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Which one of THESE fetishes would you be most willing to deal with?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 19, 2017:
I do a stand-up comedy part time. This bit about fetishism would be a blast.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 19, 2017:
This is the correct way to pronounce "Bible". "Buy Bull".
claudius1066 comments on Dec 17, 2017:
People are always trying to hand these things out when I go to the subway. Well, if it's free, why would I want it?
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 19, 2017:
Free hell or extreme happiness on a funny farm in the sky.
This is the correct way to pronounce "Bible". "Buy Bull".
Acinom16 comments on Dec 17, 2017:
My motto...polititicians and religious people= hypocrites, phonies and liars.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 19, 2017:
Why vote, they are all meat puppets. They only keep getting worst and change very little. At least I can walk away from a church or glazed eyes Religious person delusional thinking. Where Government is illegitimate and forces us on a everyday basic. Then the debtor slavery continues onto our children's future.
Atheists declare war... XD
DustInTheWindAZ comments on Dec 17, 2017:
It doesn't necessarily take a religious belief to start a war (although many wars have been waged in the name of someone's deity), unless you consider capitalism a religious belief.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 18, 2017:
Big difference between capitalism and corperationism. I'm for capitalism, harmless profit for the people. Nationaism is worst, it tools civilization, and Religions to fight wail Corperationism are stealing everybodys money daily.
Do you support the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)?
Ravenwolfcasey comments on Dec 17, 2017:
In reality the only way to fix the Health care to take the greed and profit out of the equation...stop drug companies from direct to consumer advertising...have a pay cap on Hospital staff..implement preventive...nutritional...and natural non narcotic or chemical meds...stop looking at ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 17, 2017:
When the legal drugs, kill you more than the illegally drugs. Then the system fill their prisons mostly up with illegal drug offenders. Then their is something horrible wrong with illustration by the Government . For the Greedy, it is not profitable it they sell your products that our healthy. Organic food, water and work out are most related to prevent the op 10 ways to die. Everything is backwards.
What's the funniest YouTube video you've seen this year?
evestrat comments on Dec 17, 2017:
James Veitch's talk on screwing with an email spammer ... I still cry when I watch it
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 17, 2017:
Freaky Friday: If you had to body swap with someone else, who would it be?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 15, 2017:
Jesus, somebody has to truly witness him. Is he black or white.? Dose he have blond or black or white hair?. Blue eyes or brown.?Did he pull a thorn out a dinosaur foot and so on.? Mi
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 16, 2017:
I will know when they will nail me to the cross, at age 33 and on Easter. If the date arises, I would double cross my Sky Daddy, then tell him my own plans, that will make him laugh. Since each generation gets smarter, not dumber since Adam. Tell him a better idea, Let the people think for themselves. Forget sin over a healthy apple, let people make their own adjustment in life. Fire Satan or save him. I promise it will work out far better, I'll bet my life on it.
What's the oil to your water: who would you hope not to be your cubicle roomie?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 16, 2017:
Built a sandcastle within a roller coaster for Trump world Casinos in NJ. Trump was the most difficult person I have ever worked with in my life. An dirty oil king vs pure water. Trump tried to Unitized my sculptors, that's like herding cats. Had to train carpenters, masons and Elctricans to be ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 16, 2017:
Wish I had that guy foresight at the time. Did this one for a friend of 35 years. He actually paid me back with 10 great jobs after that. Always a silver lining.
Freaky Friday: If you had to body swap with someone else, who would it be?
webbew1 comments on Dec 15, 2017:
Donald Trump. I could reverse all of the damage he's done, and he can finally learn what it's like to survive on $5.00 to your name for two weeks.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 16, 2017:
Trump would not survive 3 days. As soon as he tries to boss the homeless and blacks around back alley's, it"s curtains.
Can A.I. really become conscious?
ChrisMiniHaswell comments on Dec 15, 2017:
considering we dont know whete consciousness comes from yet I doubt we can create it right now we understand how the brain works but not consciousness
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 15, 2017:
From the definition of consciousness Is the fact of awareness by the mind of itself and the world. "consciousness emerges from the operations of the brain" Many may say consciousness comes from the heart. That could be hopeless romantics.
Should U.S. candidates be required to release tax returns as public knowledge?
SharonK comments on Dec 15, 2017:
If someone is choosing to leave the private sector for public office, yes your taxes should be made available.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 15, 2017:
That is the way to go, be a private person. Being a public person with properties you become a large liability and they go after all kinds of things.
Should U.S. candidates be required to release tax returns as public knowledge?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 15, 2017:
I have paid my taxes, yet I think Federal income tax is burglary. What you earn is nobodies unless you want to share. In case of Trump he should show his taxes as a public figure along with his IQ test to lay his BS cards down.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 15, 2017:
US is the only country in the world, they come after you for taxes no matter where you move to in the world. One man tried to burn his US passport and 3 times they still would not let him go.
Would you move into a clothing optional community?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 13, 2017:
You can bungee jump for free, if you go naked, in a place in Canada. The catch is, people pay to watch you naked bungee jump.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 15, 2017:
I mean BC Canada.
Would you move into a clothing optional community?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 13, 2017:
You can bungee jump for free, if you go naked, in a place in Canada. The catch is, people pay to watch you naked bungee jump.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 15, 2017:
About 150 jumpers , bungee jump for free. It is for Alzheimer's Charity , people pay $5 to watch. It is an annual event in NC.
10 fallacies about atheists - have I missed any?
watergirl64 comments on Dec 9, 2017:
Quick fact related to #5-Atheists make up less than 1% of the prison population in spite of the fact that they actually make up between 20 and 25% of the regular population.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 14, 2017:
Yes, atheist do less crimes and marriage rate are better and last longer. Christians claim they live longer and have better paying job and lead the country. That could be called stacking the deck in their favor.
What author had the greatest influence on your motivation or your to higher energy.
JayJackson comments on Dec 11, 2017:
Deepok Chopra. Fundamentally just the best. Humanist and straight forward. Carlos Castaneda, another one of my favorites.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 14, 2017:
I am finding how the majority here are negative, bigoted , onesided, and very against Religion. How come I don't have those deep problems the 85percent of the world's population. Having cold war with them solved nothing. If nonbelievers overcame the majority like Religion and still acted like this. Then when another group comes along it will be all over again Us against Them as you pretend to be superior . I am not popular here, other circle very much so, yet not alone here. We are Human beings and can work with more kindness and compassion toward the vast majority of our fellow mankind. If we really want educate them, be open , not afraid, connect your backbone with your brain. I don't like Religion too, yet I know this not helping to get everyone closer.
