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A politician less stupid than most? Geoffrey Young.
Alienbeing comments on Jan 16, 2023:
When will you learn that quoting rt is as useful as quoting Dr. Zuess?
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 16, 2023:
Actually Dr Zuess was very well informed about world war 2. He draw cartoons about it during entire war and publish a big book of the US involvement in world war 2. Rt state. There is no way Russia can lose this war and no way Ukraine and NATO can possibly win it,” he said last week. I would not want Putin parking his missles in Quebec or Ontario boarders at the US. China is even a bigger problem for the US than Russia. Russia also has more nuclear weapons than US. I find it stupid to flirt with nuclear war, because we have not done it before with Russia for many good reasons
The new Krakken variety of Covid.
silverotter11 comments on Jan 14, 2023:
And people I know wonder why I'm not interested in going to gatherings. When my fellow humans will not even take the basic steps to mitigate the spread of illness what do you do? Denying there is a virus that makes people with even good immune systems ill is equally disheartening.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 16, 2023:
@Garban I'm part of independence thinkers a smaller percentage where life is a free choice, not mandates of anything. Being my own best doctor in the world gave me advantage of winning international sculpture contests for the last 50years and top ranking nation swimmer by age group and still going. Why subscribe to mainstream doctors that created their own life span being below the adverage by 5 to 10 years. Why would want trust Rockefeller who's created obeisance worker in education, oil , hospital, pharmacy and food industry. And cut out all the alternatives free and independence thinkers. Rockefeller world founded on treachery, deceit, and the naïveté of a public that has never wised up to the parlor tricks that the Rockefellers and their ilk have been using to shape the world for the past century and a half.”
My youngest claimed religion today, officially joined the cult that ruined my life.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 15, 2023:
What cult was it?
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 16, 2023:
@Realist9 To me Religion is a concept of a culture. Free Holiness would be considered a cult because it's within the last century. Looks to be very strict. A Movement "the term 'perfection' signifies completeness of Christian character; its freedom from all sin, and possession of all the graces of the Spirit, complete in kind."
FINDING OR CREATING MEANING IN LIFE, pART i I will begin this discussion by asserting that human ...
ASTRALMAX comments on Jan 16, 2023:
In a simple sense life does not have a meaning nor does it require one, life is its own meaning and with or without us, it continues. I have heard people talk as though there is some definitive purpose or point of arrival when it will all be revealed. Meaningful actions may be found in the simple ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 16, 2023:
Yes, chasing too hard for goals and dreams can end up a disappointment. When you do love your work, it has more possibilities to master life. Dreams and goal do help when they are used with discipline and consistency.
The new Krakken variety of Covid.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 14, 2023:
There was Omicron like Moronic? Note rearranging letters of the new Covid variant Omicron produces. Moronic! Then Monkeypox, a Ton of mischievous action Now we have Karen. All in plain sight.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 15, 2023:
@Garban Use to do animation, it's easy creating stories because everyone conspires. Especially bankers and Government the greatest scammer of all. Except you won't get loans or legal permission to publish them.
The new Krakken variety of Covid.
silverotter11 comments on Jan 14, 2023:
And people I know wonder why I'm not interested in going to gatherings. When my fellow humans will not even take the basic steps to mitigate the spread of illness what do you do? Denying there is a virus that makes people with even good immune systems ill is equally disheartening.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 15, 2023:
@Garban Wouldn't join the Rockefeller obeisance workers slaves. Who are not independent or free thinkers, . They are drug pushers for life, of coded synthetic and toxic kind. Not the holistic alternative medicines and lifestyles where our circle lives much longer. I grow healthy foods and medicines for pets and people. Sorry having problems with my edit device.
The new Krakken variety of Covid.
silverotter11 comments on Jan 14, 2023:
And people I know wonder why I'm not interested in going to gatherings. When my fellow humans will not even take the basic steps to mitigate the spread of illness what do you do? Denying there is a virus that makes people with even good immune systems ill is equally disheartening.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 15, 2023:
Your immune system needs practice all the time. Or when a safty slave over cleans with toxic products anyway.. Then when a dangerous virus or germ comes along and then the body turns into liquid mush and then you die of a number of health conditions. Like it happens at a skyrocketing rate recently.
Rise up my peoples.
rainmanjr comments on Jan 9, 2023:
The argument about Big Pharma is not without merit and it was 45's regime which oversaw production of the vaccine but my personal experience does not support Russel's alarm. Further, he has a tendency toward overindulgent thinking and makes some of those type statements so I'm not getting in bed ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 14, 2023:
@rainmanjr Once you know the globalist game, I found ways to dance around it . After you catch up to one scam, they are on to another. It will be like this for a while.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
Budgie comments on Jan 14, 2023:
As a young adult (around 24ish) I went to a scout camp in Finland. There was a performance one evening. I went along with another girl. Now possibly not being Finish I did not get what it was about but a guy was sitting on a chair and people kept coming on stage and doing things to him that were ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 14, 2023:
Funny how art reflects life, this one is about programing people, done on a stage performance. Lucky my artwork is more open for interpretation and no political or religious content. It sell well being as unique, the key word. In the pass I did follow the top competition and the crowds, yet don't like the fighting the competition . After a while it create much conflicts and fake togetherness, like us against them. And perfer the open peace, co-operation, freedom and choices Even if I don't like the rules, often the punishment can be worse than the crime. So I respect the rules, don't like suffering. Yet will bend the rules all to hell, until it feels more intimate and honest to me than to the sheep and Sheep dogs. In the long run, they like it too.
We seem to continue to have our conspiracy theorists on board and some of us are getting tired of ...
Fernapple comments on Jan 11, 2023:
I went into a bookshop today, and while browsing the shelves, I was horrified to find that they actually have a shelf called "Conspiracy Theories". OK it was only a small shelf, but even so ?!
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 14, 2023:
@Julie808 Some call terrorists, other call freedom fighters. There are a few conspiracy theorists that due lack evidence and may cause harm. What is more harm is compliance theorist like nationalism who are more dangerous the religion. Since all my conspiracy theories have come through, just waiting the US currency collapses and the vaccines lethal injection to be approved as such. Much like how marrijana was public enemy no. 1 and Gays were labeled as a mental illness and locked up with a bunch of other gays. Most people do not have the moral integrity or the independence mind to defy the unethical practice of corrupted authorities.
Lisa Marie Presley, singer and daughter of Elvis, dies at 54
ToakReon comments on Jan 13, 2023:
54 is too young to die.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 13, 2023:
@HippieChick58 No worries, your story is nothing like Evis's mother.
Some people still seem to be unaware of what was widely acknowledged a year ago.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 11, 2023:
The vaccines never prevented transmission. In the event that there is transmission, they prevent severe illness and death. That has always been the case.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 13, 2023:
Not according to Biden saying. Take the vaccines,you won't get covid, it's a 100% safe. It probably why vaxxers want amnesty for all their constantly lying facts . At least the fact checkers get paid well for lying.
