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FFRF Bible Quiz -- How Much Do You Know About the Bible?
CS60 comments on Nov 4, 2017:
LOL 14: I got my knowledge in Sunday school. Not even. I never went to Sunday school. I was basically raised without religion, so I know almost nothing about the bible and I plan to keep it that way. The few times I've tried to read it, it was nothing more than a bunch of disjointed, made up stories, written 3 or 4 centuries after it happened.
What do you find sexy?
CS60 comments on Nov 4, 2017:
Intelligence is incredibly attractive. A similar sense of humor is a deal maker. And i'm a sucker for a great smile.
What are you most looking for in a relationship? Just your 1 Thing
CS60 comments on Nov 4, 2017:
I'm attracted to intelligence and humor, so they are necessary. But I think the most important quality is the trust that stems from honesty.
Should a candidate's ability to keep his/her religious beliefs to him/herself be a litmus test for ...
CS60 comments on Nov 4, 2017:
They shouldn't be automatically removed, but there MUST be separation of church and state. If they believe in god that is their business and so long as they don't cram any religion down my throat, I'm open to them as a candidate. I also think there should be some type of competency test - constitution, finance, history.
If you research you will find out that cannons/bible was written 311 A.
CS60 comments on Nov 4, 2017:
Religion is about controlling the masses and treat hem like mushrooms - keep them in the dark and feed them crap.
What do you like to do to relieve stress?
CS60 comments on Nov 3, 2017:
Walk, weigh lift, read, look for Bizzaro comics on FB, listen to "ohm". I don't know why, "ohm' is a very soothing sound to me.
Iceland Mandates Mental Health Warnings On All Bibles
CS60 comments on Nov 3, 2017:
I'm liking Iceland more and more.
How many have been defriended on Facebook over your atheist memes and opinions?
CS60 comments on Oct 29, 2017:
I don’t think any. Most of my friends on FB are real life friends or real life friends of theirs that I haven’t actually met. That has resulted in a very liberal group, for the most part. I can’t say anything goes, but it can be amusing.
Michigan Supreme Court won't hear cross appeal |
CS60 comments on Oct 29, 2017:
Make America Great Again - Up & Down Theatre
CS60 comments on Oct 29, 2017:
Nice, I hadn’t seen it before.
If corporations are people, how has big pharma NOT been charged with genocide/mass negligent ...
CS60 comments on Oct 28, 2017:
Part of the problem is Citizens United where the Supreme Court allowed unlimited donations to political campaigns. Now the corporations openly buy the politicians.
As a dyslexic agnostic insomniac, I often lay awake at night wondering if there is a doG!
CS60 comments on Oct 28, 2017:
Any universalist/unitarian experience?
CS60 comments on Oct 28, 2017:
Each UU church is a little different. I’ve found them to be open and accepting. Many members do Not adhere to one specific religion, but follow a couple. Change many to almost all. Generally they seem to ask questions and Not follow directions, unless it involves coffee or beer. The Harrisburg UU has rules against proselytizing of any flavor of religion and I suspect most UU churches have that rule.
Beyond MeToo and IBelieveYou -- What will it take to end rape culture?
CS60 comments on Oct 26, 2017:
Stop victim blaming and call out those who do. The sooner we all learn to call out the rapists and abusers the better. It won’t stop until they feel uncomfortable and know there will be repercussions for their behavior.
Engage or Ignore Trump Supporters?
CS60 comments on Oct 26, 2017:
I don’t tend to engage very often and when I do I ask questions. And follow-up with “So what makes you think that? Have you researched that anywhere else?” I think it is slowly getting through to the intelligent, but conned people that voted for trump, that he is a disaster. His poll numbers continue to decline.
Thoughts on Madeline Murray O'Hare who with her crass, unapologetic toughness succeeded in banning ...
CS60 comments on Oct 26, 2017:
One organization is Americans United for Separation of church and State. The ACLU may have some cases too. I never thought I’d like that organization, but times are a changing.
What do you think of religious charities?
CS60 comments on Oct 25, 2017:
I don’t know if they are good or bad, but I don’t trust them. There is a good possibility that they are spreading religious right hate. I don’t donate to or volunteer at them. Too many other good non-religious places to do that.
Why are religious people on this site? What is their intention?
CS60 comments on Oct 21, 2017:
They know we have cookies! Some maybe questioning, some maybe looking to convert us to their religion. My concern is they will troll people. If they are asking questions and respectful- trying to learn, no problem.
How would you feel if you found out that the person you have feeling for was transgender?
CS60 comments on Oct 21, 2017:
I’m a straight transman and it wouldn’t matter. Pre, non, and post op doesn’t matter either. Some trans people only want to be with cis people. I’ve dated a pre-op transwoman and it took me a bit to get comfortable, but there was enough attraction. I’ve learned that I fall in love with what is between someone’s ears not what it is between their legs.
Do you like to cook?
CS60 comments on Oct 20, 2017:
I love to eat, so I learned to cook. I usually stick to easy things, few ingredients and few steps. I tend to modify recipes. I’ve learned that the crock pot is my friend. Come home from work and supper is done, with left overs!
Marriage equality
CS60 comments on Oct 20, 2017:
Love is love. Everyone should be treated equally.
What, in your opinion, are some characteristics of a mature person?
CS60 comments on Oct 16, 2017:
Being able to admit when you are wrong. Taking responsibility for your actions. Doing what you say you’re going to do. Is capable of taking care of themself, cooking, paying bills. They are afraid to laugh at themselves. They don’t belittle others. Immature would be: needy,blaming others, lying, drama queen or king.
