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Which one of THESE fetishes would you be most willing to deal with?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 18, 2017:
Toes are wild, as long as there is no toe jam.
Should companies be required to include sales tax in their pricing per item?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 18, 2017:
Yes, sale tax must be up front. I'm ok with higher sin taxes too, you have choice's. Like tobacco, alcohol and anything that is a high risk to your health. Just not income tax, that is burglary by a cop at gun point.
Who or what is/are your worst enemies?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 18, 2017:
Wow, Donald is people's worst enemy? He is just a man baby puppet for the Greedy. Politican are there for the illusions of freedom. If not him, some other wasteful and damaging energy. I voted myself, because I don't accept bullies or enemies. My world and Universe starts with self. Only love and kindness can penetrate it's defenses.
Atheists declare war... XD
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 17, 2017:
Non believers and anarchist are growing very fast these days. The truth warriors of words is working. As long as we can keep encourage them into a reasonable discussion's, and avoid personal attacks. People are basically good.
If virtual reality became full immersion, would you want to live in a virtual world?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 17, 2017:
We live in a matrix, just put the puzzle together in plain sight.
Do you support the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 16, 2017:
For a US economy being the wealthiest in the world. Yet, to be ranked near the bottom of 1st world countries for health care is the worst for suffering. Just a fraction from your over crowded prisons or war budget would make America healthy and stable again. Must be brainwashed out of their health. Brainwashed like raked 43th in the world for freest news and media. Trump lowered it more. Then raked 23rd as freest country in the world. That is Nationaism for yeah, call me crazy, some do, because I am an artist. Give me health and liberty, or death!!!
If your life were a sitcom, what would it be called?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 16, 2017:
The Adventures of a Cosmic Sand Gypsy Or Forrest Gump on Acid
What's the oil to your water: who would you hope not to be your cubicle roomie?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 16, 2017:
Built a sandcastle within a roller coaster for Trump world Casinos in NJ. Trump was the most difficult person I have ever worked with in my life. An dirty oil king vs pure water. Trump tried to Unitized my sculptors, that's like herding cats. Had to train carpenters, masons and Elctricans to be Sculptors just because we using their tools of their trade. Cost $20 for every bucket of water. Worked in poor lighting conditions, like a dungeon. To see Trump put his name on my sandcastle was like putting a candy wrapper on an art peace. We fought all the time, they acted like mobsters. The work turned out beautiful. Did not get fired or sued, yet lost Money on the contract. Today to see Trump as king of the Universe. It's a shame on the US people and me for ever working with him. The up side is Trump may expose the real slave masters owner to the true Americans people, and not be aware he is doing so.
Freaky Friday: If you had to body swap with someone else, who would it be?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 15, 2017:
Jesus, somebody has to truly witness him. Is he black or white.? Dose he have blond or black or white hair?. Blue eyes or brown.?Did he pull a thorn out a dinosaur foot and so on.? Mi
Can A.I. really become conscious?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 15, 2017:
A machine or a computer is a tool, we are like it's God. Our conscious wish to do what is right, especially work or duty well. We can Relate or connect to other person's consciousness to a point of collectively of 80percent that can over power Religion or Govements and society. Being awake and aware of one's surroundings. We can create our own Universe from our our perception from fact of awareness by the mind of itself and the world. "consciousness emerges from the operations of the brain"
Should U.S. candidates be required to release tax returns as public knowledge?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 15, 2017:
I have paid my taxes, yet I think Federal income tax is burglary. What you earn is nobodies unless you want to share. In case of Trump he should show his taxes as a public figure along with his IQ test to lay his BS cards down.
An investor gives you "seed money" to start a business. What kind of business would you start?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 14, 2017:
How to live healthy self substainable homes and food lives without the Federal Governments. Doing that now, but the Corperationism Government keeps getting in the way.
Can Celebrity Scientists Change The Way People Think About Science And Religion?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 14, 2017:
Before Dawkins and a few others. I did not know how to questions Religion. Today I fearlessly question everything, even this site. Many don't like it when you question their group. I find people often get so defensive about their group to a point of being unethical. Such as the over ego world we live in. I'm most interested in the individual first. We are united as bio -organism first , love and nature , not an unexplained Supernatural. Science is to observe, to lead the blind. To over focus on Science would be lame. Diversity is our best strength and way to advance.
10 fallacies about atheists - have I missed any?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 14, 2017:
No 10 An atheist can not be 100percent sure God dose not exist. The definition of an atheist is a lack of belief in God. Very much open to doubt, and doubt I would focus too much on. The world is 99percent unknown and far greater the Universe. A 100percent sure God dose not exist would not make logical or good sense.
