15 Like Show
And if you need more evidence of the coming Coup d'Estat here's Bannons and the Rethuglifascists ...
Krish55 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
You mean: Coup d'état?
Charlene replies on Oct 4, 2021:
And if you need more evidence of the coming Coup d'Estat here's Bannons and the Rethuglifascists ...
Canndue comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Maybe he meant Coupe DeVille?
Charlene replies on Oct 4, 2021:
Large comet is comming towards Earth, will not come in contact, not even close, but it is large.
Charlene comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Hope I get to view it..
Charlene replies on Oct 4, 2021:
@dalefvictor I meant living wise and with a telescope..guess I should made it clearer..😂😂
Charlene comments on Oct 4, 2021:
I know a few churlish people..not at all pleasant..
Charlene replies on Oct 4, 2021:
@Marionville there are more than a few churlish folks here..I've been guilty of being churlish, especially in long check-out
Charlene comments on Oct 3, 2021:
My bucolic ideal is a busy city Sunday afternoon..
Charlene replies on Oct 3, 2021:
@Marionville he retires or is retired? I see it even if you don't 1st Bond was Thunderball, my Mom brought me to see it as Bday present. the other movie I'm wanting to see is Dune..
The Young Turks - Cenk Calls Out Evil Right-Wingers For Their Bigotry []
Charlene comments on Oct 3, 2021:
TYT is awesome..
Charlene replies on Oct 3, 2021:
@altschmerz along with the rest of the South..
Images taken October 2nd 2021 with Stellina 1.
Charlene comments on Oct 3, 2021:
Link isn't working..
Charlene replies on Oct 3, 2021:
@HumanistJohn lol..they weren't showing as I rode the subway..
Charlene comments on Oct 3, 2021:
My bucolic ideal is a busy city Sunday afternoon..
Charlene replies on Oct 3, 2021:
@Marionville it hasn't premiered here yet..let us know what you think..
Living in FloriDUH.
Charlene comments on Oct 3, 2021:
The humor is subtle, the point hard to miss,.
Charlene replies on Oct 3, 2021:
@FrayedBear Gary's a 50 y.o cartoon that he started back in the 70's called Doonsbury..
This is a fascinating article on spin and polarization in a quantum fluid.. []
EarnestEccentric comments on Oct 2, 2021:
Steps closer to understanding the nature of those little buggers.
Charlene replies on Oct 2, 2021:
Actually it demonstrates that polarization does occur in both fluid systems..
Today's Most Disgusting Person Neighbor Plays Monkey Noises And Slings Racial Slurs When Black...
Charlene comments on Oct 2, 2021:
The Black family should play Battling Banjos whenever the White family leaves or comes home..
Charlene replies on Oct 2, 2021:
@TMA2NC yasss..much better than dueling banjos...
FrayedBear comments on Oct 2, 2021:
In your case Marje we know that it is the gin but how do you explain these Americans not vaxing & masking?
Charlene replies on Oct 2, 2021:
@FrayedBear sad ain't it..
FrayedBear comments on Oct 2, 2021:
In your case Marje we know that it is the gin but how do you explain these Americans not vaxing & masking?
Charlene replies on Oct 2, 2021:
You forgot the Rioting in France over masks and vaxxes..the anti maskvaxxers Shut Down Paris..and Oz has more than just a handful of addled brained fools too..your prime Minister comes to mind...
Kyrsten Sinema Can't Seem To Figure Out What She Wants []
BitFlipper comments on Oct 1, 2021:
Considering that Sinema is bisexual it doesn't surprise me that she can't decide what she wants.
Charlene replies on Oct 1, 2021:
She's just another money grubbing bitch that's only in it for the money, she'd throw the LGBTQ community under the bus in a heart beat..
Another case of Lock Him Up..for life!! []
phxbillcee comments on Oct 1, 2021:
Only "...up to five years..." for firing on a police station???
Charlene replies on Oct 1, 2021:
Come on he's a White guy..
Charlene comments on Oct 1, 2021:
Lol..a word straight out of the Island of Dr Moreau..
