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Who's your Celebrity Crush or crushes?
David1955 comments on Oct 18, 2018:
Of the living I seem to have crushes on 'B grade' actresses (no insult intended) like Olivia Munn (sultry), January Jones (just plain gorgeous and idiosyncratic) and Adriane Palacki (The Orville. Those big eyes.) 'A grade' actresses, so called, do nothing for me. I go for not just beauty but interesting personalities. Of all time it's only Sharon Tate for me. Has been for nearly 50 years, but now we're getting into Goddess territory. :-)
Sorry for taking the site down for a few hours.
David1955 comments on Oct 18, 2018:
First YouTube. Now here. Hubble's down. So are other space telescopes. It's all going down. Do we really believe admin, or it really aliens like they say? Be afraid, be very afraid. :-)
A complaint I have since adopting an agnostic position is that too much of the atheist/agnostic ...
David1955 comments on Oct 17, 2018:
I have no problem reconciling an anti religious position with focusing on positive themes. The positive themes for me concern creating a fair, just world. Religion is the very opposite of that. Religion is the antithesis of all momentum towards a better world, their phoney smiling popes and disingenuous spiritual banter notwithstanding. So we discuss religion to help neutralise its impact. But that's not the goal. The goal is a fair and secular world. Religion in just in the way and holding us back.
So, how many people here watch The Young Turks or Secular Talk?
David1955 comments on Oct 17, 2018:
I'm not American, but I watch both. I like the themes and subjects. Got a bit of a crush on Ana from TYT. Wish I had found a lefty girl like her when I was younger! I like Kyle from ST. He's funny and passionate. He's making inroads into mainstream TV but bringing his progressive view. I wish he would cover religion more too, given the title. When he does it is good, but I'd like more.
The physical changes associated with old age continue to annoy me.
David1955 comments on Oct 16, 2018:
It's God's punishment for knowing that he doesn't exist and to punish you for it. BTW, I can recommend the use of a battery surplus hair remover for the ears and nose. Not that I need one myself, of course. :-)
Pro-Life Argument "I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion that that makes ...
David1955 comments on Oct 16, 2018:
To which we might add that if conservatives and right wingers are so damned "pro life" it seems, why are they always the ones so willing to start wars, continue wars, whether justified or not, and to support any kind of speciously justified killing as "defending the country"? They don't seem very "pro life" to me.
Ever wish you could be the life of the party, the person everyone wants to get close to?
David1955 comments on Oct 15, 2018:
Great advice! I'll try it next time. Oh, wait, I don't go to parties these days. Oh, well. Does it work equal well at dinner parties?
I've just joined the group so hello to you all.
David1955 comments on Oct 15, 2018:
South Australians are always late to the party. ;-)
It's Tuesday
David1955 comments on Oct 14, 2018:
My EYE nearly POPPED out. (Cryptic)
I started a new group that was denied.
David1955 comments on Oct 13, 2018:
One of the questions on this site when I signed up was if I believe in God or gods, and then it ...
David1955 comments on Oct 11, 2018:
The only advantage of the 1% option is, should you face a God in the afterlife you can claim that you were only 99% an atheist, so God might make a discount and only condemn you to 99% of eternal suffering. Every little bit helps, right? :-) 100% er here
What is "Compartmentalization" with regard to religion?
David1955 comments on Oct 11, 2018:
This is really about cognitive dissonance, as others have said. Separating irreconcilable beliefs in order to function. I think we should be honest and admit that we all do this, or are capable of it, on some things. I suspect, though this is not my field, that it's a trait that allows human beings to cope with things but continue on with the contradiction. That said, this compartmentalizing in religious people is often so pronounced they literally say stupid things that impair their mental function and make them look and sound silly. A scientist who says they believe in the silly Jesus story, for example. Out comes a lot of nonsense, yet they can't help themselves. An historian or social scientist who knows the fakery of Jesus and Christianity, but peddles rubbish about their "faith" and spiritual knowledge. I've seen it, pushed them in debates, and watched the compartments in their brains clash. And religions rationalize this for them, prattling on about being "tested by God" or knowledge from another way of knowing, and so on. I've said this before, but when intelligent people start justifying their brand of religion, they seem less intelligent. They are because their cognitively dissonant minds are impaired during this discussion. The neuroscientists will give us more scientific analysis, but that's my layman take on it.
I'm hoping that people here are more open minded than self described atheists.
David1955 comments on Oct 11, 2018:
There's a whiff of persecution complex in this thread. Unfounded assumptions, eg group-think and the rest. I'd expect a bit of rough and tumble with any group of free thinkers. You know the old saying about heat and kitchens and staying out of them. Well, this kitchen is warmly comfortable in my view. Anyway, my focus is as it has always been: on religion and fighting it.
That's a good start....
David1955 comments on Oct 11, 2018:
Funny, since all the people cited belong in the Dark Ages.
I'm hoping that people here are more open minded than self described atheists.
