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I’m missing someone so badly right now that doesn’t love me back.
Buttercup comments on Aug 20, 2019:
Hey, I like you, you're good people, his loss. Emotional hurts are like physical hurts, the pain can help if it keeps you from injuring yourself again and if you pick at it it takes longer to heal. (not that I'd ever follow this advice, so if you're smart you probably shouldn't listen to me)
And people wonder why most conservative don’t like Obama.
Buttercup comments on Aug 21, 2019:
Might want to check snopes
Delaware joins multistate lawsuit suing Trump Administration over treatment of immigrant children | ...
Buttercup comments on Aug 27, 2019:
I'd really like to see Trump before the world court, these are crimes against humanity, according to the treaty, Protocols for the Treatment of Refugees. The US is a signatory and Trump is not only violating it, it is his sworn duty as US president to enforce it.
Truer words were never spoken
Buttercup comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Stole this my FB
Due to the fact that my grandfather had Alzheimer's disease, I attach great importance to my brain's...
Buttercup comments on Sep 8, 2019:
He's got true believer syndrome and goes too far but he's less quack than showman. A lot of what he says makes sense, basic heathy living, nutrition, exercise and avoiding injury probably is a reasonable approach to brain health.
A question: if you find out, during lovemaking/foreplay that your partner has nerve endings, ...
Buttercup comments on Sep 11, 2019:
Everybody is different, that by itself wouldn't be much of a problem.
I would like to learn about meditation, some one have some recommendation.?
Buttercup comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Jon Kabat-Zinn has some good guided videos.I couldn't find the series but this one may be worth a try. They were around 20 or 30 minutes.
I thought i’d show you guys my Guinea pigs, Jedi, Blossom and Jinx posed for a group ...
Buttercup comments on Sep 24, 2019:
My handle is in honor of Buttercup, my pig. I had one named Blossom too.
I hate to say this, but now that the senate voted 100% on releasing the documentation on trump's ...
Buttercup comments on Sep 25, 2019:
Trump is a patsy, at this point Pence has a better shot at being president so it's time to get rid of him.
The Scientific Method and Quantum Physics
Buttercup comments on Sep 29, 2019:
That is what Einstein thought, the randomness could be resolved. Since we have limits to resolution though it is moot.
Buttercup comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Lots, I like frisky girls. I initiate more but I'd be insulted if they never did.
Good article! I have to admit i agree []
Buttercup comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Science doesn't let you just make shit up. Until at least one religion presents a falsifiable definition of god, atheism is the default. I generally don't refer to myself as an atheist because I'm Spinzoan. But at least as far as the scientific method is involved, it doesn't exist if it can't be shown to exist.
What is your favorite WTF holy bible passage?
Buttercup comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Ezekiel 23:20 She remembered her lover with the penis like a donkey and a flood of semen like a horse.
Not the tan suit!
Buttercup comments on Oct 11, 2019:
I call it taupe instead of tan, still clashes with orange
Today we found plane wreckage on a 1943 crash on a nearby mountain.
Buttercup comments on Oct 13, 2019:
Cool, there is a B17 near me.
If you are interested in the geology of the PNW you might enjoy this video: []
Buttercup comments on Nov 29, 2019:
I'll try to watch it later, the casualty projections for a Ranier eruption are horrifying, a huge mudslide from the mountain to the sound.
Something from 1900 we could learn from - []
Buttercup comments on Jan 13, 2020:
This speaks to me, I have a bird and bee friendly yard. I like useful plants that manage themselves and have many volunteer herbs and veggies. I still have way too much lawn though, I was the last house on a dead end street and neighborhood playground but it's past time for a change.
Covert Kink... have you ever, in public, secretly got your kink on?
Buttercup comments on Feb 14, 2020:
In a church, as a favor to a friend though. It was her turn-on. She had a thing for Jesus and Santa. Does road head even count as a kink. Feels mainstream to me.
Buttercup comments on Mar 1, 2020:
I'm high risk too and only 10 miles or so from Seattle
I thought my shop should of been able to stay open and that what better way to relieve stress than ...
Buttercup comments on May 29, 2020:
There is definite precedence. Vibrators were invented by and for doctors who believed (rightly, I think) that orgasms were good for women's health.
This song moves me to tears... []
Buttercup comments on Jun 15, 2020:
Me too, ever since it was new. Too bad it is still so topical
Post a song that you feel is out of this world sexy. []
Buttercup comments on Aug 7, 2020:
I like the sly innuendo in this one
OK, Solve this puzzle:
Buttercup comments on Aug 31, 2020:
Vale noun the world, or mortal or earthly life: this vale of tears.
