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Religion vs Race
twshield comments on Nov 21, 2017:
Christians cant follow their own bible. If the bible states that God is Love and God created Man in his own image, i am not understanding how this is used by one race to claim superiority over another. Their bible also states Jesus was Born in Bethlehem which is in Israel. If Jesus was a jew, how ...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 23, 2017:
And you just presented one more stupidity of the 'buybull".
Why is so difficult ....?
markdevenish comments on Nov 22, 2017:
we fly under the radar
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 23, 2017:
Not really; I can detect an Atheist / Agnostic by the way he/she talks....
Why is so difficult ....?
MrLizard comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Come on down to Florida! I'm waiting.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 23, 2017:
I am sure there are many Atheist people 55+ in NY; I only need to find a way to get them together.
Why is so difficult ....?
sourceofdesire comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Previous generation, previous mindset of prevalent theistic beliefs. Humans evolve & older versions are left behind. Sounded very harsh, but I've respect for elders ,they've experience much to give us lessons for life. But that's just the harsh truth & that's how it happens.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 23, 2017:
But I am referring to Atheists.
Why is so difficult ....?
RichardRaiment comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Depends where you're looking, I guess. I'm 66. Age does probably make a difference, though. The older you are, the more aware you are likely to be that your time in this life is diminishing and the prospect of an afterlife may become something one desires more to cling to.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 22, 2017:
It depends where you live.
Why is so difficult ....?
wordywalt comments on Nov 22, 2017:
There ar a lot more of us out there than you think. We just don't advertise it unless something really rankles us.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 22, 2017:
I used to belong to two Atheist groups; we never were more thanb 5 o 7 getting together.
Why is so difficult ....?
SlytherinFox comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Call a meeting. Round them up. You know they're out there.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 22, 2017:
If they only could see themselves: []
TonesX comments on Nov 22, 2017:
At least they are not falling on the ground and twitching in spiritual seizures!
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 22, 2017:
What do fellow members do for a living?
DUCHESSA comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Yes, I taught in The Bronx. Many of my students made it all the way to great jobs. Charlie has a Master in Social Work, Keyla is an Speech Pathologist, Jennifer is a Nutritionist, Félix is a Marine and is studying Military Psychology, Pepe has a Master in Computers....and the list is long and I am ...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 22, 2017:
Thank you...but the success is not mine but the result of many colleagues. We always believed in our kids...and they knew we did.
Do you agree?
luckytobealive comments on Nov 21, 2017:
more a nightmare then a short is not logical ;)
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 21, 2017:
No logicalo? read it again.
NKDjoy420 comments on Nov 21, 2017:
I don't believe it should be used as birth control. that being said there are times when we find ourselves in a situation that would not be congenial for a new baby. having a child is a major responsibility adoption isn't always the answer for everyone. Abortion is a very personal decision and ...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 21, 2017:
Please, di tell me who in her sane mind uses abortion as a form of birth control.
zanyfish comments on Nov 19, 2017:
Without any context, this question is pointless. It is also my opinion that extremes of "the woman should always be allowed to choose" v "the unborn child has a right" are also warped with first explaining the context. Some examples - the child is 1 week before being born, the child will be ...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 21, 2017:
What I provided is not "context" but logic. The life of the woman is the only one that matters.
splittingzero comments on Nov 21, 2017:
I have to admit there were points in time where I thought abortion was the right choice in a relationship. But, I also understand that for a woman, that it can be a life altering decision. That's not the way they are wired. So the question is emotionally are you prepared to live it down? Flip ...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 21, 2017:
As somebody said "If men could get pregnant....abortion would be sacrosanct."
Do you agree?
orion comments on Nov 21, 2017:
This is very optimistic. It assumes humans will survive that long.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 21, 2017:
Yours is " another" view expressed by the author. Good.
Do you agree?
AtheistInNC comments on Nov 20, 2017:
No. Machines have no reason to increase their numbers, and if programmed correctly, won't have the impetus to reduce mankind's numbers.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 21, 2017:
I guess you missed Denevi's point.
Demonizing women: Catholic church
markdevenish comments on Nov 20, 2017:
because women will rule eventually and the boys can't handle that
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 21, 2017:
And I wonder who convince them of being able to rule....
