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"Political correctness is fascism pretending to be good manners." - George Carlin.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 4, 2023:,vid:kJuaMceXsQk Hadn't heard this bit from George Carlin before. Funny
The Jehovah's Witnesses are no longer a "religious community" in Norway 😉😍😙🤗😄😘 ...
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 3, 2023:
Maybe a Jehovah witnesses knocked too much on a door of a Supreme Judge, wail he was in the middle of sex with his wife.
The narrative keeps changing, but the Covidians still have not noticed.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 3, 2023:
If I want a vaccine booster in UK, better take up fast foods, alcohol and smoking. 😃. It's just not for healthy people.
Look what one of my apps has just reported: online stalking. Does it happen to you?
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 3, 2023:
I don't care enough what narrative robots might think of me. Had 2 pass ex girlfriends stalking me, probably be less impress if a robot was stalking me. Maybe they would learn a thing or two, like my old girlfriends.
At 47 minutes past midnight this sounded fantastic on my new phone's built in stereo speakers.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 3, 2023:
What a grand production!.
In America, you have to opt out of religion in public life.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 3, 2023:
Don't think putting alcoholics in with alcoholics, works. Like when being gay was illegal, their punishment would be putting gays in with alot of other gays in prison. Having too much sex can be an addiction too. Best keep everything in moderation.
I have just come across this on an old Atheist site in reply to a discussion about Atheism and ...
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 3, 2023:
Not ever have I looked up the word humanism. 1. An outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. 2. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems. 3. Renaissance cultural movement which turned away from medieval scholasticism and revived interest in ancient Greek and Roman thought. On these three definitions, you may be correct, I personally stay away often from centroism of extremes.
“Wealth is the slave of a wise man and the master of a fool”…………….
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 3, 2023:
Extremes work like that.
Funny as hell,,, and a good life lesson all in one short story. Enjoy 😊 []
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 3, 2023:
Was given orange sunshine acid at age 17. It Changed me from a world class athlete to an world artist for 50 years. Not ever did I do hard drugs there after, Butt Man,!!! that was the most awesome trip of my life ever.
55% of adults think Jesus will return to Earth (this includes 1% of atheists. []
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 1, 2023:
1% atheist will say HOLLY FUCK , I was just kidding. The agnostic will be spent to purgatory, it's like we never left home. The Christian get to go to the Funny farm. Makes sense to me, 😃🤣
Governments don’t want an intelligent population because people who can think critically can’t ...
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 1, 2023:
That's why people are better off owning their own business. Owned my own for 50 years and nobody owns me.
Interesting article.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 1, 2023:
I'm a kind of person who is not for any overly expensive structural buildings and any Centroism group, who wants to take away my independence and individualism, that includes Governments and Religions running our lives. . My brother is a pastor and he lost his church before the covid world order. At least we agreed not to talk about religion and vaccines. If wokeness, pharmaceutical drug pushers and eternal world record profits of corporationism, is our new social construct. I perfer the old family united types of very low debts and high social security of the 60s, 70, and 80s. I love my kids, the Government and the sky daddy don't.
Covid-19 is a leading cause of death for children in the US, despite relatively low mortality rate -...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 31, 2023:
About 7000 people have died of polio total. People are like plants, when the plant is given healthy nutrients food and water, sunlight and exercise. The plant is the heathliest in it's stem and roots, to fight off any bugs and diseases. Most people take far too much sugar, salt and many toxic intakes. It is no wonder why the virus or germs causing most deaths are caused by people's horrible health lifestyle. Malaria and Aids vaccines in Africa and like covid vaccines are the spreaders, not the cure. I have compassion for all, just not enough empathetic feeling for stupidity.
The Meaning of Life
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 30, 2023:
Meaning of life. What ever works. For me, simplified, simplified and simplified by mean of work and love. Work is love made visible.
“In the small matters trust the mind, in the large ones the heart”………..Sigmund Freud.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 30, 2023:
When it comes to most important matters. Another way of saying it. Lead with your heart, shortly follow up with your mind. When a person has serious problems, the source of the problem is almost alway in the mind.
What could possibly be causing all of this diabetes in young people?
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 30, 2023:
Like nobody has a clue why 1/2 of eveybody has diabetes or obese. Maybe because, almost everything has sugar in it. Cancer thrives on sugar, doctors even encourage sugar to fatten up during Chemo therapy. Lost 2 girlfriends that way.