Charlene replies on Oct 1, 2021:
@Marionville "she that forgets the law, must go back to the house of pain"..
Crayfish Craziness, An All Female Species: []
LucyLoohoo comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Look up's a handy way evolution saves more than a few species...Vietnamese Walking Sticks, for example. I used to love showing these at the zoo, telling people ''they're all female.'' Jaws dropped.
Charlene replies on Sep 30, 2021:
@Fernapple thanks for the clarification..😁❤
Crayfish Craziness, An All Female Species: []
LucyLoohoo comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Look up's a handy way evolution saves more than a few species...Vietnamese Walking Sticks, for example. I used to love showing these at the zoo, telling people ''they're all female.'' Jaws dropped.
Charlene replies on Sep 29, 2021:
@BirdMan1 ah, no Queens mate with a single drone and are impregnated for their entire life cycle..
Bill Maher: NFL’s move to play ‘black national anthem’ is ‘segregation’ | New York Post - ...
Charlene comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Not only is the anthem warmongering, it Racist as fuck, it glorifies keeping Black Peoples enslaved, in the 3rd stanza, "No refuge for the hireling or Slave"..this speaks to slaves that fought with the British during the War of 1812, that were offered Freedom in exchange for helping them.
Charlene replies on Sep 28, 2021:
@holdenc98 piss off..
They're coming for us.. []
Theresa_N comments on Sep 28, 2021:
It concerns me greatly but doesn't surprise me. I don't know what the answer to getting rid of fascism is, what worked 75 years ago might be required again.
Charlene replies on Sep 28, 2021:
I'm planning on that is exactly what it'll take..
Bill Maher: NFL’s move to play ‘black national anthem’ is ‘segregation’ | New York Post - ...
Charlene comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Fuck this mutherfuckah..he's a waste of oxygen at this point, a dinosaur that needs to fade the fuck away..
Charlene replies on Sep 27, 2021:'s herself..never finished middle school english I guess..
Bill Maher: NFL’s move to play ‘black national anthem’ is ‘segregation’ | New York Post - ...
Charlene comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Not only is the anthem warmongering, it Racist as fuck, it glorifies keeping Black Peoples enslaved, in the 3rd stanza, "No refuge for the hireling or Slave"..this speaks to slaves that fought with the British during the War of 1812, that were offered Freedom in exchange for helping them.
Charlene replies on Sep 27, 2021:
@holdenc98 oh look, another full out Racist Trumpster, that has his head so far up his own White Ass that it's become his echo chamber that repeats his spew endlessly..
Charlene comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Uxorious..this word just drips overbearing sweetness..ugh..
Charlene replies on Sep 27, 2021:
@Marionville I'd prefer a roll in the
Lest you forget just how deep Fascism runs in the's a reminder []
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Fascism is the American default setting, from Andrew Jackson to Henry Ford right on up through Nixon, Reagan, both Bushes and Trump. I am particularly interested due to being raised in Alabama under Governor George C. Wallace an old style Dixiecrat fascist, just so you know Democrat politicians ...
Charlene replies on Sep 26, 2021:
2 sitting Dem Senators come immediately to mind..🤬🤬🤬
Charlene comments on Sep 26, 2021:
I've spent a lifetime refining that has been my goal..
Charlene replies on Sep 26, 2021:
@Marionville more or less, though honestly I prefer Haridan as I can use it as a "last" name on annoying sounds like an Irish
Zelig noun 1 A chameleonlike person who is unusually ubiquitous, and often an ...
Charlene comments on Sep 25, 2021:
My oldest Trumpster brother fits this perfectly..also what Len said..
Charlene replies on Sep 25, 2021:
@AnonySchmoose It never ceases to amaze me honestly.
Zelig noun 1 A chameleonlike person who is unusually ubiquitous, and often an ...
Charlene comments on Sep 25, 2021:
My oldest Trumpster brother fits this perfectly..also what Len said..
