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Why isn't there...
MichaelSpinler comments on Jan 23, 2018:
yes. i use discord for this not just text live but voice too.
Charlene replies on Jan 23, 2018:
Er I don't have email or a this is umm borrowed from a ..friend.. Yup a friemd..
Why isn't there...
jeffy comments on Jan 23, 2018:
Sounds fun to me. I'll bring the beer - anybody want's one, I'll fax it to them.
Charlene replies on Jan 23, 2018:
Mmmm beeeeer..wait I don't have a fax machine..
Can anyone tell me where the secret room where they serve cake for reaching level 6 is located?
Stevil comments on Jan 23, 2018:
I feel I was tricked I got a free prostate exam when I reached level six.
Charlene replies on Jan 23, 2018:
Oh wonderful...I love a good probing!????????????
Homelessness... what are the solutions?
sassygirl3869 comments on Jan 23, 2018:
Root causes are bad divorces, PTSD veterans, addiction to drugs/and/or alcohol and abused runaways. Social services needs to improve in all these categories. Social programs need to be funded contrary to herr trump's administration.
Charlene replies on Jan 23, 2018:
The reasons people are homeless are entirely false..I was homeless due to cancer( loss of income).75% are displaced due to low wages in larger cities. As the cost of buying/renting a home increase the real purchasing power of people are declining.That is the number 1 reason for homelessness in America. Another group of people you missed are senior citizens. Again being displaced by rent increases and no increase in SocSec benefits...the groups of people makeup less than 5% of the homeless population. Do those groups need more social services..absolutely. I fear the path this country is heading down will,in fact,lead to Increased homelessness. Particularly affecting middleclass families. The economic horror show that is coming will make it a reality for millions.
Women’s movements baffle me, simply because people in this day and age that try to use reasoning, ...
ZoeZzonbie comments on Jan 22, 2018:
I have come to terms that we are equal. How ever I think those who feel they have something to prove do a better job. I stopped paying attention to the women right movement when I saw how the same women were treating the men's rights movement. We have problems to that need to be addressed.
Charlene replies on Jan 22, 2018:
Hmmm such as?
Anarchy ThunderCatsAreGo
Charlene comments on Jan 22, 2018:
Thundercats? that secret code for something that I may want to partake in? Or Not?
Charlene replies on Jan 22, 2018:
@evestrat I know this, my daughter and son loved it..give me Ren & Stimpy any
Did you ever do something as a child that your family still talks about?
Charlene comments on Jan 21, 2018:
Oh yes..all the time actually...
Charlene replies on Jan 21, 2018:
@BeeHappy Welllll...apparently I was an exhibitionist as a young'un..and would walk to the store 2 blocks away..nekked..and was always taking off my bathing suit and stroll along the breakers swinging it over my head singing do-ra-me..and there's my ant stick stories..yes I ate ants using a stick..or how about just wandering away till picked up by cops..that knew my name and the home phone number..then there's the broken lamp story..or me laying around with my legs wrapped around my head..or just tripping over something and "taking faeveh" to hit the ground( i'm 6').. That work..
What political party do you consider yourself to be?
Charlene comments on Jan 21, 2018:
Social Dems..always
Charlene replies on Jan 21, 2018:
@PinkPassion I been following since he was elected Mayor of Burlington that man!
Have you ever awakened & wondered how you got there?
Charlene comments on Jan 20, 2018:
Every morning..
Charlene replies on Jan 21, 2018:
@atheist Yeaaah..mostly perhaps.
10 things you didn't know about men
Charlene comments on Jan 20, 2018:
Do men now need to change these rules? Women do it all the time due to someone talking about Our rules..
Charlene replies on Jan 21, 2018:
@Rufus_Maximus Wow...that kinda sucks Glen..
Ancient Aliens
SilverDollarJedi comments on Jan 19, 2018:
I do not buy into many of the popular alien theories that currently get thrown around. But at the same time I absolutely do believe there is SOMETHING out there SOMEWHERE. I have heard from one expert or another who's name escapes me that it is actually a mathematical impossibility that we are the ...
Charlene replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@Sadoi I never um..probe and tell..let's just was..Warm.
Ancient Aliens
LeighShelton comments on Jan 20, 2018:
more crap but I do believe there is other life out there.
Charlene replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@Sadoi Or Drumpfs Amurika at the very least..
Ancient Aliens
SilverDollarJedi comments on Jan 19, 2018:
I do not buy into many of the popular alien theories that currently get thrown around. But at the same time I absolutely do believe there is SOMETHING out there SOMEWHERE. I have heard from one expert or another who's name escapes me that it is actually a mathematical impossibility that we are the ...
