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Captain747ex has not written a bio yet


Some women just have to criticize
Captain747ex comments on Jul 19, 2018:
You must only choose one avenue for your next partner. Would you...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 19, 2018:
It's more fun discovering things as you go along. I think it would get boring if you knew everything about the person.
This sunbeam is just right. You may delay our dinner for another 10 minutes:
Captain747ex comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Such a cute kitty.
A lil prezzie, for all you gals. ?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 19, 2018:
It's too peopley out there...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Yes it is.
What we already know ?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Yep, pretty much.
When I was 16, I got my own apartment, of all places, in times square.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 19, 2018:
I don't have a problem with any of them as long as it is the person doing the job is not forced into doing it. I'd say regulate and legalize the sex trade. It sounds like it would reduce human trafficking and STDs. Sex is perfectly natural, I don't know why people have a problem with it.
Kiri attack.... []
Captain747ex comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Kittens are so cute when they play.
Pick one and tell me how you would solve it: National Debt, Child hunger in USA, Homeless Veterans.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Oh my gosh, this would be too long a post. However, one could actually start with one and end up fixing all three. For starters, no matter the choice, I would start by cutting the military budget by 35% and taking a portion of that money greatly increase funding to the VA. I would then take what was left and add it to the amount we spend on health care and institute a universal health care system to greatly lower the cost of health care to the people. I would increase corporate taxes to 80% and increase the tax on the estate tax to 90%. Most would go to pay down the debt while the rest would go towards school programs, better funding of the education system, research in overhauling the curriculum to be more efficient and better effective. I would implement tuition free post secondary education. I would wipe away all outstanding student loans. I would implement programs that would mirror European labor union laws and make it a law that labor must have a representation on company boards. People would bring in more take home pay allowing families to be able to spend more money of food and groceries. I would actively research ways to lead in education, health care, overall happiness, and work on ways to reduce stress of the people. I think it could be done if everyone worked for the greater good of the many.
They say that we all have a mate somewhere.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Yeah, I kind of gave up on that saying a long time ago. If there is someone out there for me, she's obviously no where near here.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Wow, just wow. Yeah, not the font I would have chosen. But, then again, I'm sure Victoria Secret has a big enough marketing department to know what it's doing. I'm sure that was intentional.
I just sat my phone down while trying to eat a salad.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Cats, plotting? Since when? Lol. They are the aliens that we have feared and they will take over the world someday. But, yes, they must plot but also make it look like an accident.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Awe, so cute
If only! ?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Hilarious. True, if only it worked that way.
It has been over 30 years since I dated. Is it okay to have sex on the first date now?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
I wouldn't want to have sex on the first date. To me, it would just seem awkward. If I am starting to date someone, I wouldn't want it too seem that all I was interested in was sex and not them. That's also probably why guys break things off after sex on the first date because that's all they wanted in the first place. In regards to having the woman make the call, is it possible that the stigma of male aggression might play a role? Just curious as to what others think. If the woman makes the call, it's most likely less viewed as forced. Maybe it's a safety mechanism that men have developed over the years to reduce the chance of being labeled a womanizer or potential rapist. That's what makes some sense to me. All in all, if things are going very well, and the chemistry is there, I don't see why the relationship would have to stop after sex on the first date.
I've had people tell me I flirt.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
I can relate. That happens to me too. I just like to make people laugh. I also have no clue that I am being flirted with either, so who knows.
Animal people are among the kindest ?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Yes, very true. I also question people who say they don't like animals. It just seems to strange to not like something that will love you unconditionally.
I am a closet introvert.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
I can understand that. I've been stabbed in the back multiple times by people I thought were my friends.
Don't fight me?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Very true.
Can you see me now?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Wow, someone blends in very well.
Just had to share. A guy from POF locally messaged me. He is part of our tribe! Wish me luck!!!?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Wishing you the best.
I think we have finally figured out the problem...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
I think I got cut from the team. I haven't even been at bat in a long time let alone any other base. And if I do get up to bat, it's almost like an intentional walk, but I'm thrown out instead of taking the base. The baseball analogy is pretty interesting.