David1955 comments on Oct 11, 2018:
Wouldn't you be better off attacking religionists and religions? We atheists are not the enemy, they are.
THIS opinion article highlights nicely what I have believed for the past 3 years.
David1955 comments on Oct 9, 2018:
He's Frank Nitti to Trump's Capone. The Enforcer. Top thug in the gang of thieves and crooks.
Update on the Humanist.
David1955 comments on Oct 9, 2018:
I still find this new site perplexing. It seems to be based on a view that there is a target group out there, Millennials, who are not really religious, or religious in name only, who might be put off by scary terms like agnostic and atheist, but humanist might get them, and this site might be the off-ramp they need to embrace a fully non religious view. Am I the only one scratching their head over this? Anyway, I've opted out, so, whatever, I guess. :-)
Why do you think the religious right are so intent on forcing their agendas on others???
David1955 comments on Oct 8, 2018:
Fear. They see their white dominancy slipping. They see the greater society becoming more secular and rejecting or apathetic towards religion. They fear history turning away from them. Fear is the most powerful motivator there is. Their political and religious fear combine as one, and success must be achieved no matter the cost.
Why is it that the fraudulent Church of Scientology still exists?
David1955 comments on Oct 8, 2018:
You know, Charles Manson was a scientologist. I mean, any religion that would accept him......
Why is it that the fraudulent Church of Scientology still exists?
David1955 comments on Oct 8, 2018:
Seemingly because rich gullible people like Tom Cruise and John Travolta believe in it. I gather that poor unsuccessful people are not encouraged to apply. Well, they wouldn't want me I guess. :-(
The primary operating principle of the US constitution and government was to prevent tyrannical ...
David1955 comments on Oct 7, 2018:
I'm not an American, but I hope the people who did this know that the rest of the world, especially the liberal-democratic world, sees all of this, and that the moral authority of the US, already seriously challenged, is further weakened as a result. I do not think the US media is finished with Kavanaugh.
Under 20,000 Level 8. LOL. It is taking long!!!
David1955 comments on Oct 7, 2018:
Yeah, I've been posting and commenting at 7.4 for months and it never changes. I'm not sure I have complete faith in the point system now. Oh well, I'm bigger than that. (Did I say "faith"? Wash my mouth out :-) )
I would like to your help on our "new" website domain Humanist.
David1955 comments on Oct 7, 2018:
This post and commentary has prompted me to think about the reconcilability of religion, even mild religion, and humanism. This extract from Wikipedia is not a bad one. "Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism and empiricism) over acceptance of dogma or superstition. The meaning of the term humanism has fluctuated according to the successive intellectual movements .... In modern times, humanist movements are typically non-religious movements aligned with secularism, and today humanism typically refers to a nontheistic life stance centred on human agency and looking to science rather than revelation from a supernatural source to understand the world." I agree with the view that belief in religion, even mild, is not compatible with Humanism, though supporting *humanitarian* actions is.
Im curious to know how many people believe that after the age of 60-65 or even older that they are ...
David1955 comments on Oct 6, 2018:
Well, speaking for myself only, some boats sail away and you don't see them again. A young fool madly in love might seem amusing, but an old fool so defined just looks a bit sad.
I would like to your help on our "new" website domain Humanist.
David1955 comments on Oct 5, 2018:
I don't see the point of the new site, sorry. This site already encompasses believers who add words like humanism to their flag, even if some of us think this should be a non believers site only. What is the goal here, to add anyone even if religious, so long as they kinda believe in humanism as well? Don't want to be negative here, but this seems like a further watering down of an inclusion policy that already accepts anyone as long as they are respectful. I further add I don't think it's a matter of "allowing" believers to call themselves humanists as well. They can call themselves what they like, but do they really understand what it means, and the problems in reconciling humanism with doctrinal non rational religions. I doubt it. Finally, why is it better to fragment this community? It seems the decision was made to create this site, and now we are asked if it is a good idea. Kinda backwards, don't you think?
That spiritual feeling.
David1955 comments on Oct 4, 2018:
Well, religion is a neurological disorder, and here is another variant of it. Personally, I do feel "one" with "everything" except my bank account. Definitely not one with that. :-) These aren't the droids you're looking for.
22% of Atheists believe in New Age nonsense.
David1955 comments on Oct 3, 2018:
@DavidLaDeau It is interesting that more people here are not concerned that, according to these figures, nearly a quarter of atheists may believe in new age nonsense. One point: I don't know if this includes agnostics and atheists, as agnostics seem more inclined to this nonsense than atheists, from my experience. Apparently, belief in virgin births, miracles, zombie Jesus, Stars hovering over Bethlehem and God parting oceans, is ludicrous, but cosmic consciousness, Astro travellers, karmic interventions, and cosmic kitties in space is just fine because it's not "harmful" and anyway, it might just be true. Really.
So I told my mom this past weekend that I am Agnostic.
