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Good morning! Woke up way too early this morning and am unable to go back to sleep, so here I am :P...
Davekp comments on Feb 17, 2019:
Difficulties with gravy and sauces.. sometimes ok, others.. sheesh?.. zero consistency.. I never offer to make it when it really matters.
Davekp comments on Feb 17, 2019:
“It was the relentless pounding and pounding.. “ lol
surely, the only true god--Death. We're all going to bow to that fucker. []
Davekp comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Do we have to pay our taxes first?
This looks like a still from a movie; just a guess. Anyone recognize the picture, or the woman?
Davekp comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Yeah.. Sophia for sure ???
Lost the app quite some time ago when I replaced my phone.
Davekp comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Hello! New poster, was thinking of quitting because it seemed like no Canadians here.
Davekp comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Hi there!! Welcome, eh??
Hi! check out this group---> & &NoDramaAmongstFriends ( NoDramaAmongstFriends) we are looking for a...
Davekp comments on Feb 12, 2019:
“My God.. I could just die!! But isn’t it a gorgeous day!” Lol Waylon & Madam ( remember them ? )
Fitness... its all about fitness
Davekp comments on Feb 12, 2019:
At a certain point clothing becomes
Davekp comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Wow.. Cosmo still exists!!! And is still relevant??? lol ?Good article.. thanks for the post.
Good morning! I love the smell of coffee, fresh bread, fresh cut grass, rain, roses, and a ...
Davekp comments on Feb 11, 2019:
ocean, frying steak
What’s everyone planning for valentines? Let’s share
Davekp comments on Feb 11, 2019:
A couple of texts to people I know who care about the day.
A few solid truths;
Davekp comments on Feb 11, 2019:
#6 hints at the gender of the author.. the gleam in my eye never signals that I want a sandwich. lol
No one has written me a poem, so I can't say I would have this expression.
Davekp comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Beauty. Delivered to my eyes. I'll wipe away the tears. Falling from your skies.
Here's a fine foxy face.
Davekp comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Rule change? Do tell.
Decided to shut my brain off for a while and watch the Grammys, including the red carpet arrivals, ...
Davekp comments on Feb 10, 2019:
I gave up on awards shows decades ago. I think Amadeus (84) was the last year for the Oscars.
Good morning starshine.
Davekp comments on Feb 10, 2019:
I posted some pics from a production I was in in the Hippy group.. but you already know that.. or have the drugs taken over completely? lol enjoy.. again! :)
Nothing fake, no ink, no metal, no frills. Just a beautiful girl!
Davekp comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Super cute. :)
hiemal - adjective of or relating to winter, wintry I get a Shakespeare monologue in my-e-mail ...
Davekp comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Nice one!
I saw this segment today on "CBS Sunday Morning" and I thought it was incredible.
Davekp comments on Feb 10, 2019:
I don't mind being alone.. at all. It's when there is no balance with socialization that time drags and rumination and circular thinking can really put a damper on my mood and my day.
A buffet! Eat up boys! Which one is the appetizer, which is the meal?
Davekp comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Now.. you gave me the sad faced emoji yesterday for calling breasts spaghetti catchers.. and here you are referring to these fine young ladies as an entire buffet??? Do I smell a double standard? lol
Good morning! I have some pretty big insecurities, which are getting a little better over time .
Davekp comments on Feb 10, 2019:
I've never had significant insecurities..I have often doubted myself (talents, abilities) but that's another kettle of fish. But this past year has been different. For the first time in my life I have been insecure about my physical appearance.. mostly the changing of my face with age. Since turning 50 there has been a noticeable change away from what I have cemented in my head as having a somewhat younger appearance than my chronological years. Some hair loss.. some facial weight gain, etc. When my partner of 17 years left one of her parting shots was that I was "too old" now. (compared to her youthful 45 going on 20 again I presume) and that comment hit harder than just about anything else on the personal aspects of our breakup.I was surprised by this feeling of vanity and needed to alter my approach to facing the world looking like an "old" guy. So.. as Springsteen so aptly observed in *Dancing in the Dark*. "wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face" I set about revamping my self image. All superficial things but I'm finally coming around to appreciating my looks again. I've never been in love with my visage but never really had to worry about whether I am attractive or not.. My solution.. let my beard and hair grow.. picked up some different clothes.. let things loosen up a bit. A year and a bit down the road.. feeling ok about what I see in the mirror. Coming to terms with the current me.. not the one in my mind's eye. Never was , never will be and don't want to be George Clooney.. but feeling healthier about it. Thanks for the post!:)
Davekp comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Morning Marion.. how are things with you on this Sunday morning? Life returning to the daily routine after the upset?