Further video entertainment..... []
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 30, 2023:
I fell sorry for the bully narrative..... Not.
While religion and spirituality are similar in foundation, they are very different in practice.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 30, 2023:
Religion is an organization of superstitions with an endless preaching of broken parrots of sins. In a delusion of trillions of prayers, in hopes to change the results, which is the definition of insanity and pass regrets. Spiritual is the 99% unknowns, until it's manifestation into the ego self. By reaching out and mastering within the ego from those spiritual unknowns. Expands our ego bubble to greater personal growth and opens up to other spiritual possibilities.
THERE ARE NO ATHEIST BABIES (from an atheist website) .
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 29, 2023:
Could say all people are born anarchist. Meaning Noone below me or above me. Better choice than alway up or down.
Anecdotal - Exclusive: 53-Year-Old Woman Details Aftermath of COVID Vaccine Injury Julie Gamble ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 29, 2023:
[] Oliver Stone about Putin and the war in Ukraine.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 28, 2023:
The feeling is like the US in his movie of Dr. Stranglove.
After Man Kills Wife, Kids and Self, Obituary Says He Cherished Family
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 27, 2023:
For sure the Father is going to hell. The Mormon women don't get to go to heaven anyway. I hope the kids go to heaven, not just cut them loose into space.
The CDC's fraud continues unabated.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 27, 2023: Many just delete what they wrote and ignore the shame.
These things should be self evident, even to the religious people, they really should be.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 26, 2023:
If your not with our religious denominations, your worshipping Satan. Won't be lonely anyway, with a 100 billion people in a hot night club.
Please listen to the Atheist hymn. Arseholes []
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 24, 2023:
LOL didn't know there was so many negative songs putting atheism down. It's why I don't belong to any Centroism group, possibly the optimist club. Steve Martin
Please listen to the Atheist hymn. Arseholes []
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 24, 2023:
I won't be buying the album.
You can really trust our 'watchdog' agencies, such as the CDC, when it takes two FOIA request ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 24, 2023:
The winners are finally the unvaccinated,, it's a sad win when far too many had suffer in many ways, senselessly.
Church of England apologizes for treatment of LGBTQ people “For the times we have rejected or ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 23, 2023:
In 1973 it was illegal to be gay, The church is still one step behind the updated laws of same sex marriage.
“Knowledge which is divorced from justice may be called cunning rather than wisdom”…….
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 23, 2023:
True, often people with very IQ, like politicians are not so happy, notice how quickly they age.
“Any fool can criticise, condemn, and complain, but it takes character and self-control to be ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 22, 2023:
Even though I've been treated as the worse terrorists of any kind by many for being unvaxxed. I could of been the same kind of person easily of being onesideness veiws of what is known today of the vaccines overall do not work, possibly for some. . I forgive all of you for temporaryly ruining my business of healthy alternatives medicine and foods urban farming. No worries I'm back on top again stronger than ever for tragedies can bring us to a higher levels of energy and well being
What is a "Christian Country"?
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 22, 2023:
Good indepth reporting. Difference between Canada and the US Canada today has no state religion, and the Government of Canada is officially committed to religious pluralism. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms makes reference to "the supremacy of God. Atheism is not a registered religion. Prime Minister were Kim Campbell- fairly anti-organized-religion. Jean Chrétien was anti-clerical. Sir Wilfred Laurier even more so. Clark, Turner and Mulroney kept their religion to themselves. US constitution has no word, God in it, only God in part in new ammendment. America or the US Corp is based on corporatism not Christianity. Atheism is registered as a religion for protection , yet no atheist in US congress. My personal objective and personal growth only come in very little part of religion or politics. And all centroism dominance brings corruption absolutely.
Commentary from Jeff Childers 'Coffee & Covid' 'Check out yesterday’s timely Daily Mail ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 22, 2023:
Australia had very low numbers of covid cases . Then when the vaccines came, they like, muliplied monthly.
Young people are suffering a lot of coincidences these days.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 21, 2023:
They can blame it all on climate change, So scientific.
Ahhhhhhhh, so it's the lockdowns that are causing all the deaths (Don't mention the elephant in the ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 21, 2023:
The pandemic does more harm than good, it's the worst idea of an overall health model in our times.