As an introvert, what do you do for a living and are you happy/fulfilled doing it?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
I work at company that sells and distributes Aviation fuels. I am in the contract fuel department. If you remember how credit cards worked before the card reader and the carbon copy forms, that's basically what I do. The store would call the card company to verify that funds were available for the purchase. I can be viewed as the card company. People sign up for our contract fuel program, which general saves money on fuel prices. I give the authorization for the fuel to be bought on credit. I do enjoy what I do, but not as much as I enjoyed working the flight line at an airport. I loved fueling the aircraft, especially the airlines that serviced the airport. They weren't large aircraft, but I loved it. The whole thing is that it's not my job that I am unfulfilled about. It's something else that I can't put my finger on. I love the company I work for and the people I work with. I have fun at work, but I do feel something missing.
I was a side chick once without knowing it.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
That's a horrible experience and an even worse way of finding out about it. I can totally understand why would be picky. You can't get hurt when your single. Hopefully the right guy comes along for you.
MOSCOW – The Canadian government has relocated its NAFTA trade negotiations to Russia, a ...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Hilarious. I love it.
Good morning! Today's somewhat of a special anniversary for me, as I left my hometown Nuernberg, ...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Happy anniversary!!
Let's Go Pho King So anyone that truly knows me, knows I love puns.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
That reminds me of a skit on SNL a while back with Eddie Murphy as the Sofa King. He'll give you a Sofa King great deal.
Pardon me if I sound like a square, but I really don't know how to flirt! I would like to learn ...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 18, 2018:
My problem with flirting is that I can be totally oblivious if someone is flirting with me.
A GOP-Backed Law Would Punish States That Don’t Fund Anti-Gay Adoption Agencies – Friendly ...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 17, 2018:
This is a fine example of why I loath the Christian faith. They are one of the biggest groups of hypocrites and arrogance out there. Who are they to determine who can or cannot get an adoption? Who are they to tell someone that they cannot have access to abortions? Who are they to determine who can and cannot get married? These kinds of people really piss me off. They need to keep their stupid religion to themselves. Let people live their lives as they see fit as long as they are not being violent to anyone else. Hell, most of their stories are nothing more than simple, misguided stories and stupid myths stolen from another religion to further their cause. The only reason why Christianity is still around like it is today is because it had a good marketing department in the Roman Empire and was spread across the world by the point of a sword. They infuriate me.
I know that some of you pioneer users miss the good ol’ heady days, the first months of ...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 17, 2018:
That is too funny. I always love a good laugh.
Its only Tuesday... :S
Captain747ex comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Yeah, that's about it right there.
My favorite version of The Little Mermaid song. :-)
Captain747ex comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Yes, that's it right there. Where there's no people around.
My Beautiful Sweet L-ly tucked in for the night! She is to my left! And I have a Pug mix to my ...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 17, 2018:
So cute
Words to live by What words or sayings do you live by?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Non-intervention is the prime directive.
Polydactyls are awesome - they have extra beans! :-) And speaking of polydactyls, if you find ...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 17, 2018:
I had a cat that had thumbs. They are so cute. Oliver looks adorable.
Since this is my Facebook ?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Congratulations! I try to run through the questions in my mind that I think I may be asked. I am always nervous during an interview. Best of luck to you.
How do you guys combat loneliness?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 17, 2018:
I too, for the most part, enjoy being by myself. When the loneliness sets in, I tend to try and find funny videos to watch. Plus, I have my cats that tend to reduce the loneliness some. They can be very humorous at times.
Home is here...…..
Captain747ex comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Exactly, it wouldn't be home without them.
If they kill me you can have all my s! - YouTube
Captain747ex comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Too funny. That was a great video.
Typical Fur-Baby...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I have a cat that does that. He wakes me up a few times through out the night to bring it to me attention. He's lucky he's cute.
Master Masturbater: Deviant or Normal?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 16, 2018:
It's completely natural and I can relate. I don't have a sexual partner and haven't had a sex in a very long time. I can relate. I don't think I do it as often as you, but it is often. Sometimes there several days in between. After a while, a craving for the real thing sets in but I don't an option to fulfill that craving.
Cute picture
Captain747ex comments on Jul 16, 2018:
That looks painful.
An American sneered at me the other day 'You Canadians think you're better than Americans' I just ...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I love it. I'm not Canadian and I know it too. I don't understand the whole concept of "America is the best". Some of the rankings say otherwise. One would think that we might want to address these issues, but, oh right, America is perfect. Yeah, right. Your post made laugh so hard. It was great.
