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Try it once
jeshuey comments on Dec 27, 2020:
I cannot say it works because I seldom remember anything I did or said afterword.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 27, 2020:
Just ask anyone around you. I haven't done so in a multitude of years. From what I remember of my self and others, most people just want to say how wonderful they think other people are - and that doesn't feel real.
Antifa Animals en route on a secret mission...
dkp93 comments on Dec 26, 2020:
Posts like this let Trump and his supporters play the victim card. There's nothing funny here, and it just portrays Antifa as violent with poor Trump as the target. Trump supporters are the ones who threaten violence when they don't get their way. Let's be better than that, please.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 27, 2020:
While I agree with your statement that tRump people feel the victim here, I'm not allowing them to win. They are no different than the few Muslims who are outraged when Muhammad has a bomb under his hat cartoons from Je suis Charlie.
Strange but true
Zoohome comments on Dec 26, 2020:
True, and nothing will change. 😫😒😷
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 26, 2020:
Nickelback - rockstar []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 25, 2020:
We all wanted to be rockstars at some point. My daughter has met Gene Simmons and says he is nearly deaf.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 25, 2020:
@Garf She is an airline attendant. She had to help him get the "free" internet on his phone. She said they were yelling to tell him how, then she finally took his phone and typed everything in. She's met a number of "known" people. One of the sweetest was one of the old guys from The Blue Notes who shared his limo. He was like a nice grandpa.
A friend sent these and thought I'd share for a holiday laugh. Glad I don't live in Texass.
Wisterious comments on Dec 25, 2020:
Well of course Texas would have the biggest gravel!
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 25, 2020:
In Alaska, half a mountain would fall, then get covered in snow.
Hey, happy nothing, ya buncha atheists! :)
St-Sinner comments on Dec 25, 2020:
Aw... Thank you, Thank you very much!
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 25, 2020:
A good example of a true Christian
Yes... You!
Wisterious comments on Dec 24, 2020:
...and in the USA many of them will be part of the approximate 228,000 diagnosed w Covid tomorrow, and 3,350 that will die in a single day a few weeks from today.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 24, 2020:
And 550k dead by April
Just hang on, let's check the odometers on both of the them first.
Theresa_N comments on Dec 24, 2020:
When the Cougar was first introduced it was based on the Mustang and was a rather nicy sporty car. My dad had one.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 24, 2020:
Different from the Mustang, but a lot sportier than what it became. They traded them in Transam with Mustangs and Camaros and Firebirds and Javelins / AMXs.
Just a smile for the skeptic agnostics :-D
p-nullifidian comments on Dec 24, 2020:
Everybody, fold your arms!
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 24, 2020:
They are such a happy looking bunch.
It’s turned into a very cold late afternoon here at almost 5 pm.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 24, 2020:
It's cold In Chicago as well. Rained yesterday and then the temp dropped from 53F at noon yesterday to now 15F. The roads had already blown clear, mostly, but the garbage and recycling bins froze shut.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 24, 2020:
And, I really like the song.
You better believe it
glennlab comments on Dec 24, 2020:
May he bring them prison jumpsuits
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 24, 2020:
Totally. Sadly, I would guess, unless impeached, even in retirement, The Orange Turd will most likely qualify for secret service protection in prison. Imagine getting that assignment.
Silly Groaner
AnonySchmoose comments on Dec 23, 2020:
Very silly, and the real cause is climate change.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 23, 2020:
@AnonySchmoose A whole Eskimo village was moved into a giant building. A building that looks like an old Soviet apartment block. In Miami, a number of "ghetto" is getting bought up by money, waiting for the water to literally come in.
Silly Groaner
AnonySchmoose comments on Dec 23, 2020:
Very silly, and the real cause is climate change.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 23, 2020:
I was about to day climate change. Places in Alasks and elsewhere above the Arctic circle have lost entire communities as th eff permafrost melts.
Christopher Titus []
bobwjr comments on Dec 23, 2020:
He's always good
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 23, 2020:
I was going to say exactly the same thing.
Too funny not to share!
Killtheskyfairy comments on Dec 23, 2020:
I guess she got the last laugh🥴
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 23, 2020:
Not really, she took all the blame.
Ark Encounter Ticket Sales Continued to Plummet in November Due to COVID-19 | Hemant Mehta | ...