Some people still seem to be unaware of what was widely acknowledged a year ago.
mischl comments on Jan 10, 2023:
Bottom line is the vaccine reduces the severity IF you get it, and like REDUCES the chances of picking it up. Sound like it does affect the odds. I like playing the odds.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 13, 2023:
@ToakReon I've toured North America, Europe and Africa. People in Africa are more in physical contact with each. Plus Africa continent has about the same population as Europe and North America combined. I know more people from the neck up because of drive through everywhere and traveling more means less physical contact and anthill like skyscrapers is another story. What a freaking paranoid of social society. The main reason of Africa covid being by far the best successful in the world. Is for natural alternatives medicine , lack of mask reduction of oxygen by 20% as it harm the immune system. Plus Sunlight. Keeping people in fear and staying at home steal G7 countries from oxygen and sunlight. Vitamins D & C zinc and ivermecton gives better results than vaccines.
Some people still seem to be unaware of what was widely acknowledged a year ago.
ToakReon comments on Jan 11, 2023:
So, just for clarity, which part of "Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. They continue to work well for Delta with regard to severe illness and death. They prevent it" is an ANTI-vax statement? You repeatedly spout anti-vax bullshit, and then when you quote from a more reputable source ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 13, 2023:
@BDair I thought you told me you got one shot and had a bad reaction? Then I said that is why you are not for the vaccines even more than I am.
Lisa Marie Presley death: Singer and only child of Elvis, dies at 54 after hospitalization mother ...
Emme comments on Jan 13, 2023:
All these young folks dropping like flies & nobody sees the c19 Vax correlation. And nobody thinks that all these deaths of YOUNG folks are being explained away as anything and everything EXCEPT the vaccines is in the least bit strange or is normal? But "THEYRE" sure it's definitely NOT the ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 13, 2023:
@DenoPenno Lisa Marie Presley died suddenly from cardiac arrest, people are sharing a screenshot of her saying she had no regrets getting vaccinated against COVID-19! I Don't know, although heart disease and cardiac arrest are skyrocketing worldwide. One guy was in a sky diving accident and they claimed he died of covid. Some love their vaccination, but hate their side effects
Lisa Marie Presley death: Singer and only child of Elvis, dies at 54 after hospitalization mother ...
Zealandia comments on Jan 13, 2023:
No mum should have to bury their children, no matter what the age.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 13, 2023:
@Beowulfsfriend Evis died ar age 42 same age as his Mother. Not a good healthy record for a wealthy family , almost having eveything.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
Emme comments on Jan 13, 2023:
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 13, 2023:
It seem steeple swing on a pendulum of average of 40%. Between independent thinkers of 10 to 30% to totalterrimism more constant 40%. During the second world War and depression years it could be easily over 80% steeple. This cold third world war between NATO G7 and BRICS, who really knows? I Can imagine very high conciding most people are begging for help from globalist, banks, Technology, more synthetic drugs and foods. Like shooting fish in a barrel.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
theshawn comments on Jan 11, 2023:
A. Who is Stanley Milgram? B. Why should I care what any "Psychologist" says about anything? C. "no matter how legitimate the orders is"??? Huh??
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 13, 2023:
@Alienbeing How many hours would it take you to reach the pinnacle of success in music, computer science, or hockey? I'm saying 10,000 would make this the most common factor of success of greatness. Of course no one thing is nearly that simple. It also takes brains, heart and moreso courage . Just few ideas proposed answers for a starting beginner in thought provoking success stories.
FREEDOM Freedom is the state of being able to act and think independently, without being ...
Fernapple comments on Jan 11, 2023:
Good definition. And ?
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 13, 2023:
I think to be free it also takes some out of the box self training way of thinking. Its not overnight, its like a characteristic in time It is a skill.Thinking differently is not easy and you have to keep it in shape constantly. It's my job as an artist to serve as it is bombarded with a common way of thinking. I"ve made alot of money for people who want to hire me to think differently. If a sponsor is a casino, alcohol, fast food and pharmaceutical it's my responsibility to pass, not allowing this harm anymore. Artist can be dangerous, don't think my is generally. Don't alway go with the narrative, then at times it is dangerous because G rated by not adding political or religious content with my art. . To to defy authority like these is not easy,. I hope that the situation in Iran regarding women's rights will bare fruit. Defying male religious authorities. The western news is not writing about it anymore. It's replaced by the next thing scam G7 hasn't paid for their karma for the last 9/11 scam. The national debt for each citizen Is 94 thousand, not sound like freedom. They can steal more from our pensions.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 12, 2023:
NdGT's commentary/explanation was, perhaps, the most concise, most clear, most compelling argument in favor of the science-based Biden Administration policy vis-a-vis vaccination against SARS CoV-2 that I have heard to date. Everything Tyson said was spot on. No question about it. Your last ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 13, 2023:
@Flyingsaucesir Don't know how to compare apples and oranges. I doubt both high horse scientists in their profession. Have toured more countries and continents or won more international and world championship in their profession. Don't know any sculptor who has won more events. Yet, there is no snowball chance in hell, I would proclaim myself as Art, like Fauci proclaiming himself as science. Or even claim myself as the best sculptor in the world. Not even on this site can't claim myself any better or any worst than the next guy, judging by a lack of independence thinkers. Yet I know I do somethings better and vice-versa. And I know I am what I am. Certainly I'm not a collective pawn or sheep dog of a one world order.
Captain_Feelgood comments on Jan 12, 2023:
Wow... Yeah, when Neal said 'as a species we're not good at thinking statistically' I cringed a bit. It surprised me that he would say that. And the whole 'social contract' thing is quite the stretch. Kinda disappointed in him, I've always liked his perspective on issues dealing with space and ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 13, 2023:
@Flyingsaucesir Yes a freelance artist for 50 years as it only works well with responsibility. Government is like diapier, they have to change them every four years because they are so full of shit. I do have a dog in this fight for the vaccines mandates took away most everything I had. I wont bow down to Government when they have the least satisfied jobs in the nation and 80% don't like them. I just feel sorry for them. I love my work for most waking hours of my life. If one can not love their work, one can not master life. Most of the world's population have spoken out. As most of the population did not get fully vaccinated. I don't wish anyone to die, if you want me to die of covid 19. Well keep with the super wealthy Club which you or me don't belong to anyway. And love that social contract with the Government psychopath who steal a third or half your money and run your life. They can have their chemo therapy of a 2.1 success rate of cancer remission over 5 years, I got Marijuana and healthy food medicine at 85% success rate. Nobody owns me, and won't be a Frankenstein victom or another horrible experiments for the Government. Your maybe against me , yet I'm not against you . I couldn't muster up enough apathy to stop you from being another pawn for the megalomaniacs R US, life about choices and love. Have a nice day.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
kmaz comments on Jan 11, 2023:
a link would be helpful. It is not possible to evaluate this claim as-is. Also, if an order seems legitimate to the recipient, then, in itself, compliance would not necessarily signal a lack of such resources to defy the order if it seemed illegitimate.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 12, 2023:
@rainmanjr I've said repeatedly , I'm not against anything. Just not for super wealthy self interest business man with politicians in their back pocket .Who owns almost everything. I served housing for minimum wage people. I serve healthy food,and medicines by urban farming to livestock, pets and people. With solid family and community artistic teamwork. What politicians in this world can do all this at the highest quality and diversity. Please find me one of these parisites or predators who can serve like this? Maybe I'll vote... not
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
theshawn comments on Jan 11, 2023:
A. Who is Stanley Milgram? B. Why should I care what any "Psychologist" says about anything? C. "no matter how legitimate the orders is"??? Huh??