Davekp comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Yes lol
Do this, do this, do this!
Davekp comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Deserving to "get" pleasure is a passive take on it. Implies an entitled action and outcome dependent on the "other". Whether it's asking a partner for what you want or doing it yourself it's really up to the individual. I can't "make" anyone experience pleasure any more than I can "make" someone be a better driver.. we are responsible for our own needs..Take responsibility for your pleasure. But I get it.. "Don't be a sexual pushover."
Another Saturday Night, For your Amusement. []
Davekp comments on Feb 10, 2019:
That cat is Yusef Islam. haha
She is my Helen of Troy.
Davekp comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Two Helens.. First pic is RIae.. don't know the second.
I have dogs, she has cats,.
Davekp comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Sounds doomed. Cut and
The 3 things we get wrong about sex, love and monogamy This video is about 40 minutes but I think ...
Davekp comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Savage Love!! Pulls no punches.
Would you consider yourself "romantic" in nature?
Davekp comments on Feb 10, 2019:
The notion of Romance or Romantic has changed significantly in the past 20-30 years as to what western society considers as traditional gender roles evolves. I feel our cultural understanding of "romance" has been largely informed by the nostalgic works of 18th century poets and the like.. Byron, Percy, Shelley, etc. Love letters stained with tears.. the profession of love over distance.. heartache endured through separation and such. I think being "romantic" is taking into account the likes of my partner and enhancing my "thoughtful" actions around her preferences. If her favorite color is purple.. I buy purple flowers.. flowers are thoughtful.. purple is romantic. Or something like that. Despite my often pragmatic take on analyzing philosophical questions such as these I consider myself both a romantic and capable of romance. I have been an accomplished fencer in the past and would happily agree to a duel in a misty field at dawn's first light to defend the besmirched honor of m'lady... or take a slow walk on a moonlit beach. :)
Just an observation and a rant.
Davekp comments on Feb 9, 2019:
It's a label. One large difference is the legal infraction is public record. In person you can choose to make your "deviance" known or keep it to yourself.
i hate trying to come up with these
Davekp comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I dunno.. that just looks like it would hurt.
Try this to weed out on the scammers ladies!
Davekp comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Not so far wrong for the other way. The Liberation Pendulum is swinging..
Question for everybody Rimjobs?
Davekp comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Can be hot. Needs the right prep.
Such a fun, evil thing to do. You know they love each other!
Davekp comments on Feb 9, 2019:
My oohh My...
Davekp comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I hope y'all have a wonderful night with some good sex if possible.
Davekp comments on Feb 9, 2019:
The world would not turn without your dedication!! Keep up the good work.. now if you'll excuse me I have a life to plan. LOL
What,...wait a minute.
Davekp comments on Feb 9, 2019:
The Kardashian clan can only wish to look so together..What great smiles!! :)
You may think you look good but can you do this?
Davekp comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Nice spaghetti catchers. LOL
Question: If someone were ask you out, flirt or just simply chat with you.
Davekp comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Just a simple hi and "how's it going?" Followed by a direct indication of what inspired them to contact you in the first place.
What are your favorite massage oil scents?
Davekp comments on Feb 9, 2019:
At this point just about anything would be just fine. :)
Greetings Agnostics! Call me Mr.
Davekp comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Good day stranger!!????lmao
Quiet suburban home comes with sex dungeon. []
Davekp comments on Feb 8, 2019:
The cow skin on the floor. ? That’s a riot, Alice!??
May or may not actually be Einstein’s words, but what fo you think of the meaning?
Davekp comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Yeah.. good.. pretty poetic way to express a sense of what a person is. Like tge pic too?
A friend of mine from N.
Davekp comments on Feb 8, 2019:
A simple black and white.... Nice?
Davekp comments on Feb 8, 2019:
The curves..
Barbie has a Tiki bar.
Davekp comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Too ?!!! Love ‘em.
Chicanery One of my favorite nouns and most applicable in today's political atmosphere.
Davekp comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Great word.. fun to pronounce. ?
Guten Morgen! I love my mornings! Coffee and a yummy breakfast are usually done by the time I get ...
Davekp comments on Feb 8, 2019:
No hangover.. every day now!!??
Earlier this evening, I was thinking how it makes sense to forgive myself for the faults, ...