Would you want a Christian God to be real?
CS60 comments on Oct 15, 2017:
No l don’t want the Christian god to be real. The Bible writers made him out to be a mean bully. No thanks. Jesus on the other hand might be cool to hang with, but again I don’t trust what’s in the Bible..
I am currently on release for time served...having religion shoved down my throat for 18 years
CS60 comments on Oct 15, 2017:
Chiropractors.. are they witch doctors do they do some good?
CS60 comments on Oct 15, 2017:
I have had both good and bad experiences. The most recent experience was bad. He was not helping me, but sucking up the money. The same guy a few years ago great. Adjusted my back a few times and it was great. It seems like in the intervening years he became a money grabber.
Hello! Anyone here in the DC Area?
CS60 comments on Oct 15, 2017:
I'm going to be in Arlington VA off and on for the next 3 months. I'd be interested if you get anything going.
Do you support Trump?
CS60 comments on Oct 13, 2017:
He lies (alternative facts) about 70% of the time. He doesn't understand nor respect the Constitution - per his comments on the free press and protesting. He is also clearly racist - per his comments on Puerto Rico and Charlottesville. So far he has done nothing good for the country. His actions have proven him to be a bigot, racist, homophobe and xenophobe. I do not respect anyone like that.
Do you think a religious person is more or less inclined to be racist/sexist/all around bigoted?
CS60 comments on Oct 13, 2017:
Many christians hide their hate, racism, and bigotry behind the bible and religion. They twist passages around to support their hateful view. I don't know that religion has made them racist or homophobic, but they use it as an excuse to behave that way.
I just recently gave up on on-line dating.
CS60 comments on Oct 12, 2017:
I haven’t totally given up on online dating, but it certainly very frustrating. I like generally intelligent discussion here and if more comes from it great.
How did you arrive at your views on sex?
CS60 comments on Oct 11, 2017:
I think this is the pagan in me - if it feels good do it. Consenting adults only! As long as no one is being lied to or cheated on and safe sex practiced. I suspect many religions try to make sex bad or perverted unless it is for procreation.
Do you judge any religions or beliefs below others? Or are they all the same to you
CS60 comments on Oct 11, 2017:
The judgement I make, is whether something I s right or wrong for me. I don’t tend to do well with organized religion - I ask too many questions. Or point out inconsistencies. I don’t know anyone is better or worse. It seems like when you get to the core of many, they’re similar.
Are atheist as racist as religious people?
CS60 comments on Oct 9, 2017:
I don't doubt that some racist Atheists, but at least they are not hiding behind the bible. I think the non-believers (Atheists, Agonistics, Humanists, ,,,,) would be less inclined to be racist or prejudiced. In the US we are a marginalized group and, as such, would have experienced prejudice and would be more cognizant of prejudice and bias.
Have you boycotted certain businesses based on your (non) religious principles?
CS60 comments on Oct 9, 2017:
I generally do not go to Chick-Fil-A, Walmart, Hobby Lobby, or Cracker Barrel. I also no longer shop at LL Bean's or drink Yuengling beer. If they are going to be stupid enough to promote the fact that they believe in discrimination, they don't need my money.
What do you say after someone sneezes?
CS60 comments on Oct 9, 2017:
Either bless you (out of habit) or gesundheit.
Do you believe in reincarnation?
CS60 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
Yes, and I've had this belief before I ever heard of Buddhism or Hinduism. I'm not sure how or why I came to this conclusion.
Are we alone in the universe?
CS60 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
There could be other intelligent species out there, but they haven't made contact or did and ran away in horror.
What's your thoughts on prostitution?
CS60 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
If prostitution is illegal, why is it that the women are mainly the ones arrested? Why are the johns not routinely arrested. Also, there is a lot of sex-trafficking going on, which means one of the parties is being forced to have sex. I think decriminalized prostitution will make that situation worse.
What do you want to happen to your body when you die?
CS60 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
I'd like to be cremated, then have my ashes mixed with a tree seed and buried. I haven't decided on the tree, yet. Maybe a maple, black locust, or chestnut.
If you had a whole week free, no responsibilities, and whatever resources you needed, what would you...
CS60 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
Possibly take a train ride to visit the national parks out west. Maybe a cruise on the Columbia River. You said unlimited recourses, so design furniture and have a cabinet maker execute them. Volunteer to build homes or work in a disaster area. Hmmm, is there any way we can stretch this to a month??
Any booklovers on this group? What authors/genres/topics do you like reading?
CS60 comments on Oct 7, 2017:
Generally I read non-fiction - biographies, autobiographies, true crime. On occasion I'll read a mystery. John Jakes and Stephen King are fiction writers that I'll read.
What are your biggest turnoffs from potential mates?
CS60 comments on Oct 7, 2017:
1. Smoker, that is a deal breaker. 2. Our senses of humor don't match. 3. Lack of intelligence 4. Lack of compassion, empathy, or kindness
Would you date someone you met online?
CS60 comments on Oct 7, 2017:
I have in the past and would again. A quick coffee or ice cream date to see if there's any in person chemistry.
Does anyone practice meditation?
CS60 comments on Oct 7, 2017:
Sometimes, but I'm not consistent about it. I find it very soothing to listen to and try to focus on ohm.


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Atheist, Freethinker, Believer, Religious
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