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One of 20 sculptures of the history of Oklahoma
PUBLIC PRAYER The problem with public ...
nicestuff comments on May 1, 2022:
Prayer in public reeks of arrogance and exhibitionism. It's an affront: you're either with us, the "one true way," or you're lost. What other religionists besides Christians do you ever see praying publicly in the USA?
Castlepaloma replies on May 2, 2022:
@rainmanjr I agree with Bill Maher Comedian are the most serious and truthful people I know,. Many need to lighten up.
PUBLIC PRAYER The problem with public ...
nicestuff comments on May 1, 2022:
Prayer in public reeks of arrogance and exhibitionism. It's an affront: you're either with us, the "one true way," or you're lost. What other religionists besides Christians do you ever see praying publicly in the USA?
Castlepaloma replies on May 2, 2022:
@rainmanjr I read about it in a News paper years ago. I don't see this happening in the US, but Canadians, they are super sensitive, when it comes to racial slurs. I seen personally plenty of people getting fired, over just saying a racial slur once. Personally I find it hurts free speech and humor.
PUBLIC PRAYER The problem with public ...
nicestuff comments on May 1, 2022:
Prayer in public reeks of arrogance and exhibitionism. It's an affront: you're either with us, the "one true way," or you're lost. What other religionists besides Christians do you ever see praying publicly in the USA?
Castlepaloma replies on May 1, 2022:
@rainmanjr There was a Canadian cop went into a muslim guys backyard. The muslim was beating his rug on the clothes line. The Cop said, what is the matter? can't get it started this morning. The cop was fired for racial discrimination.
Christians joining FFRF to counter the Christian Nationalism idea spreading in this country.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 30, 2022:
Nationalism is more dangerous than Religion. Certainly many here, do not agree with me, here on this site. Racists have gotten a lot .better, yet still a long ways to go.
Castlepaloma replies on May 1, 2022:
@CuddyCruiser Right now, it feels like a friendly dictorship in Canada.
Revamping Our Dysfunctional Drug Approval Process It is a tried-and-true tactic with effective and...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 28, 2022:
You have No Idea how clinical trials work, do sad. I have participated in several, and scheduled for more, so I actually have knowledge about how they work.
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 29, 2022:
@AnneWimsey Not a stick in the mud, II voluntarily use creatively play with words, My BS detector won't let me carelessly lie to you.
Revamping Our Dysfunctional Drug Approval Process It is a tried-and-true tactic with effective and...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 28, 2022:
You have No Idea how clinical trials work, do sad. I have participated in several, and scheduled for more, so I actually have knowledge about how they work.
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 29, 2022:
@BDair Think she may work for Biden's volunteerly group.. Where vaccines are 100% safe, and Presidents and mainstream and big Pharma are 100% honest. If one loves living like programed pawns and pavlov dogs.
Revamping Our Dysfunctional Drug Approval Process It is a tried-and-true tactic with effective and...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 27, 2022:
I'm glad some countries like Mexico are on to the great scam of pharmaceutical companies.
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 29, 2022:
@BDair Many People can't add risk factors, when it comes to actually saving their own lives. Don't need to be a riocket science to figure it out, just need to be awake in life.
How does the war in Ukraine affect the natural life support system (environment)?
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Eliminating the human species would be the best thing for the natural environment
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 27, 2022:
@JackPedigo The game is to be last, fun being in a real live game. Rather than living in matrix system playing their games.
Who agrees?
BufftonBeotch comments on Apr 27, 2022:
I have a Twitter account, but it is not something I've actively used more than a handful of times. I don't even see tweets unless they are posted somewhere else on social media or read on TV. Biden did save America because the orange stain would have destroyed us. NATO would also have been gone ...
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 27, 2022:
The idea that any top politicians like Trump, Biden or Putin are going to save us. Any more than synthetic billionaire or trillions.will, Is the greatest lie and joke of in our lifetime. Sorry many have been duped , not me because nobody but me leads me or owns me.
How does the war in Ukraine affect the natural life support system (environment)?
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Eliminating the human species would be the best thing for the natural environment
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 27, 2022:
@JackPedigo Well, at least, I can be always optimistic, no matter what happens.
It is a sad reality we are living in today.
Matias comments on Apr 22, 2022:
A common misconception: in sports, it is not gender identities but *bodies* that compete against each other. The crucial question: Has a body undergone male or female puberty? Everything else is irrelevant, if you want to have a fair competition.
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 22, 2022:
@BDair During the last season in the NCAA, Lia Thomas competed in the men’s division, in 2018-19. There, she ranked 554th in the 200-yd freestyle, and she is now fifth in the event this year. In Canada, all one has to do, is tell the doctor, you feel like a woman,and they can change your ID to a woman status. And improve ones athletic status by a 100 fold.
Is bruce Jenner the father of his 6 children?
Betty comments on Apr 19, 2022:
This is none of my business. This is between Caitlyn Jenner and her family. No one gets to decide how she identifies.
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 20, 2022:
@Betty Prohibition and mandates have had a horrible results in recent human history. I don't vote because government and bankers are the worst scammers in recent human history. My world priority is healthy food , freedom and affordable housing in that order. I'm not against anything, as long as it doesn't harm. Although not for somethings. I'm not for mandating to comply to Covid science lies or bylaws of confused sexual private realationship. If people want to be sheep and follow everything they are programed, go for it. I do agree to make same sex legal, where there is 80 countries where it is illegal. One step at a time. I remember. when same sex was illegal as a young man in Canada.
Is bruce Jenner the father of his 6 children?
Betty comments on Apr 19, 2022:
This is none of my business. This is between Caitlyn Jenner and her family. No one gets to decide how she identifies.
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 20, 2022:
@Betty I've been in the media 1000s of times, often they get my name wrong. Good thing I'm not sue happy. Peterson would get his students names right better than the press would get my name right. As far as gender choices, that is their own private business. Not even a top pychocist can figure out what goes on behind their eye balls and often enough, these youths don't know what they are themselves. Respect and honesty comes in degrees, if a name is that important to you. I would adjust to your correct given name. Yet to guess what gender you wish to be, other than what you were born as. Is a fantasy confused, I don't want to encage in, and certainly don't want to be punished worst than the crime for. Hitler enforce his laws, question is? were they fair justice?
