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My Blue Fairy garb . 20 July 2018


The first thing that came to mind had to do with Harry Potter! My bad!
Cast1es comments on Jul 31, 2019:
Sounds reasonable .
So, I just got a phone call, a recording actually.
Cast1es comments on Jul 31, 2019:
You would be the only one here , who knows if that makes sense in any way shape or form . I find it highly unlikely that SS administrator , would phone anyone . I suspect it's a scam .
I can't help but wonder if we're all just searching for someone who's a bit out of our league, but ...
Cast1es comments on Jul 31, 2019:
I'd like to be able to look up to the man in my life , because I hate having to make myself be stupid , because they only think they're smarter . Or worse yet , having them ," trying ," to cut me down to their own true level . I know everyone has their own knowledge , in areas they consider their specality , but common everyday , live your life knowledge , should be fairly easy to understand .
This is from an area of ruins in Arizona.
Cast1es comments on Jul 31, 2019:
Shadow of a line dance ?
The shadow knows...
Cast1es comments on Jul 31, 2019:
Took me a bit of searching to find it .
Castles from the Rhine river between Rudesheim and Koblenz Germany.
Cast1es comments on Jul 31, 2019:
Loved castle hopping , in England, Wales, Scotland , Austria , Bavaria , France , and Mexico .
Good Morning All.
Cast1es comments on Jul 31, 2019:
I have just one credit card and no debit cards . I pay off my credit card , on time and , in full , every month ( except when I was laid up on the hospital ) .
The last ever episode of Blackadder. []
Cast1es comments on Jul 31, 2019:
Heard they've been working at putting out a movie .
A very pretty poem
Cast1es comments on Jul 31, 2019:
Beautiful images !
Good summary of a complicated situation..
Cast1es comments on Jul 31, 2019:
Got me ! ;-) ;-) ;-)
These are so cool...
Cast1es comments on Jul 31, 2019:
The name is fully understandable . Are they poison ? Do people serve these for Halloween ?
Senescence - noun originally from Latin: The aging process.
Cast1es comments on Jul 31, 2019:
But they don't live as long as those Greenland sharks .
ascetic adjective as·​cet·​ic | \ ə-ˈse-tik , a-\ variants: or less commonly ascetical \ ...
Cast1es comments on Jul 31, 2019:
No thanks .
Very funny meme
Cast1es comments on Jul 31, 2019:
Already for Halloween !
Stewing in an eccentric mood I created this.
Cast1es comments on Jul 31, 2019:
Sorry , what is AFT ?
Very funny meme
Cast1es comments on Jul 31, 2019:
Ready for Halloween !
Catching up on a little reading... Sapiosexual anyone? 😍
Cast1es comments on Jul 30, 2019:
Says so in my bio .
The way I found it It doesn't look like a continuous transitioning flux phase.
Cast1es comments on Jul 30, 2019:
A nest of soon to be catapillers .
A few more shots from my trip to the UP of Michigan earlier this month.
Cast1es comments on Jul 30, 2019:
Wonder who has to sweep the walkway ?
I've been working on some new inventory for my market booth...
Cast1es comments on Jul 30, 2019:
Bottle cap necklaces .
Parrot wants to be a cat []
Cast1es comments on Jul 29, 2019:
Parrot's just trying to fit in with the group .
I would definitely prefer the frosting, or ice cream, or pretty much anything chocolate, but that's ...
Cast1es comments on Jul 29, 2019:
The people paying , or the therapists ? And it can lead to diabetes .
This is actually a black and white photo, but an artist has drawn color lines through it.
Cast1es comments on Jul 29, 2019:
True .
Aww! Devoted pair. I am allowed to be Pollyanna-ish sometimes, right?
Cast1es comments on Jul 29, 2019:
It's a shame more humans , aren't a lot more crow like .
So i posted about a casual relationship here and in another group on FB.
Cast1es comments on Jul 29, 2019:
If it's mutually agreed upon , then that;s up to you and your friend . On the other hand , I'd be concerned about catching or passing on any kind of STD , including things like HIV , or ebola , especially if your friend is a drug user , who shares needles . That's how HIV became an epidemic , in the first place , and I just read that ebloa has entered into another international epidemic status .
NY Post: Online dating is hell on earth for middle-aged and senior singles Such is the typically...
Cast1es comments on Jul 29, 2019:
More like non existent . Seems to me , like males want females to devote their lives to making him happy , but are not willing to put anything , any effort , into a relationship .