Buttercup comments on Sep 11, 2020:
I've misapplied this my whole life as "veil of tears" thinking it referred the obscuring of vision by a semi transparent sheet.
I am curious.
Buttercup comments on Sep 14, 2020:
I've been pleasantly surprised at how frisky and open minded women I've known have been. I think the key is making it about the mutual experience rather than the kink. If the sex is good they are usually inclined to go along with the program and as time goes on the challenge becomes keeping the sex fresh and interesting and they get eager to experiment. Too much too soon makes them feel objectified.
Extracted from "The Perfumed Garden", a 600 year old, Arabic book on sex.
Buttercup comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Human sexuality is never that simple no matter what "that" is. Some women like really deep penetration (A- spot) but even then you can get the wrong angle and hit something more tender and hurt them. A lot of women don't orgasm through penetration period
Do you guys really vote when you got worse and worst option .
Buttercup comments on Nov 17, 2020:
I'm not happy to choose between the Christian fascists and the center right but it is a clear choice. As clear as choosing between only McDonalds and going hungry.
Forrest Sherman-class destroyer USS Turner Joy (DD 951), during her WestPac deployment,1982.
Buttercup comments on Dec 3, 2020:
Docked in Bremerton Wa, toured it with my kids.
Do you remember Rudolph?
Buttercup comments on Dec 13, 2020:
Have a Holly Jolly Christmas
Can you name any TV shows or movies that seem secretly by and for atheists?
Buttercup comments on Dec 23, 2020:
Lucifer pokes a good bit of fun at Christianity, I'm surprised it hasn't generated more hate.
Based on the responses I got, I should have posted this here.
Buttercup comments on Dec 24, 2020:
I don't remember the pork but the beef was abominable, shreds of utility beef in hard congealed fat and water. The spiced ham loaf (generic Spam) was pretty good.
The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn has been in the news of late.
Buttercup comments on Dec 25, 2020:
Lots of people think a conjunction means no separation between the visible discs (a partial eclipse) which only happens with Saturn and Jupiter at intervals of tens of thousands of years.
In 23andMe, I share the common H7 maternal haplogroup with the likes of MarieAntionette.
Buttercup comments on Dec 26, 2020:
They should DNA type some relics, If Jesus had a Y chromosome, it would have to have come from his father and anyone else who had it would have been another bastard child or god's grandson
In the US: Here is how some of the Republicans can redeem themselves a little bit, in my eyes, ...
Buttercup comments on Jan 1, 2021:
The Republicans can't win a fair contest, so this would guarantee their demise. Our best hope is that the Democrats push election reform while it is to their advantage. I wouldn't expect too much though, any real reform would threaten the corporations ability to choose who runs.
Hey, everybody! I thought I'd try something new here.
Buttercup comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Covid closed our neighborhood food bank, so we've set up a couple of lockers. Take what you need, give what you can. They never empty, I tend to leave a lot of treats and no cook kid friendly stuff because they go fast.
Welcome to the group, @Buttercup ! I know you just commented on another post, but I like to welcome ...
Buttercup comments on Jan 2, 2021:
I was one of the first volunteers at the Berkeley Free Clinic, within a few weeks of the start. Spent a lot of time at our elementary school, Chess Club and geography and reading tutor. Pta and Boy Scouts (we're in a Seattle suburb so we just ignored the religious and anti gay stuff)
Parler CEO Says Service Dropped By “Every Vendor” And Could End His Business [deadline.
Buttercup comments on Jan 11, 2021:
He's on Twitter begging to be let out of time out.
Nicolas maduro starves and tortures his people but he can have a twitter account.
Buttercup comments on Jan 12, 2021:
He's smarter than Trump
I'm sure many of you viewed the Schwartzenegger video.
Buttercup comments on Jan 14, 2021:
Nobody is comparing the Maga cult to the Nazis because they are equally intelligent and disciplined, that that proud boys should be excused because they are lazy and incompetent kinda misses the point. This is a pep talk not a history lesson and the ad hominen attack on Arnold does not excuse their behavior either.
Is there any reason my feed has become an annoying spamfest of images that are irrelevant to me?
Buttercup comments on Jan 16, 2021:
Put your alerts as your entry page and skip the main feed.
This sent to be by a friend, who more typically is wrapped up in conspiracy theories:
Buttercup comments on Jan 17, 2021:
It looks like the pope has one of those "Mars Attacks" brains under his hat.
