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One of 20 sculptures of the history of Oklahoma


I miss George Carlin so much.
Castlepaloma comments on May 28, 2019:
Nobody has expressed the big Freak Show better than George.
Trump Says He's Not Looking to Topple Iranian Leadership
Castlepaloma comments on May 28, 2019:
Iran is too great of an arm force and too much backing from other countries. Stick to the military complex to its dishonest attacking the poor small oil countries or without central banking. Do what Empires do best, raping and pillaging.
Memorial Day: Remember the Victims of American Bombs When You Remember the Soldiers Who Died for Our...
Castlepaloma comments on May 28, 2019:
Empire authorities kill more people in human history than the public has killed. US troops is nine times out of ten, a murderer in a uniform. I have the same problem with changing Columbus Day to Native Day, the largest genocide in human history. To reminder these days is a harzard to my happiness. I choose not to regret, only regret what I don't do in the future. For happiness has more to do with my health and what I can forget. I am happier not to remember Remembrance Day or Native Day.
Why are people so up themselves?
Castlepaloma comments on May 26, 2019:
Since the greatest fear in America, is the fear of public speaking. I think more people could be blowing their own horn more rather than being comfortablally numb.
Ecocide, the greatest crime against man and planet ever.
Castlepaloma comments on May 17, 2019:
You think more people would vitally interested in their own survival then dead end Trump.
I saw a statistic today that 1 in 4 women have had an abortion.
Castlepaloma comments on May 16, 2019:
Killing takes on comfortable numbness.
Pope Francis Guilty of “Heresy,” Catholic Scholars Claim in “Historic” Letter | David Gee | ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 16, 2019:
This is the most logical Pope ever. That is why so many assume Christains leaders call him the anti- Christgg
Has anyone here had any experience of or with Satanists?
Castlepaloma comments on May 16, 2019:
I base my life on good sense. The 10 commandments from the Bible or santaism rules can be boil down to 2 rules . Do not harm and be honest. Since Satan believes in God it makes no sense to use it to separate church and States because you become another form of Religious church and just an adversary Best to stick to non believers, for they are fastest growing group in the world. You don't to have a phony church for lying taxes. Non believers would not need to create hate, or be against that can lead to harm and dishonesty. In order to protect their group.
Trump is always giving "nicknames" to people he doesn't like.
Castlepaloma comments on May 16, 2019:
Trump-a-sour-wrecks ....a modern Trex
I saw a statistic today that 1 in 4 women have had an abortion.
Castlepaloma comments on May 16, 2019:
Seems like alot. Many religious people think abortion and adultery as the worst sins in the world. Many must feel uncomfortableally numb.
Religion is the greatest irony man has ever invented...
Castlepaloma comments on May 14, 2019:
Think I read this story in the Bible also. Would not want to be a women, trapped in a monolithic hard religious family or country.
A thing or two Trump wants you to know.
Castlepaloma comments on May 14, 2019:
Things I trust more than Trump My ex- wife and mother inlaw Bald headed Priests Shark tanks with pet me signs Kim Jong-un Killer clowns, well, at par. A date with a 6'8'' women Monsanto organic seeds Friendly Mosquitos Jungle juice & Red bull Venomous snakes as pets. Porcupine making love Cannibal lovers I gott a million of em.
Come on , meet my friends, Saudi and Russia, Trust me, Israel loves you so much, We will take ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 14, 2019:
That's pretty dark
A thing or two Trump wants you to know.
Castlepaloma comments on May 13, 2019:
A thing or two Trump wants you to know.
Castlepaloma comments on May 13, 2019:
I am the best job maker that God ever created. I'm highly educated, I know big words, nobody knows words like me. I have natural science instincts. Banking, nobody knows banking like I do, yeeeeshh!
A thing or two Trump wants you to know.
Castlepaloma comments on May 13, 2019:
Please add more of your own most outrageous Trump bragging quotes.🔔🎙️
Mother - Pink Floyd []
Castlepaloma comments on May 12, 2019:
More relevant today, than when it was made.
I love the South Park show, humor is so irreverent, exactly my view of religion and religious ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 12, 2019:
The Mormons was the correct answer to get into heaven. There were ahead of their time, like All in the Family.
