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My Blue Fairy garb . 20 July 2018
What do you normally do on Friday nights?
Cast1es comments on May 16, 2018:
Since money seems to be a concern , but you like working out at the gym , try the YWCA or YMCA . They're membership is very inexpensive and the more you use it , the less expensive , per visit , it becomes . You may also consider learning to play an instrument . Typically it involves a lot of ...
Cast1es replies on May 17, 2018:
@joeymf86 I was not aware that they were inviting anyone to have sex at their facilities . We only went to use the gym and pool .
What do you normally do on Friday nights?
Cast1es comments on May 16, 2018:
Since money seems to be a concern , but you like working out at the gym , try the YWCA or YMCA . They're membership is very inexpensive and the more you use it , the less expensive , per visit , it becomes . You may also consider learning to play an instrument . Typically it involves a lot of ...
Cast1es replies on May 16, 2018:
@joeymf86 You do not have to be Catholic, join as a couple (although that may be cheaper), or listen to ANY religious stuff to use their facilities . They don't hassle you . You check in at the desk at the front door . Your initial post , started out saying you don't hang out in clubs or bars , etc , then asked what others did . Sounded like you were asking for suggestions , to me . So , I apologize for trying to help . And if that's the case , then you'll be happiest sitting home alone .
My landlord wouldn't allow me to till the backyard for a garden, but he did allow me to build a ...
Hebert54 comments on May 10, 2018:
Looks pretty good .to me ! The director of our little estate told me not to put flowers too ... I ignored him of course . my lanlord thinks their great ! I,ll put some pics on the gardening group .
Cast1es replies on May 16, 2018:
Some flowers are edible , some plants produce flowers before they produce the the fruits and vegetables you;re trying to grow , and some vegetables do better if they're co-planted with specific flowers .
Men and women are NOT equal.
Cast1es comments on May 16, 2018:
Enjoyed reading a lot of Heinlein's SciFi books , although I don't remember that particular comment . Studies have routinely shown , woman , receive less money for doing the same work the men are doing , put in a full day at work , come home to do nearly all of the house work and care for the ...
Cast1es replies on May 16, 2018:
@Jacar Complete the picture , please .
Cast1es comments on May 13, 2018:
As a member of the Baby Boomer generation , not only did we start with no money , it was so expected , that we never even thought to whine about that , after all , our parents grew up during the Great Depression . We made it on our own . as did they .
Cast1es replies on May 16, 2018:
Ok , let's get this concept straight . After I scrimped and saved to put myself through college , paid for the few courses my children took , before they dropped out , invested and saved , so my grand children would be able to take college courses , I should not only pay for college for the idiots who , " borrowed , " from the tax payers , but never repaid the loan , but now I should also pay for other future college students ? How nice of you to steal the retirement I worked and saved for !
Does anyone else find it a bit condescending that some people can have no interest in you because ...
SkotlandSkye comments on May 13, 2018:
I believe that having a college education speaks to certain personality traits that I find valuable...just as I believe that someone smoking, doing drugs, having an arrest record, being morbidly obese, being inactive, etc. also speak to someone's overall personality and suggest traits that I want to...
Cast1es replies on May 14, 2018:
@Stacey48 True . Think I've got them all now .
Cast1es comments on May 13, 2018:
As a member of the Baby Boomer generation , not only did we start with no money , it was so expected , that we never even thought to whine about that , after all , our parents grew up during the Great Depression . We made it on our own . as did they .
Cast1es replies on May 14, 2018:
@Myah Yes , college courses are expensive . My parents did not put me through college . And while my Mom took a couple of night courses after high school , my Dad did not even graduate ninth grade . They moved to a different country . I began taking one or two classes a semester at my local community college , after I separated from my Mother-in-law , while working full time , and taking care of everything , on my own . I never borrowed money for courses , I earned it , and paid as I went , because I chose not to be in debt any more than I absolutely needed to be . Today's students borrow money , with no concept of paying it back , because , after all , they have a **very** low interest rate . Then , after twenty to thirty years of being in arrears on their payments , they want the debt they never bothered paying , to simply go away . This debt was paid for by the taxes everyone in the US paid for . We, the tax payers , loaned them money at a **very** low interest rate , to provide a better future for themselves . They made very poor choices , taking courses because they looked to be fun , didn't require a lot of home-work , could hang out with the fun crowd , etc . , instead of courses that would provide them with future support , then didn't bother repaying the loans . This , by the way , is the story of a woman I rented rooms to . Oh , and there was one other thing . She decided she wanted to have sex with a drummer , even though they realized they didn't have contraceptives , and when she told him she was pregnant , he walked away . Yeah , let's raise my taxes even more , so I can help pay off the loans , these ne'r do wells inccured .
Does anyone else find it a bit condescending that some people can have no interest in you because ...
SkotlandSkye comments on May 13, 2018:
I believe that having a college education speaks to certain personality traits that I find valuable...just as I believe that someone smoking, doing drugs, having an arrest record, being morbidly obese, being inactive, etc. also speak to someone's overall personality and suggest traits that I want to...
Cast1es replies on May 13, 2018:
@Stacey48 Thank you . I tried plugging , "risk ," in , it doesn't seem to work . If you click on the little box , with the three horizontal lines , then select edit , from the pull down , you can easily correct and repost it , without having to retype the entire thing . Good luck , hon !
Does anyone else find it a bit condescending that some people can have no interest in you because ...
SkotlandSkye comments on May 13, 2018:
I believe that having a college education speaks to certain personality traits that I find valuable...just as I believe that someone smoking, doing drugs, having an arrest record, being morbidly obese, being inactive, etc. also speak to someone's overall personality and suggest traits that I want to...
Cast1es replies on May 13, 2018:
@Stacey48 "it has the of be taken ," Could you run this by me again , hon . Didn't quite catch what you're trying to say .
Does anyone else find it a bit condescending that some people can have no interest in you because ...
mudhen comments on May 13, 2018:
I work with tons of young people with college educations who can barely read, are horribly misinformed about current news, are without any knowledge of history or literature, cannot write and couldn't think their way out of a paper bag. But I know lots of people, (older people especially) who do ...
