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Some of you may think I’m “nutty”, but I thought I’d share this here anyways for those that ...
ChestRockfield comments on Oct 9, 2020:
May I ask where the thought 'every life has a purpose' came from?
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 9, 2020:
@1EarthLovingGal I wasn't really hinting at Bible stuff. I was just questioning the meaning of purpose. It seems at least cosmic or indicative of intention. For instance, if we look at the purpose of an infant that dies of SIDS, would that purpose be the lasting effect it had on the parents? To suggest as much speaks to a sort of intention, rather than simply cause and effect of complete accidents.
I have recently come upon the situation of trying to explain my position on "religion" to a ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Tell him there's free Ice Cream and cake in hell?
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 7, 2020:
But the ice cream is all melted and the cake is over cooked.
I would like to submit the idea that religion IS politics.
Theresa_N comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Agree that politics is intrinsic to people, disagree that religion is politics. Religion has little to do with my politics, lack of religion does.
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 7, 2020:
Yeah, there had to be a disconnect somewhere because by the transitive property the OP stated everything was intrinsic to people.
I would like to submit the idea that religion IS politics.
Paul4747 comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Well.... politics is frequently religion. Witness the number of people who adhere to the Cult of Donald, and can't articulate why, even though they admit that he lies, fornicates, cheats, has been an adulterer, and contradicts all the values they say they hold, they still claim he's more moral than ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 7, 2020:
I think I saw video proof of this somewhere. 😝
US election: Do you need Jesus to win the White House? []
Sgt_Spanky comments on Oct 6, 2020:
Trump is the antithesis of everything Jesus ostensibly stood for and has barely been to church his entire life and even he claimed to be a man of God to get the Xian vote and they gave it to him...cuz they're stupid. So, yeah, Jesus is good for your political career but you don't have to actually ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 6, 2020:
@Paul4747 If you like that, you should watch more Jordan Klepper. Like this:
US election: Do you need Jesus to win the White House? []
Sgt_Spanky comments on Oct 6, 2020:
Trump is the antithesis of everything Jesus ostensibly stood for and has barely been to church his entire life and even he claimed to be a man of God to get the Xian vote and they gave it to him...cuz they're stupid. So, yeah, Jesus is good for your political career but you don't have to actually ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 6, 2020:
I don't know if that's the whole story. The correct letter after your name means a lot. Watch the mental gymnastics this preacher goes through to put the Jesus vote behind Trump and not Clinton.
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
indirect76 comments on Oct 2, 2020:
I’m not sure there is much of anything you could say and I would not try anyway. There can be a certain disrespect in trying to dissuade someone of their personal view on religion. I find that religious folk tend not to try to convince me to see it there way and I tend to return the favor.
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@indirect76 So the reason I asked a clarifying question is because I understand the 'different ideology' thing. As much as I think people who believe in trickle down economics are wrong and that there's more evidence than anyone should need to realize it doesn't work, I still grant that it's a difference of opinion. One can vote for their candidate that believes in it, and I'll vote for mine who doesn't. Hopefully, if voting is fair, the candidate whose policies help more people will win. Democracy at work. However, I just don't think one's desires to disenfranchise others or eliminate them from our system altogether is "on par" with the differing ideology, and it perplexes me beyond belief that someone with whom I seemingly have so much in common doesn't share what I thought was a gimmie. So to my previous question, while it would be a subjective opinion to think "all Jews should be gassed" or "All Black people should be reverted to ⅗ of a person/vote/etc." I can't see how that's on equal footing of opinions like "All men are created equal". And if we can agree that there's a fundamental difference between wanting to vote for someone that will try to "get rid of" certain people, and one that will try to protect the less fortunate, that's a start.
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
genessa comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Why would I want to convince someone they should believe what I believe (or not believe what I don't believe)? I sure don't want them to try to convert me. Why would I be so rude as to try to convert them? All I want out of Christians with regard to belief is for them not to legislate, ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@genessa Well that's sad. Didn't mean to make you so exasperated.
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
indirect76 comments on Oct 2, 2020:
I’m not sure there is much of anything you could say and I would not try anyway. There can be a certain disrespect in trying to dissuade someone of their personal view on religion. I find that religious folk tend not to try to convince me to see it there way and I tend to return the favor.
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@indirect76 I thought about this on and off all day long and I'm thoroughly confused by this. I honestly didn't expect you to say yes and that there was some sort of miscommunication. I'm interested to know more about how these things aren't distinguished for you by their aim and outcome. Is the same true for you for stuff like hate speech?
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
indirect76 comments on Oct 2, 2020:
I’m not sure there is much of anything you could say and I would not try anyway. There can be a certain disrespect in trying to dissuade someone of their personal view on religion. I find that religious folk tend not to try to convince me to see it there way and I tend to return the favor.
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 4, 2020:
@indirect76 You honestly feel that someone voting to take away the right for others to marry the person they love or have autonomy over their own body is the same as someone voting to protect those rights because they are both simply voting their beliefs??
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
genessa comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Why would I want to convince someone they should believe what I believe (or not believe what I don't believe)? I sure don't want them to try to convert me. Why would I be so rude as to try to convert them? All I want out of Christians with regard to belief is for them not to legislate, ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 4, 2020:
@genessa I didn't tell you you weren't. I asked if you weren't.
One thousand five hundred and thirteen of Amy Barrett's college alumni are “firmly and ...
LucyLoohoo comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Can this be presented at the hearings?
