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Don’t trust sports umpires or referees.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 25, 2022:
Real story - I coached middle school softball. Normally, I was the laid back, the umps do their best, etc on close calls. However, in one game, with one out to end it, the ump made an egregious call at first. I followed the umps back to their car, not swearing but chastising the call. At some point, I said that I'm starting to believe the rumors that the school paid them off (it was our main rival). The next day I went in early to tell the athletic director he might get a call. He said, "Already have. If it was upper school, PIAA, (as when I coached soccer) I'd have to give you a day off, fuck-em." I loved my AD - the students called him T-Bone.
Arizona Judge Reinstates Civil War Era Abortion Ban In an extremely controversial move, Arizona ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 25, 2022:
Just wait till SCOTUS ends the right to birth control or marriage equality laws, including race.
This is new and so beautifully expressive from JVKE - Golden Hour []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 25, 2022:
Welcome aboard.
Hello and good morning once again my music loving friends….
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 25, 2022:
Welcome back.
Today's gleened chuckles:
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 25, 2022:
Some deserve a ❤
Never piss off supergirl when it's that time of the month.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 25, 2022:
Probably never a good idea to piss off Supergirl.
Where is Juan Guaid'o?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 25, 2022:
I find it interesting that so many supposed xtions and Jesus followers, who really liked outsiders and the needy, are so against Venezuelan refugees who have fled from a country that their media has demonized for so long. Shouldn't they be opening their arms for them like they did for the Cubans fleeing Castro?
It's just so damn tempting!
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 25, 2022:
True for some, while others only give a shit about the cash flowing in to their coffers.
I believe whatever that happens In this life happen for a reason because God doesn’t do bad but ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 25, 2022:
I said below that there are no gods. However, I am going to ask you a question. Give me a moment. You say God does no bad. If you are talking about the Abrahanic god, what about ordering the Israelites to wipe out their enemies, kill their babies, and rape their women that they then took as slaves? What about the flood? Yes, the Abrahanic god did say that the people had become wicked and I suppose one could attempt to argue that killing wicked people is ok. However, if it was the entire Earth, some of those people would have been mere children. I don't see how one could argue a baby or small child could be wicked. Care to try? Or, do you have a different god in mind? I'm sure I could find examples of most known religions' gods doing things that most humans would see as morally repugnant.
Having a great time at Glennlabs get together.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 24, 2022:
Glad you all had fun. I would love to meet ya all, but I don't see myself going back to Texas for any reason, even though I can get flights through my daughter's work with American Airlines.
I believe whatever that happens In this life happen for a reason because God doesn’t do bad but ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 24, 2022:
I agree, no gods do bad things. Do you know why? Because they don't exist.
Six-year old Angie and her four-year old brother, Joel, were sitting together in church.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 24, 2022:
We need a smile emoji. Something between a laugh and a thumbs up.
What a maroon.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 24, 2022:
I'd believe him over Trump
African Samurai A story of a man from Africa who became a samurai in Japan Of all the warriors ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 24, 2022:
I read about him. He fought for the Portuguese, in the Mideast and elsewhere, like India, as the slave of the catholic church. He became some bishop's bodyguard. He was later gifted to a Japanese Lord and his fighting skills earned him the honor of Samuri.
African Samurai A story of a man from Africa who became a samurai in Japan Of all the warriors ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 24, 2022:
It's a great story. Netflix did an ok anime of the story. It was an anime, so monsters and robotic stuff in Feudal Japan - far from historic. I was happy with the show because people, especially black people could look up the real guy. There are a few books on the subject.
From the mind of Randall Munroe, creator of XKCD, an illustration of how a silly question that would...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 24, 2022:
Science for the win.
Louisiana students were tricked into going to church instead of a college fair
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 23, 2022:
When I was a teen, especially my senior year, and being seen by my peers, I would have raised bloody hell. By then I was wanting to join the SDS; I even had a signed letter from Tom Hayden on why I needed to wait till college to join.
Louisiana students were tricked into going to church instead of a college fair
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 23, 2022:
Something similar happened near where I used to live. Not nearly that evil, but still. A group invited students at a HS to an after-school assembly to discuss teen issues, AND, most importantly, get unlimited free pizza. It was an evangelical meeting to come to Jesus and the kids rebelled because most only got a single piece of lukewarm pizza.