You get to create a national holiday for non-believers, what would it be?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 13, 2017:
1.Thanks Darwin Day 2. Earthmass 3. Star dusts days. 4. Science days The majority would not be ready for this. The parade would be boring with a few Religious protestors. You could fight back with the US registered church of Atheism.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 13, 2017:
Thought of them dragging their books, no, not exciting enough. Then thought of a floating Zoo, yes!!!. Why not. Not really,  some of the wild animals may get too up set, then escape and eat the audieance and insurance would be too high. Any other idea?
What author had the greatest influence on your motivation or your to higher energy.
LIB75002 comments on Dec 12, 2017:
Tony Robbins is a fraud:
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 13, 2017:
I'm here because I enjoy science and critical thinking. Don't want to be cynical. For what you can forget in life and your health has most to do with your happiness. My credibility is sound and gone through life with clean hands Very few great atheist in history. Yet did find so many great men that were balance of science and spiritual. If your jealous because Deepak , T Robbins, W Dyer and even Dawkins. Dawkins said he is deeply Religious like Albert Einstein was. They are all  famous and made a great deal of money and helped millions. Buying a few books was not costly and very useful, and best money investment for personal and business. Don't believe in Supernatural yet plenty of natural Phenomena among the spirual unknowns, no pseudoscience required. There is far more opportunities combining Science and spiritual. Don't know much about rabbit holes, yet reaching for the stars, and see what you can come back to earth with, counts. There is a reason for everything, if not it's likely evil.
What author had the greatest influence on your motivation or your to higher energy.
LIB75002 comments on Dec 12, 2017:
Tony Robbins is a fraud:
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 13, 2017:
Lol, sandcastle and snow playgrounds is just a metaphor. No, it's where I have spent most of my waking hours of my life. Look me up , I have won 5 sandsculpture world championship and 185 international awards. Been busier the last 10 years working on my 4th eco self substainable village in Bolivia. Because the owners of NorrhAmerica say it's illegal to live green , We must live in the corperationism grid. There is alot truth about what you says about spiritual scammer. Perhaps 90percent scammer are, yet about 10percent are the real deal with a low degree of lying . Because everyone lies in degrees, a liar would be high degree of lying.
What author had the greatest influence on your motivation or your to higher energy.
JayJackson comments on Dec 11, 2017:
Deepok Chopra. Fundamentally just the best. Humanist and straight forward. Carlos Castaneda, another one of my favorites.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 12, 2017:
People will see what they want to see. If you want to see spiritual is attacking you, you are delusional as Science is attacking them. Spiritual is just the unknowns, you fear the unknowns. I can find more places that say Richard Dawkins is a fraud or a conman more than Deepak. Dose it make it so, simple answer NO. I seen Dawkins make many adjustments and that's what I look for in a good man. I learn from anywhere as long as it makes sound and good sense to me. If people want to be onesided, or bigoted, sexes, or racist, or violent, or greedy and over negative. How much are they really learning in life?
What author had the greatest influence on your motivation or your to higher energy.
JayJackson comments on Dec 11, 2017:
Deepok Chopra. Fundamentally just the best. Humanist and straight forward. Carlos Castaneda, another one of my favorites.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 12, 2017:
Your calling me BS? Not fitting for this guy who confronts every problem. My profile walks my talk. Only 2 rules, Do not harm and be honest.  You show me anywhere where I break these rules? Be careful of what your one finger is pointing at. A fearless person like me will not be terrified of you. You grew as fundamentalist Seventh- Day-Adventist. That is a heavy world of, BS, so I understand your over zealous of suspicious charactors. I support all kind of love including gays.  So I am not your enemy,  would ignore enemies for most part anyways. Hope to be your friend, for they are your best therapy.
If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
jwm03h comments on Dec 11, 2017:
I think we should make a comic book jesus with spiderman and mickey mouse and all that together so people can start seeing jesus more like zeus or other fictional characters.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 12, 2017:
Only south park could almost get away with that, when shortly afterwards it was cancelled The Supernatural Heros.
What author had the greatest influence on your motivation or your to higher energy.
VinceRichardson comments on Dec 12, 2017:
Can't say one or another,each one I read adds to my knowledge in some way, some affect me more than others but no one book defines how I think..Nor would I say it is healthy to do that. We read the books we are open too,so we are actually making the choice to change our thinking to a large ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 12, 2017:
Yes, you are the most important person in the world to yourself. Your your own best doctor, life coach and so on. Just someone outside gave you that extra lift to a higher level of well being. Maybe a lover.
What author had the greatest influence on your motivation or your to higher energy.
LeighShelton comments on Dec 12, 2017:
george carlin
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 12, 2017:
Carlin change my mind clearly that Religion was mostly BS. Greatest comedian too.
What author had the greatest influence on your motivation or your to higher energy.
LIB75002 comments on Dec 12, 2017:
Tony Robbins is a fraud:
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 12, 2017:
One of Tony"s firewalk had 5 people hospitalized with 2nd and 3rd burn, so it's not all physical BS. As a life coach who has trained more famous people than Tony. For 30 years I am living proof that Tony's motivation tools work. Being world class in 1.Sculpture- world champions and international 2. Sports national teams and international 3. Traveling of over 100 countries, lost count Tony has flaw like anyone esle, as a life coach he is my best.
What author had the greatest influence on your motivation or your to higher energy.
LIB75002 comments on Dec 12, 2017:
Deepak Chopra is BS. A small part of the above: "Chopra spends much of his time writing and lecturing from his base in California. He charges $25,000 per lecture performance, where he spouts out a few platitudes and give spiritual advice while warning against ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 12, 2017:
I made $millions from building Sandcastles and Snow playgrounds. A lawyer came up to me and said. You should not get paid to build sandcastle, this should be free on the beach for the public. I said, how am I going to pay my bills from what I love doing. Then he walked away angry and jealous.. All that schooling for dissatisfion. There nothing wrong in making lots of money. Deepok speaking about Corperationism web, not capitalism of no harm. The fascist corperatism make money a horrible Religion. By trapping most others into materialism that is unhealthy. Almost turned into a Dark Vader myself, then came back to a happy balance.