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 4, 2020:
@mischl You can't really believe that can you? Look at the noise over Kavanaugh. Fuck, he had someone testify in front of Congress about him committing sexual assault. Not only did they not withdraw, they backed him and confirmed him. Furthermore, at that time they were not racing against a clock. There wouldn't be time to withdraw her and nominate/confirm someone else before the election. It is my firm belief that there is exactly a zero percent chance they will withdraw her nomination under any circumstance... * even if she shot someone on 5th Avenue. *
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
genessa comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Why would I want to convince someone they should believe what I believe (or not believe what I don't believe)? I sure don't want them to try to convert me. Why would I be so rude as to try to convert them? All I want out of Christians with regard to belief is for them not to legislate, ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 4, 2020:
@genessa If you're not interested in a discourse on the OP that's fine, just say so. But I obviously didn't understand what you were referring to from what you've written, so rereading isn't going to help matters. You asked two questions: Why would I want to convince someone they should believe what I believe (or not believe what I don't believe)? Why would I be so rude as to try to convert them? I believe I answered both with my original response: basically that you should want to convince and convert because they are legislating or supporting legislators that are trying to bully their religion onto you. You claimed that some Christians support separation of church and state and that conversion isn't the answer, out voting them is. I pointed out basically that out voting them isn't working because there's enough of them abusing the power advantage they've given themselves and that you'll probably wish more people tried to fix the root cause instead of symptom management at some point in the future. Then it got confusing with vague pronoun usage.
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
AwarenessNow comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Has anyone ever been converted through reason?
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 4, 2020:
Yes, there are some that are reasonable, just indoctrinated. I know this because I've done it.
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
genessa comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Why would I want to convince someone they should believe what I believe (or not believe what I don't believe)? I sure don't want them to try to convert me. Why would I be so rude as to try to convert them? All I want out of Christians with regard to belief is for them not to legislate, ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 4, 2020:
@genessa > or at least convincing them there is no hell is NOT the way to make them stop legislating Seems like you were... > no, that actually wasn't the question. What wasn't the question?
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
editor20 comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Why would you say anything to convince him? Why do you WANT to convince him? An atheist should be the last person in the business of telling others what to think.
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@editor20 Sure, you can try that too, but how does trying to convert people into non-believers not a part of that toolkit? If there are enough of them, the hive will be too big to build a wall around to separate it from the legislature. ( * And in our case in the US, it obviously already is... * ) Also, not for nothing, but we're not simply telling people to abandon their beliefs. That mischaracterization drastically taints the argument so much some might call it a straw man.
Do not wish death upon anyone anytime anywhere for any circumstance.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Oct 2, 2020:
And let us not forget this:
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay I disagree. I already explained why theoretical deaths under Clinton would be different than deaths under Trump and it is because his actions actually caused more unnecessary deaths. Your H1N1 and drone examples are the same thing. Wishing him out of office is a wish that can't come true now without his death because today isn't January 20th of the proper 4th year. Wishing him impeached is nonsensical because he's already impeached and we already know how the conviction trial turned out. Wishing that a zebra would change his stripes is just as nonsensical as wishing he'd start being knowledgeable, ethical, and moral. Given that, death is the most likely (and probable) outcome that meets my needs. Also, hating him for killing people is not equal to or worse than him killing people for his awful, selfish, and/or non-existent reasons.
Do not wish death upon anyone anytime anywhere for any circumstance.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Oct 2, 2020:
And let us not forget this:
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay That's kind of bullshit, excuse my blunt language. We all recognize that gullibility is a continuum and the people at the far end need protecting (even if from themselves by your estimation). Should we have no laws to protect the elderly from scams that prey on them being gullible? Even if you want to place some of the blame on the individuals, that mean some still falls on Trump, which means my point still stands: he is the cause of * some * of the deaths we've suffered and wishing him dead so it will stop is perfectly reasonable (and in my opinion, noble).
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
Bobbie63 comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Why do you want to convince a Christian of anything? Why does it matter? Some people need their beliefs as much as some babies need a pacifier or a blankie. Why take away their crutch if they need it? I have friends who have lost a child, and thinking their son or daughter is in Heaven gives them ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@Bobbie63 So someone trying to convert you is a good enough reason, but someone voting for people that plan to take away your rights is not?
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
KevinMR comments on Oct 2, 2020:
I think you're right. As a kid I asked myself why are descriptions of heaven and Earth so similar to the sky and volcanic activity underground? Is that coincidence or an obvious sign that ancient people who didn't understand made it all up? You know the conclusion I reached. But to your point, when ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@KevinMR Depends on your definition of amazing. If it's simply that we're rare and unlikely, sure, but that's basically a circular argument. The universe doesn't know itself any more or less than it did before we existed and will after we're gone. I mean, if you also describe HIV as amazing then I guess we pretty much agree.
Do not wish death upon anyone anytime anywhere for any circumstance.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Long, long ago, I read an article in which Hitler's masseuse said that he could have killed Hitler easily when giving him a massage and sometimes, considered it. Which would have been worse: the masseuse killing Hitler and saving millions of lives? Or not killing Hitler because murder is ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay 1. Our people do not get the same information as the leader. (How did you not know that was going to be challenged??) He knew definitively, and admitted on tape, it was airborne long before the general public was told. He also knew/admitted it was deadlier and more contagious than the flu. He directly lied to the American people (which I'll admit sometimes has to be done) but more importantly contradicted our scientists (and still does) which doesn't have to be done. I do not believe Clinton would have done the same, so it's a false equivalency to say X number of deaths under a Clinton presidency and 208,000+ deaths under Trump are equal reasons to wish death on them. 2. It's not about the number of Americans who have died, it's what the leader did that makes the difference. If one person died from injecting bleach after hearing the president say it could knock Covid out in one minute, or one vulnerable person caught Covid and died because they didn't wear a mask at his direction, etc. * that * would be enough reason for me to want him to die before saying more of the things he says that result in deaths that may not have happened without him. Maybe (probably a lot) less people would ignore regulations and scientists of they didn't have a person they loved and trusted telling them that the scientists were wrong.
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
genessa comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Why would I want to convince someone they should believe what I believe (or not believe what I don't believe)? I sure don't want them to try to convert me. Why would I be so rude as to try to convert them? All I want out of Christians with regard to belief is for them not to legislate, ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@genessa I not arguing about specifics of hell and heaven. I'm taking about converting people to non-believers. And I don't know any atheists that are actively legislating their religious beliefs, just sayin'. I also disagree that religious people can be completely unbiased by their religion at all times in any way that relates to things that will affect others. The question comes down to, how do you outvote them when they outnumber you and/or have used previously obtained power to rig the system. Maybe once it gets to that point, you'll wish more people tried to fix the root cause instead of fighting against the symptoms or consequences...