Good morning all!!! A couple more pix of the Festival!!!
Cast1es comments on Jul 29, 2019:
What is that thing that you are standing next to , in the first photo ?
Sooo many people text.
Cast1es comments on Jul 29, 2019:
Don't remember this one .
Whatever's customary:
Cast1es comments on Jul 28, 2019:
Yes , there are those who can and willfully will turn everything beautiful , into something ugly .
What’s the deal when women post a kissy poochy face photo?
Cast1es comments on Jul 28, 2019:
The basic concept is , men like full lips . So women try to make their lips look fuller .
Cast1es comments on Jul 28, 2019:
So , like oatmeal ?
I have no idea what are the names of those flowers but I find them so lovely even they are tiny and ...
Cast1es comments on Jul 28, 2019:
The forth photo ( purple ) looks like a Mexican petunia .
A petition to move Halloween to the last Saturday of October nears 100,000 signatures []
Cast1es comments on Jul 28, 2019:
Perhaps 31st for religious celebrations , and Saturdays for children's celebration ?
Look at these beauties! They look like miniature orchids.
Cast1es comments on Jul 28, 2019:
Sweet peas ?
I was looking on Amazon because I needed some snake repellant (snake be gone) then I got the idea ...
Cast1es comments on Jul 28, 2019:
I've seen several videos , of cats chasing off bears . You may want to put off getting that cat be gone, if you're concerned about bears.
Do you ever feel like you’re available for everyone else, but no one wants to be an ear or ...
Cast1es comments on Jul 27, 2019:
Not everyone is interested in hearing a constant stream of , " poor little me. " If you want others to be there for you , find ways of being a happier person .
This is a "study" on a sunset.
Cast1es comments on Jul 27, 2019:
The order of the photos , suggests more of a sunrise .....
Cast1es comments on Jul 27, 2019:
This maybe a good sign , or not . I found three in a marriage to be one too many . I got to do all the work , he spent all his , " free time , " at her home .
No truer words....
Cast1es comments on Jul 27, 2019:
Here, it's more like , "Get off the keyboard ! Sit on my left , so I can type with my right . You've already got food ."
Cast1es comments on Jul 27, 2019:
That would save a few tax dollars , in the long run .
I am heartbroken.
Cast1es comments on Jul 27, 2019:
Hugs , hon .
Goodnight Kitties:
Cast1es comments on Jul 27, 2019:
Oh look , a fur blanket .
Cast1es comments on Jul 27, 2019:
Finding friends with the same mental disorder , is , for all intents and purposes , impossible .
When religion conflicts with science it holds no credibility.
Cast1es comments on Jul 27, 2019:
I don't believe in God . On the other hand , science is constantly changing , how it views things , too . A hundred years ago , it was impossible to reach the moon , much less actually walk on it . Fifty + years ago , they did it . We laugh at what was the medical field a hundred years ago . I still don't completely trust them , even today , and things that have happened in my own lifetime , shows me I am correct in not always trusting that they actually know what they're doing . While they have learned more , we've also been scammed more . Treatments don't always mean cure , or even improve , and in some cases , most definitely made things a whole lot worse .
Foxglove along Manuel's River, NL
Cast1es comments on Jul 27, 2019:
Lovely , but I thought they would be bigger .
Comment on the times
Cast1es comments on Jul 27, 2019:
The vast number of drug users , can't afford to have a drug problem , based on a salary . That's why so many are either selling drugs or are in jail .
So Climate change is FAKE NEWS and a hoak???? Check out Sargassum Seaweed
Cast1es comments on Jul 27, 2019:
Help ! We're being invaded by seaweed ?
For those who want a more emotional and less sexual relationship: []
Cast1es comments on Jul 27, 2019:
Wow ! In one generation , they've progressed from kids shouldn't know anything about sex , until after they're married , to there are about twenty different versions , pick one , while you're still in school - here are the definitions .
Admiralty, the over pass towards Tamar park,the road where the 2M people did the protest against ...
Cast1es comments on Jul 27, 2019:
U.K. ?
Is it just me or do Christian movies always have terrible acting?
Cast1es comments on Jul 27, 2019:
They're not investing a lot of money in the best actors . Those charge millions . Although , I do recall hearing Morgan Freeman , played God in at least one movie .
Have you ever had someone fall asleep on top of you, immediately after having sex? True story.
Cast1es comments on Jul 26, 2019:
Apparently it's exhausting .
Yes, laughter is the best medicine, as these old guys show, and yes, Masters and Johnson proved ...