David1955 comments on Oct 2, 2018:
Wonder what she'd said if you'd told her you were an atheist? "An atheist?! Darling I don't mind if you're an agnostic about God, but an Atheist!!" (Favourite Dawkins joke recycled)
Note to self: The next time you REALLY want a job, be sure to cry and talk about how much you love ...
David1955 comments on Oct 2, 2018:
No, I'd rather be unemployed than look like a spoilt brat whining little bitch boy and left over Catholic sook from Brideshead Revisited.
Many will have seen this already, but it's worth a look if you haven't.
David1955 comments on Oct 1, 2018:
Damon nailed that hypocritical whinny little bitch Kavanaugh 100 %. I forgive Damon for all shortcomings and failings in the past. Kavanaugh is the embodiment not only of rich white guy entitlement, but Catholic hypocrisy, the sort I have seen my entire life and loathe. The kind who 'sins', runs to confession, is 'purified' and then does it over and over and somehow looks down on others as beneath them.
Scientists Are Working on an Algorithm to Predict Death - Tonic
David1955 comments on Oct 1, 2018:
Ask them to do an Algo on Trump.
The Twilight Zone: Its Relevance Today
David1955 comments on Oct 1, 2018:
I read that Serling's daughter was very upset at Kavanaugh and his republicans referring to the Twilight Zone. Absolutely. What the Republicans are facing is not the Twilight Zone but a Reality Check Zone. I have every episode of the Twilight Zone. Watched them in sequence a couple of years ago. They are wonderful. Themes are totally relevant to today, because they are universal. Made by a generation, like Serling, who faced the horror of WW2. The influence of so many episodes resonates to today and to modern movies and TV. Serling himself was such an interesting man. Anyone who has not seen this series, has truly missed out.
There is no agnostic vs. atheist! The peeve I have...
David1955 comments on Oct 1, 2018:
This is recycled from the past. Months ago. What's going on here?
When did you first doubt religion?
David1955 comments on Oct 1, 2018:
Always. Natural born nonbeliever. Being raised in a Catholic family made no difference. As soon as I reached teen age years I was reading history and critical books about religion. Other teenage boys might have been delighted with a Playboy magazine. I preferred Bertrand Russell. Boring kid, but on the right track at an early age. :-)
Believe in karma?
David1955 comments on Oct 1, 2018:
Karma? Let's see. I'm a life long fan of Sharon Tate. She was 26, sweetest human being you could meet, by all accounts, and horribly and brutally murdered by strangers. Her murder mastermind, Charles Manson, lived in a protected environment in prison, died at 82, given all medical care to the end, and not once regretful of his actions. Karma? What Karma? Ps. To the comment, "Karma doesn't work like that." I say, well, how the bloody hell should it work?
Democratic Socialism []
David1955 comments on Sep 30, 2018:
Splendid. I must read his book. One para absolutely nailed the reality of the two main parties US political system. "The liberal contention that Republicans are worse is true in the sense that they more straightforwardly represent the interests of rapacious capitalists. However, left to Republicans alone, this system would have run off the rails and remained there centuries ago. Bill Clinton was elected to repair and restore the carnage wreaked by twelve years of Reagan-Bush. Barack Obama was elected to repair and restore the carnage wreaked by eight years of George W. Bush. The Democrats do have a political program. It is to restore and repair American capitalism for the next round of carnage and looting." Bingo. The Left needs to stop apologizing for its weak platform of mild nothing reformism and grow a pair. You should see our so-called party of the Left here in Australia, the Labor Party. Pathetic would be a compliment.
When l go to the site home page, the page is several months old, with 3 current posts at the top.
David1955 comments on Sep 30, 2018:
I noticed that too. I thought it was my iPad playing silly buggers on me. Thanks for raising it.
Think poor old Bill's got dementia []
David1955 comments on Sep 30, 2018:
I am sorry to learn that Bill is suffering from this affliction. If any religionists feel this is a feather in their cap, then shame on them.
Fucking Howard started this with Hicks.
David1955 comments on Sep 30, 2018:
What is the difference between the Anglo-US alliance and the Australia-US alliance. With the Anglo-US alliance, when the US says "Jump!" the Brits say "How high?!". With the Australia- US alliance, when the US says "Jump!" we yell "How high Sir?! " In other words, I agree with you.
If you could get one more season of any TV show what would it be?
David1955 comments on Sep 28, 2018:
Dark Matter. I could still throttle the tv network for cancelling it last year. It had just hit its stride. Love actress Melissa O'Neil. She's my cup of tea.
The world would have been better off without religion.
David1955 comments on Sep 28, 2018:
Won't solve all problems, but it would be a good start.
I've seen a few long-term members leaving lately.
David1955 comments on Sep 27, 2018:
I think the responses have captured many relevant factors: some find a personal attachment and pull back; some just get a little bored and pull back or stop; some get pissed off for some reason and do likewise; some just have more important matters in life, long or short term. One factor I think might be site design related, is that people put so much effort into reaching upper levels, 7 and 8, that once there a burn out factor might apply. This is worth considering. I'm glad that I just plod along at my own pace, allow the points to do their thing, and maintain my interest without burn out. Further feedback from members on this would be useful.