Cast1es replies on May 13, 2018:
I agree , our educational system , often leaves a lot to be desired . On the other hand , some individuals , were simply born with limits , smaller than others .
Women can be crazy too.
AlasBabylon comments on May 7, 2018:
what does HR stand for? And is this for real?
Cast1es replies on May 13, 2018:
@Blindbird Human Resources , accepts incoming documents from those applying for jobs , employees background and educational information , should there be a need for a qualified person in a new position , updates files concerning in-house classes and certificates , deals with in-house employee concerns , may even introduce new employee advantages .
Does anyone else find it a bit condescending that some people can have no interest in you because ...
Cast1es comments on May 13, 2018:
I don't ever recall demanding knowing anyone's educational level , before deciding to be friends with them . On the other hand , if I'm in need of surgery , I sincerely hope the surgeon is well educated , and fully certified by a well administered panel . People can be educated or uneducated in ...
Cast1es replies on May 13, 2018:
@nvrnuff It's not a piece of paper that people respect . It's the YEARS of hard work and expense , someone has gone through earning the right , to hang that symbol on their wall , that we respect .
Is it necessary?
lck1256 comments on May 12, 2018:
In my opinion, I do not think that it is necessary. I've lived most of my life working hard jobs and getting certifications and licenses. This has lead me to be in a state of financial independence with only minimal debt and a great job to help prepare for retirement.
Cast1es replies on May 13, 2018:
While not a college degree , per se' , you did get educated in your field of interest , and this has helped you financially .
on left depicts two ollas.
Cast1es comments on May 13, 2018:
While I do think your ollas are a more professional and attractive solution , you can easily control the flow from the plastic bottles by reducing the size and quantity of holes , and also by replacing the lid . Water flow slows , when air can not enter from the top of the bottle . Using recycled ...
Cast1es replies on May 13, 2018:
@farmboy2017 While I'm not denying the science , I am taking cost and quantity into consideration . While you might prefer a Lincoln Continental to a Volkswagon Bug , they'll both get you to where you're going quicker than walking .
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
hemingwaykitten comments on Apr 29, 2018:
It's not just religion that makes incest taboo. No matter how low the genetic aberration rate is, I don't believe society should condone incestual relations between any two people closer than second cousins. Reasoning: every form of birth control has a failure rate, even sterilization. No one human ...
Cast1es replies on May 12, 2018:
@hemingwaykitten If homosexual people didn't marry and have children with straight folks , there'd be no concern about them passing on that gene , if there even is such a thing . A problem has been more along the line that homosexuals have been afraid to , "Come out ," so married and had children with straight , even though it wasn't what they truly wanted . I am pleased that , in this day and age , same sex couples can both marry and also adopt a family . Although I can't speak for all , the ones I do know , seem to be doing a great job of parenting !
Do you care if you are remembered when you die?
Kojaksmom comments on May 12, 2018:
Nobody is remembered after they die. To prove it, tell me all about your great-great-great- grandmother.
Cast1es replies on May 12, 2018:
She had kids , who had kids , who had kids , who had kids , who had kids , and here I am . I had kids , who had kids . Although , looking at the geneology stuff , can be interesting and fun .
I,ve found loads of nasturtium seeds ! I k I,ll try them on the walls around the estate .
EdEarl comments on May 11, 2018:
"thin" missing in line 1.
Cast1es replies on May 11, 2018:
@EdEarl Mine has a tendency to move parts of words to a different location in the middle of typing , so I try to read and edit before I hit the enter button , but sometimes it seems to transport portions at that point as well .
Mom moved to another country .
jacpod comments on May 11, 2018:
my grandmother went through all the family names to get to mine but was still capacitous just a bit throughother from old age - If she lieve sin another country and isnt used to seeing you so much oyu might just be the one she doesnt remember so well and she may have other strengths that you dont ...
Cast1es replies on May 11, 2018:
At first , it seemed it was just occasionally , and I was the only one she mistook . Later , she called my daughters the same names . The last time I saw her , before she died , I stayed in their apartment with them , and when her husband was about to say something to her about me , he would start by saying , "Your daughter, Georgann ......" I was there for about 10 days , and not once during that visit did she give me any name at all . I truly believe she had no clue who I was .
Homeopathic and natural remedies aren’t the same thing—and only one of them is total nonsense | ...
poetdi56 comments on May 2, 2018:
Thank you for this article. It does, fortunately, speak to a few things I tell people often - if you think arnica gel works (it does for me), then you should use it. Call it what you want - placebo, or whatever. I appreciate "clinical studies" but often am concerned about the money trail ...
Cast1es replies on May 11, 2018:
St John's Wart , worked for me , too . Getting certain people out of my life , worked better , in the long run .
The view from my front door on this beautiful Cornish spring afternoon.!
Spinliesel comments on May 11, 2018:
Beautiful! Are those cinder blocks? That gives me an idea, too. I could set some up and plant my mint plants in there. No way for them to spread all over.
Cast1es replies on May 11, 2018:
@Spinliesel At a previous residence , I placed some flagstones between a fence and some forsythia and edged those with concrete blocks , which I spray painted with a water sealant paint , then added soil and planted day lilies in them . Kids liked playing in the secret garden .
I,ve found loads of nasturtium seeds ! I k I,ll try them on the walls around the estate .
EdEarl comments on May 11, 2018:
"thin" missing in line 1.
Cast1es replies on May 11, 2018:
If you click on the little box with three horizontal lines , on a comment you wrote , then select, " edit," from the pull down , you can correct things more easily than starting an all new comment and referring to the previous one .
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
hemingwaykitten comments on Apr 29, 2018:
It's not just religion that makes incest taboo. No matter how low the genetic aberration rate is, I don't believe society should condone incestual relations between any two people closer than second cousins. Reasoning: every form of birth control has a failure rate, even sterilization. No one human ...
Cast1es replies on May 9, 2018:
@Uncorrugated Some actually are that caring , about their potential children . As difficult as it may be , informed , caring adults , who are aware that a specific relationship, will increase the potential of generically deformed offspring , will choose to behave in a mature manner , and seek alternatives .