Cast1es comments on Jul 26, 2019:
A comedy quartet .
Article: [vox.
Cast1es comments on Jul 26, 2019:
It was pointed out to me , that Hawaii has had both a king and a queen , and that Hawaii , has never signed a peace agreement with the US . It is therefore an independent nation , and not a part of the US. We are , therefore invaders , and have no right to decide what should be allowed to be built on their lands .
Cats have internal clocks.
Cast1es comments on Jul 26, 2019:
It's when the tummy growls .
Another one for my book.
Cast1es comments on Jul 26, 2019:
Perhaps a foot fetish ?
Actor Rutger Hauer has died at age 75 - We are all crying tears in the rain.
Cast1es comments on Jul 26, 2019:
I loved , "Lady Hawk ."
This fellow is one of the great gaslighters of our time.
Cast1es comments on Jul 26, 2019:
A.H. !
Words of encouragement
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
That's a possum ?
This are not good but documental photos I shot in Harajuku, Tokyo,1987.
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Shame we don't have gathering places here .
@smithdorcas, here's a new twist.
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Probably didn't read what was posted , before adding the check marks .
Funny situation
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Poor little guy . You know he's going to get ribbed about this .
some pictures of my current house (apologies if repeats of the post in the other Tiny House group) -...
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Wow , practically rebuilding them .
Just returned from foraging. Time for a Tom Collins in the garden. Beautiful evening.
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Looks inviting !
With all kinds of room on the bed to curl up and nap, of course Chloe chooses the newly laundered ...
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
They smell good , they're fresh and warm , and provide even more padding . Cats are very logical .
Somehow I missed seeing this group! I've put some pics of my restoration in the Tiny Houses and ...
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Looks like you had to deal with some serious mold problem . Toilet's a bit close to the kitchen . Don't want those smells in the kitchen .
something that made me think! re restoring towns and public spaces...
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Those turns would be scary , if you're in a wheel chair .
Meanwhile, under the tomato forest canopy, some pepper plants are doing well:
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Very colorful !
well, is it your foultl that you have got a bible belt?,yes it is.
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Was inundated in religion , as a child . Left these myths and others behind as an adult .
Cambodia - Longvek digs are unearthing stuff []
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
In school we were given no education beyond those who interfaces with the US directly .
Over the last three years, white, wild roses have grown up on my property .
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
I understand wild roses have stronger roots than domesticated ones . I understand you can start new bushes , by dipping a cutting in honey , then sticking the honey coated stem in a potato . If you have a favorite domesticated rose , you could use your wild rose roots , and graft domesticated roses of your choice onto them for healthy , productive new bushes .
I don't say much but when I do, it has to count for something.
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Impressive .
A little something dark lmao
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Why bother telling them anything ? It won't change a thing . Just get them out of your one life .
At one previous incarnation, I worked as a professional photographer, specializing in real estate ...
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Lovely residences .
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Since hoofs are , basically , toenails , does that mean humans are ungulates as well ?
There is beauty in everything if we stop to look.
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Looks like a kalidoscope . Mirror images .
I think I see what the problem is
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Might be funny , if it weren't so very true . There are those , who chose to remain ignorant , no matter how easy you try to make it , for them to understand .
Cosmic Voyage IMAX HD - YouTube
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Since , theoretically speaking , the next closest sun is over a hundred thousand light years away from us , the possibility exists that **all** other stars , may have already ceased to exist , and we may be alone in space , we just don't know it , yet .
Finished jury duty.
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Stay single ?
This could be more broadly applicable. Keep your distance please.
Cast1es comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Rather like some humans .
Did you hear about the big power outage last week that hit New York City’s Theater District ?
Cast1es comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Final curtain in nine moths .
Landscapes — 1: Panorama from Tenison Woods, Mt Glorious, Queensland, Australia, 2010.
Cast1es comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Historic .
Check out this INCREDIBLE robot from Stanford that moves by GROWING.
Cast1es comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Looks like a balloon .
Hi, Please somebody explain to me what's the point of joining a group / introducing oneself and,...
Cast1es comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Perhaps they are more interested in learning what others have to say , than in contributing things they don't feel they know a lot about ?
QUESTION RE GOBECKLI TEPE: The 14 12,000 year-old temples at Gobeckli Tepe in Turkey have smaller,...
Cast1es comments on Jul 24, 2019:
"That we gave birth to the Gods "
I may have thought of my Halloween costume.
Cast1es comments on Jul 24, 2019:
who's Boris Johnson ?
