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My Blue Fairy garb . 20 July 2018


Time to start speeding...
Cast1es comments on Mar 20, 2021:
They're only perfect if the only thing you know about them , is what they chose to tell and show you early on . Reality comes later ,
Cast1es comments on Mar 20, 2021:
Mine usually bring me live lizards . Once they brought me a live , pregnant rat . She gave birth to a litter of about eight , then got pregnant again . Don't know why either cat went after her .
Cast1es comments on Mar 20, 2021:
It would be more accurate to define ancestry through the mother . A lot less likely to be a misconception .
I remember when I was in high school and the girls got the old, broken, castoff equipment from the ...
Cast1es comments on Mar 19, 2021:
The World over continues to treat women as second class citizens . This isn't news . It's been going on for some eight thousand years , or so . How can we correct this ? Mothers teach your sons , better . We give them life , We do the work of taking care of them up to adult hood .You have close to twenty years to teach them to become responsible adults , that includes respecting the ones who've raised them . It's the only way things will change .
I think i am going to learn the piano.
Cast1es comments on Mar 19, 2021:
If you start taking piano lessons , you may have a hunched back you wouldn't have otherwise .
The World Is Stuck With Decades of New Plastic It Can't Recycle We've been hoodwinked into thinking...
Cast1es comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Recently saw where a woman , is using recycled plastic , to make bricks for building cheap homes for the homeless.. She says they are stronger than standard bricks ,
You've come too soon
Cast1es comments on Mar 19, 2021:
I think she needs a bucket of water and a mop , instead of a vacuum cleaner .
Twig twig Part of speech: verb Origin: Unknown, mid 18th century 1: (as verb) understand or ...
Cast1es comments on Mar 19, 2021:
And here I thought a twig was just a tiny tree branch .
One sheep, two sheeps...
Cast1es comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Very puny !
Know your tropes
Cast1es comments on Mar 19, 2021:
If he's seeing himself in a mirror , then he can't be a vampire .
Cast1es comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Even though I'm stuck in a scooter , I still sometimes , just roam around the house .
Landscapes — 1.
Cast1es comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Very verried landscapes .
Giving credit as due:
Cast1es comments on Mar 19, 2021:
I think I've seen this one here before .
Cast1es comments on Mar 19, 2021:
I like Oprah .
Who's the new bartender?
Cast1es comments on Mar 19, 2021:
That says a lot .
Interesting, I thought I read he was a real cream puff, but I guess not.
Cast1es comments on Mar 18, 2021:
Are they actually allowed to show that on this site ?
Doesn't shoot straight
Cast1es comments on Mar 18, 2021:
Looks like the LBJT colors .
Who remembers this?
Cast1es comments on Mar 18, 2021:
Haven't a clue .
& one more...
Cast1es comments on Mar 18, 2021:
Ha , ha , ha, ha !
Give and take mate, I'd block her drain if she blocked mine! :-D
Cast1es comments on Mar 18, 2021:
Maybe he should stop fucking the drain , instead .
The banker saw his old friend Tom, an eighty-year old rancher, in town.
Cast1es comments on Mar 18, 2021:
He renewed his Viagra prescription .
Not the pipe he was hoping to connect
Cast1es comments on Mar 18, 2021:
Misinterpretation .
Cast1es comments on Mar 18, 2021:
And here I thought thisone woud have something to do with awful sounds .
Night shot, Arizona Falls Park, Arcadia, Phoenix, Arizona.
Cast1es comments on Mar 18, 2021:
Not quite sure what that's supposed to be . Looks like a water fall on the left hand side , but the concrete bit doesn't seem to make much sense.
[] World council meeting in Australia this May. Own nothing and be happy?
Cast1es comments on Mar 18, 2021:
When I was young , Dad used to get Popular Mechanics Magezines , which would predict what the future was likely to be like . It had some amazing forecasts , some of which did come true , some are now possible , but not in general use , yet , at least .. This is an amazing time to be alive . I had a little old maid Aunt who could remember the very first time an automobile came to Laurel , the city she grew up in , between Washington D.C. and Baltimore , Md . She lived to see man walk on the moon . When I was small , my parents bought an old used car that had both a key ignition starter and a long crank as a back up system for starting the car . Now there are self driving trucks and cars on the roads . They had an old TV someone else was was getting rid of , that had a screen that measured about 5" diagnoly . now you can buy a screen that is relatively flat that takes up most of a wall .
