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Why are citizens of the US so against socialism when countries like the Netherlands are so ...
Benthoven comments on Oct 10, 2017:
In a fascinating book, One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America by Kevin Kruse, the author goes into great detail on how Wall Street teamed up with Evangelicals after the crash to create resistance to the many efforts being made to reign in corporate power. None other than Billy Graham was at the heart of this movement. They created the "Prosperity" doctrine which said that if you had faith, you would be rich, and that if you were poor, it was your fault. These Evangelicals also created the Socialism that Americans are so afraid of to this day. It was all a way to protect Wall Street when the public was so angry with how they had trashed the economy and destroyed so many lives. The irony is, that even to this day Christians won't bother to find out what socialism really is. They hear the word and panic. But they only apply it to people they hate. Wall Street depends upon Evangelicals to keep going. Even after our last disaster, it's the Evangelicals that are defending them. When you're always afraid, it guess it makes you easy to control, and these people thrive on fear.
What do you say after someone sneezes?
Benthoven comments on Oct 10, 2017:
Bottom's up!
Who is your favorite author?
Benthoven comments on Oct 10, 2017:
Mark Twain; Aldous Huxley; Steven Pinker and Viktor Frankl.
Do you have a rational argument that worked on a religious person?
Benthoven comments on Oct 10, 2017:
I suspect that if religious people could be reasoned with, there would be no religious people.
Do you believe in fate?
Benthoven comments on Oct 10, 2017:
It seems that for some, life tends to take on a purpose. They are led, almost pushed in a particular direction. While others go through life with no apparent direction at all.
Are atheist as racist as religious people?
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
Racism/Tribalism is actually part of the Holy Books. Israel was God's chosen people, and as a result, gentiles were shunned, or even considered abhorrent. In the days of Joshua Israel went into Canaan and slaughtered just about everybody. In the days of Jesus, it was the Samaritans... the Greeks... the Romans. As Christianity grew, shepherded by Saul, a.k.a. Paul the anti-Semite, it was the Jews. And so it goes down the ages. Racism has always existed, but religion blessed and sanctified it, while giving cover to those who wish to continue on.
Does it matter how or why the universe was created?
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
As a species, we're programmed to ask "why." I think that's why science keeps looking for ways to understand it.
If "god" fixes all ailments, why do religious people trust doctors and science more than "god"?
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
Ironically, I don't think that they realize they do. When they get sick--especially if it's serious, they run to a doctor, but still continue to "pray." Although in extreme cases, they won't seek medical help at all.
If you could invite anyone (alive or not) to dinner, who would be?
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
My high school self.
Are there other beings in the universe that are concerned with eternal life as much as we, humans, ...
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
I guess it would depend on where they're at with their evolution, and whether or not they were ever superstitious in the first place.
Who is your favorite comedian and why? (Could be believer or non)
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
Arj Barker; John Fugelsang; Wanda Sykes; Amy Schumer; Bill Hicks There are a few comedians that I really liked after they started doing T.V., Like Gary Shandling and Bill Maher.
Excluding the weather, do you know of a prophecy that has come true?
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
I once prophesied that my my mom was going to kick my ass if she ever found out I had been sneaking out at night. She found out... and my prophecy came true.
Who are your favorite actors, and why?
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
That's a tough one. I've had a long and lasting crush on Brad Pitt. One of the most amazing bits of acting I think I've ever seen was Michelle Pfeiffer in what lies beneath. She has a scene where she's being drowned in a bathtub, and all she has to work with are her eyes, and it's brilliant. Gary Oldman is a good actor, and I actually like Emma Watson. After that, though, I think more about the movies than the actors.
What is the best way to get rid of someone preaching to you?
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
I think humor is the best way. When they ask me if I've found Jesus Christ as my personal savior, I tell them that I'm already seeing a savior. He may not have the abs, but those extra hands give a great massage.
Give a man a fish and you can feed him for a day.
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
Hit him with the fish... and that's good comedy.
How many cups of sugar does it take to get to the moon?
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
I suppose it would have a lot to do with what that sugar was laced with.