Charlene replies on Sep 25, 2021:
@AnonySchmoose one of my sisters is also a Trumpette.. It seems they're turning a blind eye to how Rethugs feel about me and the LGBTQ community..death does not become us, simply for existing..
Zelig noun 1 A chameleonlike person who is unusually ubiquitous, and often an ...
Charlene comments on Sep 25, 2021:
My oldest Trumpster brother fits this perfectly..also what Len said..
Charlene replies on Sep 25, 2021:
@AnonySchmoose not gonna happen, ever. He posts Trump shit on my Fb page.. and I call him out, as I would anyone else. In fact I call him a Nazi or Fascist or Bigot or Racist, depending on the'm done with All of them..
Letters From An American 09/24/2021
silverotter11 comments on Sep 25, 2021:
The fact is both parties got us to trump. The money was just too good and corporate funding of candidates starting at the local level has put democracy in peril. When corporations decided to move out of the United States for cheap labor and deregulation got into full swing with ronald reagan the...
Charlene replies on Sep 25, 2021:
screener? It sister!❤❤❤❤
Gay Man Dies at Rikers While Held Under $1 Bail; Family Seeks Answers
GoodMan comments on Sep 24, 2021:
The authorities at this facility should be prosecuted and locked up. It may have even been a hate crime, and should be investigated by the DOJ as such.
Charlene replies on Sep 24, 2021:
Yeah locked up a Rikers..
Charlene comments on Sep 24, 2021:
It took 20 years for the US/Vietnamese rapprochement to happen..
Charlene replies on Sep 24, 2021:
@Marionville yup, we just endured 4 years of stupidity..
Today's Most Disgusting Persons Sometimes there just are no more words.
Charlene comments on Sep 23, 2021:
Fuck these animals up..I am done with them..fuck them up financially and pull their licensed to work as a cop and more importantly a fucking fireman..fuck these animals up..
Charlene replies on Sep 24, 2021:
@FrayedBear so firemen should beat the fuck out mentally disturbed homeless people?
Today's Most Disgusting Persons Sometimes there just are no more words.
Charlene comments on Sep 23, 2021:
Fuck these animals up..I am done with them..fuck them up financially and pull their licensed to work as a cop and more importantly a fucking fireman..fuck these animals up..
Charlene replies on Sep 24, 2021:
@FrayedBear take a guess and choose wisely .
Today's Most Disgusting Persons Sometimes there just are no more words.
Charlene comments on Sep 23, 2021:
Fuck these animals up..I am done with them..fuck them up financially and pull their licensed to work as a cop and more importantly a fucking fireman..fuck these animals up..
Charlene replies on Sep 23, 2021:
@SeaGreenEyez my Dad was a Fireman..he would've beat that asshole to within a inch of his life..
This is incredible information.
p-nullifidian comments on Sep 22, 2021:
Can you fix the link?
Charlene replies on Sep 23, 2021:
@RichCC thanks for the patch, I had deleted the article already..
Words 3....
Charlene comments on Sep 22, 2021:
Charlene replies on Sep 22, 2021:
@AnonySchmoose I was on a trolley headed for work and couldn't answer
US Border Agents Are Removing Haitian Migrants Using Horses and Whips []
BitFlipper comments on Sep 20, 2021:
Are we certain these are US Border Agents?
Charlene replies on Sep 21, 2021:
Whose Crime Wave? []
racocn8 comments on Sep 20, 2021:
One of the central elements of the Big Lie is the complaint about the "cities burned down by BLM". Unpacking that... While it is true that some buildings were looted and burned in the aftermath of BLM protests, that leaves out how the BLM protests were always peaceful until the police began ...
Charlene replies on Sep 20, 2021:
And many of the "Looter" were instigator Cops, dressed in black..
Oh! Shit! The volcano on La Palma is erupting.
Charlene comments on Sep 19, 2021:
It appears to be venting a good 10k venting from the main volcano. The western flank of the volcano is the main concern in any eruptions on La Palma. If that flank dislodged and slips into the Atlantic, it would cause a tsunami of biblical proportion. It would take approximately 6 hours to reach ...