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
Glyphtr comments on Dec 11, 2017:
I'm not subscribed to any mass religion, but I believe in a life after death for sure. Every religion out there has a story of reincarnation and those rising from the dead. Kind of odd it would be the general consensus on a global scale. There are those who have seen the other side and came back ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 12, 2017:
Not sure what they came back from. Was it a spiritual world? How was the process the same? My Jewish girlfriend was a wiccan, she said wiccan was more based on Nature. She was a wise lady.
What author had the greatest influence on your motivation or your to higher energy.
evidentialist comments on Dec 11, 2017:
One of my mentors in my early years, Isaac Asimov, inspired me to be skeptical of all things and use critical thought in making any assessment or drawing any conclusion.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 11, 2017:
Even though I lead with my heart shortly following by the mind. Still, overall there is a greater lack of critical thinkers. Most people would think of it as a negative, like large Religions. Our owners don't like critical thinking.
What author had the greatest influence on your motivation or your to higher energy.
SilverDollarJedi comments on Dec 11, 2017:
Umm... Psychologist Philip Zimbardo has been very influential to me through his books. as well as V.S. Ramachandran (neuroscientist). But honestly the biggest influence for me was not an author. He is actually an activist, film maker, Musician, and founder of the Zeitgeist movement. Peter ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 11, 2017:
That is very important, to love and be yourself. Then you have some worth to give others.
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
BornAJew1025 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
I live in the Bible I go for the shock value. I tell them I'm Jathiest. Jewish by blood, athiest by logic.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 11, 2017:
Boy that is a express ticket to Hell. Jathiest Just kidding
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
watergirl64 comments on Dec 9, 2017:
I'm new also but since this site was designed for folks who are fed up with religion being shoved down their throats in general and fundamentalists for sure, I'd say that you likely won't run into too many religious people. Its not that we are not strong in our way of thinking, its that we'd all ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 11, 2017:
Being a historical, the pass tell how Religion has been use like a tool for the hierarchy greedy. Today it transformed into a corporation Nationaism fascist controled by fear. Having strength is very important for the survival of your group. You are a fan of love. Love is when two people, group or thing are stronger together than apart.
This memory just popped into my head after reading a post here: "Religion is for people who want ...
Diarmaede comments on Dec 10, 2017:
Hulk Hogan and Jesse "The Body" Ventura are not the same person.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 11, 2017:
Hulk is a joke. Jesse Ventura is the real deal. Started out in the phony business ,yet turn out to be one of my real heroes. Jesse move to Russia more or less the reason I moved to Bolivia. US has become full blown CorperationsNationaism fascist and going in the wrong direction.
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
Quietmike comments on Dec 11, 2017:
I truly belive in "live and let live"with the proviso that what you do, say or think offers no harm to any other in any way. Surely as just plain human beings we can be tolerant, friendly and respectful of others beliefs and they in turn reciprocate! My own atheist viewpoint, arrived at after many...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 11, 2017:
If you don't like me, I don't need your approval, you don't need Religion approval to do what you do. You all exist and you all are important to me. I Got 10s of millions of people who like my work. I might show my art here, don't know yet. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Rejecting the essential along with the inessential. This Agnostic site might throw out the Religious baby and keep the bathwater. When the act in the same way as the Religion. Hell! US already registered atheism as a Religion. I am only Religious about nature as there are Religions base on nature, not requiring God. Taoism is beautiful. I thought agnostic would be more open minded and tolerant than this. Sure Religion lacks open minds and Tolerant, yet two wrongs do not make a right. If I"m not learning much here, I will leave. I Got 10s of millions of people who like my work. Don't need the like button because I don't belong to a group and don't like labels. Don't like most Religion as much as all of you. I can always learn and enjoy something from every herdlike group. I Don't have to be a member of a herd to learn how to cherry pick. All of you don't have to be a Religious member to learn from them Just be part the family of the majority of the human race as we are as weak as our weakest link.
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
VictoriaNotes comments on Dec 9, 2017:
We don't want to have to deal with proselytizing. Debate forums between believers and nonbelievers are a dime a dozen. Many of us are bombarded with invasive proselytizing day in and day out in our everyday lives. If believers want to join, they are free to do so. However, here's what it states in ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 10, 2017:
I've been world class in the arts, sports and travel. Strength has been diversity by incorporating the best from evey group into my world. I'm no better or worst than anyone else and suck at writing. Don't want to suck at being a loving and balance human being. Have an aim for a friendlier and kinder world rather than an over ego one. If your against the 85 percent of the world and anti against so many groups. Are you any worst than the Religious who think their God is more Superior than anyone, so they must be superior to you. Being anti anything just adds to the problem. I can live and let by being not for a few things and plan not to loose most of my immediate Religious family plus the world is my family..we are stuck on the same boat. About 99 percent of the planet is unknown to humans, collectively. Life is about learning, what are we learning from living in a small box, shutting off from most of the world's fellow human beings. You are an intelligent woman, can you not see?
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
Stevil comments on Dec 9, 2017:
i would think that any religious people would feel much more welcome here than any of us would on one of their sites. When I first found this site. My first instinct was to troll the site as an evangilical christian just to raise the butthurt level as high as possible, but as I started reading. I ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 10, 2017:
You can clearly see the majority here disrespect and non acceptance on this site for Religious people . Combined believer and Religious people make up about 2 percent on this site. A rule a thumb, if it climbs to 20 percent of collectible consciousness this can cause an effect on the majority. This can threatened or influential the status quo. This 2percent is nothing to be concerned about.
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
VictoriaNotes comments on Dec 9, 2017:
We don't want to have to deal with proselytizing. Debate forums between believers and nonbelievers are a dime a dozen. Many of us are bombarded with invasive proselytizing day in and day out in our everyday lives. If believers want to join, they are free to do so. However, here's what it states in ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 10, 2017:
It's sad when I cannot talk to my brother who is lurtheran pastor about his Religion openly. A forum like this could help to find a closer understanding. He tell me we will agree to disagree and not talk about Religion. It seem many here have been deeply hurt by a family member or in the political and businesses circles too. I don't want to abandon the 85 percent of the world population who are Religious or what am I learning in life. I must keep trying to keep up the dialogue and bit by bit express my opinion on why Monolithic does more harm than good. Some Religion are good for personal growth. Just not when they turn to Nationaism Religion and stomp all over people's Constitution rights.