LadyHippie comments on Nov 20, 2017:
I would have one depending on the situation. I would never tell anyone what to do. I just want that person involved to weigh out all the options and make an informed decision. It's crucial to not do anything rash.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 20, 2017:
Don't you think as "enough reason" the fact the woman doesn't want to become a mother...then or ever?
wjwolfe comments on Nov 20, 2017:
The choice is entirely up to the woman, with some consultation from her doctor. Nobody else has any say.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 20, 2017:
I guess the "some consulting with the doctor" goes only as far as health risks for the woman.
egt1977 comments on Nov 19, 2017:
If it is a medical necessity, or rape I have no problem with it. Use birth control, abortion won't be a problem if you do.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 19, 2017:
Are you aware that pills fails and condoms break?
zanyfish comments on Nov 19, 2017:
Without any context, this question is pointless. It is also my opinion that extremes of "the woman should always be allowed to choose" v "the unborn child has a right" are also warped with first explaining the context. Some examples - the child is 1 week before being born, the child will be ...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 19, 2017:
Nobody is talking about late term abortion....which should be ALSO LEGAL when the life of the woman is at risk. Remember, the woman always comes first.
Qualia comments on Nov 19, 2017:
On demand no questions asked. It's all about body autonomy. As it stands now even dead people have more right to body autonomy than women. No one can force you to donate blood, an organ, your body after death or anything else for any reason yet somehow women regardless of their state of mind, ...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 19, 2017:
Great post.
alistair comments on Nov 19, 2017:
Coming from first hand experience, abortion is entirely up to the person with the fetus growing within them. I couldn't keep mine because my womb would have rejected it later on and caused me more pain than necessary with a miscarriage. That's what happened to my first and so I had to abort the ...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 19, 2017:
Thanks for your post.
BucketlistBob comments on Nov 19, 2017:
Whew! Ive already had my butt clobered for one comment i made. I say the female has the right to abort if theres a unique problem with the unborn child and or her health/life may be compromised. Unique problem - only the doctor and the female know this, i dont. I feel the unborn child has rights to ...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 19, 2017:
Don't you think if the woman doesn't want the child...eight then and there there is a problem? Nothing worse than to force a person into doing something he/she doesn't want to do.
snytiger6 comments on Nov 19, 2017:
It is actually safer to th elife of a woman to have an abortion than it is to carry to term. I think because of that greater risk to a wojman's life, it shoudl be up to her to decide. The ideal of forcing a woman to carry to term at the greater risk to her life, to me would be indicative of a path...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 19, 2017:
zgee, I really enjoyed reading your answer.
(3) Tennessee Chattanooga Freethought Association Knoxville Atheists Meetup Memphis Atheists...
tsjames comments on Nov 19, 2017:
Thanks for posting these.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 19, 2017:
is a very important most instances manipulated by religion.
Marine comments on Nov 19, 2017:
It should not be used as a form of birth control as it is a very serious decision for a woman to make. However, it should be the right of the woman to decide . If the child was to be born with a disease that would prevent a normal life or if the child was conceived by rape or incest I find no reason...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 19, 2017:
To give the child for adoption implys nine months of pregnancy and hours of delivery....two events many women don't wish to experience.
Rragnaar comments on Nov 19, 2017:
The only times I think abortion should be even remotely legalized is in cases of incest or cases of rape. In cases where people just make a poor choice and end up getting pregnant, it should not be allowed. It takes two people to make a baby. if the man involved pushes for an abortion then he ...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 19, 2017:
Not necessarily about "never wanting another". The moment the woman finds out she is pregnant could be the wrong one,,,,for many reasons. Besides, a couple may have taken all precautions but the devil introduced his tail. And never forget that an unwanted chidl will become a neglected one.
roberbro comments on Nov 19, 2017:
abortion has been legal for forty years now, and I support the idea that it is a woman's right to choose what to do with her body and whether or not she wants to be a parent. We certainly need more laws to protect a woman's right to choose and right to make decisions concerning her own health and ...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 19, 2017:
Late Polly Roinstein, Chairwoman of Westchester Coalition for legal abortion once told me why local politicians -at the time of R v W- didn't want to legalize abortion: A well known NY Senator told her "We don't care about the child...simply, we don't want to empower the women."
twshield comments on Nov 19, 2017:
I think it should be based on a psychological profile done on the mother at the initial request for an abortion. A psych exam can determine if a mother suffers from mental illness. Also,Talking to a psychologist to examine the reason the mother is wanting the abortion or if she is being pressured to...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 19, 2017:
why a psych exam? doesn't the woman have the right to decide without anibody buttering in?
Define sexual harassment.
Hominid comments on Nov 16, 2017:
I worked with a woman who always said "If it's sexual, it's not harassment". Full disclosure, she was the office flirt. Joking aside, many responses here use the word "persistent." That's key I think... there's been too many situations in which the offender was innocent of any sexual ...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 18, 2017:
U believe you. Most people don't know the difference between a compliment and an unwanted sexual advance.
Likelihood of meeting in person
GreyWolf comments on Nov 17, 2017:
Depends on the conversation.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 18, 2017:
And on the distance / number of people meeting / place....