Charlene replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@Sadoi Happened to me once. It was all the deep..errr..Probing that brought me back..
Ancient Aliens
Charlene comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Honestly I've met a few ancient aliens, generally they came here as 20 somethings from latin america. Also I've been an alien..I was an illegal alien when I lived in Sweden. As for the Moon being created by them, Not One of them ever confessed to doing so..on the other hand they Never denied it ...
Charlene replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@Sadoi lol..giiirl I know
10 things you didn't know about men
Rudy1962 comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I'm just confused now. Is that because I'm a man?
Charlene replies on Jan 20, 2018:
Errr, why yes, of
Four Rumors about Atheists 1.
Charlene comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Also a sublime , slightly chilled Rose' or a full bodied Cab is what I suggest for wines..
Charlene replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@ErichZannIII damn shame that..bacon makes everything taste better..
So has anyone ever made it Level 10?
silvereyes comments on Jan 20, 2018:
nope. It's a long road, but I'm having fun! :) Level 10 requires a bazillion points. OK, not that much, I don't know exactly how many. I looked once. It's a bunch. Doesn't matter that much to me. Just hanging with my peeps, or whatever candy you want to be!
Charlene replies on Jan 20, 2018:
I thought need a million points..I'll be dead long before hitting a
Ancient Aliens
Charlene comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Honestly I've met a few ancient aliens, generally they came here as 20 somethings from latin america. Also I've been an alien..I was an illegal alien when I lived in Sweden. As for the Moon being created by them, Not One of them ever confessed to doing so..on the other hand they Never denied it ...
Charlene replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@splittingzero Really??? Noooo way..
What was your favorite television show when you were young?
Charlene comments on Jan 20, 2018:
My all time fav was Twilight Zone. It still is..and I love till this day..
Charlene replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@sassygirl3869 One Step Beyond scared the crap out of me..
Four Rumors about Atheists 1.
Charlene comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Also a sublime , slightly chilled Rose' or a full bodied Cab is what I suggest for wines..
Charlene replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@ErichZannIII wrapped in bacon?
What was your favorite television show when you were young?
Charlene comments on Jan 20, 2018:
My all time fav was Twilight Zone. It still is..and I love till this day..
Charlene replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@AMGT I love it due to its orginaliry and story line..the one with Bill Shatner in the cafe still creeps me out..
Happily single—or not?
atheist comments on Jan 19, 2018:
A lot less grief when you have a vibrator to satisfy your needs!
Charlene replies on Jan 20, 2018:
Ok Holographic cosmos or standard Flat?
ollieberry comments on Jan 20, 2018:
I find a holographic universe hard to grasp, bazinga!
Charlene replies on Jan 20, 2018:
Charlene comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Ok..I totally missed the
Charlene replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@evestrat has been..enjoying a few martinis as a counterpoint to it!!
Ancient Aliens
Charlene comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Honestly I've met a few ancient aliens, generally they came here as 20 somethings from latin america. Also I've been an alien..I was an illegal alien when I lived in Sweden. As for the Moon being created by them, Not One of them ever confessed to doing so..on the other hand they Never denied it ...
Charlene replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@Sadoi Thanks..I love showing off my twisty sense of humor..and when people get it..
Ok Holographic cosmos or standard Flat?
ollieberry comments on Jan 20, 2018:
I find a holographic universe hard to grasp, bazinga!
Charlene replies on Jan 20, 2018:
Ok Holographic cosmos or standard Flat?
atheist comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Holographic sex or standard fantasy?
Charlene replies on Jan 20, 2018:
Ummmm neither..though I've pre-ordered a male fully funtional sex robot that doesn't make dumbass statements before, during or after sex..and the best part is I can turn it off and roll it under my bed when I'm satisfied...ahhh truly a technological break through...
Ok Holographic cosmos or standard Flat?
marmot84 comments on Jan 19, 2018:
The Holographic principle is, in my opinion a done deal. That doesn't mean that the universe is a hologram, but rather that the 3d volume that we take for granted can be represented by a 2d enclosure surrounding it. If you are interested in the physics and the mathematical details I strongly ...
Charlene replies on Jan 20, 2018:
Thanks, Suskind was the comologist that presented the Holographic universe theory to show that information isn't lost in a Black Hole...I couldn't remember his name..his theory is quite elegant and explain how information is "stored" on the event horizon as it's mass/ energy is consumed into the Black Hole as Hawkings had postulated..thereby winning the bet..wonderful!!!
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev the inventor of the periodic element table in 1869.
