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One of 20 sculptures of the history of Oklahoma
He Called 911 Because His Car Was Stuck. The Cops Killed Him.
silverotter11 comments on Sep 14, 2022:
CRAP! That's just horrible! When I first started reading this I'm thinking geez just call AAA. But when I realized he is having a mental issue and clearly not a threat and the cops are the ones escalating the situation I got really scared for this kid and then they fucking shoot him! I hope the ...
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 15, 2022:
@SeaGreenEyez There are some good cops. Yet overall it is an unjustified system and people are more afraid of the cops than they are of the criminals
It's ONE Atheist woman's fault that there are school shootings.
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 12, 2022: Copeland gets super rich for scaring the shit out of people over the devil 👿
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 13, 2022:
@SeaGreenEyez Being against things, just joins the problem. I either have a good laugh on how freaky ridiculous it is or ignore it.
It's ONE Atheist woman's fault that there are school shootings.
DenoPenno comments on Sep 11, 2022:
So this asshole blames school shootings on an invisible imaginary person. Wow! How do you get such intelligence?
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 13, 2022:
@SeaGreenEyez She needs Holly water to get Satan sprem out of her, before she creates birth to another demon.
Just a thought about something that sometimes happens on this site, every now and again.
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 12, 2022:
The "new members" that come to mind have in no way the intelligence, plannimg, or skills to do any such thing....IQ of 75, at best, and filled with free-floating anger.
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 12, 2022:
@Fernapple I don't engage rarely with trolls or stupid ones Do find it difficult to have conversations with some here that use negative or demeaning words to gain or maintain power and control over someone else. This type of verbal abuse involves someone calling someone else names that are negative, demeaning, or belittling, such as:stupid.idiot.worthless.and dumb. Eventual I just loose interest because don't use these words to describe people, mainly used for horrible situations.
Just a thought about something that sometimes happens on this site, every now and again.
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 12, 2022:
The "new members" that come to mind have in no way the intelligence, plannimg, or skills to do any such thing....IQ of 75, at best, and filled with free-floating anger.
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 12, 2022:
@Fernapple My perspective is that I'm no better or worst than the next guy. They do somethings better than me and vice versa. To label a person totally stupid or useless, it harms more yourself and your own learning abilities of many of other unknown ignorance and conflicts it is based on. Knowing little is more dangerous than knowing alot by engaging in both sides of the story.
Is everyone technically an agnostic?
AtheistInNC comments on Sep 7, 2022:
I am not "part agnostic". I am totally atheist. Your feeble attempt at logic fails; please go to facebook and annoy them. They will appreciate, and maybe even embrace your thinking since they are incapable of reasoning themselves. Thank you.
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 11, 2022:
@AtheistInN Nobody can or can not prove a God exist. I don't have prove anything to anyone unless it will harm them. Everything I do in life has a reason and was first imagined first. The mental process that shortly follows is more secondary. Dont need to go to extraordinary show proof how I do it, just do it. Like my world championship and sculpture scaled world records were all first visualized first in my imagination and given reasons to do them was the plan and motivation.
One good reason why Westernized countries have out of control, hyper inflation. []
Storm1752 comments on Sep 10, 2022:
That doesn't make Putin an economist. We've know that for years. It's caused by Republican refusal to raise taxes and Democratic refusal to cap spending. Simplistic but that's the bottom line. Higher taxes will rob the economy of some of it's vitality, true, but the government needs the money. ...
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 11, 2022:
@Storm1752 Most People have the delusion of rights and freedom, we have privileges. Democracy died with Abraham Lincoln was assassinated and US Corp claimed marshail law and drew miltary complex a major war every year for control of the people, not for the people. A president is of a corporation, not of a country. The Government only owns 30% of me financially, they did own 50% of me when I was making millions. They don't own me intellectually, spiritual, physically, or my love one realationships . As long as pharmaceutical pay double vs. the lobbyists as oil and gas, the Government will be own by large corporation constantly, not own by the people. Mexican President does not accept Pharmaceutical over lords and mexican politicians don't cross the line like the American politicians do all the time.
One good reason why Westernized countries have out of control, hyper inflation. []
Storm1752 comments on Sep 10, 2022:
That doesn't make Putin an economist. We've know that for years. It's caused by Republican refusal to raise taxes and Democratic refusal to cap spending. Simplistic but that's the bottom line. Higher taxes will rob the economy of some of it's vitality, true, but the government needs the money. ...
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 11, 2022:
@Storm175 I only have faith and trust in the collective consciousness of the people, not the Government or our owners , who owns you and me.
One good reason why Westernized countries have out of control, hyper inflation. []
Storm1752 comments on Sep 10, 2022:
That doesn't make Putin an economist. We've know that for years. It's caused by Republican refusal to raise taxes and Democratic refusal to cap spending. Simplistic but that's the bottom line. Higher taxes will rob the economy of some of it's vitality, true, but the government needs the money. ...
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 10, 2022:
It wouldn't matter if it was left or right in control. Most financial expert know we are due for a collapse.
One shot per year? We really need to step up our game then YLE 09/07/2022
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 8, 2022:
I donate all my vaccines to the poor vaxxers that can't afford a vaccine during this society economy and realationship collapse of Westernized nation's. . Bands do not matter its a fix all fit cocktail and alternative medicine are banned by doctors and pharmaceutical. Same with my flu shot. Since ...
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 10, 2022:
@Mb_Man It's killing the immune system.
Do public office-holders in the American constitutional democracy act as trustees?
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 7, 2022:
US has not been a democracy since Abraham Lincoln death and US Corp declared Marshall law ever since. And each year they must have a war or they loose their power of control. A president can be of a corporation, yet not of a country. Recently the US Corp is not going after a different country ...
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 10, 2022:
@Alienbeing Most economic experts say, Westernization are in for a collapse.
Do public office-holders in the American constitutional democracy act as trustees?
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 7, 2022:
US has not been a democracy since Abraham Lincoln death and US Corp declared Marshall law ever since. And each year they must have a war or they loose their power of control. A president can be of a corporation, yet not of a country. Recently the US Corp is not going after a different country ...
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 9, 2022:
@Alienbeing I can express much better in depth of reality through my visual arts than through words. Because visual are in my mind first, then comes before words, secondary. . What you experience may not exist. Inside the strange truth of reality. What our senses allow us to experience may not reflect what actually exists. It may be a creation of our own consciousness, or a computer simulation designed by superintelligent tech or Governments. I don’t know about you, but I feel that I have a very good perception of reality. Inside my head is a vivid depiction of the world around me from touring all continents. Complete with sounds, smells, colour and objects. It is unsettling that alot of it can be fabrication. Some researchers even contend that the live-stream movie in my head bears no resemblance whatsoever to reality. “Everybody knows that we don’t see all of reality. I say we almost see none of it”Our brain presents us with only a snapshot or every detail, we would be overwhelmed. In fact, most of what you “see” is an illusion. Our eyes aren’t all-seeing, but capture fleeting glimpses of the world. There is very little or no reality, just perspectives.
puff comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Medical consent is required for all medical treatment. Consent must be informed and freely given without coercion. When consent can't be given, Hippocratic Oath. Simple really.