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 2, 2018:
Why would one bother about this question? One should not worry about morality because their is no unversial edition of it. Just learn to own your decisions! Is it moral to pollute the air by driving a car?
Cast1es replies on May 9, 2018:
@Casey07 I know , My boss once told me , I shouldn't be a Federal employee , because I'm too logical . Keep wondering if that was as much of a comment about me . as it was about the government .
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
ladyprof70 comments on May 4, 2018:
I would vote 'amoral'. In some cultures, brother/sister incest in the royal family was require to keep the blood line pure (Egypt and Hawaii are examples). This of course, assumed there would be -- and even encouraged offspring. It is really only very recently that fertility could be sufficiently ...
Cast1es replies on May 9, 2018:
Today's birth control methods , while good , are not 100% effective , but most especially so , if one member wants to have babies , and tampers with the control methods .
Why do we continually want someone we can’t have?
VAL3941 comments on May 9, 2018:
It is caused by the water that you drink !
Cast1es replies on May 9, 2018:
@LeeMurray They are , they're contaminating all of it .
Chortle ....
Qualia comments on May 7, 2018:
Nailed it... *smirk*
Cast1es replies on May 8, 2018:
L.O.L. !
Chortle ....
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2018:
This will never stand up!
Cast1es replies on May 8, 2018:
** L O L **
Facebook adding dating?!?!
LadyAlyxandrea comments on May 2, 2018:
I don't understand why everyone is upset at the idea that facebook knows things about you. As long as they aren't selling your social security number and phone number and address to people I really don't care if Mark Zuckerberg knows I like steak medium rare or that my favorite color is lime green ...
Cast1es replies on May 8, 2018:
Have a friend , who got upset , when I commented about his location that I had seen on FB , the previous day , because he did not know that information was showing up , without his permission , In fact he'd said , he'd previously wiped his computer of any app that would do that . Personally , I seldom take either my computer or phone with me , when I leave the house .
Natural weeding tip! Notice when a species blooms, and then focus on removing that one type for a ...
GoldenDoll comments on May 6, 2018:
I have a constant battle with Ground Elder here in England, apparently brought over by the Romans as a salad crop. I get on top of it, then it creeps in from the neighbour's garden. Pff!
Cast1es replies on May 7, 2018:
@GoldenDoll Kind of looks a bit like mint . A neighbor and I have been fighting an evil vine that grows on both sides of our shared fence .At one point it traveled about 20' under concrete decking and showed up growing through a tiny crack where the deck met the wall of my house . I finally got out the RoundUp , as much as I HATE to use it .
Natural weeding tip! Notice when a species blooms, and then focus on removing that one type for a ...
GoldenDoll comments on May 6, 2018:
I have a constant battle with Ground Elder here in England, apparently brought over by the Romans as a salad crop. I get on top of it, then it creeps in from the neighbour's garden. Pff!
Cast1es replies on May 6, 2018:
Don't know what that is , but Murphy's Law would suggest , if you harvest it as an edible crop , it will suddenly no longer grow in your garden ....
Is it better to legalize prostitution or keep it illegal
Rodatheist comments on May 4, 2018:
Exploitation of another human being, as in a pimp exploiting women, is extremely distasteful. Sexual exploitation of minors is distastefuly criminal and it should have a sentence of 25 to life for every count (I don’t favor the death penalty). But if we are talking about two perfectly consenting...
Cast1es replies on May 5, 2018:
Yes, you are correct , sex always involves some cost . Serial murders , often choose prostitutes as victims , because they're people unlikely to be missed . Male serial murders outnumber female serial murders 6:1 . I have yet to hear of any man , who was raped by a woman , who got him pregnant . While men are congradulated for getting lucky , young women are still shamed for it . And yet , if a woman refuses to have sex with a man , he immediately labels her as being a slut , then broadcasts it to their social pool . If a woman is drugged and raped , and she reports it , in this country , they take her to a hospital for a rape kit , which is again invasive , embarrising , and more often than not immediately shelved . In some foreign countries , a woman who was raped , is sentenced to death by stoning , for having sex outside of marriage . If she survives a rape , and becomes pregnant , she then has to make some serious choices . 1. Will she abort the fetus (costly . guilt , shame) . 2. Will she have the child and put it up for adoption ( frequent doctor appointments , medications , morning sickness , time off from work , time off work for the delivery period , recovery period , possible loss of job altogether , deciding whether to give up a child for adoption or to keep the child . Cost of orphanages or foster care until (if) child is adopted . IF she decides to keep the child , then clothing , furniture , medical care , child care when she returns to work (2015 census reports it now costs over $250,000 to raise a child ) . So yes , you are correct . Sex does indeed cost money . More often than not , it costs a woman , many times more than the tiny amount a man invests in it .
What is it that irritates you the most?
farmboy2017 comments on May 4, 2018:
In my town a golf driving range with sign that read 'Open Dusk till Dawn'. I used it as an example for bad design in my classes for many years. It had no lights!!!
Cast1es replies on May 4, 2018:
@farmboy2017 Ha ha ha ha .....
What is it that irritates you the most?
farmboy2017 comments on May 4, 2018:
In my town a golf driving range with sign that read 'Open Dusk till Dawn'. I used it as an example for bad design in my classes for many years. It had no lights!!!
Cast1es replies on May 4, 2018:
It was meant for those with night vision ?
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 2, 2018:
Why would one bother about this question? One should not worry about morality because their is no unversial edition of it. Just learn to own your decisions! Is it moral to pollute the air by driving a car?
Cast1es replies on May 4, 2018:
Actually , the air was much , much more polluted , just a few years ago . Adding air cleaners to the automotive system AND having them routinely tested , has made dramatically cleaner air . While I think contraceptives would lesson the concern about genetically damaged children , there will be , "mistakes ," made , and there will be those who challenge the concept , and decide to have children anyhow . Even being careful , there are likely to be problems , because some children don't know who their sperm donars are , whether it was a matter of artificial insemination or whether it was a matter of adoption or even mistaken identification of the true father .
Do you garden?
farmboy2017 comments on May 3, 2018:
I have heirloom tomatoes under gro lights in my window. I'll transplant them in a month and irrigate them using clay ollas that I make on a potters wheel. And I might grow some row crops and furrow irrigate those.