Heads Up! Just to make members aware we've had some reports of underage members on site.
David1955 comments on Sep 26, 2018:
While I agree with the age rule, if there are younger people on the site and concealing it, I'd like to know why. Could it be that they are seriously interested in a non religious community and in agnosticism and atheism? If so, that's good and encouraging.
Road to theocracy
David1955 comments on Sep 26, 2018:
I agree with Eric Idle of Monty Python fame who said once that he was a strong believer in the doctrine of the separation of church and.. planet. How true. There's no way to separate religion and politics as long as religion exists. Religions aren't about religion; they are about power. Politics is about the structured application of power. Religions are attracted to politics like cats to mice.
From my experience there are large numbers of people that will not come out and call themselves an ...
David1955 comments on Sep 26, 2018:
An interesting aspect here is the growth of so-called Apatheists, those who just don't care about religion, not even enough to call themselves agnostic or atheist. Recent readings indicate that a lot of religions are worried about this too. They, religions, like fighting agnostics and atheists because they're the perfect strawmen to mischaracterize. But Apatheists are no fun to attack. So, to your question, I find I do have to separate people who really are nonbelievers but are wary about coming out, from those who just don't give a damn about religion.
Can't stand constantly barking, hyper little dogs
David1955 comments on Sep 25, 2018:
I don't like dogs, period. Being a runner and jogger I've been threatened and snarled at enough of them that I just ignore them whatever the situation, including around dog gushing owners. Barking muts of all sizes drive me crazy. You walk into someone's house, bark, bark, bark. You jog past someone's house legally, bark, bark, bark. You walk down the street, bark, bark, bark. Any excuse, bark, bark, bark. And then there are those people who *look* like their dogs. Mean and unkempt. Not to mention the ladies walking around with a big dog, basically a male substitute. The list goes on.
Some people are just born into a lucky life while others aren’t? True or false?
David1955 comments on Sep 25, 2018:
Well, it's not simple thing, as some are born into fortunate circumstances and screw it up, while others are born into difficult circumstances and make good. I do think some people just land in jam their whole lives and it's not all due to hard work and initiative. Others have terrible things thrown at them and it's not their fault. What I do believe is that it's a crap shoot of a reality and there is no loving God behind it all.
The one thing we all have in common is that we don't buy into organized religion, however, is there ...
David1955 comments on Sep 24, 2018:
I wish it *were* true that the one thing we all have in common here is that we don't buy into organised religion. Even apart from those who clearly still do, and those who buy into *disorganised* new age type religions, there are those here who claim they don't, yet I suspiciously suspect they do. What I believe in is something that Gene Roddenberry is supposed to have said. Namely, that we can only be a better species when we have equitable societies, social justice for all, and religions left behind.
this is why we march.
David1955 comments on Sep 24, 2018:
It hardly helps that the current occupant of the White House is a professed sexual predator (locker talk Don) who unflinchingly supports abusers over the abused, no matter the situation.
Last night I was out with The Phoenix Atheists Meetup group at a local restaurant.
David1955 comments on Sep 23, 2018:
You have an atheist meet up group. Lucky you.
I picked up “Fear” by Bob Woodward on Friday. I’m about start chapter 3. Anyone read it yet?
David1955 comments on Sep 23, 2018:
Reading it now. As awful as it reads, I think it's too sympathetic to Trump, odd as that sounds, as he suggests Trump's hated of Mueller is genuine, rather than what I expect, namely this guy is a traitor to his country and the West and is deliberate about it. Haven't finished it yet so I'll make a final judgment at the end. One thing is obvious from the book: this guy Trump should not be in the White House.
Christian by culture?
David1955 comments on Sep 21, 2018:
Don't accept the premise of your question. For most of its history Christianity has practised vile values and in many respects still does. Modern Christianity has mutated with a thin veil of pretend humanism and humanistic values in the post Enlightenment period. The value system that influences me is drawn from humanism and other antecedents not from the catastrophe known as Christianity. Finding friends and lovers or partners with similar humanistic and progressive values has always been a challenge, but that's life.
Neoliberals never get my vote!
David1955 comments on Sep 20, 2018:
It's a global trend in Anglo Saxon countries since the 1980s: corruption of parties on the Left by neoliberalism and free market ideology, which has been only to the benefit of the elites and the political Right. To paraphrase Mr Colmey, Lordy, may it come to an end. It will only happen with a surge from the ground up, from activism at grassroots level. It hasn't even started here in Australia. Some signs in the US though.
@sitesupport & @admin. How did I get put in charge of the "Foxhole Atheists' group?
David1955 comments on Sep 20, 2018:
There doesn't seem to be any obligation to consult with another member before transferring group responsiblility to them. I think that's an issue. I discovered recently that I am now the honcho in charge of the group on Online Employment, the member who set it up having departed. I don't mind in this case, and I'm now thinking about how to make it more active, but I would have liked some contact about it, or to have been asked.