A few suggestions for the guys on dating sites: First, post a picture of YOU and not some actor.
Cast1es comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Same thing holds true with your bio . If you dropped out of the very first college course you ever signed up for , and never went any further , you are not a college graduate . The fact that you are divorced , does not mean you do not have responsibilities as a parent . Children do not evaporate , just because you no longer are having sex with their parent .
How many want this
Cast1es comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Slap my ass = kick in the balls .
Try to be nice and you will do well, right?
Cast1es comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Most of the stores I've been in , are self service . You find what you want , collect it from the shelf , and put it in your basket , then swipe it , at check out . Retail workers are stocking shelves , so I have little contact with most of them . I can't even remember the last time I went to a hair dresser's , because the rude comments made me feel worse , than when I entered the place . I seldom go out to eat . Originally , the cost of eating out was justified as being so much more than eating at home , because it included wages , supplies and ambience , as well as food . The prices have continued to rise , but no longer include wages for the servers , and they demand what was originally intended as a gift ,"**T**o **I**nsure **P**rompt **S**ervice ," as their wage , because they have agreed , not to require a salary from their employer . As has already been happening over the past several years , multiple nation-wide chain stores , which have served this country , some for as long as a century or more , are going out of business . Shutting down completely . I did just see where a $15 minimum wage law was passed . Apparently , the stores which do remain open , plan to replace more retail workers with robots . I've seen videos of enormous warehouses , that use machinery , rather than stock personnel to prepare and ship mail order goods . Congratulations on winning the $15 hour minimum wage . Good luck finding a job .
Frankenfood - this is a new (1990's) word that has inched its way into usage and the dictionary.
Cast1es comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Unfortunately , a lot of us are developing , "allergies ," to the food , due , in fact , to the numerous pesticides and weed killers our supposedly edibles are being soaked in .
For the last time, don't ask a stranger "What are you?"
Cast1es comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Very handsome couple . It's such a shame , truly interested people are also crititized , for being interested.
Couple of cuties
Cast1es comments on Jul 23, 2019:
And where do you find these positive people ?
I couldn’t sleep last night, so I wrote this.
Cast1es comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Love the drawing .
Wife is waiting...
Cast1es comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Is he really worth that much effort ? ? ? Obviously not the first time .
This is Beau, my sons dog.
Cast1es comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Labrador ?
What are your thoughts on the protests in Hawaii over construction of a new telescope on Mauna Loa?
Cast1es comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Technically speaking , Hawaii had a King and Queen and has never signed a peace treaty with the United States . Native Hawaiians do not consider themselves a part of the United States . The US is , again , invading a country that does not belong to it .
Recent photos taken in Chattanooga, Tennessee usa.
Cast1es comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Pardon me boys , is that the Chattanooga cho choo ? Track 49 . It's going to get there on time .
They tell me things:
Cast1es comments on Jul 23, 2019:
This morning , my cat told me he'd caught another lizard , so I went and captured it and set it outside . They've improved . Now they let me know before they amputate their legs or kill them .
I have a question for the people that are 100% certain that no gods exist. How are you THAT certain?
Cast1es comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Can you prove that aliens , witches , trolls , goblins and ghosts , either do **or** do not exist ? Do you believe **all** advertisements ? Do the corporations who create medications **always** have your health and welfare at the front of their minds ? There are those who worship Trump , do you ? The human imagination , fills in blanks , creates explainations , and is greedy . People believe in what they think is in their own best interests , even when sometimes , in actually isn't . What's good for one group of people , is usually , not in the best interests of another . While being admitted to a hospital for surgery , recently , the woman registering me asked if I smoked , drank , used illegal drugs , believed in God ? I answered no to each question . She then took a good look st me and responded , well what do you use as a crutch , what do you lean against , when things go wrong ? I replied , I guess I just stand on my own two feet , then cracked up , as I realized I had answered from my seat in my scooter .
Has anyone noticed how a lot of movies on Netflix are like the old marshall arts films where the ...
Cast1es comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Voice overs . When a film is made in a language , then edited , before distribution to foreign countries .
Running in Circle, chasing the happiness. []
Cast1es comments on Jul 23, 2019:
More false promises .


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Trying to look ferousis .
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Hyacinths , in my window box .
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The pool guys at work , on the moat .
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My castle .
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Tiny wallled garden .
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Oranges growing over the garden wall .
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Hopefully , the , "over the garden wall ," oranges will ripen before they freeze .
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Celebrating Chinese New Year !
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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