TheRevjoe comments on Dec 23, 2020:
They sold that place to themselves to get a huge tax break, so I am sure there is another survival scam coming
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 23, 2020:
They even got the state to pay for part of it.
Police in British Columbia Just Fined Churches $18,400 for Violating COVID Rules | Hemant Mehta | ...
xenoview comments on Dec 23, 2020:
They should have fined the people attending the churches too.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 23, 2020:
Yes. One could argue though that those churches will bilk their parishioners for the costs.
Even Pat Robertson is saying tRump should move on fom his "alternative reality.
Redneckliberal comments on Dec 23, 2020:
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 23, 2020:
Yes he should. He lives in his own alternate reality.
New world record.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 22, 2020:
That's deep. There is a Frenchman who holds the record for a single breath time under water. Over 6 minutes.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 22, 2020:
I was totally wrong. His record was at 7 plus. BUT NOW, a German has hel DC his single breath for 22 minutes - didn't know that was possible.
I had seen this on F/B
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 22, 2020:
I went to the Philippines
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 22, 2020:
@azzow2 Two cruises and the Philippines were our home port while over in Asia. In and out of Olongapo often. Made it to Thailand once - my daughter went and lived there a year (beautiful country).
Mrs. Betty Bowers []
bobwjr comments on Dec 21, 2020:
She's accurate and funny
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 21, 2020:
She always is.
Even Sith Lords have rights.
1BrentMichael comments on Dec 21, 2020:
Sounds like a tRumpanzee alright!
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 21, 2020:
They are uglier.
All holiday lore is based on fact.
Willow_Wisp comments on Dec 20, 2020:
Female balls don’t compute.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 20, 2020:
My first thought, but hey, gender neutral. After all, how are more little balls made?
Saint's dried blood doesn't liquefy. So, what are the con men up to when it doesn't liquefy?
DenoPenno comments on Dec 20, 2020:
Make you a bet I can add items to the blood and it will liquefy. Of course, it also gets weaker too. :)
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 20, 2020:
Of course, and I'm sure the Catholics have been utilizing such methods for years. I just wondered why they wouldn't have it always change.
Ho Ho Ho......
Cast1es comments on Dec 20, 2020:
Santa doesn't exist , and I truly wish Donald didn't either .
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 20, 2020:
Sadly, too many believe in the trumpsterfire
A small preview of the Queens speech Christmas 2020! Another "Annus Horribilis" ? :-D
St-Sinner comments on Dec 20, 2020:
When she said "Annus Horribilis" a few years ago, two of her palaces had caught fire and caused her purse a deep hole but what damage did the pandemic cause her personally? Government funding to her lifestyle is intact. Nobody in the immediate family died in 2020. Maybe just that the beloved Prince ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 20, 2020:
Few of the wealthy got hurt financially from Covid - many, if not most, grew their wealth.
a short version of the truth ...[]
silverotter11 comments on Dec 20, 2020:
Ah! The Readers Digest Condensed version. :)
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 20, 2020:
Of course, without the scary stuff.
Etta James- The Love You Save May be Your Own []
whiskywoman comments on Dec 20, 2020:
she was one of the ground breakers that gave us what we now love she was one of the singers of chess records
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 20, 2020:
Yes she was
Fresh memes! BTW we got less snow than predicted thank goodness - it took us two days to get ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 19, 2020:
Great again I really chuckled with Baby Yoda, Grogru.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 19, 2020:
@RavenCT Just watched it today. Had to wait. It was great. New Boba Fett may prove interesting.
At least that's my excuse...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 19, 2020:
Just like now, only the poor, "essential" workers need go out. I read that the guys who picked up the dead got paid very well - what happened since then
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 19, 2020:
@Cast1es of course. I was trying to say at least back then you got a better wage for risking your life, not now. Many "essential" workers are just "expendable" workers to those on topm
You're all scared aren't ya?!
Wisterious comments on Dec 18, 2020:
Yup, you betcha.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 18, 2020:
Only after January 20th will I start to look for more
Dear S______ from the latest "Humanist."
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 18, 2020:
Both are writing letters that will never be read by their intended. At least the kid's intermediary will respond.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 18, 2020:
@JackPedigo True. Some are actually responsible.
States Say Trump Administration is Reducing Vaccine Shipments Officials in multiple states say ...