Climate change: 100 CEOs killing the planet - Big Think
Castlepaloma comments on May 12, 2019:
You can relax Trump said it was all a chinese Hoax. A President would never lie to us... Not
The gay agenda?
Castlepaloma comments on May 12, 2019:
If you put all the gay population in the world together, they could be the 4th largest Religion in the world. They are getting closer to that since they made Atheists a religion in the US. This would be more dangerous for gays door knocking than if Atheists would do it.
It's as if millions of rednecks cried out in terror....
Castlepaloma comments on May 12, 2019:
Great for gay bars.
Would you have sex with a stranger for $1,000?
Castlepaloma comments on May 12, 2019:
There was a test at a university. One good looking man and one good looking women each asked to 10 students each on campus. They asked, will you come to a hotel with me and have sex. It was 7 out of, 10 men, said yes. None of the women said yes. All for free. Men are pigs, that is why we own everything.
Mike Pence Promises Christians Will Get Special Protection | Michael Stone
Castlepaloma comments on May 12, 2019:
Words only hurt a little. Are the agnostic and Atheists invading Christains with tanks and missiles again?
Vice President Pence to graduates: Be prepared to be ridiculed for being Christian ASSHOLE PENCE! ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 12, 2019:
Did Pence get raped as a choir boy? He wants to ban gay students and teachers. Pence wants to put creationism in every school in America. You would have to burn a hell of a lot bio-organism and history books . To convince them the world is only 6000 years old.
A peaceful religion?
Castlepaloma comments on May 11, 2019:
There seem to be two camps of Jesus followers. One who follows the Holly Ghost and ignores the horrible bits in the Bible like Latino Catholics. The laws are blended upon their hearts, through Jesus Christ consciousness. Jesus is beautiful, intelligent and kind man who would not beat his sheep only the money changers. Sound like an anarchist. Two- The overly rightousness who take much written as ultimate true and knowledge and beat their sheep. Who grant Julius Caesar what is Caesar from written in the King James Bible. Who are merging with the Military and politics. Who create 90% of the world wars, prisons and slavery.
Things I trust more than Donald Trump.... AS partial list. Fell free to add to it.
Castlepaloma comments on May 11, 2019:
I would believe a lawyer can exists that can't lie, than I would trust Trump.
Things I trust more than Donald Trump.... AS partial list. Fell free to add to it.
Castlepaloma comments on May 11, 2019:
This is a really odd one. I trust Religion more than I trust nationism Trump.
The US government just officially recognized the Satanic Temple as a religion
Castlepaloma comments on May 11, 2019:
Yes, Satan believe in God.
Should 11-year-old girls have to bear their rapists' babies? Ohio says yes. - Chicago Tribune
Castlepaloma comments on May 11, 2019:
It must of been the parents decision because she was under age. Still a fuckup law where all humans have a right of what goes in and out of your own body, no matter of what sex. That goes for marrijanna also.
What is your response to those people who actually believe that prayer has been banned in public ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 11, 2019:
You can always pray privately. In Canada I see Muslims allowed to take extra coffee breaks to pray, without the coffee.
What is the worst thing for you about beginning a new relationship?
Castlepaloma comments on May 11, 2019:
Can my heart be broken again.
No amount of money...
Castlepaloma comments on May 11, 2019:
I can think of four other things, just as important as money, Yet most do not want to hear about it.
Religion, greed, ego, name a few reasons
Castlepaloma comments on May 11, 2019:
There are a few peaceful ones in these groups. Yet, overall they really want to fight all the time.
Total legalized marijuana, will unbalances job markets!!! If under Trump created 263,000 new jobs.
Castlepaloma comments on May 8, 2019:
Legalization Other benefits to public . Save government(s) literally many billions of dollars in law enforcement costs at all levels. . It would reduce murders and crime in poor neighborhoods, profiling blacks 4 to 8 times greater .Reduce the prison population substantially, destroy the cartels, and would essentially end most organized crime and border wars with Mexico. .The taxation and regulation of its use and sale would increase government revenue. .Ailing patients could use it. We can rediscover the best medicine known to man. . Marrijanna smells better than alcohol breath .Hemp products could be made in mass guality and mass quantity. .What People put into their bobies is not our government's business. Its illegal status is absolutely absurd
Should we respect other people's beliefs?