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 9, 2022:
@ChestRockfield You say I should not participate in the thing that requires vaccines. I don't comply to anything that international unlawful, criminal, and these lethal vaccines have shown to be harmful in unlimited ways.I'll take my ounce of medicine , that I grow and produce. No requirements for Gods or insane leaders to force me to take their endless pounds of cure with no light in sight.
puff comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Medical consent is required for all medical treatment. Consent must be informed and freely given without coercion. When consent can't be given, Hippocratic Oath. Simple really.
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 9, 2022:
@ChestRockfield I base my life on good sense. When the Governments is based on nonsense and fear. So, let them take your entire life over, so be it. I don't trust Governments as far as I can throw them. And when we look at how many health administrators around the world in highly vaccinated countries , where many of them weighting over 300 pounds. Not good examples of intelligent healthy human beings. I've been an unvaxxed disesae criminal in the eye of many sheep I choose my own sacrifices in life, and when the sheep smell the blood of the sheep ahead of them in the slaughter. Many will wake up and many won't.
Do public office-holders in the American constitutional democracy act as trustees?
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 7, 2022:
US has not been a democracy since Abraham Lincoln death and US Corp declared Marshall law ever since. And each year they must have a war or they loose their power of control. A president can be of a corporation, yet not of a country. Recently the US Corp is not going after a different country ...
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 9, 2022:
@Alienbeing Socialism is just another centroism club. We are just stong individuals, sharing and caring. We have create our own Government, substantial ego off grid community. The only club is the optimist club with like minded people . No scam leaders or Gods required. Happiness is our aim for the gross national product and the kids will continue our beautiful song. We are the rare ones who will enjoy requardless of this best apocalypse ever, since world War 2.
Do public office-holders in the American constitutional democracy act as trustees?
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 7, 2022:
US has not been a democracy since Abraham Lincoln death and US Corp declared Marshall law ever since. And each year they must have a war or they loose their power of control. A president can be of a corporation, yet not of a country. Recently the US Corp is not going after a different country ...
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 9, 2022:
@Alienbeing I loved history from age 8 and you don't know my work in history in film, stage and museum display worldwide. That really doesn't matter, it like atheist knowing more about religion than any other religious group. I find the His-story were written by the victorious winners, flooded with lies. What is far more important is the history of one's own family and where one is coming from and where one is going. My aim is food, freedom and housing all economical and healthy for me and globally.
Hasbeck comments on Sep 8, 2022:
I like the way Novak Djokovic plays tennis. He's a tough tennis player with a well-deserved fame. And you know, I share his choice. I also don't want to take shots that I doubt the quality of. People can choose what they do, even if the country's winning sports and all that stuff depends on it. ...
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 9, 2022:
Being unvaxxed in my area, was like being raped for the first time. If this doesn't wake people up from the governments corruption, I know what will. There is still more weapons of mass distraction to come.
puff comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Medical consent is required for all medical treatment. Consent must be informed and freely given without coercion. When consent can't be given, Hippocratic Oath. Simple really.
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 9, 2022:
@ChestRockfield Novak is in excellent physical condition as was surrounded by mostly obese security guards at the Australia open, to help keep him safe. Now 78% of covid deaths are people who are obese. If Governments really care for their citizens, they would talk about salads. The rule that over rules the vaccines mandates is they are unconstitutional and against international law. No body can force me to be enslave to their products, especially for life. Or nobody owns my body , and nobody owns me. Besides when the majority are vaccinated and half them have caught covid , that is the greatest medical failure in American history. Imagined if half of America caught polio and worse health overall damages to economy, relationship, individual, supplies chains everywhere, increasing crime, divorces, hospitals mess and it goes on and on.
puff comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Medical consent is required for all medical treatment. Consent must be informed and freely given without coercion. When consent can't be given, Hippocratic Oath. Simple really.
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 9, 2022:
@ChestRockfield Novak could fly to Mexico and come up to enter the US Open. What sense are rules when there is so many ways to bend or break them
One shot per year? We really need to step up our game then YLE 09/07/2022
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 8, 2022:
I donate all my vaccines to the poor vaxxers that can't afford a vaccine during this society economy and realationship collapse of Westernized nation's. . Bands do not matter its a fix all fit cocktail and alternative medicine are banned by doctors and pharmaceutical. Same with my flu shot. Since ...
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 8, 2022:
@Mb_Man As long as they give those lethal vaccine injections to other people, not me. Otherwise, I really don't give a rats ass.
Students Win Fight To Get Anti-LGBT School Board Members REMOVED - YouTube
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 8, 2022:
The labeling and conflicts are by far the greatest I've ever seen in my lifetime. What ever happen to live and let live , same for forcing vaccines into our bodies mandates. Both new libreral or conservatives are just not being humanly decent with each other. Just them against us, all the time, is ...
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 8, 2022:
@snytiger I caught the flu only when I had a flu shot as a kid. It's the same with the spread of covid to half of Americans now who have the covid.because the majority have been vaccinated.
Could it only happen in the land of the deluded - USA?
Mooolah comments on Sep 8, 2022:
Blame this on the "Drug War" begun by Richard Nixon, an extension of our failed alcohol prohibition expariment. How is that policy doing as we are still in the throws of its results. Countries corrupted by drug money. Mass fugitives from the drug gang's murders & extorsion at our southern border. ...
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 8, 2022:
Portugal dose have a very good drug program, when at one time it was not
Do public office-holders in the American constitutional democracy act as trustees?
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 7, 2022:
US has not been a democracy since Abraham Lincoln death and US Corp declared Marshall law ever since. And each year they must have a war or they loose their power of control. A president can be of a corporation, yet not of a country. Recently the US Corp is not going after a different country ...
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 8, 2022:
@Alienbeing Like in the USSR eastern block countries fall, the locals miltary are not going to shoot their own people by the demand of the Russian military. Same in the US. All the nuke missile, submarine, tanks, aircraft have only been 15% of the kills in wars, the rest were guns. The firey dragon can not defeat the snake in the grass, Chinese provert. US Citizens have ten times the guns than the US military. It would be like firing swad for the lack of motivation to the US miltary. Don't forget, much of the miltary will turn on their own Government, if they ordered to kill their own family and friends.
Is everyone technically an agnostic?
AtheistInNC comments on Sep 7, 2022:
I am not "part agnostic". I am totally atheist. Your feeble attempt at logic fails; please go to facebook and annoy them. They will appreciate, and maybe even embrace your thinking since they are incapable of reasoning themselves. Thank you.
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 8, 2022:
There is a reason for everything, what is yours?. After 40,000 years of the theory of Gods. Can you prove to me at a 100% certainty that a God doesn't exist. Show me by evidence from the 99% untouched and unknown mass of the earth to zillions of stars and planets in the universe and give proof to me, there is no God?. Do you even own a spaceship? Noone has yet, and probably not ever. And why there is still 75% of the earths population, is belivers of God. Not doing a good enough job convincing them they don't exsist. I've used Facebook market to sell stuff , thats it. For the 1000s of Facebook people who want to be my friend, I'll send them all over to you in the your research to prove there is no God in the Universe. Because your need all the friends you can get to put a dent in this proof.