Is bruce Jenner the father of his 6 children?
Betty comments on Apr 19, 2022:
This is none of my business. This is between Caitlyn Jenner and her family. No one gets to decide how she identifies.
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 20, 2022:
@TheMiddleWay Petterson went out of his way to keep free speech free. Not ever in recent history certain speech has been enforced to use against peoples will. Or one is heavily fine or can loose their job over, To forced against your will to say something, that one may think is not correct or not good enough anwer. If free speech dies, it turns into constant fear mongering or totalterrisim .
Is bruce Jenner the father of his 6 children?
Betty comments on Apr 19, 2022:
This is none of my business. This is between Caitlyn Jenner and her family. No one gets to decide how she identifies.
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 20, 2022:
@Betty It's no consequence to me of what ever a person dose to their own mind and body. Drill hole into their heads or cut off limbs of their bodies, if that makes them feel more hollier than thou. Just don't make national or international laws of whatever people must say or not say as free thought. Free speech is a more important as a learning tool than whatever people may delusion themselves with this political correctness woke societies.
Is bruce Jenner the father of his 6 children?
creative51 comments on Apr 19, 2022:
Makes no difference to me. I think it should make no difference to anyone else. In your profile its says " Do what I can to produce and benefit society". Just how the fuck does this stupid post live up to what you (apparently falsely) claim is your personal goal?
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 19, 2022:
@Betty Personal choice, like the unvaxxed or anything goes in or out of one's own body is most important. That goes for choice also, of what I may say for free speech. For if I am force to say for whatever I may agree or disagree, I have a choice to address nothing, if I choose, like the 5th. Charge me for saying nothing, that won't work either.
Is bruce Jenner the father of his 6 children?
Betty comments on Apr 19, 2022:
This is none of my business. This is between Caitlyn Jenner and her family. No one gets to decide how she identifies.
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 19, 2022:
@Betty I respect they, he/she can be what ever they want to be. Just the persons must respect my freedom of speech also, or go somewhere else.
Is bruce Jenner the father of his 6 children?
Betty comments on Apr 19, 2022:
This is none of my business. This is between Caitlyn Jenner and her family. No one gets to decide how she identifies.
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 19, 2022:
@TheMiddleWay! Jordan Petterson lost his teaching profession at the university of Toronto.
The five laws of Stupid people.
Matias comments on Apr 19, 2022:
Does he give any definition of "stupid"? Or is "law 3" his definition? But Law 3 describes a *spiteful* person, not a stupid one. (BTW: The gain a spiteful person may derive is *schadenfreude*)
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 19, 2022:
The are many political or greedy people, where the mass would think of these people as very intelligent. Who are actually cunning and not really a gain for the people and being more hurtful is an act of stupid. Ultimately being harmful to people or the leading cause of death is stupidity. Revenge is like digging 2 graves.
Is bruce Jenner the father of his 6 children?
Betty comments on Apr 19, 2022:
This is none of my business. This is between Caitlyn Jenner and her family. No one gets to decide how she identifies.
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 19, 2022:
@Betty Very rare anyone is going to know these names and some professionals have lost their jobs over it. They are bringing in a few other nonsense laws that harm free speech.
Is bruce Jenner the father of his 6 children?
Betty comments on Apr 19, 2022:
This is none of my business. This is between Caitlyn Jenner and her family. No one gets to decide how she identifies.
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 19, 2022:
It seems to be many people's curiousity when Caitlyn is all over the news pushing her agenda. In Canada, by law we have to address a person by the 30 different gender names, as we are supposed to know or can be serious punishment. This harms free speech.
Is bruce Jenner the father of his 6 children?
creative51 comments on Apr 19, 2022:
Makes no difference to me. I think it should make no difference to anyone else. In your profile its says " Do what I can to produce and benefit society". Just how the fuck does this stupid post live up to what you (apparently falsely) claim is your personal goal?
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 19, 2022:
it is not stupid to ask questions or be curious. Seems to be many different options on the topic. Are you a biologist and know what goes on behind the body and mind? If so, Please, then tell us the correct answer.
Study: Persistent heart abnormalities observed in COVID-19 vaccinated kids - []
BDair comments on Apr 13, 2022:
It couldn't have anything to do with the safe and effective jabs, heart attacks and strokes are just a common natural occurrence in young people.
Castlepaloma replies on Apr 13, 2022:
Very rare I've heard of children with heart problems when I was in my youth. I don't trust mainstream medical profession anymore as it's the leading cause of death in the world.
Not that I anticipate self entitled Americans apart from the trolls to read this article - it's ...
FvckY0u comments on Mar 22, 2022:
more nonsense. Did you hear state TV in Russia is pushing for nuclear war?
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 23, 2022:
@p-nullifidian I'm a lover, not a fighter, especially when ultimately harm in the game of death is being play out by the ultimate type of bullies. Many Ukrainian are saying they will fight to every last Ukrainian man or women are standing. War is unjust and insane, I don't break my ultimate rule of harm. What is so difficult to understand? Would you fight to the very last person, if it was your country like Ukraine?
Not that I anticipate self entitled Americans apart from the trolls to read this article - it's ...
FvckY0u comments on Mar 22, 2022:
more nonsense. Did you hear state TV in Russia is pushing for nuclear war?
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 23, 2022:
@darren316 I would be among the 3 million Ukrainian that excaped Ukraine, if it was my home. I don't care if world leaders take temper tantrums out on the decent people. I will be faster, smarter and better than the biggest baddest bullies from hell on earth. Then come back when the horrible shit settlers.
This is fucked up.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 19, 2022:
Most everyone is complaining about gas prices, are we all losers?
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 19, 2022:
@OldMetalHead What do I care about politics, I'm an anarchist. I'm talking about stealing, murder and self defense, the ultimate in game over.
This is fucked up.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 19, 2022:
Most everyone is complaining about gas prices, are we all losers?
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 19, 2022:
@OldMetalHead Young people often complain about gas prices, because they are often broke, so what is the point? Saving his own life wail protection a car lot from burning down was his original point. I wouldn't have done that, he was a kid. So hey, no police protection and who was going to save the black mans car lot When car lots around them were burned to the ground. I guess stealing like in San Francisco is illegal without money is a new fashion too.