That 2nd dose ain't no joke.
Buttercup comments on Jan 19, 2021:
My daughter is a nurse in a senior care home, she says a lot of younger people are having some issues after the second dose.(probably because younger people have a better immune response, like some flu vaccines we may want to age adjust the dose) I just became eligible yesterday and haven't yet been able to schedule mine.
Phases of the Moon.
Buttercup comments on Jan 20, 2021:
Kinda looks like it, mean solar time naturally since time zones and DST would mess it up. I think that since the full moon occurs at midnight that would be the divider
Trump Has Discussed Starting a New Political Party -
Buttercup comments on Jan 21, 2021:
Might be nice to see Trump deface the corpse of the GOP. This could be could good because the Democrats could then split without empowering the far right. He's done except his followers infighting might could further weaken his party.
Tastes like Mango daiquiri 😋😅
Buttercup comments on Jan 22, 2021:
She's not fruity, she's silky smooth like Bailey's
The Biden administration: Illusion and reality There is an intense effort in the Democratic ...
Buttercup comments on Jan 24, 2021:
Your are a nut, but also substantially correct. I'm especially distressed that a Raytheon lobbyist is in charge of defense and the mass murders in Yemen and throughout the Middle East will continue because they are good business. Unfortunately they don't have a plan or leadership, this monster runs on reflex.
We Spoke to a Guy Who Got His Dick Locked in a Cage by a Hacker A victim shares the scary story ...
Buttercup comments on Jan 29, 2021:
What a maroon
Are some people just not right for marriage?
Buttercup comments on Feb 6, 2021:
My own feeling is marriage should legally be divorced from religion and culture. So any or most the above considerations could be present. The interests of society at large such as care of children, survivorship and inheritance should be part of contract law. If you want to marry for love or to satisfy your own moral thinking have the ritual. Any people regardless of gender, sexual orientation or number of participants could write their own as long as they were competent to sign contract.
A conspiracy is simply 2 or more people telling a lie.
Buttercup comments on Feb 7, 2021:
Please learn a little English
I often get really sad and disgusted when I read some of the political posts from Shawnee locals.
Buttercup comments on Feb 13, 2021:
My town too. Our food bank had to close to protect the health of the elderly women that ran it, for a year now all we've had is some lockers stocked by neighbors, they are never empty.
Would they be poisonous?
Buttercup comments on Feb 13, 2021:
They look like shaggy parasols, very bland raw but baked in a slow oven they get a dark, rich beefy flavor.
Trump Ruined My Relationship With My Family
Buttercup comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Improved mine, it's a ready made litmus test to jettison the hopeless idiots.
Can Dark Matter Be Explained By a Link to a Fifth Dimension ?
Buttercup comments on Feb 14, 2021:
More intriguing to me is the possibility that tachydons could provide a new level of particle symmetry that could explain quantum entanglement, why the expansion of the universe is accelerating, the dearth of antimatter and what dark matter is. Not that I have the slightest idea of how to look for them.
Recent posts on this site have shown a population of people who are willing to comment, but ...
Buttercup comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Wasting your breath, they're owning the libs, they'd rather die than learn.
truer and truer every day
Buttercup comments on Feb 16, 2021:
I divide them up into Trump christian or Jimmy Carter christian
There are 4 little bottles of booze. Only 3 arms??! What?
Buttercup comments on Feb 16, 2021:
There are some fingers left of a fourth hand, if you look to the left and down, the kilt is cut off. Looks like somebody used a clone tool to remove part of the picture
Lifted from a friend: Kudos to whoever put this together.
Buttercup comments on Feb 17, 2021:
It's petty to want revenge but I guess I'm not the person I ought to be yet. That fucker needs to suffer.
Biden shows he is the voice of presidential sanity.
Buttercup comments on Feb 17, 2021:
He's off to a good start, he wasn't my first choice but he does seem capable. It's a tough job that no one can do perfectly and he certainly won't please everybody. I, for a very brief period, hoped that Trump could grow into the job. It's a relief to have someone sane.
Apparently there are 52 Countries where it’s difficult for missionaries to take bibles.
Buttercup comments on Feb 18, 2021:
The Tora is roughly the same as the early chapters of the Bible. I think both are banned in the same places for the same reason.
I am still struggling with life;I spent one recent evening seriously pondering ending it.