Is everyone technically an agnostic?
Krish55 comments on Sep 7, 2022:
This reminds me of that other, equally supremely important question that we have unfortunately neglected since Scholasticism declined after the Middle Ages: “How many angels can dance on the head of a needle?”
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 7, 2022:
@Krish55 Have to put myself among the privileges with Michelangelo, like a toy for the wealthy. He would have taken months and years to make a sculpture. I have days or weeks to make a sculpture. I"ve carved a sculpture 6 acres park of 70,000 tons and 67feet high, in 6 weeks called Temples of Time. Michelangelo built the Sistine chapels in 20 years with sculptures and his paintings. Size was 40.23 meters long, 13.40 meters wide, and 20.70 meters high (about 132 by 44 by 68 feet) Michelangelo would have loved the bulldozer and marble and wood chainsaws, we work with today Still in my books, Michelangelo was the best sculptor who ever lived. I will probably live longer than him, yet in his day in age, he would have lived 3 times longer than the average person.
Is everyone technically an agnostic?
Krish55 comments on Sep 7, 2022:
This reminds me of that other, equally supremely important question that we have unfortunately neglected since Scholasticism declined after the Middle Ages: “How many angels can dance on the head of a needle?”
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 7, 2022:
I feel I should of lived during the Renaissance times. Even though the world is like living in the eye of a hurricane, now. My gut tells me we are ready for a second renaissan after the globalist take their last chance of owning us completely. People will grow as stronger individuals and start to act collectively after this worldwide abuse, that cycle happens every 80 years in a pattern.
Is everyone technically an agnostic?
Krish55 comments on Sep 6, 2022:
Are you in a competition with @Matias for abstruse posts?
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 7, 2022:
@Krish55 I don't set myself up as a person who is any better or worst than anyone esle. Although generally I lived a really happy life and loving what I do for most waking hours of my artist lifestyle. If you can pin point where I have a screw loose, then I will gladly make a quick adjustment. I would agree people have allowed themselves to be touched by a corrupted system, yet have the abilities to make those adjustments also.
Is everyone technically an agnostic?
Krish55 comments on Sep 6, 2022:
Why does this matter?
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 6, 2022:
It matters, in a better ID of oneself in relationships of many unknowns.
Is everyone technically an agnostic?
Krish55 comments on Sep 6, 2022:
Are you in a competition with @Matias for abstruse posts?
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 6, 2022:
The human race is in the same boat, like it or not. The purpose is find better or closer answers to a few of these questions. Since human kind's knowledge about the earth and its earthling is about 1% of the surface crust of the earth. And 99% of the mass earth we haven't been even able to touch. Let alone the universe.
Is everyone technically an agnostic?
DenoPenno comments on Sep 6, 2022:
I don't think about the god concept much anymore. This is because I'm not always trying to connect the dots of ideas and therefore asking "what if?" It is OK to say you do not know. Nothing about this topic is worrying me. I'm not afraid I might die and wake up in the wrong religion's hell. I have ...
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 6, 2022:
According to South Park , the Mormons is the only religious group who made it to heaven .I got rid of my baggage from a tough childhood too, so good for you , many don't. The two most important things for our happiness is about our health and what we can forget in life, like the negative stuff.
joeandbarb comments on Sep 6, 2022:
Or just tell her that the only way for you to finish is doggy style. Problem solved
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 6, 2022:
Grab her by the hair and tell her this is how my girlfriend likes it. Then see how long you can ride it out. That wouldn't be me.
Afghanistan’s Loud, Mute Voices---Afghan youth with hearing loss speak through art Brave ...
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 5, 2022:
The Government vaccines took away my art business after 47 years and 2 years of suffering over it. The art history and culture influence is alot longer and deeper than any political or religious force. I'm thriving again, so I understand the Afghans communication power throught the arts.
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 6, 2022:
@William_Mary Yes, my professional comedians friends are performing on subways and parks. My 47 year main income of snow and sandsculpture were destroyed by covid where no crowds allowed. And no travel for unvaxxed people like me. I pickd up chainsaw and carving alot of smiles. Now can't keep up with the orders, a beautiful problem.
Is everyone technically an agnostic?
puff comments on Sep 6, 2022:
I'm with Buddha on this one. When viewing life, my own and other, instead of pondering "why's" and "what if's" regarding big unknowns. Instead I accept as "just is" and enjoy the ride. Although technically the existence of deities is "unknown", in my mind I have made the call and totally rejected...
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 6, 2022:
This is one reason we more so think alike because I'm secretly intoTaoism. Can not find flaws in a book based on nature and older than the Bible. Also a possiblist, base decisions on good sense and naturally always open
Can Religion Without Belief “Make Perfect Sense”? | Mind Matters
puff comments on Sep 6, 2022:
Think in terms of indoctrination, as all religions insist followers adhere to their doctrine. People react differently to indoctrination and are also exposed to that indoctrination in varying degrees. Some will fully accept the doctrine and are what we call extremist fundamentalists. Some will ...
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 6, 2022:
Could say, personally God religions is like a drug, they want to worship.The covid vaccines is part of the drug cult and one third of tha US economy. Keeping the public dumb down.
Coach repeated: “There's no I in team.” I replied: “However, there's a M and an E.”
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 5, 2022:
There is an I in independent, individual and integrity. Best to start with, before selecting a weak or strong team
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 5, 2022:
@Zealandia Most are dealing with an unjustice system and centroism, some call the Man. I've made my own teams time and time again. Some others do also , moreso under the radar.
Afghanistan’s Loud, Mute Voices---Afghan youth with hearing loss speak through art Brave ...
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 5, 2022:
The Government vaccines took away my art business after 47 years and 2 years of suffering over it. The art history and culture influence is alot longer and deeper than any political or religious force. I'm thriving again, so I understand the Afghans communication power throught the arts.
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 5, 2022:
@William_Mary Artist are the lowest end on the financial totem pole. Performing arts are the first to get hit. Personally I would die without the freedom of my compassion, expresion and art work.
Coach repeated: “There's no I in team.” I replied: “However, there's a M and an E.”
FrayedBear comments on Sep 5, 2022:
Unless you are John Hopoate in which case the eye is situated between the cheeks of the arse - ...
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 5, 2022:
That finger fucked was better than having my balls hand crushed during a water polo game. He wasn't suspended, after 2 quarters missed, I kicked him in stomach the last final quarter.
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 5, 2022:
I can still imagine her ugly.
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 5, 2022:
@Austin-Cambridge From experience in my drunken disco days, I woke up to a few mornings after breakfast companions hags. No more.
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 5, 2022:
I can still imagine her ugly.
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 5, 2022:
@Austin-Cambridge Still lying to your self. When I'm having sex with a beautiful woman. I can get my whole back into it and have multiple orgasm. You fuck the dark side and wake up to the hag.
Food for thought...I'll let myself out...