Castlepaloma comments on May 8, 2019:
I respect and accept religions. Not against it, just not for religion. They are bio organisms or humans first. By being an example, I may be able convert a few of them to moderation of everything including atheist. Wow 93% said no here, no wonder I am not popular here.
Just random thoughts.
Castlepaloma comments on May 5, 2019:
People are welcome to their delusions on a personal bases. When Judeo/Christain 99% dominant Goverment, it is a problem.
Cross a poem with a song.
Castlepaloma comments on May 4, 2019:
Oh boy, that went over like a dead cow. Back to the drawing board.
OH, MY GOD May be this question has been asked and discussed here before.
Castlepaloma comments on May 3, 2019:
That is proof, I am God.
Religion, the Oldest Weapon of Mass Destruction in Human History
Castlepaloma comments on May 3, 2019:
I can't imagine Jesus, Ali and Buddha sitting around a table. Talking about weapons of mass destruction. I can imagine corporatism tooling religion into mass destruction. Politics, Military and Religion merge together to control and own the World.
Cancer and heart dieses, tripled deaths since 1900s.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 20, 2019:
History of marrijanna 101 is very good video too. Every country in the world marrijanna/cannabis was legal a 100 years ago. Then US/UN outlawed cannabis in every country in the world. Till now, Canada and Uraquay are the first to create a cannabis domino worldwide. Doesn't the maple leaf flag look like a cannabis plant. Watch the video before you down the most important plant in the world... Cannabis. No other plant can hold a candle to the cannabis plant.
Cancer and heart dieses, tripled deaths since 1900s.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 17, 2019: Israel scientist thinks cannabis cures cancer. Also Dr Oz top leading MD speeker in the US. Calls cannabis the Miracle drug. The FDA went Reefer Madd and can be passionate about cannabis, but you can't call it a miracle drug. Why do you think? Cannabis by FDA and Pharma corp take away their monoply money invested in their corruption coded drugs. Yet, still have cannabis schudule one. In all US states with medical legal cannabis, it has generally reduce over dose drugs by 25%. Cannibis is an exit herb, not a gateway drug. It will have a Domino effect, like the great Wall of Berlin.
Alright, I have to earn a place in the queue.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 13, 2019:
I knew a Mansion in the sky or Mormons give you a planet with 33 hot babes on it. All sounded too good to be true.
Alright, I have to earn a place in the queue.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Be careful of your words. How can you FUCK GOD, when you can't find him. Lol.
Can cannibis cure cancer, yes or no?
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Dr. Oz says, in 20 of the States that have legalized medical marijuana. The overdose on drugs in general has reduced by 25%. Dr. Oz calls cannabis is the meracle drug, he got hell for that in court from the FDA. Oncology doctors who spoke out on YouTube. Said chemotherapy fails 90% to 97% of the time. Often cancer comes back more immuned than before. Must be the great money kickbacks.
Can cannibis cure cancer, yes or no?
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 5, 2019:
I know the truth hurts a little, ultimately we are better for it. The top wealthiest billionaires own as much wealth as half of the human race. When you don't have your health, you have nothing. Make your health everything, stop making the wealthiest richier. Chemotherapy and radiation mostly does not work, except adds to the greedy bastards wealth. Meanwail our life expectancy lowers for the first time in modern history.
Can cannibis cure cancer, yes or no?
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Testimonials cancer cures from cannabis. Joseph Siler https://christiansagainstprohibition.or … You_Decide Lindsey Martin … marijuana- … nabis-oil/ Harry du Plessis … TbIKpNtx5c Jessica Olson … hird-time/ … ime/#page1 William Frost … in-tumours … story.html Amelia Powers … zd3rp627k7 Tammy Levent … re-cancer/ Taylor Rehmeyer … 963f4.html Cheryl Pearson … diagnosis/ … -saves-mom Alan Park … nnabis-oil … -wild-ride Alexander Kephart … -cannabis/ Laurie Gaddis … e-colorado … story.html Lin Coxon … l-7043427/ Simon Coleman … bis-oil-2/ http://www.tedxfolkestone
Can cannibis cure cancer, yes or no?
