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Middle-aged and elderly people who cannot balance on one leg for 10 seconds are almost twice as ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 26, 2022:
I'm good for another 30 year being above average dancer.
The kids solved the mystry again
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 25, 2022:
Why the mystery,? everyone knows.
If Build Back Better was a swing set...
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 24, 2022:
Those swingers won't get far.
The Young Turks - Lauren Boebert's Cringe Pro-Gun Restaurant Driven Out Of Building By Landlord...
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 24, 2022:
Gun restaurants is a very silly idea . So is vaccines centres.
Top 10 places to find Jesus?
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 24, 2022:
In ancient books and fairy tales. Around every corner along with Satan. By my bedside demanding I jerk for Jesus, sorry I'm not gay.
According to Bible(Book of Genesis):-human thinking test with temptation by god.
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 24, 2022:
LOVE &:Science is all about God according to blind faith.
Mosquitoes came to eat jesus, them bloodsuckers.
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 24, 2022:
My favorite is JC went to visit hell and explains to them he is suffering more them.
Jesus and chuck Norris got in a fight, who won?
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 24, 2022:
Chuck Norris said he wouldn't fight Jesus because he is Christian. He only kicks ass on screen. Although Jesus would not ever get elected in the US, JC is too soft on the poor and too hard on the super rich.
Way to keep a secret, guys!
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 22, 2022:
Funny we haven't landed on the moon since, and billionaire are planing for us to live on other planets. No baby steps required.
But isn't life too short ladies? Try a new one.
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 22, 2022:
I wish them happiness or happypenis
BA.4/5 is sweeping the globe YLE 06/22/2022
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 22, 2022:
When Portugal has the leading vaccinations and the highest rate of covid deaths in Europe. Doesn't it give people a clue the vaccines do not work. People with the lowest vaccinations have the lowest covid deaths like Africa is another clue Due for a new app to eliminate the word covid to my art and culture podcast. Fear is running the world and many of the good people are being lock ups for pointing out the medical profession is the leading cause of death in the world.
What does liberalism mean to you?
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 22, 2022:
I'm old classic liberal, this new liberalism and nationalism mainly just divides and conquer people for the super rich and their political slave masters. Respect each person's Individualism is a far better way for self and other individuals for their well being. What do I know I'm an anarchist For more good , uncommon and common sense than I can express.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Thinks Elon Musk Is Black, SLAMMED After Calling Tesla Founder ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 22, 2022:
Politics, probably the greatest waste of time and money on earth.
The Supreme Court has just handed down a decision in Carson v.
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 21, 2022:
Is there a way to separate state and the people. I don't like :We the Government vs :We the People:. GOVERNMENT nearly steals half my money and give me BS covid mandates. Than divides groups with labeled and forces people against each other.. There is only one God and it is called GOVERNMENT. Like the wizard behide the curtain of the Great OZ
What a coincidence! Chilling images show students at Salvador Ramos’ HS pretending to be dead ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 20, 2022:
Trudeau wants total ban on hand guns in Canada. He says they are not constitutional to protect ourselves. I would agree with that, if all military and police got rid their guns. Because in a totalterrimism take over, the public would have no chance to protest themselves from the Government. Lately Canada looks more like communist than when I worked in Russia.
Sadly the Australian Broadcasting Corporation still promotes the godbothering vomit.
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 19, 2022:
Sad to see Canadain and Australia in the same boat. We the people will prevail, not the :We the Government.: Fails like every imperialism empire dose every 80 years like humans entire life span.
So the world's nuclear weaponed countries spent $82.
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 16, 2022:
OBAMA got the noble peace prize for killing mostly women and children more than anyone these last few decades. I Wonder if Pfizer will win the international medicine award for the most lethal injection.
I want to know how you lefties explain this one Feminist facing 3 years in prison for ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 13, 2022:
MY alcoholic father once said to me. I been a father to you and a mother to you. I said, go fuck yourself then.
“Those who bombed us know that the moral greatness of Serbia is disproportionate to its firepower,...