Ryo1 comments on Sep 2, 2022:
No, it was the mushroom that started all the trouble.
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 2, 2022:
That is how Jesus changed water into wine. He added mushrooms.
USA - the world's most dangerous terrorist.
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 31, 2022:
Thought everyone knows US military is the greatest terrorist group in the world. Trick is , get everyone to do something about it. Rather than live by lies and do nothing about it.
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 2, 2022:
@Alienbeing One time US was my favorite place to be for 25 years I had a unique and pioneer profession of snow and sandsculpture that No one esle did full time. A canadain friend of mine, replace me for the Bush war sculptures in Normandy France beach, ap war theme . His green card continue as my stopped. I was a recent world sandsculpture champion at the time. Look at any top economicist, they will tell you that the USA dollar and economy is for sure to collapse. It's held up mainly by printing money. USA is ground zero, as third world War has started.
I will defend your rights to have your own beliefs , as well as everyone else's rights not to have ...
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 1, 2022:
I alway say, do what ever you want as long as it doesn't harm anyone. That gose for covod vaccines also. Mandates and prohibitions don't work.
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 1, 2022:
@phxbillcee Not one thing is worth the sacrifice of people's relationships, the economy and the health care like the vaccines done in modern human history. . Before we were mandating from taking drugs, like Marijuana. Now we are mandated to take legal drugs and vaccines that kills far greater than illegal drugs. GOVERNMENT and drugs Pharma lords have got most people coming and going.
USA - the world's most dangerous terrorist.
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 31, 2022:
Thought everyone knows US military is the greatest terrorist group in the world. Trick is , get everyone to do something about it. Rather than live by lies and do nothing about it.
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 1, 2022:
@FrayedBear Overall the world is progressing well enough. The western nations, not good, as its on its 80 year cycle like the second war world and before that the Civil War collapse. At least it's not as horrible as those times were, as more smart people will advance. I"ve applied for different country passports, because we are still having travel vaccine restrictions and troubles in Canada. Thanks very much for your support, let's not let those turkeys get us down.
USA - the world's most dangerous terrorist.
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 31, 2022:
Thought everyone knows US military is the greatest terrorist group in the world. Trick is , get everyone to do something about it. Rather than live by lies and do nothing about it.
Castlepaloma replies on Sep 1, 2022:
@FrayedBear I was kicked out of the US and had my green card taken away. For refusing WBush a war sculptures. I don't do sculptures with anything political, religious and especially to do with murderers. Covid handling was by far the greatest destroyer for artist communication and expression. Bullies can cause us to step back and keep us on our toes. The arts has more influence for humanity than anyone or group in human history. Their greatest fear is bringing beauty to life and to the light. I fall down, I get up again and go round and round. This the last chance for the greedy globalist to own everybody. And history repeats over and over again, as these empires will fail again.
Wonderful news is there.
ToakReon comments on Aug 30, 2022:
However it seems that people writing bullshit posts is on the increase.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 30, 2022:
There is no greater bullshitters than Centro banks, Government, Big pharma and mainstream media. Anything esle is much lower degrees of Bullshit.
Novak Djokovic is out of the US open, failure to comply to Vaccines.
BDair comments on Aug 30, 2022:
Vaxxed players are disadvantaged.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 30, 2022:
Most people don't have a clue that covid vaccines is a war weapon like we have not experienced in our lifetime. Because we are in a world war and economic collapse and soon will be reaching a depression like the 1940s. The smart people will advance from this insanity. I will be teaching the ultimate pleasures of sex and work
Was it the vaccines that cause Justin bieber and his girlfriend to get very sick?
GavnaDafna comments on Aug 30, 2022:
Justin Bieber and his wife had the coronavirus at the beginning of 2022. Moreover, his wife suffered a minor stroke. Recently, half of his face was paralyzed. I read that there is no evidence that the coronavirus causes the syndrome, but the disease is known to cause immune system dysfunction that ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 30, 2022:
Kids love him alot
Is it any wonder then why they will not let the world's best player, who is unvaccinated, to compete...
Marionville comments on Aug 29, 2022:
If you want to play you must play by the rules….Djokovic knew what the rules were but didn’t want to didn’t comply…his choice entirely therefore not to play.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 29, 2022:
Yes, Nazis rules. Yu vil take yur shots , and yur paprers , and yu vil like it.
Is it any wonder then why they will not let the world's best player, who is unvaccinated, to compete...
Marionville comments on Aug 29, 2022:
If you want to play you must play by the rules….Djokovic knew what the rules were but didn’t want to didn’t comply…his choice entirely therefore not to play.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 29, 2022:
@BDair How many jabs did you get?. If you got something serious, I can see why your really pissed, even greater than myself for being unvaxxed. Dammed if you do and dammed if you don't . Personally I don't regret anything I do in the pass. Only regret what I don't do in the future. It looks like your bringing alot of attentions and work towards this lethal injection. This is also great study for other options toward your own health improvement.
Now that American citizens have had six months to feel the effect of their governments policies ...
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 25, 2022:
Ukraine President maybe treated like the Iraq President. Get themselves hung instead of collecting an American pension.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 29, 2022:
@Alienbeing I was joking too. If lawyers had nuclear missile capability to destroy.the entire world. They would only use them to provoke fear in order to gain greater power for themselves. Even lawyers are not stupid enough to blow themselves up and their family. I always say to lawyers, keep it simple, stupid.
Now that American citizens have had six months to feel the effect of their governments policies ...
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 25, 2022:
Ukraine President maybe treated like the Iraq President. Get themselves hung instead of collecting an American pension.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 29, 2022:
@Alienbeing Write a book on how to win a nuclear war. Except nobody will be around to read it.
Novak Djokovic is out of the US open, failure to comply to Vaccines.
lerlo comments on Aug 26, 2022:
You don't drive your car do you? Do you know how many people die in car accidents a year? Why would you risk that? Do you believe that driving a car is 100% safe? Of course you don't care about the very low percentage of anything happening to you from the vaccine especially adverse effects. The ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 29, 2022:
@lerlo BDair is constantly giving out vaccines death numbers from establish and Government sources. Many unvaxxer deniers will ignore them anyway. Many doctors or scientists like about 5000 of them. have been trying to sue the government for their absence, neglectful and disinformation of vaccines deaths. . Anyone who doesn't agree with Government/pharmaceutical/media gets harmed again for not going along to get along with them. Which is the greatest lie and crime within our lifetime in the first place. Rogan podcast is the largest in the world and has been attacked by the sheep dogs and Sheep because they have been programed to attack any opposing opinions about vaccines. Nobody really know the vaccines death numbers because it design as a cluster fuck of mass distraction. The bad people are running the country and many of the good people are being locked up or homeless for not complying to the evil empire, that is going to collapse anyway. I will re energize with the grass root people on the otherend when the abuse systems finishes up their lies and bs and the truth runs the marathon again..