Another of my favorites.
resserts comments on Nov 17, 2017:
All you can do is sow seeds of doubt, indirectly, and hope they take root. When someone believes but actually cares about truth, rather than paying lip service, there's a real shot. But it will never be an overnight shift in thinking. These things take months, if not years.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 17, 2017:
Although the quoted I posted is one of my favorites it doesn't mean I wish to change people's minds. Nothing further from my intentions since induced changes are never OK.
Why do you think they elected a Latino to be the Pope?
Buddha comments on Nov 15, 2017:
Actually I like this pope!
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 17, 2017:
Trust me, he is a people's guy...You could stop him on the streets of Buenos Aires and he would talk with you, he is very friendly, a good soccer player, very sociable.....he qualifues to be a politician.
Why do you think they elected a Latino to be the Pope?
stdojo comments on Nov 15, 2017:
It was their turn. It looked good to have someone from South America. It was a great PR move.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 16, 2017:
Fortunately his election did not increase the number of believers in Argentina.
I think of this quote each time I drive by a church.
MichaelSpinler comments on Nov 15, 2017:
true, but why does the pope need a car with bullet proof glass?
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 15, 2017:
Because the attempt years ago to Pope JP.
Why do you think they elected a Latino to be the Pope?
Stevil comments on Nov 15, 2017:
Maybe the Church is losing members in Latin america and to have a pope that is from there might bolster membership
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 15, 2017:
Kid of....The CC wants to keep -specially- the Mexican and Brazilian memberships from leaving the is happening in Europe.
Why do you think they elected a Latino to be the Pope?
snytiger6 comments on Nov 15, 2017:
I would suspect a downturn in minority church attendance. A minority Pope would be good for business and public relations.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 15, 2017:
I don't like the word "minority" .
Why do you think they elected a Latino to be the Pope?
twshield comments on Nov 15, 2017:
many countries in europe have a common Latin ancestry so technically he is not the first.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 15, 2017:
he is not the first at all; all the Italian Popes were Latin...and the Borgias also. Maybe I should have said "Latin-american".
Why do you think they elected a Latino to be the Pope?
goatgirl comments on Nov 14, 2017:
I think they just wanted a more human face on the pope. The one before him was a Nazi!
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 15, 2017:
And the actual one -whom I have seen in person many times (playing soccer) is a wise politician disliked by most of the people who met him when he was a simple "man of the cloth".
Do you think we should be lying to children?
JeffBrown comments on Oct 21, 2017:
it's a proven fact that school history books are wrong.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 14, 2017:
As an educator I can tell you the school curriculum are written to fulfill a, to study history from the point of view of different historians is the way to minimize the BS.. That was the way I studied history and literature... the same way I used when teaching literature to my former particular when the material to be read was based on a real event.
Which ways would you suggest to change people's minds about Atheism negative "reputation"?
I_dont_know comments on Nov 14, 2017:
I have a tattoo on my right shoulder that I showed to everyone at a church quilting ministry (I quilt). One older lady mentioned the satanic image of a snake in the tattoo. I told her, "The Bible has given snakes a bad rap!" I think the accusations of pornography, crime, immorality, are the ...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 14, 2017:
I son't have any intention to change how they think about Atheism; whenever they I tell them I am an Atheist...and they become horrified....I keep walking / talking as they didn't react. I am not about to educate people on this matter. BTW, I also quilt
Which ways would you suggest to change people's minds about Atheism negative "reputation"?
MichaelSpinler comments on Nov 13, 2017:
through example and education, and when needed, out right in your face refuting their lies.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 14, 2017:
I like your suggestion...
Which ways would you suggest to change people's minds about Atheism negative "reputation"?
mrdunn comments on Nov 13, 2017:
Hi DUCHESSA, In my experience, mutual respect and courtesy are the surest foundation for making a good impression. We don’t have to agree with each other on everything, or even anything at all, but common courtesy costs nothing and, more often than not, leaves the other party feeling positive ...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 14, 2017:
Indeed...but it also depends on the level of intelligence of the other person; I has people getting up and changing seats when I told them I was an Atheists...Yes, her behavior was as funny as it was ignorant.
What do people look for in a life partner or spouse?
DUCHESSA comments on Nov 13, 2017:
Intelligence, decency, same / similar educational level, sense of humor, open to people.....nice to look at...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 14, 2017:
I know is difficult to find a gent -in my age range- with higher level than a BA...and I have a Masters....
Any Atheist in lower Westchester county, NY?
HeathenFarmer comments on Nov 13, 2017:
Not me I am Canadian but, welcome to the group.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 14, 2017:
Tjhanks for the welcome
Any Atheist in lower Westchester county, NY?
HeathenFarmer comments on Nov 13, 2017:
Not me I am Canadian but, welcome to the group.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 14, 2017:
I know there are many Atheists living in the area; I used to go for breakfast and other events with them...but one group disbanded.and I lost interest in the other
Which ways would you suggest to change people's minds about Atheism negative "reputation"?