J.R. Majewski: House Republicans pull ads from Ohio Trump district
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 23, 2022:
I was happy to see that.
Cops ordered him to break the law, then arrested him when he wouldn't - YouTube
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 23, 2022:
Happens way too often. When my nephew was young, he and his friend were stopped because "some teens, over a period of weeks, had been shooting at traffic signals." It was after curfew in the city. They had no weapons, of any kind, with them or in the car. The cops did find some pot "roaches" in the ashtray when they searched the car. Both were underage and interrogated with no parents. Cops offered to "let them off on a pot charge (the 70's) if they confessed to the vandalism." They refused. In the end, my sister had to go pick him up, and no charges were filed.
Roe v. Wade - Woman Fights HOV Ticket ... TX Law Makes My Fetus a Passenger []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 23, 2022:
By their shitty law, she should win. Take it the whole way to SCROTUS.
Philadelphia cop found guilty of manslaughter for 2017 shooting.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 23, 2022:
The current DA, Krasner, seems to be doing a decent job. I'm sure @barjoe knows more. So, if I'm wrong, i defer to him. Their ex DA Williams was put in jail; he's out now. One of my son's high school friends was an assistant da there for a while under Williams. My son's last encounter with her was at a party where she drunkenly said, "I shouldn't be saying this, but my boyfriend deals drugs."
I am going along with @beowulfsfriend today and wish Bruce Springsteen a happy birthday.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 23, 2022:
He gave a great concert when I saw him. He had no opening acts, played for two hours, took a 20 minute break and returned for an hour and a half.
I have to admit that i didn't notice it at first, I was too freaked out by a box full of donuts
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 23, 2022:
It took a while.
Jimmy Kimmel Live - Trump Claims He Declassified Documents Using Special Powers! [youtube.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 23, 2022:
It is just fucking bizarre and his minions seem ok with it. At least the Special Master has asked for proof backing up his public claims.
The young don't want to fight, never have throughout history really.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 23, 2022:
Russia isn't just calling up all young reserves - age for enlisted goes to 45 and age of officers to 55. Russian reserves aren't like American reservists who practice a couple times a month and a few weeks each year. They are just men who, at some point, were in the military. Airline tickets out of Russia, if you can get one, are exorbitantly priced, and the road to Georgia is backed up with cars for miles with Russians fleeing (videos look like refugees fleeing war).
Iran's President Abandons CNN Interview After Amanpour Declines Head Scarf Demand
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 23, 2022:
I say good for her. She is a good journalist. I've seen her wear a headscarf while overseas, but this is the West and she made a statement, the right one.
Next level of Roe V. Wade...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 23, 2022:
There ready have been lawsuits from kids against their parents saying they didn't ask to be born and must be supported.
Trump is a blithering idiot and he must think his base are idiots. []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 22, 2022:
They are
I am a pagan atheist: I believe in no deities, but am passionate about myth and nature.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 22, 2022:
The couple of years in which I taught 8th grade English, we did a unit on Greek myths and also read the Odyssey (unfortunately, not the best translation).
Cum on in!
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 22, 2022:
They never came back to my nephew's when he answered the door naked.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 22, 2022:
Pathetic is right. Now, however, with these crazies, one of them hatching some weird plot for then isn't out of the question.
Christian leader at center of $25 million abuse lawsuit goes missing
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 22, 2022:
He is most likely being hidden by crazy supporters of such actions. Spare the rod and spoil the child types.
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about Russia, mobilization, reservists, and plane ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 22, 2022:
Check out the videos of traffic jams as Russians try to leave via cars, etc to Georgia.
You just need to think it.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 22, 2022:
This is a do you laugh or boil anger thing. Trump's minions will accept that shit.
Judge blocks Thursday's execution by lethal injection of Alabama death row inmate who says he ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 22, 2022:
Utah, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and South Carolina, as of April 2022, have reinstated the use of firing squads. The last such death was in Utah, 12 years ago. If a state wanted to actually kill somebody in a humane way, just start an iv drip of morphine and let the person slip away. That's how I would choose to go. I only had morphine once and damn, I went from agonizing pain to wow, I understand why people are addicted to this shit.
Someone saved my life tonight - Elton John []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 22, 2022:
One of his best, IMHO.
I think I'll pass....