Cast1es replies on May 4, 2018:
Do your clay olla pots work like a French well ? Great pottery job , very consistent form . I've sometimes used gallon plastic jugs , put a few tiny holes in the bottom and planted them next to my plants , then fill the jugs when I'm watering so they'll have a slow drip to moisten the plants without all the water running away .
Do you garden?
Kahuna comments on May 3, 2018:
I am trying to start the garden again, I have skipped it for two years after my wife passed away.
Cast1es replies on May 4, 2018:
Good plan !
How Times Have Changed
LadyAlyxandrea comments on May 4, 2018:
Okay so! 125 years ago you could also knowingly market and sell things that contained deadly chemicals (mmmmm lead!). You could wipe out entire populations on animals and make them extinct (that's why there's restrictions on hunting and fishing) sell unsanitary food that could cause illness or death...
Cast1es replies on May 4, 2018:
Things are different , but also still the same . Pesticides sprayed on our foods are affecting our health . They are spraying , Round Up , on grains before mowing the grains , because the cutting blades last longer , if the grain is killed before it is cut . BHT is added to flours to reduce the time it takes for the flour to bleach , by one day . Our drinking water is routinely being contaminated , due to poor mining and chemical processes . Sometimes , if given the chance , Mother Nature , can help to clean our atmosphere , but big corporations , who are willing to add money to someone's pocket , are taking the very resources that could help to restore the natural balance of our atmosphere .
OK folks, this is where I'm at.
farmboy2017 comments on May 3, 2018:
Cut it down in little pieces starting at the top. Don't get hurt!!
Cast1es replies on May 3, 2018:
@AmiSue Did you remember to put chain saw oil on the chain before you started ?
A man in Toronto drove a van down a busy sidewalk mowing down as many women as he could.
McVinegar comments on May 1, 2018:
Are you saying women don't kill men?
Cast1es replies on May 2, 2018:
I believe I read higher up this column of responses that the comparison rate is 1 female murder for every 6 male murders , even though there are more women in this world than men .
A man in Toronto drove a van down a busy sidewalk mowing down as many women as he could.
Crimson67 comments on May 1, 2018:
Was he specifically targeting women or was it just a coincidence based on location that most were women? I could go to the mall right now and run up on the sidewalk and hit a significantly larger number of women without that being my aim. Also, women are and should be their own protectors. ...
Cast1es replies on May 2, 2018:
@MsAl No woman OWES any man sex , ever . For a woman , having sex indiscrimintly , can have serious and/or expensive long term consequences .
Has anyone tried a home DNA kit?
david75090 comments on Apr 17, 2018:
I've had mine done. Plus done a lot of genealogy. Family stories about both sides say there's native America. My DNA says there's no native American. UK and Western Europe, mostly. Some eastern Europe. Made me wonder if Ancestry didn't just rely on my tree that I'd already submitted. I list no ...
Cast1es replies on May 2, 2018:
When I was in elementary school , my parents had to fill out forms which , if your ancestry included Native American , meant the schools were given more money from the government . I remain suspicious , because that is the only time I ever heard any kind of talk about there being any Native American , in our family history .
Arrgghh So watching a shitty comedy and a young girl is pregnant and she decides to not have ...
TaraMarshall comments on Apr 21, 2018:
You know what would be harder? Raising a child with multiple disabilities, including cognitive disabilities, who you know is doomed to die young and in great pain. I had three miscarriages. Since I learned about the burden of genetic disorders I carry, I've become GRATEFUL my body can't carry a...
Cast1es replies on Apr 30, 2018:
Anyone else find they spend too much money on Amazon Prime?
GwenC comments on Apr 24, 2018:
I adore their subscribe and save feature. Anything that makes it so I don't have to go to the the Walmart for any reason makes me happy
Cast1es replies on Apr 25, 2018:
I ordered a couple of things from Walmart , that I hadn't been able to find in stores . I was surprised that they delivered to my home at no charge .
Why are some posts marked as 'edited' even if they are very short?
Cast1es comments on Apr 24, 2018:
Edited , means I posted it , reread it , and noticed I need to correct something . Sometimes , it's as simple , as what just , happened , the cat walked across the keyboard as I was typing . Sometimes , I intentionally capitalize a letter , and accidently capitalize the letter next to it as well . ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 25, 2018:
My vision is not the best . I put a space both before and after every punctuation , so I can see whether it's a ,../+=_-[) or (
Has anyone come across any fake profiles?
rakuman comments on Apr 17, 2018:
Well I have been approached by a number of women on FB who very quickly say they love you, then they have some family disaster and need $500 or more immediately, I am sure there must be a scammers handbook that they are reading because they all say exactly the same things to the word. Now this year...
Cast1es replies on Apr 24, 2018:
You forgot to mention the , "Nigerian Prince , " stories , as well . I ran into that many years ago . Didn't fall for it . More recently , I read that police had raided an apartment in Nigeria and found tons of money , etc . that sounded like it may have been the storage site for this guy .
Has anyone come across any fake profiles?
CarolinaGirl60 comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Every dating site has scammers/catfish/trolls. They are AMAZINGLY alike(my theory: secret asshole playbook). The English/grammar/syntax problems are a dead giveaway. Widowed, maybe a child, but always no living family. Often claim one foreign parent. Know little to nothing about life/pop ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 24, 2018:
The AARP Magazine , recently did an expose on scammers on dating sites . I had already dumped three , for reasons similar to yours . AARP included some photos , some of which I had received , as part of their efforts . One had even Skyped me . I was surprised that his camera did not show him moving , at all , during our conversation . I suspect he had posted a still life photo in front of the camera . According to the AARP investigation , the photos he sent me , were of an American model . His name had an unusual spelling . When I looked it up online , I saw a home video of some guy taping the birth of his child . He had told me he had no children , and had indeed , never been married .
Just got home from the eye doctor's .
kmdskit3 comments on Apr 24, 2018:
Even over time your eyesight is not improving? Is it at least not getting worse?