Novak Djokovic is out of the US open, failure to comply to Vaccines.
lerlo comments on Aug 26, 2022:
You don't drive your car do you? Do you know how many people die in car accidents a year? Why would you risk that? Do you believe that driving a car is 100% safe? Of course you don't care about the very low percentage of anything happening to you from the vaccine especially adverse effects. The ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 28, 2022:
@lerlo Everything we need is all in nature like medicine and health nature foods which is like the God's that is alternative and holistic. When we die we as animal become food for the plants. In the artificial world of pharmaceutical, banks and government are design for slavery for their GREED and ignorance. Trump owes me $10,000 and like all the other useless Presidents, don't pin him on me or anything Government. Like the flu shots, from all people I know that don't take the flu shot, don't get the flu and others do get the flu. Same with covid vaccines where half of America has the covid because most where force to take the shots. Don't even try to lower my healthy natural lifestyle of growing my own organic food , building tiny house communities glued together with love, freedom and responsibility. Find your own way in eating Monsanto/Gates religion and the Government Gods. And take 100s of vaccines shot for life. And keep with the leading cause of death, which is the mainstream medical profession. Comply with the owner, the billionaires and trillionaire club. The same club they keep beating you up with everyday. Sorry, you or me are not members of their Club.
Novak Djokovic is out of the US open, failure to comply to Vaccines.
lerlo comments on Aug 26, 2022:
You don't drive your car do you? Do you know how many people die in car accidents a year? Why would you risk that? Do you believe that driving a car is 100% safe? Of course you don't care about the very low percentage of anything happening to you from the vaccine especially adverse effects. The ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 27, 2022:
@lerlo After Rockefeller and Rothschild, Bill Gates is about the most destructive horrible human being on this planet earth. Anyone I know in the holistic medicine/foods and organic farming business. Knows kill Gate is as opposite to anything healthy in foods and medicine. Gates was a partner with Monsanto then bought him out. And brags to vaccines investors they will make 20 times their investment. Could go on and on about Gates criminal rap sheet, yet money buys off almost everything.
Novak Djokovic is out of the US open, failure to comply to Vaccines.
lerlo comments on Aug 26, 2022:
You don't drive your car do you? Do you know how many people die in car accidents a year? Why would you risk that? Do you believe that driving a car is 100% safe? Of course you don't care about the very low percentage of anything happening to you from the vaccine especially adverse effects. The ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 27, 2022:
@lerlo Bill Gates plans was to reduce the world population by 10 to 15% by vaccines. I watch it on Ted Talk. Or course like everything that opposed vaccine agenda. They hired brainwashed kids to lie for fact checkers. Which floods and block any opposition. Kill Gates is the poorest example of healthy foods and vaccines. The largest protest in human history of 250 million east Indians are after Bill Gate toxic farm practice.
Novak Djokovic is out of the US open, failure to comply to Vaccines.
lerlo comments on Aug 26, 2022:
You don't drive your car do you? Do you know how many people die in car accidents a year? Why would you risk that? Do you believe that driving a car is 100% safe? Of course you don't care about the very low percentage of anything happening to you from the vaccine especially adverse effects. The ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 27, 2022:
@lerlo Being fearless and worldly, I know from good sense and experience that the vaccines as a health model is doing far more harm than good. The pharmaceutical lobbyists are spending twice as much to the Government than Oil and gas. Both are profiting at constant world record pace. When in Europe vaccines injection are 8 times greater and covid deaths are 15 time higher than the continent of Africa. Africains know from experience that malaria and Aids vaccines increased deaths. They already know covid vaccines will increase deaths also and human suffering. In general Africa's economy and life span growth is out performing the US in expanding growth. America shows us how to shorten their life span by two years in the last couple of decades. No studies or experiments that show cloth masks or cheap medical masks work. Anarchist are more deeply into humanity than any other group I've experience. More into personal individualism growth, yet very sharing and connected.
Novak Djokovic is out of the US open, failure to comply to Vaccines.
Marionville comments on Aug 26, 2022:
Without the vaccine programme and lockdowns I can only imagine how horrifically more significant the the number of people dying of Covid would have been. You still don’t seem to understand, even after all the detailed. explanations, how vaccines work. Nobody ever said being vaccinated ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 26, 2022:
@silverotter11 About 5000 doctors are sueing the Governments for handling of the covid and vaccines mandates. My daughter and I are 2nd and 3rd Blacksheep of the family. I know how to protect themselves from all the sheep in the mall. Because their stories are written on the wall.
Novak Djokovic is out of the US open, failure to comply to Vaccines.
lerlo comments on Aug 26, 2022:
You don't drive your car do you? Do you know how many people die in car accidents a year? Why would you risk that? Do you believe that driving a car is 100% safe? Of course you don't care about the very low percentage of anything happening to you from the vaccine especially adverse effects. The ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 26, 2022:
Most things can kill in degrees, dose one give up living? No, I choose my own risks and sacrifices. A car can be a weapon, yet useful, unlike a gun. US Citizens want their guns because they fear their government military. From my studies the vaccine is another lethal injection from the Government of control and power. Since vaccines almost all illnesses went up, like cancer and heart diseases. Suicide, divorces, Inflation up a 40 year high. I did my sacrifices of unvaxxed of no dating, no job, no going out, no excerize pool, lost a 47 year business and so on and so on. At lease I didn't catch covid like all the leaders and half of America. I love my work for most waking hours of my life and will die doing sculptures. No Government will enslave me or tell me what I must do. Fauci like most Public servant have the least satisfied job in the nation and he is not a good example of a person mastering life , especially to me.
Novak Djokovic is out of the US open, failure to comply to Vaccines.
Marionville comments on Aug 26, 2022:
Without the vaccine programme and lockdowns I can only imagine how horrifically more significant the the number of people dying of Covid would have been. You still don’t seem to understand, even after all the detailed. explanations, how vaccines work. Nobody ever said being vaccinated ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 26, 2022:
@Marionville I'm so happy not to be anti anything, because that is alway part of the problem. The Democrats blame the vaccines on Trump and not Fauci or Biden for mandating the vaccines. I don't say I'm anti Government, they are only qualified to running the small stuff, not our lives. If one really wants to know who is the number one enemy in our lives, it's one self. It makes far greater sense to work on myself, family and natural environment. Because being a sheep to centroism Fakes is the greatest waste of time, energy and above all health.
Novak Djokovic is out of the US open, failure to comply to Vaccines.
Marionville comments on Aug 26, 2022:
Without the vaccine programme and lockdowns I can only imagine how horrifically more significant the the number of people dying of Covid would have been. You still don’t seem to understand, even after all the detailed. explanations, how vaccines work. Nobody ever said being vaccinated ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 26, 2022:
DJOKOVIC and I are not against the vaccines. Me personally I'm for the vaccines for depopulation of the weaker. Biden, Fauci and half of the mostly vaccinated USA have caught the covid once or more times. That proves the vaccines are the spreaders and certainly not the cure. Which is impossible anyway, also WHO says covid is with us for the rest of our lives. Once you have caught covid, your 9 times better not to catch covid again than vaccines. Even Fauci admits that as he retires and blames the vaccines on Trump. Where Trump idea for alternative medicine was bleech. It's a Madd Madd world.