Charlene replies on Sep 19, 2021:
@silverotter11, @Willow_Wisp I'm hoping they're looking into ways to lessen that catastrophic eventuality..
Oh! Shit! The volcano on La Palma is erupting.
Charlene comments on Sep 19, 2021:
It appears to be venting a good 10k venting from the main volcano. The western flank of the volcano is the main concern in any eruptions on La Palma. If that flank dislodged and slips into the Atlantic, it would cause a tsunami of biblical proportion. It would take approximately 6 hours to reach ...
Charlene replies on Sep 19, 2021:
@silverotter11 yeah it would be epicly disastrous..but the Trump syndicate wiped out would be lovely.
So glad I do not live in Pennsylvania. []
Charlene comments on Sep 17, 2021:
They can't find the page, kinda like Pennsylvania not finding Voter fraud..
Charlene replies on Sep 17, 2021:
@silverotter11 of course they...grrrrrrrr
Anti-Yoga, Anti-Vax Republican Plans Primary Bid Against Alabama Gov.
BirdMan1 comments on Sep 17, 2021:
Soon, they will go so far afield that they will fall off the edge of the Earth!
Charlene replies on Sep 17, 2021:
Dude, they fell off the globe and face planted on flat earth..were you been?
Someone of whom I totally agree.
Charlene comments on Sep 15, 2021:
This Is perfect..though I would have used Asshat a few times..
Charlene replies on Sep 15, 2021:
@KKGator I'm so done with them..
They need love and compassion too @Lucyloo
Tejas comments on Sep 14, 2021:
They also feel no pain
Charlene replies on Sep 14, 2021:
It's a pun..
They need love and compassion too @Lucyloo
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 14, 2021:
It is a funny meme - but, sadly not true. They have no heart and thus no heartbeat.
Charlene replies on Sep 14, 2021:
Dude, just laugh,ok?
HUBRISTIC - Adjective…excessively proud or self-confident; exaggerated self-belief; arrrogant ...
Charlene comments on Sep 14, 2021:
The hubris of the global pandemic of Neo Fascism is horrifying,and play out favorably in many countries.
Charlene replies on Sep 14, 2021:
@FrayedBear or a classic case of which people vote/believe in a cause through the use of misleading information..
HUBRISTIC - Adjective…excessively proud or self-confident; exaggerated self-belief; arrrogant ...
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 14, 2021:
That sounds like most Republicans in the USA.
Charlene replies on Sep 14, 2021:
If not all of them..
Charlene comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Women are loaded with gumption, it's time we used it to take back our rightful place on the world stage.
Charlene replies on Sep 13, 2021:
@Marionville Yaaaassss!
How to mess with Texas' anti-abortion bounty? Apply it to gun sales | TheHill
glennlab comments on Sep 13, 2021:
This law has so many problems that it baffles me that the SC didn't enjoin it. It is beyond unconstitutionally vague, It allows unsworn people to act as law enforcement, to name just two I'm sure that there are going to be many more.
Charlene replies on Sep 13, 2021:
Scotus effectively gutted RvW by Not enjoined it..the Right-wing is now in control of the court.
Charlene comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Women are loaded with gumption, it's time we used it to take back our rightful place on the world stage.
Charlene replies on Sep 13, 2021:
@Marionville It would be an honor to share that place with you..
Brian Tyler Cohen - Chris Wallace buries top Republican, says OTHER vaccines are already mandated in...
powder comments on Sep 12, 2021:
Other vaccines directly benefit the child and are given for the child's direct benefit. Seem's to me this time it's to make fat, old, scared bastards feel safer with no real benefit to the child.
Charlene replies on Sep 12, 2021:
@powder the Delta variant IS infecting Children, to date 1,200 CHILDREN are Dead, along with another 20k teens and You tell me, are Masks And Vaccines going to save lives? Or is waiting on Herd immunity and Another 120k DEAD worth it..btw the Polio vaxx was Mandated..No doubt You had it, along with Your yearly Flu vaxx and Your Mandated childhood MMR and Booster shot, your Hypocrisy is underwhelming..YOU and YOUR willful Ignorance are deserving of nothing but scorn..
