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My Blue Fairy garb . 20 July 2018


Did you hear about the Italian chef that died?
Cast1es comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Oh , groan .
Rust Never Sleeps and Piss Never LETS Us Old Farts Sleep...
Cast1es comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Cracked me up ! Love it . How ironic !
Philosophy and science
Cast1es comments on Feb 2, 2019:
If it weren't for the earth under the oceans , we would have evaporated into tiny droplets , lost in space eons ago . It's the gravity , of the earth , that holds it all together .
The awesome Zenpencils ? []
Cast1es comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Pretty to look at , but VERY bad for their health .
The Senate majority leader is especially testudinate
Cast1es comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Odd , the tortoise description. .
I found the perfect birth control! []
Cast1es comments on Feb 1, 2019:
While I gather tis is a joke , I've never even heard of a MAGA HAT , before .
This is me in my younger days. Just kidding, Ryan Gosling.
Cast1es comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Lovely !
Uh oh George, ya gone and done it this time!
Cast1es comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Bear skin blanket .
it's 15° ! we're being spoiled by Mother Nature!
Cast1es comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Today 55*F to 64*F , the warmer for ther est of the week , mostly in the 70s*F .
We are now taking nominations for Hot Hunk of the Year.
Cast1es comments on Feb 1, 2019:
I'd like to nominate ninjarider1 , please !
Cast1es comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Beautiful , what is it ? An overhead light fixture ?
Try one Brave thing today! (Then run like hell!) ?
Cast1es comments on Feb 1, 2019:
That's not courage , that's sheer stupidity .
Energy doesn't FLOW the way you THINK! (Electrodynamics) - The Science Asylum []
Cast1es comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Took two courses in basic electricity , one in collage , one at work , for the Federal Government .ONe taught charge going in one direction , the other in the opposite direction .
The proverbial little old lady bought a pair of parrots.
Cast1es comments on Feb 1, 2019:
That was a surprise .
A little fun..
Cast1es comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Med-evil hearing aid ?
Hold me back...
Cast1es comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Um yum !
[] Good info
Cast1es comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Mine seemed to think an argument , was foreplay . I noticed he'd walk in and intentionally try to start an argument , over absolutely nothing , so he'd then have an excuse for increasing his control . The house was mine before I ever met him , so my leaving , wasn't an option . I had to get him away from my children and out of my house . The marriage was two and a half months old , when we filed for a separation . I've been legally separated for 45 years .
God I miss cuddles.. sometimes the best part of sex..
Cast1es comments on Jan 31, 2019:
I strongly agree ! Cuddles .
Name your next pet ?
Cast1es comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Dinner .
Very true. Taz would not care.
Cast1es comments on Jan 31, 2019:
I kept them indoors for a long time , When I began letting them out , They began scouting the yard and clearing out the other critters , like snakes , for instance . Didn't even know I had snakes .
Fifty Ways...
Cast1es comments on Jan 31, 2019:
When my female arrives , she's graceful and soft landing . When my male arrives , it's like he's trying to break my ribs . Then he adjusts the computer .
The cat makes a decision.
Cast1es comments on Jan 31, 2019:
That too . Seems as though the less one actually has to say , the more they push to say it .
25 Obscure English Words
Cast1es comments on Jan 31, 2019:
The problem with using words no one knows , is that no one will know what you're saying . How often are you likely to have an occasion to discuss otter poop ?
Women are from Venus; men are from Uranus. (My guess is some of those knobs are just for show.)
Cast1es comments on Jan 31, 2019:
With men , it's either do or don't . With women , there's a bit of fine tuning . Think of driving a car with only one speed , no slow , no fast , just go or stop . With women , it's not only which speed , it's also heat or air , how much , chat or music - which kind ? Shall we slide the seat forward or back . Would you like cream and/or sugar with your coffee , How about a donut or some nuts with that ?Piece of fruit ?
"We haven't been fed in our entire life!!" I just gave them a snack 30 minutes ago.
Cast1es comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Mine are pretty well behaved . They do turn up , when they feel it's time for fresh food , but usually just curl up on my lap and wait . Actually , I think they're pretty smart . They do properly react to several words , which means they understand more English than I do of cat . My male , who's the slower of the two , can make my computer do things in an instant , that may take me an hour or two to undo . Female tries to hold a conversation with me . I figure as long as it ends up purring , I've met what ever she wanted .
Thought this was sweet.
Cast1es comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Poor baby . Saw a duck with artificial feet on FB a little while back .
Praha,Czech Republic,
Cast1es comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Thought at first , as I scrolled down , that it was some kind of new chandolier . Then I realized it was the corridor roof .
Hi everyone I'm new here.