Why do churches have fire alarms?
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
In case the devil gets too close... the fire alarm will warn them that's approaching.
How far would you be willing to go for love?
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
And I would do anything for love. But I won't do that.
Have you encountered a pushy theist? What's your story.
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
Hell they come to my door with pamphlets. But you'd be surprised at how nervous they get when you open the door with a bottle of Baby Oil.
Lines and scenes from drama and suspense movies that you find funny?
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
From the Godfather: Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.
What in the world is with these levels?
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
At level ten you get a toaster.
Do you date outside of your race?
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
Alas, no. It's not that I don't WANT to date outside of my race, it's just that I'm in a bit of a dry spell at the moment. But if the rains ever come, and the drought ever ends, I will happily date outside of my race.
Is hate/offensive speech free speech?
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
I have a real challenge with this whole idea of "hate" speech." Hate speech has come to mean "anyone that disagrees with me." If you lie to me, and I call you a liar, that's not hate speech. If I observe that you're acting awful toward another human being, that's not hate speech. If you're exemplifying traits of a bigoted person, and you get called out on that... that's still not hate speech. We've set that bar so low that everyone who disagrees with us (or worse, hurts our feelings) is hateful and bigoted.
Does anyone know someone that was an Atheist or Agnostic and then became Christian?
Benthoven comments on Oct 7, 2017:
I knew a guy who was a Christian, became an atheist, and then went back to being a Christian. He went through a series of hard-core reality moments where he felt that God abandoned him, only to discover that there wasn't a god there in the first place to take care of him. But eventually, he couldn't live with that, and decided that this was just God's plan for his life and that he would submit to it.
My 7 year old son has said on occasion that he doesn't care if he dies because he will go to heaven,...
Benthoven comments on Oct 6, 2017:
My little brother died when he was seven (I was ten). I remember him saying to all of us, "I'm not afraid to die because I'll be with Jesus." Now that I'm in my fifties, my brother-in-law was killed in the military plane crash over Mississippi... This time Jesus is out of the picture... for both of us (he was agnostic). Death is scary, and none of us wants to go before our time. It's evolutionary. But we all die... and death drives evolution. The whole purpose of evolution is to stay ahead of the challenges that life faces. So... what does that mean? Nothing when it comes to love and those who mean the most to us. But it is the way of nature, and we move along with it, or perish underneath it.
What state do you think is the most Liberal but also has the least amount of hippies?
Benthoven comments on Oct 6, 2017:
I don't think it's "state" per se... I think it's city. All states have pockets, but it's the cities that seem to have the most liberals, while the "rural" areas tat are most conservative.
Should I baptize my kids to appease my mom?
Benthoven comments on Oct 6, 2017:
It's up to you... and your kids. Your kids are yours, not your mom's. I personally think that parents should wait and let their kids decide (having been baptized a time or two).
If you could completely eradicate religion, would you?
Benthoven comments on Oct 6, 2017:
First of all, we will never completely eradicate religion. Second, I wouldn't even bother trying. Based on our evolution, I think that "god" is our "default" program. So removing that would be next to impossible. However, I do think that if he we really think about it, we could come up with a very compelling mythology based on physics, that would help us transition from "god" to reality. But the only way this is going to work is if we take it in steps. Just as in addiction we cannot stop cold turkey... the same is true with "god." We've got to make our way toward "science" a step at a time. And stories (which is what mythology really is) are the best way to do that.
Do you believe in astrology?
Benthoven comments on Oct 6, 2017:
This is my philosophy toward Astrology: If you have to check your star-chart to see if we're compatible, we're not.
I am new here and learning about the site. I would like to meet other gay males....
Benthoven comments on Oct 6, 2017:
Do You Believe in Evolution?
Benthoven comments on Oct 6, 2017:
I don't "believe" in evolution anymore than I "believe" that the earth is round or that our solar system is sun-centric. These things just are. Beliefs are created in the absence of data, the absence of facts. Once we have the data, belief isn't necessary.
What are your best shut downs, when debating religious people?