I voiced this particular preference of mine on another platform and was shamed into removing the ...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I don't know why anyone would shame you about actually wanting to pleasure your lover. There's nothing wrong with that.
Good morning!
Captain747ex comments on Jul 16, 2018:
No, just five more minutes.
God is love.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Um, you do realize that there is absolutely no archeological evidence for the exodus, right? It's nothing but a story, my friend. And a pretty piss poor one at that. It doesn't take a rocket scientist, maybe a brain surgeon, to realize that all these plagues lean on each other. The red colored water is from a buildup of a certain kind of algea. This makes the water uninhabitable, thus the frogs leave the water. The gnats and flies over populate because of the reduction in frogs and the all the dead fish washing ashore from the Nile. With the buildup of so many dead fish, desease would be bound to break out because of the algea. These people did not have the benefit of modern science. While cleaning up all the dead fish, they were bound to come into contact with the toxic algea, thus leading to boils. As for hail, severe thunderstorms can develop in the desert and produce hail. Remember, these people did not understand how this world works like we do today. Moving on to the locus. These things happen on their own. They can range from anniying to severe. Thus just may have been a severe case of infestation. It certainly wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary. It still happens to this day. The darkness was most likely a total solar eclipse. As we saw last year with the total solar eclipse in the United States, it got really dark for taking place in early to mid day. And, for your favorite one, the death of the first born can be attributed to a certain mold that grew on the grain reserves that was very toxic. Since the Egyptian custom was to feed the first born first, they would have ingested the toxic mold first and succumb to the toxicity first. You see, this is nothing but a story to uplift the spirit of the Jews that were in exile in Babylon. These events never actually took place. But let me ask you something. The time when this story is supposed to have taken place, Egypt controlled the Levant. Where were these hundreds and hundreds of Jews supposed to go once they left Egypt, yet never left the sphere of Egyptian influence? Doesn't make sense now, does it? So, before you go and troll here again, I would advise that you study your history. I would also strongly advise that you throw the Bible away as a history book/source because it isn't one. In fact, it makes a very horrible history book and is not a very reliable source. If you wish to live in your delusional world, by all means, do so. However, do not force your delusion on other people. Good day.
How did you become an atheist and at around what age??
Captain747ex comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I had always questioned religion from am early age. For example, how the world could be populated by just two people. It just isn't genetically possible to accomplish. There was a period where I put my questioning aside, mainly to please my mom, but it was always there noticing the inconsistencies. It wasn't until I went to college that I finally broke away and let the questioning take over. I had always noticed how unfair this world was and question how a supposedly loving God could inflict cancer and pain on young children. How can a loving God have that as apart of his loving plan? That made absolutely no sense to me. That's when I realized that there cannot be a God because that was the only reason that would explain childhood cancers and diseases. What also never made any sense to me was that this planet has been here for over 4 billion years. Why would this god character create a universe and then sit back and not touch it until around 6 to 4 BCE until approximately 33 CE? Why all the billions of years of non intervention? Not only that, why interact with only a small portion of the world? There are so many other areas in the world that thus God character could have made himself known, but no, just in the middle east. Then why no more intervention after that? I think the world during WW1 could have used an intervention, or what about the Holocaust? Why would he let over 6 million of his supposedly chosen people be exterminated? There were just too many questions and inconsistencies that had no answer to them. So, I would say I had the thought process of an atheist at a very young age, but fully embraced it when I was about 18 or 19.
I'm visiting NC, this week.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Here in Michigan, there were several billboards that said, "When you die, you WILL see Jesus." it had a number at the bottom and I really wanted to call that number and ask them how do they know. Have they had anyone die and then come back and tell them about their time being died and who they saw? I so wanted to do that, but never did.
Do you think religious or spiritual belief systems should be allowed to interfere with scientific ...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I don't think so because they are not of the science community and have shown over and over that they have no idea how science works. Leave science to the scientists and religion/spiritual groups to themselves.
Why, How and When to Flirt...Worth taking a look! []
Captain747ex comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Very interesting.
I’m just like this.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I would agree with that.
What is your opinion on dating sites? I have mine. Would like yours.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 16, 2018:
They've been a big waste of time for me. All the ones if tried didn't do anything.