Let's Discuss What Islam Offers...
Paul4747 comments on Oct 3, 2020:
So, Christianity or Judaism but with a different logo? As @Mitch07102 says, there's no qualitative difference between Islam now, and any Middle Eastern monotheist religion other than the passage of time. Given the power, fundamentalist Xians in the United States would be carrying out crusades, ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@Paul4747 I'm not at all suggesting that. I consistently have to argue that hating someone for being a bigot is different than hating someone for an arbitrary reason (like skin color). That is not at all what's happening. You're saying they can't call attention to one problem they want to focus on without calling attention to all * similar * problems as well. * That * is what the All Lives Matter people do.
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
editor20 comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Why would you say anything to convince him? Why do you WANT to convince him? An atheist should be the last person in the business of telling others what to think.
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@editor20 So you're suggesting we let them make awful laws that take away rights first so we can fight against those instead of just fighting against the ideology that put them, and many more to come, in place? Is that an efficient plan? Anyway, got to get back to killing individual ants and bees that make their way out of the colony and hive in my attic; I swear it's like a full time job, but I don't know what else I can do if I don't want a ton of ants and bees in my house.
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
KevinMR comments on Oct 2, 2020:
I think you're right. As a kid I asked myself why are descriptions of heaven and Earth so similar to the sky and volcanic activity underground? Is that coincidence or an obvious sign that ancient people who didn't understand made it all up? You know the conclusion I reached. But to your point, when ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@KevinMR Cosmically we're an accident. I wouldn't even say a happy one. All we've done is be awful to each other and the planet at large.
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
genessa comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Why would I want to convince someone they should believe what I believe (or not believe what I don't believe)? I sure don't want them to try to convert me. Why would I be so rude as to try to convert them? All I want out of Christians with regard to belief is for them not to legislate, ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
But they all do. All the time. Every time they vote, donate, etc. they are working to impose their beliefs on everyone. The ONLY way to push back against that is to try to convince some of them it's wrong.
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
KevinMR comments on Oct 2, 2020:
I think you're right. As a kid I asked myself why are descriptions of heaven and Earth so similar to the sky and volcanic activity underground? Is that coincidence or an obvious sign that ancient people who didn't understand made it all up? You know the conclusion I reached. But to your point, when ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
You have good thoughts about humanity?? 😝
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
editor20 comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Why would you say anything to convince him? Why do you WANT to convince him? An atheist should be the last person in the business of telling others what to think.
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
Religion informs laws that take away citizens' rights. I can't think of a better reason to try to convince someone of something.
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
DenoPenno comments on Oct 2, 2020:
You will not convince them. The best you can do is plant thoughts that over a period of time they might listen to. I do that. As for "hell" it has evolved greatly over time and was once the garbage dump outside the city and was ever burning. Believers do not study enough to understand this. I had a ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
It's possible. I've done it.
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
indirect76 comments on Oct 2, 2020:
I’m not sure there is much of anything you could say and I would not try anyway. There can be a certain disrespect in trying to dissuade someone of their personal view on religion. I find that religious folk tend not to try to convince me to see it there way and I tend to return the favor.
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
There is a big difference: your lack of belief isn't informing laws that take rights away from women.
What can an atheist say to a Christian to convince him.
Bobbie63 comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Why do you want to convince a Christian of anything? Why does it matter? Some people need their beliefs as much as some babies need a pacifier or a blankie. Why take away their crutch if they need it? I have friends who have lost a child, and thinking their son or daughter is in Heaven gives them ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
You seem to be going both ways on this answer. I'm not sure if you're saying you should or shouldn't. 🤔
Let's Discuss What Islam Offers...
Paul4747 comments on Oct 3, 2020:
So, Christianity or Judaism but with a different logo? As @Mitch07102 says, there's no qualitative difference between Islam now, and any Middle Eastern monotheist religion other than the passage of time. Given the power, fundamentalist Xians in the United States would be carrying out crusades, ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
I agree with almost everything, just one point of contention. Focusing on a particular problem doesn't make you a bigot or narrow-minded, that's pretty close to the argument the 'all lives matter' people are making.
Let's Discuss What Islam Offers...
Matias comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Let's discuss what the USA offer: slavery, war, honor killings, genocide, drugs, racism, poverty, psychopaths for presidident
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@Storm1752 How so? It's a belief in the ideology of a man-made construct that perpetrates horrible acts in the pursuit of something it deems right.
Do not wish death upon anyone anytime anywhere for any circumstance.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Oct 2, 2020:
And let us not forget this:
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay "The same result could have been achieved with Trump alive... ... and Hillary in office. 😉" 2 problems: 1. Trump would still be tweeting the fuck out of his conspiracy theories costing lives. 2. Hoping something happens that can still happen is different than wishing something would have happened that already didn't.
Do not wish death upon anyone anytime anywhere for any circumstance.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Oct 2, 2020:
And let us not forget this:
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay There's a huge difference between killing a prisoner and killing someone who is killing other people. It's hard not to see Trump as someone who is killing other people with his knowing lies about and during a global pandemic.
Do not wish death upon anyone anytime anywhere for any circumstance.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Long, long ago, I read an article in which Hitler's masseuse said that he could have killed Hitler easily when giving him a massage and sometimes, considered it. Which would have been worse: the masseuse killing Hitler and saving millions of lives? Or not killing Hitler because murder is ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@indirect76 What if hindsight isn't needed, e.g. he's already killed X number of people and is in the process of killing X more?
Breaking News!!! Despite having a highly equipped and sophisticated medical centre in the White ...
Lorajay comments on Oct 2, 2020:
I am not a nice person because I hope it is serious.