Davekp comments on Feb 7, 2019:
We all have the opportunity to change for the better. Self realization and reflection are amazing tools.
Stopped by to drop a song, hey peeps.
Davekp comments on Feb 7, 2019:
This guy is incredible!! lol
It happens ... thankfully! ??? Who doesn't need a good laugh every once in a while?
Davekp comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Can you guys guess how I'm feeling right now?
Davekp comments on Feb 7, 2019:
I’m sure my guess would only pale in comparison to your reality.
My convention idea was to promote, in-person, the exchange of ideas as related to sex.
Davekp comments on Feb 7, 2019:
10 minutes in.. “Are you still talking??”??
So .
Davekp comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Is it safe sex??
I love this dress ... Supergirls cape lol... How do you like it?
Davekp comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Nice but too much like Dance gear for outside wear.. kinda like leg warmers.
Davekp comments on Feb 7, 2019:
If only I could comply. ?
Good morning! One thing that really suddenly dawned on me yesterday that "home" is no longer ...
Davekp comments on Feb 7, 2019:
I know it is technically a “where”.. but it is also a “what” It is the ocean and the forest. It is my past. It is my future. It is the ambient love of my life. The north shore of New Brunswick, Canada.
she's clever
Davekp comments on Feb 6, 2019:
But her bio said.. “ honest communicator”?
Most days, yes.
Davekp comments on Feb 6, 2019:
Always a person.. at every point. ☺️
Good morning! Here's today's question: Would you rather go hang gliding or whitewater rafting?
Davekp comments on Feb 6, 2019:
Neither at this point in time. I have so many “minor” repetitive strain injuries that I’ve become rather risk adverse to activities that may call for potential quick physical action of the emergency correction kind.
It sucks to realize you don't mean much to a person you really have strong feelings for.
Davekp comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Yes.. being in love alone makes for a long day. ?
The 1% of the time I believe there must be God is when I'm in ecstasy- Do you also exclaim a ...
Davekp comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Try not to. Feel vaguely hypocritical when I do.
Just a mess.
Davekp comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Not today.. but always on the look out for a sign of that first snag in the line. ?
Good morning everyone! We have Monday behind us .
Davekp comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Now that I’m pushing 60.. respect for elders!!???
And now for something completely different. Who likes SiFi?
Davekp comments on Feb 4, 2019:
I’ve been watching Dust since I cut cable and started full time streaming last year. A companion channel for short dramatic films is called.. “Omeleto”.
I think these 2 are sexy and Marilyn looks lit up! Lol
Davekp comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Great story!! Thanks ?
Guten Morgen! Hope everyone has a good start into the week.
Davekp comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Home renovation, Malaysia, filmmaking, theater history, David Bowie, New Brunswick.. probably a few more topics but those would be off the top of my head. ?
Hello friends.
Davekp comments on Feb 4, 2019:
February fog....
Davekp comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Very nice!
Yeah, pretty much... Anybody else?
Davekp comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Don't watch much.. good to know the rules though! Helps with conversation at work. :)
Maybe my all time favorite commercials and the sound effects are brilliant []
Davekp comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Lovesong The Cure []
Davekp comments on Feb 3, 2019:
This is a great song!!
Hello! Industrial Dance - Chaotic Rave System (Ignition) []
Davekp comments on Feb 3, 2019:
She's so Fishball.
Dating apps and sites...I’m curious. What is the deal with married people on dating sites?
Davekp comments on Feb 3, 2019:
In my very few dating site experiences I've stayed away from anyone who says they are in a relationship. Whether it's explicit that they are in an open relationship or not.. at this point I just don't feel like risking the potential drama. To hard on the head.
Inculcate verb (used with object), in·cul·cat·ed, in·cul·cat·ing.
Davekp comments on Feb 3, 2019:
I have used this word when writing grant proposals for educational projects.
Good morning and peace to everybody.✌
Davekp comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Good morning! Here's today's question: What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever worn?
Davekp comments on Feb 3, 2019:
I've felt awkward and uncomfortable at times wearing a suit & tie but never embarrassed about anything. And.. good morning :)
Well it IS funny...
Davekp comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Always room for a good Jesus joke!!
Good morning! Well, the cold bug got me, so I'm staying home today (had plans to go to Orlando with...
Davekp comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Asking for what*** I ***want
Good morning everyone! It's finally Saturday! Woohoo! I'm gonna dance with my magic man ...