If you could re-live one year of your life, what would it be and why?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 14, 2017:
1979 was a good year . My first sandsculpture world Championship title. Plus first lover. 1990, birth of my daughter was best moment. Overall been lucky in life.
Would you move into a clothing optional community?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 13, 2017:
You can bungee jump for free, if you go naked, in a place in Canada. The catch is, people pay to watch you naked bungee jump.
You get to create a national holiday for non-believers, what would it be?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 13, 2017:
1.Thanks Darwin Day 2. Earthmass 3. Star dusts days. 4. Science days The majority would not be ready for this. The parade would be boring with a few Religious protestors. You could fight back with the US registered church of Atheism.
Should the U.S. get rid of the penny?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 12, 2017:
Waste of time and money.
If you could bring a fictional character to life, who would it be and why?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 12, 2017:
I like to go to mormon's heaven. Where you get an entire planet to run and control. Because earth is getting too screwed over right now. Then you get 33 babes. The downside maybe is my lifespan would be too short from screwing all those beautiful women. I can't even handle one at a time here on earth.
If you could bring a fictional character to life, who would it be and why?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 12, 2017:
I like to go to mormon's heaven. Where you get an entire planet to run and control. Where earth is getting too screwed over. Then you get 33 babes. The downside maybe is my lifespan would be too short from screwing all those beautiful women. I can't even handle one at a time here on earth.
If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 12, 2017:
The PASSION of the JEWS. Lol. The Zionist who own everything would not allow me to publish it. No, not a writer, my dream is to make documented movies. How the brain connects to the backbone
Religion is a global business funded by people who can often least afford it.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 11, 2017:
Why not taxfree artist. Parts in Northern Europe give 2percent towards the Arts and culture. The arts has been around alot longer than Religion. Crosses over to more Nations, empires, and riches cultures ever in the history of civilization. Art is spiritual and to a greater level "sacred". For religious believers, the sacred, whether in art or otherwise, is clearly that which is associated with the holy and the divine. Artist are the poorest on the totem pole in society. We need a break greater rather than giving to the wealthiest country in the world, the Vatican
Joel Osteen "Facts" LOL
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 10, 2017:
I don't know what is worst for facts Hollywood or Hollylands. All I know is the Jews are behind it. Half of Christian don't know what book is older, the NT or the OT. Maybe because their history was borrowed from the Jews OT. Before that many stories where borrowed from the Hindus. Christian don't care to give credit to anyone but Jesus. Their copycat and stealing from the most popular groups had been a tradition from the invention of hell 300AD
What's your favorite childhood TV show or movie?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 9, 2017:
Mine too, Wizard of Oz. All levels of adventures and beauty. TV- Ed Sullivan Show
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 9, 2017:
I must have this uncommon sense in this over ego world. Why not respect everyone and be open minded. Why not allow the 85precent of your fellow man(Religious) on this site for discussion?. Not for an argument that is an angry discussion. You set the rules for a change. Atheist forum have their largest categories topics (by far)on Religion. They have alot of fun mentality torturing their religious guests and many do change their way of thinking. Don't be a bigot, this site complains alot about Religion, who likes a complainer. Take action and educate your reasoning.
When collectively humans know about 1 percent about the planet earth and much less about the ...
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 9, 2017:
I don't understand Religion, yet need to accept them as everyone are welcome to their illusions. Science and nature are much easier to get, although not as popular or respected. Some higher energy power probably exist, it just many wrong translation of it. More people would find Aliens more probably than Yahweh God. I could not take God dose not exist, because I would need proof. On the other hand to prepare your entire life for a spiritual world without any proof that anyone has been there, seems batsh*t crazy.
What colors do you like for's T-shirt?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 9, 2017:
Like the wild blue yonder.
If you could were offered free lessons in a subject of your choice, what would you want to learn?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 8, 2017:
Are not the best lesson, self taught? My imagination is having troubles guessing.
How do you personally define the word "spiritual?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 8, 2017:
Spiritual means just the 99 percent unknowns. To an atheist there is likely just unknowns. Imagination is the closest thing to being God-like for exploring the earth and Universe. For everything you have imagined in your lifetime was all once imagined first. It is the same for the history of mankind. Who ever imagined hell, had a badass extremely corrupted Imagination.
All of you people who don't have a profile picture.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 8, 2017:
A picture is worth a thousand words . What happens if you read more than a thousand of their words.