Who's life am I living?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 15, 2018:
There are times I know exactly how this feels.
Looks legit to me.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Hilarious. Just one more. I laughed so hard when I saw this.
Good night from my little corner of the world.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 15, 2018:
It is a lovely view.
What is your favorite position?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Either doggie style or with the woman on top.
And he is right
Captain747ex comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Very true.
Sitting on my back deck watching a MAJOR storm coming. Anyone else get pumped for storms???
Captain747ex comments on Jul 15, 2018:
I love a good storm with loads of lightning and strong thunder. Sadly, not one significant storm as of yet this year.
Just watched George Carlin's review of the Ten Commandments and Christian religion on YouTube.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 15, 2018:
He was great. I love his material.
I am curious if anyone ever wonders how can this really smart person believe in God?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 15, 2018:
I've come to realize that the intilectual aspect of a person really doesn't come into play here. They have a fear of the unknown and have not come to terms with that. It brings them comfort to know that if they choose to believe the whole God story, they don't have an unknown to fear, even though they still do. They can be rational about everything else yet choose to ignore the inconsistencies of religion for the sole purpose of avoiding have to face an unknown. It's a crutch for them to get through life.
Regarding the recurring question about how the Christian community especially those closest to ...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 15, 2018:
I think it's more about power and agenda that a religious belief. These people want to impose their religious views on everyone, basically make the US a Christian theocracy, so badly that they are willing to make a deal with the devil himself to get the job done. They know they don't have a strong case for it and people are realizing it and leaving religion in droves. These people feel their power over the people slipping away and will not allow that to happen at any cost, even if it means destroying the very foundation they stand on. If they are going down, they are taking all of us with them.
Is religion used as an opium to the people or as useful means of domination for politicians?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Both, just as Seneca said. It's hard to control a questioning, critical thinking society.
Though I've lived most of my life in Oklahoma, I feel like an alien in a inhospitable land.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 15, 2018:
That's not right for friends to abandon you simply based on your beliefs. It's their loss. If they can't get past a difference like that, who needs them around. It's perfectly fine to disagree, but to end a friendship over it is ridiculous.
I am so glad I joined this site.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 15, 2018:
I agree with you there, well, not about the men part, but the women are great. It's nice to be able to express yourself openly and not be judged.
Targeting the Peripheral: A question for atheists.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 15, 2018:
I will debate the claim but only with the person who brought the claim to me. I've tried debating with anyone and everyone present, but that seemed to only have people double down on their "faith". Then I came to the conclusion that I was being similar, if not just like, those hardcore Christians that try to convert you. I think that if these people need to have their "faith" to get through life, who am I to force them to change their minds, no matter how rational my argument is. I find that these people need their "faith" to get through life because the fear of the unknown is just too great to go it alone. They will allow reason into their lives when they are ready.
Do you find scars sexy?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 15, 2018:
I find scars interesting. For example, how the new tissue looks and feels. It's not the same as before, but it's there holding things together. I think it adds to the sexiness of the person, especially if it has a good back story.
A friend and I partied last night.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Damn. Nice.
When will the men in politics realize they do not have the right to dictate rights and then to take ...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 14, 2018:
When those types of men realize that they do not have to be insecure about women, thus feeling the need to control them. That maybe they feel useless compared to women since they don't have as great a role, and therefore importance, in the development of the human species. Women do so much. They carry the child, give birth to the child, nurture the child, raise the child, educate the child(unless it's a boy, then men teach the boy to be a man), they care for the child. Even in our later years, it is the elder women who still care for the children, not the men. The men are there for the defence of the tribe and heavy labor. I feel that some men have this feeling of inadequacy when compared to women. Therefore, they control them.
Can I just ask the guys something...what is it with the ass thing?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 14, 2018:
I ask the same thing. However, it may have something to do with millenia ago, the ass was used to determine is a female was fertile or something along the lines of being in heat. Forgive me, the word is escaping me. That's one of the main reasons why men stare at cleavage. It resembles the ass. Why men want to stick something in that particular hole is beyond me.
Get involved or mind your own business?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 14, 2018:
I would have said something the moment it became physical. There is no excuse to hit anyone. I would have stood my ground making sure the woman was safe. I would have also then called the police and I form them of what happened. I would have done what you did. The sad part is that there are people out there that do not think very highly of themselves and think that the situation they are in is the best it is going to get. I would have called the police, like I said, but it would have been up to the woman to press charges and I'd almost bet money that she wouldn't do so.