Cast1es replies on Apr 24, 2018:
Had the lenses replaced with acrylic some years back . Was having problems with obstructions , so had laser surgery after that . The laser did seem to clear my vision a lot , but a lot seemed to remain . Then , after 14 laser treatments to each eye , they told me I had glacomma , so they began the needle treatments , in my right eye . I couldn't see or feel improvement , Last visit they told me the right eye had developed leaks , so they skipped the needles . This visit , they were concerned about the left eye leak , so they did the laser , It's very irritated , to the point there are occasional tears rolling down my check . Left the Dr's office at 12:00 noon . It's now 9:37 P.M. Over the years , there have been other occasions , with other kinds of doctors , where the treatment has caused problems , rather than fixing them .
What would you say to God if when you died you were faced with him?
RobLes comments on Apr 24, 2018:
Why all the genital mutilation
Cast1es replies on Apr 24, 2018:
In countries which routinely remove the clitros , the plan is to keep women faithful , by seeing to it that they don't enjoy sex . In religions , that require the foreskin be removed , the concept is that there will be fewer penis infections , do to that area not being properly and thoroughly cleaned routinely .
Netflix is showing ," The Most Hated Woman in America. " It's the story of Madelyn Murray O'Hare .
GreenAtheist comments on Apr 23, 2018:
Dr. MADALYN EADS MURRAY O'HAIR spelchek is no excuse
Cast1es replies on Apr 24, 2018:
Another post said , instead of trying to make changes , make a whole new model and make the previous...
skado comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Cast1es replies on Apr 22, 2018:
Could you expand this a bit . I'm not sure what I think you mean , is what you actually have in mind .
Christian girl set alight after turning down Muslim man’s marriage proposal.
Petter comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Pakistan has more Muslim fanatacism than, I believe, any other country. More even than Iran, etc. This is mainly due to the majority having very little education, and the girls even less. That is why I find it disturbing that the USA gives so much financial aid to Pakistan, without demanding any ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 22, 2018:
Were they planning to sell her ?
A lot of us here , seem to be of retirement age , plus .
clarkatticus comments on Apr 19, 2018:
I plan to transfer my assets to my son early. As soon as I find out I'm terminal I plan to go to the Aston Martin dealer in Palm Springs and test drive a Vanquish off Rim of the World.
Cast1es replies on Apr 21, 2018:
@clarkatticus I used to do that . At one point , I had four homes , and I did the maintenance in addition to my full time job , and putting myself through college at night .
A lot of us here , seem to be of retirement age , plus .
Cast1es comments on Apr 19, 2018:
When I retired , I bought a home for my retirement years and moved south . Within weeks , I hired a company to mow the lawn , and they still do this for me . Next , I located and hired someone , to take care of the pool . A year ago , I hired a young man to help me with house hold chores , for ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 21, 2018:
So beautiful ! I appreciate your efforts in my behalf . I took a course , designed for those recovering from hip replacements . We stood in a heated swimming pool and each exersize was similar to these , and limited in number . They said to expect recovery from the exersizes , to take one to three hours . For me , the pain from the exersize lasted three days after each class . Osteo arthritis is when the cartiledge , which is supposed to cushion where the ends of your bones meet at your joints , has worn away . Think of driving your car with no lubricants . This was twenty eight years ago now .
A lot of us here , seem to be of retirement age , plus .
Cast1es comments on Apr 19, 2018:
When I retired , I bought a home for my retirement years and moved south . Within weeks , I hired a company to mow the lawn , and they still do this for me . Next , I located and hired someone , to take care of the pool . A year ago , I hired a young man to help me with house hold chores , for ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 20, 2018:
@Texasrunner That's good advice and , when the I had the good sense to divorce my mother-in-law , I joined Holiday Spa , where I could workout in the gym and there was a life guard for my girls , at the pool . Eventually , years later , I developed osteo arthritis , a slow but progressively deteriorating incurable disease . Walking is painful .
You and Mom
farmboy2017 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
My Dad was a fall down drunken drug addict and my Mom was his enabler. You can fill in the rest... I told them both to go to the Hell they believed in, 18 years ago, and slept good ever since:):)
Cast1es replies on Apr 20, 2018:
So glad you were able to remove these thorns from your life . and that you've chosen a better (garden) path for yourself .
A lot of us here , seem to be of retirement age , plus .
clarkatticus comments on Apr 19, 2018:
I plan to transfer my assets to my son early. As soon as I find out I'm terminal I plan to go to the Aston Martin dealer in Palm Springs and test drive a Vanquish off Rim of the World.
Cast1es replies on Apr 20, 2018:
Be a little careful about transferring your assets too early . Read about a couple who ut their house in their son's name , to avoid taxes. Within a week he had them evicted .
A lot of us here , seem to be of retirement age , plus .
Rosh comments on Apr 19, 2018:
I want to go to the country side and grow old with it living my life peacefully enjoy tranquailty peace and harmony experiencing sunshine and sunsets, bubling creek and healthy life style
Cast1es replies on Apr 20, 2018:
Sounds like a lovely dream .
A lot of us here , seem to be of retirement age , plus .
Texasrunner comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I have heard that older people go on cruises and spend their money on that instead of retirement homes. I'm not sure where I read about it. But from what I hear, they will take care of you on the ship, you always have people to help you move about whether in a wheelchair etc... While you are on ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 20, 2018:
I read/heard of similar comments , years ago , and did a very small bit of research at the time. The scheduals I saw , showed ships cruised for a few weeks , then were in their home port for a week or two . I wondered if the crew remained on board during the time in home port , and if they were taking care of passengers while in home port .
Describe your love life in one word.
Cast1es comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Hopeless .
Cast1es replies on Apr 19, 2018:
Being an atheist , does not make one popular , stupid , or a hedonist . Not believing in God (s) , means you're part of a much smaller group than the religious folks . The war against AIDS and other STDs still exists . Not everyone is interested in random sex with strangers .
Male Birth Control
TheLiberalGent comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Don't need it. Been shooting blanks since 1980 when I got a vasectomy. I took responsibility a long time ago.
Cast1es replies on Apr 19, 2018:
@Marcie1974 I agree , I'd heard it's much more painful and invasive for women , than men , years go . When a momma cat gave birth to a litter of 6 kittens , I took all six in to be steralized , and learned then that the male kittens required only an incision so tiny that they did not even get one stitch to close it . I was told to keep the female kittens separated for a couple of days for her to rest and heal .