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
benhmiller comments on Dec 10, 2017:
why do man have the need to worship anything? Are we so insecure we can not believe we control our own lives! All things point to no gods! Why do w worship royals they are just the offspring of the bloodiest, greediest people of their time. Why worship actors? They are paid to follow directions. ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 10, 2017:
Yes, question everything. Some People tell me I am honest to a fault. I'd rather know something than being mouse trapped. Then having to tell them, keep the cheese, I just want out of the trap. Yes, greed and over focus on money is the ugliest thing out there. Yes, it is best to be the king of own domain. The hierarchy system from politics to Religion has turned most of us into over worked slaves, not liking what we do. It's all getting worst. I have moved down to Bolivia to restart a few of my business. The cost of living is very cheap and happy people make a big difference.
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
Paul628 comments on Dec 9, 2017:
As far as I know, theists are welcome here, so let's get this ball rolling. "My God is Love...Nature is my Religion. Love conquers all, let's love monolithic Religion to death." What does that mean exactly? It seems every believer has a different idea of what their particular god is, love is ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 10, 2017:
Paul I don't use as large a brush to paint what Religion is. US registered Atheism as a Religion. I don't agree, atheists lacks enough Religious trait's. Yet Nationaism would have many Religious trait's to confirm with in the definition. Taoism is a Religion base on nature. It 's 500 years older than the Bible and it's almost flawless. There no God in the book Taoism and many other kinds of Religion base on nature. The best written I've seen for polical purposes is the US Constitution also no God in it. Love is much more than an emotions. Love is the glues that keeps the earth together. Where fear runs and control things in much of the world today. Who need to sort out millions of Religions. All I want is love and work for a meaningful life of joy.
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
atheist comments on Dec 9, 2017:
Here's the deal - if you're here to learn about agnosticism or participate with non- believers in the forum & have some valid questions to ask, great, come on down. But if you think you're on some kind of mission from god then stay home!
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 9, 2017:
Which God are you referring to. My mission is to share love and kindness. The earth is my home and the world is my family. Where else would I go? Hell maybe a hot nightclub, just no place to retire. Hell and heaven are just concepts I don't subscribe to.
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
tsjames comments on Dec 9, 2017:
As far as I'm aware, anyone is allowed on this site. But I am not sure *why* someone who is religious would want to visit this site on a regular basis. My personal hope is that people who are wavering in their religious faith, or perhaps having serious doubts but not necessarily having done the ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 9, 2017:
To get respect, we must give it. Like everything. You want love, you give love and so on. I have been to atheist sites and there is a high disrespect for theist's. Then theist's go away hating them and nothing solve. It's an over ego world. If each of us do not grow first as individual. How can we give positive growth to others. A lone wolf can not survive without the pack. Like us, wolves are very social creatures. Except humans can be balance individual first than share with all others.
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
Megaman comments on Dec 9, 2017:
I'd bet if someone religious came on this site and started debating with us there'd be some on here who hound them and argue and be very unwelcoming. I see a lot of ridicule directed at the religious and it's definitely worth realising we will absolutely not get through to anyone with that kind of ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 9, 2017:
Hey, if the Pope (infallible) 1.3 billion followers has been converted to 1. Believing in evolution 2. Believes the big bang started the Universe. 3. Dogs go to heaven. 4. Aliens are our Savior. 5. Hell dose not exist. 6. Baptist Aliens and animals ( that one is totally nuts) Then Why? can't agnostic handle the rest of them?.
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
benhmiller comments on Dec 9, 2017:
who is your god? Have you really studied nature? Do you know mother nature is a very cruel mother? Have you ever watched an animal being killed by another animal? Have you read about black vultures eating the ass out an animal giving birth killing the new born and the mother. How is that any type of...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 9, 2017:
All animals love and it the most important word in the world. Yes it seem unjust that the cougar eats the coyote and the coyote eats the rabbit and so on. Have you ever heard the crys from the screaming lettuce. We are all living and dying at the same time and I can accept and understand that. Religion concerns are more about our sex and war, very little for our natural environment. I don't understand these. What good is Yahweh love , when he hate all that don't love him first above everyone and thing. Unless you call Hell love. I am all for you guys, just want to make sure these warmonger destoyers get out strategies.
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
nancy-talcott comments on Dec 9, 2017:
Why would you knowingly join an atheist/agnostic site & then complain the site does not seem to allow religious people? I joined so I don't have to listen to someone try to "convert" me to christianity.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 9, 2017:
Agnostic has the power, only allow 20percent theist's. I'm a strong individual, and fearless.. You show them your fear, they will smell blood and attack like a pack of dogs.
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
skado comments on Dec 9, 2017:
I'm relatively new here, and so far I haven't encountered any traditionally religious people, but I hope they are welcome. How can we dialogue if one side isn't allowed in the conversation?
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 9, 2017:
Argument get angry and debates worst. If you don't enjoy these, just turn it off like the TV. if you ask them to switch it to a dialogue or discussion and they don't , ignore them.
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
kiramea comments on Dec 9, 2017:
I have come across a couple of religious people here, however they aren't stupid enough to try to convert us. You probably see us talking bad because........ this is an agnostic/atheist site. We've been blasted pretty much as long as we've been atheist/agnostic. This is a safe place, and we don't...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 9, 2017:
Keep nonbelievers at 80 percent and your sanctuary will be safe. Not confronting a problems like Religion, only comes back 10 x fold worst. Don't let the turkeys get you down.
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
Marine comments on Dec 9, 2017:
Sorry I have to many individuals already trying to save me ,pray for me and generally trying to convert me.This site isn't being one sided at all rather it is a group of like minded people who have had enough religion and now wish to discuss topics that appeal to them without having to include a god...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 9, 2017:
Try ruling No Gods allowed. Atheist group knowledge of worldwide Religion is the greatest of any group. Don't disallow theist's, just by ignoring them, when their ideas are unreasonable. Will make theist's magical powers, float away. I'm a world-class strategist, it will work.
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
SteveB comments on Dec 9, 2017:
I can get debate just about anywhere. It is nice to be able to be somewhere online and not have that be the first thing I see. If this site became just another place to get into arguments. I'm out.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 9, 2017:
If agnostic only allow 20 percent theist's on site. Nonbelievers will win everytime. I don't like fighting, being a lover. If some theist's are trouble, ignore them and they will go away.