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 13, 2022:
All if forgiven and forgotten about the oxymoron of American military intelligence invading other places. And for dozens of times over, Americain mostly bullied murdering women and children......not
Feminist gets 3 years in prison for saying men cant be lesbians []
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 13, 2022:
I can wish to be a lesbion in my next life.
Michael jackson terrorism []
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 5, 2022:
A creepy old guy, jumps out and has quick moves, would make me scary jumpy too.
A statement that appeared in all three of our local papers.
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 5, 2022:
A book under xxx
Factual facts of some interest - While these attacks on free speech are terrifying enough, even ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 2, 2022:
It's no wonder why the mainstream profession is the leader cause of death in the world I tell every doctor, that I am the best doctor in the world for myself, they always disagree , yet can't find another doctor that fits all of me. Many people will call me crazy, yet I would rather be weird and stay in mode of well being everyday.
Hey heathens 😅 what do u think?! 😂😂😂
Castlepaloma comments on May 30, 2022:
Deuce Bigalow: Except I pay for everything. The weird world of being an artist.
No Variant is as Deadly as the Standard American Diet & Lifestyle - []
Castlepaloma comments on May 28, 2022:
American national meal is a hamburger, fries and a coke. Can a vaccine cure this?
People with a good heart does exist, like you, me and most people on the site 😊 don't afraid to ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 26, 2022:
Yes, people are basically good. I just don't trust the upper class super rich.
In other words, not a god damned thing
Castlepaloma comments on May 26, 2022:
I personally stay away from guns in my family circle and community. Although as long as the US military carries half the world's war budget rather than 5% war budget accordingly to its population. The greatest threat will be totalitarian takeover by its Government. Force US military to drop it's invading and offensive military complex and then the US Citizens will dramatically reduce their fire arms. Base life on good sense, not emotional mass hysteria.
More Pfizer Follies.
Castlepaloma comments on May 26, 2022:
The highest medical lawsuits in the world is Pfizer, You think media would say something about that. Not when Pfizer is many of media outlets top sponsor
Oh, and one more thing.
Castlepaloma comments on May 26, 2022:
From Bat shit from hell to monkey business with our lives, that totally sucks.
Don't call transgender people mentally ill if you believe a man in the clouds loves you ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 25, 2022:
IF Jesus loves me, ultimately, is that kind of gay?
It's been a long day! 😂😂😂😂
Castlepaloma comments on May 25, 2022:
Humor is needed more now, than ever.
Heavens NO! 😆
Castlepaloma comments on May 25, 2022:
That will really solve the world problems, not. lol.
“I never teach my pupils.
Castlepaloma comments on May 25, 2022:
Einstein is so smart.
A new science concerning money is coming to light.
Castlepaloma comments on May 24, 2022:
Since Emotional issues are a deeper problems to handle than mental ones, this is probably true.
Not beyond the realm of possibility...
Castlepaloma comments on May 24, 2022:
Aliens will save us according to the Pope. Holy shit were are really in deep.
I don't know about that
Castlepaloma comments on May 23, 2022:
How they are coming out and saying what it really is, monkey business with our lives
How to avoid getting an abortion.
Castlepaloma comments on May 23, 2022:
I kill of at least a mid size city population everytime I ejeculated. For every sperm is sacred to the religious. To me it showing I love myself and practice to be a better lover Looks like those sperm balloon, know how to party.
Right this way...
Castlepaloma comments on May 23, 2022:
Everyone on this planet except for the super rich and politician have already had a monkey wrench thrown into everything they do. Yet will people be stupid enough to go for the monkey pox business. The deep mass programing is working excellently for our owners. How low can people allow themselves to go?
So who wants to live in a totalitarian world where you are not told the truth just what you should ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 20, 2022:
Alien and many others who are safety slaves to the system have been indoctrinated and programmed all their lives. They don't know the freedom of a strong independent individual who are able to think for themselves and be over all responsible..In order to make their own sacrifice of what they want out of life. Rather than always sacrificing they lives for their dictatorship hierarchy owners. Owners who will not ever give a flying FUCKERY FUCK about Alien and all the other slaves, , at all. Alien may as well delusion himself that he is well being than the rest of us. He delusion himself to be superior being from another planet. Where in reality he taken in by billionaire energy vampires, wail sucking his own brains out and replacing it with their BS shit. Just so he can join the a flaming asshole club and shit on everyone else. Too bad, that he doesn't belong to our owners club, That sucks again .