Everyone in the world should watch this video NOW before it is censored.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 20, 2023:
The majority would rather trust the mainstream media, government and pharmaceutical. Than actually unscripted professional doctors. Nothing out weights my good sense about health and life. No a mount of money or brides are more important than health or lack of real insurance of it
list of why vaccines is a cult in every way.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 20, 2023:
No response or challenge about anti or non vaxxers being a cult. Not even a detail rebuttal of vaxxers being a cult. Then leave non vaxxer alone to their ultimate choice of what goes in or out of their bodies. Wimps.
Anecdotal - An email from a nurse to Alex Berenson Hi Alex - As a nurse for over 20 years I ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 20, 2023:
BDair , I may have mixed you up with someone esle who took the shot. Your bravery is even more honored by me.
And now, for your entertainment - Pharma Fraud Compilation []
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 19, 2023:
It's amazing how much a body can go through and survive.
The truth is bubbling to the surface.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 19, 2023:
All my Conspiracy theories have come true , like Marijuana, gay mental illness and so on. For just not being for vaccines, not even a against it. They call you tin hat, flat earthen, Aliens abductions, diseases criminal and so on. Have not experienced one thing or issue ever in my life, that is so onesided or militants. Hard to get any opposing information in edge wise.
For those of us old enough to know what WoodStock was (which is pretty much all of us) so what did ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 18, 2023:
Wow!!! The ultimate of drugs and sex and Rock & Roll. Didn’t realized they were paid so much money for a free concert. I wonder if they made much profit from the recordings and film? I went to many Rock concerts and remember half of them. Was a hard working hippy , then a cosmic sand gypsy for 50 years. This was my background as an visual artist.. Unlike much of the music today, back then, they had independence and soul.
The truth comes out.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 18, 2023:
No wonder, there is massive fist fights on the vaccine protest streets of Australia. I'm happy Djokovic is playing tennis over there again. Without obese security guards trying to protect his health.
One of these statements must be false.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 17, 2023:
He hasn't apologized since.
A politician less stupid than most? Geoffrey Young.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 16, 2023:
There was a IQ test of different groups of people. Politicians actually did the highest score, followed by the nerds, than atheist, 4th scientists and 5th place were Christian they beat out Twins. The opposing side is that Politicians have worst sense of moral code. That more important to me to oppose, than being able to remember all their lies.
Leonardo da Vinci was a genius
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 15, 2023:
Fuck religion, here is the mother load of creation.
My youngest claimed religion today, officially joined the cult that ruined my life.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 15, 2023:
What cult was it?
A giant pink phallus may come to Florida, thanks to Jesus and an atheist
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 15, 2023:
Neil to the plastic cock. A symbol of pleasure vs a Religious pain.
The new Krakken variety of Covid.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 14, 2023:
There was Omicron like Moronic? Note rearranging letters of the new Covid variant Omicron produces. Moronic! Then Monkeypox, a Ton of mischievous action Now we have Karen. All in plain sight.
'In a groundbreaking decision filed today, NY State (NYS) Supreme Court Judge Gerard Neri held that ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 14, 2023:
Good start
[] George Bush confused Ukraine with Iraqi. He should of been a comedian
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 13, 2023:
Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the World Economic Forum that the coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated preexisting imbalances and tensions. He said these could deteriorate to a point where there is a fight of "all against all." Putin's virtual address at the WEF was unexpected.
Are Ukrainians this gullible?
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 13, 2023:
Zelensky announced a continuation of a (with his American 120$ billion)partnership with the investment management company BlackRock for rebuilding Ukraine from the ruins of war. And He also said Ukraine would participate with World Economic Forum in Davos, That's all the poor Ukrainians needs. After they are beaten up by their leader. Hand over to WEF (one world order or reset) And BlackRock the wealthiest corperation in the world to save them. More like a land and natural resources grab.
Elvis Presley died at the too young age of 42 in 1977 and would have been 88 just 5 days ago.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 13, 2023:
Some say Evis committed suicide by overdosed of drugs at age 42 same age as his Mother died. Even when a person has everything, It's only love that can keep it all together
Interviewer: "Tell my why you want to become a member of the Proud Boys.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 13, 2023:
They will fall apart like the Kkk if that's what they are really all about
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 13, 2023:
Screaming that we want freedom and Independence thinking. But many don't want to actually use it. This happens very often and when you have freedom and happiness many can get jealous or envious. Artist like myself are the ones who are a threat as they do not always walk in line and could spread "dangerous" ideas (ideas not in line with the people in power)). They have learned to think and act outside the box.