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
Paul628 comments on Dec 9, 2017:
As far as I know, theists are welcome here, so let's get this ball rolling. "My God is Love...Nature is my Religion. Love conquers all, let's love monolithic Religion to death." What does that mean exactly? It seems every believer has a different idea of what their particular god is, love is ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 9, 2017:
God is just a word. When a Christian says God is Love, you can ID that God as Yahweh. Being an artist for most waking hours of my life. I find metaphors allow for deeper and powerful meaning. You may call a heart a muscle- (concrete) I say, Iead with my heart, follow shortly with my mind. Most get it, and it"s like a beautiful painting. Everything you have ever achieved in your lifetime was all first imagined. Pictures came into your mind first, words came second. Religion lacks using their mind. Science without imagination is lame.
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
Stevil comments on Dec 9, 2017:
i would think that any religious people would feel much more welcome here than any of us would on one of their sites. When I first found this site. My first instinct was to troll the site as an evangilical christian just to raise the butthurt level as high as possible, but as I started reading. I ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 9, 2017:
Yes , one atheist site really gave me hell for addressing R Dawkins as over the top. I got plenty of hit over the head lessons. I might get some here, just softer, due to my ignorance about Agnostics. Somehow I ride in life in middle of the road and could get run over. Nonbelievers are the fastest growing group in the world because everything has a reason and evil would be the absence of reason. Lets not push away theist who make up most of our family members and the world. Like how feminists started, really hard at first and deserving so. Today, the men bashing and the tables turning are going the other way. I ask limits the theist's don't eliminate or isolation our love ones. US against Them seem too strong for an agnostic. Being against anything only becomes part of the problem. We the people, are all basically good. Why not those comfortably numbnuts?
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
vertrauen comments on Sep 25, 2017:
I'm glad you raised the question. I, too, would prefer that theists not join us. They already outnumber us in the outside world; it would be wearisome if they came here in large numbers. We already debate them constantly outside; why do they come in here? I'd suggest as a deterrent that the ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 9, 2017:
I like your idea, there could a limit to theist where there is reports of their troubles of trolling or bashing. They could be banned from site if too many reports. Too many numbers of one group outside of nonbelievers like theist's can get disrupting.
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
CatByrd comments on Nov 10, 2017:
I feel that this isn't a place that is created to function as a debate center, or a recruitment center. What other reason would a "true believer" have to join an "agnostic" group? In other words, no, no, and hell no.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 9, 2017:
Above, I mean, don't like debates
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
CatByrd comments on Nov 10, 2017:
I feel that this isn't a place that is created to function as a debate center, or a recruitment center. What other reason would a "true believer" have to join an "agnostic" group? In other words, no, no, and hell no.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 9, 2017:
I find I can agree with anyone about 95 present of things we discuss upon. That 5 percent of disagreements is a bitch. When the Religious come you, like this site. You have a big advantage to educate them of your way of thinking. If you don't like bebates, just say no, if you don't want to.
What's your favorite childhood TV show or movie?
Kreig comments on Dec 9, 2017:
The Wizard of Oz scared me as a kid. Gave me nightmares! Still not a fan, to be honest....
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 9, 2017:
Now that your an Adult, if you watch Wizard of OZ now. You will see a very powerful and meaningful movie.
When collectively humans know about 1 percent about the planet earth and much less about the ...
Red_Cat comments on Dec 9, 2017:
Methinks Castlepaloma is a troll.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 9, 2017:
Red cat is 404, maybe the question, was too difficult.
When collectively humans know about 1 percent about the planet earth and much less about the ...
Red_Cat comments on Dec 9, 2017:
Methinks Castlepaloma is a troll.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 9, 2017:
I am what I think and your wrong. Someone like Trump is a troll because I built a sandcastle for me and he was the most difficult person and upsetting to my crew than any client in 40 years of business. I am here to learn new or other ways of thinking both personally and artist subject matter. You don't get angry or insulted. If it is true what you say, I am learning or confirming it. If not true I ignore them, if the person keeps it up, it's BS and get rid of them. Would you like to try again?
11 Fast Facts about Christianity: 1.
clementsjt comments on Nov 12, 2017:
Do pets you Love Go heaven !
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 9, 2017:
The Pope said dogs do go to heaven. Anything to stay popular.
Is US Nationaism worst than Religion?
wordywalt comments on Dec 8, 2017:
Aggressive nationalism is often driven by, or at the least aided by, total system political or religious ideologies , and/or by ethnocentrism (of which religion plays a major part in the false image of cultural superiority). Examples: the USSR, Israel, Iran, the British Empire, US foreign policy ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 8, 2017:
Religious nationalism is the relationship of nationalism to a particular religious belief, dogma, or affiliation. This relationship can be broken down into two aspects: the politicization of religion and the influence of religion on politics.[1] In the former aspect, a shared religion can be seen to contribute to a sense of national unity, a common bond among the citizens of the nation. Another political aspect of religion is the support of a national identity, similar to a shared ethnicity, language, or culture. The influence of religion on politics is more ideological, where current interpretations of religious ideas inspire political activism and action; for example, laws are passed to foster stricter religious adherence.[2] Ideologically-driven religious nationalism may not necessarily be targeted against other religions per se, but can be articulated in response to modernity and, in particular, secular nationalism. Indeed, religious nationalism may articulate itself as the binary of secular nationalism. Nation-states whose boundaries and borders are relatively recent or that have experienced colonialism may be more prone to religious nationalism, which may stand as a more authentic or "traditional" rendering of identity. Thus, there was a global rise of religious nationalism in the wake of the end of the cold war, but also as postcolonial politics (facing considerable developmental challenges, but also dealing with the reality of colonially-defined, and therefore somewhat artificial, borders) became challenged. In such a scenario, appealing to a national sense of Islamic identity, as in the cases of Pakistan and Indonesia, may serve to override regional tensions. The danger is that when the state derives political legitimacy from adherence to religious doctrines, this may leave an opening to overtly religious elements, institutions, and leaders, making the appeals to religion more 'authentic' by bringing more explicitly theological interpretations to political life. Thus, appeals to religion as a marker of ethnicity creates an opening for more strident and ideological interpretations of religious nationalism. Many ethnic and cultural nationalisms include religious aspects, but as a marker of group identity, rather than the intrinsic motivation for nationalist claims.