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 2, 2020:
Depends on your vantage point. If he dies, it might save thousands of lives. Wishing for him to die of Covid may make you the nicest kind of person.
Does being an agnostic mean that you’re on the wall or you lack acceptance?
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 8, 2020:
I agree with your sentiments. Ultimately, you will not reach a consensus of definitions of those words here. For me it seems simple. Agnosticism deals with with you can know. Atheism deals with what you believe. Since no one can know whether god exists, EVERYONE * should * be agnostic. Then if ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 2, 2020:
@bbyrd009 I don't know what Skinwalker Ranch is supposed to mean. As for the other two, we know of them only * because * of the objective evidence for their existence.
Does being an agnostic mean that you’re on the wall or you lack acceptance?
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 8, 2020:
I agree with your sentiments. Ultimately, you will not reach a consensus of definitions of those words here. For me it seems simple. Agnosticism deals with with you can know. Atheism deals with what you believe. Since no one can know whether god exists, EVERYONE * should * be agnostic. Then if ...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 2, 2020:
@bbyrd009 What things are real for which there is no objective evidence?? I don't think I agree with that at all, and don't call me Shirley.
9/30/2020 2020 continues, so chaotic haven't even yet written about the grim one million dead ...
Flowerwall comments on Sep 30, 2020:
"His claim he’s doing a great job on Covid is so false it’s one for the textbooks." But what did Biden say that made you feelyou'd be in competent hands? I don't see any comprehensive covid management ideas, anything new, coming from him. And you can't say " Give him time". And plans to increase...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 1, 2020:
@Flowerwall The rich and wealthy corporations have done nothing to stimulate the economy. All they did with the obscene amounts of money they were given by Trump was buyback stock. Taxing the rich never suppresses the economy because they always only do that which will be profitable. If they would make money by opening a new plant and hiring more workers they will, regardless of whether they're going to take home X% less of the profits. If they can save money by firing people, they will regardless of the tax rate. Any worry about people using tax loopholes to screw the US out of tax dollars isn't a reason not to tax them, it's a reason to fix the tax code. That's like saying, "Living rape victims can identify their attackers, making rapists more likely to murder them, so we should probably just make rape legal to reduce the likelihood of people getting killed.
9/30/2020 2020 continues, so chaotic haven't even yet written about the grim one million dead ...
Flowerwall comments on Sep 30, 2020:
"His claim he’s doing a great job on Covid is so false it’s one for the textbooks." But what did Biden say that made you feelyou'd be in competent hands? I don't see any comprehensive covid management ideas, anything new, coming from him. And you can't say " Give him time". And plans to increase...
ChestRockfield replies on Oct 1, 2020:
With how much money the rich made as a result of Covid, I think increasing their taxes won't hurt the economy.
So where do you get your morality from if you’re an atheist?
brentan comments on Sep 29, 2020:
I think most of us on this side of the world get our morality from the Judeo-Christian heritage.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 30, 2020:
@brentan Put whatever qualifiers on it you want, whatever part of it you are trying to attribute to Judeo-Christianity was still cherry picked using our ancestors' internal moral compasses...
So where do you get your morality from if you’re an atheist?
brentan comments on Sep 29, 2020:
I think most of us on this side of the world get our morality from the Judeo-Christian heritage.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 29, 2020:
@brentan The point still stands that there are plenty of things the Bible says are the right things to do that people reject as immoral. How could this be if the morality comes from Christianity?
Appeal to Faith | Ram - New Delhi, India | Atheist Experience 21.29 - YouTube
barjoe comments on Sep 28, 2020:
"I have no use for faith" Any "evidence" of faith is the placebo affect. The fact that you can get a positive thing from something, doesn't make that thing positive.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 29, 2020:
Is there anyone else here willing to weigh in? Can people just choose to believe in a god?
Appeal to Faith | Ram - New Delhi, India | Atheist Experience 21.29 - YouTube
barjoe comments on Sep 28, 2020:
"I have no use for faith" Any "evidence" of faith is the placebo affect. The fact that you can get a positive thing from something, doesn't make that thing positive.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 29, 2020:
@barjoe I'm arguing with you because you said I was wrong. And I'm not defending religious people, I'm simply stating that it's not a choice. Hell, you just admitted it in your last comment. You said they believe because their parents told them. Why are * you * still arguing when you know I'm right?
Appeal to Faith | Ram - New Delhi, India | Atheist Experience 21.29 - YouTube
barjoe comments on Sep 28, 2020:
"I have no use for faith" Any "evidence" of faith is the placebo affect. The fact that you can get a positive thing from something, doesn't make that thing positive.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 29, 2020:
@barjoe I don't care what you think, I care about being called wrong by someone who can't prove me wrong, or more accurately, by someone who should have the capacity to see I'm right. The people we're taking about didn't make up the god. They were told it was true and they believed it. What we're taking about is consciously choosing to believe something one knows isn't true. A mere 10 seconds of self-reflection should be all it takes to recognize that's impossible.
Appeal to Faith | Ram - New Delhi, India | Atheist Experience 21.29 - YouTube
barjoe comments on Sep 28, 2020:
"I have no use for faith" Any "evidence" of faith is the placebo affect. The fact that you can get a positive thing from something, doesn't make that thing positive.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 29, 2020:
@barjoe So you're not interested in proving me wrong, just claiming I'm wrong? But seriously, how does knowing what you know not also let you know I'm right? You are so sure that nothing paranormal exists that it would be impossible to choose to believe it does. The same is true for other people, believers and otherwise. They have no control over it just like you don't either. I know I couldn't choose to start believing in god. I don't know if you were ever a believer, but try to put yourself in their shoes. They are just as sure their god exists as you are it doesn't. There's no choice in the matter. They were told, probably at a young age, that he exists and they proposition was deemed true by their brain. For whatever reason, they don't have that thing inside them like I do that makes them question or doubt. Over the years people have probably said to them that god doesn't exist, and they rejected that proposition as quickly and easily as you did at the thought of a pill that can allow you to fly. Did you think about that and choose not to believe it? No, you immediately rejected it as nonsense. The thought of god not existing is the same for them, complete nonsense, they don't even have to think about it because they KNOW, just like you know what you know, that he does.
