every denomination from a Catholic, Ortodox or other, to Amish, to snake handling Pentecostals, has no real message, just interpretations controlled by human con men and women.
Sexless marriage
Gnarloc comments on Mar 16, 2018:
Before I read. A friend read a book a while back and relayed some of the interesting twists in it. The one that comes to mind is that in Puritan society, back in the 1600s, a marriage had to be consuamated. There were histories of marriages of a man and a woman that sounded like he was looking ...
Barnie2years replies on Mar 16, 2018:
I’m guessing the sex was mainly for procreation, there was little pleasure and that was reserved mostly for the man. My thoughts on the Puritans would not leave much room for debauchery, even between married couples.
Okay so I post quite openly on social media.
Bernardo comments on Mar 15, 2018:
Then i unfriend most of my family(seblings, cousins) on facebook, maybe you could do it also.
Barnie2years replies on Mar 16, 2018:
I had a good friend recently tell me she stopped getting my news feed due to my many FFRF, Humanist, Athiest postings. She missed my posting information of my recent heart failure and dog attack. I told her that’s fine, I would just send her any news on SMS! ? I have stopped following several friends because of their constant posting of goofy ass religious and Right Wing garbage, they are free to unfollow me.


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