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 12, 2023:
@Alienbeing One most common thread of measure of greatness. Is investment of 10,000 hours of work or pratice in that profession. Likely you are great at being a lawyer with probably far more hours than that. I would be for sculpture, urban farming and tiny housing tie in with freedom to do so. .
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 12, 2023:
NdGT's commentary/explanation was, perhaps, the most concise, most clear, most compelling argument in favor of the science-based Biden Administration policy vis-a-vis vaccination against SARS CoV-2 that I have heard to date. Everything Tyson said was spot on. No question about it. Your last ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 12, 2023:
@silverotter11 I alway go with the person with a diverse background, honesty and good sense.Regardless them being an all mighty scientist or politicians. Especially sciencist who don't admit when they are incorrect and get over paid like a Hollywood star.
Captain_Feelgood comments on Jan 12, 2023:
Wow... Yeah, when Neal said 'as a species we're not good at thinking statistically' I cringed a bit. It surprised me that he would say that. And the whole 'social contract' thing is quite the stretch. Kinda disappointed in him, I've always liked his perspective on issues dealing with space and ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 12, 2023:
@DenoPenno, @Flyingsaucesir People are not getting the medical hospitals care because hospitals are selling out to the highest bidder again to covid patients. Covid vs far less a killers than cancer and heart disease skyrocketing all over the world where hospitals get paid less for .
Captain_Feelgood comments on Jan 12, 2023:
Wow... Yeah, when Neal said 'as a species we're not good at thinking statistically' I cringed a bit. It surprised me that he would say that. And the whole 'social contract' thing is quite the stretch. Kinda disappointed in him, I've always liked his perspective on issues dealing with space and ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 12, 2023:
@DenoPenno I'm not buying when the the pendulum swings from 10% to 40% of independence thinkers to 10% to 40% totalterrimism. The rest follow like sheep . We are in the eye of a long storm of globalist who we haven't seen since world war 2 and the depression. Even Einstein created a nuclear energy and regrets its also was used for nuclear weapons as he excape to the US.
Captain_Feelgood comments on Jan 12, 2023:
And don't get me wrong, I really like Neal. I've met him, really a nice guy. But everyone, no matter how smart, can get stuff wrong. That's how science works. You get an idea, then try to prove it wrong. 😊
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 12, 2023:
@Flyingsaucesir When Fauci says he is science or Tyson say is a scientist there is also a very strong opposing scienceist who also claiming sciences are on their side about vaccines. Why not world class artist like myself, the arts and culture has had more influence to mankind than any other profesion in long history of humans. . People sell out to highest bidder all the time in every profession. No matter what profession there is out there. Science is only one branch in the tree of life.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
Jolanta comments on Jan 11, 2023:
I doubt that this applies to all citizens around the world.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 12, 2023:
@Jolanta From traveling 102 countries, I agree with people 95% of the time, the 5% can be a bitch. Even chimpese are 99% biological the same as human. It's why I feel no better or worse than the next guy. Although in the world of over ego authorities of labeling, separation and conquering. Following rape and pillage if non compliance with their nonsense golden rule of who owns the gold.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
redbai comments on Jan 12, 2023:
I find the lack of a site reference curious.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 12, 2023:
@redba It was mention by few here if Stanley is legit or well known enough or lack of a site reference curiously.. So I gave some and since Obama represents authority, so I gave an example of an authority that the people would by moral or citizens would think or fear to defy his authority. . gees
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 12, 2023:
NdGT's commentary/explanation was, perhaps, the most concise, most clear, most compelling argument in favor of the science-based Biden Administration policy vis-a-vis vaccination against SARS CoV-2 that I have heard to date. Everything Tyson said was spot on. No question about it. Your last ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 12, 2023:
I think opposite for the other speaker.
Captain_Feelgood comments on Jan 12, 2023:
Wow... Yeah, when Neal said 'as a species we're not good at thinking statistically' I cringed a bit. It surprised me that he would say that. And the whole 'social contract' thing is quite the stretch. Kinda disappointed in him, I've always liked his perspective on issues dealing with space and ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 12, 2023:
I rarely see Tyson loose his cool, maybe a little with Joe Rogan. All three are smart guys in their own right. When polical truth is playing God with minds and bodies, its design on purpose. When an academic has been deeply programed for so long , discussions become a cloudy fogs.. The vaccines were brought as Trojan horse like high inflation, threat of world war, basic cost of living, homeless , and food storage. Things like cyberwars and green passport are coming.
Captain_Feelgood comments on Jan 12, 2023:
Wow... Yeah, when Neal said 'as a species we're not good at thinking statistically' I cringed a bit. It surprised me that he would say that. And the whole 'social contract' thing is quite the stretch. Kinda disappointed in him, I've always liked his perspective on issues dealing with space and ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 12, 2023:
@Flyingsaucesir The social contract is a con. I didn't sign a contract to be a total obeisance worker for the Government, so they can take my job away. Or loose my physical autonomy by being forced to take an experimental vaccines that lab animals die from. Both are against the constitution and a malpractice. The other con of a contract is the signing of my name for ID in capital letters. Which is not name real name, just another con contract by the Government.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
redbai comments on Jan 12, 2023:
I find the lack of a site reference curious.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 12, 2023:
Perhaps Stanley is not as famous as Obama for winning the Noble peace prize. Meanwhile killing more, and mostly poor people, women and children oversea than any president in our lifetime. Stanley Milgram remains one of the most controversial figures in the history of psychology. Milgram was a social psychologist who invested significant amounts of time and effort into the study of how people related to obedience to authority. The notorious Milgram Experiment forever changed not only how people look at the dangers of authoritarianism, but also people’s inhumanity to each other. Stanley Milgram was born on August 15, 1933, in New York City. Milgram was an exceptionally bright young man. After receiving his Ph.D. in Social Psychology in 1960. In 1967, he served as a full professor at the City University of New York Graduate Center. Stanley Milgram wondered how and why the Nazi Holocaust occurred and if it was possible if such events could ever happen again in the future. The Aftermath of the Experiment When the events of the Milgram Experiment were made public, a great deal of shock swept the nation. The academic community often felt that there was a decide lack of ethics in an experiment of this nature. Regardless, Milgram went on to become world famous and remained so until his death in 1984.