Isn’t it funny that religious people from all religions think if you’re an atheist, you’re ...
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 8, 2017:
My brother is a pastor and he did not speak to me for years for asking a few negative questions from the Bible. His answer was you gotta have faith. My last 3 girlfriends in a row, dump me because I couldn't be saved. I just don't know if God exist. Don't even claim to be agnostic or atheist. When their God gets jealous or angry, so it's only right they can too. How come a human like me, dose not get jealous, angry or fly off the handle. Do I have secret super strength? Maybe I am God, so everyone else could be God too.
Please don't stop debating with Christians.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 8, 2017:
Dawkins said Nationaism is the worst Religion. Why is it this site ignore the dangers of Nationaism. Not to take away anything from the insanity of Religion? Would it take a nuclear bomb to wake people up?
What does anybody think of the movie The Passion Of The Christ?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 8, 2017:
This tread has opposite fellings of what many Christian felt about the movie. :Passion of Christ: The movie felt sick to me. Makes you wonder if we all were watching the same film. The newest Noah film I really liked , it felt like a good natural environmental.
Isn’t it a shame a non-religious person have to keep their sanity secret?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 7, 2017:
Here is some sane news, the non belivers is the fastest growing group in the world.
No one can bring you peace, but yourself.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 7, 2017:
You mean Religions fighting for peace for thousands of years, dose not work? OK, I will do it myself.
Do you think Trump is a racist?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 7, 2017:
Wow, 7 vote racist to 0 nice guy. Since 86percent of the world is non-white. Plus more non white babies born in the US than whites. That should spell out Trump's Custer last stand. Screw you white man I'm painting myself brown.
Do you think Trump is a racist?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 7, 2017:
Never seen a race war to this scale in my lifetime. Trump's action of being a racist, speaks far louder than his words. And worst bigoted towards Muslims.
I would like to know what other atheists think of The Satanic Temple?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 7, 2017:
I'm not an atheist, more in the I don't know or no labels category. Satan believes in God, conflicts with atheists lack of belief in God definition. What are atheist going to do :Save Satan:. Then kill the fear factor to fear God and Satan. Since fear is the base of monolithic Religion, Nonsense.
What makes you leery about someone?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Too negative kind of people, I just get rid of. The rest are on time managerment in degrees.
Why is it you seldom hear about women sexually assaulting men?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Women love sex, men need it. Maybe us men egos get too needy. Then the size of a man gets too much and many of us are pigs. Then some of us men, get really stupid.
Anyone else think the rapture is bullshit?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
I lived in the rocky border town of Creston BC. I called it TWIN PEAKS. The freakiest town ever with the largest combination of churches and bars I have ever seen. The bar is where they go to wash their sins. Creaton is where the cows live in a different time zone and so do the people. The most real thing in town was 12 foot high bronze statue of Sasquatch at the Kookenee Beer plant. Only a Religion can in mass make up an insane party called :End of the earth Party:. This end of the world party on CHRISTMAS eve was also celebrated with the highest record alcohol sales across North America. This one Creston bar had an Elvis Impersonator who got ELVIS's songs wrong.  Kind of like how wrong interpertation got into the Bible. What the hell as long as people are having fun from Hollylands to Hollywood. For all the fornicators here, Im sure hell is nothing more than a hot nightclub.
5 questions your Government can't answer.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Good point. Much of American moral interpertation is based on the Bible. Yet we know many of the interpretations in the Bible are wrong. You can not be top leader of a big Nation unless you are Christian or a Muslim in Muslim countries. If the state replace ethics rather than morals there would be no mistaken the business of ethics such as stealing and killing. Authorities break the biblical moral and ethics greater than any group of people in the world. Even the conditions for war in the Bible would make it impossible for war. Authorities kill more people in the world than the public has done in human history. The system is rigged by lawyers and the wealthy. The debtor slave system has evolved since 5000 years ago from Egypt. Slavery is bigger now than any other time in human history. First people must understand how the history of debtor slave puzzles works before they can begin to change it for people power.
Are we all racists?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Personally I don't feel racist, after traveling a 100 countries you get color blind. Yet, I see a racist war going on in America right now. I see it as another tool like religion to get everyone fighting and distracted wail the elitists wealthy walk away with your money. Energy would be better spent going after your mischief greedy slave Masters that own you.
What is the most astounding fact?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
The collective knowledge about the earth is 99percent unknown and love is the glue. Pet pev is most people spend most of their waking lives, not liking what they do. Most wasteful time that I can imagine.