Benthoven comments on Oct 6, 2017:
Christian: Do you believe in God? Ben: God who? Christian: Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior? Ben: Thanks but I'm already seeing a savior. Christian: Jesus loves you. Ben: Maybe, but he's not "in love" with me. Christian: Unless you accept Jesus as your personal savior, you'll burn in hell. Ben: As opposed to spending eternity with you? I'll risk hell, thank you.
What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)
Benthoven comments on Oct 6, 2017:
You show me ONE person... just one... who is suffering in hell, and I'll listen to what you have to say.
The plane is about to crash. Who do you call?
Benthoven comments on Oct 6, 2017:
Ironically: My mom worked for the FAA, My sister is a flight attendant, and my dad is a pilot. My sister's best friend was on Flight 11 which crashed into the World Trade Center, and she knew and was friends with the rest of the crew. Just this summer, her husband (Marine) was killed in the military plane crash over Mississippi, our step mom was killed in a parachuting accident (the term they use is 'bounce'). My sister's friend Jeff called her on September 10 and left a voice message that he didn't feel well, and was considering calling in sick. When I heard about my brother-in-law's accident (we knew on Monday night right after it happened) I started texting him asking if he was okay, hoping against hope that he would text back. I've saved those texts. I'll delete them soon, I'm sure, but for now I hang onto them. So I would actually call my sister, or my mom. Just to say good bye. Then I would swallow my emergency stash of Valium.
In one word, how would you describe how you feel about the United States' current relationship with ...
Benthoven comments on Oct 6, 2017:
Was Jesus a real person?
Benthoven comments on Oct 6, 2017:
I think that there are two "messiahs" mentioned in the New Testament. There's Jesus, the Jew, the peasant from Nazareth, and Christ, the creation of Saul/Paul. Paul's "Christ" is a Hellenistic deity who came to earth, ascended to Hades, released the prisoners, and then came back from the dead. Paul never once mentions Jesus by name, talks about his family, or even talks about Jesus and what he thought his mission was supposed to be. Jesus was one of many would-be messiahs in Palestine who thought he could bring God back to his temple and rule Israel. Unfortunately, the Gospels were written well after Jesus was killed, and were highly influenced by Paul, so knowing who he was and what he stood for is next to impossible.
In the wake of the Las Vegas shooting, I keep hearing Republicans say that it's premature to discuss...
Benthoven comments on Oct 6, 2017:
Having spent years in fundamentalist churches, I'm familiar with their arguments. Rather than argue about whether or not prayer works, I remind them how Jesus prayed. He didn't think that God was supposed to do his work for him. This is especially obvious in his Sermon on the Mount. I then remind them what Jesus' brother had to say on the subject: "In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." So I remind them that thoughts and prayers aren't enough. They're going to need to do something. Does it work? Rarely. But I don't think they're going to listen to anything else.
Any gay atheists?
Benthoven comments on Oct 5, 2017:
I would say "yes," but I'm agnostic. Though my atheist friends insist that I'm really an atheist who's afraid to make a commitment.
Which is better? "god" or "God"?
Benthoven comments on Sep 30, 2017:
I'm a writer, therefore grammar is important to me. If you're using "god" as a generic term, such as "look at him, he's like a Greek god," then it's lower-case g. If your using it as the title, let's say, "God is watching you, and it's creepy," then it's upper-case. I always defer to the Chicago Manual of Style.
What was your worst experience with religious people?
Benthoven comments on Sep 30, 2017:
My brother-in-law was one of the 16 Marines killed in the c-130 that crashed over Mississippi on July 10. Almost every day after the names of the victims were officially announced, my sister started getting "sympathy cards" from Christians telling her that she needed to repent so that she could see her husband in Heave (ironically, he also was agnostic so that ship would have already sailed). Some included tracts, pamphlets, steps to avoid hell, and the conversion prayer. These were people that didn't know my sister or her husband, Brendan (or any of us for that matter). We have no idea how they got our address since we never announced that, but it was just freaky, and a disgusting violation of a human being's grief.


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