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 22, 2022:
I ate them once, decades ago in Colorado while at school for the Navy. Just fatty meat.
Trump Tells Hannity He Can Declassify Secret Documents With Just His Mind During a recent ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 22, 2022:
I didn't see the interview, but I'm guessing Hannity sat there giving him his cow eyed look of "Yes master, what ever you say," then told his audience, "There you have it."
Hope you all had a good day!
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 22, 2022:
More good ones. I like the dog - our dog likes cashews better than his treats and can't understand why his limit is less than his humans.
Who would have guessed?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 21, 2022:
I like the hacker dude who hacks them while they are talking to him. He deletes multiple files from their systems while having himself protected as they try to scam his money. I've seen him on the ubiquitous
Putin Orders Partial Russian Mobilisation, Warns West Over Nuclear Blackmail | Reuters
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 21, 2022:
The world knows his scam election is only for his people, mostly the ethnic Russians. He needs more military in Ukraine, meaning more deaths, and so far a majority of dead Russians, aside from the officer Corps have been from non-ethnic Russians.
FDA Warns Against "Very Unsafe" Social Media Trends, Cooking Chicken in NyQuil
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 21, 2022:
Someone told me about this yesterday. That is just some stupid shit. Someone should start a tiktok maga challenge - prove yourself the best maga by hanging from your neck for the longest time in order to own the libs.
Cave in Bulgaria and cracked egg stones in san juan
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 21, 2022:
I remember many older than dirt.
New: senate condemns trump’s despicable anti-fbi conduct in scathing unanimous resolution - ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 21, 2022:
Since it was only a resolution, there was no actual count of yeses or noes. No one called for opposition, thus the repugs of maga can simply ignore and deflect their silent acceptance of the resolution to their mindless constituents and hope the better informed, at least somewhat, independents will look upon them favorable.
[] Weirdest thing I learned this week
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 21, 2022:
According to a 19th century legend, the Truth and the Lie meet one day.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 21, 2022:
Reminds me of a 14th century French take on Little Red Riding Hood - I'll skip to the chase. After being tricked to get naked and into the bed with the wolf, Red escaped and went home. While nothing happened to Red, her parents threw her out onto the streets because of her dishonor (as a female, she should have died rather than shame the family).
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about what Russia's referendum means in Ukraine.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 21, 2022:
As Beau says, Putin needs internal support to send more Russians, especially ethnic Russians who so far haven't had as many children lost, into the meat grinder. I'm wondering if Putin is going to A) restart the push back into Ukraine, or simply B) flood enough troops into Donbas and Crimea to forever hold on, or, I suppose C) a bit of both.
Boudreaux, Thibadeaux and Clarence were sitting in a bar, drinking and discussing how stupid their ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 21, 2022:
What's even scarier: these are rather well to do Louisianans.
Learned in in basic ?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 20, 2022:
That's funny.
Phew! The profile of Victoria756 was such an exhausting read, however, it does appear to be a true ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 20, 2022:
Zero pride............ no lions I suppose.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 20, 2022:
While humorous for the irony, it appears just an asshole CEO who couldn't control his emotions.
A Seattle Times journalist exposes the truth behind the decision for the ‘praying’ coach in a ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 20, 2022:
SCROTUS fucked that simply for political reasons.
Florida man marries the Bible
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 20, 2022:
Nuns marry Jesus.
If some would say that they are really bushed do they want a shaver or a hedge trimmer?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 20, 2022:
Maybe both
So, India won the cricket match against Pakistan in Asia Cup qualifiers in DUBAI.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 20, 2022:
I don't know the situation in tbe UK. From my experiences in the US, most Pakistani and Indian folk have realized that, despite their homelands animosity toward one another, that they share more things culturally with one another than the average American of European descent. Maybe that was just a sports craziness, like what happens in the US over rival football games or, to use an example, how San Francisco Giants fans and LA Dodgers fans so often clash.
I bet Mike Lindell wishes he had not decided to ride this horse to the apocalypse.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 19, 2022:
He was crying that the courts were hurting his workers. Ha. He has spent millions on this orange turd b.s.
Corsair noun A pirate, especially formerly of the southern Mediterranean coast.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 19, 2022:
A good one for "Talk Like a Pirate Day."