My sister's family is very religious of the Christian variety.
xenoview comments on Jan 12, 2023:
I don't talk to my religious family anymore.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 12, 2023:
My brother is a lurthern pastor, the only time I have great disagreements with him is discussion on religion. Like lawyers, we agree to disagree and do not talk about religion and everything has worked out beautifully.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 11, 2023:
ohferpetesake for just one example: MLK leading truly (with reason!) terrified and downtrodden-from-birth black people in Selma, and many other places, and being joined by whites who saw the injustice & oppression.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 12, 2023:
@AnneWimsey A few grassroots people do act locally and go globally. Yes, Ghandi did stop 600 years by cannon of the British taking over India as their ownership.. One person can make a difference in the world. . Facts still points to 20% have this critical capacity in order to make a great discovery or positive change. Some think it's only 5% or 10% that can have the independence to think.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
kmaz comments on Jan 11, 2023:
a link would be helpful. It is not possible to evaluate this claim as-is. Also, if an order seems legitimate to the recipient, then, in itself, compliance would not necessarily signal a lack of such resources to defy the order if it seemed illegitimate.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 12, 2023:
@rainmanjr If I don't respect and love myself first, nobody will. Without this , it's impossible to serve humanity and others well. Authorities are secondary.
Out of Objective truth, personal truth and political truth who wins vaccines mandates debate?
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 10, 2023:
Other reasons the unvaxxed won both objective and personal covid vaccines debate (thats 2 out 3 truths). Most of the world population did not get fully vaxxed and only 20% caught the covid, Africa continent less than10%. Look at the G7 mostly vaxxed and mostly caught covid. Political truth is not ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 11, 2023:
@JackPedigo Might be right, wasting time on the most destructive and most demolition nationism and globalist ever experienced in my lifetime. Be much better off spenting time and energy, continuing creating healthier foods, freedom and affordable housing for the minimum wage perple, I Can't continue mastering life without loving what I do. Certainly the gov and super rich energy vampire will dump or SUCK you dry Then somebody will have to wipe their backsides.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 11, 2023:
ohferpetesake for just one example: MLK leading truly (with reason!) terrified and downtrodden-from-birth black people in Selma, and many other places, and being joined by whites who saw the injustice & oppression.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 11, 2023:
Did you find one example of people power over authorities? . Like the small town of Selma the focus of their drive to win voting rights for African Americans in the South. Personally I don't vote, in order to take no stake or stock on the out come. Strong individuals, independents with integrity, Now that's people power!!!!
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
kmaz comments on Jan 11, 2023:
a link would be helpful. It is not possible to evaluate this claim as-is. Also, if an order seems legitimate to the recipient, then, in itself, compliance would not necessarily signal a lack of such resources to defy the order if it seemed illegitimate.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 11, 2023:
@rainmanjr Would agree, 9 times out of 10 a soldier kill is a murderers in a uniform. It's old politicians who send Yong men into a war in the middle east to kill mostly poor, women and children. I'm an biological organism and individual first that teams up with other strong individuals. Bow to No one and no better leader for myself than I. Centroism of any kind of absolute power, always corrupts No power struggle or enemies for me. Sound selfish, but hey!!! what ever works.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
ASTRALMAX comments on Jan 11, 2023:
There is a long history of conscientious objectors being harshly treated and vilified. Why would anyone want to question those in “authority”, after all, being in a position of authority means they must be right, free from fear, vested interests, whether social control or financial gain they ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 11, 2023:
@rainmanjr Good thing being fearless. I address people as a biological organism and an individual.first. Its healthier than what the majority are experiencing as over obedient workers of compliance and fearful of their centroism group vs other centroism groups.. Like banks, governments and their political truths. And the religious who think they know they have the right picky God. If all fails, through their faith, they get an express ticket to extreme enteral happiness. Which I call the funny farm in the sky.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
theshawn comments on Jan 11, 2023:
A. Who is Stanley Milgram? B. Why should I care what any "Psychologist" says about anything? C. "no matter how legitimate the orders is"??? Huh??
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 11, 2023:
Don't see harm in another great professional, who is great in what they do expressing their perspective. Plus base my life on good sense , political truth stinks. I do see the greatest authorities who do great harm and destruction in human history since the Roman empires. Up to date Banks, Government and Corperioism corruption. I just care enough to go in the opposite direction as fast as human and humanity as possible. Pick a choice and your own sacrifices.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
BD66 comments on Jan 11, 2023:
Same goes for news. 80% just absorb and parrot what they hear on the news channel they listen to. 20% have the capacity to question the validity of what's been told to them.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 11, 2023:
If the 80% slow downed their assuming labeling and judgment out on us. And the 80% took all their fears, guestions and complaining about media & authorities to them, instead of us. Most problems would be solved about us against them. I'm not against anything, just not for some things. Their enemies are amoug themselves, I don't accept enemies, I'm a lover, not a fighter. Except fighting for truth and love ones.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
ASTRALMAX comments on Jan 11, 2023:
There is a long history of conscientious objectors being harshly treated and vilified. Why would anyone want to question those in “authority”, after all, being in a position of authority means they must be right, free from fear, vested interests, whether social control or financial gain they ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 11, 2023:
Only when the Government fear the people rather than recently people fear the Government. Terrorism and totalterrimism won't look like USSR and North Korea. About 15O years ago in Christianity America by 98% in North America. They had far more authority influenced by them than today. Nobody going to stop me from questioning authorities. It's called free speech and a free world. More people are afraid of public speaking than death itself. Good thing I'm not afraid of death.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jan 11, 2023:
Huh? This is America. We don't take orders unless we're working in the service industry, being harassed by the police, paying attention to a doctor, or in the military. I'd suggest this story is deeply flawed from the outset (or onset, depending on who's English language you're using.) 🙄
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 11, 2023:
@SeaGreenEyez My own personal and objective truth would moreso constitutized by me and in the book of toaism. Which is 500 years before the Bible. It's not a religion nor based on a personal God. And certainly flawless in nature compare to both the Bible or written American constitution. The most beautiful part of the americain Constitution was strongly influenced by the American native people. That again is more based on nature. The super rich and political truths that try taking it away. And why native people say never trust the Government in the greatest Genocide in human history. By issuing the Declaration of Independence, adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, the 13 American colonies severed their political connections to Great Britain. The Declaration summarized the colonists' motivations for seeking independence. I didn't say the constitution was written at the same time
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jan 11, 2023:
Huh? This is America. We don't take orders unless we're working in the service industry, being harassed by the police, paying attention to a doctor, or in the military. I'd suggest this story is deeply flawed from the outset (or onset, depending on who's English language you're using.) 🙄
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 11, 2023:
@FearlessFly Of course that would a freelance paid by corporation would say. Like dr Robert Malone American, invented and work focused on mRNA vaccine technology, pharmaceuticals, and drug repurposing research. Or Joe Rogan finding alternatives medicine for his covid. Only validates Stanley's experiments.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
Petter comments on Jan 11, 2023:
"... no matter how legitimate the order is." Why would anyone wish to defy a legitimate order?