Buttercup comments on Feb 24, 2021:
You can't change your mind later if you do, so whatever else, stop and consider carefully. My basic take is unless your suffering is unbearable you should muster your courage and go on. I've had severe depression and come close but in retrospect I'm glad I didn't. I had a friend kill himself recently, we'd talked years ago about him killing himself. He had multiple bypass surgeries, a tough recovery and told me he'd rather die than go through it again. He had more surgeries and chose to take his life shortly after. I respect his decision but I really miss him.
“If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point ...
Buttercup comments on Feb 26, 2021:
A similar idea and one I have profited by, though doubtless in a less mercantile sense than Henry intended. “He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that. His reasons may be good, and no one may have been able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side, if he does not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion... Nor is it enough that he should hear the opinions of adversaries from his own teachers, presented as they state them, and accompanied by what they offer as refutations. He must be able to hear them from persons who actually believe them...he must know them in their most plausible and persuasive form.” John Stuart Mill
I was wondering how many folk make partitions or compartments in the mind to go on believing in ...
Buttercup comments on Feb 27, 2021:
Everyone, our brain it self filters information through our unconscious and a haze of mind altering hormone. It is a matter of degree not kind, astrology had it's roots in critical thinking.; for earlier men watching the stars could predict seasonal changes and they extrapolated too far. The best test is how willing you are to abandon your old ideas when confronted by contradiction.
“If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance - baffle them with bullshit”.
Buttercup comments on Feb 27, 2021:
Never knew the source, I saw it many times in my youth on t shirts and bumper stickers,
Budget nominee Tanden withdraws nomination amid opposition [aol.
Buttercup comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Kind of ridiculous, as far as policy goes, whoever Biden appoints is going to be, like her, totally onboard with his views. Budget directors are wonks not revolutionaries.
Baptist Pastor Who Told Wives to Lose Weight Has Taken a “Leave of Absence” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Buttercup comments on Mar 3, 2021:
It's amazing how guys rate women's looks (Trump too) when they look like this
This sounds like fantastic advice, and I'm going to try it:
Buttercup comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Good luck but animals tend to adapt, they put a realistic coyote in a nearby park(maybe taxidermy, it was that good) and the Canada Geese were ignoring it within a week.
How about some soul music Booker T. Jones Green Onions []
Buttercup comments on Mar 5, 2021:
I watched this video earlier today. Man he has big hands, that keyboard looks like a toy.
We celebrate Townes van Zandt's birthday today.
Buttercup comments on Mar 7, 2021:
I heard him described as "Edgar Allen Poe in cowboy boots", catchy.
(I scored a 65, what was y'all's scores?
Buttercup comments on Mar 10, 2021:
42 that seemed low,, off the top of my head I'd have thought I was about average.
Hi all, I'm new here and curious as to how others identify.
Buttercup comments on Mar 13, 2021:
It lost its sting long ago, its part of long tradition of the outgroup coopting a label. More recently LBGTQ people calling themselves queer.
Actor/director Ron Howard. He's 67, same age as me...and same hair style, too!
Buttercup comments on Mar 13, 2021:
Opie was in the same grade as me throughout the show, classmates!
Republican Senator Says States Should Reject Biden's Stimulus Money - YouTube
Buttercup comments on Mar 13, 2021:
Starting with his, I think Republicans should set the example.
You know when you get to that stage that you’ve sorted through a lot of your old hang ups, dealt ...
Buttercup comments on Mar 16, 2021:
It always boils down doing what's best for you. That mistreatment is unconscious or unintentional should make you more understanding but understanding isn't the same as tolerating.
I have learned that I have a VERY strong visual and oral preference for outies, but how on EARTH ...
Buttercup comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Definitely out of style, labia reduction surgery is a thing. Never known anyone personally but it does look odd to me. (The contours of the lips look cutoff) Nikki Glasier the comic, says hers looks like a hastily packed suitcase. I think she's hilarious but negative body image comedy is pretty thin even when it's about oneself and somewhat satirical. I'm a slave to fashion so I like innies but not enough to affect a relationship and surgical intervention just for appearance seems excessive.
Peter Gabriel. - Red Rain...great song, great artist. []
Buttercup comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Yes! Solsbury Hill may be my all time favorite song(his too). Can't put this in "Quotes" because I can't remember exactly but his girlfriend and collaborator, Laurie Anderson, once observed; guns don't kill people, holes made by bullets kill people.
I saved the day! What a weird experience.
Buttercup comments on Mar 22, 2021:
I had deep fry oil boil over in my kitchen, it got big fast. We were snowed in so firemen were many minutes away. All's well because I had one. The crusty black goo of burnt oil and fire extinguisher is no fun to clean up though.