Male Birth Control
ITguy64 comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Another one here on the list of snips. The ultimate in birth control.
Cast1es replies on Apr 19, 2018:
And I understand , most of the times , it works .
Male Birth Control
Marcie1974 comments on Apr 18, 2018:
It’s about damn time men start taking responsibility for birth control!
Cast1es replies on Apr 19, 2018:
@Marcie1974 Or , it breaks
I.Q. testing
VAL3941 comments on Apr 17, 2018:
What do you think, Ae you intellegent. Question answered !
Cast1es replies on Apr 19, 2018:
@VAL3941 Saw a video the other day , about a specific kind of African tree that , when it comes into furition , the animals gorge on the fruits . Eventually the fruits aren't so fresh . As the continue to decompose , the animals continue to binge on them and get very , very drunk .
A lot of us here , seem to be of retirement age , plus .
Renickulous comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Im not sure but is there a live in assistant option? background checks arent super expensive and im sure theres someone looking for cheap rent. Not sure your schedule requirements but someone going to school in medical would be ideal. And of course theres government help. Good luck
Cast1es replies on Apr 19, 2018:
Someone else made a similar suggestion , and I wrote a rather lengthy response , which my computer kept erasing as it neared completion , so I won't try to repeat that here . But , in short , I've had two different rent in exchange attempts , that didn't work out .
A lot of us here , seem to be of retirement age , plus .
nvrnuff comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Not quite to retirement yet, but forme, I'm going to live in my own home, if I can't , I can't live. End of story. Quality of life far outweighs quantity for me.
Cast1es replies on Apr 19, 2018:
Love your response !
A lot of us here , seem to be of retirement age , plus .
Stephanie99 comments on Apr 18, 2018:
That's why you have to be nice to your kids.
Cast1es replies on Apr 19, 2018:
Just because you're nice to your kids , does not mean they will be nice to you , in return .
A lot of us here , seem to be of retirement age , plus .
MikeEC comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Maybe less structured Independent living is more appropriate for your needs. My only direct experience is with my in-laws here in Springfield Illinois. He was 95 years old and she was 91 years old at the time they moved into Brendan gardens independent living apartments two years ago. He died ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 19, 2018:
Thank you . I was about to ask you for information .
A lot of us here , seem to be of retirement age , plus .
nicknotes comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Could be once they have your money ....they don't need you.
Cast1es replies on Apr 19, 2018:
Exactly .
Who is going to be attending Worldcon76 in San Jose this August?
Cast1es comments on Apr 18, 2018:
It's been a very long time since I've attended a World Con , although I do go to Comicpalooza in Houston . That would be exciting ! Hadn't heard about a lawsuit . What's it about ?
Cast1es replies on Apr 19, 2018:
@Roadiedoug Thanks for the info . , sounds like you are not able to discuss the matter , so I won't , but sounds to me as if the guy is determined to screw things up for everyone , one way , or another .
Male Birth Control
countrylife comments on Apr 18, 2018:
As a guy, I rather get fixed myself. When I was 20 yrs old (that was 23 yrs ago), I wanted to get fixed. At that time, people were saying no doctor would do that to any guy, untill he has kids of his own. I found that odd and never believed them. If a guy walks into a doctors office with money, he ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 19, 2018:
@countrylife When I was young , women needed to get permission from her parents or husband to get fixed or to have an abortion . There was even a period of time , when women needed permission to get any kind of birth control . There was even a time before that , when birth control was illegal altogether . The Planned Parenthood originator was a nurse who fought for us and was even sent to jail to get access to birth control for us .
Male Birth Control
Ktcyan comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Sure I don't care he can take a pill or what ever but my body is the one in question if I get pregnant not his so I personally would never fall for "It's ok I'm on the pill" in the heat of the moment, my defense is my own birth control pills. I no longer have to be concerned but I would never tell ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 18, 2018:
When they first were put on the market , the hormone pills , were one size fits all , and they were detrimental to a lot of women , including my sister-in-law . As I understand it , they eventually figured out a by weight dosage suitable for each individual and they are less harmful for women , and in some cases can even be helpful as a means of adjusting a woman's monthly cycle .
Male Birth Control
bubinf comments on Apr 18, 2018:
So I really didn't know much about the pill for women until I talk with two of my girlfriends at the time about it. One was the pill as a teenager as she had physically bad menstrual periods until she developed cysts on her ovaries and had surgary. The other had a stick placed in her arm. No way ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 18, 2018:
Good for you , for researching what is currently available . Realize that it may well be a permanent solution , make an informed decision , and follow through .
Male Birth Control
countrylife comments on Apr 18, 2018:
As a guy, I rather get fixed myself. When I was 20 yrs old (that was 23 yrs ago), I wanted to get fixed. At that time, people were saying no doctor would do that to any guy, untill he has kids of his own. I found that odd and never believed them. If a guy walks into a doctors office with money, he ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 18, 2018:
Make an appointment . Have it done . You won't even have to get your wife's or mother's permission , as used to be the requirement for women . It's your decision and your future . I and several others here , have already made those decisions , and followed up . No more little ones for us .
Male Birth Control
Cast1es comments on Apr 18, 2018:
At work , my desk sat face to face with a female Marine's Desk . One day she told me about a Marine , at the barracks , who had gotten 5 female Marines pregnant . He prepared for a " date ," by using a needle to punch holes through the condom packets . The women would see him tearing open the packet...
Cast1es replies on Apr 18, 2018:
As I understand it , the women did not know he was impregnating them . Let's try putting the shoe on your foot . You're young . Just graduated high school . Signed up for the military . You're in better shape than you've ever been . Guys start noticing you , possibly for the first time in your life . A guy , who's also looking physically fit , asks you out for a date . You may not even be anticipating having sex . He does not tell you , he's put holes in the condom . He does not tell you he's planning to prove his manhood , by getting as many girls pregnant as he can . At some point , not necessairly even the first date , you have sex . You think you had safe sex , because he used a new condom . Eventually , you develop morning sickness , but may not even consider that you're pregnant , just sick . In the mean time , he's been making the rounds . Eventually , a senior female officer , begins noticing , something is making her charges sick . She gets suspicious and starts interviewing the girls , and discovers what they all have in common . This is how the the female Marine sitting across from me explained it . What ever made you think he told those girls , before he impregnated them , that this is what he was planning ?