19th March 2003…🇺🇸 US President George W.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 19, 2022:
That is the same man who took away my US greencard for refusing him a war sculpture. It will be the same story for me being unvaxxed, Already the majority of opposing scientists and doctors who were force to shut up have proven the vaccines are deadly worst than our natural immune systems. What is ...
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 19, 2022:
@NostraDumbass I have many more real doctors and sciencist on our side. What is on the side of vaccine. Fauci gone, CDC in hiding, Big Pharma, banks, State and technocrats. The greatest liars and murderers on the planet. If a mono sexual wants to castigate them, so be it, I'm not into harm. I won't hurt my perfect road record. Don't loose your dog
19th March 2003…🇺🇸 US President George W.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 19, 2022:
That is the same man who took away my US greencard for refusing him a war sculpture. It will be the same story for me being unvaxxed, Already the majority of opposing scientists and doctors who were force to shut up have proven the vaccines are deadly worst than our natural immune systems. What is ...
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 19, 2022:
@NostraDumbass You don't realize I do life coaching and have clients reach for the stars and bring back what they can down to earth. I love my sandsculptures project, one was 6 acres and 67 feet tall of ancient civilizations. So I do love digging. Disagreeing is not putting people down. Why try bringing people down, for a different way of thinking? I would not join a club where everyone was just like me.
19th March 2003…🇺🇸 US President George W.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 19, 2022:
That is the same man who took away my US greencard for refusing him a war sculpture. It will be the same story for me being unvaxxed, Already the majority of opposing scientists and doctors who were force to shut up have proven the vaccines are deadly worst than our natural immune systems. What is ...
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 19, 2022:
@NostraDumbass Ultimately murdering people need more than psychiatrist , They need serious love and get away from all their fear mongering and mental illness for probably all their lives. With healthy food, family and love ones and beautiful housing is all I need rather than drug pushing snythetic Doctors.
Bwaaaahahahahahahaha... Where are all the feminist these days?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 18, 2022:
And i have no problem with people living their lives as they see
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 19, 2022:
@Tejas Combine the open sex and drug Olympic games
Bwaaaahahahahahahaha... Where are all the feminist these days?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 18, 2022:
And i have no problem with people living their lives as they see
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 19, 2022:
I always wanted to be a lesbian in my next life. Why wait?, just go to my Canadian doctor tell him, I've always felt like a woman. And then I can change my ID to female. Then go to all the locker rooms, washrooms or even prisons and have my wish and pick,
No skin off my nose, I totally live off grid and totally self sufficient.
Paul4747 comments on Mar 15, 2022:
So if I understand you, the pharmaceutical companies in collaboration with both Russia and NATO, staged the invasion of Ukraine? I ask merely out of curiosity, wondering just how far down your personal rabbit hole goes.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 17, 2022:
@Paul4747 I'm produce healthy organic foods, Freedom and affordable housing and more comfortable than the majority. And not worried about financial problems weekly or everyday.. No need for corrupted Government stealing and murder of nature and sheep people. All produced by the ugly overlords of unbalanced.
No skin off my nose, I totally live off grid and totally self sufficient.
TimeOutForMe comments on Mar 16, 2022:
I would certainly love to live totally of the grid. I already have a solar geyzer and cook with natural gas. I still need fuel for my car though.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 17, 2022:
@TimeOutForMe Most of our success was building tiny houses in Latin America, mainly for easy legistic reasons of building codes. In Canada tiny houses has been more illegal than weed. Yet times are changing rapidly become most people can not afford a house and government systems, suck overall.
No skin off my nose, I totally live off grid and totally self sufficient.
Paul4747 comments on Mar 15, 2022:
So if I understand you, the pharmaceutical companies in collaboration with both Russia and NATO, staged the invasion of Ukraine? I ask merely out of curiosity, wondering just how far down your personal rabbit hole goes.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 17, 2022:
@Paul4747 How ever one spins it , the government is always screwing with nature and most importantly a plant that serves humankind better than any diverse and useful plant on earth and that is cannabis.
Italian street artist fights academic demonisation of Russian author with giant portrait:
Petter comments on Mar 16, 2022:
For F's sake. **Stop praising Russia and pushing their state propaganda.**
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 17, 2022:
@FrayedBear Of 47 years of being a professional artist , I've not ever touch the red flag and the false flags of politicians nor Religion. Being an anarchist and history buff I know the vast majority of everything that they touch, turns to sloppy horrible shit. Governments proprrganda is worst than how I shit. That sloppy and and all over. There is no reason for war other than for power and greed It's not about the people, people are better of leading themselves.
No skin off my nose, I totally live off grid and totally self sufficient.
TimeOutForMe comments on Mar 16, 2022:
I would certainly love to live totally of the grid. I already have a solar geyzer and cook with natural gas. I still need fuel for my car though.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 16, 2022:
@TimeOutForMe We get free spring water, filled ups in my area. I build tiny houses that are affordable for a minimum wage person. With solar and a gas generator back up or it's for high energy tools. Grey water system and a rocket stove/over/mass heater. All for $22,000 complete. Some are earning by labor for their house. Other urban farming for me for their tiny house building .
No skin off my nose, I totally live off grid and totally self sufficient.
Paul4747 comments on Mar 15, 2022:
So if I understand you, the pharmaceutical companies in collaboration with both Russia and NATO, staged the invasion of Ukraine? I ask merely out of curiosity, wondering just how far down your personal rabbit hole goes.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 16, 2022:
@Paul4747 US Government has a patent on marijuana and the FDA schedule it One, that worst the schedule 2 alcohol, meth and cocaine.
No skin off my nose, I totally live off grid and totally self sufficient.
Cast1es comments on Mar 16, 2022:
Hadn't heard of any report showing that the CDC is saying more people die of vaccines than natural causes , but will attempt to look for it . Was that authored by Trump ?
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 16, 2022:
@Cast1es Even Bill Gates says natural immunity is safer than vaccines for omicron. Sad times for Billionaire with far too much over stock investment. Gates vaccines was the best investment he has ever made. More than his GMO farming or his Software.