Charlene comments on Dec 18, 2020:
They want the name change and a kickback..🤬🤬
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 18, 2020:
I was thinking Jared Kuntner was looking for kickbacks
Well here we are at Friday once again.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 18, 2020:
The man is legendary.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 18, 2020:
@Marionville I thought James Brown was the Godfather. Berry is more the Grandfather, even to Brown.
Here is the number one song of the best 2020 songs of all time as voted on by listeners of WXPN in ...
JackPedigo comments on Dec 18, 2020:
Remember, this is a local rating not national nor universal.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 18, 2020:
I know. And, it is a Public Radio station as well. Although, I have been listening in Chicago.
Here is the number one song of the best 2020 songs of all time as voted on by listeners of WXPN in ...
Marionville comments on Dec 18, 2020:’s not one I’d have guessed would be number one. Perhaps it’s more an American choice than a universal one. A good song lyrically speaking.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 18, 2020:
Bruce is from New Jersey and right next door.
Been so long since I’ve heard Chrissie pour her heart out... []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 17, 2020:
She is great.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 17, 2020:
BTW, She discovered The Violent Femmes.
I would have little doubt of this.
Cast1es comments on Dec 17, 2020:
I don't think she's interested in fucking him at all .
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 17, 2020:
She doesn't want to hang the ornaments, much less fucking the tRump. I expect her prenup, which she managed to renegotiate makes her hang around.
Yeah this fits nicely
Killtheskyfairy comments on Dec 17, 2020:
Feed me!🩸 Edit : from Little Shop of Horrors Although Trump ran a National Shop of Horrors where he envisioned millions dying to achieve herd immunity.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 17, 2020:
@RoyMillar Ask Seymour.
Yeah this fits nicely
RoyMillar comments on Dec 17, 2020:
Who would you send this to?
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 17, 2020:
Leave it on the steps, ring the bell, and run a safe distance.
Art majors, this one's for you.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 17, 2020:
Just needs a little tape.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 17, 2020:
@zeuser I had to go look. As a matter of fact, it was invented in 1845 by a doctor. Van Gough was born 1853ish.
The Atheist response to 'God is my co-pilot'.
creative51 comments on Dec 17, 2020:
I agree with the thought. Little concerned some fundamentalist would just ram my car though.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 17, 2020:
They dont have the courage; they would sneak up in the dark and spray paint it.
SC District Now Owes Atheist Group $187,000 After Losing Graduation Prayer Fight | Hemant Mehta | ...
Jolanta comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Yeah, but will they pay up?
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 17, 2020:
Usually school districts are held liable and forced to pay up - happened in Dover, Pennsylvania (over 2 mill). Tax payers get pissed. Most likely, they have a million dollar liability insurance. My old school got sued - child abuser (I reported it, long story and long litigation); school had the normal million and offered it immediately. Family refused and held out for 2 million.
Please let me know your thoughts
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 17, 2020:
Yes. The answer is most definitely yes.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 17, 2020:
@TheGreatShadow Well then, we will.just have to agree to disagree.
I bet he bearly escaped
Redneckliberal comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 16, 2020:
Pretty fast, down hill.
Just spreading Christmas cheer.
Theresa_N comments on Dec 16, 2020:
This is a major screwup for McDonalds.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 16, 2020:
Or, a planned subliminal message.
Please enter some more text
bobwjr comments on Dec 15, 2020:
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 16, 2020:
Yes, but true. In reality the guy cant read a full sentence without spacing into thoughts about himself. Maybe he could read a novel on Twitter.
Here’s an upbeat tune from a very underrated band.
KKGator comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Agreed. Rare Earth is most definitely an underrated band. I've always loved them.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 16, 2020:
The 66 religious symbols the VA will put on tombstones Check out the photo - atheist made the list.
CuddyCruiser comments on Dec 16, 2020:
I don’t plan on being buried. I’ve requested cremation and have my ashes placed in a glass bottle and in the Atlantic Ocean. I’ve also requested no kind of service, no mass, no funeral, no nothing. There will be certain people my relatives will call and let them know that I passed, and that ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 16, 2020:
Pretty much me, except my body goes to med school first. And, I go to a river.
The 66 religious symbols the VA will put on tombstones Check out the photo - atheist made the list.