When we were kids this song would come on the radio and we had no idea what booty was back then so ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 18, 2022:
I want a dance
Mrs Betty Bowers on abortion, God & Jesus.
Castlepaloma comments on May 18, 2022:
kill for Jesus. God freaks are too often contradictory.
A new report claims Putin is on the way out.
Castlepaloma comments on May 15, 2022:
They should remove Biden too, they are both sick in more ways than one.
They don't even have the 'Ministry of Truth' up and running yet.
Castlepaloma comments on May 15, 2022:
Ministry of truth is about as opposite of the truth as one group of liars can get..
Science-based support for people suffering from longterm Covid-19 vaccine effects React19 is a ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 15, 2022:
It's insane on what is going on in China. They are starving out the people in order to have zero Covid cases. I think the whole thing is about crowd control, not about health at all
Lend Lease for the Soviet Union.
Castlepaloma comments on May 12, 2022:
There are like a 1000 Hollywood films about the Holocaust. How many films were made of the German a Russian war,? Where there were 4 times the Russians greater death toll than the Jews were killed in the second world war. As the properganda wars continues.
Oh, So This Is What It Was About All Along - Follow the Money []
Castlepaloma comments on May 10, 2022:
it's the greatest occupational crime of my lifetime and occupational crime is 95% of the crimes, not street crime.
It has just been put to me that people are truly puzzled as to why I think Russia has any reason to ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 8, 2022:
All wars are unjust. Wail America invades all over the world , as they call it, policing or call themselves heroes of war. When Russia does it, it's hell on earth or it's world war three. Now Russian trees, dogs and boats are banned. It's a very deep mass hysteria, the people have been programmed or endocrirnated for decades
An ounce of prevention....
Castlepaloma comments on May 6, 2022:
I live for BJ. Covid just blows.
Addressing a post about porn I came across this item. Have fun. []
Castlepaloma comments on May 5, 2022:
This replace sex for fat people.
THE LONG, LUCRATIVE, AND BLOODY ROAD TO WORLD WAR III for American citizens & their NATO sycophants?
Castlepaloma comments on May 5, 2022:
Banks and governments are doing it for more control. Create your own government and free trade.
A Nation of ‘Geophobes’ Amid rampant Russophobia and Sinophobia, America’s penchant for ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 3, 2022:
I can not watch mainstream news, it's a road to ruin.Maybe an anarchist like me is happier dealing with more with my own circle and like minded people. Looks like more abuse is coming down the pipe. Then we will all have to wait for people to get sick and tired of it, all over again, before they charge it. Wealthy and Government won't.
Study of 23 Million People Shows Risk of Myocarditis After COVID Vaccines - ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 3, 2022:
In the Canadaln Maritimes area during Covid. A person has a 100 times greater chance of dieing of heart conditions than from Covid. Now heart disease having skyrocket record high due to overwhelming hospital and great lack of surgery. And is far more difficult to perform because of Covid. The blood clots are out of control. I think this poverty and genocide was done on purpose for crowd control, also for the super rich and Government benefits.
A few pecker jokes
Castlepaloma comments on May 3, 2022:
Pecker heads
Oh look! There are finally shamefaced Americans who are morally & ethically prepared to return ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 3, 2022:
I remember when the Pope was more upset that the Bush American troops were stealing the ancient artifacts from Iraqi. More than the woman and children being killed.
We urge you to donate to the DNC now, before pregnant men lose their right to an abortion.
Castlepaloma comments on May 3, 2022:
Beer guts don't count. Damm! this woke society, too many are asleep. Or don't know how to ID themselves. This is so sick, boys cutting off parts of the bodies. They won't ever be designed biological to have a baby, How low and brainwashed can people get?