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 11, 2023:
Look what happen to USSR, or North Korea.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jan 11, 2023:
Huh? This is America. We don't take orders unless we're working in the service industry, being harassed by the police, paying attention to a doctor, or in the military. I'd suggest this story is deeply flawed from the outset (or onset, depending on who's English language you're using.) 🙄
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 11, 2023:
This was true in 1776 when American became the first independent nation and free, except for black slaves. With the most amazing constitution written since Taoism based on nature. Untill then, the rest of the world were ruled by dictators and kings. Lifespan like empires by adverage changes every 80 year patterns. The Civil War change up independent and democracy to the US Corp by the assassination of Lincoln that turned the country under Marshail laws with wars to enforce their powers every year. American empire since world war 2, is now collapsing and another every 80 year cycle of the collective consciousness of people making the positive changes. Not by way of the We the Government, by way of :We the people:. Again and againas people become smarter from every great abuse of authorities.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral ...
kmaz comments on Jan 11, 2023:
a link would be helpful. It is not possible to evaluate this claim as-is. Also, if an order seems legitimate to the recipient, then, in itself, compliance would not necessarily signal a lack of such resources to defy the order if it seemed illegitimate.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 11, 2023:…Dec 15, 2021 I find this more true recently, than any other time. Look at the alarming state narrative of following the Government and Centro banks And the compliance theory of corporationism is more true than the questioning their authority. What's happening is questioning these authorities has become a constant label of conspiracy theories. Even a law calling out the Government for any harm to us and family is label a psychopath. I've been called a serial killer by a few for being unvaxxed, that is just insane.
Some people still seem to be unaware of what was widely acknowledged a year ago.
mischl comments on Jan 10, 2023:
Bottom line is the vaccine reduces the severity IF you get it, and like REDUCES the chances of picking it up. Sound like it does affect the odds. I like playing the odds.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 11, 2023:
@bookofmorons Internet and libraries are the new conspiracy and rabbit hole. According to mainstream media who don't want you doing your own research. Plus the President said covid vaccines are 100% safe. Or Fauci saying the world needs to be 90% vaccinated or the vaccines won't work. Funny North America is 8times more vaccinated than Africa. And Africa is has 15 times less covid death than North America. Keep on with all the lies and lack of questionable actions from your Government. I'm with the natives saying never trust your Government. Because many are already living on the reservation now. I'm happy with a tiny houses and urban farming where actions speak louder than words.
Some people still seem to be unaware of what was widely acknowledged a year ago.
ToakReon comments on Jan 11, 2023:
So, just for clarity, which part of "Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. They continue to work well for Delta with regard to severe illness and death. They prevent it" is an ANTI-vax statement? You repeatedly spout anti-vax bullshit, and then when you quote from a more reputable source ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 11, 2023:
BDair got the shot and had some negative effect. I've not ever got the covid vaccines, yet had different other vaccines throughout my 6 continent tours, more than most people. Does that make me more of an anti vaxxer than BDair?
Out of Objective truth, personal truth and political truth who wins vaccines mandates debate?
silverotter11 comments on Jan 10, 2023:
The problem is NOT the government, the problem is people, uneducated silly humans that think they have a good bead on things. No one gets out alive, so there are no winners or losers. There's just life.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 10, 2023:
@JackPedigo Most conspiracy theories would lack facts and evidences and too many rabbits holes to go down. . Not, when 1000s of doctors and sciencist are trying to sue the Government over mandate, if not other vaccines, it will be some other vaccines or green passports. . Also when farmers, truckers, doctors and citizens have made the world largest protesting all over the world about vaccines and foods in the history of human. Covid vaccines has the greatest failure rate stopping infections and spreading of all the viruss vaccines in history. Not when Fauci said 90% of the world population has to be vaccination for it to work. Or Biden claims the vaccines are 100% safe. And most of world's population is not fully vaccinated and we are not all dead yet. There is a rapid change of mistrust for the Government , more than ever before. Beside everyone conspires.
Out of Objective truth, personal truth and political truth who wins vaccines mandates debate?
MsHoliday comments on Jan 10, 2023:
“The Firehose of Falsehoods.”
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 10, 2023:
Prove it, you can not.
Out of Objective truth, personal truth and political truth who wins vaccines mandates debate?
JackPedigo comments on Jan 10, 2023:
And thousands who also were unvaxxed and caught Covid and died are the losers. Objective truth is just that and always beats personal 'truth' which are often personal lies.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 10, 2023:
Winning can be like a numbers risk game, lowering suffering and enhancing pleasure and joy. Like siverrotter says, no one gets out alive. Yes, everyone dies, yet not everyone lives. Why not? fear tobacco, cancer, heart disease, sexual disease, hoof animals/mosquitoes killing more than covid annually. Better not risk living, stay home with a mask of shame. I'll make my own sacrifices.
Out of Objective truth, personal truth and political truth who wins vaccines mandates debate?
silverotter11 comments on Jan 10, 2023:
The problem is NOT the government, the problem is people, uneducated silly humans that think they have a good bead on things. No one gets out alive, so there are no winners or losers. There's just life.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 10, 2023:
I lost alot during covid vaccines mandates. Loose some, yet truth runs marathons and wins. Also most people I know would say the pandemic has been the worst society tragedy in their lifetime. Took the objective and personal truths from my life experience of holistic lifestyle and practices. Plus mixed artist profession of 50 years,, using numerology, with patterns in history rather than scientific observations. The onesided science of the political truths and greedy was mostly dismiss by me . As compliance theory of questionable science with their series of failures and disservice constantly.
Out of Objective truth, personal truth and political truth who wins vaccines mandates debate?
silverotter11 comments on Jan 10, 2023:
The problem is NOT the government, the problem is people, uneducated silly humans that think they have a good bead on things. No one gets out alive, so there are no winners or losers. There's just life.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 10, 2023:
@JackPedigo I've run out of conspiracy theories, because all my conspiracy theories have come true. I must make some new ones up. All I got to do is search for the greediest people on earth , like follow the money and there is the main source of the problems, then start new questions and anwsers.
Rise up my peoples.
rainmanjr comments on Jan 9, 2023:
The argument about Big Pharma is not without merit and it was 45's regime which oversaw production of the vaccine but my personal experience does not support Russel's alarm. Further, he has a tendency toward overindulgent thinking and makes some of those type statements so I'm not getting in bed ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 10, 2023:
The oversight what could be physical violence is when vaccinated Canadains are carring over 70% of covid virus. It doesn't stop spreading or infection. Between doctors medical errors and pharmaceutical drugs, it's the leading case of death in the world. Don't think the love fest of the Truckers protest had one death amoung 100s thousands there. Big Pharma is an highest profiteering unfair dangerous corporation, not a free trade decentcy of capitalist society. People win this one and it has spoken globally also, shame on Trudeau.