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 4, 2019:
Sorry guys, I don't concur. How is chemotherapy posions, radiation related to a nuke plant and dangerous surgery compare to the cannibis medical plant of little or no side effects? Cannibis shown positive proof and used for 5 thousands years, as it's actually the most important plant in the world history. Your US injustice system has locked up or gone to court millions of decent US citizens each year. Yet most of you here, still trust these phytopaths as they schedule cannibis one, as meaning, no useful purpose and most dangerous. I personally use cannibis for hypertension in sleep and heart problems. Plus my girlfriend uses it for her brain cancer as it works perfectly. Rick Simpson and many ophthal doctors on YouTube have hundreds of personal testimonies of cancer cures. I'm sure reefer madness people have died off from the number one cause of death in the world. Medical industry and Pharmaceutical Companies. Not from the Public Enemies number one, cannabis. Trust your mainstream media and highest profit pharmaceutical companies, as far as I care. I trust my main food source of microgreens and high THC entica cannibis oil. Grown on my balcony and home, and it's all legal in Canada. Cheaper than feeding those greedy bastards who don't even care if you live or die. They are winning record profits and the UN mandate of 2 billion population on earth. I believe in reducing the world population, let start with these phytopaths wealthy synthetic, politicans and lawyers.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 31, 2019:
I sure worked in war, having God on your side. Think these prayers is all false confidence, wars and wishing too much solves nothing.
So many people say that being an atheist is like being in a religion so they feel okay believing in ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 31, 2019:
I have no use for sins, in fact sins just create more hippocrites and guilt. Sin is painful feeling that's a mix of shame, regret, self-hate, guilt and dishonor. These are some of the most miserable feelings of all. Just make adjustments in life rather than nonsense feeling of sins. There is many confusing concepts between Religion and something of a spiritual experience.
If the love of your life walked around the corner, what do you imagine that might look like?
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 26, 2019:
She would have to look like the woman I got. Now. I will look around the corner, if we stop working out beautifully anymore.
True love is possible
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Fat chance.
Life used to be so simple, what happened, I finally get my self together and the country is falling ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Good for you. I'm fearless, yet it is important to be aware and prepared.
Despite shutdown, almost 200 attend TSA Tennessee jobs event
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 14, 2019:
I wonder when the the purge will start, in order to really start making money. No taxes would mean the greatest profit margin ever.
In africa when you say your not a believer they see you as someone possesd by demons ??‍♂️
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 13, 2019:
I saw on a YouTube video, many people being burnt alive in a pit, for claims of witchcraft over in Africa. Surely hell on earth.?☠
If every life is sacred...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 10, 2019:
If every human life is sacred. Then every religious sperm is sacred. Since abortion and adultery is sacred for the Religious and considering American's worst sins. After over population and polluting the earth, it's not sacred anymore. The human over multiplying the planet is the greatest danger to millions of species. For me something Sacred would be more the spiritual sense of personal and natural growth. Like love, the sun and the vagina. Then sacred would mean something highly valued and important : deserving great respect.
If every life is sacred...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 10, 2019:
I generally seek to make my artwork beautiful. Good artwork feels spiritual and the really rare peace of artwork would feel sacred, like a deeper meaning and feeling.
President Trump says he's cutting off FEMA money for California fires
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Burning away forest, makes way for Trump's gaslines, oil fracking and coal mines.
Morals and religion
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Ethics is more simple business like and solid, like for example, do not kill or steal. Where morals are often loosely made up to control the mass. The Religious break their own rules more than anyone.
Oh Boy.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Some good points here, among you guys. From my last whirlwind sex fascination, people here gave me, some good pointers also.
For believers, fear of atheists is fueled by fear of death
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Christians put down the jellyfish as an ugly creasure in the Bible. They speak about the Dolphins as the beautiful intelligent animal. Because Jellyfish is an immortal animal of 650 million years old. Thousands times older than God's creation of life, light and earth. Adam and Eve, then POOOF! e verything else was imagine and designed by young Creationism.
Death. Do you fear it?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 29, 2018:
I don't fear death, just don't want to be there, when it happens.
Karma, real or imagined?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 24, 2018:
My karma ran over their Dogma.