Cast1es comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Try not to rush into anything too soon . Sometimes it's easier to stand on your own two feet , than it is to be with the wrong person .
It appears that I have been made host of this group unbeknown to me.
Cast1es comments on Jan 31, 2019:
I unexpectedly inherited several groups . Welcome to that club , as well .
Any pilots or aviation enthusiasts among us?
Cast1es comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Can't say I'm an enthuasiast , but I did take a couple of flying lessons , as a young adult , when I was in Civil Air Patrol . Realized , I couldn't afford the lessons .
They say any publicity is good, being in the public eye helps your self esteem but some are never ...
Cast1es comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Ah, our insecurities .
Cast1es comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Have to agree .
The picture is not upside down.
Cast1es comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Very calm waters .
We used to have to wait our turn to use this and actually talk with one another. ;)
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I remember the first phone my parents got .A four party line , and we were told never to touch it . Today , they have separate phones for each family member , and whine that they can't afford their basic needs .
Rene Descartes walks into a bar and asks for tea.
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
The reverse of , " I think , therefore I am ."
Your bladder is about to blow a gasket, you get to the restroom; full house.
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
You convinced your bladder , to hold it , now it won't let go .
A funny thing can happen.
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
That many rats on board , it was most likely a plague ship .
How many people in your world seem shocked to find out you're an introvert?
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
If you don't want to know , don't ask .
Today, it's this guy.
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Baby , it's cold outside . Your lap is the warmest place in the house .
I would date the guy who owns this and pay for the date, lol! Actually, I didn't know where to put ...
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
What's the likely hood that you'll meet someone from the UAE , or maybe an oil rich Texan ?
I've noticed recently that I'm coming across women who I thought were new to the site, but have ...
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
There are 13 different ," sort by ," options . Just off the top of my head - Newest members , on line most recently , birthdays , nearby , highest "heart" percentage , high points , etc.
Terracotta Army, Shaanxi, China 2009
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
A 1/3 size copy was made of each soldier . They were eventually sold to , "Lucky Land ," a theme park (?) , here in Texas , just a little west of I 45 .
Just let it out!
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Some can take anything beautiful , and make it not so .....
Church of Bob said they wanted a word with me.
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I believe this is what they mean , when they say they are in a complicated relationship .
Mountin' lion
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Safest place in the room ? Cat hat ?
The cat is IN this Cutie's bag...
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Peru ? Mongolia ?
The last full moon rising out the back I took a shot of it, then another and another, still not ...
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Don't think I've ever seen it look that big .
So Mick’s mom was doing some child minding for him, the next time she was due to come over Mick ...
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Most definitely a major in-law-problem .
So I get this message from a seemingly new memberhttps://agnostic.
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Sounds like the beginning of a sales pitch .
What do you call a guy with a rubber toe?
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I don't know . What DO you call a guy with a rubber toe ?
We better hurry up!
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Can't possibly do any worse than current POTUS .
Career choice
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Sad by true .
No matter how bad.....
Cast1es comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Saw this on Facebook . It's still funny , especially the cow .
How to search a photo.
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
You're amazing !
Can I just leave this here before I go to sleep for the night.
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Actor Ti something , from , "How Stella Got Her Groove Back ."
I thought it might be a good idea for us to look at some of the dating terms out there.
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Thank you . I had not even heard of most of these .
If two hearts are meant to be together☺?
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Dream on .We like fairy tails .
I believe this100% ?
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
We keep telling ourselves that . Unfortunately , it's a lot easier to see how your jeans fit , than it is to see what your heart is doing .
In a rural area, on a Sunday morning, the church is packed and the devil decides to pay a visit.
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Rural , hon .
One of those things I don't think I'll ever understand.
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Not everyone is looking for the same thing . Not all are honest up front . They don't come with a label or a sign on their forehead . You don't want to jump from the fry pan into the fire .
@proudmerrie So if you meet a guy and he lies about his height.. Is that mini-catfishing?
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
That's being short changed .
small circle
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
We're introverts .
I've come real close to this.. REAL CLOSE:
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Cats can be taught , and are capable of learning . I'm not so sure about humans .
Laurence Fishburne - always one of my favorites. Yummy.
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Umm , yum !
Funny cats
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Cats maintain a higher body temperature than humans . That's why , when possible , they'll nap in the sunny spots . Their coats are double layered , to insulate as well as to shade their bodies . Although it's not likely that their hair cut won't kill or damage them , they are not going to feel comfortable being a smaller package . They won't thank you for the shearing .
I have just noticed on a thread that has had six visitors including myself, none of whom have ...
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
I've run into something similar a few times . It's especially annoying when there are no visible comments , but when I add mine , I don't get double points . I think what has happened in these cases is , someone starts to write a comment , then erases what they wrote , or changes their mind and doesn't write anything , then hits the submit bar anyhow . Basically , they submitted a blank .