No skin off my nose, I totally live off grid and totally self sufficient.
Cast1es comments on Mar 16, 2022:
Hadn't heard of any report showing that the CDC is saying more people die of vaccines than natural causes , but will attempt to look for it . Was that authored by Trump ?
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 16, 2022:
For sure not Trump, Trump loves his 3 jabs of vaccines , plus his whole family. He now encourage all American to get the vaccines even Fauci praises Trump for it. Just another political traitor.
No skin off my nose, I totally live off grid and totally self sufficient.
Cast1es comments on Mar 15, 2022:
With the drug cartels , the corruption in governments , etc., when has Latin America ever been , "safe?"
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 16, 2022:
@CuddyCruiser Yes, they are more profitable than oil and gas. The most dangerous and take less responsibility
No skin off my nose, I totally live off grid and totally self sufficient.
Paul4747 comments on Mar 15, 2022:
So if I understand you, the pharmaceutical companies in collaboration with both Russia and NATO, staged the invasion of Ukraine? I ask merely out of curiosity, wondering just how far down your personal rabbit hole goes.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 16, 2022:
Once did go down the rabbit holds too many times. Then found out it was not worth going further. What ever the private Feds and corporatism can create, I can create in my own private world, with a like minded people, in a green community. Alcohol is Russians drug of choice, US FDA - Fear and Dead Association or food and drugs. FDA claim they own the rights to marijuana and made it illegal worldwide. Same with Petro dallors, that where once US had a reach of 90% of the world,. Same with Centro banking the Source of all wars. US is ground zero of the recent worldwide collapse. Except Building back better billionaire won't work, because the mass population gets tired of the great abuse. Than they make the positive changes needed, not religious or political. As they always have throughout human history.
No skin off my nose, I totally live off grid and totally self sufficient.
Cast1es comments on Mar 15, 2022:
With the drug cartels , the corruption in governments , etc., when has Latin America ever been , "safe?"
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 15, 2022:
Most of the Latinos I know don't like Pharmaceutical drugs. Where legal drugs kill us far more than illegal drugs. One third of North America economy is based on drugs. The true drug Cartels are our Governments. The drugs cartel in Latin America world, work as the military and help out the citizens during crisis. Not like the old day of drug cartel or many bikers have changed their image also.
No skin off my nose, I totally live off grid and totally self sufficient.
FvckY0u comments on Mar 15, 2022:
first dibs on any extra space you've got once the nukes start flying.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 15, 2022:
I got rid of that fear hiding under my desk from nuclear attack siren with my teacher in the 60s. Then I ask her, will these desks protect us from nuclear radiation? Imagine if lived the rest of my life in fear, for 60 more years. Rather than living it with love all that time, or fear would be such a waste of life it would be.
Former Russian oligarch offers $1 million, dead or alive for Putin.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 15, 2022:
if one kills someone to prove killing is wrong that would make them a hypocrite. NATO is worst. Another weapon of mass distraction.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 15, 2022:
@JackPedigo Only time to kill is last resort to protect yourself or family of equal force. I understand Ukraine situation. Personal I would take my family and get the hell out there, if I lived in Ukraine. This a wealthy globally centralist war ultimately.
Weapons of Mass distraction Phase 1.
wordywalt comments on Mar 13, 2022:
I can't remember when I have read such idiocy as your post.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 14, 2022:
@wordywalt There are some top politician or soildrers who are decent and not destroyers. Who don't break the constitutional and human right laws too often. Right now there is not enough of them. More importantly each one of us must change away from tyrants of fear and greed to love and kindness. Or Whatever works.
Weapons of Mass distraction Phase 1.
wordywalt comments on Mar 13, 2022:
I can't remember when I have read such idiocy as your post.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 13, 2022:
@wordywalt This is a pirate museum display with millions of dollars of historical artifacts. Had the Canadian largest sculpture shop employed 20 full time workers and hundreds of contractors, in sculpture ,scienctist and historicains. What can you show me, other than poli-tricks killings and at best world champion liars?
Weapons of Mass distraction Phase 1.
wordywalt comments on Mar 13, 2022:
I can't remember when I have read such idiocy as your post.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 13, 2022:
@AnneWimsey Can you see the top quality of my work on this forum ID photo?. I've traveled to 6 continents and built several sandsclptures on each one of them, over 47 years.. Won 5 sandsculpture world championship titles, more than anyone and metaled 26 times. It takes a million to one chance that a professional artist of any kind can be a fulltime professional for 4 decades. I deserve and paid my dues to call myself a world renowned artist. So has my Daughter traveling to 4 continent, displaying her work is also a world renowned artist. We are in business together. How is Michael Phelps being an Olympic gold medalist more than any athlete in the world?. From excellence, his downside is he suffers from depression. Maybe my downside is spelling. That doesn't mean I can't teach writers to reach international award winning level because I teach them about balance within themselves, by strengthening their weaknesses, not their strengths. World's tallest indoor sandcastle Show me, your toy bridges you sell?
Weapons of Mass distraction Phase 1.
wordywalt comments on Mar 13, 2022:
I can't remember when I have read such idiocy as your post.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 13, 2022:
@wordywalt Mainly from being a living example of loving my own work for most waking hours of my life and team work, for over 47 years. Been mainly Self-taught and international award winning in sculptor, horticulturist, athletics, tiny house builder and travels to 6 continents. Won 5 sandsculpture world championship titles and metaled 26 times. Build top natural history and dinosaurs museum displays. Won 194 international awards mostly science, historical and nature related. One example of my work is on this ID photo. Started out as an animator and now my daughter a world renowned animator for 11 years and the love of my life. I'm a life coach helping from balancing people's lives to top international award winning athletic, Artist, writers, horticulturist and from other walks of life. In the end, it's the person with the most joys in life, not most toys, who wins. I met hundreds of politicians and military men worldwide. Had my US green card taken from me for refusing to do a war sculpture for GW Bush. Because I think killing people is the lowest form of mental illness. Regardless of being an optimist and anarchist. Plus respect everyone in degrees and hope others would return the respect. Do whatever you want, just don't harm.