Please don't stop debating with Christians.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 8, 2017:
Dawkins said Nationaism is the worst Religion. Why is it this site ignore the dangers of Nationaism. Not to take away anything from the insanity of Religion? Would it take a nuclear bomb to wake people up?
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 8, 2017:
Religious nationalism is the relationship of nationalism to a particular religious belief, dogma, or affiliation. This relationship can be broken down into two aspects: the politicization of religion and the influence of religion on politics.[1] In the former aspect, a shared religion can be seen to contribute to a sense of national unity, a common bond among the citizens of the nation. Another political aspect of religion is the support of a national identity, similar to a shared ethnicity, language, or culture. The influence of religion on politics is more ideological, where current interpretations of religious ideas inspire political activism and action; for example, laws are passed to foster stricter religious adherence.[2] Ideologically-driven religious nationalism may not necessarily be targeted against other religions per se, but can be articulated in response to modernity and, in particular, secular nationalism. Indeed, religious nationalism may articulate itself as the binary of secular nationalism. Nation-states whose boundaries and borders are relatively recent or that have experienced colonialism may be more prone to religious nationalism, which may stand as a more authentic or "traditional" rendering of identity. Thus, there was a global rise of religious nationalism in the wake of the end of the cold war, but also as postcolonial politics (facing considerable developmental challenges, but also dealing with the reality of colonially-defined, and therefore somewhat artificial, borders) became challenged. In such a scenario, appealing to a national sense of Islamic identity, as in the cases of Pakistan and Indonesia, may serve to override regional tensions. The danger is that when the state derives political legitimacy from adherence to religious doctrines, this may leave an opening to overtly religious elements, institutions, and leaders, making the appeals to religion more 'authentic' by bringing more explicitly theological interpretations to political life. Thus, appeals to religion as a marker of ethnicity creates an opening for more strident and ideological interpretations of religious nationalism. Many ethnic and cultural nationalisms include religious aspects, but as a marker of group identity, rather than the intrinsic motivation for nationalist claims. US Christian nationalism same for Muslim countries except the word God is not in the America Constitution. I think US is national Corperationism with reaches to more worldwide other Corperations Nationaism countries.
Is US Nationaism worst than Religion?
wordywalt comments on Dec 8, 2017:
Aggressive nationalism is often driven by, or at the least aided by, total system political or religious ideologies , and/or by ethnocentrism (of which religion plays a major part in the false image of cultural superiority). Examples: the USSR, Israel, Iran, the British Empire, US foreign policy ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 8, 2017:
Culture superiority, funny the more learn things in life. The more I find I am no better or worst than the next guy. I wish hierarchy was abolished as people change things for the better,not politics or Religion.
Do Governments do more harm than Good?
kmdskit3 comments on Dec 8, 2017:
As long as capitalism is assumed government must exist to protect its citizens and the environment from the excesses of capitalism. Under regulated capitalism, what we have now, is too destructive and unregulated capitalism, what most would consider libertarianism, is evil in its destructiveness. ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 8, 2017:
We had capitalism under control and it was a great profit for the people. It is corperationism has taken over world with worst diseases mankind has ever known.
Please don't stop debating with Christians.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 8, 2017:
Dawkins said Nationaism is the worst Religion. Why is it this site ignore the dangers of Nationaism. Not to take away anything from the insanity of Religion? Would it take a nuclear bomb to wake people up?
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 8, 2017:
I made two threads only one taker. Spiritual is about the 99 percent unknowns. What do we know about the 5 questions thread I gave online, where the Government can't answer. Yet an adverage person pays more in taxes than we pay in food and rent.
Do you think Trump is a racist?
sassygirl3869 comments on Dec 4, 2017:
Yes he is a piece of shit racist
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 7, 2017:
Yes, sh*t is useful, time to clean up his diapers and dump trump.
I would like to know what other atheists think of The Satanic Temple?
gearl comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Everything I have read about them has been positive. They try to strengthen the separation between church and state with lawsuits when religious organizations step outside the rules of the first amendment.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 7, 2017:
Satanism maybe fine people maybe more ethnical than monolithic Religion. Although they are two sides of the coin. Atheist are not made from the same mold. Atheist aim is in Science - to observe Religion aim is to fear for control & power. An artist aim is to please. US already has registered atheism as a Religion. That mean you get tax exempt when you gather an assembly. Artist need a tax break most, since we are the poorest of the poor. Artist started cultures and civilization long before Religion. Then Science came long long after thought. Great art is spiritual and has a branch of science to it. Why don't you guys get on your knees and kiss our boots for a change.
I would like to know what other atheists think of The Satanic Temple?
silvereyes comments on Dec 4, 2017:
I don't like it's religious mimicry. I think there are more productive ways to represent non-theists. Ways that promote a more positive image.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 7, 2017:
I agree with silver, it inflame the hate for atheist when atheist are already considered worst than rapest . Now they know atheist have a horns and a tail and live in the levels of hell. It's hypocrisy to the atheist way of thinking. When atheist separate themselves from satanism . Then atheist can objectiveally use satanism as reason or means why monolithic Religion is inherently evil . Other wise they joining the problem timesx1000.
Why is it you seldom hear about women sexually assaulting men?
Gatovicolo comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Men like being sexually assaulted?
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 6, 2017:
Well, yes this thread is about that. Who talks about the US men raping men more than they do women. Had a few attempts on me, when I was young. Good thing, I'm a nature born fighter.
Why is it you seldom hear about women sexually assaulting men?
davtim68 comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Women, PLEASE, sexually assault me.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 6, 2017:
I will go for it, if there is no blood.
Why is it you seldom hear about women sexually assaulting men?
Gatovicolo comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Men like being sexually assaulted?
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 6, 2017:
Have you ever been raped by a big over powering man?
Art as protest: What are your thoughts?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Art works better than words. Art is the most influential tool throughout human history crossing all cultures and groups.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 6, 2017:
If you hold a bloody head up of Trump in protest. You know you have gone too far, even with a scum like him. I would use big crappy diapers on man baby trump, dancing in a puppet show.
Never heard of Angel pop... lol. Saw this, made me :)
MrLizard comments on Dec 6, 2017:
There a re a lot of Angels in South Florida.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 6, 2017:
Too sweet and cloudy.
5 questions your Government can't answer.
whoHearer comments on Dec 6, 2017:
There is one problem with your post which likely makes people hesitant to engage with you. You use the terms 'moral' and 'immoral' without providing a definition of what constitutes morality or immorality. Without understanding what you mean by the terms, there is no way to answer the question. ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 6, 2017:
Thanks for the challenge. Most people won't even try, they will not even try til the abuse gets too painful.