Now Christians are targeting women who wear pants
NHjulie comments on Aug 25, 2022:
My grandmother never wore pants because she said it was in the bible.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 25, 2022:
Can't find anything with pants in the Bible. These are the closest things I can find. Woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God. 1 Exodus 28:42 You shall make for them linen undergarments to cover their naked flesh. They shall reach from the hips to the thighs;
Now that American citizens have had six months to feel the effect of their governments policies ...
BillF comments on Aug 25, 2022:
Biased questions elicit biased answers. Russia was and is wrong to invade anybody. The US is wrong to invade anybody. As long as we try an have the baddest military we will always be poor.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 25, 2022:
Worst thing one can do to a human being is murder and homeless. About 9 times out of ten during a war it is in a uniform. BRICS is trading with Russian, Brazil and South America are turning away from West. Nearing half of the world's population are at a stand off, so there is many unknowns at play most of the public is not aware of at all at play. The US and NATO criminal rap sheet is worse. Just from one area since 2001. Millions of people living in the war zones have also been displaced by war. The U.S. post-9/11 wars have forcibly displaced at least 38 million people in and from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, the Philippines, Libya, and Syria. US has half of the world's War budget and 25% of prisoners in cages from only 4% of the world's population. The one that 👉 their fingers most, then has everyone esle censored, Are for sure, the true terrorist.
Now that American citizens have had six months to feel the effect of their governments policies ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 25, 2022:
Ukrainian genocide of the Russians??? WTF are you smoking??? Compare the populations of the two countries. Compare the size of their militaries. Compare the size of their economies. Look at where the war is being fought and whose civilians are being killed. Anybody who believes the ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 25, 2022:
@mcgeo52 Since the eastern block wall. there was an agreement with Ukraine/Russia US and Nato of certain countries Nato or US would not set up military bases. Like always US breaks their treaties, just ask the Indains. Now it's push for New World Order and the BrazilRussiaIndiaChinaSouthAfrica BRICS won't have it.
Quotable Quote- "There is no problem, anywhere in the world, that government intervention cannot ...
Matias comments on Aug 24, 2022:
That's why migrants flock to failed states like Libya or Somalia because there is so little government in these countries that could make things worse. I suggest you move to Mexico where government is virtually absent.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 25, 2022:
@Matias The decline in Mexican immigrants in the U.S. has been due mostly to a decrease of about 2 million unauthorized Mexican immigrants, from a peak of 6.9 million in 2007 to an estimated 4.9 million in 2017, according to Pew Research Center's latest estimate of the unauthorized population in the U.S. There is like 1million and half to 10 million Americans living in Mexico, the US Government doesn't keep track and always bad mouthing them.
Now that American citizens have had six months to feel the effect of their governments policies ...
Moravian comments on Aug 25, 2022:
My neighbours dog bit me the other day but it was my fault. I provoked it by petting the cat on the other side of the street.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 25, 2022:
@ChestRockfield Metaphors have some funny logic or natural law to make sense. Lifetime artist have been known for great metaphors.
Now that American citizens have had six months to feel the effect of their governments policies ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 25, 2022:
Ukrainian genocide of the Russians??? WTF are you smoking??? Compare the populations of the two countries. Compare the size of their militaries. Compare the size of their economies. Look at where the war is being fought and whose civilians are being killed. Anybody who believes the ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 25, 2022:
@mcgeo52 Personlly, I don't like killing of any kind , unless your going to eat it. After US have invaded 182 major wars, and mostly killing women and children. Then NATO breaks Russian/US agreements on the borders of the eastern block. How would US like it, if Russian adapted Canada and Mexico with Russian nuclear missile right on the US door step? Plus Russia has pocketed $24 billion from selling energy to China and India in just three months following its invasion of Ukraine, showing how higher global prices are limiting efforts by the US and Europe to punish President Vladimir
Now that American citizens have had six months to feel the effect of their governments policies ...
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 25, 2022:
Ukraine President maybe treated like the Iraq President. Get themselves hung instead of collecting an American pension.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 25, 2022:
@Petter Wouldn't get hung up on, majoring in small stuff.
Now that American citizens have had six months to feel the effect of their governments policies ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 25, 2022:
Ukrainian genocide of the Russians??? WTF are you smoking??? Compare the populations of the two countries. Compare the size of their militaries. Compare the size of their economies. Look at where the war is being fought and whose civilians are being killed. Anybody who believes the ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 25, 2022:
In a 2015 The Guardian called Ukraine "the most corrupt nation in Europe". When US by far is the most major war invading of countries in world modern history. Wouldn't you think they would make the best bed partners in international crime?
Quotable Quote- "There is no problem, anywhere in the world, that government intervention cannot ...
Matias comments on Aug 24, 2022:
That's why migrants flock to failed states like Libya or Somalia because there is so little government in these countries that could make things worse. I suggest you move to Mexico where government is virtually absent.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 25, 2022:
@BDair I lived a little in Mexico, they are happier, far less Government too.
Now that American citizens have had six months to feel the effect of their governments policies ...
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 25, 2022:
Ukraine President maybe treated like the Iraq President. Get themselves hung instead of collecting an American pension.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 25, 2022:
@Petter Hung is a slang word for hang. Heard it used in a few old western movies.
Now that American citizens have had six months to feel the effect of their governments policies ...
Moravian comments on Aug 25, 2022:
My neighbours dog bit me the other day but it was my fault. I provoked it by petting the cat on the other side of the street.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 25, 2022:
That is not a normal nature of a dog. You were either petting the cat with a stick or you were in the dogs territory.
Now that American citizens have had six months to feel the effect of their governments policies ...
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 25, 2022:
Ukraine President maybe treated like the Iraq President. Get themselves hung instead of collecting an American pension.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 25, 2022:
@Petter American Nato is famous for creating Frankensteins like Saddam all over the world. Saddam served the US for 20 years and the War with Iran.. Instead of him getting a US war pension or benefit. They destroyed this monsters they created by hanging him, even though he is President. NATO is already having problems with Ukraine President.
“Trump, Without the Presidency's Protections, Struggles for a Strategy” This is a long and ...
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 24, 2022:
I won't believe anything the Government says, when the public talks more about the man who not running the country, to the man, who is supposed to be running the country. It cancel them both out, and is the greatest waste of time. What runs me is bio-organism first health, family, individual ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 24, 2022:
@silverotter11 Haven't heard a bear story like this. Since the Bible told a story about baldheaded priest who was angry over kids laughing at his bald head. Then the priest prayed to God to bring down a bear to shred all the kids to death. Those pesty kids.
“Trump, Without the Presidency's Protections, Struggles for a Strategy” This is a long and ...
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 24, 2022:
I won't believe anything the Government says, when the public talks more about the man who not running the country, to the man, who is supposed to be running the country. It cancel them both out, and is the greatest waste of time. What runs me is bio-organism first health, family, individual ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 24, 2022:
@MizJ America has not been a democracy since Abraham Lincoln death, Then US was claimed under martial law causing every year a major war or they loose their US Corp authorities. A president is of a corporation, not of a country. America is not a Country, it is a confederation of Corporations and ii is the only true God daily, It has not been a democracy since. Keep repeating I'm not against anything. The greatest empowerment and for circle of love one's is personal growth, not centroism.