FREEDOM Freedom is the state of being able to act and think independently, without being ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 12, 2023:
Looks like we all agree this was well written about freedom.
“Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the assessment that something else is more ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 12, 2023:
Being fearless, is not about being afraid. It's an ability to confront the fear, then understanding it, in time to control the danger of it
No Self-Awareness
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 12, 2023:
Most of the top sins are sexual related. After hearing these mu-sick titles. Who wants to have sex with a fat bearded, old man in the sky or are they weak copycats.
We seem to continue to have our conspiracy theorists on board and some of us are getting tired of ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 12, 2023:
Everyone conspires. All my assuming conspiracy theories have come true, With some harm coming to myself, because I refused GW Bush a war sculpture, so he refused my US greencard working in the US. I wont support the conspiracy killing of anykind unless a assistant suicide. Dont support the conspiracy murder in a uniform especially millions of women and children in the middle east over greedy oil. I oppose gay conspiracy that gays were mentally ill. They were locked up, until 1973, some are still in prison today. Also prisoners have grown by 10 time larger since. . Or opposing Marijuana laws that were locking up people in cages greater than any other crime. That went on going for 90 years in Canada. Today it's being rediscover hemp and cannabis is the best medicines known to human kind. Plus produces 10s of thousands of other products, more than any plant on earth. I help a great deal in making it legal in Canada. Today I produce organic health foods and medicine to pets, livestock and people. These alternatives are being replaced with toxic chemicals synthetic garage by eternal profiteering of the greedy globalist. Most common greatness or mastering life is 10,000 hours invested time and pratice into anything.. My mastering is health products and affordable livinging in tiny house community and freedom in the arts professional for 50 years.. I'm not against sheep who love compliance theories fantasy. Or super rich and Government parisite and predators who require slaves. In fact I'm not against anything, not even the lethal injection of covid vaccines, take all of mine and my family's too.. Just not for mandating anything because its a free world. . So please, that wouldn't make me a conspiracy theorists, would it? I Can even appreciate, over obeisance working sheep. You don't belong in the richman club. The club they beat you up with, everyday. So don't be against me, for living my daydream that is actually my real job. I will protect IT from the greedy bastard with all my might.. There is no such thing of what reality is, only prospective. Don't harm and be honest.
Celebrating some good abortion news: []
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 11, 2023:
The more the Government dose not control our ultimate last line of defense, our bodies. The more I love it.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 11, 2023:
The two greatest things for happiness is how one treats their health and how one forgets. Many people who have traumas go back into their childhood holding baggage, same with divorces with children. More often high IQ people are not that happy. Nobody is perfect, it's possible to have experience bliss.
My son's houseplant, in full bloom.....
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 10, 2023:
Venus fur trap.
A BOMBSHELL new report claims shows that the Department of Defense - meaning the Pentagon - ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 10, 2023:
When they own your body, they own everything
Out of Objective truth, personal truth and political truth who wins vaccines mandates debate?
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 10, 2023:
Other reasons the unvaxxed won both objective and personal covid vaccines debate (thats 2 out 3 truths). Most of the world population did not get fully vaxxed and only 20% caught the covid, Africa continent less than10%. Look at the G7 mostly vaxxed and mostly caught covid. Political truth is not good enough win for the people.
I love human ingenuity. Including Russian.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 10, 2023:
That is scarier, than my shark carved on the beach.
Rise up my peoples.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 9, 2023:
The more they squeeze us in their hand. The more we slip through their fingers.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 9, 2023:
I already get a sore Mctummy when eating at McDonald's. To see needle on the package makes me want to throw up on this synthetic food 🤡🤮
Did this happen to you?
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 9, 2023:
Sound like my lifestyle as a comic sand gypsy. Except, I find my myself and growth more often, Being an bold entrepreneur , unique and less trapped in the dunbdown herd mentality. Making for less suffering and more bliss.
“Each one of us is alone in the world.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 7, 2023:
Interesting One is born alone and dies alone. And in between being alone is when one is separated from one self.