What is the most astounding fact?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
The collective knowledge about the earth is 99percent unknown and love is the glue. Pet pev is most people spend most of their waking lives, not liking what they do. Most wasteful time that I can imagine.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 6, 2017:
No wonder porn is bigger than Hollywood, To some men, love is sex. Lessons in love won't make it to America soon. Creepy.
Anyone else think the rapture is bullshit?
ErichZannIII comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Yes and no. The World will end, but not in the Biblical sense. The Sun will expand when it comes close to death and swallow the planet. Odds are, humans will either all be dead or we'll have moved on to other planets, either in our own galaxy or other galaxies.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 6, 2017:
It would be much cheaper and healthier to fix up earth than to create substainable living on another planet if that is even possible. All you need to do is kick out the bankers and oil kings and take back earthlings again.
What is the most astounding fact?
z0000 comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Everyone knows the most astounding fact is ...... 42
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 6, 2017:
You may have a brain, the size of the planet. How many lights years will it take to explain it?
What is the most astounding fact?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
The collective knowledge about the earth is 99percent unknown and love is the glue. Pet pev is most people spend most of their waking lives, not liking what they do. Most wasteful time that I can imagine.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 6, 2017:
You will not make pass the ABC teacher for lessons in love. Love can wait, sex can't.
What is the most astounding fact?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
The collective knowledge about the earth is 99percent unknown and love is the glue. Pet pev is most people spend most of their waking lives, not liking what they do. Most wasteful time that I can imagine.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 6, 2017:
Parts of northern Europe they teach lesson in love in school. What is better to learn in life, than lessons in love and kindness.
Anyone else get the feeling that when someone says "I'll pray for you" it really means "fuck you"?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 5, 2017:
Not really, they think it is being nice. When they get me on my knees and pray. I really feel phony baloney.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 6, 2017:
Or it could go the other way. Better get on your knees Boy, and pray.
Do you think the people in this society are slaves to materialism, desiring and possessing more than...
webbew1 comments on Dec 6, 2017:
I don't have a lot of material posessions. Don't really need them. I'd just as soon travel anyway. But I've always believed that anybody who is willing to work hard and play by the rules should receive enough compensation for their time and efforts to live in a modest house, pay the bills, put ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 6, 2017:
Webbewl Have you tried running faster on the treadmill. Lol
Art as protest: What are your thoughts?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Art works better than words. Art is the most influential tool throughout human history crossing all cultures and groups.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 6, 2017:
Continue.... How mistakes like this can be adjusted, then there is a silver lining to every story.
Art as protest: What are your thoughts?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Art works better than words. Art is the most influential tool throughout human history crossing all cultures and groups.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 6, 2017:
Art general aim is to please. If we knew the story why the man was hung, then prepared next time how mistakes like this
If aliens landed on Earth, would that spell the end of Earth's religions?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 4, 2017:
The Pope believes that aliens are our savors. I hope he is right, something has to save us from the greedy.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 6, 2017:
Not only that, dogs go to heaven. The Pope believes in evolution and the Big Bang started the Universe and get this,... Hell does not exist. Don't believe me, check it out for yourself. They don't want Aliens being more probable than Yahweh or the church could be less popular. Can't live in heaven without your most loyal best friend. So get your alien and dog Baptist.
What is the worst X-mas song ever? I'll go first.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 5, 2017:
I wrote an adult Santa Claus song, as payback. You better watch out You better get saved You better, before it is too late Jesus Christ is coming to town He has a big book Unless you forgot It tells who is saved, and who is not Jesus Christ is coming to town. He knows when you are ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 5, 2017:
We are all welcome to our illusions. Remember the 11th commandment, keep it to thou self.
Anyone else get the feeling that when someone says "I'll pray for you" it really means "fuck you"?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 5, 2017:
Not really, they think it is being nice. When they get me on my knees and pray. I really feel phony baloney.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 5, 2017:
That would be something to pray for.
Do Governments do more harm than Good?
Varn comments on Dec 4, 2017:
Generally, ‘Government’s are us.’ They are ‘us’ doing our best to look out for ourselves. This constant/ continuous crap about everything wrong in the world being the fault of “Gubment” is exactly what those who really would/ do control us want us to think. They want us to act ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 5, 2017:
Trump has been selected by our owners. Who puppet him and all of them. They sell out all the Presidents and script them what to say. Remember, Congress has more power. Trump is a front man for Rothschilds and Rockefellers, a broken heart for the right.
Do Governments do more harm than Good?
resserts comments on Dec 5, 2017:
I'm not sure I understand the harm you've experienced, and I'm truly sorry for whatever pain suffered, but I think there's an overwhelming net good from government, despite it not being perfect and some forms of government being ruthless. if you want to see what a society no longer managed by ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 5, 2017:
Somalia has a President, over the Government, yet Presidents are of Corperations, not countries like the US. It is one thing to find middle grounds with agnostic compared to 85 percentage of the world being religious. That is like finding the the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain. We are dealing with a 5000 year old wicked witch that keeps moving the goal post who plays by no rules or reason. The main source of evil.
Do Governments do more harm than Good?
VinceRichardson comments on Dec 4, 2017:
I used to be political ,but I now realise that all politics is best left to others. I do believe however we are ruled by ignorant politicians who do not understand money creation. This lack of understanding caused many of our problems today....i.e,financial crashes, boom and bust economic ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 5, 2017:
Good for you.
Do Governments do more harm than Good?
resserts comments on Dec 5, 2017:
I'm not sure I understand the harm you've experienced, and I'm truly sorry for whatever pain suffered, but I think there's an overwhelming net good from government, despite it not being perfect and some forms of government being ruthless. if you want to see what a society no longer managed by ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 5, 2017:
An organized body of people with a particular purpose, especially a business, society, association, etc. the action of organizing something. It can be done dozens of ways and it would not require a major Government that steal from the poor to give to the wealthiest and creates a false democracy. Local or small Governments can work. The Government have been the only ones who destroyed a few of my business with a magic wand without good reason. Mainly because what I do and my products could not be coded by the wealthy and they could not complete.
Do Governments do more harm than Good?