IRONY American style: America is the only country that I know of that spends half of its time ...
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
According to the Human Freedom Index, which "presents the state of human freedom in the world based on a broad measure that encompasses personal, civil, and economic freedom," America is the 23rd freest country in the world. US being number one in prisons, war and Angels. Over security kinda hurts their freedom.
Art as protest: What are your thoughts?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Art works better than words. Art is the most influential tool throughout human history crossing all cultures and groups.
I hear people say the religious books are an accurate account of history.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
The Bible is so not accurately true, historically.
So, are we becoming a nation of "snowflakes"?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Yes, many are comfortable numb.
Do you ever feel lucky or unlucky?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Feel lucky in love and in life. Through love and work you make your own luck.
So, I want to know why the majority of substance abuse rehabilitation is faith based.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
You mean like. I was high drugs and now I am high on Jesus. Then fall back into drugs again. Are your stats based more in Religious countries compared to predominate non believers countries worldwide ?
5 questions your Government can't answer.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
In a interview, Bernie Sanders was asked these questions and could not answer them. He thought was being attracted by a scheme to harm his organization. Imagine how much our everyday lives are run by these kinds of leaders that can not answer these questions and none of these leaders can. Blind leading the blind, now back to the 99 percentage unknowns.
If aliens landed on Earth, would that spell the end of Earth's religions?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Much of the illegal Aliens are already Catholic. What a cluster fu**.
Do you think the people in this society are slaves to materialism, desiring and possessing more than...
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 6, 2017:
In the end it is who has the most joy in life than Toys, wins. Yes, too much focus on finances rather the balance of the physical, intelluctal, relationship and spiritual. In which long term causes more suffering rather than gathering more happiness. Money being the least to do for our happiness. When finance over focus the balance, it turns into love of money. In which is the root of all evil.
In your experience, do opposites attract?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 5, 2017:
I married a megalomanic midget. Too opposite for me. The silver lining is the love of my life daughter.
If reincarnation turned out to be true, what would you like to be reborn as?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 5, 2017:
An old oak tree, thousands of years old. Under one condition, no Christians cut me down and make me into Bibles.
Anyone else get the feeling that when someone says "I'll pray for you" it really means "fuck you"?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 5, 2017:
Not really, they think it is being nice. When they get me on my knees and pray. I really feel phony baloney.
Do Governments do more harm than Good?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 5, 2017:
Good question. Define Government. Sorry if I was ranting a bit, fearless me. I am not name calling or putting down people. Just we the people have allowed yourselves to be living in to fictional world. Is the US Government a real Government? Or is it Oligarchy A form of power structure in which power rests with a small number of people. These people might be distinguished by nobility, wealth, family ties, education or corporate, religious or military control. Like a Corperation empire, like the British empire that was once was. We are being run by fear more than love again. Every 30 or 80 years the power of the people must be taken back.
What is the worst X-mas song ever? I'll go first.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 5, 2017:
I wrote an adult Santa Claus song, as payback. You better watch out You better get saved You better, before it is too late Jesus Christ is coming to town He has a big book Unless you forgot It tells who is saved, and who is not Jesus Christ is coming to town. He knows when you are sleeping He knows when your awake He knows if you are left or right Save your soul, don't masterbate You better repent Don't fornacate For hell is no hot night club Jesus Christ is coming to judge. He knows when you are lying He knows when your a cheat He knows when you are gay or not So stop! Before the heat The trumpets will be blowing Then we will all be knowing We will all be finally going For Jesus Christ is coming to town!!!
George Carlin's wife died early in 2008 and George followed her, dying in July 2008.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 5, 2017:
He is like a God to me.
Anyone else get the feeling that when someone says "I'll pray for you" it really means "fuck you"?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 5, 2017:
They are being really nice, dishonest, but nice.
What is the worst X-mas song ever? I'll go first.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 4, 2017:
Santa Claus is coming to Town Scared the hell out of me, as a child.
If aliens landed on Earth, would that spell the end of Earth's religions?
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 4, 2017:
The Pope believes that aliens are our savors. I hope he is right, something has to save us from the greedy.
As atheists, what do you think about this quote "This is not Christianity.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 4, 2017:
If half of Republicans think the world is only 6000 years old, then this half has inheritance dose back to Egyptians debtor slaves. People are basically good, just many get hypnotized by organized superstition of crowd control for power. Misguided Imagination can come off childish rather than advancing if not used god-like.


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Agnostic, Humanist, Freethinker, Spiritual
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