No Lives Matter To The Psychopaths In Charge.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 7, 2023:
I know where I'm coming from and know where I'm going. My ID is a biology organisms first, not a failed scientific experiment where the vaccines already failed from the deaths of lab animals for the greatest profiteering super rich. The greatest tragedy in my life was them taking away my business away along with 1/3rd of small businesses that were destroyed by vaccinated mandates. The assume (ass-u-me) greater good became your world covid order abnormal, not mine. My decency and love of earthlings was centered around my 50 years art business of joy. The last 15 years tied in Tiny housing community, urban farming and free trade has been my solution replacing dictatorship of Trudeau and globalist. What's yours solution? beside crying to bankers, Pharma and Governments Gods for answers? I may be a little lonely from my 85% vaccinated friends who disguise themselves with masks and keep most of them sick on endless covid vaccines. HIV vaccinated in the continent of Africa only showed big increase of Aids death and sterilization as planned. Unlike the G7 who were the highest vaccinated people on earth with the highest rate of covid deaths. Africa continent did 15 time less deaths per capita than Europe and North America combined by 1/8 per capita being vaccinated. Because Africa learn from failure of the malaria and Aids vaccines that only increase deaths like covid vaccines has. Maybe we should put vaccinated criminals people on an Island like the movie, :Excape from New York: for a change. I'm certainly getting sick and tired of be called a serious killer, over these greedy bastards weapons of mass distraction and mass hysteria. The common sense has been greatly hijacked, having the flexibility of uncommon and good sense works wonders.
South Carolina Supreme Court affirms abortion as a protected privacy right under the state’s ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Sounds like a good start. I thought the right was deeply against abortion and off their rocker . The left has gone beyond and tripping further than the right..
I want to get off my chest, it seems like a disproportionate amount of time I run into arguments ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 6, 2023:
I should believe in one God, because if I don't. I'll be burning and be tortured in hell forever and eternity. And won't learn one fucking lesson or one thing from earth or in hell. On what the right answers are from only one God, among millions of Gods. Save the trip to hell, just be a God freak and experience hell on earth.
What is the most bizarre dream that you've ever had?
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Had a nightmare I was in hell with demons trying to catch me , so they could torture me. Most horrible ugly looking creatures and firey blazing everywhere. Woke up in a sweat, and was so happy it wasn't real. Just a moment of extreme delusional thoughts. I'm sure I won't eat bad food again before bedtime.
A balanced soul is the most wonderful poetry.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 6, 2023:
We could say a million parts of each one of us, makes up a soul. To balance all that, would be a wonderful soul, like a poetry in motion.
Yes, it's Walmart
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Beyond, kissing ass.
'What are we doing wrong?': US police killed record number of people in 2022
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Prisons have grown by 10 times this last 40 years. Police kill from 8 to 40time more than terrorists do. Since covid, the crimes have increased 30%. It could be turning into a police State.or has been since 1865.
I am a soldier in the war on religion.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Why take on so many enemies, I don't have any, just ignore the extremes.
Just for fun.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Hotter than his old movie, Girls Girls Grrrrirls.
“I am a humanist, which means, in part, I have tried hard to behave decently without expectations...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 6, 2023:
My sister was a great humorist. More people showed up to her funeral than anyone esle I've ever known.
UK excess deaths are off the scale.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 6, 2023:
1. UK and Israel were the first to use their citizens and this is a high rate of death to the immune system, that backfired because public are on to them and their great failures. 2. Or they used vaccines like a Trojan horse to depopulate the earth population. As ir was their aim in the first place. And it also sterilized the reproduction system. As half the birth rate is down since 1950. 3. Or vaccines is like pretenting to slay the dragon, meanwhile they created it, in order to control the health system.
The Final Proof of Lockdown and Mask Impact - Don't Miss It! []
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 5, 2023:
Unique, somehow becomes more of an outcasts from the sheep.
How does building god a church require borrowing money from donors/ government coffers?
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 5, 2023:
Government and religion are deeply in bed together. More money and control for themselves.
Canadians like to think they know the cold 🥶.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 5, 2023:
Most of Canadain land mass is uninhabitable to live on. About 90% of the Canadian population lives within a 100 km of the American boarder There is a key bird that sings all winter long far north. It goes like this. keeee, keeEEE KEEEE... CHRIST it's COLD!!!🥶🥶🥶
We're not human beings having a spiritual experience.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 4, 2023:
When spiritual is the 99% unknowns. How is it possible if a human even knows its a spiritual being or high energy being? Or when it's weaker side of a human, is experiencing more ignorance and choas then anything esle. Could be a silly question, I'm sure I will get plenty of silly answers from earthlings, who claim to know.