Is this normal? []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 19, 2022:
Probably. Many are in the ring of fire. Last I knew, we humans can't make real earthquakes and there aren't any gods.
I don't see why Lauren Bobert's such a big problem in America.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 19, 2022:
She doesn't realize that atheists almost always score better on religion tests than so called christians
Never give more than 25%.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 19, 2022:
Like the old saying: always be yourself, unless you can be Batman, then be Batman.
An Old Fashioned Love Song, composed by Paul Williams & performed by 3 Dog Night in 1975.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 19, 2022:
In three part harmony
A man is in bed with his wife when there is a rat-a-tat-tat on the door.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 19, 2022:
Once, after 2am, I was riding back from a bar with a friend. We were deep in the countryside, passing through verdant fields of pastures. Suddenly, we came upon a herd of cattle in the road. My friend slowly drove through them. Then, my friend drove up the farmer's lane, got out of his car and went and knocked. The grumpy farmer was like what the hell do you want. My friend said, "Your cows are out." The farmer replied, "You're drunk." To which my friend replied, "That may well be sir, but your cows are still out." Then the farmer stepped out, looked, gave a begrudging thanks and we were on our way.
A natural substance that is cheap and can help millions stop smoking but no one seems to know.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 18, 2022:
Hadn't read about that either. While I enjoy weed at times, I never smoked. Parents did, ex wife did, tons of people I know did.
But wait ! There is more 🤡🤡🤡 Part III
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 18, 2022:
So, science has shown rats have more empathy than maga republicans
God Save the Queen.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 18, 2022:
Ah, you Brits and your football. Actually I love soccer/football/futball. My football story - when my ship pulled into Hong Kong, in 1979, our soccer team was invited to play the British Navy team there. We had a pretty good team. We were told that after the game, we would be invited back to their club for beers. That didn't happen - We WON.
Bald eagle drops house cat into nest for eaglets to chow down on . []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 18, 2022:
Keep your cats indoors. Coyotes are everywhere now, and large raptors will eat any live thing small enough to catch.
Virginia will block students from accommodating transgender students - The Washington Post
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 18, 2022:
Evil bastards.
Waiters, don't spill the beans.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 18, 2022:
"Give me that fake cane so I can break it to impress the rubes Aunt Zelda."
Despite Supreme Court win, Bremerton's praying football coach is long gone
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 18, 2022:
I read that. The dick is making money from the cons. AND, the prick wasn't fired - the claim that SCROTUS heard dozens of times - he was placed on paid leave. At least now they can fire him for not working.
Lindsey Graham Warns of Anti-Abortion ‘Revolt’ in Fox Tirade []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 18, 2022:
Such an asshole twerp.
There were once four powerful witch covens: the witches of the mountains, the deserts, the forests, ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 18, 2022:
Personally, I like the long build up jokes with a short ha-ha at the end.
Who's up for a little take out?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 17, 2022:
I tried them once. Just fatty meat. They were alright, it depends on the seasoning. I never tried "salty chocolate balls."
Trump Appears to Straight-Up Call GOP Candidates Losers []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Distancing himself
A LOT of it "tastes funny" recently.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Yeah, John Wayne as Genghis was really stupid. Shooting the film at a nuclear testing site was even more stupid. "Well pilgrim, let's go ravage some women and ride into the sunset on the Russian steppes, those damn commies"
"Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 17, 2022:
I knew that on Howard Stern he said, on different occasions: she's a piece of ass; if she weren't my daughter, I'd be dating her; she's got the best body. I checked about the quote above and sure enough, he said it when she was 13; it was deleted before publication of the interview.
I had gotten to visit the Philippines on 7 different occasions, we use to go to the Barrio and drink...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Our first visit into Olongapo we were warned to stay away from it and drink beer. Everyone tried it - tasted like "juiced-up" kool-aid.
Brian Tyler Cohen - DeSantis hit with devastating news after his vile stunt []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Liars turned traffickers.
Tattoo yourself? []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Not me, I can't draw a straight line. Less pain will get more customers.
No arms? I guess it's just the luck of the draw.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 16, 2022:
That is sickly funny, akin to dead baby jokes or mommy, mommy jokes.
It warms my heart. Am I bad for that?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 16, 2022:
I didn't think it a long enough sentence, what's that make me?