Isolated black holes (BHs) don't emit gravity waves.
David1955 comments on Sep 19, 2018:
You know, I remember back in the 80s first hearing about black holes from the late great Carl S. I mean for we laymen. Since then they have become massive BHs, super massive BHs, down to mini BHs that sneak up and get you when you're not looking. They used to be part of the universe, now they're the only game in town. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but these things have become the stuff of wild imagination. Portals to other galaxies, universes and time dimensions and so on, and I'm confessing I've started to become a bit resistant to the term black hole. With apologies to you professor. I'm sure they are key to the universe. I'm trying not to get jaded about them. Blame the science fiction crowd I guess.
I spent a lot of time when I was young trying to figure out what was wrong with me since I didn't ...
David1955 comments on Sep 18, 2018:
Actually, I've spent my entire life wondering how people can possibly believe all these nonsense religious stories from the Bronze Age, each believing that their's was the one true correct religion and all the others are wrong. I think I will spend every day until my last contemplating this question.
I would like to see a title field added to group posts, as well as posts to the general discussion.
David1955 comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Excellent suggestion.
Anyone else think of his site as a secret society? :P
David1955 comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Not very secret. You can find all about us from a Google search and username, as some have observed recently. A refuge from the loonies rather than a secret society, is how I call it, though some odd balls and religious leftovers have slipped in.
Admin , I did a Google search for various “unique” member names on here as an experiment to ...
David1955 comments on Sep 16, 2018:
I observed this some time ago too. I noticed that our individual posts will come up in google searches, though you have to sign in to reply. I found it curious and would also like to know about that.
What happens to your spirt / mind when you die?
David1955 comments on Sep 15, 2018:
These fantasies are part of the new age pseudo religions that are popular amongst the middle class "spiritual" set, derived from eastern religions and alike, offering heaven-like alternatives, based on coming back as something else, or progressing to a new plane, or dimension or universe. They all have one thing in common: like religions there is not a scrap of evidence for any of them. They mainly serve to line the pockets of gurus and similar wankers who peddle their books and cults, and cheer up the gullible who are foolish enough to take them seriously.
Can some one advise me on what the reporting procedure is for a seriously unpleasant member, I have ...
David1955 comments on Sep 14, 2018:
Well, you learn something new everyday on this site. Now I'm going to think that every question asked of me is a Sealioner sealioning me. Dang, I'm getting too old for this.
The Real Problem I Love this site and the clarity of thinking exhibited, even love chasing down the...
David1955 comments on Sep 13, 2018:
Yes indeed, and this is a point that the atheist activists like Dawkins and others have made, despite attacks from religionists and even sadly some non believers. What a lot of people get from religion is often not so much the beliefs, which they may not really believe at all, but the other stuff: community activities, the theatre and entertainment of religion, and that feeling of "belonging". It's a serious challenge in pursuing a non religious world. How to replace and substitute these things. Religions are cultural organisms as much as belief systems. There are those who will say that religion is good because of that. I don't agree. The fundamentals of religion are appalling: bad history, awful theology, terrible practise, corrupt activities, harm to people, directly and indirectly due to all those things. What you have raised is one of the most important questions. I do think that with religion in decline in the west, and religious attendance in particular, this aspect of the ongoing momentum of religion is declining.
Well fk me sideways! Words of wisdom from the bible!
David1955 comments on Sep 13, 2018:
Even a clock that doesn't work is right twice a day. Thus it is with the Bible. Great one!
Would you pay someone to date you?
David1955 comments on Sep 12, 2018:
Yes, and my name is Donald Trump. No collusion! (Except between my credit card and women) :-)
What happens after a human being dies?
David1955 comments on Sep 12, 2018:
I just make this point that one appalling delusion of modern Christianity is that they convince believers that when they die they rise to heaven to God and Jesus and to meet all their past friends and family, including their favourite grandma and pet dog Boo Boo from when they were a kid. Serious bible scholars like Bart Urhmann and atheists like Sam Harris point out that the bible says no such thing. Some vague statements are peddled to suggest this myth, but mostly the bible says that when you die you are dead, and maybe if God and Jesus get around to it, in godly not human time, you might be reaped up as a believer to the kingdom of God. It's hardly clear or very encouraging. So, Christian afterlife isn't that much of a promise, at best. But most of them don't know that. Believer or non believer, when you die you are dead.
I was across the street from the Pentagon on 911.
David1955 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
Do you think an actual aircraft hit the Pentagon that day? I ask because reports I've read say that even the most catastrophic aircraft crashes will leave recognisable aircraft remnants, like wheels and wing parts. Nothing like that can be seen from that day. Nothing I ever saw in footage shows any. What is your view? Thanks.
10 reasons atheists do it better Over a year ago by PAUL RATNER Although the exact number ...