Brian Tyler Cohen - Chris Wallace buries top Republican, says OTHER vaccines are already mandated in...
powder comments on Sep 12, 2021:
Other vaccines directly benefit the child and are given for the child's direct benefit. Seem's to me this time it's to make fat, old, scared bastards feel safer with no real benefit to the child.
Charlene replies on Sep 12, 2021:
Really? You're another idiot sucking up much needed oxygen..
Absolute hypocrisy?
Charlene comments on Sep 12, 2021:
I remember Chile always, had friends from Lima, one lost her brothers and an uncle to the Stadium, another lost her parents..this is The reason I detested HRC...Kissinger was her mentor in Foreign Relations..she Knew he had Blood Soaked hands.
Charlene replies on Sep 12, 2021:
@FrayedBear he was also the mastermind behind the "Secret" bombing and incursions into Cambodia during Vietnam..🤬🤬🤬
The Young Turks - Fox Guest Complains: We Have To Pay A Living Wage Now! []
Charlene comments on Sep 12, 2021:
Fuck these people enough to live and not just survive..
Charlene replies on Sep 12, 2021:
@TomMcGiverin indeed..hence fuck these pricks..
The Myth of the Kindly General Lee The legend of the Confederate leader’s heroism and decency ...
Canndue comments on Sep 10, 2021:
Didn’t he hunt down John Brown’s group? He was a great man, not to say he was a good man, just that he stood out amongst his peers. But, like all historical figures, the story grows taller on down the line..
Charlene replies on Sep 10, 2021:
He was a traitor that should have been tried and executed, along with all the other CSA politicians and commanding officers..
Biden Has to Flay this Prick.. []
Theresa_N comments on Sep 10, 2021:
They're his good buddies, he's not going to do anything to Manchin.
Charlene replies on Sep 10, 2021:
Apparently not..
I hate when that happens.
The-Krzyz comments on Sep 10, 2021:
“Thou shalt not eat a chili dinner before a night of sex …”
Charlene replies on Sep 10, 2021:
Just beans in general..
Biden Has to Flay this Prick.. []
MizJ comments on Sep 9, 2021:
Katie Porter ROCKS! Love watching her school her idiot fellow lawmakers.
Charlene replies on Sep 9, 2021:
She really knows her stuff..and shreddeds fools thoroughly..
Biden Has to Flay this Prick.. []
JonnaBononna comments on Sep 9, 2021:
Or filet... he could do that too 🤷‍♀️
Charlene replies on Sep 9, 2021:
That'd work too..Manchin 1st, then Sinema..
Charlene comments on Sep 9, 2021:
It's in the vernacular of the good people of Boston, some of whom are denizens of the many Irish pubs dotted in many a neighborhood.
Charlene replies on Sep 9, 2021:
@Marionville pubs are always a good craic, especially if there's a session happening..
😳😳 😧😧 😰😰 Miami Public School Staff: 15 COVID Deaths in 10 Days []
Charlene comments on Sep 7, 2021:
DeathSantis policies doing their damnedest at murdering as many non/poor Whites as possible..
Charlene replies on Sep 7, 2021:
@SeaGreenEyez Genocide in the name of DeathSantis..our answer the the Angel of Death at Aushwitz, Joseph Mengele..
The Ring of Fire - Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Horse Dewormer Poisonings Are Fake News ...
Redheadedgammy comments on Sep 7, 2021:
I just cannot listen to horse face bitch one more time! Somebody please take this bitch out!!!!
Charlene replies on Sep 7, 2021:
@dalefvictor ..quarters wrapped in duct tape would work better..
The Ring of Fire - Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Horse Dewormer Poisonings Are Fake News ...
Redheadedgammy comments on Sep 7, 2021:
I just cannot listen to horse face bitch one more time! Somebody please take this bitch out!!!!
