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GOP AG offshoot group held 'war games' prep before Trump loss | TheHill
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 12, 2021:
Those evil bastards aren't done yet.
How We Got Here: Heather Cox Richardson from Letters from an American ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 12, 2021:
Now, let's see how republicans react to the Biden administration being the first to release documents pointing directly to top Saudis being involved in finance of 911.
Bruce Springsteen performs at the 9/11 memorial in New York City - YouTube
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 12, 2021:
True, I don't remember seeing him in a suit. At times, Bruce is a bit of our generation's Woody Guthrie.
12th September 1792…🇬🇧 Mutiny on the Bounty: Court martial begins for instigators of the ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 12, 2021:
Novels often veer from the truth. Those were harsh times to have been a sailor, especially a regular seaman. Pretty much all laws governing the sea are based on British laws for the sea, established and codified in the 18th century. While in the Navy I took a correspondence course on Naval law - honestly, the chapter I most remember was on cannibalism. A British trial, which resulted in the release of men accused of murder, changed the rules of drawing straws to having to wait for death of another. Captains were exempt from drawing straws before hand.
12th September 1940…🇫🇷 Dog Unearths Cave of Antiquity: Four teenagers, following their dog ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 12, 2021:
That was a great find. That would have been something wonderful to see. I am glad it is now closed to the public and protected for future studies.
Alaska Anti-Mask State Senator Banned by Airline Can’t Get Back to Capitol The Anchorage Daily ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 12, 2021:
Fuck her. Private company bitch. And, the Canadians will keep an eye, making sure she won't divert from the route as well as ENFORCE mask wearing.
Well the old saying that "Fool and His money are easily parted" rings true around here today.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Sounds like the garage owner values sanity over dealing with stupidity. Bad neighbors suck; glad you can find some humor in such a whack.
The Young Turks - Fox Guest Complains: We Have To Pay A Living Wage Now! []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Whiney ass. Sounds like a dick to work for.
Can't say he didn't warn us everyday for years.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Good doggy. Get especially worried if rings twice.
This guys sounds like an Athiest blogger! I do agree with his message though.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
He nailed it.
Purloined from the Australian fbuck page of a women's group called "Destroy the Joint".
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Working construction is tough world wide. Not any better in much of the states. I spent near 30 years working masonry in the summers and some winter breaks. My pay sucked because I worked for my ex father-in-law, but at least if it got too oppressive hot (at least once) or I needed to do something else,I didn't fear getting fired. I've been reading about those folks working in the US Southwest and getting little benefits or even enough breaks from the heat. And then, in places like Qatar, those immigrants imported to build soccer stadiums are essentially slaves.
Sister-in-law of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Passes Away From COVID-19 Complications
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
I would like to see the real reactions of some of these asswipe politicians' significant others.
Even GWB: []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Some days I think he may honestly regret suckling Cheney's teat so much.
Angry Christian Mom Boycotts Gillette Venus for Ad About Shaving “Down There” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Being a Xtian female, she should defer to her husband. Did anyone ask him what he thought?
Ex-Georgia Prosecutor Facing Charges for Trying to Protect Ahmaud Arbery's Killers Is Booked into ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
IMHO, certain professions should face tougher sentences. Prosecutors are definitely ones I would put into that. I also put my old profession of teacher there as well. This would only be for crimes directly related to the jobs.
Wells Fargo hit with new $250 mln fine for failure to pay back wronged customers | Reuters
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
While there is no shortage of crooked banks, Wells Fargo always leads the way.
Chris Christie Tells GOP To ‘Face The Realities’ Of Trump’s Loss And ‘Discredit The ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
I hope Christie runs in 24 against whoever the trumpists put up, including the Orange Menace. And while I would never vote for Christie, in such a scenario, I would at least think about contributing some spare change.
First practical joke
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
I was doing the Washington Post online crossword today and one clue was "famous animal conservationist." Suffice to say I saw no humor and was ticked by the answer "Noah."
Irresponsible NYT Essay Defends TX Abortion Law As a Way to “Teach Us to Love” | Hemant Mehta |...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
"A failure of every woman" ...... Where the fuck are the men in this? Last time I looked, aside from a test tube clone, it takes a male and a female to get pregnant. If they want that bullshit law, why aren't men required to provide financial and medical support? All about fucking Abrahanic control - little different from the "terrifying" Sharia law they consistently say democrats want to impose.
Irresponsible NYT Essay Defends TX Abortion Law As a Way to “Teach Us to Love” | Hemant Mehta |...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Prof at Liberty is all one needs to read to know she is a twit twat.
Canine library 😆 (Credit to Artist @Off The Leash)
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Totally right.
It’s 4.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Always enjoy Rod.
William Tell Overture by Glen Campbell. []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
I served on the USS Ranger, and every time we pulled into or left a port they played the song - Glenn's version would have been better.