David1955 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Well, as an atheist, I'm a failure on 1, smugly ok on 2, definitely a failure on 3, passable on 4, reasonable on 5, getting there on 6, challenged on 7, right up there on 8, totally on board with 9, and a complete disaster on 10. Guess I've got a way to go.
I'm a starting to wonder if I should just make peace with the notion of being single for the rest of...
David1955 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
Isn't it the truth of the matter that we are all born, live and die single, but most, not all, spend part, never all, of our lives in a state of cohabitation with another?
The rise of post-truth liberalism -
David1955 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
Yuck article, and that's my professional opinion. The author would be better placed if he wrote an article called "The rise of anti truth anti liberalism reactionary conservatism". At one point he writes: "Relieved from any responsibility for the debacles they have presided over, the liberal elites that have been in power in many western countries for much of the past 30 years" Where? The US? I don't think so. The UK? Hardly. Here in Australia we've had mostly national right wing governments. Europe? It's been a mix bag. It's right wing, economic rationalist, free market conservatism that has been in power mostly over the past 30 -40 years, and it's the poisonous fruit from this debacle and travesty of an ideology that we are currently facing. The article is a combination of bad history and ideological distortion.
And MANY more!
David1955 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Great guy. If more politicians were like Bernie we might get somewhere. Reactionaries look down on idealism and passionate belief in ideals. They couldn't be more wrong. Look at Bernie.
What is your favorite place you've ever lived?
David1955 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Chiang Mai, Thailand. I wish I was still there. Even when I return for visits it still feels like where my spirit wants to be. Hard to explain that, but is true.
Is it acceptable in this site to call your political opponents "mentally deranged"?
David1955 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
A comment like that tells me what kind of person this is, and that I would not engage with but avoid. It's not what I would want to see on this site.
We have to get religious people out of politics I think.
David1955 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
You can't get religious people out of politics. Do we ban anyone who is religious? That would be discrimination. And what does religious mean anyway? What if their religion is about worshipping the universe or some such new age thing. So, we need to clearly separate state and religion, have political structures and parties that are based on philosophies and ideas, not religion, and neutralise religious influence so it remains a person's private belief that should not cross over to their politics. Not easy things to do. We need to get religion and its influence out of politics.
When to switch primarily identifying as an Agnostic to Atheist?
David1955 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Remember that the difference between a theist, an atheist, and an agnostic is really over one God. The one God theists chose to believe in rejecting all the others. The one God agnostics choose to be agnostic over, the one they grew up with, while being functionally atheist about all the others they neither know nor care about. And finally the atheist who rejects all Gods as there is no evidence, including the one God theists choose to believe and the one God agnostics choose to be agnostic over. See, really just one God separating them. So, go the little extra step and reject that one last God and be an atheist. Your position will then be totally *consistent*.
Do you make the distinction between being skeptical vs. cynical?
David1955 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Good question. I don't see a problem with either word. We should be skeptical of claims not based on proof, and we should be cynical about people who make such and similar claims and whose motivations we should distrust.
Just keeping optimistic.
David1955 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
Really, that's all it takes. A meaningless cliche and you feel better? Reality check - My eyes are worse. I can't run as well as I used to. Sleep is interrupted at best. Certain physiological reactions are not at spontaneous or sustained as they used to be (and I'll leave it at that). As the Beatles wrote, "you and I have memories longer than the road that stretches far ahead" But I'm getting better with age, apparently. What am I missing?
Winter is Over! Long live the spring. Yayyyyyyyyyyyy
David1955 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
Too bloody right! Another winter I've managed not to off myself due to winter blues. Getting harder every year though.
Of those who have read (or watched on YouTube) Richard Carrier's & Robert Prices' research into the ...
David1955 comments on Aug 31, 2018:
I've watched these and other debates with others like Bart Urhmann often, and read widely. I don't like your options, but I can say that I broadly fall into the mythicist camp on a historical Jesus question, while recognising that this is still a matter or research and investigation and debate. Price said in one debate that one authenticated contemporaneous primary source document or similar referring to the events about this person they call Jesus would settle the matter of historical existence. Just one document. There's not even one. Urhmann has agreed. A supposed huge historical figure, and not one primary source document, or artefact, or historical site. So, the debate continues. And this is just about if an actual person at the centre of the Jesus story existed. As for the Christ myth, well that's just beloney, based on faith, with means supernatural belief, and should be denounced as that.
IPhone or Android? Why?
David1955 comments on Aug 29, 2018:
I'm a mac guy and have been since the 80s. But I have Android. Reasons are: *iPhone is overpriced, lousy battery, behind in tech, and the phone calls aren't great. *IOS is a locked box, unless you do fancy tech stuff, and I do a lot of stuff with my Android that it's either difficult, limited, or impossible to do with IOS. Chromecast is one example. *iPhone users are like a religion. It's a cult. I don't like cults. They seemingly will pay any exorbitant price for Apple's gift from heaven. Apple has become a one trick pony since that damned iPhone came along. That's how they make their billions from this cult object. All its other products are an afterthought now. I loathe that. Well, they'd better hope people don't get sick of their one trick, that's all I can say.