To all my haters and most of all to the haters who have blocked me thinking it would bother me for ...
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 24, 2022:
Too many fucks, losses it's meaning. Unless the song was written by the KKK or mafia. Just change the word hate for love. Then the world will be a better place.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 24, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Not ever done meth or Q. I mean really cut down on hate shit. I'M a lover, not a fighting , unless it is for love.
“Trump, Without the Presidency's Protections, Struggles for a Strategy” This is a long and ...
silverotter11 comments on Aug 24, 2022:
I find it amusing how some people who don't even live in the U.S. trash talk but just like certain groups in the U.S. offer NOT ONE solution on how to correct course. Sadly everything about lardo was well known before he even announced he was running (again) for the office of the president in 2016....
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 24, 2022:
I lived in the US for 20 years and traveled every state except Alaska. At one time US was the best place for me, Although today it's moving to ground zero.
“Trump, Without the Presidency's Protections, Struggles for a Strategy” This is a long and ...
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 24, 2022:
I won't believe anything the Government says, when the public talks more about the man who not running the country, to the man, who is supposed to be running the country. It cancel them both out, and is the greatest waste of time. What runs me is bio-organism first health, family, individual ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 24, 2022:
@silverotter11 People already police themselves, free trade and volunteer system take care better than the Government dose. Government can take care of the small stuff best. Government trying to run our lives completely, makes them bullies theifing nearly half our money. Then they punish you for prodding the bear. Govement telling what we can build on our land. Covid recently tells people what work one can do, How to travel, who to have relationship with, how to travel, forget it. Nobody owns me or can enslave me.
Dating For KKK Members (Or Something Like That) 🙄 They're sorry you've had to try to navigate...
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 15, 2022:
Seems many here are anti right wing and anti religion. I'm not anti anything because that is always part of the problem on both extreme sides. Come on folks!!!! live and let live, as long as they as not harming you directly. I'm not for religion or politricks , although I am for the freedom of ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 23, 2022:
@SeaGreenEyez We the people are good, not We the Government. Peace and Love.
Dating For KKK Members (Or Something Like That) 🙄 They're sorry you've had to try to navigate...
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 15, 2022:
Seems many here are anti right wing and anti religion. I'm not anti anything because that is always part of the problem on both extreme sides. Come on folks!!!! live and let live, as long as they as not harming you directly. I'm not for religion or politricks , although I am for the freedom of ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 23, 2022:
@SeaGreenEyez No matter what wing , the Government and Centro banks have already been the most extreme terrorist and scammer, People are generally good. When people switch their game from hierarchy chess or monopoly to tit for tat. Then they would know the difference.
Dating For KKK Members (Or Something Like That) 🙄 They're sorry you've had to try to navigate...
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 14, 2022:
Didn't see any kkk dating. That would be very strange.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 23, 2022:
@SeaGreenEyez Very few would love the kkk enough because they hate so many kinds of people. With only 3000 members nationwide, it would hardly make a dent in the election. I bet many of them smoke pot and just bad mouth the difference races today, being nearly half of them farmers.
Where black slaves mostly shipped to America?. Or were most blacks already here? []
creative51 comments on Aug 22, 2022:
I am surprised at your general ignorance. Anyway, there is much history to slavery. This wikipedia link gives an extensive background to slavery from ancient times to the present. Within this article is a section on the slave trade to the "New World". Read the entire article and learn something. ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 22, 2022:
Wiki hardly tells me anything. I know very few people that have taken the professional time and energy to work with historians and sciencist throughout North and South America on historical studies and historical displays. I don't trust the Government historical His-story anymore than the atheist would trust the Bible. And both Christians and Government dominate the economic and social landscape
Where black slaves mostly shipped to America?. Or were most blacks already here? []
Lauren comments on Aug 22, 2022:
America was not the only place Africans were shipped as slaves, but I don't understand the point of your question? Are you inferring that the majority of Black people were not slaves?
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 22, 2022:
Many Caribbean blacks claim they were here long before Columbus time Then Columbus took back slaves to Europe. Also the crew related to Columbus arrival, also Genocide a million natives. I know alot about this from building a Sunken treasure pirate museum in St Petersburg Florida. COLUMBUS was my major feature as a pirate. New Spain. Between 1502 and 1866, of the 11.2 million Africans taken, only 388,000 arrived in North America, while the rest went to Brazil, the European colonies in the Caribbean and Spanish territories in Central and South America, in that order. These slaves were brought as early as the 16th and 17th centuries. South America artifacts are full of black history long before Columbus. That long a trip, make little sense, since the native blacks tell me an entire different story. Built museum display works down there. South America do not have a nice war history with US, as they have invaded brown people countries more than any other race.
Where black slaves mostly shipped to America?. Or were most blacks already here? []
BD66 comments on Aug 22, 2022:
They were shipped to the Americas.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 22, 2022:
@BD66 Portuguese dominance of the slave trade had horrible life conditions and half died during shipping. I sure some were successful, I know I would rather die than be a lifetime slave. Although many today don't care if they are slaves
Where black slaves mostly shipped to America?. Or were most blacks already here? []
BD66 comments on Aug 22, 2022:
They were shipped to the Americas.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 22, 2022:
@BD66 I don't have to read that many books, to find it didn't make economical sense to ship a cargo, where half the blacks died during shipping. It makes more sense to take them locally and raise families of black here. Salvery is even bigger today than any other time in history. Sex salvery, or organs of a healthy person can be worth up 40 million dollars.
Where black slaves mostly shipped to America?. Or were most blacks already here? []
BD66 comments on Aug 22, 2022:
They were shipped to the Americas.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 22, 2022:
Out of 10.7 million Africans were shipped directly to North America? Only about 388,000: a tiny percentage within 400 years delivered. From my tours throughout North and South America and building a few historical displays in museums. I see many of these black sculptures in dozens of museums and the native have a entire different story. The white man kept telling us Jesus was white and they are the superior race and salvery is normal for 400 years. What other lie are they telling us today as these winners wrote in His-story.
Saying your anti mandate, is like the same as, saying your anti vaxxers.
MizJ comments on Aug 20, 2022:
Getting vaxxed lowers the likelihood of one passing on a deadly virus to others in the community that may have risk factors that make getting COVID potentially lethal. By lowering the community spread we also keep hospitals from being overwhelmed and unable to care for others that need care for ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 21, 2022:
@MizJ This discussion is about health and happiness. If food, freedom and housing in my personal and business life that is working for ultimate solution and I want to share. I don't know how in the world Governments, banksters and drug pharmaceutical who control most of the economy and society systems is going to help us get healthier or happier. Not when US life span has shorten by 2 years. The greatest bad mother of all ideas was the covid world order normal.
Saying your anti mandate, is like the same as, saying your anti vaxxers.