If you found that genie's lamp. what 3 wishes would you ask for?
godef comments on Feb 27, 2018:
1) 100 more lamps 2) ?? 3) ?
Cast1es replies on Apr 18, 2018:
Toy nay get 100 lamps , without more genies .
Male Birth Control
godef comments on Apr 18, 2018:
If we had male birth control, they'd be only women left. Then you wouldn't need any.
Cast1es replies on Apr 18, 2018:
Actually , they developed a means of some control , as to which gender a baby would likely be . When doing artificial insemination , they start with a vial of sperm , put it on one of those medical spin machines , to separate the , "males ," from the , " females , ' then use only the desired sperm to impregnate the egg .
Male Birth Control
Cast1es comments on Apr 18, 2018:
At work , my desk sat face to face with a female Marine's Desk . One day she told me about a Marine , at the barracks , who had gotten 5 female Marines pregnant . He prepared for a " date ," by using a needle to punch holes through the condom packets . The women would see him tearing open the packet...
Cast1es replies on Apr 18, 2018:
@Marcie1974 , Decieven I agree with you , but this topic was about some kind of male birth control . In addition , condoms provide some protection against STDs , but also , remove the desired sensations .
Male Birth Control
azzow2 comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Had vasectomy to rectify that.
Cast1es replies on Apr 18, 2018:
Was , " fixed , " as well .
Many religions allow a man to have more than one wife.
JimG comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Where are women portrayed as the equals of men in these religious texts? The societies that created these works were patriarchal in nature, and sons inherited the wealth of their fathers. Wealth, power, and prestige were not passed through or to daughters. Women were property not property owners....
Cast1es replies on Apr 15, 2018:
@Petter I was replying to JimG's post , which does . And , if e ler Daddy. arned form heread any of the history books about the first Queen Elizabeth , although she didn't have many husbands , she had quite a few , "favorites ." Guess s
How many men on this sight are MGTOW .
JaciBea comments on Apr 15, 2018:
I had never heard of this so I looked it up .. this is what came up on Urban Dictionary ... obviously I will take it with a grain a salt due to the site : ) but is the idea the same? Men Going Their Own Way: Males that choose to control their life on how they see fit and don't take bullshit from ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 15, 2018:
@factorbelief want to live ?
How many men on this sight are MGTOW .
JaciBea comments on Apr 15, 2018:
I had never heard of this so I looked it up .. this is what came up on Urban Dictionary ... obviously I will take it with a grain a salt due to the site : ) but is the idea the same? Men Going Their Own Way: Males that choose to control their life on how they see fit and don't take bullshit from ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 15, 2018:
Perhaps they could join a monistary ? Seems odd , they'd be on a dating site .
Who's a cosplayer and who attends comicon events? What's your favorite cosplay you've done or seen?
RandyMoose comments on Apr 11, 2018:
I’ve done one cosplay when I first went to the Roosterteeth expo.
Cast1es replies on Apr 15, 2018:
Those can't possibly all be the same guy !
What is your idea of a man "taking care of" a woman?
Sarahroo29 comments on Apr 14, 2018:
I've never had that before.
Cast1es replies on Apr 15, 2018:
Me either .
What is your idea of a man "taking care of" a woman?
MarlaPaine comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Sounds like he’s stuck in parenting mode. How about “offering his support” instead “taking care.” Taking implies possession. Giving them responsibility for your care means they are making decisions on your behalf. If you need someone to do that for you then okay, but it sounds like ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 15, 2018:
I think mine was stuck in little boy mode . His mother was and always had been , a full time , stay at home mother . Her middle son married in February , we married in June , and her third son went into the Marines in September , of the same year . She wasn't ready to let go , and never did , but I think when she , " lost ," all three sons in the same year , she just tightened her grip . Her middle son and his wife packed their car for the weekend , Thursday night , and left directly from work Friday spent the entire weekend at her house , and left her home Monday morning , to go directly back to work , every weekend .
What is your idea of a man "taking care of" a woman?
Cast1es comments on Apr 14, 2018:
" Taking care of a woman ." After giving birth , on the ride home from the hospital , I was told the washing machine was broke . A day or two later , my husband decided , as a way of getting me out of the house , we should walk around the mall . I'm loaded down with both the filled diaper bag , and ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 15, 2018:
@dkp93, @Karenl We were married for 8 years , and I finally gave him back to his Mommy .
What is your idea of a man "taking care of" a woman?
Cast1es comments on Apr 14, 2018:
" Taking care of a woman ." After giving birth , on the ride home from the hospital , I was told the washing machine was broke . A day or two later , my husband decided , as a way of getting me out of the house , we should walk around the mall . I'm loaded down with both the filled diaper bag , and ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 15, 2018:
@dkp93 We were young . We married a month before my nineteenth birthday . He lived at home , worked in a warehouse , and was making payments on an old Chevy . I don't think that makes me a gold digger . The things I liked about him were , he didn't smoke , or drink , he wasn't violent towards me , he wasn't flirting with others , he'd take me to a drive-in most weekends . Most often , we'd share the car with his brother and his girlfriend . At the time , it cost $1.75 per car to go to the movie . Not exactly expensive , particularly if you consider there were four of us in the car .
SNOWPOCALYPSE SNOWMAGEDDON 2-3" PER HOUR and 10-16" TOTAL predicted thru Sunday.
Archer comments on Apr 14, 2018:
You can lift that snow shovel!
Cast1es replies on Apr 15, 2018:
@kmdskit3 I moved away from that . Have not shoveled once , since I got here 11 years ago . On the other hand , since you lift weights , all the snow should be easy for you . Or is lifting just , " for show ?"
Why does it seem to be that there are more male atheists and agnostics when women are often ...
webbew1 comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Falls under the same category as, why do women say they want a nice guy but date assholes? Good luck figuring it out.