ADKSparky comments on Dec 15, 2020:
I'm supposed to be buried in the Jewish part of a cemetery. I wonder if they'd put the atheist symbol on my stone.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 15, 2020:
If a vet, the stone can be ordered. Would the cemetery object? The cemetery usually doesn't know what is coming, as far as I know. There may be some clause in a contract.
Authorities investigating 'acts of both racial terror and religious violence' in Washington, D.
anglophone comments on Dec 14, 2020:
Too little, too late, because according to Trump there are fine people on both sides. Unless, and until, the dangerous lunatics that tear down and burn black lives matter flags learn to become decent human being this sort of vile behaviour is going to continue. I am in two minds as to how they...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 14, 2020:
Or they start locking them up to help fill up the private prisons instead of POC.for minor offenses.
Ram Jam - black Betty []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 14, 2020:
I remember back then some evangelical minister called them Satanic.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 14, 2020:
@Garf They had another song which is rather long and during it the singer holds a very very long note, almost a growl - that one was called "the devil talking." A friend did a paper in college back then on backward masking in music. One of her key sources - to help find actual examples pre internet- was the weirdo evangelical's tape.
This is hilarious love it
Killtheskyfairy comments on Dec 13, 2020:
If the scumbag Trump ruined antique historical White House furniture, he better pay for it!
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 14, 2020:
He never pays.
Where the answer is better than the question! :-D
St-Sinner comments on Dec 13, 2020:
That's right. That's all we are asking. Is it too much to ask?... Lol
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 13, 2020:
I dont need nicely, just an official yes.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 12, 2020:
I'll beat Bob to the groan.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 12, 2020:
@Triphid a groan doesn't mean there is no humor.
Good morning.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 12, 2020:
I was watching an old Qi on the internet and they were talking about how much it snowed in Southern England at Christmas over the years. Barely at all in the 20th century, but a lot in the 19th and especially during the childhood of Charles Dickens. Very interesting.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 12, 2020:
@Marionville Climate change and a reason for why Dickens had many snowy winters in his novels.
SUPREME COURT DECISION CAN COME ANY TIME Confederate states are backing the Texas Election ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 11, 2020:
Limbag said on his radio show that secession was on the horizon. I say, take your share of the national debt and get the fuck out. Most of those states are takers and contribute less federal money than they get.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 11, 2020:
@St-Sinner Too true. We would abandon millions of decent folk.
Titus being very fired up. List of tRump failures. And, a cute dog at the end. []
JackPedigo comments on Dec 11, 2020:
With tRump gone who will we poke fun at? Maybe we'll get lucky and he will continue to whine like the spoiled rotten baby he is and then we can insult him with impunity and he can't do crap. Lets continue to insult him into oblivion. I think all of us here would love to see him squirm.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 11, 2020:
He will continue to whine. I saw in the Times that NYC DA is starting to crank up the investigations as he loses his presidential power to hide. And a pardon wont stop state and local crimes from prosecution.
Hate-Preacher: I Don’t Know What a Pandemic Is but “COVID-19 Is Not a Pandemic” | Hemant Mehta...
LucyLoohoo comments on Dec 11, 2020:
It's perfectly acceptable to lie for da' Lawd!
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 11, 2020:
That is actually Mornon or moron church doctrine. One can lie for the lord.
Pastor Says He Faces Criminal Charges for Sending Bible Balloons to North Korea | Beth Stoneburner |...
xenoview comments on Dec 11, 2020:
I hope they give him a long time in prison.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 11, 2020:
I say trade him to the North Koreans. Take any one or thing in trade.
Relief is on the way....
RoyMillar comments on Dec 11, 2020:
This will sell out quickly if it is real
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 11, 2020:
It is real. A limited run.
Relief is on the way....
RoyMillar comments on Dec 11, 2020:
This will sell out quickly if it is real
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 11, 2020:
Thanks. Now I have to go look.
[] Why did so many German doctors join the SS?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 10, 2020:
We see some of the same thing with doctors who side politically against Covid. BTW, there was a Japanese doctor who experimented on thousands of Chinese and even some American POW's for infectious diseases. He surrendered with thousands of pages of notes, all in code, from his research. As a ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@sassygirl3869 It seemed too contrived so as to make another, stranger 2and season. I found it odd that someone could be fooled by the hated Nazi for their ex lover - maybe this season will show she wasn't fooled.
