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He disarmed a possible church shooter — then the police arrived and shot him - NBC News
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Guess gaaawd was pissed with
Needed a smile today :)
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
A VERY important question... so, what are you having for dinner this evening?
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Soup and sandwich..
I was told there is no more middle class in America now. Your opinion?
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
It started being destroyed by Reagan and it has been downhill since then..Union busting, making America more competitive..creating parttime positions, wage stagnation have all lead to the slow painful death(economic murder) of the Middleclass.
Are you able to recognize your own accent when someone else speaks it, or do you swear you and your ...
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Yes I can recognize it..though nearly everbody can recognize a Boston
Found this gem a few days ago
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
So, The Shape of Water won.
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
I loved it..was very happy it won B.P..
Any females like motorcycles and exploring the island?
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
What island?..I love motorcycles..and adventures..
Equal pay!
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Cause women "Don't have the Strenght" copout...
How long should a question be?
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
How do you react when someone in a group reject you?
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Their loss not mine..
What word(s) do you never want to apply to you?
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
1.Tranny 2.Shemale 3.Dolt 4.Teaparty Republican 5.Drumpf supporter
If you were given the option to direct your own TV show, what would it be about?
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
A comedy based on my life.. Lol
We all need some humor today
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Yes we do..
Stephen King fans?
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
I collect chinese/japanese fans..haven't seen a
Do you say "god bless you" when someone sneezes?
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Oh hell Noooo..gesundheit still works..
Who brings their own snacks and drinks into the theatre? Shh... I won't tell 'em.
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
I do..
What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Travel mostly..
Is it possible to have an informed world view without having read the classics?
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
I read most of alway good too feed the brain.
What are some social etiquette rules everyone should know and follow?
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Don't fart on a crowded train..
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
I have an itch that needs scratching...
Does where you live have any regional peculiarities that confuse visitors?
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
We say tonic for sodah.
Feeling the isolation.
Charlene comments on Mar 5, 2018:
What is your all time favorite movie?
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Easy, Citizen Cane..
Do you date traditionally?
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Explain traditionally please..
Are You Watching the Oscars?
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Nope, watching something waaay more important..The Walking Dead..
What is your most-hated weekend house chore?
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Vacuuming..or dusting..aaargh!
What did you want to be when you were younger?
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
An astronaut or fireman..I watched the Mercury rockets go up..and my Dad was a BFD fireman..
What's a strange food habit you have?
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Eating it?
Have you ever been on a strict diet?
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Yes I eat strictly daily..
How many would like to see drive ins make a comeback?
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Well I no longer drive. But yes I would.
I just reached Level 8 !!! Only 150,000 points 'til the next level!! LOL
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Congrats!! Any cake up there?
Would You keep dating someone who felt it was necessary to keep you a secret from their kids?
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Is this person still married?
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Lol..yeah I tots agree..guys with moobs bigger than mine just ruin my beach days..
Being polite when confronted by the religious
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
I can't, I just can't..
Statements or Questions
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Either works for me..
Please indulge me in one more question about Karma
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Ask Drumpf, if Karma exists, it's for sure biting him on the ass..ha!
Have you ever gotten a kick out of an enemy’s misfortune?
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Daily..I love watching the Orange tool self destruct!!!
Making offer you can't refuse!
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Ahhh pay to be know Prayola..
Thoughts and prayers?
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Did any one view the meme?
Anyone spent their lives believing they are cis hetero, and that everyone else is just like them, ...
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
I tried desperately to be male for 26 looong years..that was my surprise...smh
When traveling what are your thoughts on visiting religious sites?
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
I visit them for their historical/architectual significants.
Is anyone doing anything cool for St. Patrick's Day?
Charlene comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Nope it's a day full of amateurs imbibing cause they're "Irish"..
I just can't be out of wine! Lol
Charlene comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Ooo been There..Lololololololololol
Addicts. Let me ask you guys about addicts. Drug addicts in particular. How do you view them?
Charlene comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Honestly they piss me generally, then I remember they're someones daughter, son or father or mother
FedX or UPS?
Charlene comments on Mar 3, 2018:
USPS for me..
What’s one of your most annoying things a person can do to really get on your nerves?
Charlene comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Unruly brats and Backpack people on pulic transit..
What's your favorite horror film?
Charlene comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Then there's Salem's Lot..and Aliens..
Do young people want to have adventures?
Charlene comments on Mar 3, 2018:
It's about the same as when I was younger..
How do you express hope or emphathy to someone who is dealing with a terminal desase?
Charlene comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Never tried "I'm sorry"?
What's your favorite horror film?
Charlene comments on Mar 3, 2018:
The Excorsist..yesyes I know it's terminally still scares the fuck out me!
"Oh my god!", "go to hell!", "Jesus Christ!", "soulmate" and other phrases featuring religious ...
Charlene comments on Mar 3, 2018:
I still kinda use them..I started use Gaaawd, jasuz b4 I joined..but I don't have an issue with people using them..kinda pointless actually.
I'm going to the shop
Charlene comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Choco bicuits please!
If you could describe yourself and your ideal partner as any fictional character (books, movies, tv,...
Charlene comments on Mar 3, 2018:
The Lady Jessica (Dune)for me..and either Michonne or Darryl Dixon..from TWD
What’s one of your guilty pleasures?
Charlene comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Caso dip in a jar..
What's the next fun thing you plan to do?
Charlene comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Masturbate of course..