Southern Baptist leader: Christians who don't vote Republican are 'unfaithful'
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 16, 2022:
That is political a d should be an automatic loss of tax exemption.
It looks like we have some really great people out there. Give yourselves a hand.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 16, 2022:
Damn straight we are
Tell us 😆😂🤣
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 16, 2022:
In my senior year, I heard about two lists: radicals and druggies. The assistant principal's son was first on the druggie list. A teacher told me I led the radical list - I suppose carrying books on the SDS were part of that. I had a signed letter response from Tom Hayden after a letter I had written.
Martha's Vineyard Memes
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 16, 2022:
While not all of your memes are racist, enough to say YOU'RE a racist are there.
Happy birthday, B.B. King When love comes to town [] My favorite song of his.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 16, 2022:
Great song.
Good morning…this will be the last morning post I will make for more than a week…don’t be ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 16, 2022:
Trump warns of 'problems' like 'we've never seen' if he's indicted - POLITICO
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 15, 2022:
The guy is a narcissistic turd. No way his Wal-Mart followers have the balls to full fledged riot in the streets. There will be no 1968, or any year worse. His inflammatory rhetoric could cause more violence, especially stuff like what happened in Michigan. Proud boys, and other xtion nationalists may cause trouble and some deaths even.
REVEALED: Every Drug Dealer In Minneapolis Is Sweating Tonight, the FBI Seized Mike Lindell’s ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 15, 2022:
Honestly, I think Lindel traded his crack addiction for an addiction to being in the media. He has quite literally lost it, not caring about financially losses - unlike his buddy tRump who is always thinking about his, or should I say, his supporters pockets.
Happy Thursday!!!!
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 15, 2022:
When I had a gas stove, I often heated my tortillas that way - it works.
I visited a fortune teller at a fair.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 15, 2022:
Groan worthy while humorous.
Every single time!
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 15, 2022:
"GOD GAVE US TRUMP" but, Biden stole the election.
Supreme Court says Yeshiva University must recognize LGBTQ club, for now - The Washington Post
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 15, 2022:
It could come back to SCROTUS after state Supreme Court and then we will truly see how the other 2 act.
MSNBC - Jan. 6 Rioter Who Wore 'Camp Auschwitz' Sweatshirt Sentenced To Prison []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 15, 2022:
None have gotten enough time. 3 pot joints gets a black person life in prison in Louisiana and yet traitors get shit.
Let's talk about what Trump said about possible indictment.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 15, 2022:
Exactly, anybody else would be locked up. tRump thinks this would be 1968 again. Or, many other turbulent times. I do think there may, quite likely, be some dumbasses doing reckless shit - already happened in Michigan. But riots in the streets, not his base of Walmart shoppers.
The ‘60-Day’ Rule Doesn’t Exist.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 15, 2022:
Trump is only running scared - he just put out statements worded as veiled threats while saying they aren't threats, just warnings if he is indicted. If he announced that he was a 2024 candidate he loses the repuck party paying most of his bills; apparently, while they won't condemn him for stealing classified materials, they won't pay for that losing battle.
[] Good news for Pennsylvanians against Fascism
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 15, 2022:
No complacency. I moved just last year after being a PA resident for 65 years, including my military time out of state (only time I didn't get a presidential ballot). My only regret is not getting to vote for Fetterman, etc. Sure, I could use my sister's address, the house I grew up in, but I'm not a multimillionaire like Oz and I would quite likely, in that republican area (Lancaster County), get my ass arrested for voter fraud.
Who would have figured that Hank Williams wrote great Rock & Roll back in 1947.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 15, 2022:
George really rocks. Some of his songs are reminiscent to Hank Sr -:Bad to the Bone; If You Don't Start Drinking; I Drink Alone..... and my favorite, One Bourbon, one Scotch, and One Beer.
Anyone ever hear of the band Balaam and the Angel circa 1987?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 15, 2022:
Not familiar with the band's name; and the song doesn't sound familiar either. Sounds and looks very 80's. Nice drum kit.
Roger Federer announces retirement; 20-time Grand Slam champion will play Laver Cup as final event
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 15, 2022:
He was great. I don't know who I would choose as best that I've seen. While I played in college (JV), I really liked Ivan Lendl (when he was on, and not pissed off and allowing his emotions to control him, he was great). Federer is definitely one of the greats of all time.
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