Bear with me, this will be a little long.
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Go with your gut , that's why it acts that way . And the old cliche' , better safe than sorry . I hate driving on the beltways too , so usually stay on the service roads , when they're available . It's not that I don't know how to drive . It's that there are way too many other drivers , who drive too fast , don't pay attention to the road conditions , weave in and out , tailgate , etc. , and there's frequently no escape space , in case of emergency . You did the right thing.
Every time.
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Never again , I moved south .
The Truth About MSG and Your Health - SciShow []
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
My assorted doctors , tell me I need to be on a salt free diet , because of my stage 4 kidney failure .
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
So very true !
I never give in a store.
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
My precious .....
I have three ladies to post - give me 10 minutes to block please.
Cast1es comments on Jan 29, 2019:
This weekend , I was PM'd by 4 of the gentlemen you ,"suspect," of being scammers . While I had pretty much come to the same conclusion , it's comforting to know I wasn't alone in my conclusions . I truly appreciate all you do for us !
I am so thankful that sociopath got caught in Provo, Utah.
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Not familiar with this story .
I just read "Why We Sleep" - learned a lot I did not know about sleep, why we need it and that bad ...
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Wish I could have convinced my kidney doctor of that .....
Eventually you will meet a man or woman.....
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Don't hold your breath !
I am 64, living with my cats.
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Welcome to the club !
A new scientific discovery
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Perfect explanation ! Perfect photo of a black hole !
So last week I mentioned I had a first date and might have a date over the weekend with someone else...
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
A bit rude to stand someone up , especially without even contacting them about it .
I sat at kitchen table and tried to balance my checkbook.
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Put a box on the table , next to you , for her .
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
I was just a kid , when I saw Creature from the ( was it black or blue ? ) Lagoon . Scared me .
Speaking of gaming with friends, anyone? I'm on Steam. PM me.
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
From the night at the museum movie .
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
He's testing to see if you're stupid enough , that he can take advantage of you . You ARE the winner .
Uhh....I'm Fire Hole. I don't like this game....
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Basically , here, find a new way to insult yourself .
[] (Georgecarvalho). He sent me a pm. I only get the weirdos and the scammers.
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Welcome to the club . Two of scammers , already designated , PM'd me last night .
Seriously. I'm ready for spring!
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
For the most part , it's been relatively mild , here in the south .
Tony725 psychic spiritual retiree selling TV packages
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Got messages from two of the suspected Trolls , scammers, etc. over night . Suspect foreign country .
I read a statement today that said "Slut" is attacking women for their right to say yes, and "friend...
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Slut is a two sided sword . Men also use against a woman , who refuses to have sex with him . As in everything was fine while she said yes , but when the situation changes , suddenly , because she told him no , she wasn't worthy of him , because she was easy .
I'm in the F.P. program
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Think I'll borrow that , sounds like a great excuse .
1958, Cat experiencing weightlessness.
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Pilot didn't survive , because weightless cat scratched his eyes out .
Oh baby, rock this...
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
A smile might be nice .
SPAMMER: Posting the same thing in every group with a suspicious link.
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
What he's posting looks like an advertisement for Samsung .
A three legged dog walked into a bar and said, I’m looking for the man who shot my paw!
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Red neck dog ?
What do you call a microbiologist in an ...
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Ooooh , moan and groan .
I have seen this happen more than once.
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
In my experience , I was direct and to the point ,came right out with it , and he never heard anything he didn't want to hear , but if I repeat it , t he gets mad at me for ."nagging ."
Cats are liquid. More at: []
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Yeah , watch then flow around a corner .
So pleased with my new raised rose bed, but those poor naked pruned winter roses needed some ...
Cast1es comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Pansies ! That'll brighten things up a bit .
Considering the well known rejection rate of foods, I AM surprised he even tried it!
Cast1es comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Don't think he'll be going back for seconds of that .
An older problem than we thought...
Cast1es comments on Jan 27, 2019:
OOOO , NO !!!!!!!
Saturday morning I got up early, dressed quietly, made my lunch, grabbed the dog, slipped quietly ...
Cast1es comments on Jan 27, 2019:
That'll learn ya , durn ya !
Same, dog, same.
Cast1es comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Works for me !


16 Like Show
Trying to look ferousis .
7 Like Show
Hyacinths , in my window box .
4 Like Show
The pool guys at work , on the moat .
6 Like Show
My castle .
1 Like Show
Tiny wallled garden .
1 Like Show
Oranges growing over the garden wall .
2 Like Show
Hopefully , the , "over the garden wall ," oranges will ripen before they freeze .
5 Like Show
Celebrating Chinese New Year !
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting men
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