ME: I remember being 6 years old, and my father would give us beer in little bathroom Dixie cups.
Cast1es comments on Mar 17, 2021:
I really don't think starting six year olds on whiskey , is a very good thing . Too many alcoholics already . It is common knowledge that alcoholic husbands are typically also spouse and/or children abusers . Teaching small children that alcohol is a sign of maturity is exceedingly stupid .
Do most on here pick one stock and stay with that stock only?
Cast1es comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Diversified is most likely to ease your ulcers . Putting all your money into one stock , can be very scary .On the other hand having one or a few stocks that you can really study , and understand what things affect it's likely daily changes . I kept seeing that specific tech stocks were going to zoom up , but they seemed to be keeping which particular stock that was . Eventually , I purchased several tech stocks , at the same time , for approximately the same amount of money for each stock , then let the results talk to me . I sold off the one with the lowest profit and bought more of the highest profit . It had a wave pattern to its. daily price , so I set out to buy low and sell high. Did very well all of last year, but the unexpected extremes this year , could have made me a small fortune , had I been better at realizing how extreme the prices would range .
A gargantuan supernova remnant looks 40 times as big as the full moon: []
Cast1es comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Beyond my comprehension
It's Okay To Be Smart What is Impossible in Evolution? []
Cast1es comments on Mar 17, 2021:
PBS Eons The Risky Paleo Diets of Our Ancestors []
Cast1es comments on Mar 17, 2021:
They ate what was available .
Someone may be looking for a new line of work.
Cast1es comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Fu ny how thw litTle price tag sticker always lands on the letter after the F .
Chartreuse shar-TROOS Part of speech: noun Origin: French, late 19th century 1: A pale green...
Cast1es comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Like the color you throw up , when there's nothing else left in your stomach to throw up .
Poor men! Their lives are so unfair!
Cast1es comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Actually , I think they'd even brag about that comment and try to out do each other .
Biden looks at hiking taxes on rich
Cast1es comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Everyone thinks taxes are alright , as long as it's someone else who has to pay them .
You can still mine for bitcoins. []
Cast1es comments on Mar 16, 2021:
FIFO Stands for "first in , first out . Awhile back I bought some stock , when I thought it had dropped , significantly . But then it continued to drop sharply . So after an unexpected steep drop , I used my reserve to buy more , after all , it's a well run company with a heavily sought after product . And it continued to drop . I was a bit shaken , but then I buy stock on a wave pattern - buy low , sell high . Fortunately , it's begun going up nicely , again . At this point , I could sell the second portion I bought at a decent profit , however , the broker would sell - first in first out , and would show a loss , since the first batch was bought at significantly higher price and it would be counted against that one rather than the second batch .
Short Jesus Speaks.
Cast1es comments on Mar 16, 2021:
While I agree with this statement whole heartedly , to be totally honest , that is from the old testament . It's a passage from the story about Sodom and Gamora . If memory serves me , supposedly , angels appeared in disguise as humans looking for a place to spend the night , and were then , " used as women ." Personally , no one should be raped , whatever the circumstances . Limiting your partners , limits the spread of diseases such as HIV/AIDS , Ebola , Sypholis (sp) , crabs , climedia (sp) , etc. That said , a person should be able to limit their sex partners to only those they wish to share their own body with , and not be forced into a relationship , even if it's their parents choosing their mate .
Early Christian Era buildings uncovered in Egypt.
Cast1es comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Looks like most rooms only have exterior doorways . Not indoor access to other rooms .
Making stir fry’s is easy. I mean, it’s not exactly Wokit science
Cast1es comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Lallation ?
Cast1es comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Sounds someone makes when they're learning a new language , and can't quite get certain sounds right ?
Became the proud owner of my country retirement house.
Cast1es comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Too much snow to shovel , and steps become a retirement problem , later on . Beautiful to look at though .
Truth in advertising
Cast1es comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Was hoping we wouldn't be seeing more of this , now .
It's nighttime here......and nobody's out.......except.......
Cast1es comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Still looks like a zipper , on that building . Atheists - or is it agnostics?