Free will?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 14, 2018:
The world is way to complex to try and simplify it to something this simple. It's easy to look back on past decisions and think that they must have been the only options. No, you went through a multitude of options before you finalized your decision, but the choice was yours to make and no one else's. Sure there may have been outside influence, but the choice was ultimately yours to make. We ha è free will because there isn't an outside source making the decisions for us.
"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are ...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 14, 2018:
I think it is pretty clear that we made God into our own image. All the religious texts do not agree with each other and most are borrowed, if not stolen, from other cultures or religions. It was a great story to gain control of the people and keep them in line. There is no evidence for the exodus, the great flood, or of Jesus's own existence. What is there to believe? Christianity would have died out if it wasn't for the Roman Empire making it the state religion and the rest was spread by the point of a sword. What is there to believe?
Fear of Death?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Death is inevitable, it will happen. We just don't know when and that terrifies people. It is the greatest unknown. No one has died and come back to tell us about it. I don't think there is anything to fear about dying. You cease to function, you no longer regenerate cells. The bacteria in your body start to break you down. The cycle repeats. You came into this world with nothing, you leave this world with nothing. My only fear is if it will be painful. I don't want that.
Do you like leaving marks/receiving marks?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 14, 2018:
When you get going, it happens. No regrets here.
Poll: Is bad sex better than no sex at all? Bad sex, as in NOT reaching climax.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 13, 2018:
I guess you'd have define what bad sex means. I definitely wouldn't choose it all the time, but when you're extremely sexually frustrated, a release is a release. Masturbation will only get you so far and then you start to want the real thing. Then it all boils down to how long you would have to wait for some good sex. Therefore, bad sex is better than no sex when, I guess desperate for lack of a better word, but not desired and when Masturbation just won't cut it any more.
Did you guys know about this deviancy? ?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Hey, to each his own. I'm not here to judge.
Ok. I'm super kinky. But WTF is this?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 11, 2018:
Oh my. Interesting. Someone has an interesting imagination.
Hi sexual deviants.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 11, 2018:
I can relate. I'd say about a month is too long. I'm way past the month point.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 10, 2018:
I personally think the church needs to stay out of politics. No one has ever been able to give me a secular reason for why a woman should not be allowed the option of abortion, and gay marriage for that matter. Religion should be a private thing not something forced down the throats of everyone else. If one doesn't want an abortion, don't get one, but do not deny someone else their option to choose.
So if religious organizations can be non-profit should atheist groups be considered as non-prophet ...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 10, 2018:
Why can't you? Anyone can set up a non-profit organization. What would be harder for an atheist group to prove is calling yourselves a church to gain non-profit status that way. Other than that, an atheist group could start a non-profit organization. You don't have to have a religious reason to form a non-profit. It's basically about tax exemptions and tax deductible donations.
I think that "the news" helps create a general malaise of fear in the public.
Captain747ex comments on Jul 10, 2018:
I tend to agree. The news is more about ratings these days than about keeping the public informed. The news is portrayed in a twisted, over exaggerated way that makes the world seem more violent than it really is. Most crimes are committed by people who know each other. Random acts of violence really is not all that common.
How do I get over the grief of having a Joel Osteen block me on Twitter?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 10, 2018:
Joel Osteen a man of God? Ha, hilarious. I'd only grieve over the fact that I couldn't debate him any more. I would alas o be elated that he chose to block me because of what I would have told him. I'd get over it quickly.
Do you have a "5 year plan"?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 10, 2018:
Yes, because it gives me something to strive for and work towards. It helps me to organize and better my life.
Did anyone suffer from depression or PTSD once leaving religion and deciding God wasn't real?
Captain747ex comments on Jul 10, 2018:
No, I had always questioned God's existence. None of the stories made any sense. Depression and possible PTSD came after that for other reasons.
I'm sure someone has asked it before but I'm looking for polite or maybe no so polite, depending on ...
Captain747ex comments on Jul 10, 2018:
When someone says that they will pray for me, no matter the situation, I just tell them thank you and leave it at that. I think it's more of a comfort thing that helps them.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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