Informed Consent, not so much.
vocaloldfart comments on Jan 9, 2023:
Maybe the world is starting to wake up to the big con? How many more deaths is it going to take waiting for the lightbulb moment?
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 10, 2023:
More abuse to come yet. Although as long as one is smart , one can stay ahead of the insane game to enjoy and do well in life.
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 9, 2023:
What utter BullShit!!!!
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 9, 2023:
When someone calls out BS , more often they don't understand. First looked at vaccinated people April 2022, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data show that about 6 in 10 adults dying of COVID-19 were vaccinated or boosted, and that’s remained true through at least August 2022 (the most recent month of data). Now look at McDonald's, what health food organizations in the entire world would approve McDonald's as healthy food? I rest my case., both are masters of demolitions destruction.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 9, 2023:
I already get a sore Mctummy when eating at McDonald's. To see needle on the package makes me want to throw up on this synthetic food 🤡🤮
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 9, 2023:
@Kurtn Interesting, same with bugs won't eat unhealthy foods. A twinkle cake can look the same, left on the counter for 20 years
Hope is the process of setting goals and following through on them, while optimism is a positive ...
LiterateHiker comments on Jan 9, 2023:
I was born an ebullient optimist. Optimism and enthusiasm inspire people. **Hope** is a feeling. Feelings change. Optimism is a tendency or disposition. Photos: Overjoyed to find shade on a hot day. 2016
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 9, 2023:
Sound cool When I was fishing on a dating site profiles. Many stated to me they are an hopeless romantic. I tell them I'm an optimist romantic.. Recently I got lucky with a partner. Years ago I was called an op-ti-holic, meaning an extreme optimist. Think the covid world order, cooled that down some.
vocaloldfart comments on Jan 9, 2023:
Hiding in plain sight! Big pharma adding their poison to food (is Mc D food?????) now?? Looks like a statement of fact and an obvious distraction
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 9, 2023:
Obviously is right.. What next? Needles ads on the surgeons hats during operations. Being unvaxxed means my doctors won't serve me, in other areas of health conditions.
No Lives Matter To The Psychopaths In Charge.
Jolanta comments on Jan 6, 2023:
You do sound very upset there.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 8, 2023:
@Jolanta I choose my higher energy through my family, holistic and artist lifestyle. Not through mainstream politicians, media and the greedy leading the way. I do live and let live. Yet if assumed authorities and naritives attack my centre of ethics and healthy lifestyle, I clearly protect and push back for the thing I know that work for me. Most people can have the Government , lethal injection and the super rich owners as their parents, or their Gods, as far as I care Just don't force their synthetic will and garbage on me, it's a free world
No Lives Matter To The Psychopaths In Charge.
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jan 6, 2023:
I had NO idea what/where you were going with all that, so I went to your reply below. I think I now understand all of that ☝️☝️☝️ You (in-part): *Why do you say that? I was frustrated when the covid vaccines, (for an unvaxxer) took away most everything* Yeah. Uhm...the ONLY ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 8, 2023:
@warlord1 It really doesn't matter when I prove through CDC stats that vaccines don't work and they do more harm than good. The billionaires hired fact checkers, phony Politicians and Pfizer sponsors media and hospitals are all bribed to do what they are told that fake the truth. Plus the facts that are all over the map on purpose. I base my life on good sense. Plus go by my personal holistic doctors who is age 107, plus other example living beyond average life span. Wail mean stream doctors live 5 to ten yeas below average lifespan it's a no brainer when my doctors tell me not to take the vaccines.
No Lives Matter To The Psychopaths In Charge.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 7, 2023:
You do sound very upset to me. Be aware that if you are right on many of these things there is not much you can do about it. I'm an activist but not a player of anything. I want what is best for all of us without exception.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 7, 2023:
Have compassion for the world, yet can not fit empathy on my plate for everyone. Only got angry once in my adult life over my ex trying to steal my daughter. Making my own sacrifices in life. The corrupted large corporation and Governments cannot force my sacrifices. They are 10% a peace of me within the unfortunate situations that I have to live and work around. Where for most people, Government and their owners is most of their surrounding lives. Like my grandma alway said, this tragedy will pass also.
Some of us were a little embarrassed
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2023:
Do they charge extra for the live sex show?
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 7, 2023:
I would be embarrassed, just for the memories of that show.
“Man is a credulous animal, and must believe something; in the absence of good grounds for ...
vocaloldfart comments on Jan 7, 2023:
does not. If man could handle the truth we never would have nor need religion. Another wisdom: History is a fantasy written by the victor in conflicts Imagine if archaeologists wrote history, then Chernobyl reactor would be a religious site and the abandoned city left by a mysterious departed...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 7, 2023:
There is degrees of truth, according to our knowledge and greater by experiences of knowing. I wrote a story about the power of imagination There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds, the quality flows by the gift of fantasy conceives in images from objective reality. Imagination asks desired questions, it creates and grows with exercise. Anyone is enough of an artist to draw from their imagination as for it’s the basic health of every man. Concept may be lower form of imagination, and imagination is a poor substitute for experience. Few people have the imagination for reality and logic and reason can die off quickly. Your knowledge has limits but your imagination dose not. Reason respects differences, and imagination has a perceptible likeness of things. It’s an act not of reason but an intuition, Imagination is the eye of the soul and the voice of the daring. If there is anything Godlike about God it is that. When he dares to go beyond his wildest dreams, he can imagine everything.
No Lives Matter To The Psychopaths In Charge.
Jolanta comments on Jan 6, 2023:
You do sound very upset there.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 7, 2023:
@Jolanta, @SeaGreenEyez I've been called dumb as a fox. Rather be that, than the foxes guarding the hen house on a global scale. Chickens and sheep got to be the dumbest animals on the earth and why they are crowded together
No Lives Matter To The Psychopaths In Charge.
Jolanta comments on Jan 6, 2023:
You do sound very upset there.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 7, 2023:
@Jolanta The artist and entrepreneur lifestyle in my entire adult life. Is far from the cloney imperialism living in concrete jungles where most are indoctrinated their entire life . The beauty of the tragedy of vaccines and a third of the economy based on drugs. It's actually taken me to a higher level of energy. In my world all healthy foods and medicine are the gods and everything found in nature. Not from wealthy pocket books of sicknesses and eternal profits. Things are much better now, thank you.
I want to get off my chest, it seems like a disproportionate amount of time I run into arguments ...