Appeal to Faith | Ram - New Delhi, India | Atheist Experience 21.29 - YouTube
barjoe comments on Sep 28, 2020:
"I have no use for faith" Any "evidence" of faith is the placebo affect. The fact that you can get a positive thing from something, doesn't make that thing positive.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 28, 2020:
@barjoe You said people can * choose * to believe in god. If that's true, and I am wrong like you stated, you should be able to prove me wrong by choosing to believe in god, and, consequently, stop believing that which is invalidated by your new religious belief.
Appeal to Faith | Ram - New Delhi, India | Atheist Experience 21.29 - YouTube
barjoe comments on Sep 28, 2020:
"I have no use for faith" Any "evidence" of faith is the placebo affect. The fact that you can get a positive thing from something, doesn't make that thing positive.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 28, 2020:
@barjoe So you're telling me you can choose to * actually * believe (not just profess to believe) in a god, say Poseidon, right now? You can will yourself to stop believing that the tides are caused by the sun and moon, but instead by the god Poseidon??
Appeal to Faith | Ram - New Delhi, India | Atheist Experience 21.29 - YouTube
barjoe comments on Sep 28, 2020:
"I have no use for faith" Any "evidence" of faith is the placebo affect. The fact that you can get a positive thing from something, doesn't make that thing positive.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 28, 2020:
@barjoe What do you think is false?
Amy Coney Barrett: GOP sells 'Notorious ACB' T-shirts after nomination
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Disgusting. I wish there was a button to push to make them all disappear forever.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 28, 2020:
@Paul4747 Do you have any preexisting conditions? Are you currently a subscriber to the Affordable Care Act? It's a lot easier to say recent events aren't a threat to life if you're not worried about losing your ability to get care and afford life sustaining medications. There are no people of good will on the right that have any power. None. They try to pretend like they do (like how Romney voted to convict knowing it wouldn't matter or how there are 2 Senators now that say they won't vote to confirm because they know she'll get confirmed anyway). Thinking that there's a way to meet in the middle is precisely the kind of weakness that got liberals to this point. We try to play fair and compromise and they lie and cheat to obtain as much power as they can whenever they can. The free market is only as good as the regulations placed on it. Anyone who thinks an unregulated free market is a good thing is dangerously naive. No one * wants * a revolution. Some people need one though. Free speech is the same way. There need to be limits and regulations on that as well. And I disagree that some ideas are worthy of discussion. That's part of their plan. If you say enough crazy shit, you can get away with murder while everyone is scrambling to prove it all wrong. So while I will continue to argue, passionately, my points of view (as little as it does) I'm definitely still going to [also] wish everyone who voted for Trump would vanish forever.
Amy Coney Barrett: GOP sells 'Notorious ACB' T-shirts after nomination
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Disgusting. I wish there was a button to push to make them all disappear forever.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 28, 2020:
@Paul4747 I guess sometimes they do? Would you say the same thing to someone who shot someone who was breaking into their home to murder them?
Appeal to Faith | Ram - New Delhi, India | Atheist Experience 21.29 - YouTube
barjoe comments on Sep 28, 2020:
"I have no use for faith" Any "evidence" of faith is the placebo affect. The fact that you can get a positive thing from something, doesn't make that thing positive.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 28, 2020:
@barjoe Precisely my point. Placebo only works when the person believes it can possibly work. Considering you cannot * choose * to believe in god, it can only provide a placebo effect * if * you happen to believe. So yes, to believers you can say there could be a placebo effect, but it's not really the same.
Appeal to Faith | Ram - New Delhi, India | Atheist Experience 21.29 - YouTube
barjoe comments on Sep 28, 2020:
"I have no use for faith" Any "evidence" of faith is the placebo affect. The fact that you can get a positive thing from something, doesn't make that thing positive.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 28, 2020:
The use of the placebo effect in this arena is also kind of a misnomer because you cannot choose to believe in the thing that would be the reason for the false positive. It's very different from something like a sugar pill representing a Tylenol (as opposed to a sugar pill that represents a pill that causes you to be able to fly).
Amy Coney Barrett: GOP sells 'Notorious ACB' T-shirts after nomination
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Disgusting. I wish there was a button to push to make them all disappear forever.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 27, 2020:
@Paul4747 Wanting to get rid of them all doesn't make me the same though because of the reasons we want to get rid of each other, similar to how killing someone in self-defense and premeditated murder aren't the same.
Americans United Opposes Supreme Court Nomination Of Amy Coney Barrett, A Foe Of Church-State ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Thankfully Supreme Court Judges can, and in this case will almost certainly be, impeached. Christians will throw away democracy to allow their "small" government to control what women choose to do with their bodies. They don't respect women enough to believe they will make the right decisions. So...
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 26, 2020:
Only one Justice was ever impeached and wasn't even removed from the bench. There is exactly a zero percent chance that some of the Republican Senators that would have been needed to confirm her would also flip to convict and remove her. Even if the Democrats flipped a super unlikely 10 Republican seats, they would need 10 Republicans to flip to convict.
My smoking, drinking, pregnant "great christian" neighbor (from hell) just puked on her front porch ...
caselimor comments on Sep 25, 2020:
Is she pregnant and throwing up from drinking? That could be grounds for endangerment.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 25, 2020:
@Green_Soldier71 Morning sickness causing her to waste perfectly good alcohol.
If something causes psychological harm, it's not harmless.
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Animals are just as selfish as humans. Also, I don't know that I'd classify looking out for other non-related people selfish.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 24, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd YOU'RE THE ONE WASTING TIME?!? Fuck me, that's rich. Not a single person knows what the fuck you're talking about, I try WAY harder than I should have considering your posts started to sound like KWAPELL's, I lay out a correlative analogy that all but proves your OP is complete nonsense, you still refuse to tell us what you meant to prove me wrong, and * I'm * the one wasting * your * time? Good riddance.