VinceRichardson comments on Dec 4, 2017:
I used to be political ,but I now realise that all politics is best left to others. I do believe however we are ruled by ignorant politicians who do not understand money creation. This lack of understanding caused many of our problems today....i.e,financial crashes, boom and bust economic ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 4, 2017:
When you call out Government you first get alot of dislike. Yet, deep down they just know how to solve the problem of an illegitimate Government.
Do Governments do more harm than Good?
ScubaWags comments on Dec 4, 2017:
The government's job should be to protect individuals. They definitely don't do that. I have to say they do more harm than good at this point.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 4, 2017:
When do you think it will get better?
Do Governments do more harm than Good?
Varn comments on Dec 4, 2017:
Generally, ‘Government’s are us.’ They are ‘us’ doing our best to look out for ourselves. This constant/ continuous crap about everything wrong in the world being the fault of “Gubment” is exactly what those who really would/ do control us want us to think. They want us to act ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 4, 2017:
Don't let a misspelled word, make it all incoherent. traitorism (usually uncountable, plural traitorisms) traitorous behaviour; treachery. The system is rigged, if anyone enjoys wars, unlivable wages , and a dying planet than continue thinking Trump is proof Governments are getting better.
Do Governments do more harm than Good?
Varn comments on Dec 4, 2017:
Generally, ‘Government’s are us.’ They are ‘us’ doing our best to look out for ourselves. This constant/ continuous crap about everything wrong in the world being the fault of “Gubment” is exactly what those who really would/ do control us want us to think. They want us to act ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 4, 2017:
I like rules and laws when they make good sense. For example. They made a law in 1936 over a plant call cannabis. Back then there was 50 thousand users, today there are 160 million users. Now what is the score on the war on drugs?. Cannabis is the most useful and productive plant in world history. This law or rule makes no sense in my books.
Do Governments do more harm than Good?
sassygirl3869 comments on Dec 4, 2017:
Whether we like it or not conmmunities have some form of government-formal or informal. What comes to mind is a wagon train of settlers heading west back when. The wagon train master woud be the unofficial leader of the group. He would set rules where they would stop to rest, how many miles they ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 4, 2017:
I don't think horse and wagon day people were smarter than we are today. When the adverage lifespan was age 45 worst with biblical people age 28, they died by great hardship. The military troops and Justice system police are the most employed employees of all Corperations in the world today. With a license to steal and kill, and scale of group. It harms our freedom and our security greater.
Do Governments do more harm than Good?
JackPedigo comments on Dec 4, 2017:
So what is the answer? Go back to local tribes with some chief as leader? The problem with we the people is that when the people get too large and diversified, governing all the separate self-interests becomes what we have now; polarization, poor distribution of resources and a crumbling life ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 4, 2017:
All Government are corrupted in different degrees. The only true leaders throughout human history has been the collectively consciousness of the people who when are greatly abused, then change it. Not Religion or the Government and worst NOT NWO or NATO. You stick with them they will continue wipe their back sides with your Constitution and US dallors like toilet paper. The wealthiest will never care if you live or die. We can stave to them to death working everything privately rather than public liable for debt to them for life in turn means slavery.
Do Governments do more harm than Good?
sassygirl3869 comments on Dec 4, 2017:
Whether we like it or not conmmunities have some form of government-formal or informal. What comes to mind is a wagon train of settlers heading west back when. The wagon train master woud be the unofficial leader of the group. He would set rules where they would stop to rest, how many miles they ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 4, 2017:
Living with family, group and community is Great. Better without the Mafia Government telling how you must live.
Do Governments do more harm than Good?
wordywalt comments on Dec 4, 2017:
Your view is jaundiced. You lump all governments in one basket of bad eggs. Governments can do a huge amount of harm but can also do a great deal of things which enable our freedom and well-being of us and our environment. It is up to us to act strongly and consistently to make sure that our ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 4, 2017:
The more taraitorism a Government is, the worst the Government corrupted it is. People would be happier living privately than being slaves and owning debt carried on by your Children lives. They are born 50,000 in debt, then student loans, then a house owns you, you are liable living in public to them pass your death.
Do Governments do more harm than Good?
NerdyOkieDude comments on Dec 4, 2017:
"But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary"- James Madison, The Federalist Papers No. 51 [1788]
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 4, 2017:
Well US is no. One in prisons, offensive military and angels. What can be more unnatural and synthetics than these Corperations of religion, War and living in a cage.
Do Governments do more harm than Good?
snytiger6 comments on Dec 4, 2017:
It would be impossible for humans to live in large communities without government. Government helps keep the peace within large societies. That beign said, government can be harmful or helpful depending on the agenda(s) of the people in charge. Many policies can be both good and bad at teh same...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 4, 2017:
I have visited many self substainable communities, even anarchist communities have impressed me more than any nations Governments. Been to over 100 countries, had to abandoned my 3 eco villages projects due to the Government telling me living off the corporate grid is illegal. Goverments in Canada own the rain water.They own you and even the waterways to your Mother birth canal, they own you from birth to death plus taxes. If you don't volunteer to them, they have other debtor or enslaved methods. Nobody owns me, not even myself.
Do Governments do more harm than Good?
Varn comments on Dec 4, 2017:
Generally, ‘Government’s are us.’ They are ‘us’ doing our best to look out for ourselves. This constant/ continuous crap about everything wrong in the world being the fault of “Gubment” is exactly what those who really would/ do control us want us to think. They want us to act ...
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 4, 2017:
Most people, ( 80?)don't like the Government. Goverments are mercenaries for the greedy and wealthiest. They threw us overboard 40 years age along with the natural environment. Adverage person pays more in taxes than in food and rent, that is stealing in my books. Authorities kill and murder more than the public actions do. I have been told I am crazy for thinking the people collectively can and must in the near future do a much better job than the Government. (Volunteerism , we do this with the Government anyways. I have only two rule be honest and do not harm. The US military, worldwide Corperations and Government broken those two rule more than anybody or group.
Why isn't trump being called out for the treasonous, racist pig that he is?
sourceofdesire comments on Dec 4, 2017:
The deep state is more dangerous. The deep state controls almost everything after the JFK assasination, no matter who is the president. It is not like the deep state takes all the decision, rather it's like no one in the govt. can take a decision if the deep state don't want that.
Castlepaloma replies on Dec 4, 2017:
In polls the Republicans have turned away from Trump most. Out of the polls that dropped by 20? for the President to be competent for the job.


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