Charlene replies on Sep 7, 2021:
@anglophone you never said a horse whip..though I'm sure she's had more than a few across that enormous ass..
The Ring of Fire - Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Horse Dewormer Poisonings Are Fake News ...
Redheadedgammy comments on Sep 7, 2021:
I just cannot listen to horse face bitch one more time! Somebody please take this bitch out!!!!
Charlene replies on Sep 7, 2021:
@anglophone the problem is she'd Enjoy that..
Florida GOP Rep.
Charlene comments on Sep 7, 2021:
Floriduh spoke volumes electing this guy..
Charlene replies on Sep 7, 2021:
@BirdMan1 is the Rep from Floriduh?
Trump Rants at Ungrateful Catholics and Jews Over Lack of Support According to a report from the ...
Charlene comments on Sep 6, 2021:
We're Still talking about the Orange Grifter..ugh!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Charlene replies on Sep 7, 2021:
@whiskywoman only Rethuglifascists..
Plans for $400-billion new city in the American desert unveiled
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Probably hopes that he and other rich fucks will live there in the future and be able to escape the apocalypse that engulfs the rest of America.
Charlene replies on Sep 6, 2021:
Oh it'll engulf them, first..
Hahaha!!!!! (This was SO my life until a racoon bit me a month ago.
bobwjr comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Try opossum they 'don't catch rabies
Charlene replies on Sep 6, 2021:
No but they are assholes..personal experiences with a Gf pet opposum..
Charlene comments on Sep 5, 2021:
Honestly I've lost all empathy for them at this point in the Pandemic. If you're refusing to get vaccinated, stay home and live through it, or die.
Charlene replies on Sep 5, 2021:
@Pralina1 It's always about them and Jebus..hope they got charged for the plasma..that is a waste, wtf..
Charlene comments on Sep 5, 2021:
Celtic women were renowned for their ferocity in battle!
Charlene replies on Sep 5, 2021:
@Marionville thanks, it's been awhile since I had ancient history class..
Charlene comments on Sep 5, 2021:
Celtic women were renowned for their ferocity in battle!
Charlene replies on Sep 5, 2021:
@Marionville thanks for that update,wasn't it the Roman's that 1st described their ferocity in battle?..
Charlene comments on Sep 5, 2021:
Celtic women were renowned for their ferocity in battle!
Charlene replies on Sep 5, 2021:
@Marionville exactly, I believe children fought along side adults,,everyone fought naked. The Picts painted themselves blue for battles..
Dead people have greater bodily autonomy than women do.
Charlene comments on Sep 4, 2021:
But,but alivin wimmins don't know how's to mak decingins.. It's a about Power & was never about abortion..
Charlene replies on Sep 4, 2021:
@Redheadedgammy you know it sis..
Trump's lawyers used his tactics to spread disinfo. Now they're paying for it.
Charlene comments on Sep 4, 2021:
Of course they did, they're his lawyers, they're beholden to their puppet master..
Charlene replies on Sep 4, 2021:
@dalefvictor are you asking if they're paid in rubles? Or at all?
Why Texas Republicans’ Abortion Ban Could Backfire
silverotter11 comments on Sep 4, 2021:
I read an article that Florida is planning it's own version of the Texistan legislation.
Charlene replies on Sep 4, 2021:
Somebody's gotta try to out Trump the Trumpers..might as well be DeathSantis..
TikTok Users and Coders Flood Texas Abortion Site With Fake Tips
LucyLoohoo comments on Sep 3, 2021:
What fun! I'll suggest this to my Texas friends!
Charlene replies on Sep 3, 2021:
Yeah I'm a a bitch..but fuck them..reaaaal
TikTok Users and Coders Flood Texas Abortion Site With Fake Tips
LucyLoohoo comments on Sep 3, 2021:
What fun! I'll suggest this to my Texas friends!
Charlene replies on Sep 3, 2021:
Go after the $50 dollar donors..inundate the system with "innocents"..especially Kkkristian women..
Any one in Texas, do you remember back in the 1950's when one could find fetuses in trash cans and ...