Sums it up nicely...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
You could add a third: Fox anchers who don't want their audience to know
The Young Turks - This White Nationalist Is UPSET People Are Mocking Him []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
No pity for that ass. If I believed in karma, I would point out his own crap he throws at people.
Fermilab - Quantum mechanics and the double slit experiment [youtube.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
I have watched a number of similar videos. Such a cool thing. I've been into quantum physics, as a layman, since 1982 - an old friend taught it at the University of Delaware. He pretty much vanished when he joined the government; if they are experimenting with some of his ideas, so much could change, including warfare. Sort of scary.
Elvis singing his version of Green Green Grass of Home. []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 11, 2021:
I liked Elvis, he had a great voice. I'll be honest, this song, by any singer, never thrilled me. Still, you have a good day.
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about the word "boy" in the South.... []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 10, 2021:
I was accused of calling a 19 year old senior student (who had been recruited to play basketball at the school in which I taught) boy. I had publicly chastised him in the the gym, before school, for not putting away the equipment he had gotten out. I got called in to see the assistant head. It had not happened, and I had the perfect story to prove myself. One of my friends is a black man from Alabama; we met in grad school. One day he called and I answered saying, "What's up boy?" I immediately realized what I had done and started to apologize. My friend said, "No need, you're not from Alabama, and I have seen you call your sons boy (My father did that to me), and you use it as a term of endearment." I told my boss that and handed him my friend's phone number. I said I certainly hadn't been endearing to that student. The boss declined making a call and sent me on my way with an apology. After school that day, one of my black students came into my classroom, leading a group of younger persons of color to thank me for standing up to the recruited BB player. That young woman went on to work in the Obama White House. Last time we met up, at a play, she insisted on a selfie, putting me between "President Obama" and "Joe."
Political oxymoron, and who remembers Mr T?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 10, 2021:
I saw a Virgin prostitute in the Philippines. Then someone paid 40 dollars for her, and that was the end of that.
My bedtime post tonight is an old favourite from Sharleen Spiteri and Texas.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 10, 2021:
Nice job live - one way I judge bands is their live stuff. 👍
30 Years Later, Victim of Predator Priest Receives $1 Million Legal Settlement | Hemant Mehta | ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 10, 2021:
The whole catholic system hid abuse and so much more. I worked, for a brief time, in my first years as a teacher at a catholic high school. I honestly had no problems with the priest principal. My last year they brought in a total dick "lay" principal who caused lots of problems. He was going to write me up once, until I told him about my conversation with a district magistrate and a local superintendent. Shut his pie hole. Anyway, the secretary sued him for sexual harassment; she said she would drop the suit if he was gone - just like the catholics, they promoted him.
Christian Leaders Call For Action On Climate Change : NPR
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 10, 2021:
Many of their followers only pick and choose what they follow however. It is a good thing though. Think about the Rick Santorum Catholics in the US as an example - "abortion bad, but death penalty and screw over the poor and foreign immigrants good, damn the Poop."
Interesting! (To me in terms of cultural tradition/myths) Ganesh Chaturthi 2021: History, ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 10, 2021:
Don't know exactly why, but I was reminded of a Disney short - Sanjay's Super Team.
Adults Laugh at Tennessee Teen Whose Grandma Died of COVID-19: Video
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 10, 2021:
Such fucking assholes. Everything is falling to shit. I believe that 6 years ago these same people would have still been non compliment dicks, but wouldn't have insulted a kid over his dead Granny. Those are the types who I would like to show up at one of their lived ones funerals and shout, "The bitch/bastard deserved to suffer." I just want to scream obscenities in their fucking faces - especially at their prick ass churches.
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee - Racist and Sexist School Dress Codes Continue to Fail Students ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 10, 2021:
Dress codes seem to always warp into some sort of monster. In 20 years of teaching, I personally never really enforced the codes - once I told a kid not to wear a soccer shirt again that had a Spanish beer advert (no other teachers, including the Spanish teacher noticed). And once, I had a kid come to me hoping I would back him up on a shirt that a female teacher had told him not to wear. The shirt had women on it, and I didn't find it offensive, however, after examining it. I noticed the women formed the shapes of guns, neither the student or other teacher had seen that, and once I pointed it out, the kid agreed he shouldn't wear it to school.
Apparently that lane was closed this morning
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 10, 2021:
I would use that lane.
In view of the recent news of ABBA’s reunion, new album release and forthcoming virtual ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 10, 2021:
I have watched some of there new stuff and interviews. I saw something about their old selves being CGId - ill try to look for that later when I get on my computer.
For that one who hates socialism but can't define what it is....
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 10, 2021:
If only FDR's choice for Veep hadn't been knifed for Truman, who knows where we would be. A dream for the multiverse.