NoMagicCookie comments on Jan 6, 2023:
You don't believe in god because you want to sin. I usually find those that assert such nonsense are openly dishonest, selfish, self-righteous and condescending, immoral hypocrites.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 7, 2023:
Yes, save one self of a lifetime of guilt and regrets from dark ages of ignorant people who rarely can lived pass the lifespan of 30. Make adjustments of mistakes as life moves along. Not holding on sins for dear life. Why not call up amnesty international for JC and get that shit fixed up..
What is the most bizarre dream that you've ever had?
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Had a nightmare I was in hell with demons trying to catch me , so they could torture me. Most horrible ugly looking creatures and firey blazing everywhere. Woke up in a sweat, and was so happy it wasn't real. Just a moment of extreme delusional thoughts. I'm sure I won't eat bad food again before ...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 6, 2023:
@azzow2 Watch a few ugly news channels and ate too much junk food that night. Learn my lesson on those two. Hell is just the worst concept ever. Invented by sickcos, who didn't learn their lessons, because its based on fear, why those fuckers. .
No Lives Matter To The Psychopaths In Charge.
Jolanta comments on Jan 6, 2023:
You do sound very upset there.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 6, 2023:
Why do you say that? I was frustrated when the covid vaccines, (for an unvaxxer) took away most everything, that was almost impossible for me during the plandemic to work out. I'm a type a person who is fearless and knowing things brings me comfort. Where most people are uncomfortable to numb hopeless. It can be very upsetting for most people who are not prepared on what is worst to come.
UK excess deaths are off the scale.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jan 5, 2023:
Just love how you use Twitter for info, then extrapolate to what you want it to be. You sound more-and-more like a crazy religious person. Yes, there was a rise in SO FAR unexplained, unexpected deaths. Did you look into it at all? Deaths in hospitals actually dropped; the rise in deaths occurred...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 6, 2023:
Government save alot of money killing off seniors and take their pensions, which is higher than the national debt. Even a higher rate of death is the obese. Follow the money and you will find the anwsers.
Ukraine war, inflation are just a begining....
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 4, 2023:
I've been researching and prepared for the rabbit hole after a few dead ends, for the last 15 years. It's the lazy silly sheep and rabbits who will have to keep digging to no end. Wail smart one will do more than survive.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 4, 2023:
@St-Sinner US can be the best at some things and extremely worst at other things. It’s easier to WEF Canada as we are all Trudeau’s sheep. At least US keeps me on my toes.
[] This story is being made into a movie. Its amazing.
Fernapple comments on Jan 2, 2023:
Yes it does work like that, a lot of the time.
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 2, 2023:
Slavery worldwide is larger now, then any other time in human history, it's all the way the authorizes present it. I rather die than be a slave.
One of the reason the US has dominated the world was because it inspired, doing shit the kiddies ...
Fernapple comments on Jan 2, 2023:
It is a common observation, that the countries which thrive and provide the moral, economic and intellectual leadership of the world in any age, are usually the most democratic. ( The most in the age. They can be absolute kingships, if their kings is just closer to and more respectful of the people,...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 2, 2023:
@puff 12 men walked on the lunar surface in total. 1970 the Apollo 17 became the last manned mission to the Moon. Makes one wonder, if it was all fake. China hasn't had a major war since 1979, thats why they will be the next super power of the 21st century, and the collective consciousness of 80% don't want war anymore. I don't vote and take no stake or stock in the outcome. US has not ever been a true democracy since the emergency war act of Corp of martial law, forcing a wars every year. I do have faith in the collective consciousness of the people, not the religious or Governments. Just created my own universeal bubble, it expands to my own sacrifices toward passions and desired thats been mastered within my own kingdom of domain. This may sound selfish because human are very social creatures, it works for me to be better at serving others. Or , whatever works for each individual with integrity.
'The last three years will go down in history as a time when the medical-industrial-complex mounted ...
rainmanjr comments on Dec 30, 2022:
At least that's the most cogent argument against the vaccines that I've seen (to date) but the alternative is bringing back common diseases like measles and polio. Doesn't matter to me what people die of, or how hard their lives are, because I have no connection to you all. If you win this big issue...
Castlepaloma replies on Jan 1, 2023:
Wouldn't wish anyone illness, yet diseases and viruses is naturally all part of living and dying simultaneously. It's ultimately what each individual chooses for their own autonomy health. If your not getting what BD is studing and expressing. Then your not getting most of the world's population refusing to get fully vaccinated. It's Big Pharma and politicians mandates is against the constitution and the crime of the century for me too.
[] Sean Penn wants Unvaccined in jail.
CourtJester comments on Dec 31, 2022:
But the majority that are dying are actually vaccinated…. I’m encouraging the booster shots for those that are still making it.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 31, 2022:
I belong to the unvaxxed lonely heart club too. Lol. Almost got vaccinated, because no restaurant, no cafe, no pool swims, no night clubs, no classes, no girlfriends, no Government indoctrination buildings and no job.
[] This is the highest year I can ever remember of famous celebrities dying.
BDair comments on Dec 31, 2022:
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 31, 2022:
We do have the deaths of Pele and Barbara Walters within the last week.Has to be 20 icons or household names on this list. Many other names like these are not on this list The Queen would be the top of the list, yet not in my personal books.
[] Sean Penn wants Unvaccined in jail.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 30, 2022:
Penn says CDC stats are not clear. What science source does the Politicians, Big Pharma , and Technology got, to push their fake common sense naritive. Going to base my life on good sense, not common sense base on totalterrimism. Steve Kirsch This 41x figure is partly derived from a comparison...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 31, 2022:
@godfree2 Should I check the wealthy (our owners) for universal truth and knowledge?
“A lot of people become unattractive once you find out how they think”………….
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 30, 2022:
It is always easier to live in ones own body than it is to live with someone else. Their eyes are not your eyes and small things grow with time
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 30, 2022:
@Marionville There is a good deal of luck, finding the right one, rather than the right now
“A lot of people become unattractive once you find out how they think”………….
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 30, 2022:
It's why, I like ugly girls, so I can feel appreciated. LOL. I've been really lucky in love and life
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 30, 2022:
@Marionville I'm joking of course. Lol. Being in the Arts and Entertainment business mainly gave to many very attractive to choose from. The main problem was with so much traveling and jealousy surrounding me. Luckily in the sense I did have long term romantic relationships with beautiful looking women regardless. Not ever cheated on them, just some need more steady physical contact, which is finally happening now. A silver lining from the mandates of the covid
“A lot of people become unattractive once you find out how they think”………….
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 30, 2022:
I guess that is the reason behind divorce.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 30, 2022:
3 out of 4 marriages are not happy.
There are times when words fail me.
LenHazell53 comments on Dec 27, 2022:
Sorry but: One I would not trust the Traitor Galloway as far as I could throw his Saudi infested arse, and two if the senator is so far gone in to gha-gha land that he does not know the difference between Boris Johnson and the (very) late Boris Yeltsin I don't put much stock in his current ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 29, 2022:
@FrayedBear It's an accident he was born in Britain. I was born in Canada, yet when my ID name is written in Capitals, that is not my real name. It something I volunteered to sign and somehow it's contracted me in with the Government. Just another con and scam job done by the Government to control everything.