Charlene comments on Sep 1, 2021:
What ARE the Men of Texas going to do About IT? It was White Men that passed this disgusting Gilead inspired,real life Hand Maids Tale bill..Stop laying the Responsibility Solely on Women. It Does take 2 to make a fetus..
Charlene replies on Sep 3, 2021:
@JeffMurray 🙄🙄🙄
It really is.
Charlene comments on Aug 31, 2021:
Yeah I gave up wearing bras..
Charlene replies on Sep 2, 2021:
@SonderOpia 36c..I like letting my girls breath..
Sad: Can we send Abbut in to help cleanup? []
nicknotes comments on Sep 2, 2021:
That "deep cleaning" is a farce. Covid is airborn.
Charlene replies on Sep 2, 2021:
Actually airborne viruses Do land on surfaces and Do lay dormant till touched..
So, days from today I'll be having my GRS,Finally!!!!.
Sandra_893 comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Hi 👋
Charlene replies on Sep 2, 2021:
Any one in Texas, do you remember back in the 1950's when one could find fetuses in trash cans and ...
Charlene comments on Sep 1, 2021:
What ARE the Men of Texas going to do About IT? It was White Men that passed this disgusting Gilead inspired,real life Hand Maids Tale bill..Stop laying the Responsibility Solely on Women. It Does take 2 to make a fetus..
Charlene replies on Sep 2, 2021:
@JeffMurray ahhh fully 63% of non college White Women Voted another Fact 53% of College educated White Men Voted for Trump..
Charlene comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Some seem to think I'm taciturn, I'm not, just trying to figure out who the dolts are before adding my thoughts..
Charlene replies on Sep 2, 2021:
@Marionville pearls before Wine, though I've been known to cast a few after Wine as well..
Charlene comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Some seem to think I'm taciturn, I'm not, just trying to figure out who the dolts are before adding my thoughts..
Charlene replies on Sep 2, 2021:
@Marionville wisdom is over
Any one in Texas, do you remember back in the 1950's when one could find fetuses in trash cans and ...
Charlene comments on Sep 1, 2021:
What ARE the Men of Texas going to do About IT? It was White Men that passed this disgusting Gilead inspired,real life Hand Maids Tale bill..Stop laying the Responsibility Solely on Women. It Does take 2 to make a fetus..
Charlene replies on Sep 2, 2021:
@JeffMurray guess My Facts Don't fit your view..Re-Read MY response and look at the charts..
Any one in Texas, do you remember back in the 1950's when one could find fetuses in trash cans and ...
Charlene comments on Sep 1, 2021:
What ARE the Men of Texas going to do About IT? It was White Men that passed this disgusting Gilead inspired,real life Hand Maids Tale bill..Stop laying the Responsibility Solely on Women. It Does take 2 to make a fetus..
Charlene replies on Sep 2, 2021:
@JeffMurray here's the womens breakdown on votes by race and education in your assertion that women overwhelming voted for Trump is False. If any group of women are to Blame it's non college White Women..
Any one in Texas, do you remember back in the 1950's when one could find fetuses in trash cans and ...
anglophone comments on Sep 1, 2021:
Welcome to Taliban Texass.
Charlene replies on Sep 1, 2021:
that's AbboCuzistan..
Any one in Texas, do you remember back in the 1950's when one could find fetuses in trash cans and ...
Charlene comments on Sep 1, 2021:
What ARE the Men of Texas going to do About IT? It was White Men that passed this disgusting Gilead inspired,real life Hand Maids Tale bill..Stop laying the Responsibility Solely on Women. It Does take 2 to make a fetus..
Charlene replies on Sep 1, 2021:
@JeffMurray they also did Restrict Voting in Texas..aimed directly at P.O.C and other minorities..
Charlene comments on Sep 1, 2021:
Painting houses for a living can be stultifying, dicing tomatoes can also be stultifying..c'est la vie..