Exclave noun a portion of a country geographically separated from the main part by ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 10, 2021:
Check YouTube, there are a couple really good videos on this. Also, there is a small US town in Canada and when the kids go to school, the bus stops at the border and only the driver needs to confirm the passengers.
Queensryche - Silent lucidity []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 9, 2021:
A classic
Hers is an oldie.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 9, 2021:
Good one.v
Biden Has to Flay this Prick.. []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 9, 2021:
He is a Dino.
Woman Carrying a Loaded Gun Attacked Police After Refusing to Wear a Mask
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 9, 2021:
Without reading, I am pretty sure that since she is alive, she is Caucasian. Now I'll read the article.
Website with a list of anti vaxxers who died.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 9, 2021:
No pity.
Supreme Court Stays Execution in Dispute Over Pastor’s Role in Death Chamber
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 9, 2021:
I oppose the death penalty on the grounds that a government shouldn't be killing their own citizens. That said, my cynical self wonders if they would do anything for a Muslim, etc. And, actually, in one Southern state recently, some one was being refused a non xtion minister (Iman I think). Don't remember hearing more about that.
Facebook doctors
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 9, 2021:
Funny and yet, not funny.
The "Real America" explained []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 9, 2021:
By that ass's logic George Washington wouldn't have been a true patriot. Such an ass.
It’s time once again for my teatime treat…and today I’ve chosen a band from my home city ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 9, 2021:
New to me. I like it.
As I predicted, after the second jab, bodies will hit the floor, back in January.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 9, 2021:
All I have to say is WHAT UTTER BULLSHIT. No attempt to back anything up with even more bullshit already disproven "studies."
[] Happy birthday, Otis Redding.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 9, 2021:
Such a great talent.
The Young Turks - Religious Male Karen Plays Swimsuit Police At The Beach []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 9, 2021:
I saw that. What an ass. And he didn't harass any men.
So my only living immediate relative, my brother has this awful habit of hanging up the phone on me.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 8, 2021:
Yea, I have two sisters left. One is 17 years older than I. We talk; her husband is an evangelical minister after retirement from business. She, smartly set a no religion talk between the two of us - only family stuff. My other sister, just 5 years older than I, hasn't spoken to me in years. She relies a lot, since our parents died, on the elder sister. Not sure what will happen with her when my oldest sister passes.
Bill has a very good point
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 8, 2021:
Too true.
Mom Beats Up Catholic Preschool Teacher After Seeing Her Son Physically Abused | Hemant Mehta | ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 8, 2021:
I understand her actions. I can't say it was the best choice of action; yet, when my kids were younger, I strongly believe I may have killed such a person. The woman needs to sue the school, as well, for their harboring such an individual - things like that are seldom first happenings. I can proudly claim thst my actions, in 1983, helped remove the PHD head of Penn State's daycare. No, actual physical abuse, but things like forcing the kids to stay outside for a half hour in below freezing weather so she could have a quiet meeting.
So, Just Who Are the Pedophiles? GQP Projection? []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 8, 2021:
The party of family values always.
Tell them chewie
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 8, 2021:
I whole heartedly agree.
Soccer fans are a bit like their idols! :-D
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 8, 2021:
These are great. I still love soccer; I used to play and coach; but yea, the whole I'm hurt thing gets out of hand. And English football fans are notorious for their behavior.
Definitely one for us! :-D
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 8, 2021:
That is so true.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 8, 2021:
I feel sorry for Martin Short now; I liked him.
Mr. Patriot, and Son: Isn't this what we would normally expect of a former president?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 8, 2021:
Good morning all…hope it turns out to be a great day.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 8, 2021:
Always a fun act.
Georgia native Joe South was a prolific songwriter.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 8, 2021:
He was a great writer and good singer/performer as well. Always liked his stuff.
"Third World" Mexico, Just Trumped the U.S.: []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 7, 2021:
And they are pretty much a catholic nation.
That's gonna be an awkward conversation.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 7, 2021:
During WWII, one major target for the allied forces was, of course, oil refineries. One needs to ask why most of the refineries originally owned by Standard Oil, in the European Axis areas, were still operational after the war
Gay Teacher Wins Sex Discrimination Case Against Catholic School That Fired Him | Hemant Mehta | ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 7, 2021:
Yup that healthcare
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 7, 2021:
Don't forget the Sudafed, and Cepacal throat lozenges.
Everybody loves dogs
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 7, 2021:
Trump, looking for a photo op. He probably dropped the dog on its head after and then burned his suit. Putin actually treats his dogs better than his own citizens.
Does anyone do charity or community service with a group not affiliated with religious ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 7, 2021:
Most animal shelters. The people may differ by location. In Oak Park Illinois, the folks never talk religion. Down in Charlotte, my daughter volunteers with Saving Southern Kitties and they are very liberal due to the folks who started the shelter.
Good morning, I hope it finds you all well.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 7, 2021:
👍 I'm up early and flying. Have a great day.