Weapons of Mass distraction Phase 1.
wordywalt comments on Mar 13, 2022:
I can't remember when I have read such idiocy as your post.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 13, 2022:
That means you don't understand and don't know enough to question it or rebuttal it.
A dirty low down rat, that's who! :-o
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 11, 2022:
I'm not allowed racists come backs because I am white.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 12, 2022:
@AmmaRE007 No violins, I'm privileged, yet have compassion
Where R all the trump supporters now???
Garban comments on Mar 10, 2022:
Send him to Russia, the Ukrainians would mock him.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 11, 2022:
Rittenhouse wants to sue people who mock him as a murderer. Wail he was protecting a black owned car lot from being set on fire, as many other car lots were pior set on fire . Why would he be a certified pychopath and go kill white folks oversea? The largest corporation in the world the US Military, do a fine job of murdering people in a uniform with a license to kill mostly poor people. The only time the US attacked white people, was Germany, because it was their job to own the world.
Where R all the trump supporters now???
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 10, 2022:
The kid is going after Lebron James, Biden and Whoopi for calling him a murderer in a court room. Who likes to be next? He was ganged up on by prior criminal record thugs. This gang all in the mean wail chasing after Rittenhouse wail still had a gun in his hand. They hit him with a rock, a ...
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 11, 2022:
@AnneWimsey Do you have a collection on tiny toy bridges? Don't imagine you cross many bridges otherwise. I feel the plandemic will go down in history as the worst health model ever invented by the greedy centralist.
Where R all the trump supporters now???
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 10, 2022:
The kid is going after Lebron James, Biden and Whoopi for calling him a murderer in a court room. Who likes to be next? He was ganged up on by prior criminal record thugs. This gang all in the mean wail chasing after Rittenhouse wail still had a gun in his hand. They hit him with a rock, a ...
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 10, 2022:
@CuddyCruiser I didn't say Police , Train them back to where they were of service and respected, like back in the 60s, and 70s . Rather increase the prisoners by 10 times, wail policing for profits. Vass majority of people don't want war, sanctions are good enough.
Stalin's numbers of deaths were worst than Hitler in Europe.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 6, 2022:
OMG both @Garban &@ silverotter11 & a couple more with brains are trying to talk sensibly with @castlepaloma! Hilarious squirming to deny his own words by @castlepaloma ensues! Then @CourtJester weighs in! Proceed at your peril!
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 8, 2022:
@AnneWimsey At least we are fun guys, my jokes are the most serious and honest part of me. Won't need a good straightening up if I've harmed anybody. As if I wasn't so happy with my food, freedom and affordable housing business. Unless you can enhance me moreso in an already healthy lifestyle,. Or you can stick to mudding in the mud of Poli- tricks and take plenty of jabs to fit all, fix all vaccines and be try joining a billionaire Club , it they don't club you first.and daliy.
Someone on here recently proclaimed that America, unlike Russia, does not censor people or prevent ...
creative51 comments on Mar 7, 2022:
USA is imperfect, Russia is even more imperfect.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 8, 2022:
This reminds me of the movie Dr. Strange love. The part where American and Russian were debating in the War room, that broke out into a physical fight.. The chairman yell out! There will be no fighting in the war room.
Someone on here recently proclaimed that America, unlike Russia, does not censor people or prevent ...
OldMetalHead comments on Mar 7, 2022:
Google is a private company. They are also really really bad at moderating YouTube. I'm not sure how this proves government censorship. All that said, are we just supposed to take their word for it that they're not funded by the Russian government? It's not like the Russian government ever lies,...
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 8, 2022:
@FrayedBear interesting different views on who is to blame.
Stalin's numbers of deaths were worst than Hitler in Europe.
Garban comments on Mar 6, 2022:
Seriously “ each US President killing millions of mostly of woman and children of the middle East over mostly banking and oil.”? Your source for this number please?
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 7, 2022:
@Garban I could die tomorrow and know my life has been successful by loving my work for most waking hours of my life. I've embarrassed my self in stand up comedy, due different jokes for different folks. As a life coach and professional artist my sandcastle is more real in reality than 80% of people who don't even like their job. I don't know what goes on behind your eyes balls and you don't know what goes on behind mine. So live and let live lighten up, don't take life so seriously.
Stalin's numbers of deaths were worst than Hitler in Europe.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 6, 2022:
OMG both @Garban &@ silverotter11 & a couple more with brains are trying to talk sensibly with @castlepaloma! Hilarious squirming to deny his own words by @castlepaloma ensues! Then @CourtJester weighs in! Proceed at your peril!
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 7, 2022:
My ass is covered in the MADD world of super rich doubling their profits during Covid world order. Wail the world separate into labels and go into endless conflict with no results with each other due to their owners , The most evil plan ever produced in the history of my lifetime is caught in to this world war 3 distraction from Covid to Ukraine. . I'm ready with the healthy food, freedom and affordable housing business and a professional life coach in business through this world's worst tragedy. Question is , are Silverrotter, Garban and Annawimsey prepared and ready for anything concerning humanity? If you need a doctor call CourtJester if he accept you.
Stalin's numbers of deaths were worst than Hitler in Europe.
Garban comments on Mar 6, 2022:
Seriously “ each US President killing millions of mostly of woman and children of the middle East over mostly banking and oil.”? Your source for this number please?
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 7, 2022:
@Garban Why would I trust American news when they were dead last out of 46 countries survey of trust worthy news.?
Stalin's numbers of deaths were worst than Hitler in Europe.
Garban comments on Mar 6, 2022:
Seriously “ each US President killing millions of mostly of woman and children of the middle East over mostly banking and oil.”? Your source for this number please?
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 7, 2022:
@Garban American generals don't do body count on the war on terror Muslim countries. The Muslim do their own body counts between 2 million to 10 million mostly women and children. And in the news properganda war will not reported true numbers just like the non science behind the Covid world order.
Stalin's numbers of deaths were worst than Hitler in Europe.
Garban comments on Mar 6, 2022:
Seriously “ each US President killing millions of mostly of woman and children of the middle East over mostly banking and oil.”? Your source for this number please?
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 6, 2022:
@Garban About 6 million were killed in the war on terror and double the budget cost of world war 2
Stalin's numbers of deaths were worst than Hitler in Europe.