Cast1es comments on Mar 15, 2021:
So , both lungs and gills ! Perhaps he should try out for water polo ? There's a grammar ap. you can download , that highlights misspelled words , and even notes if a word used does not make sense .
Is that the way it works?
Cast1es comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Dad forgot his condoms ?
The arrogance of youth is hard to bear when you get old, I wish I had had the wit to ask old folk ...
Cast1es comments on Mar 15, 2021:
If you have grandparents and parents the information was there . You just thought you already had all the answers .
Might have a beer
Cast1es comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Another addicted drunk .
Horology hÉ™-RAH-lÉ™-jee Part of speech: noun Origin: Greek, early 19th century 1: The study ...
Cast1es comments on Mar 15, 2021:
And everyone had been late ever sense !
But, surely nothing to worry about-
Cast1es comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Brilliant !
Epergne É™-PERN Part of speech: noun Origin: French, early 18th century 1: An ornamental ...
Cast1es comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Plastic oranges or silk flowers ?
Cast1es comments on Mar 14, 2021:
I believe the majority of folks on this site have been married at least once , and I wonder exactly how many consider fear of marriage , not only reasonable , but the intelligent concept .
Anton Petrov What Happened in Tunguska in 1908? New Study May Have An Answer []
Cast1es comments on Mar 14, 2021:
This explanation , boils down to an educated guess .
(I don't know if this belongs here, if not let me know & I'll take it down.
Cast1es comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Lots of long winded talking , to explain small phrases .
Does everyone have on their time travel suits and are ready to brace for the time quake tonight?
Cast1es comments on Mar 14, 2021:
What's with the shackles ?
I like this sign
Cast1es comments on Mar 13, 2021:
Well done !
What can men do to make women safer? []
Cast1es comments on Mar 13, 2021:
Instead of teaching little girls about being saved by prince charming , teach them how to be strong , capable , and protective on their own . Don't teach girls to be needy .Teach them that they need to be on the exact same pay scales as their male co-workers , who are doing the same work . Teach them they have the right to defend themselves , and teach them how to do it . Teach girls how to keep themselves safe from dangerous situations . And when you raise sons , teach them that women are not a sub species , but deserve to be respected , not used as a means of insulting other males .Went to work one day and the men I was working with began riding me about the fact that a man won the marathon and the second place was a woman . I pointed out to them that there were three thousand in the race , and only one male ran faster than she did . The harassment stopped immediately .
Always someone after the silver lining.
Cast1es comments on Mar 13, 2021:
Too true to be funny .
LMAO love it
Cast1es comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Some things never change .
So, that was fun.
Cast1es comments on Mar 12, 2021:
I' gotten phone calls saying I'm in trouble with Social Security and am about to be arrested . It's been over fifty years since the last time I made an SS payment , and I will never qualify for SS retirement as I went with a different retirement system .
I saw a post circulating on WhatsApp groups.
Cast1es comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Death comes to everyone eventually , it's just a matter of when . If things didn't die , the world would be so over populated no one would even be able to move , there would never be sufficient food , clothing , or homes .
As I see it.
Cast1es comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Actually , what we need is to stop teaching girls about , is " Prince Charming ," and instead teach them that they don't necessarily Need a man . When a woman is found murdered , the most frequent guilty parties are the men in their lives , who were supposed to love and protect them . In order the top suspect is her husband or ex, her boyfriend or ex, her father or brother(s) , a religious man , some guy who noticed her and gave her a lift , or followed her home
Cast1es comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Street walkers have always been at risk . Historically speaking , the vast majority of serial killers are male , and the vast majority of their victims are women , with children coming in second place . For my own safety , I don't leave home at night . I replaced my windows with double pane glass and keep my doors and windows closed and locked . I passed the shooting course , and provided myself with a suitable weapon . I never hang out in bars , and very seldom date , but when I do , we meet at a very public place such as McDonald's , for coffee . My on-line identity is not my name . I don't give out my name , address , or phone number . I make friends with my immediate female neighbors , giving a wide berth to anyone who seems a bit off . The neighborhood I live in , has it's own mobile security officers , and has been very peaceful , showing only very minor security concerns on a monthly basis . An neighboring community is much wealthier , and therefore a more inviting target for burglars . My back and side yards , are enclosed with six foot tall metal fencing with pointy spikes along the top and the gates are kept locked . My cell phone resides next to where I sleep . I have sleep apnea , so my sleep patterns are irregular . If I notice any abnormal signs or letters on my home or property , I immediately remove those , just in-case my place has been cased during daylight hours , with the intention of returning at night for what ever misdeeds .