MizJ comments on Aug 20, 2022:
Getting vaxxed lowers the likelihood of one passing on a deadly virus to others in the community that may have risk factors that make getting COVID potentially lethal. By lowering the community spread we also keep hospitals from being overwhelmed and unable to care for others that need care for ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 21, 2022:
@MizJ I can possibly get insulted if it is truth about my flaws.. Since I adjust my flaws as I go along, so I don't get insulted. Don't do arguments because that's an angry discussion and angry is inefficient. As far as teacher who more often can not do, calling them amateurs. I already live a holistic lifestyle of healthy food, freedom and affordable tiny housing. Who can teach me beauty and how much better can they teach me any greater than my own off grid and free trade community?
Saying your anti mandate, is like the same as, saying your anti vaxxers.
MizJ comments on Aug 20, 2022:
Getting vaxxed lowers the likelihood of one passing on a deadly virus to others in the community that may have risk factors that make getting COVID potentially lethal. By lowering the community spread we also keep hospitals from being overwhelmed and unable to care for others that need care for ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 21, 2022:
@MizJ Fauci and Biden have caught covid twice and Fauci is no where to be found. CDC is running for the hills. Where else are you getting your science from,.... Pfizer?
Texas will force schools to display donated 'In God We Trust' posters
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 20, 2022:
In God we trust, all others must pay cash. If the Government is God, I don't trust the Government.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 21, 2022:
@Paul4747 When the Government tells me what I can build on my land. Tells what work I can Do and can't do Tell me how to travel and what I must put into my body. No other words for it for me, it's salvery. Government can change the definition of salvery or vaccines all they want, they are no boss or master of me.
Saying your anti mandate, is like the same as, saying your anti vaxxers.
MyTVC15 comments on Aug 20, 2022:
I know a man who is so anti-rape that he is, in fact, anti-sex. He calls himself "sexually anorexic". He believes if he has sex with a woman it is the same as raping her.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 21, 2022:
Rape can be categorized in different , by the identity or characteristics of the victim, and by the identity or characteristics of the perpetrator. I have been raped by my government of any travel or crowd draws of my ultimate love of sandsculptures, a given rape can fit into multiple categories. Date rape Gang rape Spousal rape Rape of children Statutory rape Prison rape Serial rape Payback rape War rape Rape by deception I haven't had sex for over 2 years, over Being unvaxxed
Saying your anti mandate, is like the same as, saying your anti vaxxers.
MizJ comments on Aug 20, 2022:
Getting vaxxed lowers the likelihood of one passing on a deadly virus to others in the community that may have risk factors that make getting COVID potentially lethal. By lowering the community spread we also keep hospitals from being overwhelmed and unable to care for others that need care for ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 21, 2022:
@MizJ Biden said vaccines are 100% safe. President Joe Biden interacts with members of the audience during a commercial break for a CNN town hall at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Wednesday, July 21, 2021. (AP)
Saying your anti mandate, is like the same as, saying your anti vaxxers.
Garban comments on Aug 20, 2022:
Did someone hold you down to give you your “mandated” shot or was it like Wild Kingdom with Marlin Perkins chasing you in a helicopter with a tranquilizer gun?
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 21, 2022:
The greatest protests of any kind in human history has been in farming toxic practices and vaccines . The greatest push back is provented them to going to the next level of vaccine dart guns and butt plugs.
Saying your anti mandate, is like the same as, saying your anti vaxxers.
Dhiltong comments on Aug 20, 2022:
It’s ‘you’re’ not ‘your’........I’m anti-bad grammar.....
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 21, 2022:
@Dhiltong As long as they don't sacrifice unvaxxers, I may go to Burning Man for good times, if they let me out of the country.
Saying your anti mandate, is like the same as, saying your anti vaxxers.
MizJ comments on Aug 20, 2022:
Getting vaxxed lowers the likelihood of one passing on a deadly virus to others in the community that may have risk factors that make getting COVID potentially lethal. By lowering the community spread we also keep hospitals from being overwhelmed and unable to care for others that need care for ...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 21, 2022:
Half of America has covid. Fauci, Biden Trudeau and dozens of news networks have had covid twice or more They all said vaccines are 100% safe or very save. Do Governments and network media have ever lied to you?
Saying your anti mandate, is like the same as, saying your anti vaxxers.
Garban comments on Aug 20, 2022:
Did someone hold you down to give you your “mandated” shot or was it like Wild Kingdom with Marlin Perkins chasing you in a helicopter with a tranquilizer gun?
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 21, 2022:
@Garban Also Christian go to bars to wash their sins.
Saying your anti mandate, is like the same as, saying your anti vaxxers.
FrostyJim comments on Aug 20, 2022:
You get the Darwin award for today...
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 21, 2022:
I just don't like labels on people. Warning labels on products is very healthy, and people who don't like that, are stupid
Saying your anti mandate, is like the same as, saying your anti vaxxers.
DenoPenno comments on Aug 20, 2022:
Vaxxed all my life and not dead yet. BTW, the issue is not about killing you. It's about keeping as many people as possible alive so they can continue to get your money. If I can sell you anything, anything at all, I have your money.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 21, 2022:
@DenoPenno If they treated covid like the flu, we WOULDN'T have shut down the whole world over it, that is the worst health model by far ever experienced by people in this life time. The vast majority of people who got the flu had also taken the flu shots most often. Where I and people I know who did not take the flu shots and who didnt caught the flu. Same with malaria and aids shots in Africa, it only increase tbe deaths. It is why Africains are wise by experience to covid vaccines . European take vaccines 8times% greater than Africans and European have 15 times greater covid deaths per capita.
Saying your anti mandate, is like the same as, saying your anti vaxxers.
MizJ comments on Aug 20, 2022:
Rape is more about control, violence, and injury than it is about sex.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 21, 2022:
I DON'T support rape of any kind. I was drug raped by a man when I was age 13. That was a tickle in my childhood trauma compared to my alcohol father beating me up. I am for homosexual today and the second half of my fathers life was great. I don't carry regrets, Only could have regrets if I let the Government rape me for my work, that I love all my adult life. Or rape me of relationships with my family and dying grandma visit in the hospital. Rape me from swimming excerize, from dating, traveling , supplies chain and outrageous inflation. I don't care if Trudeau had covid four times and shots 5 times, it only proves it doesn't work.
Saying your anti mandate, is like the same as, saying your anti vaxxers.
Dhiltong comments on Aug 20, 2022:
It’s ‘you’re’ not ‘your’........I’m anti-bad grammar.....
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 20, 2022:
@Dhiltong Burning Man Fest seems really fun. It would be better serve your burning man bit, in front of Biden. That would have much more expressive meaning. Just don't put my name on it, I love beauty not touching torture.
Texas will force schools to display donated 'In God We Trust' posters
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 20, 2022:
In God we trust, all others must pay cash. If the Government is God, I don't trust the Government.
Castlepaloma replies on Aug 20, 2022:
@Paul4747 In reality the only God is called the Government and its over dominated by the religious. Funny there is no word God in the US constitution, yet there is one in the Canadain one. God we trust is an amendment. If many people want to trust both institutions of centroism. I know I won't be moving toward their kind of ownership and salvery. Making my own sacrifices, for personal growth, not gross nationalism


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