Have any of you found a soulmate who wants to transcend the mundane, tame the monkey brain and ...
Charlene comments on Mar 3, 2018:
I haven't, but isn't that what this site is supposed to be about, date?
Do you find yourself still telling people to go to hell, even though you know there is no such ...
Charlene comments on Mar 3, 2018:
I just tell them to fuck off nowadays..
What's the worst food in the world?
Charlene comments on Mar 3, 2018:
I shall never open, nor taste, a can of Surstromming..ever..not even if hell does freeze over...or if the mountains crumble to the sea..
Buddhism Don't know if this should be in a different category, but I don't think it matters.
Charlene comments on Mar 3, 2018:
It is for sure a religion..
Is it a bad thing that I'm sitting here watching "The Chronicles of Riddick" for the umpteenth time ...
Charlene comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Dune..and you ask how can this be? For He is the Kwisachhaderach!..Alia and it's the last line in the movie..
how do you feel about the different genders and types of people coming out in the past few years?
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
It's awesome..time to trash the binary stereotypes..
Are you a gamer?
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Can't say that I am, but thanks for asking!
What's the most "sinful" thing you've ever done?
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Accepted being Transgender...cuz gaaawd.
What song/rhyme/jingle/etc is your earworm?
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
For the best nights sleep in the whole wide world , try My
Who among me reading this feel that the best of evenings start with two loving people, in the ...
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Oh hell no..most people have no clue How to work in a kitchen while I'm cooking which ever meal..they tend to be in my way. I'd much rather sit and enjoy the food and their company..
Where do you like to buy most of your food?
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
I go to eitherTrader Joe's or my favorite local supermarket..sometimes Wholefoods for specific things..
Ladies: The egg never swims out to the sperm. Never chase a man.
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
What is the most uplifting thing happening in the world right now? What is the most tragic thing?
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
The Mueller investigation for most uplifting..Drumpf in the W.H as most tragic.
What is the best way to explore human nature: psychology, philosophy, or biology?
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
I sit and watch it..either over coffee or cocktails..
Do you make your bed every day? Why or why not?
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Make it every day*, cause it just doesn't look comfy otherwise.. * unless I'm ill..then it's fuck it I'm
Would you rather be poor and work at a job you love or be rich and work at a job you hate? Why?
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
No one in their right mind wants to be actually costs More to be poor in this corportized for the rich?..I got my pitch fork ready.
Advice for long work days?
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Do what your grandfather did..join a union they'll fight for your no more shitty wages or loooong hours.
What's the best thing about being single?
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
No poopoo mens undies to pick up..
Who is getting Academy Awards on Sunday? Who deserves them?
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Shape of Water for B.M..
My 12-yo daughter revealed to me yesterday that she’s gay. Should I...
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Are you a Doomsday'er?
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
I'm definetly Not a Doomsdayer!..people get crazy when their bubble of reality or privileges get jostled by a changing their worst fears about Their Way of life ending creates panic..better build that shelter out in the forrest cause civilization is about to
Cosmic Dawn: Astronomers Detect Signal From Early Stars | Time
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Wow!!! Just Wow!!
Would you consider dating a boss or is it a bad idea?
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
It really is a very bad idea..
Why do religious people need a god to worship?
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Cause it's easier to dump shit on a magic entity in the sky than deal with reality of the human comdition.
What is something you have tried, but will never do again?
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Breaking my
Remember the Moonies?
Charlene comments on Mar 2, 2018:
How can I forget them?..They bought out Gorton Frozen Fish of Gloucester here in
Suggestions accepted
Charlene comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I have an adult bev or 2 prior to bed..
Have you overcome any phobias in the past?
Charlene comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Heights and flying...
Chicken or fish? Ha Ha!
Charlene comments on Mar 1, 2018: me some warm, rare, moist Tuna!!!
I hate when that happens
Charlene comments on Mar 1, 2018:
That drives me crazy..
100% agree
Charlene comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Yes indeedy!
Lisa Randall: String Theory... []
Charlene comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I love this stuff..
This ad right now
Charlene comments on Mar 1, 2018:
What ad?
I just blocked my first person. I feel like I should get a prize or something!
Charlene comments on Mar 1, 2018:
How about Pizza!
Do you like eggs?
Charlene comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I love whatever form they're creme bruillee..mmmmm or in a mousse..or an asparagus Soufle...
This Sprouting, Octopus-like Fungus Is the Stuff of Nightmares | National Geographic - YouTube
Charlene comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Aliens movie..who says life is boring on this planet?
Remember the Moonies?
Charlene comments on Mar 1, 2018:
South Dakota just made it legal to discriminate against Transgender students..
Do you like Blackadder?
Charlene comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I loved it..would come home from the clubs or pubs just watch it..damn I miss shows like that..and the BBC Hitchhikers Guide was pissah too..
TBT haven't we all done this? g:31
Charlene comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Wow..really fried chicken in the shower?..hmmm
THAT FIRST INTIMACY Shared this @BettyColeman 's post but thought I'd repost to hear about yours.
Charlene comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Dammit, I can't remember..
What doesn't impress you?
Charlene comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I'm with you on money..ignorance, bigotry, neoliberals and any form conservatives.
Where are the women looking for women?
Charlene comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Officially snowed in today! Anyone else?
Charlene comments on Mar 1, 2018: gonna be all rain here in Boston..yay!!!
Gravestones and Epitaphs
Charlene comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Cremation for me..on the Urn I'd like "Good to the last Fart" engraved.


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