Robot Chicken Barbie and Ken. []
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 4, 2023:
Kent is finally in fashion with no dick, and the world turned upside down.
"How on earth can religious people believe in so much arbitrary, clearly invented balderdash?
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 4, 2023:
I feel the same way about politics. Except it's more labeling, tag team wrestling, and onesided naritive. And they steals a third to half your money and many beg for this.
Dan was in the army
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 4, 2023:
You would think a display like this would scare a soldier, that war is a hazard to your health and doesn't discriminate. Skulls don't even work on cigarettes packages.
Ukraine war, inflation are just a begining....
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 4, 2023:
I've been researching and prepared for the rabbit hole after a few dead ends, for the last 15 years. It's the lazy silly sheep and rabbits who will have to keep digging to no end. Wail smart one will do more than survive.
Spain is trying to show a lead in pushing back environmental degradation.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 4, 2023:
Very interesting
Usually when a pope dies it's plastered all over the news for a week.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 4, 2023:
There is a 1billion .35 catholics, many of these old evil empires leaders are dying off. Reality is hard work, ignorance is bliss, and being happily plugged into the mainframe requires nothing more from you than total submission to the Machine and those who control it. The smart People of the world, are slowing winning again . Ding Dong the Pope is dead , who gets the Pope's red shoes?..
You have the right to look away
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 3, 2023:
Adding candy maker art to those feet, won't make them more attractive.
I really hope all those who cheered his deportation a year ago are eating some very humble pie.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 2, 2023:
Once it was Nadal who was my favorite, now Novak, something about integrity.
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 1, 2023:
One of my all time favorites, Moody blues and Einstein
The Vatican Announces Pope Benedict Dead at Age 95 The Vatican announced Pope Emeritus Benedict ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 1, 2023:
I remember when Benedict called Hitler and Nazis, atheist. Where Hitler was born and died a Catholic and German Nazis troops had :God is with US: on their belt buckles.
Putin is furious: Ukraine SHOT Russia right in the heart! DIVINE JUSTICE Ukrainian Army ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 1, 2023:
Russian land mass is the largest in the world and its much greater in number in population than Ukraine. And military in numbers wins the vast majority of the wars. If the Germans couldnt defeat the Russian in the death of winter in world war 2. Fat chance the Ukraine will take out the Russian heart or brains in a war. It's mainly about NATOs missles invading Russian at their boarders. G7 dose not the population as the BRICS has. Where Russian has been rapidly changing over to trading with China and the BRICS. . Which have more advantages in population, lesser distance to trade goods. Rather than dealing in US petro dallors or American toliet paper like fiat currency. Who wants to deal with the bully NATO.when the most dangerous words in the world. Is when NATO says they are coming to save you
[] Sean Penn wants Unvaccined in jail.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 30, 2022:
Penn says CDC stats are not clear. What science source does the Politicians, Big Pharma , and Technology got, to push their fake common sense naritive. Going to base my life on good sense, not common sense base on totalterrimism. Steve Kirsch This 41x figure is partly derived from a comparison of VAERS and CDC data made by other researchers. It was also used by Toby Rogers’ estimate that vaccinating 5-11 year olds would kill 117 children for every one that was saved by the vaccine.
A Russian advent calendar :- Every time you open a window an oligarch falls out !!
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 30, 2022:
Oligarch bombs are falling all over Ukraine and citizens are paying the horrible hell price because they are the pawns to the largest empires.
COVID Expert Knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING About COVID - Jimmy Dore, always on point. []
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 30, 2022:
Have not ever experienced a delusional naritive to this grand of scale in my entire lifetime
“A lot of people become unattractive once you find out how they think”………….
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 30, 2022:
It's why, I like ugly girls, so I can feel appreciated. LOL. I've been really lucky in love and life
Just saw this holiday music vid made in the UK about Biden's laptop fiasco.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 29, 2022:
At one time I did animations out of California. This one was interesting and bizarre. A bit flashy , yet really liked it.
Earn the people's respect without stopping being yourself. (Dr. House)
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 29, 2022:
Be yourself and give respect to get respect.
Naturalists’ commitment to science isn’t a matter of faith, it’s based on experience – the ...
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 29, 2022:
Having faith in nature is my religion. Science is like another tool in the sources of life. Or like a branch in the tree of life. I Just don't find sticking to corrupted banks, pharma and Governments, is scientific with nature or natural.


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