Jack-of-scythes comments on Jan 19, 2018:
The problem was discussed in the Wu Li Masters. You cannot see an atom...not its protons or electrons. It doesn't matter how strong of a microscope you have. The deduction/theory that they exist is through science. Observable phenomena of a/b/c causes x/y/z. There is no atom. Just repeatable ...
Charlene replies on Jan 19, 2018:
It was the Greeks that conceived the concept of the smallest partical in nature..through thought experiments..want proof of photons? Watch a split screen experoment on you tube..
What is the reason behind creating a Remake of an All Time Classic?
Charlene comments on Jan 19, 2018:
I have nooo idea..I think they do so to add in CG action generally destroys the orginal story I.e. War of the Worlds or The Thing..the orginals were outstanding. The remakes..meh..
Charlene replies on Jan 19, 2018:
@GipsyOfNewSpain well ty..and welcome to my Yuge world..
What is the reason behind creating a Remake of an All Time Classic?
Charlene comments on Jan 19, 2018:
I have nooo idea..I think they do so to add in CG action generally destroys the orginal story I.e. War of the Worlds or The Thing..the orginals were outstanding. The remakes..meh..
Charlene replies on Jan 19, 2018:
@GipsyOfNewSpain you're you may have seen in posts i've responded on..I have no problem sharing my 2 cents..sometimes a dollars worth.hehehe..
Charlene comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Ok..I totally missed the
Charlene replies on Jan 19, 2018:
@evestrat I get it..what I don't get is me just Not seeing it..or ignoring it more damn I really Do need to up my prescription glasses..ha!
I remember when MADTv made this parody when I was in high school ... sigh []
resserts comments on Jan 19, 2018:
I loved the early seasons of MadTV. It was funny and a little rough around the edges, so it felt like the audience was part of it — not overproduced — but they eventually made it bigger and it lost a lot of its intimate charm. This Darlene McBride video was from very early in the show's run, ...
Charlene replies on Jan 19, 2018:
@resserts yup Finnish..
Rosetta Probe.
JWDiaz comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I don't understand how they can deduce anything from a comet that we don't even know if it came to be when the "big bang" occurred. I'm somewhat skeptical about the veracity of the "big bang", thus the quotation marks.
Charlene replies on Jan 19, 2018:
Ok, the comet formed from the accretion disk that was wrapped around Our young star..this is important..4.5 Billion years ago..Not during the "Big Bang" which occured 13.5 Billion years ago. Due to researh the latest theory is that there was No now appears to have been a
So I was wondering how many Cancer survivors are out there in agnosticland?
Iffy comments on Jan 18, 2018:
Good for you! I’m in remission over 5 years from stage 4 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Ain’t science wonderful!!
Charlene replies on Jan 19, 2018:
And congrats!
So I was wondering how many Cancer survivors are out there in agnosticland?
MrLizard comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I only had basel cell skin cancer. So it's hard to call myself a "survivor". It's not exactly a killer. The last woman I was in a real relationship with had had a double mastectomy. Same with the last woman I dated (though that relationship went nowhere, despite my wanting it to.)
Charlene replies on Jan 19, 2018:
@MrLizard Yikes indeed..It's broken my heart to watch him wilt away...
So I was wondering how many Cancer survivors are out there in agnosticland?
KKGator comments on Jan 18, 2018:
Charlene replies on Jan 19, 2018:
@KKGator Thanks Gator..
So I was wondering how many Cancer survivors are out there in agnosticland?
KKGator comments on Jan 18, 2018:
Charlene replies on Jan 18, 2018:
Congrats on surviving..
So I was wondering how many Cancer survivors are out there in agnosticland?
Iffy comments on Jan 18, 2018:
Good for you! I’m in remission over 5 years from stage 4 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Ain’t science wonderful!!
Charlene replies on Jan 18, 2018:
Indeed it is!
How do you feel about transgender individuals?
ScienceBiker comments on Jan 16, 2018:
I don't begrudge anyone their choices. They don't bother me one way or the other. I am not interested in a sexual relationship with any woman who was not born a woman.
Charlene replies on Jan 18, 2018:
@ScienceBiker try youtube under GRS videos..they have footage of the's fascinating.
How do you feel about transgender individuals?
Humanlove comments on Jan 17, 2018:
I really don't mind them, I just don't date them since I love straight women, biologically straight women. Other than that, I see no difference,we are all humans.
Charlene replies on Jan 18, 2018:
@0752532706 ahhh a truly adorable non answer..
So I was wondering how many Cancer survivors are out there in agnosticland?
MrLizard comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I only had basel cell skin cancer. So it's hard to call myself a "survivor". It's not exactly a killer. The last woman I was in a real relationship with had had a double mastectomy. Same with the last woman I dated (though that relationship went nowhere, despite my wanting it to.)