I want Trump to stay.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 24, 2018:
My pyramid starts with a man/woman and child. Then it moves on down to people of service and love. As this pyramid hits the very bottom, beneath the leaches, fungus and parasites. Then politics, military and Religion all emerges together, worst than morlocks. Everyone is welcome to their elusions.
A Christmas greeting to all.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Then the Lord wanted to kill his only son, to prove he loves us with all our sins. If this is love, I wouldn't want to be his enemies that he loves and he wants his slaves to love too. Now, I am ultimately confused about war and sex.
Guns: Give them to everyone as a government program.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 15, 2018:
One person's fantasy is another persons insanity. 1. According to the NRA you are 3 times more likely to commit suicide by gun than to kill anyone else. 2. You are more likely to kill someone you know with a gun than a criminal. 3. There is a chance the criminal can disarm you and use the gun in fear to kill you. 4. When you kill anyone, something in your soul dies. Like the return troops from Vietnam. More Vietnam vets committed suicide back home. Than US troops were killed over in Vietnam. Guns and war solves nothing. Get a dog, learn marshal arts or have a neighbourhood watch.
Jesus attack!!!??
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 15, 2018:
Just add all the other Supernatural heros and have a world war 3.
What does it mean?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 15, 2018:
Spiritual is the 99℅ unknowns. Religion is a broken parrot.
I smoke, I drink, I do drugs does that make me undesirable, unreliable, disloyal, unloving and ...
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 15, 2018:
The drinking and drugs, there are culture groups for them . Smoking is undesirable by most.
Try to look on the bright side of life...
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 15, 2018:
If your too happy, I might think the person is nuts.⛑?.
What do you trust more than the Government?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 2, 2018:
I can't imagine more untrustworthy people in the world other than centralized bankers. About 80℅ of people don't like the Government, what group do you know that has that high of rate to be disliked. Why do most trust them? It's that old heirachary indoctrination matrix's system who trains them. I know I am a much better leader towards leading my own life. Rather than accepting being a sheep or slave to those greedy Bastards and their minions.
WE ALL WORSHIP one GOD, It's called the GOVERNMENT! Some say, you can not be an anarchist without...
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 31, 2018:
With retirement money and an international sculpture business, money will go much further. Plus build my tiny castle home without the hassle and grow my own healthier food. People feel they won't survive without the Government. Yet I don't know anything the Government can do well, except harm us. Try to avoid them as much as humanly possible. I want to continue thriving in life. I'm sure many here think I am the crazy one.
Tell me a Noah Ark story like a comedian.
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I thought agnostic and atheist would take more issue with this topic. Since Creatiism get into America school education system nationwide. It means more brainwashed lies and taxpayers will be footing the bill. Noah's ark is about Geography and biology. Even setting evolution aside, basic geology disproves creationism According to a recent Pew Center Research study, most biologists are atheists. When discussing elite biologists, the figure is well over 90%. Who is really stupid about geology and biology?
Tell me a Noah Ark story like a comedian.
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Creatism stories vary all over the map as clergymen and pastors act as Christians scientist. The Museum claims the continents was all connected together to make it walkable for animals to Babylon. The Pacific ocean was all one massive ocean. Adam lived during part of Noah's lifetime. They had a display of a raptor playing in the backyard with the kids. Or course it was safe, raptors were vegetarian at the time. They probably helped out herding the livestock. The only other documentary related to this, is the Flintstones. In 2008 they found seven large wooden compartments of the ark buried at 13,000 feet above sea level, near the peak of Mount Ararat Turkey. They say, this is proof, Evolution is a lie and atheist are willingly very stupid. Atheist had to be helped by Satan, to get this good at stupidity.
Tell me a Noah Ark story like a comedian.
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 22, 2018:
The serious side of this whole thing is floods are the most destructive nature force in the worlds history. Creatism claim Noah story wipped out the entire human race and all creasures, except on the boat. Noah's white family would mean all Asians, black and brown cultures were destroyed. So blacks came from whites, not the other way around. All proven by the world's largest multi million Creatiism museum and Noah Ark museum. The atheist plan to sue these lies if brought to every school in America making all this a mandate. Pushed by Vice President Pence.