There are times when words fail me.
DenoPenno comments on Dec 27, 2022:
Oh, Jesus Christ! Let's follow plan B and tell 'em they are on their own. If the nukes go off maybe we will be lucky and the wind won't blow the fallout this way.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 29, 2022:
@Alienbeing I wonder about the ones who claim they see nothing.
Ok so you all know about Elf on a shelf but did you know about....
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 23, 2022:
For a group that is supposed to be about humor we seem to be seeing a sever lack of it here today don't we?....
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 24, 2022:
Don't knock if you having tried it. It's more than funny, it's a fucking great time.
This Documentary was made 60 years ago. Amazing how much it is like today []
AnneWimsey comments on Dec 23, 2022:
i think you should realize, by now, that Communism is dead and UNIONS are [and always were] the only way the ordinary citizen can have Any say!!!! This video was BS then and worse now!
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 24, 2022:
@AnneWimsey All animals have will to live, just sheep lack will and alway following their leader in fear they can't think for themselves. Sheep would go as far as following their leader into a volcano. Can't find anybody better than me to be my leader. Drink up, your snake oil.
This Documentary was made 60 years ago. Amazing how much it is like today []
MsHoliday comments on Dec 23, 2022:
Gads it is all I can do to keep my mouth shut! The daughter must be just like him. It’s in the genes.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 23, 2022:
Happy to say she is, most have Governments being their parents.
This Documentary was made 60 years ago. Amazing how much it is like today []
AnneWimsey comments on Dec 23, 2022:
i think you should realize, by now, that Communism is dead and UNIONS are [and always were] the only way the ordinary citizen can have Any say!!!! This video was BS then and worse now!
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 23, 2022:
@AnneWimsey Willfulness is what sheep do. All willful to be told what to think and what to do. My daughter and I have mastered our live by loving what we do. All our adult lives and give it all away on how we want to, not by over obeisance for the greedy.
This Documentary was made 60 years ago. Amazing how much it is like today []
skado comments on Dec 23, 2022:
Regardless of which side one is on, that’s not a documentary. That’s a political propaganda cartoon.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 23, 2022:
My art work has not been political ever. Daughter and I have been animator, except she went on to be international renowned. Animator can be propaganda or documentary like military or freedom fighters. Since covid my art business has been destroyed along with 1/3 of small businesses gone under. Truckers and farmers has been our last line of defense for freedom and had the largest protests worldwide in human history. That film is more relevance today than when it was made, same for Pink Floyd- The Wall, music.
This Documentary was made 60 years ago. Amazing how much it is like today []
AnneWimsey comments on Dec 23, 2022:
i think you should realize, by now, that Communism is dead and UNIONS are [and always were] the only way the ordinary citizen can have Any say!!!! This video was BS then and worse now!
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 23, 2022:
They call it by other confusing name. Trudeau uses that dictatorship or communism handbook very well.
Just a warning to be on the lookout
SnowyOwl comments on Dec 23, 2022:
Castlepaloma take note, meds are free in Canada so no excuses.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 23, 2022:
That's all I need, meds crutches for a delusional world.
What is the new definition of psychosis in Canada?
CuddyCruiser comments on Dec 23, 2022:
Where did this come from? The person who sold Jack his beanstalk beans? Maybe someone doing some acid, smoking PCP? Maybe huffing gas fumes? Assholes.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 23, 2022:
I don't like drugs, especially covid vaccine. I think you need be in the top scammers like Governments, Centro banks and Big Pharma to be wealthy, ultimate assholes. WEF is no conspiracy, at the beginning of this video it says :Own Nothing and be Happy: If this is not the ultimate of asshole and fairytales?, I don't know what is.
What is the new definition of psychosis in Canada?
BD66 comments on Dec 23, 2022:
So the Native Americans were all psychopaths?
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 23, 2022:
Natives worship nature. They are the ultimate psychos because nature can not be patented and coded with synthetics and toxins just for the wealthy.
What is the new definition of psychosis in Canada?
DenoPenno comments on Dec 23, 2022:
The new trend worldwide is to have happy people that own nothing. Just gimme your money and we will give you a new gadget.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 23, 2022:
A gadget that spys on us, all the time.
Why Thailand's sex tourism thrives
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 22, 2022:
They named it Bangkok, because tourist go there to bang their cock.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 22, 2022:
@St-Sinner Not ever paid for sex, alway pleasure for pleasure. Although Thai women give the most amazing massages ever You choose amoug hundreds of them behind glass. Got hit on by more escorts and regular women honking at me on the streets than anywhere in the world. If you want to be treated like a king, go there.
This will be a thread on the 'Origins of Covid 19'.
Garban comments on Feb 18, 2022:
It’s all true and it goes even deeper than you think! Sasquatch the Illuminati and the Free Masons have organized an intergalactic alliance with the Vulcans and the Fallopian Society for Nazis to push the vaccine in their evil plan to forcibly take out toe nail clippers! See link below: ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 22, 2022:
Dose Porky pig represents Big Pharma, banks and Biden?
This will be a thread on the 'Origins of Covid 19'.
Garban comments on Jun 1, 2022:
WARNING: @BDair is not a physician. Social media is not a reliable source for medical information. Please take medical advise from qualified physicians, not the Covid Shaman on this site. Motivations of anti-vax misinformation campaigns: ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 22, 2022:
The powers to be, don't want us doing our own research, like the library is now called the rabbit hole
Why Thailand's sex tourism thrives
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 22, 2022:
They named it Bangkok, because tourist go there to bang their cock.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 22, 2022:
@St-Sinner Joking of course, because of Vietnam War, it has been one of the hottest spot for prostitution. Been there a few times. When ever I ordered a room, the desk ask me if a want a woman with that.
What happened in Germany at the beginning of 2021 that caused a sudden spike in the death rate?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 20, 2022:
On jimmy Doyle show, he talks about death rates are lowering at record pace, all over the world .
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 21, 2022:
@BDair The aids and malaria vaccines increased the deaths a great deal in Africa. Plus vaccines sterilized the birth rates. No wonder Africa wise up and vastly refused the covid vaccines and that showed a 15 times better results per capita for covid deaths rate compare to Europe and America.
"Find me those extra votes!" he screamed.
LucyLoohoo comments on Dec 19, 2022:
Is there a group here for pustule supporters? (Too lazy to look.)
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 20, 2022:
@LucyLoohoo Have been blocked by a few people here. And I'm not nationalistic type on either right or left side. Will take the good bits from anyone, strong individualism is a style too. . Disagreement is healthy. This arguing to a point of blocking someone. Lacks social skills , other perspectives and anger management.


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