Do people take "Here for community" seriously?
David1955 comments on Aug 28, 2018:
I've always had the view that 'here for community' just means not actively looking for "love" or whatever, but that doesn't exclude making friends or connections with others. I think it would be mistake to assume that here for community-ers are secretly looking for a relationship or some affair of some kind. If they are looking for that why not just say so. As a here for community-er, if I were really looking for that I wouldn't conceal it.
These past few days have reminded me of the film "All the President's Men" when "Deep Throat" told ...
David1955 comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Start with "All the President's Men" and then add "The Godfather" and then a good dash of "The Manchurian Candidate" and you pretty much have the Trump Presidency.
The true costs of the War in Afghanistan
David1955 comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Let's give Osama Bin Laden his due. He was the most brilliant terrorist ever to attack the US. He baited the US to become involved in a protracted unwinable war in Afghanistan, like the Russians before them, and the English before them, and they fell for it, squandering their treasure and reputation, just as OBL wanted. The definition of madness is to repeat the same thing over and over and expect a different result. As long as the US continues to fool itself that the war there is about terrorism -- which is hasn't been since OBLs boys fled soon after the US arrived -- and acknowledge that it is a war of nationalism against a divided country, then the madness will continue. You would think Vietnam would have taught them this lesson. The US Establishment, which thinks it knows everything, seems to know nothing, including how to learn from the mistakes of history. I just feel terribly sorry for the innocents killed, and the US personnel killed or maimed, sacrificed on this altar of American obstinance.
This is why democratic socialism is on the rise
David1955 comments on Aug 24, 2018:
There aren't any and have never been any Marxist regimes. He means Communism which is a different thing which exploited Marxist philosophy but had little to do with it. Typical right wing conflation of democratic socialism and communism to use that bogey man to frighten those who don know better. Yes, progressive socio-economic ideas on the rise, due to failure of right wing economics foisted on us especially in a putrid form since the 1980s. Expect a huge reactionary fight by the forces of right wing hard line conservatism. We are seeing it in Australia now. They would rather destroy and change and improve.
Kellyanne Conway makes Joseph Geobbels look like an amateur. She's shameless.
David1955 comments on Aug 24, 2018:
That girl is less convincing that Baghdad Bob, that poor Iraqi Govt sap who stood in front of the cameras saying the Iraqis were vanquishing the Americans while US tanks poured into the city behind him. These Trump spin doctors don't seem to realise that the spin has to be at least plausibly possible to be effective. Pathetic.
So we have a new Prime Minister.
David1955 comments on Aug 24, 2018:
And a Hillsong evangelical moralising spineless ass kisser, spineless unless torturing refugees and welfare recipients, always the soft targets. I'll tell you the truth. I spent the better part of a decade living and working in Thailand. Despite frustrations I was never happier. I'd be back there now, but my circumstances won't allow it. Should I win the lottery, you'll be reading my posts from there, very f-ing quickly. Part of my pleasure there was that it was not Australia, not our smug, self-satisfied, thinly disguised white supremacist culture. Somehow I manage to actually live here, but I'm not really here at all, at least in a sense of consciousness. Everything I do is abroad. The TV I watch, the income I earn, the interests I have. I manage to block out Australia to an extent that even amazes me. And then we have this shit today with the so-called Liberal Party and the right wing Christian loonies behind it, and the right wing loonies in the media behind them, and I'm dragged back to the brainlessness that is modern Australia. They'll probably win the next election. Even if they don't, we'll have right wing Bill Shorten and his right wing so-called Labor Government. How exciting. My lottery win can't come soon enough.
I came across this yesterday on Facebook and I found it interesting in light of the legal problems ...
David1955 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
I would simply state the old saying that an animal is never more dangerous than when cornered. Trump is becoming a dangerous cornered animal with each passing day. Once he is finally discredited and removed I think his martyrdom will not last long, even amongst his core rump people. He will be a "loser" and they will walk away, like when Nixon left in 1974. But until then the danger he poses in office everyday cannot be underestimated. He capacity to deflect and divert attention away is beyond doubt, no matter the cost. His allegiance to Russia is also beyond doubt and very probably more insidious than we know. We still don't know what he and Putin agreed on and discussed. He is a clear and present danger to the US and the western alliance, and his removal cannot come soon enough. As regards the Christian Right, they dropped Nixon as soon as he was finished. Same with Trump.
David1955 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
The final act in the play about the unravelling of Agent Orange, the Siberian Candidate, the US Benedict Arnold of the modern era, has begun. It will not be pretty, but may it be righteous.
Are you a dog person or a cat person? (I'm a cat person)
David1955 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
Only cats. Truthfully, I don't like dogs. They are either big and nasty or small and stupid. Having been threatened by enough of them while jogging ( never threatened them) I am positively jaundiced about them. At family gatherings they all have these costly King Charles Cavalier terrier mungrels, which are as silly as wheels, and I give them the cold shoulder, and yet they try to suck up to me and want me to be their friend! Family members shake their heads. Can't understand it. I can. They are dumb. Only cats. Last one went to cat heaven a few years ago, sadly missed. Would like a black cat (what else?) but they are a tie, aren't they. Miss not having one though.