Charlene replies on Jan 18, 2018:
Don't underestimate the leathality of Basal cell skin brother has it..he ignored the lesion for 4 years...he's under going experimental immunotherapy to try to cure him..the odds aren't in his favor..smh
How would you feel if you found out that the person you have feeling for was transgender?
silvereyes comments on Oct 21, 2017:
Well since the question assumes there is attraction... That in itself is difficult because many people maintain a masculine or feminine muscle bone structure of their former gender and that would lead to unlikely attraction for me, but assuming that isn't the case- It's a toss up. There ...
Charlene replies on Jan 18, 2018:
@silvereyes never underestimate the power of genetics..or the power of HRT...
How do you feel about transgender individuals?
silvereyes comments on Jan 16, 2018:
Simply, I think people can live their lives the way they want so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights or well-being of other people.
Charlene replies on Jan 18, 2018:
@silvereyes thanks for the clarification..????
How do you feel about transgender individuals?
ScienceBiker comments on Jan 16, 2018:
I don't begrudge anyone their choices. They don't bother me one way or the other. I am not interested in a sexual relationship with any woman who was not born a woman.
Charlene replies on Jan 17, 2018:
@ScienceBiker the advances made in the last have brought GRS to indicernable levels...another fun fact..all men are born with a vaginal canal...
I woke up this morning singing "Dear God" by XTC in my head.
harito comments on Jan 17, 2018:
Spirit In The Sky- Norman Greenbaum, Free Will- Rush, God Save The Queen- Sex Pistols
Charlene replies on Jan 17, 2018:
Good save the wee meeaan it maaan..awesome!
How would you feel if you found out that the person you have feeling for was transgender?
silvereyes comments on Oct 21, 2017:
Well since the question assumes there is attraction... That in itself is difficult because many people maintain a masculine or feminine muscle bone structure of their former gender and that would lead to unlikely attraction for me, but assuming that isn't the case- It's a toss up. There ...
Charlene replies on Jan 17, 2018:
Again how would you you Know a person is post op? mention skeletomusculature differences, have you never seen a woman with masculine features nor a man with female features?
How would you feel if you found out that the person you have feeling for was transgender?
HeathenFarmer comments on Oct 25, 2017:
Pre-op no I would lose all physical interest I would probably have no problem being friends but I don't believe I could get over the feeling they had deceived me. Post-op, they think they are a women and I do too, I may be shocked upon finding out but i would get over it and would feel no different...
Charlene replies on Jan 17, 2018:
How would you know if you were dating a post op M2f?
How do you feel about transgender individuals?
evestrat comments on Jan 17, 2018:
I'm a human who accepts humans as they are, as long as you treat other humans with respect, kindness, fairness, and dignity. However you are deciding to live your life and your truth -- gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, sexuality, sexual behavior, personality expression, etc. -- all...
Charlene replies on Jan 17, 2018:
Couldn't agree think that post op women should say they were once "male" is preposterous..and if they truly believe what they've posted, then I suggest they Need to start demanding proof
How do you feel about transgender individuals?
silvereyes comments on Jan 16, 2018:
Simply, I think people can live their lives the way they want so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights or well-being of other people.
Charlene replies on Jan 17, 2018:
What about tranpeoples rights?..
How do you feel about transgender individuals?
ScienceBiker comments on Jan 16, 2018:
I don't begrudge anyone their choices. They don't bother me one way or the other. I am not interested in a sexual relationship with any woman who was not born a woman.
Charlene replies on Jan 17, 2018:
You wouldn't even Know you were having sex with a woman that was post-op.
How do you feel about transgender individuals?
Thomas3 comments on Jan 16, 2018:
I don't understand transgender or homosexual. You live your life and I will live mine. What I don't like is someone forcing their religion, politics or life style upon me.
Charlene replies on Jan 17, 2018:
I feel the same bout we teach them a life lesson by forcing cisgender people using the opposite public toilet legally?..or refuse them health care or refuse service to them in restaurants?
How do you feel about transgender individuals?
Humanlove comments on Jan 17, 2018:
I really don't mind them, I just don't date them since I love straight women, biologically straight women. Other than that, I see no difference,we are all humans.
Charlene replies on Jan 17, 2018:
Define "Biologically Straight" please..
How do you feel about transgender individuals?
Naeem comments on Jan 16, 2018:
Simply we shouldn't have gender roles in society, both genders are equal and capable, switching genders should not affect this truth!
Charlene replies on Jan 17, 2018:
Being Trans is not Switching is affirming Who you Are to society, more importantly to Yourself..


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