Cast1es comments on Mar 12, 2021:
What images ?
The joy of becoming 'mature' ...[]
Cast1es comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Oldie .
Today, we can think about a famous atheist and writer.
Cast1es comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Do you know where your towel is ?
Photography is an emotional fellings.
Cast1es comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Absolutely beautiful !
I was just passing by....and I thought I heard some..howling.
Cast1es comments on Mar 10, 2021:
For a miment there , it looked as if the tree had a zipper .
Its a UFO
Cast1es comments on Mar 10, 2021:
Or you can check with insurance companies statistics . Men have much more frequent and expensive accidents than women .
Kinda makes you proud
Cast1es comments on Mar 10, 2021:
Do you think , when they paint his presidential portriate that he'll be wearing his mask then as well ?
Patience is a virtue! :-D
Cast1es comments on Mar 10, 2021:
Some guy's porno dreams ?
I bet he does lol
Cast1es comments on Mar 10, 2021:
Are you trying to embarrass the gay folks ?
Landscapes — just for a change, all three photos in this post are from the suburbs of Melbourne, ...
Cast1es comments on Mar 9, 2021:
Like the botanic gardens . What makes the Gardner's Creek water gray ?
Panglossian adjective characterized by or given to extreme optimism, especially in the face ...
Cast1es comments on Mar 9, 2021:
The panglossian womsn , still believed in fairy tales and romance .
Should not have paid for the wedding.
Cast1es comments on Mar 9, 2021:
It was indeed for her grandson's wedding , not for Megan's . Had Megan married someone else , the queen would not have contributed to it . Had he married someone else , she would have. That does not mean she owns , Megan
I don’t think of myself as a prude and I can swear like a sailor if circumstances bring it out of ...
Cast1es comments on Mar 8, 2021:
They think they're being , "manly." You can either accept their poor behavior , or not accept them for your LTR . In all likelihood , you can't ,"fix," them . I think we all want to be with someone special . There just aren't enough special to go around .
The Obedient Patient A pretty woman goes to a doctor.
Cast1es comments on Mar 8, 2021:
Ethics .
Why are members of government permitted to own oil stocks/futures?
Cast1es comments on Mar 8, 2021:
Not all members of government , create the laws that our government passes . There are millions of government workers , who are ordinary worker bees . There are hundreds of government agencies , not to mention the branches of the armed forces . And while it does cost money to deliver groceries , particularly , those brought in from distant climates , transportation is not the only cost involved with your grocery bills . Needless to say , the farmers risk a great deal - droughts can wipe out entire crops , Animals can be contaminated , and cause an entire herd or flocks to have to be destroyed . Even food that may be completely safe for consumption , may not go to market , because only items that meet certain appearances are marketed , and much is wasted . May I suggest , if you don't want to pay transportation costs for the groceries you buy , that you shop at your local farmers markets . While that will of course narrow your selection to foods which grow in your own locality , it will cut your budget . maybe .
Introverts Unite! welcomes last week's new members: @tolavi8436, @mitchellee95, @ADRIAN, ...
Cast1es comments on Mar 8, 2021:
Perspective !
Morning lads, don't forget that today is international ladies day! Just another day for me, I'll ...
Cast1es comments on Mar 8, 2021:
Funny isn't it . As a wife , I washed all the dishes for the entire family , after my full day of work and cooking the meals , and it was only as expected of me . If a man washes the dishes once in a multidecade relationship , he's a saint !
Jellyfish politician.
Cast1es comments on Mar 8, 2021:
Owls have a similar configuration .
First crocus sighting! And there’s still a few piles of snow on the ground!
Cast1es comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Crocus are known for often popping up through snow . They make a very colorful contribution to a snowy week .
Me on this new diet
Cast1es comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Oh ! So that explains it ! ! !!
Yesterday I tried to remember the last time I wore a tie.