13 commonalities that happy couples are likely to have. A few surprised me: []
Buttercup comments on Mar 23, 2021:
If you've never heard of the Gottman Institute, they've done some really interesting work on couples. They do quantitative studies of body language. They have Ted/ Google talks on youtube.
Buttercup comments on Apr 1, 2021:
Happy Easter or Sumerian fertility day (first egg hiders). I almost posted this mysellf yesterday.
Buttercup comments on Apr 4, 2021:
Probably not a lot but creepers find their way into everything.
Past that point long ago! Now it's when the music our kids listened to in high school...
Buttercup comments on Apr 5, 2021:
It was Devo singing "I'm through being cool♫" but I'm not bitter
Def Leppard. - Pour Some Sugar On Me. []
Buttercup comments on Apr 7, 2021:
One of my guilty pleasures when I need to pump the headphones. (vacuuming or mowing the lawn)
Can someone tell me why so many prominent black people are saying this?
Buttercup comments on Apr 8, 2021:
He's not a sell out, he is capable of some nuanced thinking. This article was edited to fit an agenda.
Gallup poll shows large increase in Democratic Party affiliation
Buttercup comments on Apr 8, 2021:
After Hoover they were out of power for a generation and Trump was worse. When slime like Gaetz represent you, I think you're due for a reckoning.
The Evangelical strip club!!
Buttercup comments on Apr 9, 2021:
He's the hung hot bear with piercings in the loin cloth, hellauva performer.
Question: 😅
Buttercup comments on Apr 9, 2021:
I might, I like rockclimbing and mountaineering, but he doesn't seem to be enjoying himself.
Good morning everyone.
Buttercup comments on Apr 12, 2021:
Broke my heart when he endorsed the call for violence against Rushdie, he'd seemed so kind and sweet.
The Smithereens - A Girl Like You [youtube.
Buttercup comments on Apr 12, 2021:
Great blue collar band, kind of country western for city boys.
What is the Worst Cover of A Popular Song:
Buttercup comments on Apr 19, 2021:
Yeah, just Beatles could ruin your hearing forever(I'm sure Pat Boone covered them at some point)'
@Admin I've been having problems where I am not able to copy links into replies to posts.
Buttercup comments on Apr 25, 2021:
Me too, but control + v works better than right click
The sad truth.
Buttercup comments on Apr 26, 2021:
Norman Rockwell's America as portrayed by the artist-bigots suck
1967 -some of my favorite songs -your favorites?
Buttercup comments on Apr 29, 2021:
The Letter and Brown Eyed Girl were the first records I ever bought.
The 13th Warrior, one of Antonio Banderas best roles in my opinion. []
Buttercup comments on May 1, 2021:
Very underrated movie, very adept at sliding in some wry humor without losing the narrative.
Happy B-Day Pete Seeger born this date 1919, died 2014 at 94 Pete Seeger - We shall overcome ...
Buttercup comments on May 3, 2021:
When I was in college, 75 or so, he just showed up at a park across the street. Word of mouth... so only about twenty of us caught wind of it. Just him and a young guitarist, hanging out making music and an informal discussion of liberty.
7 Arrested After Mummified Cult Leader's Remains Found In Rural Colorado Home | HuffPost
Buttercup comments on May 4, 2021:
Should have built her a pyramid.
Corporal punishment in America's schools
Buttercup comments on May 5, 2021:
There was a paddle on the vice principal's wall at my school but I can't recall it ever being used and I would have been a prime candidate. I do recall one teacher using his cane to break up a fight and I'm certain he met with no disapproval.
Thoughts? []
Buttercup comments on May 8, 2021:
Making vasectomy more easily reversed has been a goal for years and yeah, it's obviously a good idea. I don't know what ever became of it but there were experimental surgeries to implant tiny valves directly into the vas deferens so you could turn it on and off.
On this date, May 10, 1869, the Transcontinental railroad was completed connecting the east and ...
Buttercup comments on May 10, 2021:
There is a little museum with daily reenactments, fun for kids and really close to Great Salt Lake swimming.
Here is a site I happened upon.
Buttercup comments on May 22, 2021:
Nuts, it amazing how ugly beautiful religions always turn out to be.
That really gets my goat. Witches ' Sabbath, or The Great He-Goat; detail). Goya ca. 1823
Buttercup comments on Jun 3, 2021:
Goya could be quite grim
Tribal Authority Supported: []
Buttercup comments on Jun 6, 2021:
Strange law. I live on a reservation and our Tribal Police are also sworn deputies of our county sheriff so the decision is moot here.


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