PUBLIC PRAYER The problem with public ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 1, 2022:
Thou shall keep religion to thou self.
Christians joining FFRF to counter the Christian Nationalism idea spreading in this country.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 30, 2022:
Nationalism is more dangerous than Religion. Certainly many here, do not agree with me, here on this site. Racists have gotten a lot .better, yet still a long ways to go.
“War does not determine who is right - only who is left”……………..Bertrand Russell.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 30, 2022:
A tree dose not fight with it's own branches. Certainly human being left and right are unbalanced with each other right now. Like the left and right wings of the same bird.
Looks like that idiot Biden decided he needed a minister of propaganda! []
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 29, 2022:
Just another propaganda war created along with Covid wars. When are they going to have poverty wars?
Good to know....
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 29, 2022:
Is he just the tin foil hat man, gone wild.
Frustrated by the lack of sunlight in his diner, Jack decided to replace 6 signs, No Vaccine ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 28, 2022:
No customers, most people on this planet carry some degrees of this.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 28, 2022:
There are plenty of other sites out there, without the hassle. Bigger doesn't mean better
Good morning…it’s another fine one here today so let’s get out and enjoy it…….
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 28, 2022:
Happy feeling
Interesting fact...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 28, 2022:
Half of them, I don't fully agree with them, even worst with the recent news today.
Revamping Our Dysfunctional Drug Approval Process It is a tried-and-true tactic with effective and...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 27, 2022:
I'm glad some countries like Mexico are on to the great scam of pharmaceutical companies.
People copying birds
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 27, 2022:
In Mexico, I caught diarrhea. My family challenged me to a boat tow hang glider along the beach of Acapulco. They called me chicken, I don't care. I would rather be called a chicken, than to be a great embarassment to my family and town.
Yes well...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 27, 2022:
Now, all lost in space.
Either, A.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 27, 2022:
1. The vaccines are the major spreader, like in the pass with other types of vaccines spreaders in Africa. It's why Africa has by far the lowest vaccines and lowest Covid deaths than any other continent. Based on African pass experience and action. 2. Masks work if one has Covid and coughing up gobbs of spit everywhere. 3. Tests are expensive and not efficient. All great for to top profiteering for the leading cause of death, the mainstream medical profession and political destructive agenda.
Novak Djokovic Cleared to Defend Title at Wimbledon, COVID Vaccine Not Required to Compete ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 27, 2022:
Still the good people are being locked up and the bad people are running the show. At lease many of the bad people are on the run backing up from their great abuse. Djokovic is still ranked the number one player in the world.
How does the war in Ukraine affect the natural life support system (environment)?
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Eliminating the human species would be the best thing for the natural environment
Florida Atheist Petitions to Ban the Bible in Miami-Dade and Broward Schools - []
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 25, 2022:
Don't believe in banning anything or being against anything.. These are just words or fiction or not or things we can allow to harm or not.. Although I think all businesses and services all have a freedom of choice what they want to stock. Put the Bible in the fantasy section of- Sheep Herders guild to the Universe.
Hello all….
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 25, 2022:
When a sculpture student does something wrong and too difficult to fix. I always say, don't change it now, just adjust it next time. Nice tunes
The atheist communists believe they are intellectually superior but they are dumb as hell
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 24, 2022:
Communism looks good on paper, yet not in real life.
For the idiots that can take fact checkers seriously They arent buying crack pipes, they are ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 24, 2022:
Politifact fact checkers. A concept, for zombie s, robots and slaves to play happy ass sheep games.
It is a sad reality we are living in today.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 22, 2022:
The other women have to suck it up. They are too lazy and need to train much harder and grow some balls. Not..
Oddly enough, the 'talking heads' from our public health agencies never once advocated for proper ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 20, 2022:
They are not into the health business, it not profitable if one is, to them. All the medicine one needs is in nature.
NPR, Alex Finley, a former CIA officer who's tracking super-yachts used by oligarchs, explains what ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 19, 2022:
The soil of war, just got richer.