Garban comments on Mar 6, 2022:
Seriously “ each US President killing millions of mostly of woman and children of the middle East over mostly banking and oil.”? Your source for this number please?
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 6, 2022:
@Garban Ran out of anything of research or any funny logic besides egghead humor.
Stalin's numbers of deaths were worst than Hitler in Europe.
Detritus comments on Mar 6, 2022:
I’m waiting for the Ukrainian to strike back at Russia.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 6, 2022:
Ukraine is not interested in owning Russia, they just want to be left alone.
Our governor has made a statement breaking all ties with Russia.
Garban comments on Mar 6, 2022:
I wish my shameful Florida governor had spine.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 6, 2022:
He has a backbone that connects to his brain, which I wish many had . If the Canadian Truckers didn't stop Covid, I would of excape from Canada for Florida for just the impossible unvaccinated Freedom.
Stalin's numbers of deaths were worst than Hitler in Europe.
Garban comments on Mar 6, 2022:
Seriously “ each US President killing millions of mostly of woman and children of the middle East over mostly banking and oil.”? Your source for this number please?
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 6, 2022:
@Garba Nope, employed by the human race
Stalin's numbers of deaths were worst than Hitler in Europe.
Garban comments on Mar 6, 2022:
Seriously “ each US President killing millions of mostly of woman and children of the middle East over mostly banking and oil.”? Your source for this number please?
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 6, 2022:
@Garban Do you study anything in history of American wars of the stats on both sides of battle. Like Rothschild banks suppling financial on both sides of world war 1 and 2. Like US is 50% of the entire world's offensive war budget. Or 25% of the world prisoners in American prisons. Look at any country being invaded without a Centro banking system. Or the American Petro dollar or American monetary currently dropped from 90% to 40% worldwide and collapsing rapidly. . From being replaced by world free trade, crypto currency and gold and silver.and metals. People of the world are on to the greatest scammers on the planet, Banks, State and wealthy self interest corporationism.
Stalin's numbers of deaths were worst than Hitler in Europe.
Garban comments on Mar 6, 2022:
Seriously “ each US President killing millions of mostly of woman and children of the middle East over mostly banking and oil.”? Your source for this number please?
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 6, 2022:
@Garban How did you find all that out,? From seeing what's gose on behind my eyeballs, using a computer the size of a planet. Or Just the facts Jack , I don't see anywhere in a presentation.
Stalin's numbers of deaths were worst than Hitler in Europe.
Garban comments on Mar 6, 2022:
Seriously “ each US President killing millions of mostly of woman and children of the middle East over mostly banking and oil.”? Your source for this number please?
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 6, 2022:
Maybe 500 trillion dollars, what numbers do get ever recorded after hundreds of billions of dollars. Ask the Rothschild's and Rockefeller's..
Stalin's numbers of deaths were worst than Hitler in Europe.
Mcflewster comments on Mar 6, 2022:
Perhaps he was fooling all of the people all of the time.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 6, 2022:
it's alot easier to fool the people than to show the people how they have been fooled and to stop believing it.
Stalin's numbers of deaths were worst than Hitler in Europe.
Bigwavedave comments on Mar 6, 2022:
Sure name the dozens of countries the us invaded during Obamas term.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 6, 2022:
@Bigwavedave Taking your vaccines and Pharma drugs got many of you into a great deal of economic, mind and body health issues. Natural organic farming, freedom and affordable housing is all I need for a healthy lifestyle.
Stalin's numbers of deaths were worst than Hitler in Europe.
CourtJester comments on Mar 6, 2022:
Putin has been talking about this publicly for over ten years. We also went from energy independents to relying on millions of gallons a month from Russia in less than a year after electing what is proving to be (at the very least one of) the worst presidents in American history. Thank a ...
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 6, 2022:
@silverotter11 People in Russia are all over the map also in the war.
Stalin's numbers of deaths were worst than Hitler in Europe.
Bigwavedave comments on Mar 6, 2022:
Sure name the dozens of countries the us invaded during Obamas term.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 6, 2022:
They would have to kill me, if I told you, or kill you. I'm fearless, yet not stupid Americans believe, the war on terror is not winding down—it has spread to more than 40 percent of the world’s countries. When it come terrorism , it's Martial law and nobody is safe, especially protesters or non compliance. Obama did many drone strikes in many of these countries keep top secret, they don't have to comply to contitutional or human right laws. Like the beating and violence and arrest done by the police and Canadians military. For Who ever did not comply with vaccine mandates like other military soldiers and also arresting war veterans, cops, protesters and truckers under the emergency terrorist act. Government God's can do anything they want. That is not good enough for the power of the people. Who have always been the true leader of positive change, not religion nor state or Banks.
Stalin's numbers of deaths were worst than Hitler in Europe.
CourtJester comments on Mar 6, 2022:
Putin has been talking about this publicly for over ten years. We also went from energy independents to relying on millions of gallons a month from Russia in less than a year after electing what is proving to be (at the very least one of) the worst presidents in American history. Thank a ...
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 6, 2022:
@silverotter11 The Russian oil money from the US can keep the Russian war going, regardless of all the worldwide sanctions. Biden has boxed myself in again. And to think an environment passport another foam of war like vaccine and Aids will be likely the next attack They have not ever, stop of thinking of ways to harm the people.
Stalin's numbers of deaths were worst than Hitler in Europe.
CourtJester comments on Mar 6, 2022:
Putin has been talking about this publicly for over ten years. We also went from energy independents to relying on millions of gallons a month from Russia in less than a year after electing what is proving to be (at the very least one of) the worst presidents in American history. Thank a ...
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 6, 2022:
From foreign embassies in the U.S. and the military’s United States Africa Command; and we conducted interviews with journalists, academics and others. We found that, contrary to what most Americans believe, the war on terror is not winding down—it has spread to more than 40 percent of the world’s countries. The war isn’t being waged by the military alone, which has spent $1.9 trillion fighting terrorism since 2001. Trudeau compared the Trucker freedom convoy to Nazis and frozen bank account like extremists terrorist. Even though there were no violence or fight coming from the crowd protester or Truckers .Countries bombed: Obama 7, Bush 4 Bush: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Somalia. Obama: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria. A dozen other attacked on other nations under secretly. US generals say, they don't do body counts for their enemies.