Cast1es comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Fashion emphasis changes , not always for the better , but a healthy , fit , well groomed person always looks more attractive .
Harry being harried? :-D
Cast1es comments on Mar 7, 2021:
I feel so badly for Megan .
My Sunday walk at the Sham Shui Po District flower show in Hong Kong.
Cast1es comments on Mar 7, 2021:
So very beautiful !
A walk through Old Salem, NC.
Cast1es comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Looks historical .
Exactly. Somebody gets it.
Cast1es comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Actually , if some women had actually pulled the trigger of the guns in the positions they were in , they would have suffered painful permanent damage to their shoulders , their eyes , and/or their ears , not to mention the damage to the skin on their naked legs due to briers and chiggers , and poison ivy in the woods and fields they were poised in .
This "christian" woman tried to hire someone to kill her mother-in-law, saying that she could always...
Cast1es comments on Mar 6, 2021:
I know this sounds horrible , but to be perfectly honest , I truly wish something had happened to remove my MIL from any contact with my family . Even after our divorce , she continued wreak havoc with the family relationships , at least some of which are still evident among adult children and grand children . She even spewed her poison on her sons' second wives . Shame she didn't die much earlier .
Good thing we are likable!
Cast1es comments on Mar 6, 2021:
So very true !
Tasty literature discussion.
Cast1es comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Perspective .
An answer to; Be patient you will find a loving man who adores you. []
Cast1es comments on Mar 6, 2021:
As the lady says , it isn't true !
A biology teacher wished to demonstrate to his students the harmful effects of alcohol on living ...
Cast1es comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Can't say why , but it does make good fertilizer .
When my wife left, I was sad and lonely, so I bought a new car, slept with five women and spent a ...
Cast1es comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Sounds more like , she'll be happy to loose you .
A short introduction to the Two Row Wampum by Tom Keefer Mar 10, 2014 4 min read The ...
Cast1es comments on Mar 5, 2021:
A more recent event , a Canadian oil pipe line was run from Canada , south , .cutting the US in half , and going through the only water reservation for an Indian Nation , where the Indians attempted to block the unwelcomed pipeline , and our government fought the Indians . More broken treaties ! I am ashamed ,
True Facts: The Incredible Tardigrade - YouTube
Cast1es comments on Mar 5, 2021:
Gross !
Visited "The Old Lightning Guider Sledworks" in Duncannon, PA, with an amazing collection of ...
Cast1es comments on Mar 5, 2021:
Looks more like vintage cars , than sleds ,
What to look for in old age (not me).
Cast1es comments on Mar 5, 2021:
Amazing he can go up and down stairs (when he's pants are on right ),
The wonder of drugs.
Cast1es comments on Mar 5, 2021:
You chose to live in interesting times .
A man has just stopped me in the street and asked why I was carrying an 8ft book .
Cast1es comments on Mar 5, 2021:
Calls to mind , Terry Prachett's many footed travel case .
Is there a formula?
Cast1es comments on Mar 5, 2021:
Enough to buy a trophy wife , who's going to be nurse , maid , and janitor for him ?
Leading cause of death in the world 😱 Simply 1.
Cast1es comments on Mar 4, 2021:
Small pox , measles , typhoid , dysantari , polio , pneumonia , tetnas , and lepracy among others , killed massive quantities of people for hundreds of years . Vaccinations have saved millions of lives , from being lost to these diseases . Yes , the medical profession has been in error , and sometimes has caused needless deaths . They have also learned better ways to create vaccines , over the decades . We do know that idiots gathering in huge groups , not wearing breathing protection , have not only cost them their own lives , but others they came in contact with , as well . The medical profession , has learned by their mistakes , developed functional guidelines , have benefited from technological advances , as well as common sense . Can't say the same for the anti-vaxers . We're still learning about the side effects those who've recovered from corona virus , are left with . Given the choice between getting what protection the vaccines create , or refusing to due to some unknown theory , I'll take the vaccine .


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Trying to look ferousis .
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Hyacinths , in my window box .
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The pool guys at work , on the moat .
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My castle .
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Tiny wallled garden .
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Oranges growing over the garden wall .
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Hopefully , the , "over the garden wall ," oranges will ripen before they freeze .
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Celebrating Chinese New Year !
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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