[] Why did so many German doctors join the SS?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 10, 2020:
We see some of the same thing with doctors who side politically against Covid. BTW, there was a Japanese doctor who experimented on thousands of Chinese and even some American POW's for infectious diseases. He surrendered with thousands of pages of notes, all in code, from his research. As a ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@sassygirl3869 I watched Hunters. I know they hid some and in my lifetime the exact number will doubtfully be known.
The pandemic has changed everything
Killtheskyfairy comments on Dec 10, 2020:
The mall Santas have never been very tolerant so you takes your chances jumping on their laps. Why aren’t they wearing masks?😷
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 10, 2020:
A lot of Santas are doing Zoom. A good Santa can make six figures in the right market.
I rather spend 2 years in jail than having to go to church on sundays for the rest of my life.
zeuser comments on Dec 9, 2020:
Luckily for all of us, it hasn't come to that choice just yet.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 9, 2020:
Someday it might, if evangelicals got to decide.
The truth hurts.
bobwjr comments on Dec 9, 2020:
How about poor
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 9, 2020:
I thought that. Xmas is a terrible time for the poor and the expectations to spend spend spend.
I need a little help to create "Fox News's Greatest Hits".
rogerbenham comments on Dec 9, 2020:
I thought that it claims to be an entertainment channel and not a news channel.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 9, 2020:
They want it both ways - all of their opinion people are entertainment, but, then they claim they have "great" the "best" news as well. To be honest, their news feeds, that I glance at on the internet, are mostly just slanted news. That said, they shouldn't get credit for being two faced and having people believe their opinions' crap are influencing people's beliefs. Thus, I refuse to read any fox news, even those articles that are most likely put together by a real journalist. Sadly, journalists need jobs too.
School Board in Utah Opens Meeting with Prayer Honoring “Thy Son Jesus Christ” | Hemant Mehta | ...
barjoe comments on Dec 8, 2020:
That's a public school. SMH. When I was 1st and 2nd grade they used to read from the Bible in school. Remember that Bob? Madeline Murray took that shit to the Supreme Court. Third grade, no more prayer. This fucking court would uphold it.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 8, 2020:
I remember we had to say prayers before lunch. I brought up the Supreme Court saying no more prayers. My teacher went mental on me saying SHE would decide when we wouldn't pray. A couple days later prayers ended and there was no explanation from the teacher.
Obviously, their must be something more than just depression wrong with me if I am currently 49 ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 7, 2020:
Depression has many faces. Also, as parents age, sometimes they dont know how to respond to adult children who are suffering. At 40, I spent a week with my parents and that stay sucked. Best wishes. There are so many possibilities of what is going on within your self and with your parents. I ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 8, 2020:
@demifeministgal They are lines where one can just talk to someone, usually someone trained in listening techniques. I used to work CONTACT, which did both crisis and listening. There are lines that say WARM line. If I had some numbers I'd list them, but I'm 700 miles from my place and no numbers with me. The SAMARITANS are another group. They have phone and internet connections in the US and outside of the country; they started in England I believe.
What really would have happened
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 8, 2020:
There is a movie theory that the film Snowpiercer is a sequel to Willy Wonka. Big W on the train and fascination over food and transport. Train operated by small hands - maybe oompas died. Etc.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 8, 2020:
@OldMetalHead there is at least one fun video on YouTube.
Trump Mulling Extravagant White House Exit to Upstage Biden Inauguration Axios reports that ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Dec 8, 2020:
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump pisses all over the White House, to mark his territory before he left. Like the story about the hotel suite Obama stayed at in Russia, because Trump is small and petty like that.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 8, 2020:
There is already going to be a wait time for the Bidens as the WH needs to be disinfected from Covid.
Faith Leaders Condemn OK Gov.
barjoe comments on Dec 7, 2020:
What a Neanderthal! Let him starve himself and see if prayer will keep him alive.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 7, 2020:
He is a hypocrite evangelical so he will cheat and avoid sick people knowing "forgiveness" is always available.
Here’s a “less edgy” version of Joe’s old James Gang classic []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 7, 2020:
One of my first concerts included the James Gang. They were opening for Johnny Winter - one of my favorites.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 7, 2020:
@Canndue The Frankenstein tour was the one that Johnny showed. Remember that Rick Derringer played for Edgar back then and had Rock and Roll Hootchie Coo out.