Aliens watching earth.
St-Sinner comments on Mar 3, 2022:
I am not one of them. I am just a poor biological being who wants to eat, drink, travel and fuck his way to death.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 3, 2022:
kudos for that, aliens can't find intelligence life here anyways. I threw out my TV, 14 years ago.
If there was a picture.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 1, 2022:
Thanks to anti-vaxxers.....
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 1, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz From a sheep to a bird to a lizard is some flock up twisted orgy of imagination. That beats senseless Al Core man/pig/bear Theory of possibilities
If there was a picture.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 1, 2022:
Thanks to anti-vaxxers.....
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 1, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz That makes no sense lizard BDair has to be one-sided with a leader in order to become a sheep. So far, I see BDair acting and thinking as a strong individual, thinking and leading himself. lizard likes the side of banks, pharma and state. Your owners, how more sheeplike can a person possible be?
We need to take Putin’s talk of using Nukes seriously.
rainmanjr comments on Mar 1, 2022:
He can go ahead and blow it up. It's a fitting end for our garbage, in fact.
Castlepaloma replies on Mar 1, 2022:
Are you the son of the rainman or of a junkyard dog ?.
Are you currently enjoying the squeals of outrage around the world over Russia's protective\ ...
Redneckliberal comments on Feb 25, 2022:
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 26, 2022:
@FrayedBear Sunken treasure museum in St Florida US . and dozens of other natural history and dinosaur museums display around the world. Met hundreds of politicains like John Glenn World record indoor sandcastle, do have 25 world record scale sculptors. largest sculpture of any kind of material is 67 ft tall and 6 acres. Redneckliberal are you keeping up? Or do I get into affordable housing and Urban farming?
Are you currently enjoying the squeals of outrage around the world over Russia's protective\ ...
Redneckliberal comments on Feb 25, 2022:
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 26, 2022:
@Redneckliberal Is that the Nut case of the vaxxers moronic fearmongers? Also Ukrainian wish they had more guns now. Normally I say no guns unless your sitting ducks and lack gas to excape.
Are you currently enjoying the squeals of outrage around the world over Russia's protective\ ...
Redneckliberal comments on Feb 25, 2022:
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 26, 2022:
@FrayedBear Omicron is Greek for moronic and so are the gas prices.
Are you currently enjoying the squeals of outrage around the world over Russia's protective\ ...
Alienbeing comments on Feb 25, 2022:
Ah Frayed, your spin here is horrible and easy to see through. Who gets an immediate benefit from from oil spikes? Certainly Russia benefits. You will scream the US benefits, but you will fail to note that the US Government does not own any oil company. Rant on, you always make a fool of ...
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 26, 2022:
Maybe Trudeau should give Biden the keys to our pipelines. Biden has run out of gas in his brain.
Are you currently enjoying the squeals of outrage around the world over Russia's protective\ ...
Tejas comments on Feb 25, 2022:
Weren't you saying the other day, that Russia attacking/invading Ukraine was American propaganda? Now that there is evidence of this you are now trying to justify war by saying "well America did it first".
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 26, 2022:
Personal I don't approve of bullies of any kind. . Half of Russia doesn't approve Putin's actions. I wish to abolish wars all together. Yet, only the record breaking profiteers and have benefited are the wealthy and the same with COVID 19!!!
Are you currently enjoying the squeals of outrage around the world over Russia's protective\ ...
CourtJester comments on Feb 25, 2022:
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 25, 2022:
@CourtJester The pendulum is starting to swing the other way. As it gets more exposure from opposing medical doctors and scientists who will expose more of the wrong doing of political and media mass psychosis. Some how it will get swept up under the rug. Like the millions of poor people killed mostly women and children in the middle east and forgotten. What will the next scam be next,? Green environment passport and AIDs again.
Are you currently enjoying the squeals of outrage around the world over Russia's protective\ ...
CourtJester comments on Feb 25, 2022:
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 25, 2022:
@Alienbeing When the vaccinated are mandated making most reaction or causing death like those who using as a biological weapon . Forcing our will to vaccinate by discrimination and segradation to the other greater half of the unvaxxer world. Then that is a third world war tyranny greater than experienced in my lifetime history.
This hour has 22 minutes give Tucker a boot to the head. []
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 25, 2022:
One lady from 22 minutes was fired for her protest against vaccine mandates on the show. She joins us in the Protest in Halifax wail I podcast it from Nova Scotia Canada, soon to be released. The Canadian truckers have already won, Trudeau emergency act was concealed from him trying to make it ...
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 25, 2022:
@SnowyOwl Born, raise in London Ontario , mostly lived and worked in Toronto,, Belize, Vancouver, LA CA. and now Nova Scotia is just right except for the mandate vaccines..
This hour has 22 minutes give Tucker a boot to the head. []
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 25, 2022:
One lady from 22 minutes was fired for her protest against vaccine mandates on the show. She joins us in the Protest in Halifax wail I podcast it from Nova Scotia Canada, soon to be released. The Canadian truckers have already won, Trudeau emergency act was concealed from him trying to make it ...
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 25, 2022:
@SnowyOwl Despite the difficulties of the pandemic and an uneven economic recovery, the survey said Colombia was in first place, where 79% of the inhabitants surveyed revealed that they feel "happy" or "very happy." What does a pollster say? From a few other surveys, Columbia was in the top ten happiness countries in there. Certainly Happier than Canadian looking at the ground so often. From being to 102 countries, from my experience Latino countries are happier than north European countries. Then weather and beaches and all the singing , dancing , sexy romantic girls. Everything else is Bull Shit.
This hour has 22 minutes give Tucker a boot to the head. []
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 25, 2022:
One lady from 22 minutes was fired for her protest against vaccine mandates on the show. She joins us in the Protest in Halifax wail I podcast it from Nova Scotia Canada, soon to be released. The Canadian truckers have already won, Trudeau emergency act was concealed from him trying to make it ...