Is the world becoming more atheist?
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 22, 2018:
There is no mention of God in the American Constitution. Christianity is currently dying in Europe and the US may gradually follow suit. Still US has the largest Christians population in the world and congress is 99℅ Judeo/Christians. That has alot of influence on how they think. Look at Brazil the second highest population of Christians. The corruption and lack of trust of each other, is out of control. The poorest countries of the world reach for religion, because the poor go for God. Religion itself thrives in places, individualism fails. That’s the real clash of civilisations. Poverty and the natural environment are the greatest killers on the Planet. Religion dose not care much for neither. Like sheep, no brain/it is replace by comfortable numbness.
Is the world becoming more atheist?
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Atheist are not growing that fast. Although, non believers is the fastest growing group in the world today.
Most Species have not been discovered on earth yet, none from other planets.
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Anyone afraid?. It's really not all over the map, it's simplified Once learned alot living in America especially with the idea of the land of the brave and free. Although Not today, they call Fear of God respect, fear of divine judgment, hell or God's omnipotence. Respect, is different and you can't have both. Majority of Americans are the boss, yet don't know it. Why fear their Nationaism leaders, because of this fear, they keep getting worst. I fearlessly confronted Trump and WG Bush and they will never mess with me again. I was trapped between a mother bear and her club. Being fearless is not the absence of fear. I was not going to let her know I was afraid. My choice was to fight.!!! So I was ggggrrrowling throwing tin cans at her. Then the cub and her mother ran away. Even though the bear could of easily killed me. Even Trump and Bush these cowardly bullies, fear they could get hurt themselves too. Fearless is having doubts and living in spite of those things that scare you to death. Fearless is falling in love again, regardless of being hurt before. It’s fearless and faith that someday things will change. Allowing yourself to cry, letting go, then, moving on and being alright…that’s fearless. The answer to fear is love. Love is FEARLESS.
History of American violence is a hazard to culture & health.
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 11, 2018:
Everybody comfortably numb? I'm well prepared for much worst to come.
What would you say to God if when you died you were faced with him?
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 9, 2018:
HOLLY FUCKers!!! IT never seen plausible. Was it the passion of the Jews in heaven or the Morons, !,$#&@#, rivers of lava, SCREAM!!!, Cry,.. cry, freaking HOT down here. I mean Mormons.
Top ten ranking Athletes of all times.
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 7, 2018:
Bicycle and walking would have the most participates, just not as many fans. Wilt Chamberlain had about the most intense scoring record for 14 seasons. Wilt was 5th on the all time highest scoring records. Behind 63 players for NBA most titles.
Doubt vs gullibilty
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 3, 2018:
If I have doubt on anything, I will over focus until it is solved. Religion was not understood by me. I'll wait til hell freezes over.
"Religion is a crutch for the weak.
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 3, 2018:
It may weaken their mind, yet they have an monopoly on emotions.
If women ran the world we wouldn’t have wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days.
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 1, 2018:
No wars, until the 28th day. As all women leaders moons would recycle together.
Do you think Satan and Santa ever get each other's mail?
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 1, 2018:
I'm sure of it. Satan Claus.
What are your favorite proofs against the Bible?
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 30, 2018:
To have a talking snake or donkeys or build Noah's Ark. The goat herder guilds to the Universe writers. Must of had something stronger than the blood of Jesus or magic mushrooms in their wine..
Does anyone truly "believe"?
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Got a wolfpack theory. Wolves are very social creatures like humans. If a wolf gets rejected from the pack, he becomes a lone wolf, a wolf who can not survive without the pack and dies. Most humans think this same way, except a lone wolf human can survive without the pack, as a strong individual. A person will ignores many moral or unethical issues , for his stronger desires to be with his social pack, that would be religious. For me, my desire is to not live a lie. That has been stronger than to be with most of the world population who are Religious packs of being hippocrites, based on fear.
I got frustrated with my special lady last night and punched my steering wheel quite hard in anger.
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 27, 2018:
Yes, a big mistake, if you deeply care about this woman. Yet knowing a violent act, even if it was on a steering wheel, she would react harshly to. Women love to hear sorry, this is the best time to get on your hands and knees and beg for forgiveness. Don't know you, if you have ever hit a woman. Strick everything I said, forget about it, it won't happen. Other things to consider is a woman with 2 kids at home and only gives you only 2-3 hours a week of your time together. Ask yourself, if you can do better. .