Davekp comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Maybe heading to a blowout sale at Malabar's..old school theatrical costume and make-up supplier. Never know what frivolity one can find there..Have a great day everyone!!! :)
I forget exactly where this was taken, other than the coast of NL.
Davekp comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Yes.. "Madman Across the Water". Nice pic!
God I miss cuddles.. sometimes the best part of sex..
Davekp comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Post the last picture you took on your phone.......Do not explain it ?
Davekp comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Happy Friday! Here's today's question: What amazing thing did you do that no one was around to ...
Davekp comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Hmmm.. nothing springs to mind. But on an existential note.. do I even exist if no one is around to see????
Speaking of parties.
Davekp comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Birdy num-num! fucking hysterical!!
Interesting and makes me feel good about having no love of eating oysters.
Davekp comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Filter that!!!
Has anyone here read Edward Gorey's work? That horse would fit right in.
Davekp comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Did you notice.. wherever you stand in the room.. the horse is watching you ?
Have a beautiful Thursday ✌?
Davekp comments on Jan 31, 2019:
That’s the stuff!!??☀️
Good morning! Today's question comes directly from me, not from a huge list, and is a multi-part ...
Davekp comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Yes No Lasted 17 years. Probably 5 too long for her liking. I finally asked the question I already knew the answer to.. “are you still committed to me?” She was quick to answer “No”.. I wasn’t devastated but really felt let down, lied to, adrift.. all those wonderful feelings. But I have always jeld the thought ..”If you don’t want me.. I don’t want you. “ I asked her if she wanted to talk about things .. “no”.. when I found a therapist to talk to Iasked get if she would ho to couples sessions. She said “no” So I let go. But I was 100% all in right up until the end. Even after she said I was now too old now. ( she is 45.. 12 years younger) i have since found out she was heavily “crudhing” on a 20 something guy at her work. A year and a bit later.. we are amicable.. Separation agreement is complete I have the house snd kids.. (she pays less thsn required child support so she can afford to live onher own ).. and she has her freedom to be “fulfilled “. AmI happy? Not really. I enjoy being partnered. But it’s better than being with someone who is angry all the time and doing their best to quietly break your love for them.
It's another freezing cold in Indiana.
Davekp comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Shelled out a $K last week on my starting issues.. -36 this morning.. fired up without a hitch?? My snuggling issue, however, remains unsolved. Even my cat abandoned me last night. ??
How about sharing some love with me today? I want to hit Level 7. Yes, today I'm a points whore.
Davekp comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Shmoo got his hair done at the doggy parlor. He is not happy and is just not having it.
Davekp comments on Jan 30, 2019:
He has “it” whether he likes it or not.
What are the temperatures where you are? Here it is -24°F. -51°F with wind chill.
Davekp comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Feds unveil plan to tackle fake news, interference in 2019 election The federal government is ...
Davekp comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Serious change for the future starts with education, awareness and discussions today.
Please define porn? To me porn is in the eyes of the beholder.
Davekp comments on Jan 30, 2019:
“What I call porn, you call disgusting. “ Don’t know who said it but kinda’ sums it up.
Eventually you will meet a man or woman.....
Davekp comments on Jan 29, 2019:
sure.. then all that has to align is similar interests, appearance attraction, complimentary tastes in music, food and entertainment.. etc, etc ????
... But you did remember your camera!
Davekp comments on Jan 29, 2019:
the seedless fruits and vegetables have needs too.
OK, I have a lady friend who forgot how to fuck.
Davekp comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Of course it’s valid. It’s valid because she said it. I, personally, would have no expectations to begin with.
They'll put the hoodoo on you: "Meanwhile, the lights inside Catland have gone out and the ...
Davekp comments on Jan 29, 2019:
‘Tis to laugh.
Good morning! Today's question: If all jobs had the same pay and hours, what job would you like ...
Davekp comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Hmmm.. not to be contrary but... what hours for what pay? All things considered equal.. either a geologist or a musician.


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Brand new industrial onesies.
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August 2018 Orangeville
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Cuba 2018
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New Mills July 2018
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Cuba January 2018
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There is no place like the woods in the Fall.
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October 2018
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Montanita, Ecuador Feb. 2019
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Sketch of "Johnny 420" by Maddalena Taddio
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Puerto Santa Rosa, Ecuador Feb. 2019
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Ha ha hee, ha ha hee. I'm the laughing gnome and you can't catch me.
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Agnostic, Atheist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker, Spiritual
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