Charlene replies on Sep 1, 2021:
@Marionville having done both, I can state with confidence that your responce is accurate..😳🤪
Flying Butts are a thing.. []
bobwjr comments on Sep 1, 2021:
Who knew
Charlene replies on Sep 1, 2021:
The DoD apparently. Then they got bored with it, cause it didn't go ZOOOOOOOOM!
Flying Butts are a thing.. []
FrayedBear comments on Sep 1, 2021:
I suggested that Australian farmers should start looking at transporting their wheat to the grain ships for export using larger versions of these. The president of the Australian National Farmers arranged for a demonstration at the local show. Some silly bastard let it blow loose from its mooring. ...
Charlene replies on Sep 1, 2021:
Glad I could help?😳
Flying Butts are a thing.. []
Pralina1 comments on Aug 31, 2021:
I think it’s cute !
Charlene replies on Aug 31, 2021:
Looks like mine photographed using a fisheye lens..though my bitt plugs cuter..😳😁
I'm a local ICU doctor.
dalefvictor comments on Aug 31, 2021:
Who is paying for all this, if some one is not we have a greater problem as the hospitals will go broke, That helps no one.
Charlene replies on Aug 31, 2021:
We're paying for these covidiots..
We won the election, however I'm really sad, some people I thought were rational explained to me ...
Theresa_N comments on Aug 30, 2021:
The fascists in my life have almost always made themselves known pretty much from the start. Like you I grew up in a conservative community and was surrounded by fascists.
Charlene replies on Aug 31, 2021:
@Lauren they are indeed the weak link..sadly they're also the one's that will turn their backs on the Republic, until their way of life is Directly threated..having a cush life is so much easier to have than actually fight along side those that don't
Flying Butts are a thing.. []
AnonySchmoose comments on Aug 31, 2021:
Wow... they should cut the flying bum some slack...
Charlene replies on Aug 31, 2021:
I'm sure the tethers are cut loose when
We won the election, however I'm really sad, some people I thought were rational explained to me ...
Theresa_N comments on Aug 30, 2021:
The fascists in my life have almost always made themselves known pretty much from the start. Like you I grew up in a conservative community and was surrounded by fascists.
Charlene replies on Aug 31, 2021:
@Lauren Good to know Lauren..what some fail to grasp is the support of Fascist groups is a Nationwide problem.The Proud Boys, for instance, have chapters in every state. White Supremacy runs deep in this country. Those who aren't of the Right color, or religion, or strictly binary, or gender will bare the brunt in Red States first. The Rethugs have exposed their intentions to remain in power, by any means necessary. It's gonna be ugly, and brutal...
Charlene comments on Aug 31, 2021:
I love regaling company with tasty foods, drinks and treats..
Charlene replies on Aug 31, 2021:
@Marionville you're always welcome in my abode..❤❤❤
We won the election, however I'm really sad, some people I thought were rational explained to me ...
Theresa_N comments on Aug 30, 2021:
The fascists in my life have almost always made themselves known pretty much from the start. Like you I grew up in a conservative community and was surrounded by fascists.
Charlene replies on Aug 30, 2021:
@Willow_Wisp I don't think younger P.O.C will sit ideally as their hard fought rights are stripped from them, and as a member of the Trans community I certainly won't..our Dads and uncles defeated the Fascist in WWII..we can do no less here..
We won the election, however I'm really sad, some people I thought were rational explained to me ...
Theresa_N comments on Aug 30, 2021:
The fascists in my life have almost always made themselves known pretty much from the start. Like you I grew up in a conservative community and was surrounded by fascists.
Charlene replies on Aug 30, 2021:
@Willow_Wisp I've been saying for years the Rethugs, along with Moderate Dems, are willingly pushing us to brink of Civil War..
We won the election, however I'm really sad, some people I thought were rational explained to me ...
Theresa_N comments on Aug 30, 2021:
The fascists in my life have almost always made themselves known pretty much from the start. Like you I grew up in a conservative community and was surrounded by fascists.
Charlene replies on Aug 30, 2021:
@Willow_Wisp if my 2 came out Trumpian, I'd be devastated..sorry it happened to you. (((((HUGS)))))


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