Here’s a “less edgy” version of Joe’s old James Gang classic []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 7, 2020:
One of my first concerts included the James Gang. They were opening for Johnny Winter - one of my favorites.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 7, 2020:
@Canndue It was the end times for Joe and the band wasn't great that night. Johnny was great. Later I saw his brother Edgar, and Johnny showed up near that concert's end.
I know we are mostly agnostics and atheists here, but this is funny.
Wisterious comments on Dec 7, 2020:
Pilots! They might deserve their reputation! . . . or maybe that's not fair of me. Maybe he was a cross-dresser(?)
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 7, 2020:
@Wisterious My ex-brother-in-law was a commercial pilot. He was nothing like the stereotype. Although, he did say such pilots existed at a higher than average rate from normal jobs.
I know we are mostly agnostics and atheists here, but this is funny.
Wisterious comments on Dec 7, 2020:
Pilots! They might deserve their reputation! . . . or maybe that's not fair of me. Maybe he was a cross-dresser(?)
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 7, 2020:
While on a carrier, I talked with a number of pilots. Most were like any other sailor with officer rank. The only ones that were, at times, arrogant little pricks flew the top fighters (at the time F14's). The older guys would sit and tell stories. One Commamder was seeing the same girl as one of the guys with whom I worked. The Commander came in for post flight debrief once and we yelled to him that our mutual friend had gotten a disease. The pilot came running to us; at which time we said we were teasing. He stood and talked with us, enlisted, while the lower ranking officers who were to debrief him waited quietly - he was, after all, a full Commander, O5.
@Spinliesel reminded us of Waits birthday.
Marionville comments on Dec 7, 2020:
What a appears to be blocked on copyright grounds because of BBC content!
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 7, 2020:
I'm on my phone. I'll try when I get to a computer. Sorry.
Imagine a Muslim terrorist crossing the country purposely exposing people to a chemical weapon which...
ChestRockfield comments on Dec 7, 2020:
It's not. At all. He's a mass murderer. Same reason I think Mother Teresa is the worst mass murderer of all time.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 7, 2020:
I hate muther teresa, the evil whore of the church. I give people just one same taste of the biatch: ignoring how she treated the dying people who went to her, just know that she posed with Baby Doc, the Haitan dictator, after he gave her 3 million from the poor Haitian funds so she would call him and his wife "good Catholics."
Wikipedia KNOWS that all claims of voter fraud during 2020 election were false.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 6, 2020:
Having taught writing and citations, I did NOT allow any students to use any of the wikis as a primary source. I did tell them to use the wikis to find sources. I suggest that you do the same. Look up the sources listed and see for yourself. You appear to have an obsession over tRump having lost ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 6, 2020:
@Flowerwall Fine, he isn't crazy. He was a good politician in the military. Since then, he has made a career out of saying things that some groups like to hear. MANY of the things the Gen has said are either outright lies or falsehoods (you can fact check that fairly quickly). And, he has attacked the integrity of people with other lies and falsehoods.
Wikipedia KNOWS that all claims of voter fraud during 2020 election were false.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 6, 2020:
Having taught writing and citations, I did NOT allow any students to use any of the wikis as a primary source. I did tell them to use the wikis to find sources. I suggest that you do the same. Look up the sources listed and see for yourself. You appear to have an obsession over tRump having lost ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 6, 2020:
@Flowerwall Crazy is a relative term. He played politics well. He, like Bush II, flew interceptors and never served in a war, but sure had the "balls" to call a really hero, John McCain a song bird. Fuck him.
Wikipedia KNOWS that all claims of voter fraud during 2020 election were false.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 6, 2020:
Having taught writing and citations, I did NOT allow any students to use any of the wikis as a primary source. I did tell them to use the wikis to find sources. I suggest that you do the same. Look up the sources listed and see for yourself. You appear to have an obsession over tRump having lost ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 6, 2020:
@Flowerwall A crazy Lt Genl. spouting b.s. He has plenty of perspective, but his statements have all proven false. If he had any evidence, it would be found. Not only that, his statements were proven false.
38 Special. - Rockin’ Into The Night. []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 6, 2020:
I remember the first time I saw them. They were an opening act for.... wait for it.... Hall and Oates and Peter Frampton. The most interesting thing about the concert was that they started 15 minutes EARLY. Never had a concert start early.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 6, 2020:
@Marionville Yep.
Today is Peter Buck's birthday.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 6, 2020:
Anyone remember the newscaster Tom Brokaw singing with R.E.M?