If you think wearing a mask doesn’t help, still wear it as you’re told & shut up about it.
Blackatheist1985 comments on Sep 22, 2020:
People think that 😷suppresses their freedom it's used to save their lives and their families lives if they wish to die let them remember the mortician is the last responder to claim a body
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 24, 2020:
@VeronicaAnn Dictators don't admit they are wrong. (Or even that they are dictators most of the time.)
If something causes psychological harm, it's not harmless.
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Animals are just as selfish as humans. Also, I don't know that I'd classify looking out for other non-related people selfish.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 24, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd That "generalization" was based on evidence, and I'm fully willing to retract it once someone posts a plausible explanation. The only person you thought knew what you were trying to say agreed that not only was your point unclear, she thinks most or all others don't know either. I already stated that your post, as it currently stands, is how I originally read it, but that I cannot, obviously, account for it at a time before I knew it existed. "Altruism is an illusion, but it does have real mechanisms and outcomes." Was this the point of the OP, or a rebuttal to something I said specifically? Honestly since the OP is so indecipherable, I can't tell. Either way, I suppose I need to ask how you ascribe outcomes to an illusion?
If something causes psychological harm, it's not harmless.
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Animals are just as selfish as humans. Also, I don't know that I'd classify looking out for other non-related people selfish.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 24, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 So I was right and no one here knows what he's trying too say but him. Cool. Cool cool cool. @Fred_Snerd I'm not convinced it really matters what you're using the word "animal" to represent. If you simply replace it with the variable X, your statement would read, "If we were as selfless as X can be, we would together transcend our nature." If X represents something that * can * be selfless, the statement is rather obvious and seen as circular reasoning to anyone that recognizes man cannot act selflessly. (i.e. If man acted beyond his nature, he would have transcended his nature.) If X represents something that * can't * act selflessly, then the statement is nonsensical because the first two conditions in the statement wouldn't match, thus rendering the remainder of the statement moot. It would be akin to saying, "If the Bible were as true as a mathematics textbook, then XYZ." The remainder of that statement is largely irrelevant because the Bible necessarily isn't as true as a mathematics textbook, so it's pure nonsense to talk about what it would mean if it were. I mean, that doesn't mean people wouldn't at times engage in such nonsensical discussions, but in no way should they be treated as profound or valuable. So I think it's clear that I've put more thought into this than anyone else, and I still can't ascertain your point. Given that no one else could either, it stands to reason that you should either explain what you mean in plain English, or admit that the point you thought you were making doesn't hold water and you have secretly abandoned it during the course of this discussion.
If something causes psychological harm, it's not harmless.
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Animals are just as selfish as humans. Also, I don't know that I'd classify looking out for other non-related people selfish.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 24, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd "An animal" would be one of "other animals" unless you are specifically referring to one and only one other animal on the face of the planet. In which case it is disingenuous to describe it as such instead of by name/specifics. All of this begs the question, however, that you know I'm not understanding, you know what you mean, you think someone else deciphered your coded message already (which I'm not certain that's true), yet you won't just spell out what the hell you're trying to say. Not sure why I'm still bothering with this in light of all that... How about it @Gwendolyn2018? What's the big secret answer to Fred's riddle?
If something causes psychological harm, it's not harmless.
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Animals are just as selfish as humans. Also, I don't know that I'd classify looking out for other non-related people selfish.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 24, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd No, I already explained what I thought you were trying to say. I'll quote myself, "The original post seemed to insinuate that if humans could be as selfless as other animals are at times, then we would have transcended the inherent selfishness that has been evolutionarily bred into us."
If something causes psychological harm, it's not harmless.
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Animals are just as selfish as humans. Also, I don't know that I'd classify looking out for other non-related people selfish.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 24, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd Like I said, I thought I knew what your message was, but it's been contradicted and you have not been able to help me since...
If something causes psychological harm, it's not harmless.
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Animals are just as selfish as humans. Also, I don't know that I'd classify looking out for other non-related people selfish.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 24, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd I honestly still can't make heads or tails of this. Does anyone else understand what he's saying that can explain it in a different way? The original post seemed to insinuate that if humans could be as selfless as other animals are at times, then we would have transcended the inherent selfishness that has been evolutionarily bred into us. Now it seems like he's saying that's not his point, and none of the follow up questions and answers have made anything any clearer to me.
If something causes psychological harm, it's not harmless.
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Animals are just as selfish as humans. Also, I don't know that I'd classify looking out for other non-related people selfish.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 24, 2020:
@t1nick Glad to see someone who understands how evolution actually works is teaching it. I do not recall actually learning real evolutionary theory until I looked into it on my own.
If something causes psychological harm, it's not harmless.
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Animals are just as selfish as humans. Also, I don't know that I'd classify looking out for other non-related people selfish.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 24, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd Yeah, I don't know what you're trying to say with that...
If something causes psychological harm, it's not harmless.
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Animals are just as selfish as humans. Also, I don't know that I'd classify looking out for other non-related people selfish.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 24, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd "If we were as selfless as an animal can be" If you're not asserting that animals can be selfless, I have no idea what your point is. If you are asserting that animals can be selfless, what makes you think that's possible?
If something causes psychological harm, it's not harmless.
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Animals are just as selfish as humans. Also, I don't know that I'd classify looking out for other non-related people selfish.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 23, 2020:
@t1nick First of all, I'm not the one arguing that animals and/or humans can be selfless. I do not believe that to be true. Secondly, I wasn't comparing taxonomy and the Bible, I was simply using that to point out your original objection of time spent wasn't sound. I believe the rest of what I stated about it stands on its own. We are making up dividing lines where none actually exist. You seem to know enough about evolution to know that is a fact, so I'm not sure what you're actually arguing here.
If something causes psychological harm, it's not harmless.