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 25, 2022:
@SnowyOwl When the country is almost broke because of the plandemic. The Media was given a billion by the liberals to parrot anything scripted agenda the Government wanted. There were plenty of East Indian trucker and protest and all races there protesting. The nazi flag and Confederate flags was planted without any crowd near by. Trudeau used throughout his properganda. The greatest amount of big lies I've ever experienced in the history of my life. Colombia is listed as the top ten happiest countries, in the world . Big change from the 70s and 1980s. Take life, first hand rather than the whitewash of tryanny.
This hour has 22 minutes give Tucker a boot to the head. []
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 25, 2022:
One lady from 22 minutes was fired for her protest against vaccine mandates on the show. She joins us in the Protest in Halifax wail I podcast it from Nova Scotia Canada, soon to be released. The Canadian truckers have already won, Trudeau emergency act was concealed from him trying to make it ...
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 25, 2022:
@SnowyOwl Hell, US has got deeper issues and problems than Canada so this is the better pick my battle choice. I've sacrifice my life for my daughter to stay here vs. moving to Columbia S. America. The worldwide corruption and banking colaspe are much better and 93% of war machines are North of the equator. Knew all this was coming from 10 years ago.. I'm always safe with self reliance business of food, freedom and tiny houses.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 23, 2022:
Wait! Billy Carter lives??!
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 25, 2022:
@AnneWimsey Sometimes I get paid to do comedy. Of what part of that joke had irony, truth or funny logic. Unless that joke had some kind of connecting sarcasm, it's eggheaded.
This hour has 22 minutes give Tucker a boot to the head. []
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 25, 2022:
One lady from 22 minutes was fired for her protest against vaccine mandates on the show. She joins us in the Protest in Halifax wail I podcast it from Nova Scotia Canada, soon to be released. The Canadian truckers have already won, Trudeau emergency act was concealed from him trying to make it ...
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 25, 2022:
@SnowyOwl if seems Government communist leaders can do anything they want. Except when they put millions of Canadian of all diversity, pushing backs against the wall. The Canadian truckers have plenty help and a few refugees place they can go with their bagdes of honor to rebuild again. Junk food and poli- tricks is not the answer.
Are you currently enjoying the squeals of outrage around the world over Russia's protective\ ...
CourtJester comments on Feb 25, 2022:
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 25, 2022:
Since it's a third world war, it's better they get double boosted. It's the answer for everything in Biden's thought and bone in his body. Diversity is out of the question.
What does Putin say are the reasons for the current action in Ukraine?
puff comments on Feb 25, 2022:
I recall the start of the war on terror, with all countries on board. Iraq was invaded (nothing to do with 9/11's war on terror) on a WMD lie. But this overthrowing of Saddam freaked out Ghaddafi, who promised quickly to cease his development of nukes and disarmed them, which he did to world ...
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 25, 2022:
I think Trudeau and Biden should go in equipped with 8- Jab booaster canon shots and wipe out those bioorganism off the map. Do what they do best and be very safe about it. Putin says the pandemic puts all against all and would make Putin fear Biden. And the vaccines are the super spreaders like they used in world war 1 and 2 by Rockefeller.
twill comments on Feb 24, 2022:
Posted in "Love & Relationships" ?
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 24, 2022:
@twill Miserable not much, yet alot more of the narrative people's laughing bitch. Life is too important to take too seriously. I think kings , world order and imperialism is finally being exposed after century of suffering. I encourage centrolist or communist leader like Trudeau , Fauci, and Biden. Also Gates, leaders of New Zealand, Australia and their leader Klaus under WEF to keep on talking their big lies and BS who have a great lack of a sense of humor, keep them taking. They managed to separate the world population into Two types, the Vaccinated and the Unvaxxed and the unvaxxed pure bloods are beginning to win back their lives and the other 40% will follow.
Soon the occupiers who feel privileged will realize that privileges are not rights and hopefully ...
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 22, 2022:
That is lying politician telling us we have freedom. When we have privileges and they even break them. Only people who do nothing about their freedom, deserve horrible Tyranny and their safety salvery.
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 24, 2022:
@SnowyOwl Don't care about about elections, I'm an anarchist. Let them tear each other apart. They are not going to tear my family apart or conquer and divide us. Millions of Canadian are protesting in every major city in across Canada for freedom . Trudeau did all the harm of violence and shutting down businesses when their were record crowds of people there for great doing business in Ottawa. Not seen a more peaceful and loving protest in my life. I've spent most of my waking hours of my life loving what I do. Not going to change a thing for a greedy one world order tyranny.
twill comments on Feb 24, 2022:
Posted in "Love & Relationships" ?
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 24, 2022:
Yes, the vaccine mandates are about fear, fear fear and them owning our bodies. And then us owning nothing and them owning everything. The protester are all about freedom, love and relationships.
Soon the occupiers who feel privileged will realize that privileges are not rights and hopefully ...
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 22, 2022:
That is lying politician telling us we have freedom. When we have privileges and they even break them. Only people who do nothing about their freedom, deserve horrible Tyranny and their safety salvery.
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 23, 2022:
@SnowyOwl Many countries that's, all you have to do, is catch Covid and get your freedom passport. No, vaccines and Trudeau are done. I don't care if he controls all the banks in Canada and freeze them all out to comply. My family is far more important than a nation and we know how to survive off grid.
Soon the occupiers who feel privileged will realize that privileges are not rights and hopefully ...
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 22, 2022:
That is lying politician telling us we have freedom. When we have privileges and they even break them. Only people who do nothing about their freedom, deserve horrible Tyranny and their safety salvery.
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 23, 2022:
@SnowyOwl I'm a bio organisms first and a tyrant wants to force a possibly russian roulette lethal injection into my body. Without any serious science or positive model behind it. WEF Klaus is very proud of Trudeau and half his staff are members of this world order. Trudeau most admirers top dictator's leaders around the world and his whole life, Trudeau has three shots and caught Covid twice. I will leave my country before I'm force anything into my body. or I'll kill themself before the most evil people in the world do it. Yet, I can't imagine running out of ideas getting around these cold blooded reptiles. My guess Trudeau is in very deep trouble greater than me.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 23, 2022:
Wait! Billy Carter lives??!
Castlepaloma replies on Feb 23, 2022:
Billy Carter died in 1988, he owned Billy beer in the US. Funny logic is lacking.


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