CK-One comments on Nov 13, 2017:
The simple reason that atheists are seen as those things is because churches vilify non-believers. They have to vilify atheists because they need more people paying money to their churches/temples/mosques and scaring people is the best tool for them. It would be difficult for you to show evidence ...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 13, 2017:
i THnk you for your post....but my question was "ways to change people's minds about Atheism"> Needless to say the church and other religious organization will reach to everything to attack Atheism...We are growing in numbers and they (the upper religious guys) are scared.
Red pill or Blue pill?
ThomasMeador comments on Nov 13, 2017:
I would not define Illusion as blissful ignorance. Ignorance, granted. Blissful?
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 13, 2017:
Since "ignorance" can -and does- hurts can't never be blissful.
Which ways would you suggest to change people's minds about Atheism negative "reputation"?
Paul628 comments on Nov 13, 2017:
If these are people that you see on a regular basis, you can help them see through the false stereotype about atheists by simply being a good ethical person. Show them how good someone can be without god(s). (Y)
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 13, 2017:
I am the type of person who doesn't care to show "the others" how wrong they are....because nobody is blinder than the one who doesn't want to see.
Which ways would you suggest to change people's minds about Atheism negative "reputation"?
LACKNONE comments on Nov 13, 2017:
You can't change everybody's mind as far as religion goes some will be willing to research most want they were raised that way the parents were raised that way they accepted as tradition they don't want to change they can accept the truth that they have no proof other than dumb Blind Faith
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 13, 2017:
Who said I wabnt to change people's minds? I could care less how / what people think / believe.
Which ways would you suggest to change people's minds about Atheism negative "reputation"?
THOTH comments on Nov 13, 2017:
Maybe you hang around the wrong neighbourhood. Most scientist are Atheist and they are not necessarily associated with pornography , nor crime HOWEVER CATHOLICS PRIESTS are famous for child fucking! That's a fact!
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 13, 2017:
I heard these definitions / ideas on Atheism in different places / countries -all my life. Trust me, it has nothing to do with the neighborhood.
Which ways would you suggest to change people's minds about Atheism negative "reputation"?
andygee comments on Nov 13, 2017:
Is there atheist pornography? Really? I'm just not picturing that. I mean, Evil and Sacrilege apply to atheism by definition, and crime and ignorance are ubiquitous. But porn? But w/r/t getting a better image, you might need a slogan. "Feel free to hang out with us. We won't kill you if ...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 13, 2017:
I am an Atheist since birth...born into an Atheist family...I don't care about "a better image" . I, simply, can't stop being amused by people's lack of knowledge.
Which ways would you suggest to change people's minds about Atheism negative "reputation"?
andygee comments on Nov 13, 2017:
Is there atheist pornography? Really? I'm just not picturing that. I mean, Evil and Sacrilege apply to atheism by definition, and crime and ignorance are ubiquitous. But porn? But w/r/t getting a better image, you might need a slogan. "Feel free to hang out with us. We won't kill you if ...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 13, 2017:
yes, I have been told Atheism is pornography. As you know, there are many levels of ignorance.
Which ways would you suggest to change people's minds about Atheism negative "reputation"?
Paul628 comments on Nov 13, 2017:
If these are people that you see on a regular basis, you can help them see through the false stereotype about atheists by simply being a good ethical person. Show them how good someone can be without god(s). (Y)
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 13, 2017:
No, are not people I see every would be a headache.. These are people who I have encountered in different places / countries and surprises me they -more or less- have the same idea about Atheism. The wrong idea.
Should religion be taught in schools?
weston5 comments on Nov 12, 2017:
I used to be strongly against the idea, but I'm open to some forms of it. Only from an educational perspective, not proselytizing. I see comparative religion aimed at say the top 5 or so as a reasonable compromise, with the ability to let students bring up the comparison of another religion not in ...
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 12, 2017:
well, yes...only to learn how religion has manipulated mankind sin ever.
WTF people?
MichaelSpinler comments on Nov 12, 2017:
ever see those shows where they go out on the street, and ask joe shmoe basic questions, like who is our v.p. or does the sun go around the earth. ? i wind up yelling at the t.v. so yeah we are the few. the plugged in, while the rest follow the leader right off the cliff like lemmings.
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 12, 2017:
Yes, Jay Leno used to go out asking the silliest questions and only 1 in 10 knew the answers.
Why do you reject the idea of religion?
VirginiaMan65 comments on Nov 12, 2017:
I went to Catholic Elementary school-complete with Hell-Fire paddle wielding nuns who would try to whack your little ass into anything they couldnt talk it into........
DUCHESSA replies on Nov 12, 2017:


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