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Animals are just as selfish as humans. Also, I don't know that I'd classify looking out for other non-related people selfish.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 23, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd You never really answered my objection though. What makes you think animals are selfless?
If something causes psychological harm, it's not harmless.
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Animals are just as selfish as humans. Also, I don't know that I'd classify looking out for other non-related people selfish.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 23, 2020:
@t1nick I'll grant you that a lot of work was put into it, but how much time someone spends on something in no way guarantees that thing is not nonsensical. People spent tons of time writing and editing the Bible, and that thing is pure nonsense cover to cover. It was after I spent several weeks in a grueling debate over the idiom 'what came first the chicken or the egg' dealing with the intricacies of the theoretical taxonomy needed for the discussion that I realized how imprecise and 'this is the best we got' our classification system was. There is a reason for this, though, and it's because there are no classes in the evolution of life. There are no races, no species, nothing. Just huge interwoven webs of evolutionary biology. I mean, one must only think about the fact that Chihuahuas and Great Danes are the same species, but Neanderthals and humans are not to start scratching their head about it.
If something causes psychological harm, it's not harmless.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Animals are "selfless" when it is in their best interests. And humans can be as selfless as animals can be. Humans and other animals evolved and survived be being a combination of selfish and selfless. Which they demonstrated was situational.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 23, 2020:
Wait, isn't selfless when in my best interest not selfless at all??
If something causes psychological harm, it's not harmless.
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Animals are just as selfish as humans. Also, I don't know that I'd classify looking out for other non-related people selfish.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 23, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd I remember reading those lines when I first read this post... That's all I can account for.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 23, 2020:
I'll say it when it's true, not a moment earlier.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 23, 2020:
@Willow_Wisp Fair, but do you know what it's like to live in Cleveland where your football team is the Browns? That's kinda what living in America is like now. You're losing so much you can't stand it, so you need to cope by making fun of yourself.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 23, 2020:
I'll say it when it's true, not a moment earlier.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 23, 2020:
Did you click the link? We're definitely in first place...
ADKSparky comments on Sep 23, 2020:
We're about to lose to India. A sad day for American not being #1.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 23, 2020:
Maybe not. Trump super spreader rallies are about to be in full swing. We're probably going to see a lot more cases and deaths in the next couple months, especially when Influenza kicks in on top of it. Last week my hospital just saw its first Covid and Influenza positive patient (something they were saying they didn't think was likely last flu season).
Everyday, ICE picks up people and deports them to god knows where.
Silver1wun comments on Sep 23, 2020:
If enforcement of laws bothers us, we are self-governing and can both elect new officials and petition existing ones to change laws that are inconsistent with wishes 'of the people'. This is how our system optimally works. Persuasion and activism WITHIN the system, not disobedience of our laws...
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 23, 2020:
@Freedompath You are obviously correct here.
Debate forums?
UpsideDownAgain comments on Sep 23, 2020:
The traffic mostly migrated to Facebook. Which is a loss, in my opinion, because Facebook encourages talking at people more than talking with people.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 23, 2020:
Yeah, Facebook was one of the worst computer-related things that had ever happened.
Debate forums?
DenoPenno comments on Sep 22, 2020:
I have no desire to debate anyone. What most people are doing is trying to create an argument that will support their belief in their Christian god. There is no such successful argument. It does not exist, so why do I want to go through this with anyone. BTW, this is also true with any other gods ...
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 23, 2020:
@Word Once you hear it out, it's kinda hard to deny.
Debate forums?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Why not start a Group or 2 on here? You can make it all one subject, or whatever you & easy!
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 23, 2020:
@AnneWimsey That's not at all what I was saying. I actually agree with the sentiment I suggested. There have been quite a few posts (a couple of mine included) that I think should have produced a lively debate and substantive discussion that only saw a couple comments before it died. (And in contrast, likely would have on the forums he spoke of.) This forum is far more like the instant gratification for short attention spans format of Facebook than it is the debate forums of old.
Debate forums?
DenoPenno comments on Sep 22, 2020:
I have no desire to debate anyone. What most people are doing is trying to create an argument that will support their belief in their Christian god. There is no such successful argument. It does not exist, so why do I want to go through this with anyone. BTW, this is also true with any other gods ...
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 23, 2020:
@Word That's kind of an interesting one if included in that debate is whether or not we're part of a simulation...
If something causes psychological harm, it's not harmless.
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Animals are just as selfish as humans. Also, I don't know that I'd classify looking out for other non-related people selfish.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 23, 2020:
@DavidLaDeau If we're going to get technical, taxonomic classifications are man made, subjective, and, in my opinion, largely nonsensical. But I think we're on the same page here.
If something causes psychological harm, it's not harmless.
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Animals are just as selfish as humans. Also, I don't know that I'd classify looking out for other non-related people selfish.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 23, 2020:
@DavidLaDeau I think our ability to defy some of our "programming" somewhat differentiates us from other animals, but in general I agree with you.
If something causes psychological harm, it's not harmless.
ChestRockfield comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Animals are just as selfish as humans. Also, I don't know that I'd classify looking out for other non-related people selfish.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 23, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd I guess that's our disconnect; I don't believe people can be selfless. Joey and Phoebe's argument about selfless good deeds kinda sums up my feelings. I assumed you were going for Dawkins' theory of selfishness that explains why family members sacrifice for one another. I don't know how far that extends in theory, but I don't suppose something like helping out hurricaine victims 3,000 miles away would count.
Will Democrats hold to Power and Reverse Trump's Damage?
CourtJester comments on Sep 16, 2020:
I’m always interested to hear about the damage that Trump has done.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@CourtJester Again, deflecting. You can't defend Trump, so all you can do is use a fallacious tu quoque argument about something a not-president did. How sad. Remember, YOU are the one that posed the query, "I’m always interested to hear about the damage that Trump has done." As soon as people tell you, you shrivel up and point your fingers at everyone else, so stop pretending like you're actually interested in a discussion about merit and just admit you're just a Trump fanboy with nothing of consequence to say.