A new witness against tRump
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 27, 2018:
That is why cats across the nation attack the TV screen, when Trump comes on. Especially when he call cats useless and lazy animals. Who doesn't Trump bash? At least not directly his puppet masters.
Nightly buisness Report-pbs " Teens are getting more plastic surgery then ever before"-reason ...
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 27, 2018:
I have always been open with my daughter, like my best friend. After all she is the love of my life. When she wanted tattoos, I told her I perfer a wild t shirt, rather than a permanent mark. So she only got a tiny tattoo. When she was smoking too much pot and drinking. I said, would perfer you as a pot head than an alcoholic. Hope you would be neither. She cut both of them down alot, sometimes we vaporizer pot together. I am often complementary on her natural physical beauty. So she only changes everything naturally.
Any freethinking women in the northeast arkansas area? I’m having bad luck finding any so far.
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 27, 2018:
You would probably have better luck in a big city. Unless you love fishing, farming and golf as your passion in life.
“…the universe is governed by scientific laws.
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 27, 2018:
When a phenomena can not be explained. The Religious leaders conveniently explain in our over ego world. That it was an act of God or Satan. Yet, by my individual experience a phenomena can always come closer to a better explanation of the truth in time, if not fully explain it. Its a matter being observed and explore in time. That is a phenomena and mysterious in of itself, as the earth's mass is 99℅ untouched. If I have come closest to a religious experience, it would have to be through imagination and the laws of nature.
If a criminal repents he/she goes to heaven.
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 27, 2018:
I think Religious fairytales would give me more nightmares than sweet dreams. Imagine if the Muslims had the right answer to who God really is. Heaven would mean 72 virgins and hell would be a monkey up my butt. It would be a hell of a nightmare to choose.
Me when people say the eyes are the window to your soul . . . .
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 27, 2018:
Make my living as an artist. As far as eyes is the window to the soul. Visuals in your head comes before your words. On the internet people tend to fast track visual images to their soul, like 1000 words in a painting
The meaning of life is to be as happy as one can be.
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 27, 2018:
I thought the answer to the meaning of life was 42.? For now happiness will do, I wish our national gross product was happiness. I think your health and what you can forget has most to do for your happiness.
A greenhouse was made into an experimental living space in Taiwan.
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 27, 2018:
Working on the similar concept in tiny homes, plants pump in fresh oxygen. The adverage building in 9 times more toxic inside than outside. As we breathe more than anything else. Make you feel alive amoung the living rather than an over synthetic world.
A funny thing happened on a dating site I used to belong to.
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 27, 2018:
Usually these kind of people don't know you at all. They are onesided in their views. I say, I don't accept your gift to me, and return the gift to its rightful owner, YOU.
I’ve been shot in combat.
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Guns is the most useless tool for teaching anything , I could imagine.
Rules of Logic.
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 7, 2018:
question these on the list I have Faith in up or down or sideways or in myself. Argument by Emotive Language. --Arguments is inefficient as an angry discussion. Emotional and intellectual (IQ) gives you a higher energy with an EQ. Argument from Ignorance, -Again arguments are inefficient and Ignorance applies to humans with the 1℅ collective knowledge about the earths 99℅ unknown mass. Magic can relate to phenomena is any thing which manifests itself. Phenomena are often, but not always, understood as "things that appear" or "experiences" for a sentient being, or in principle may be so. Or consider extreme logic.
With such a lack of Reason and Logic amongst religionists and spiritualists how do we who have ...
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 7, 2018:
I"m agnostic and spiritual. Who is to say atheist are not unbalance by being too much into their own heads. Too much in our minds is where the source of problems are. Why not lead their lives with their hearts?, said to be the other brain or sub consciousness. Suppose they lack the understanding what spiritual means to them. Or have a lame imagination to boldly explore the unknowns about spiritual.
Does religion equal goodness
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Maybe for people living in biblical times. One who can't live pass age 30. I am not wanting to live and regret the ancient pass. Nice is a little on the dumb side.


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