Cast1es replies on Apr 14, 2018:
Perhaps you may know they're assholes , but that's no particularly the same side some AH s show the woman , until after it's woo late . On the other hand ,some woman aren't all that smart .
Yes, I’m Still Stuck On This…
Cast1es comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Was he the runt of the litter ? Did he have unique coloring ? Was there something about him that caught your attention so that you could easily identify him , at an early age ? There is the possibility that you somehow gave him more attention than the others , and he learned from you , even if it ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 14, 2018:
@skado Used to babysit a pair of identical twins . Couldn't tell them apart by looks , but no problem once they did or said anything . One was very affectionate .
Feed Me!
njoy_life_2 comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Cast1es replies on Apr 14, 2018:
Help end homelessness. Adopt a kittay!
silverotter11 comments on Apr 13, 2018:
There are currently 9 kittens - that I know of - being bottle fed in this 179 unit complex right now. cute kitty Please spay and neuter!!!!
Cast1es replies on Apr 14, 2018:
@skado That's how I got mine . Momma cat had a litter on my side porch , then , about six weeks litter , Momma cat was murdered .
MrHugz4Kizzes comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Because we have sexualized breast, despite them not being sexual body parts. The point of breast is to feed babies. That's why some very dumb fuck get upset when they see a woman feeding in public despite it being a very natural thing. I personally think that if you are over the age of 18 you can ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 13, 2018:
@Wafflestomp Sequence of events . You have to attract a man , before you make babies ..
Anyone else in my age bracket having this issue?
Rugglesby comments on Apr 12, 2018:
I have solved the issue this way. I am staying single. I spend time with a number of ladies, some for a coffee and movie, a couple maybe a weekend away, platonic, just good company. These ladies I consider off limits for sex, they have either not expressed any interest, or stated no interest. End...
Cast1es replies on Apr 13, 2018:
@SherryMartin What are your interests ? Enjoy reading ? Stop in at your local library , and see what events they have posted , that would interest you . I recently was at my Doctor's office , and as I left , a man followed me out , I'd met while using the computers at the library . Interested in gaming , find your local gaming store and join in gaming , you'll meet others who enjoy gaming . History ? Cosplay ? Join the SCA . Role playing - Join a LARP . Interested in SciFiFantasy - go to SciFiFan Cons . Science ? Go to Scientific Symposiums . Finance ? Real Estate ? Seminars . I once made an online friend , whom I never expected to meet . I had arranged to go to an Electronic Symposium , then learned he was also attending it , so we met up there . Decide what your interests are . Go to places that feature social events dealing with those interests . Be active , there . Join the discussions . Better yet , get on the panels . Enjoy your life ! If you enjoy it and are enthusiastic about it , people will come to you .
Anyone else in my age bracket having this issue?
LibrasDreams comments on Apr 12, 2018:
I agree with GwenC. Men only want FWB and absolutely no commitment ( so they can be free for the next one) I'm right about to giving up myself.
Cast1es replies on Apr 12, 2018:
@cbranker One woman's opinion should be taken with a grain of salt , but when we keep seeing the same concepts from practically every woman on the page , perhaps you should, reconsider , how men are generally treating women , and we're not interested in being treated that way .
Anyone else in my age bracket having this issue?
NothinnXpreVails comments on Apr 12, 2018:
I don’t have any suggestions or answers, but why do you think that one can get sex any time, anywhere?
Cast1es replies on Apr 12, 2018:
Because men are more interested in having sex , than any other topic . It's risky for women , so fewer women are interested in instant , no strings attached sex .
Insomnia is no laughing matter.
Cast1es comments on Apr 12, 2018:
You may have insomnia OR sleep aphnea . Insomnia is more of a stress related inability to sleep . Sleep aphnea is more of a physical problem . I am aware of three surgeries and/or a cpap machine . The machine is basically a fan attached to a hose and a face mask , which helps to keep your airways ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 12, 2018:
@Olga IMO , I think some doctors do cause a lot more problems , than they cure . Good luck , hon !
Many religions allow a man to have more than one wife.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Speaking from a biological point of view, a woman having several husbands is not "profitable." One woman with many husbands would have only one baby at a time. A man with many wives can inseminate all of them. Most religions are about procreating; patriarchal religions are about males passing ...
Cast1es replies on Apr 12, 2018:
But the goal has now changed . Overpopulation is now a problem . I've read in some countries which traditionally killed off female infants (I believe that included Tibet) , when they reached adulthood , there were not enough women for each male to have their own wife , In that case , a woman would marry the brothers as well as her groom . China chose to limit overpopulation and set a limit of one child per family . As most wanted to have a son and heir , China now has a lack of women age to marry .
Many religions allow a man to have more than one wife.
Freedompath comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Even most professional sex workers, would rather have other jobs...why in heavens name would women who know the art of satisfying love making, want to spoil it and turn it into robotic behavior?
Cast1es replies on Apr 12, 2018:
@Petter Actually , the title of the book was , "Once a King , always a King , but once a Knight , is never enough ,"
Many religions allow a man to have more than one wife.
JimG comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Where are women portrayed as the equals of men in these religious texts? The societies that created these works were patriarchal in nature, and sons inherited the wealth of their fathers. Wealth, power, and prestige were not passed through or to daughters. Women were property not property owners....
Cast1es replies on Apr 12, 2018:
@Petter I was responding ti JimG's post .
Many religions allow a man to have more than one wife.
icolan comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Good theory except that virtually every one of those religions also makes it very clear that women are not equal to men and are viewed as little more than property.
Cast1es replies on Apr 12, 2018:
@icolan Religions , or at least those in charge , change or modify the rules all the time . For instance , where in the Bible does it say anything about , "Princes of the church , " and that they should live in palaces ?


16 Like Show
Trying to look ferousis .
7 Like Show
Hyacinths , in my window box .
4 Like Show
The pool guys at work , on the moat .
6 Like Show
My castle .
1 Like Show
Tiny wallled garden .
1 Like Show
Oranges growing over the garden wall .
2 Like Show
Hopefully , the , "over the garden wall ," oranges will ripen before they freeze .
5 Like Show
Celebrating Chinese New Year !
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