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 6, 2020:
@Spinliesel Look it up on You Tube. Brokow also used to sing on David Letterman.
It really is simple.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 6, 2020:
Yep. My kids, and the neighbor kids went through a playing army stage (I even allowed the garden to grow into weeds for them to play). All the kids, including my daughter, got army fatigues. The boys got haircuts and my kindergarten age daughter wanted a buzz cut. My ex cried but we allowed her ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 6, 2020:
@DaisyMaeNot She is. Love her.
I recall that this did not go well the first time! :-D
Donna_I comments on Dec 5, 2020:
originally gold, frankincense, and myrrh so basically money and medicine. still apt! I wonder what the original star was 🤔
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 5, 2020:
Personally I don't think Jesus actually existed, however, some science types have spoken of evidence that Haley's comet was around and in one of its brighter incarnations.
Happy birthday, Little Richard! Your music lives forever? []
whiskywoman comments on Dec 5, 2020:
lots of these songs had dirty connotations and were gonna ruin us all
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 5, 2020:
@Spinliesel Not sure what you mean. We all have some taught racism, especially from where I came from and being a white male, etc. That said, it WAS racism at the time that made many of those songs unacceptable UNTIL a white Elvis sang them and then they were acceptable.
There once was a church meeting where the topic was "Burial or Cremation?
bobwjr comments on Dec 5, 2020:
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 5, 2020:
Less than 5 weeks until the critical Georgia runoff election, Stacey Abrams continues to work for ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 5, 2020:
Hoping for a tRump meltdown today in Georgia.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 5, 2020:
@nicestuff He is going to Georgia to campaign "for" the senators that he has tweeted against a few times because they have stayed too quiet over his claims of Georgia cheating.
So true, so true!!!
AnonySchmoose comments on Dec 5, 2020:
They didn't warn us that Skid Row was in the forecast too !
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 5, 2020:
Yes they did - continued use of MD took you to skid row(and now, job losses will take people there).
Apparently this was a hit in Italy.
whiskywoman comments on Dec 5, 2020:
it is horrible and yet somehow funny
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 5, 2020:
Happy birthday, Little Richard! Your music lives forever? []
whiskywoman comments on Dec 5, 2020:
lots of these songs had dirty connotations and were gonna ruin us all
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 5, 2020:
Until Elvis stole them and then they were ok.
Bloody Norah, wish my Printer-Scanner was working.
Lorajay comments on Dec 4, 2020:
WOW just WOW, in America it's illegal to use a mailbox for anything other than stamped mail. Does Australia have any such prohibition?
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 4, 2020:
Technically one could get in trouble, but unless the mail was touched, no one does anything.
I know he can't be thinking of doing that!
powder comments on Dec 4, 2020:
Needs to tie it down......through his wheels
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 4, 2020:
Yep. That would work, just looking at it.
A Newspaper Typo Led to “Satan” Showing Up at a Christmas Parade | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Canndue comments on Dec 4, 2020:
Wonder how many people actually noticed...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 4, 2020:
How many evangelicals showed up to protest?
Atheist News 11/21/20- Pastors deny Biden victory, Alito says religious liberty is in danger, +more!...
Redneckliberal comments on Dec 3, 2020:
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 3, 2020:
Funny GIF on Donnie
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 3, 2020:
Game over Donald. Love the BYEDON sunglasses.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 3, 2020:
@Wisterious I saw bumper stickers during the campaign and lived it. I'm really hoping one of my old students goes to work at the WH (she was there during Obama - last time we talked away from FB, she took a selfie with me to add to President Obama and "Joe." ). Maybe I can get a tour after Covid. Currently she works for Pennsylvania Lieutenant governor.
I grew up in the 70's. This one hits home somehow. []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 3, 2020:
I remember back then, we were studying Kafka and came up with our own..... I'm not a bug, it's just a silly phase I'm going through... forget the rest.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 3, 2020:
@Canndue 10cc actually played at the college then.
Apparently this was a hit in Italy.
Canndue comments on Dec 3, 2020:
Wow, where did you find this?
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 3, 2020:
Watching the 9 at 9 on a Chicago local news station.
Apparently this was a hit in Italy.
Redheadedgammy comments on Dec 3, 2020:
Laughingly horrible!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 3, 2020:
I thought so as well.
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