Since I retired, planning has gotten less urgent
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Toxic Bleach 'Miracle Cure' Advocate Andreas Kalcker Charged
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 5, 2021:
Damned idiots should all be locked up around the world. If he doesn't bribe his way out, I expect an Argentina jail will be very unpleasant.
As good an explanation as any...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 5, 2021:
Would have made a good Abbott and Costello routine.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 5, 2021:
They should, however in some cases certain judges will still rule against non xtions.
Police Steal $87,000 From a Former Marine They Claim was Following a Truck Too Closely The ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 5, 2021:
Civil forfeiture doesn't need guilt - it is the cops way to "legally," as courts have oked it, steal from people.
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about the media's role in foreign policy.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 4, 2021:
All about the money.
Why Texas Republicans’ Abortion Ban Could Backfire
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 4, 2021:
Let's hope so.
Still smarter than an anti masker []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 3, 2021:
Idiocy rules - lots of humorous responses from the group.
A Small victory: []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 3, 2021:
I saw that with his plea deal he is facing 50 some months, a far cry from over 20 years for his accused crimes. However, it is jail time.
Blues Image : Ride Captain Ride []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Great music.
Here we are at my last post again, and after the news of the forthcoming release of a new ABBA album...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 2, 2021:
I was just talking about ABBA today and how they were Sweden's 4th biggest industry during part of the 70's.
Two absolute guitar legends…both from Ireland - one from Belfast the other from Dublin.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Two of my favorites.
U.S. Supreme Court refuses to block Texas’ six-week abortion ban | The Texas Tribune
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Such bs. Let us hope this helps galvanize people like the 70's. Also, according to the court, (covering their asses) they said it was based on procedural problems and the lower courts may still respond.
Mike Lindell Sold MyPillow Plane to Fundraise for Lawsuit: Report
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Hope he loses his pillow business to bankruptcy. In a dream world, we would see his face on a FB click bait in 5 years saying, "Once rich, now a returned crack addict."
U.S. Capitol Police prepare for a rally in support of Capitol riot - Axios
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 2, 2021:
I hope the Capitol Police show up in riot gear. And yes, I know that doing so can help inflame a situation. However, let's see how much the "we love the blue crowd" responds.
Sad: Can we send Abbut in to help cleanup? []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 2, 2021:
The whole place is a mess. Lack of science dumbshits; and most of this could have been avoided if the trumpsterfire and his administration had been pro active and actually fought the virus and nixed the anti mask anti vax rhetoric.
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about that law in Texas and tattoos.... []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 2, 2021:
He is right on. As usual.
Christian Preacher: I Was in the Hospital with COVID, But Prayer Alone Cured Me | Hemant Mehta | ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 2, 2021:
People like to thank their invisible friend for good things, but, had he died, others would have blamed the hospital or said his invisible friend needed him. Such bullshit.
Satanists Demand FDA Give Them Access to Abortion Drugs for Religious Ritual | Hemant Mehta | ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 1, 2021:
Good for them.
Lauren Boebert’s Husband Did Time for Lewd Exposure That She Witnessed Salon.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 1, 2021:
I'm wondering, why isn't he on a sex offenders list. I've seen lesser offenses end up there - for their lifetime.
As some of you know, my employment over the past 6+ months has been taking calls to register & ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 31, 2021:
I have wondered how anti vaxxers would respond if a leak of smallpox got out into the world and a third of infections resulted in death. A number of labs still have smallpox on ice, especially the US and Russia who have experimented in making it a weapon.
Boebert Married THIS Guy? []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 31, 2021:
Slimy creatures.
ok i might have laughed a little bit too hard.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 31, 2021:
In some places those kids can marry legally.
It's not like he's going to read it.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 31, 2021:
I remember reading about a kid, somewhere in the states, that grew up in an anti-vaxxer family, and as soon as he was 18, he got all his shots.
Catholic Bishop: Vaccines Mandates Could Lead to the “Time of the Apocalypse” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 30, 2021:
The king apocalypse has been coming for 2000 years. What a crock of shit. For humans, a type of apocalypse may be coming in a slow burn, literally, as the Earth heats up and nature says get thee gone fuckwad naked apes.
Just in case anyone visits England and wants to watch a cricket match, here is a simple guide!
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 30, 2021:
I have tried watching and understanding - especially during lockdown when New Zealand had live games on at 230am here in the states.
Don't shop on Amazon...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 30, 2021:
Palestinian cheeses as well.
you know she wants some of it.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 29, 2021:
That grosses me out; I expect she feels worse.
Liberty U.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 29, 2021:
All taught to be whiners from childhood
Trae Crowder - Liberal Redneck - "Spoiled" Little Poor Kids []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 28, 2021:
He is so right on.
Another Godman adventure....
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 28, 2021:
So true.
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