NPR, Alex Finley, a former CIA officer who's tracking super-yachts used by oligarchs, explains what ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 19, 2022:
New Russian super yachts for the US Government to run their parties @.
Is bruce Jenner the father of his 6 children?
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 19, 2022:
I don't understand it, as much as religion. The world is getting harder to understand. Yet, it is their right to do so.
A new study has shown what most of us already know – we Americans are pigs.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 19, 2022:
The 1% wealthiest make more pollution than the poorest half of the world population. This 1% is made up of mostly cons and scammers, as example the Covid big lie, of the model of health. They Will use next another methods of mass destraction and destruction, green passports and carbon taxes. Because people have lost thinking for themselves and have become Ecomic slaves . Although some have been waking up.
Churches put all are welcome if you went to church dressed as satan would they let you in?
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 19, 2022:
It would solve all their problems, if Satan can be saved too.
Anyone can achieve their goals in life if they just try hard enough....
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 17, 2022:
Be careful, for what one wish for.
How will the current crises in Ukraine affect climate change ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 13, 2022:
Well we can always eat the old people, when they steal their pension. Always optimistic.
Russia yesterday and today.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 12, 2022:
Elon Musk said Putin makes considerable larger amount of more money than him.
24 million people in china are starving from communism.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 12, 2022:
Feels like my arts business during the Covid communist 2 years here. I did well over in China for shows in the pass.
“The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men”……………..Plato
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 11, 2022:
Especially today, many people suffer from metalillitis. That is when the iron in our blood , turns to lead in our ass.
Candles for the commies
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 9, 2022:
The owner's tools. The more outrageous the rituals are, the more they believe the big lie. Like Hitler said, if your going to tell a lie, make it big, Hitler led a strong Christian Nation. Nazis and communist are the same in a way of over obedience and over control.
People got it all fucked up.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Nice guys finish last making loving or last longer. To smart woman, that take longer to fuck their brains out. Sounds like a win/win on the greatest pleasure on earth. I'm a nice guy, until it's time, not to be nice to bullies, when they push too far. Generally stay within the optimist club.
The 'Lunatic Farmer' writes with uncommon logic and insight.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 8, 2022:
It takes 90% of all creatures on earth to wear masks and take their shots for everyone to be safe and to have the billionaires to completely own the planet.
“I learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 8, 2022:
Fear today is overwhelming for many. In life coaching it is the greatest obstacle to teach after decades of indoctrination and programing to the point of many are safety slaves.
To protect and serve []
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 8, 2022:
Yes, that is how it works, today, just more secretly.
Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 6, 2022:
If they had any true science or medical proof, this whole thing wouldn't have started . Fear and profit worked out well for the wealthly as usual. Backed by Corrupted Governments and media. As it the greatest lie by far in my lifetime by far. And if many of the mass hypothesis nationalist were honest and not blinded from serious facts with themselves, They would have to admit they acted retarded and it harmed anyone in some way.
World’s most prolific sperm donor. Retired with 129+ kids. []
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 5, 2022:
Scientists are completely MaDD
There’s a new movement called Blue Zones: Lifestyle Habits of the World’s Longest-Living ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 5, 2022:
I have a house in a a town called Santa Famalia In Belize . Adverage age of life span is age 92.
Catastrophizing: a cognitive distortion that prompts people to jump to the worst possible ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 4, 2022:
The Government is for the people and by the people. Butt, the people are retarded.
A lengthy but worthwhile read.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 31, 2022:
They all relate to weapons of mass destraction.
For all the lonely Sheeple. []
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 31, 2022:
Just saw a news item and had to share.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 23, 2022:
Putin threw many of his soldiers to the wolves.
This seems like a reasonable resolution to a lot of our problems
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 21, 2022:
Try getting Trump to admit he is racist. He will tell you he hasn't a racist bone in his body. Now I know he is racist
South African presidents and other African leaders say NATO provoked Russia with continuous ...
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 21, 2022:
South Africa is a member of BRICS, and China would also prefer also to stay out of it.


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