Debate forums?
xenoview comments on Sep 22, 2020:
What do you want to debate? Post a few questions and ask for peoples input.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 22, 2020:
There is not a lot of participation here.
Debate forums?
DenoPenno comments on Sep 22, 2020:
I have no desire to debate anyone. What most people are doing is trying to create an argument that will support their belief in their Christian god. There is no such successful argument. It does not exist, so why do I want to go through this with anyone. BTW, this is also true with any other gods ...
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 22, 2020:
Debating the existence of god, I'll grant you, is most often a giant waste of time. Debating other things, not as much.
Debate forums?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Why not start a Group or 2 on here? You can make it all one subject, or whatever you & easy!
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 22, 2020:
Seems like he might be saying the quality or level of participation here isn't up to his liking.
Did the post about "removing" tyrants get deleted by the user or the site?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Asmin never removes post, requests the poster to remove them only
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@AnneWimsey They may have emailed something to whatever email I used to sign up, but nothing here.
Did the post about "removing" tyrants get deleted by the user or the site?
Fred_Snerd comments on Sep 22, 2020:
I saw that post, but didn't click on it. I don't get involved in those conversations. It may be OK for the government to kill us, but it's illegal to talk about the other situation.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd Maybe in who it was about. Not a call to action in my opinion.
If you think wearing a mask doesn’t help, still wear it as you’re told & shut up about it.
Blackatheist1985 comments on Sep 22, 2020:
People think that 😷suppresses their freedom it's used to save their lives and their families lives if they wish to die let them remember the mortician is the last responder to claim a body
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@OldMetalHead You look at it the reverse way as me. I'm wondering how many people he killed.
Did the post about "removing" tyrants get deleted by the user or the site?
Fred_Snerd comments on Sep 22, 2020:
I saw that post, but didn't click on it. I don't get involved in those conversations. It may be OK for the government to kill us, but it's illegal to talk about the other situation.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 22, 2020:
That's not what it was. It was a philosophical conversation about the conditions that would deem it a moral act, which, at least the US government, believes can be true.
Did the post about "removing" tyrants get deleted by the user or the site?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Asmin never removes post, requests the poster to remove them only
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@AnneWimsey Month or two ago I think, but it was 100% not deleted by me. I was pretty pissed it was deleted.
Did the post about "removing" tyrants get deleted by the user or the site?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Asmin never removes post, requests the poster to remove them only
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 22, 2020:
I've had one of my posts deleted by admin...
If you think wearing a mask doesn’t help, still wear it as you’re told & shut up about it.
Blackatheist1985 comments on Sep 22, 2020:
People think that 😷suppresses their freedom it's used to save their lives and their families lives if they wish to die let them remember the mortician is the last responder to claim a body
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 22, 2020:
That's so dumb. No shirt, no shoes, no service has been a thing forever and I don't hear any of those idiots claiming it violates their rights. This is all because of that fucking idiot in the white house and all the people dumb enough to listen to him over scientists and healthcare professionals.
If you think wearing a mask doesn’t help, still wear it as you’re told & shut up about it.
KKGator comments on Sep 22, 2020:
People who are citing "health complications" as an excuse not to wear a mask are full of shit. I know folks with asthma, COPD, and scleroderma, who ALL wear masks when they're out. If they can, everyone else can, too. Medical professionals wear masks all day long. Those whiny little bitches ...
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 22, 2020:
I too couldn't think of a single health condition that was a legitimate reason to not wear a mask. As an RN working in the respiratory institute of a large hospital system, the more compromised the respiratory status of our patients, the more it is recommended to them that they should be wearing a mask at all times when in public.
Will Democrats hold to Power and Reverse Trump's Damage?
CourtJester comments on Sep 16, 2020:
I’m always interested to hear about the damage that Trump has done.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@CourtJester Those are all facts. Fact: Trump knew Covid was more contagious and more deadly and lied to the American people. Fact: He did not mandate masks. Fact: He set a bad example for his lemmings by not wearing a mask himself. Now he's contradicting the director of the CDC on his statements saying he probably misunderstood the question. That's not something that can be a matter of a misunderstood question. If they asked him a yes or no question, that could have been. But he clearly stated what he thought about masks. Why don't you try to write a question that he thought he heard that makes his answer fit Trump's narrative. Bet you can't.
Under GOP Pressure, U.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 21, 2020:
The US military has been proselytizing since it first came into existence. I got in serious trouble in boot camp because I threw away one of their shitty New Testaments that they gave me. Apparently the fact I did that was demoralizing for the entire class. Bull droppings.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 21, 2020:
@Beowulfsfriend A letter stating what?
Will Democrats hold to Power and Reverse Trump's Damage?
CourtJester comments on Sep 16, 2020:
I’m always interested to hear about the damage that Trump has done.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 21, 2020:
@Freedompath I'm sure you're right.
Will Democrats hold to Power and Reverse Trump's Damage?
CourtJester comments on Sep 16, 2020:
I’m always interested to hear about the damage that Trump has done.
ChestRockfield replies on Sep 21, 2020:
@St-Sinner @MyTVC15 @Freedompath Notice how quiet our Trump-supporting friend @CourtJester got? He blurts out some nonsense, tries to defend it with a fallacious argument, then when he realizes he's been proved wrong, just silently disappears. I guess realizing the guy you support is a sociopathic liar is a tough pill to swallow that can get stuck in your throat and make it difficult to talk.
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Illogical atheists guide for ending Christianity
38 members
38 members
Science Fiction and Fantasy Fans
35 members
I don't give a fuck
34 members
Environmental science/Ecology/Demography
31 members
Breaking the Habit
28 members
Mynd Storm
24 members
The Sound Of A Good Book
23 members
Design a better religion
22 members
Hairbrained Ideas
21 members
Broken Hearts Club
18 members
Ungodly Truth
17 members
Everything Beauty
15 members