For Americans, this is our president.
David1955 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
I'm still keeping hope alive that Frank Sinatra will turn up and take Trump out, one way or another, and we will all cheer.
Why do people believe in reincarnation?
David1955 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Reincarnation, another unproven belief, is where philosophy and religion and quasi-science kind of meet. You can be officially not-religious and belief in reincarnation, and throw around words like 'energy' and 'consciousness' and it sounds kind of cool, but it is no more proven than heaven or the afterlife. Some people who are too big for 'ordinary' religions but still want to believe there is 'something' after death, tend to gravitate to this kind of thing. One of my first experiences when I first went to Thailand decades ago, was when I asked a Thai Buddhist woman why they didn't care about the poor wretches you see on the streets, she said that they had bad karma and that was how reincarnation worked. I've never thought well of such concepts since.
Hi all, Is there anyone here that is a member of the A.F.A. ?
David1955 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
I feel like this is something I should be aligned with, but have not had the motivation to do so.
When will we see an Atheist US president?
David1955 comments on Aug 16, 2018:
You've already got one. Agent Orange, AKA Donald Trump. The only god he worships is himself.
I am 64.
David1955 comments on Aug 15, 2018:
I also remember a world before the fundamentalists took over. Religious fundamentalists, economic fundamentalists, right wing fundamentalists, and the rest. Still fighting the culture wars they believed they lost in the 1960s. The technology I like; the reactionaries I do not. But there it is.
I find that most people who classify themselves as agnostics or atheists still have issues with ...
David1955 comments on Aug 15, 2018:
Curious that you say agnostics/atheists *still* have issues with Christianity, to me suggesting it is surprising in some way. Many of us have a great many issues with all religions, and particularly the Abrahamic monotheistic religions as they are appalling. No serious minded non-religious person bases their life on a negative. He or she states the negative that is religion, but looks to the positives in reason and evidence based thinking, and for many of us, also progressive social and economic thinking. Reason is a methodology, but the goal should be fair and just societies. Religion is, and always has been, a blockage to achieving that goal.
There are a number of cosmology enthusiasts on Agnostic.
David1955 comments on Aug 12, 2018:
Duly noted and will follow up. Agree with your last comments. The line between science and science- fiction is an important one to observe. A lot of universe fantasy feeds the brain with feel good chemicals in the same way as religion.
Was becoming atheist difficult?
David1955 comments on Aug 11, 2018:
Naah.. Learnt to speak and my words allegedly were, "I don't believe in all this God crap." Big disappointment to my family, fortunately. Some of us are just born not believing in all this God crap and that's just how it is. I truly feel sorry for people who have a weakness or predisposition towards religion. Who needs that monkey on your back? Life's hard enough as it is without religion's layer of nonsense and guilt wrapped around you.
Star Trek fans, here are all the Star Trek Captain's. Which one is your favorite?
David1955 comments on Aug 10, 2018:
I always say this. The TOS ST succeeded because Shatner bounded into that role, from his first scene, absolutely the captain, and he made you believe that he commanded this ship exploring the galaxy. Other characters were great, but he was the glue that held that illusion together. The pilot episode captain, Jeffrey Hunter, fine actor, but couldn't do it. Shatner grasped that role, and had he not, the series might have fizzled out quickly. The rest of the ST mythology might never have happened. Others will disagree, but in my humble opinion Shatner's Kirk deserves the credit and gets the prize.
I am 100% against circumcision it's a form of religious child abuse no different to FGM.
David1955 comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Quite agree. Cutting baby boys for some weird religious-cultural ritual in the 21st century is absurd. As for the female equivalent, well there's no reason even to debate it, cultural tolerance be damned.
I'm sure this will bring the people I'm talking about out of the woodwork but I have to say that I'm...
David1955 comments on Aug 7, 2018:
I do think it pays to have a bit of a thick skin here sometimes, and not take things too personally. Of course there may be extreme cases. Take the rough with the smooth here, is my motto. Damned if I can find a community of broadly like-minded 'souls' in the so-called real world. If people get a bit snarky sometimes, assume they're having a bad day. I have 'em myself.
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
David1955 comments on Aug 4, 2018:
I'm on record several times here saying that I don't think this is a site for believers, but I respect the site policy. I do think there is a difference between believers who perhaps wish to engage here intelligently, and preaching types intent on saving souls and so on. The latter are not welcomed. I don't think there are many like that here, thankfully. The other problem is definitional. What is a believer? Are Buddhists, new age spiritual types, secular religionists, non supernatural religionists, and others like that by definition believers? Is it just abrahamic religionists we call believers? When I joined I thought the demarcation was clear. But now it is murkier.
Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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